Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Jan 2, 2011


Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Alright, well here is the next chapter of Secret Admirer. When we last left, Talan and Nate were reunited on Christmas night. Nate is going to be throwing his weight around in this chapter. He is going through some changes, and his attitude towards some people is going to change. For all of you out there that hate the word baby, It is used a few times in this chapter. There isn't any sex in this one...or is there? Haha. Read this part and enjoy.

Secret Admirer-8 Discoveries

I awoke to rays of light shining in through my blinds. My eyes were heavy with sleep, but I was content. When my eyes adjusted, I saw what the sunlight was illuminating. Talan was lying in bed next to me. He was completely naked, and the sheet was tossed off of the bed. Memories of the night before came flooding back to me. I experienced my first ever blow job, and then about 5 more after that. We didn't end up going to sleep until about 4 in the morning. That thought caused me to glance at my alarm clock. The LED face was showing that it was only 10:30. I hadn't slept for too long, but I felt rested and energized. I looked back at my man. A smile crossed my face when I realized he must have been having a very good dream.

His dick was pointing at his face as if telling me to look at it. The smile on his face made me believe that something very pleasant must be happening in his dream. I was content to let him sleep, but I knew we needed to talk. Last night, Christmas night, we had spent getting acquainted with each other in more intimate ways. We never talked about our problems. They were still there, but I knew I was determined to keep our relationship going. My sanity depended on it.

I slowly edged over in the bed and kneeled down to where his cock was. I licked it from base to tip, and then engulfed it. It wasn't long before I felt hands on the back of my head. A few more bobs later, and I was having my breakfast, and it was full of protein.

"Wow. What a way to wake up." Talan said when he finally caught his breath.

"Well, I saw an opportunity...arise, so I took advantage of it." I said with a wink.

"I love you so much." Talan said as he pulled me up to him to give me a kiss.

"I love you, too, Tally, but we do need to talk about all this."

"Okay, baby. Talk."

I glanced at our naked bodies. "Maybe we should put some clothes on first."

"Well, I guess, but please don't put on a shirt."

"Why not?" I asked him with a puzzled look on my face.

He placed his finger between my pecs. "Cause I wanna look at your body. Staring at these pecs, those perfect nipples, these six pack abs, is going to make me want to fix our issues all the more." He said while he was running his finger from my pecs to the waistline of my newly adorned shorts.

"So, you just want me for my body?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, I want this, too." He said as he grabbed my dick through my shorts.

I tossed my head back as he applied pressure to my now rigid member. My teenaged hormones got the best of me, and before we talked, Talan made sure to give me the best blow job of all the ones he had given me this far.

"Okay, baby, we really do need to talk now." I said when I finally caught my breath after a mind blowing orgasm.

"I'm all ears." Talan said with my smile planted on his face.

"Not here. We need to be somewhere public where you can't take advantage of me." I replied with a laugh.

"Well, where to?" He said as he got up.

"Imma get in the shower. You decide, k?"

I turned the temperature to a warm spray, and then I stepped into the shower. I was lathering up my hair when I felt a presence behind me. "Tally, what are you doing?"

"Having some more fun." With that said, Talan brought me to my second orgasm since waking up, as I did him.

We were driving down the road towards the diner where I had my showdown with Averie, our fingers interlocked on the center console. I couldn't help but let my mind wander. That time the year before, I was heavily contemplating suicide. It was funny how my life changed so fast. I knew it was due for some more changes, but I was going to be in the driver's seat, so to speak, when it came to those. Asserting myself and initiating change was never something I was good at, but I was willing to give it a try. As we got out of the car and walked into the diner, Talan managed to snake his arm around my waist. His grip tightened when Brian approached us.

"Hey Brian!" I said as I pulled free of Talan's arm and gave Brian a hug. "Thank you for the other day, by the way."

"I didn't do nothin', but you're welcome. Hey Talan."

"Brian." Talan's tone of voice was cold. I would address that later. I ordered the same thing as last time, and made the same deal with Brian that I made when I was here with Averie. No sooner did Brian leave that Talan started on me.

"What the fuck was that, Nathanial?"

"What do you mean? And don't cuss at me, Talan."

"The whole Brian thing. Y'all seem awful chummy."

"Oh don't tell me you are jealous. That's hilarious! Brian and me? Really Talan?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, he is pretty how nowadays." My laugh died instantly.

"Talan, surely you don't think there is anything more than friendship between me and Brain."

