Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Jan 12, 2011


Please send all emails regarding this story to Thanks.

Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Well, we got a new chapter already. I know most of you weren't expecting it so soon, but it's here now. Fair warning, this chapter is going to show a side of Nate that hasn't been shown yet. It is also going to delve into the budding relationship between Mike and Brad. Lots of different things happen in this one, so pay attention. Sorry in advance for any typos/errors. I still do my own editing and its hard to catch everything. So now, read my chapter.


Secret Admirer-9 Territorial

As I was standing on the front porch watching Stacy being taken away in the backseat of a police car, I couldn't help but think about the weird ass twists my life had taken. Thinking back just a few months prior to that day, my life was drastically different. I was in love with my best friend and extremely depressed. All of my other friends were blissfully ignorant to my condition. Then Talan and I got together, and stuff started changing fast.

Looking at the situation we were all involved in then, I was panic stricken. I couldn't help but feel like that was all my fault. Had I not tried to kill myself, I would have never came out to Talan, which meant that no one else in the group would have been affected. However, I remembered how bad I felt when I thought I couldn't have him as mine. The pain was unbearable, and that was why I attempted suicide. I knew I would have tried it. That's how much it hurt. I also realized that changing past events in my life might bring others happiness, but I would be miserable. I was being selfish, but I wanted to be happy, too. If happiness for me meant Stacy going to jail for stabbing Brad, then so be it.

"Natty, we need to get to the hospital," Talan said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I leaned my head against his chest, "I can't believe she did that, Talan."

"I know, bud. We just need to be with Brad right now. Well, you need to be with Brad. I've got to keep Mike from chasing the cop car and blowing it up."

"I don't understand why she did it. She was cheating on him. She has no right to be jealous."

"Nate, she's a little messed up. In my opinion, anyone who can cheat is capable of anything. If your feelings change, leave the person. No need in stringing them along."

I pulled myself out of his embrace. With my back still to him, I asked, "You are dropping hints, aren't you?"

I was turned around so fast I thought I would get whiplash. "Natty, I love you. My feelings have changed, yes. They have intensified. I'm not sure I could live life without you."

I couldn't help but smile. "Its about time we felt the same."

He smiled back at me. "You always have had a way of twisting situations to hear what you want to hear."

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "It's a gift."

"Now come on, we need to get going. "

"Yes sir. Lead the way."

"Sir, huh? I like that," he said with a cocky grin.

"Don't get used to it. You won't be hearing it often."

He didn't lose the grin. "And why's that?"

"Because my mouth will be too full to talk." I said with a wink as I ran to the car.

I was sitting in the hospital room talking with Brad when Talan finally showed up with Mike about 5 hours after I got there. Even though Mike looked like shit because he had obviously been crying, I couldn't help but admire his features. Light brown hair that was buzzed sat on his head and looked like it didn't stop until his chin. He had facial hair, and while it wasn't bushy, he kept it shaved like he did his head, so it looked like one buzz cut all over. He had beautiful hazel eyes that were often hidden by long eye lashes. His lips were slim but soft looking, and they framed what Talan called a million dollar smile because when Mike smiled a person was able to see all of his teeth. When you add that to the fact that he had a similar body type to Talan, only buffer, you get a knock out in my book.

Mike quickly rushed to Brad's bedside and engaged him in a kiss that made me feel slightly uncomfortable. There was so much hunger and passion behind it, I felt like it should have been saved for the bedroom. When I started glancing around the room, I realized Brad felt the same way because there was an obvious tent in his sheets. Right as I was about to say something, Mike let up on the kiss.

"Hi." Mike said to Brad.

"What a hello!" Talan said, followed with a whistle. Then he added, "Looks like Brad liked it, too."

Without breaking eye contact with Brad, Mike reached down and grabbed his hard-on through the sheet. He lightly stroked it, and then leaned down to kiss Brad again. When he broke the kiss this time, I had a hard on. The scene was getting incredibly hot, incredibly fast. I figured he was going to ask for some alone time with Brad, but he didn't. He kept on lightly stroking him through the cover as he turned his attention to me.

