Secret Admirer

By J M

Published on Feb 1, 2010


Hi everyone! If you frequent this site, you know the drill. This is purely a work of fiction and any similarities between characters and real people are merely coincidental. This is my first time writing this kind of thing, so I hope you enjoy it. I welcome all feedback, positive or negative, ideas, suggestions, ect! Thanks and happy reading!

Secret Admirer: Chapter 1, Fifty Bucks

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Cynthia's high-pitched squeal echoed across the courtyard. I glanced up, watching her run toward me with a mountain of small boxes held in her arms, a comical grin from ear to ear.

"God, I hate VD..." I mumbled to myself before lifting my head and saying loudly, "Hey Cynth! You look like you just ran into Brad Pitt and he proposed!" We laughed as she dumped about thirty small red and pink boxes on the table where my homework was spread out. My eyebrows crept up as she pulled more boxes from her pockets.

"Uh...stocking up for the apocalypse?"

Cynthia rolled her sky-blue eyes as she sat down and unzipped her messenger bag. "I know you despise what you call...what was it? Oh yeah, the `over-commercialized bullshit some people like to call love,' but it's not all bad. At least they hand out free cavities!"

I laughed as she motioned to the candy with her best Vana White impression. "Fair enough. Pass me the chocolate." She threw me a milk chocolate heart, and then opened her Biology textbook. Curling her index finger through her curly blonde hair, she scanned a passage and whipped her highlighter across a sentence before glancing up with curious eyes.

"Any prospects lately?" I knew that nonchalant tone when I heard it. She knew I hated this subject.

"Boys are like--"

"--like tissues, I know! I know!"

"Then why'd you ask?"

Cynthia shrugged. "You know I just want the best for you! You're my best friend, and a cute guy like you deserves to find an amazing guy who will give you the world."

I sighed, annoyed we had to talk about this again. I knew I wasn't an ogre--my caramel skin (Cynth enjoyed describing everything with candy), lime-green eyes, and softly muscular build drew many admiring stares--but relationships were the devil as far as I was concerned. I'd had enough one-night stands to meet what a lot of my friends called my "yearly quota," but I never made it to the chain and shackles. I enjoyed my freedom--not having to buy gifts, or worry where they were every second, or get jealous when they weren't paying attention to me all the time; in other words, I was not the needy type.

"Cynth, I love you to death and I know you mean well, but I like being single. I'll take sex with no strings attached over the monotony of monogamy any day."

Cynthia smiled and nodded, shrugging softly. "Whatever makes you happy. But who knows? You might snag someone worth the shackles..." she paused, then threw her slender hands in the air, " the raging party tonight at Pine Peak Bar!"

"Alcohol and straight men that won't bother me? Fuck yeah!" We laughed and stood up, dancing around as passing students watched as they walked by.

It was nine o'clock and Cynthia was on her way to my house. Freddy and Tina, one of those disgustingly picture-perfect couples whose anniversary probably fell on Valentine's Day, were carpooling with Cynthia.

I ran downstairs to the full-length mirror in the hallway next to the front door and gave myself a once-over. Destroyed, dark wash Abercrombie jeans hugged my legs, and I had paired them with a black and white Buckle v-neck print tee, a black felt cap, and Ed Hardy lowrise shoes. I smiled, realizing that even though I didn't know relationships, I definitely knew clothes. Just then, the doorbell chimed loudly. I grabbed my black Ralph Lauren wool blazer and ran to the door.

Cynthia smiled brightly as soon as I opened it. She was wearing dark wash skinny jeans, black fur-lined suede Adi boots, and her favorite black Victoria's Secret double-breasted peacoat. Her blonde tresses were pulled back into a barrette and cascaded down her back. I beamed at her appreciatively.

"You look amazing, love! Why you tryin' to make me look bad?"

She played along, striking a vogue pose. "Trying? I'm pretty sure I make everybody look bad!" She giggled, then grabbed my arm to pull me outside. "Except you, of course! If you don't snag someone with that hot ass, it'll be a waste of a perfect outfit."

