Secret Admirer

By Dave

Published on Feb 17, 2001


This is a follow up to a story I submitted a while ago called, Secret Admirer. I'd like to thank all of you who emailed me. Saying that you enjoyed my story and encouraging me to continue writing. Escpecially to those who offered helpful suggestions and advice.

For those of you who have not read, Secret Admirer. I encourage you to do so. It will help you to understand this story better. This is also an account of an actual event.

The story begins on a saturday afternoon. I was in the workshop, in my garage, just puttering around. The wife had taken our kids to visit her mother in a neighboring town. I didn't expect them back until late that night, or the next day.

As I was tinkering in the garage, I heard a car pull into the driveway. The overhead door was closed, so I looked out the side door to see who it was. It turned out to be my wife's uncle, Larry. He often drops over unannouned. We never know when he's going to show up.

Larry is a couple of years younger than me. He's a pretty stout fellow, standing somewhere around 5' 9" tall and weighing in at around 190 pounds. He has a large, protruding, belly that hangs over his belt. Your average type of guy, I guess. He's never been married. I never bothered to ask him why.

He came into the garage, asked me where everyone was, and I told him. He then went to the regrigerator and helped himself to a beer. Then he just sat down and watched me as I continued with what I was doing. As he just sat there, looking at me, I began to get a little uncomfortable. Larry's not the type to be quiet unless there's something wrong.

Finally I asked him if there was something wrong. He said, no, and let it go at that. I said, " Larry, you look like you've got something on your mind. We've been friends along time. If you've got something to say, then say it." After a brief hesitation, he looked at me and said, ya know, a strange thing happened a couple of weeks ago. I was at the adult bookstore (there's only one in town). I was in the back looking at the videos they've got for sale. I happened to look up and saw you coming out of the first video booth. You bolted out the door so fast I didn't have a chance to say anything. A little while later, I saw Mitch come out of the booth on the other side. I didn't think much of it at the time. Later on that evening I ran into Mitch at the bar. You know what a braggard he is. He was bragging to me about how he'd stuck his dick through the hole between the two booth's and gotten a really great blow job. Supposedly from someone who knew him, but he didn't know who it was. Now, I ain't no math whiz, but I can put two and two together."

I was mortified. This guy could literally ruin my life. Half afaid of the answer, I asked, "I suppose you told him you saw me there?" He replied, "Nope, not yet." Then I asked, " I suppose you're going to tell him, or Mary (my wife)?" He got a little smirk on his face and replied, "well now, that depends on what kind of incentive you give me not to." At that point I could see him lightly stroking the front of his jeans, and I knew where this was going. So I asked, "what did you have in mind?" He began to rub his crotch more intensly, got a grin on his face and responded, mater of factly, "You could do the same thing for me that ya done for Mitch." By now I had sat down in a chair, from the shock of the situation.

Without waiting for a response from me, he stood, reached for the top button of his pants and started pulling his zipper down. As he walked toward me he pulled his hardening cock and balls over the elastic band of his white jockey shorts. When he had reached where I was sitting. His cock was inches from my face. His cock is not very long, about 51/2 or 6 inches, but it's very very thick. It must be at least 3 inches around. With a very large, helmet shaped head.

Not another word was spoken between us as he gently placed his hand at the back of my head and began to push his stubby, fat, rock hard cock into my accepting mouth. I could feel every vein on his rigid man muscle as he forced it over my tightly pursed lips. The spongy head rubbed along the roof of my mouth. I had to open my mouth extra wide to accomadate his girth. Finally, my nose pressed against his large, hairy, belly and my chin rested on his balls as he fed me his entire length. I could just barely feel the head of his cock touching the back of my throat. Then he began to pull back out of my sucking mouth.

Then he began to repeat the process. Pushing his cock into my mouth and then pulling it out. All the while holding the back of my head. It was as though he was fucking my face, rather than me sucking him off. I was thoroughly enjoying every second of it. What excited me even more was his constant chatter.

Now, some guys are moaners, they just moan while you're sucking them. Some guys are screamers, you know the type. But, Larry is a talker, constantly giving words of encouragement. He was saying things like, "Oh yea, suck my dick1 That's it, suck it harder! Oh man, that feels great! God, I love the way you suck my dick! Keep sucking, don't stop!" All the while pumping his cock in and out of my hungry sucking mouth. Then I heard him say, "Man, I wish I'd known about this a long time ago. I could have saved a lot of nights jacking off. I would've just let you suck it right down your throat!"

Soon his grip on my head got tighter, his thrusts into my tight mouth got more intense, and his voice became more insistant. He started sayng, "Oh man, I'm gonna cum! You're gonna make me cum! Don't stop, don't stop! I'm gonna cum in your mouth, man!" He was pounding my face against his belly. Shoving his fat cock as deep into my mouth as it would go, and shouting, "here it comes! Right now! Right now! Take it! Take it all in your mouth!"

I felt his first powerful blast hit the back of my throat, then another, and another, and another. I could taste his delicious hot cum on my tongue, and began to swallow it all while he was blasting his juices in my hungry mouth. He was holding my face so tightly against his belly I thought he's break my nose, but I didn't care! I wanted all of his load in my throat!

When he'd finally finished cumming. He released his grip on my head and slowly pulled his withering tool out of my still sucking lips. Allowing me to squeeze every last drop from his flesh tube. Finally he returned to his seat, on visibly wobbly legs, and sat down. I sat in my chair wondering what was going to happen next. Still savoring the taste of him in my mouth. After he'd caught his breath he smiled, widely, and said, " Mitch was right, you are a hell of a cocksucker. As long as you promise to keep doing that. I see no reason to tell anyone anything."

(Let me know what you think. Email me at

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