"So, what did the doctor say about the wound?"

I reached down and adjusted myself. "He said that she miraculously managed to miss any major organs. The only thing he is gonna have to deal with will be a scar where the knife penetrated."

When I said the word penetrated, Mike sped his hand up. "So, he is going to be okay?"

"Ask him yourself."

I think that's when Mike realized he was giving his boyfriend a hand job. He snatched his hand away quickly and blushed a deep crimson. "S..sorry baby. How are you feeling?"

Brad smiled at him. "I'm doing just fine. You know you are gonna have to take care of that when they leave right?" Brad said motioning to his erection. "After all, it is your fault."

I was already standing up to go when Mike lifted the sheet up. He turned his attention to me. "I'll call you if anything happens that you need to know about." With that, he shot his head under the blanket. Talan and I didn't even have the chance to leave the room before we heard a rather loud moan come from Brad.

Once we were out in the hall, I turned to Talan. "Their relationship is already sexual?"

Talan looked at me. "Dude, they had sex that first night together."

"Why didn't Brad tell me? I'm his best friend."

"Well, Mike didn't tell me either. I went back to his house when I dropped you off. He was up against the window and Brad was behind him thrusting. I have been trying to find a subtle way to let him know to close the blinds."

The look I gave him had him laughing. "Mike bottomed?"

"That's what it looked like. The big ol' smile plastered on his face made him look like he liked it, too."

"Well, don't get any ideas. I'm not ready for sex yet. Not that kind."

"Don't worry, bud. I'm not either. I'm still barely able to keep from cumming just from looking at you. It's gonna take me a while."

"So, what took y'all so long to get here?"

"Mike wanted to kill Stacy. He didn't care that she was with the police or anything. I took him to the gym. Made him take his aggression out on the punching bag. That lasted for about two hours until he just broke down. He cried forever."

"Well, that makes sense. I want to cry a little myself. Now let's get home. I'm tired and it's late."

"Technically, it's early."

I gently hit him in the stomach. "Come on, boy. We need to get some shut eye."

"Nathanial! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes while swatting away the hand that was shaking me. "What?!"

I felt a firm slap to my butt. It wasn't one of Talan's playful ones, but I recognized it. "Sorry, daddy. What's wrong?"

"Don't raise your voice to me again, young man. We need to talk. Why in God's name wasn't I called when the stabbing happened?"

"I don't know. Stuff just happened so fast. It slipped my mind."

"Mr. Sterno is pissed, Mr. Bradshaw is mortified, and Mr. Thompson just wants to know where his son is."

"As soon as Stacy pulled the knife, Matt ran. I think Brenda knows where he is."

"Alright. I'll call Mr. Thompson. Now, start explaining this to me. I better not have a law suit on my hands because of this."

It was then that I noticed that Talan wasn't in bed with me. "Where's Talan?"

"I sent him home. You aren't allowed to have visitors when your grounded."

"Why am I grounded?! I didn't do anything!"

"Well, explain to me what happened, and I might change your punishment."

"Talan and I were upstairs celebrating the new year our way. As soon as we were done, we heard a scream. We ran downstairs to see Matt punch Mike. After that happened, Stacy grabbed the knife we used to cut the cheese ball, and she lunged at Brad with it. Matt was already gone before we realized she stabbed Brad. Kelly managed to tackle her to the ground, and we held her here until the police and ambulance got here."

"Do you know why she did it?"

"She sent me a text earlier in the day to tell me that if Brad and Mike weren't in the group, her and Matt could be friends with us again. I think she was trying to scare Mike and Brad away, and things got out of hand."

My father studied me and then stood up. "Next time, you call me Nathanial! No matter what it is. If Mike trips and hurts his leg, or even if brad gets a paper cut, you call me. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You aren't in trouble anymore. Just you sent your old man into a panic. I thought it was you who got stabbed."

"I'm sorry, daddy. I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I will call you next time."

"Well, hopefully there won't be a next time, but please do."

"Does that mean Talan can come back over?"