"There isn't is there?"

"No. We are strictly friends."

"Alright. Good. Now, let's talk."

"Yeah, let's. Spill about Averie. Don't leave out any details."

"Can I at least see this infamous text message she sent you? Mike almost killed her, man."

I pulled out my phone and took one look at the picture before passing the phone to Talan. I will never forget that picture. Averie placed a positive pregnancy test over a picture of her and Talan kissing. The caption read, "The baby is his, faggot. You're history. ;)"

Talan looked at the picture for a minute and then slammed his hand against the table. "That fuckin' bitch! I'll kill her!"

"Talan, calm down. I took care of her already. Now, explain how on Earth she could possibly be pregnant without you cheating on me."

He reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "Baby, I would never cheat on you."

"Good. Now explain to me how she is pregnant."

"Okay. So I know I told you that I only had sex with her once, and that's the truth. However, I changed the time frame around a bit. It happened about a week before you came out to me. I was so upset about it, but she kept telling me that only a faggot wouldn't want to have sex with his girlfriend. I couldn't be outed for fear of losing you. I had sex with her. The condom she had was too small, and it busted right as I was cumming. It was too late to pull out then, so I just let it happen. I was disgusted with myself. I didn't think she was gonna get pregnant, but then she told me about a week before she told you. I did..." I cut him off.

"You knew for a week and didn't tell me?" I asked as I pulled my hand from his.

"Nathan, I didn't want it to be true. I thought if I didn't tell anyone, it wouldn't be true. Of course, being the bitch that she is, she told Mike. I had to beg him not to tell you. I was planning on letting you know as soon as I got home. I promise I was, but she beat me to it. Baby, I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. You have got to know that."

I was thinking it over for a few minutes. Unbeknownst to me, my insecurities were slowly creeping back in. They made my decision for me. I tossed a 20 on the table, and stood up. "Talan, you need to be with the mother of your child. You shouldn't be with me. I'm not good enough for you. I'm hideous. Send Averie my best wishes."

I walked away from the table thinking, `What the fuck, Nathan? You told Averie you weren't going to lose him, and you just gave him up. What the fuck is wrong with you?' However, I couldn't make myself turn around. I kept walking until I got out the door and was standing beside my car. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Talan turned me around and placed his hands on either side of my face.

"Natty, I love you! I want to be with you! I don't know why you think you're hideous. You have the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen." With that said, he kissed both of my eyes. "You have the cutest nose I've ever seen." He kissed my nose. He rubbed his nose against mine which caused me to smile. "Those dimples of yours are breathtaking." He kissed my dimples. "These lips. So supple and irresistible. I could kiss these lips of yours all day long if you would let me. Will you?" I slowly nodded my head yes, and he leaned in and gave me a kiss. It started out as a simple, soft peck, and then turned into much more. He was kissing me with such passion. He was trying to let me know he loved me, and it was me he wanted to be with. "Do you believe me now, Natty? I love you! You are the person I'm meant to be with. I want to grow old with you. Raise a family of our own. Have grandkids. I want you to be there by my side when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night. We have a future together, Nathanial Quincy. I am not going to sit by and watch your insecurities get the better of you. I will do anything I can to make you believe that I choose you to spend my life with. What do you need me to do, Nathan?"

With tears in my eyes, I looked at him. "Nothing, Talan. I believe you."

"Are you sure, Natty? I'll do anything for you. Absolutely anything."

I'm sure the smirk I got on my face was absolutely evil, but I had a plan. "Alright then. Hop in the car. We have somewhere to go."

"Muffin, what's wrong?" Brad said to Matt when he noticed him being distant.


"What is it, baby?"

"Well..." Matt looked down at the floor. "I think we shouldn't see each other anymore."

Brad felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "Wh...why?"

Matt knew he needed to tell him the truth. "I've found somebody else. Someone who makes me happier than you do."


"Alexandra Daryl."

Brad completely lost it. "A girl?! You can't be serious, Matt! I have given you a year of my life! An entire fucking year! You are willing to throw away everything we have for some damn girl?!"

"She isn't some damn girl. She is very special to me. I hope we can still be friends. I still love you."

"Get out." Brad said as calmly as possible.


Brad looked at Matt with tears running down his face. "I said, get out! NOW!"

"Can I at least get one last kiss? Don't you owe me at least that?"

"Owe you? I don't owe you shit Matt!"

"Just one, Brad. That's all I ask for."