I laughed as I locked the front door. Spinning around, I stepped off the doorstep and dragged Cynthia to her car. "Then we better get going before all the hot men get away!"

Pine Peak Bar was nestled in the forested mountains above my hometown next to our only ski resort and a few quaint novelty stores. It was a frequent hangout because of the large oak-lined interior and access to every beer on tap known to man. And if beer wasn't your calling card, they offered all the hard alcohol concoctions too. Since it was mid-February, ski season was still in full swing and the bar was packed.

Walking in, we could hear Cynthia's boyfriend, Rick, guffawing and joking behind the bar as he served drinks. I glanced over at Cynthia and saw her face light up when she spotted him. For an uncomfortable instant, a pang of envy shot through my stomach before I strangled the feeling and strode through the crowd arm-in-arm with Cynthia.

"Rick!" Cynthia screamed this and everyone turned with startled expressions. Rick looked over and his black-haired, blue-eyed smile in response was like staring into the sun. He nearly ran across the bar, swooping her out of my arm and into the air like they do in those cheesy romantic movies.

"Hey baby! Goddamn, I missed your fine ass!"

"You better have missed me! Jay and I could've gone somewhere a lot cooler but we thought, `Rick has been really sweet lately, so he gets to see us!'" She playfully winked at me, then turned and kissed Rick.

"Is that right?" Rick chuckled, and before I knew it, I was crushed alongside Cynthia in Rick's signature bear trap hug. Straight men can be assholes, no doubt about it. But like a sparsely lit night sky, some shine apart as genuinely friendly, cool guys. Rick happened to be one of those guys, which is one of the reasons I enjoyed Pine Peak so much. I had this theory about straight guys who were the biggest assholes--they were the ones most insecure about their sexuality. Call me crazy, but if a straight man is making fun of you or heckling you, I would bet my life that he's really just trying to put out the fire in his know, the fire he has blazing for a tight ass and a mouthful of cock? Yeah, that one.

Pulling us both to the bar, Rick opened a tab for us and put it on my debit card. Normally, he would just give us free drinks but his boss was there for a convention and he had to play the I-never-do-anything-wrong card. Sipping on some Blue Moon rimmed with oranges, Cynthia and I chatted with some regulars before migrating to the table where Freddy and Tina had sat down. Cynthia set the pitcher down in front of Tina.

"You know what to do."

Tina, a pale brunette girl with a really easygoing personality, grabbed it and shook her head as she poured. "You two could get a nun drunk."

"No question about that!" Freddy chimed in, running a hand through the shaggy blonde mess on top of his head.

"Been there, done that!" I winked at them before glancing around. The bar was a constant buzz of voices as some played pool, others threw darts, and in a special corner of the room, throngs of jocks played the most popular of American college sports--beer pong. Burly guys cheered loudly as they aced the ping-pong ball into one of the opposing team's cups.

"Hey space cadet," Cynthia playfully poked me in the side, "look who just walked in the door. It's Ms. Diva and her new boy-toy."

I followed her gaze to the door where Hannah "Montana" Remington, the resident self-proclaimed it-girl,' sauntered in glass froze before it touched my lips. He was six feet or so, his obviously muscular body straining against a black and gold letterman's jacket (the ones that turn you into a walking sports ad). He had really generic-looking clothes and I was tempted to think walking jockstrap.' I would have if it weren't for his face. Bronze skin despite the cold winter weather made his face seem to glow, and above his full lips were deep-set hazel eyes so mesmerizing, I almost forgot where I was. He brushed brown shaggy bangs away from his right eye and smiled at someone as he shook their hand. His smile alone set prickles all through my gut, inching below the waist to make me adjust my position slightly. It was several moments before I realized Cynthia was talking to me.

"...hello? Jay? Jay!" She shoved me, and I snapped out of it to look over at her. She raised an eyebrow at me, giggling. "You went catatonic for like five minutes! Are you really that surprised to see Hannah Montana? She only walks in here like she owns the place every weekend."