"I don't see why not. After all, we are going to be working on the nursery today. He might want to put together his child's crib."


"Yeah, when I bought your brother's son's crib, there was a sale if you bought two. I bought two."

"Daddy, that's so awesome! Thank you!"

"You're welcome! So call Talan."

At that moment my phone went off. I looked at the display screen.

Text Message

Talan Ivory

"Speak of the devil. This is him now. I'll tell him all about it."

"Alright, Nathanial. Come down stairs before too long. Lunch is ready."

Talan: You aren't in too much trouble, are you?

Me: No I'm not. I'm actually a free man. Dad said you could come back over!

Talan: :) I'll be over in a little bit. My dad wants to talk about the baby.

Me: Speaking of which. I have a surprise for you. Get here soon. ;)

Talan: Alright, Natty. I love you.

Me: I love you, too.

"So, Talan, I've been thinking bout this baby. I don't want it to affect your schooling."

Talan immediately got defensive at the words of his father. "I'm keeping it, dad!"

"I know you are son. I have a proposal for you."


"Yeah. The firm offered me a promotion. I respectfully declined."

"Why did you decline?"

"Because I bought the firm out. I own it now."


"I wanted to be able to still make money without having to work. I am going to take care of my grandchild while you're at school."

Talan felt his eyes watering. "You mean it?"

"I do. I want you to have every single possibility to succeed just like I did. I will watch my grandbaby while you are in school."

Talan quickly embraced his dad. "Thank you so much, daddy! It means the world to me!"

"Anything for you, kiddo."

"So...Nate told me he wanted to be a parent with me."

"And what did you say?"

"Of course I told him yes. I want nothing more than to start a family with him."

"Do you think Adam is going to be okay with it?"

"I already talked to Adam about it all. He bought Nate a bigger bed so I could sleep there. He is all for the idea of Nate being a daddy."

"Well, have you thought about how the baby is going to differentiate between you two when it gets older?"

"I kinda want to be called Poppa or Pop. I'm certain Nate wants to be called Daddy. We'll work out specifics later."

"Well, Poppa, we have to figure out a nursery at some point. When do you want to go shopping?"

"Tuesday after practice. That way I know Nate will be able to go with me."

"Alright kid. I have to go fill out some paperwork. I love you."

"I love you, daddy. Thank you!"

"Anything for you, son."

I was taking a nap when I felt something. It was like something was touching my face. I reached up to swipe it away, but it was heavy. When I opened my eyes, my smile had to be worth at least a million dollars. Talan was hovering over me, and he was kissing me awake.

"Hi there," he said when I finally woke up.

"Hey." I leaned in for a real kiss.

"So where is this surprise?"

"You stay in here, and I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick. I'll show you the surprise as soon as I get out."


I hurried through my shower and quickly brushed me teeth. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked into the room. Talan let out a whistle.

"Lookin' mighty fine there Mr. Quincy. Mighty fuckin' fine."

"Why thank you kind sir."

Talan cocked an eye brow at me. "I was talking to your dad. He was standing right there," he said with a mischievous smile.

I yanked on some underwear and threw my towel at him. "See if my dad will give you any cause I'm not puttin' out."

I was pulling up some gym shorts when Talan said, "That's okay. As long as I'm near you, I don't need sex."

I'm pretty sure I visibly swooned. I crossed the room and straddled his lap. I looked him in the eyes. "You are too good to me."

"I'm not good enough." With that, he kissed me. It was a kiss that I knew would lead to much, much more, so I had to cut it short. I stood up, and Talan laughed at me. "Still not wearing your own clothes, Natty?"

I glanced at my shorts and realized that they were indeed a pair of Talan's. I wondered exactly how many pairs of shorts of his I had. "Since we're official I'm allowed to wear `em. Besides, they look better on me."

"That they do. Now, this surprise?"

"Come on, I'll show you."

Talan walked with me to a room across the hall from my bedroom. When we walked in, we were greeted by a warm, light yellow color and peaceful music. There was a crib set up on one side of the room, with a light blue "a" hanging over it.