"Okay. Close your eyes." As soon as Matt closed his eyes, Brad's hand clenched into a fist, and he hit Matt as hard as he could. "Fuck you, Matt! I don't want to be friends with you anymore. When you realize that you don't want a girl, but a man, I'm gonna be long gone. Get out of my house!"

Doubled over in pain, Matt started walking towards the front door. He felt terrible for doing what he did to Brad, but he knew he needed to end the relationship. He found happiness elsewhere.

Brad was sitting on his bed, curled into a tight ball, crying his eyes out. He loved Matt. He knew Matt loved him back. He was so confused, but he didn't know what to do. He picked up his cell phone and shot a text to the one person he knew he could count on.

Brad: I need you...

"So, you see Mr. Bonabre, Averie tried to use this pregnancy against us. She is a very mean spirited girl. We have heard our fair share of the word faggot from her."

Mr. Bonabre looked me in the face. "Well, I don't know where Averie has learned this spiteful behavior. We preach acceptance and tolerance in our church. All of God's children are special, and no one deserves to be treated the way you boys have been treated. I think I have a proposal that we all can find suitable. Averie will sign over full parental rights to you the day the baby is born. However, I still want to have contact with my grandchild. Mrs. Bonabre would never forgive if I didn't get contact with our first grandchild."

Talan looked at Nate in awe. He always knew that Nate knew how to take charge of a situation, but he never knew he could be so demanding without stepping on people's toes or making people angry.

"That sounds very agreeable to me. I must admit to you, though, that you will need to keep close tabs on Averie. She has told me that she is going to have an abortion so that we can't raise the baby."

"Don't you worry. She will only be leaving this house for school. Her older brother is taking the next semester off. He will be the one making sure she doesn't leave."

"Thank you, Mr. Bonabre. It means the world to me, and I know how much it means to Silent Sally over there, but for some reason he is too tongue tied to talk."

"No need to thank me, son. Now, can I get a hug before you boys leave? After all, we are going to be related, kinda."

Both Talan and I gave Mr. Bonabre a hug, and we no sooner got out the door when Talan attacked me. He was showering me with kisses on every part of my face. "Okay! Okay! I get it. You're happy! Let me breathe, man!"

"You are amazing! Anybody ever tell you that?" Talan said as he pulled me into a strong hug.

"Only everybody I've ever met. Now let me go ya' big oaf! My phone is vibrating."

Text Message

Brad Sterno

Brad: I need you...

Me: What's wrong? You okay?

Brad: No. Can you please come over? Alone...

Me: I'm on my way.

"Talan, can you drop me off at Brad's house?"

"You want me to stay with you?"

"No, it's cool. I have a debt to repay anyway."

"Alright then. Let's hop to it."

"Good afternoon Mr. Sterno. Brad texted me and told me to come over. May I come in?"

"Please do, Nathan. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he has been crying for a while now."

"Mr. Sterno, and please never tell Brad I told you this, but he is awake when you go into his room at night. He misses you. He wants you back in his life. Most importantly, though, he forgave you. A long, long time ago."

"Well, I will have a talk with my son, Nathan. For now, I think he needs a friend." Mr. Sterno said with tears in his eyes.

I walked upstairs to Brad's room. I could hear him crying halfway down the hall. I walked a little faster to his room. When I got to the door, it was locked. I knocked gently. "Brad, it's Nathan. Can you let me in?"

I heard the lock twist, and Brad pulled the door open. He looked awful. His face was a mess, and there were telltale signs of vomit on his shirt. I quickly walked into the room, closed the door behind me, and pulled him into a tight hug. He started sobbing on my shoulder. "Shhh. It's gonna be okay, Brad. Everything is gonna be okay. Now tell me what happened."

"Matt... He broke up with me."


"Alexandra Daryl. He is dating her."

I pulled out my phone and sent Talan a text message.

Me: Get Mike, and go beat Matt's ass.

Talan: Why?

Me: Act now. I'll explain later.

Talan: Okay. I love you.

Me: I love you, too.

"Who are you texting?" Brad asked.


"So, y'all work everything out?"

"Yes we did. Well, kinda. Anyway, this is about you. Now come on over here to the bed with me. I think I owe someone a day of holding them on the bed."

"Thanks, Nathan. I love you, man."

"I love you, too, Brad. Always."

"So, explain to me again why we are going to beat up one of our friends." Mike said while looking at Talan.