I cleared my throat and laughed a little too loudly. "Sorry! I just couldn't shake the shock of knowing that she walked out of the house in something so heinous! I guess I shouldn't be surprised!"

"Surprised? No way! She dresses like a rich prostitute; it's depressing. Anyway, the guy she's with isn't half-bad if you're into guys who wear their jockstrap to class." Cynthia took a sip of her beer and tilted her head, looking at me. "What do you think?"

The question was a knife twisting the prickles into a frenzy again. I shrugged. "He's okay, I guess. Pretty standard for a girl like her."

A look of confusion flashed across Cynthia's face at my tone, and then she seemed to let it go. She glanced back at the bar where the couple had migrated, surrounded by not-so-subtle social climbers. Stopping at the mystery man, her eyes widened before she quickly averted her gaze. Wondering what was wrong, I began to turn my head.

"No! Don't look yet!" Cynthia whispered between tense lips.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that the guy Hannah is with is...staring at you. And he looks like he just got kicked in the balls."

I subtly, innocently let my eyes drift over to the bar, pretending to pay attention to other things. Finally, my eyes found his. The electric jolt that danced through my head when I saw him was enough to make my mouth fall open slightly. I pulled my eyes away from the bar, having trouble breathing. I set my glass down and got up swiftly. Tina's concerned voice barely registered.

"Hey, are you okay? You look sick."

", I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I raced past Cynthia's chair to the back corner of the bar where the bathrooms were. Shoving through the door, I turned toward the stalls and rushed inside one, slamming the door shut behind me. Unbuckling my pants, I pulled them down and let my dick out. All eight inches were hard as a rock and pulsing violently like I was about to cum. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, calming myself down. I had never felt like this before...never been so out of control. He seemed like any other jock that came to the Pine Peak. But the look on his face, a kind of mix between pain and...something else. Anger, perhaps? Maybe confusion? I willed it out of my mind and felt my dick nod, up-down-up-down, to the floor as the blood slowly receded. Feeling a little more relaxed, I shoved my dick back in my Diesel boxer briefs and walked back out of the bathroom.

I gave the `ok' circle sign to Cynthia, Freddy, and Tina as I walked back over and sat down.

"Sorry about that. Must've been something I ate earlier." I knew she wasn't convinced, but Cynthia wasn't one to pry. She nodded, smiling, and grabbed the empty pitcher. Freddy burped and held up two fingers.

"Round two?" He grinned wickedly.

"Read my mind! Jay, let's see if we can keep our undefeated title at the pong table!" She laughed and pulled me up to accompany her to the bar. Freddy and Tina headed over to the beer pong area to declare war. Walking up to the bar, I realized with utter relief that Hannah and Hazel Eyes were gone. Cynthia flagged down her boyfriend, who walked over to us and gave her a kiss.

"What can I get for you two troublemakers?"

Cynthia set her pitcher down, and raised an eyebrow. "It's time for battle."

Rick immediately saluted her, grinning devilishly. "Aye Captain! Blue Moon ahoy!" He was about to turn around when suddenly he stopped as if remembering something. He looked at me strangely for a minute before turning around and grabbing something on the counter behind him. Turning back, he set my debit card down in front of me. Cynthia and I couldn't hide the confusion from our faces.

"Some guy dropped fifty bucks in Mike's hand, said he's got your table, and then took off." Mike was a one-man cleaning crew and occasionally played bouncer during events the bar would put on. "I asked Mike who it was, but you know Mike. Faces are like a never-ending blur to him. All he could manage was `some guy in a dumb jacket.'"

Cynthia glanced sideways at me, her weirded-out expression mirroring my own. Who buys an entire table of strangers drinks and doesn't say anything? But Rick wasn't finished.

"Oh yeah. And Mike said something else, too." Rick looked at me, and smiled. "It seems you have yourself a secret admirer, Jay."

Next: Chapter 2

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