"What's this?"

I pointed to the box laying on the floor. Talan walked over to it, and studied it. "Ah, so your brother is finally getting his nursery ready! Is he having twins?"

I smiled at him. "Nope."

"Well then, why two cribs?"

"My brother isn't the only one who is gonna be a daddy."

It took him a minute, but then I saw the light bulb go off. "You mean...this crib is for me?"

"It's for our baby, yes."

His eyes sparkled. "Say that again."

"It's for our baby, yes?" I gave him a puzzled look.

He stood and crossed the room, and embraced me hard. "I love it when you `our baby.'"

"Well, we are going to be dads, what else am I supposed to say?"

"You're amazing, Nathanial Quincy."

"I learned everything I know from you."

"Okay, let's cut the mushy shit." Tristan said as he entered the room.

"Shove it Tris. We're having a moment here."

"Yeah, well daddy wants you downstairs. Talan and I will do the men's work up here."

Talan laughed at that, and I gently smacked him on the back of the head. "Watch it, pal. Remember who you sleep with."

"Oh, I remember," he said as he grabbed my ass.

"Good. Y'all have fun."

Mike had his head resting against Brad's hospital bed when he felt a hand on his face. He opened his eyes to see that Brad was awake.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Mike asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm feeling better. The pain meds are helping a lot."

"Good. So, I think we need to talk."

"About what?"


"What abut us?"

"Well...what exactly are we, Brad?"

"Can I say something, Mike? Without you taking things the wrong way?"

"I'm not sure I like where this is going, but yes you can."

"Alright, well I thought I was in love with Matt. When we were together, he made me so happy. I felt like I was the only boy in the world when we were together. He always knew how to make me smile, how to make me laugh. When he told me what he did, it broke me. Absolutely shattered everything I was. That first night with you, Mike, made me question everything I thought I believed. I realized I never loved Matt. I loved being with him, but not him. He will always be my first, so he will always have a piece of my heart."

"You don't have to finish. I understand," Mike said with tear filled eyes.

"No, I don't think you do. Everything I thought I felt for him, I know I feel for you. I love you, Mike. I'm in love with you."

A single tear fell from Mike's eye as he looked at Brad. With a huge smile on his face, he leaned in and kissed him. "You know, I'm pretty sure you just made me the happiest man in the world."

Mike was leaning in to kiss Brad again when the door to the room opened. When they looked up, they were filled with very different emotions. Mike was filled with intense anger and hatred, while Brad was filled with anxiety and fear.

Through clenched teeth, Mike spoke first. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I..I'm to apo..apologize," Matt said.

"Apologize?! Fucking apologize?! You brought Stacy to Nate's house where she stabbed Brad, and you're here to apologize?!"

"Mike," Brad said as he put his hand on Mike's shoulder, "Let him talk."

With Mike momentarily calmed, Matt started talking. "Look, I didn't know what Stacy was gonna do. I would never have brought her to Nate's house had known she was gonna do that. When I saw what she was capable of, I realized I didn't love her. I still love you, Brad. I'm sorry for what I did. Can you take me back?"

There was a period of silence, and then Brad started laughing. "Matt, I told you when you broke up with me that I wasn't going to be here when you came to your senses. I wasn't lying. I have moved on. You won't ever be able to be with me again, but for what its worth, I forgive you. I'm not pressing charges against Stacy. You two deserve each other. Goodbye, Matt."


"He said goodbye, Matt. You should!" Mike said as calmly as he could.

Without another word, Matt turned around and left the room. Mike turned his attention back to Brad. "Bradley Sterno, I'm proud of you! That took a lot of guts. I have one more question for you."

"What's that?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Brad smiled his biggest smile. "Yes, I will! I want nothing more!"

Mike leaned in and kissed him again. "I lied a minute ago. I'm now the happiest man on the planet."

The door opened again, and it was Mike's time to be scared. "Hi, Mr. Sterno."

"Hey, dad."

"Hello boys. How are you feeling, Tiny?" Mr. Sterno asked Brad.