"There has got to be a legitimate reason. Nate told me he would explain later."

"Alright, I guess."

"Yeah. I'm not crazy about it either, but let's get this show on the road. We're here."

Talan and Mike got out of Nate's car and walked to Matt's front door. What they saw when he opened it was a complete shock.

"Hey guys..." Matt said meekly as he unwrapped himself from Alexandra's arms.

Mike looked at Matt with pure disgust on his face. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"You need to leave. Now." Talan said to Alexandra.

"And who are you to tell me to leave my boyfriend's house?"

"I said leave, dammit!"

"Just go, Alexandra. I'll call you later."

All three boys watched as she walked to her car, got in, and drove off. As soon as he turned back around, Mike threw his fist, and it connected with Matt's face. "How could you do that to Brad?"

"I didn't do it on purpose. I fell for her! I didn't mean for it to happen."

"So, the ring he gave you meant nothing to you?" Talan asked before he punched him in the stomach.

"I gave it back to him. Please, leave me alone."

Mike was throwing his fist again, but Talan reached up to stop it. "Come on, Mike. He isn't worth our time."

"Don't expect us to keep quiet about you, Matt. As soon as Brad gives us the go ahead, everyone at school is going to know about your gay relationship. I hope Alexandra is understanding." Mike said as he and Talan walked back to the car.

When they were seated and driving away, Mike looked at Talan. "Unfuckingbelievable. What an asshole."

"You're tellin' me. Looks like we need to form a little party around Brad tonight. Eat out?"

"Sure, but don't expect Mitchell. He is still mad at you about Averie and Nate. Even after I explained it to him."

"Well, you and Mitchell both worship the ground Nate walks on because of that damn knee thing. I would expect nothing less."

"What can I say? Nate's my hero."

"Mine, too. Mike. Mine, too."

"So, we need to get you cleaned up, buddy. We have a little fiesta we are going to."

"I don't feel like partying, Nate. Let me wallow in my self pity."

"Did you let me wallow?"


"Then I'm not letting you do it either. Getcher lazy ass in gear, boy. We're gonna party."

"Alright, but I'll meet y'all there, okay?"


"Don't worry, Nate. I am not going to do anything stupid. I promise."

"Alright, then. I'll see you later."

"Text me the deets."

"You know it."

As I was walking down the stairs, I passed Mr. Sterno. I stopped him. "Now is as good a time as ever. He needs all the support he can get right now."

He simply nodded and walked towards Brad's room. I smiled to myself and continued to walk through the house and out the door. As soon as I opened it, I was shocked.

"Looks like someone has the makings of a nice shiner there, Mattie boy."

Matt looked at me. "Can you move? I need to go talk to Brad."

"You lost the right to talk to Brad when you told him about Alexandra."

"And who are you to decide that for him?"

"His best friend. I'm gonna protect him from scum he doesn't need in his life. Even if that scum is a former friend of mine."

"You know, all I have to do is apologize, and he will be on his knees again." Matt said with a cocky smile.

"Well, then, maybe we will just have to remove your dick. I hear its small anyway, so it shouldn't take too long."

"And who told you it was small?"

"I saw it for myself, remember? Now listen and listen well. Brad is moving on. He is going to tell me if you try to talk to him or text him. I hope for your sake that you don't. I'm not the same Nathan I used to be. My friends were there for me in my time of need, and I am going to return the favor. I will end you if you try to get near him before he is ready. Got it?"

"You don't scare me Nathan. All I gotta do is tell you that your precious Talan is leaving you, and you hit the floor crying."

I reared back and punched him in his already blackened eye. "Violence is never the answer, but when it comes to skeeze like you, I make an exception. You may not have been scared of me before, but if you are smart, you will be now. Leave, Matt."

Matt walked back to his car, and I felt a someone behind me. I turned around and saw Brad standing there. "Thanks, Nate."

"No worries, bud. I'll see ya tonight."

"Wait, you punched Matt?! Why?!" Stacy asked Mike when he showed up to pick her up.

"The fuckhead was cheating on Brad," Mike said.

The look on Stacy's face was one Mike didn't expect. "You knew, didn't you?"

"Ummm, yeah."

Mike pulled his car over. "How long then?"

"I think it started in November."

"November? He gave it up to Brad not that long ago."

"I know."

"Why are you okay with this?"

"My loyalties are to Matt, not Brad. Whatever makes Matt happy, makes me happy. Brad didn't do that for him. Alexandra does."