Brad blushed at the use of his childhood nickname. "I'm feeling good, dad."

Mr. Sterno turned his attention to Mike. "What are your intentions with my son?"


Mike blushed a deep scarlet. "I just wanna make him happy, sir. That's all."

Mr. Sterno smiled. "That's probably the best answer you could have given."

When school started back, things were different. Everyone wanted to know about what happened with Stacy. Come to find out that people often get their stories terribly wrong. The common word around the school is that Stacy shot Brad and me. I don't know where the hell that one originated, but I quickly laid it to rest. All of my classes ran smoothly, but when lunch arrived, I noticed everyone was looking at our table. I'll admit I was intrigued, but I wasn't planning on finding out what the big deal was. Talan was casually stealing French fries off my tray, when I got my answer as to why people were staring. Chase Smith came up to our table.

"Hi boys, can I sit down?" he said in his whiney little voice.

Everyone at the table looked to me. I rolled my eyes at them and responded to Chase. "Sure. I guess."

"Fabo!" He set next to Talan, a little to close for my liking. "So, word on the street is you got a girl pregnant."

"That's generally what happens when the condom breaks." Talan said in a neutral voice.

"Eww! So gross! So you're not gay then?"

"Who said that?"

"Everyone. I mean, you had sex with a girl."

"And I spent most of Christmas night sucking Nate's dick." I punched him in the arm. "Curious to know which one I like better?"

"Talan, he doesn't need to know our personal details."

"Well, I'm tired of being looked at. Come here!" With that, Talan pulled me by the back of the head into a fierce kiss. Even though it was Talan, and I love him, I have never been too keen on public displays of affection, so I pulled back from him. He put his arm around me and looked to Chase. "Think that's proof enough for everyone?"

"That was hot." He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. "Here's my number. Call me when you get tired of him. I'm always willing to please a manly man like you." With that, he handed the paper to Talan.

I snatched it from his hand and threw it back at Chase. "I suggest you leave. Now."

"Oh, the offer's open to you too, hun. In fact, I'd be more than willing to help any of you guys out. I love strong, confident men." With that, he walked away.

I was beyond pissed. "Can you believe him?! The fucking nerve."

"I know!" Brad said. "We like strong, confident men, too. That's why we're together."

"I don't like that guy at all."

"Natty, calm down. He's gone."

I was suddenly annoyed with Talan. I stood up from the table. "I'm going to the library. I'll see you after try-outs are over."

As I was walking off, I heard Mike say, "Ohhhhh, Talan's in trouble."

I heard a punch, and then Brad was by my side. "Don't worry about them, bud. Talan and Mike have taken one too many tackles. They don't realize when they should be offended."

"I figured once the whole number thing happened, Talan would have laughed at him or something." I suddenly remembered the way Talan got possessive over me at the restaurant. "Oh my god, Talan is planning on cheating on me!"

Brad stopped me and turned me to face him. "What the hell are you smoking?"

"Dude, he is stereotypical cheater. Super possessive over me in public, and yet he is allowed to flirt with anyone. A damn fem boy to be exact!"

"He wasn't flirting with him. He was being cordial."

"Whatever. I know what I saw. What does Talan see in him? I mean, I don't have nothing against fem boys, but I'm gay for a reason. I want a man who acts like one."

"I know what you mean. It's guys like that who make me scared for my relationship with Mike. He dated Stacy forever. What if he wants the best of both worlds? There's no way I could ever be fem."

"I know. Look, we need to take this Chase guy down a notch or two. They are our boyfriends. He should not be looking at them like they are his playthings."

"Nate, you've got that look in your eye. Don't do anything rash."

"I won't. I just need to make sure he realizes who he's fucking with."

At that moment, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. "You're pretty sexy when you're pissed off."

"Yeah yeah."

"Listen, don't do anything to that Chase kid. He didn't do any harm."

"Defending your new toy, Talan? You know what, just get the fuck off me. I've gotta go." I pushed his arms off me, grabbed Brad by the arm, and walked down the hall.

"That may have been a little dramatic Nathan."

"Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet!"

"Dude, that Chase kid really fucked things up with Nate and me."

"Yeah, and Brad and Nate stick together on everything. That puts me in the doghouse too."

"We need to distance ourselves from him, man."

"I don't wanna get close to him anyway."

Brenda looked at Mike. "What do you mean by that? You're gay, too, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know, but I know how Brad thinks, too. He'll think Chase is the best of both worlds to me."

"Listen Hannah Montana," Kelly said, "just because they are acting like children doesn't mean y'all have to snub Chase."

"Well, I for one care more about boyfriend than about some random kid who I had my first conversation with today." Talan said.

"Same here. Brad means more to me than some random kid who tried to make a pass at us."

"Still, be nice to him. He's a sweet guy." Brenda said.

"Whatever." Mike and Talan said in unison.

"Okay Tori, how many slots do we have to fill?"

"Let's see, with the amount of returning we have, we only need 7 more. 2 guys and 5 girls."

"Alright, well I've got stunts and tumbling. Trisha, Robert, and Katie are gonna help me."

"Yeah, I've got dance and cheers. Trevor is gonna help me."

"Alright, well let's head out there then."

Tori and I walked into the gym to greet all of the people trying out. I wanted to call off try outs the minute I saw Chase Smith standing there. Tori called everything to order.

"Alright, thank you all for coming to All Star try outs. We have a limited number of slots to fill. As with the regular competition squad, we strive for nothing but excellence. These try outs will not be easy, but neither will our competitions. Now, Freshmen and Seniors in one group, Sophomores and Juniors in the other."

Everyone separated out, and Tori quickly claimed the Freshmen/Senior group. That left me with the group Chase was in. I was upset with this, but I was a captain so I had to call everything to order.

After two and a half hours, I had cut almost half of the people in my group. Looking over at Tori's, it looked like she had done the same. That being said, Chase was still standing in my area. I hated to admit it, but he was a damn good tumbler.

"Alright everyone, that's it for the day! Same time, same place tomorrow, only the groups will be switched! Thank you all!"

As I was walking over to Tori to share my evaluations with her, I heard that same whiney voice that I had been listening to for the past 2 and a half hours say something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Yeah, I've got my sights on Talan Ivory. One night with me, and he won't even remember who Nate is."

A tiny part of my brain knew that he said it as loud as he did to get a rise of me, but most of my brain was telling that tiny part to fuck off.

"What did you say, Chase?"

He smirked at me. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid with me. I heard you."

"Well then, I hope you take it to heart. He won't be the first boyfriend I've stolen, and he won't be the last. He will be my biggest accomplishment though."

"And what makes you think you can get him so easily?"

"Please. Straight guys have a problem telling me no. Talan will be a walk in the park."

"That's funny cause I could tell you no as easy as I could tell you where I live."

He frowned at that. "Oh yeah. I can make you feel things you never felt before."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I can make you feel like a real man."

"Yeah? Well I don't want a disease or anything, so I think I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though."

I walked away leaving him with a dumbfounded look on his face. Before I got too far, I called over my shoulder. "If you value your face, stay away from Talan."

Text Message

Talan Ivory

Talan: Hey, you done yet?

Me: Getting ready to leave the gym. Why?

Talan: I wanna see you.

Me: Okay. You coming to mine, or am I coming to yours?

Talan: Doesn't matter just as long as I get to see you.

Me: Well, I'll be at home then. See you soon.

Talan: See you.

I put my phone in my back pocket right as I felt it go off again.

Text Message

Brad Sterno

Brad: You were right. He's a total slut.

Me: You got a number yet?

Brad: Half the football team has been sucked by him.

Me: That all?

Brad: No, that's just the footballers.

Me: Damn. This sounds like he might really be a slut.

Brad: Also, they say he has the clap.

Me: Gross...

Brad: Yeah, I know. Gotta go. Peace meeting with Mike. Talk to ya laters.

Me: Same with Talan. Thanks for the info.

Brad: Yes sir.

I got in my car and drove home. The whole way there, I couldn't help but think that Talan was gonna leave me for Chase. In my mind, that was why he was acting the way he was when we were around Brian. People only act like that when they cheat. Then he has the audacity to ask me if there was something going on between Brian and I. Suspicious minds were always the easiest way to alleviate a guilty conscious. I was going to ask him straight out as soon as we got to my house.

"Talan, we need to talk."

"Well, talk."

"Are you cheating on me?" I couldn't make myself look him in the eye.

"What? Hell no, Nathan! You're the only one I want!"

"Are you sure?"

"Nathan, baby, what brought this on?" Talan said as he grabbed my hands.

"When we were in the restaurant a few weeks ago and you asked me about Brian and me, and the way you held on to me tighter. It all makes me think you're cheating."

"Nathan, that was just me being jealous. You hugged him and a surge of jealously ran through me. I wanted to be the one that hugged you. Not him."

"But you get me all the time."

"I want you every second of every day. Seeing you with someone else makes me jealous. I can't help it."

"Well, what about Chase?"

"What about him?"

"Why have you been defending him? Are you attracted to him? You're gonna leave me for him, aren't you?" I was quickly approaching hysterical.

"Why would I want him when I've got you?"

"Because he acts like a girl..."

"Baby, I'm gay. If I wanted to be with someone who acts like a girl, I would be with a girl. I want a man. One who acts like one. I want you."

I smiled at him. "Alright. Good. I thought I was just being stupid, but something in the back of my mind told me I wasn't. I'm sorry for overreacting."

"Don't worry about it. I just wish we could get all of these insecurities out of your head."

"Me too. It sucks being so insecure all the time."

"Well, just know that you always have me."

"Thanks, Tally."

Right as I was leaning in to give him a kiss, my phone went off.

Text Message


"Talan, do you know this number?"

"It looks kinda familiar. See what the message says."

Someone: Better hold on to your man. I'm pulling every trick I know. He's gonna be mine.

Me: Who is this?

Someone: Chase Smith, your replacement.

Me: Haha, good luck with that.

Chase: I'm starting tonight. Talan and I have a date.

"Talan, what are you doing tonight?"

"Going out with some friends from the team."

"Where you going?"

"The movies I think."

Me: Where are you going?

Chase: The movies.

I saw red. I didn't know which one was lying to me, but I suddenly became very territorial.

"Talan, you wanna stay with me tonight?"

"Natty, I already promised I would hang with the guys from the team tonight."

I put my hand on his leg and started rubbing it up and down. "What if I make it worth your while?"

He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"


"Then I guess I'm staying in tonight. Gonna have to return the favor...multiple times," he said with a cocky grin.

I sent Chase one last text message.

Me: Well, good luck tonight. Let me know how the movie is. You'll be watching it alone. ;)

I turned my phone off and pounced on Talan. I felt kinda bad using sex to get my way, but there was no way in hell I was gonna let him go to the movies tonight if Chase was gonna be there. I had just got done bringing Talan to orgasm when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs just as my dad was opening the door.

"Hello Adam. Nathanial. Miss me?"


Author's Note

First off, let me say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you have a problem with something I wrote in this chapter, that's fine. Keep it to yourself though. I'm not setting out to change the way you think, so you shouldn't try to do that to me. That being said, let me say that I have nothing against feminine gay men, I am just not attracted to them in any way. With all that oout of the way, let's talk about this chapter.

I know most of you are thinking the whole Stacy stabbing Brad thing was over the top, but she will have a chance to defend her actions next chapter. You may be interested in knowing her reasoning. Also, I'm not sure if that is the last we will see of Matt. We are also getting ready to add a few more people to the main group of friends.

Both Talan and Nate's fathers are okay with them wanting to raise the baby together, and Talan's dad shows how much he really cares for his son by doing what he did with the firm he worked for but now owns. In the coming chapters, you are going to see just how much both fathers care for their children.

As always, I would love to hear your feedback. Don't email me at the email up top. Email me at

Thanks for reading

I love you guys


Next: Chapter 10

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