"Get out."


Through clenched teeth, Mike repeated himself. "Get out."


"Why?! Two reasons Stacy. First, we are heading to Nate's house to round up everyone to go to Chili's to have a cheer up party for Brad. You don't need to be there if he isn't your friend. Second, we're through. If you are that comfortable with people cheating, how do I know you haven't cheated on me. Get out."

"You can't be serious."

"Dead ass. Now get out."

Stacy opened her door, and stepped out. She leaned back down before she closed the door. "I can't believe you are picking Brad over me."

Mike gave her a look of disgust. "Just remember, last year, when we thought you were pregnant, that Brad was the one that bought us the pregnancy test. Brad was the one that waited with us while we were seeing if it was positive or negative. Brad was the one that offered us his trust fund if you were pregnant. Remember that, and then think about where your loyalties lie. Goodbye, Stacy. Shut the door."

"Wait! Don't do this!"

Mike reached over and got a grip on the door. "I said shut the fuckin door!" In one motion he pulled the door shut and sped away. Stacy was left on the side of the road with a shocked expression on her face.

Stacy pulled her phone out and called Matt.

"Hey, Baby."

"Mike just dumped me."

"Good! Now we can actually be together! No more going behind everyone's back."

"Matt, you know they are never going to accept us."

"I know. Even Brenda won't talk to me. Apparently, Nate has gotten to everyone. To think I had a crush on him. Fucking faggot."

"Don't call him that, Matt. Nate is like my brother. Besides, you have taken it up the ass a few times yourself. You have no right to call anyone a faggot."

"Oh please don't tell me you are defending him."

"No, I'm not. I'm just saying, if anyone can gain us quicker acceptance, it's Nate."

"Fat chance. Mike loves you. Talan will never allow us to be near any of them."

"Talan will do whatever he can to make Nate happy. All it will take is some fast talking from my end."

"Well, I don't see how this is gonna work, but okay."

"Alright, now call and break up with Alexandra."

"Okay, baby. I love you. I'll talk to you later."

"I love you, too."

Brad showed up at my house before everyone else, and he brought the picture of Matt like I asked him too. He was sitting in the living room looking at the picture with tears running down his face. "Look at him. I should have known he would never want to be with me."

"Brad, he is an idiot. You are amazing."

"No, Matt is amazing. I'm no one. That's why he dumped me for a damn girl."

"He dumped you for a girl because he is insecure in his sexuality. You need a real man, Brad. Not some little boy."

"Look at him though! He's gorgeous!"

I had to agree with Brad on that one. Matt was pretty attractive. I could do without the bleach blonde buzz cut, but ever since he did it for wrestling his freshmen year, that's the look he was rockin. He probably stands about an inch taller than me, and has a killer wrestler's body. His smile, with the help of braces all through middle school, is perfect, and reaches his dark brown eyes every time he smiles. He was cute, that much was true, but I had someone in mind that was much more in tune with their sexuality that I knew would treat Brad like the king he deserved to be treated like.

"Hey, I'm gonna go make a phone call okay. Whenever you're ready, throw that picture in the fire. It's therapeutic according to Tristan."

"Someone say my name?" Tristan asked as he walked through the front door carrying an ungodly amount of shopping bags.

"I did. Tris, you do know that Christmas was yesterday, right? What's with all the bags?"

"It's a boy!" Tristan screamed.


He put all of his bags down and reached inside one. He pulled out a pair of baby's blue overalls. "It's a boy! I'm gonna have a baby boy!" He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.

"Congrats bro!" I said as I walked over and gave him a hug. My dad chose that moment to walk in with an equal number of shopping bags as Tristan. "You spoiling your grandchild already?"

"Nope. He was shopping for his baby, and I was shopping for mine. Left hand is Tristan. Right hand is you."

"Dad, we just got presents from you yesterday for Christmas."

"I wasn't gonna do it, but I decided to go with your brother, and they were having good sales, so I figured why not."

"Well, thank you daddy. While y'all are both here, I figure its time I told you guys a little news of my own."

"Oh no. What is it?"

"Well, there is gonna be another new baby in the family."

Tristan looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like you got someone pregnant."

"No I didn't, but Talan did. I'm going to help him raise the baby. We are going to be parents."

"Son, this is a big responsibility. You're still in high school."

"So is Talan! He can't do it by himself! I'm going to help him." I was getting defensive.

"Well, if it's what you want to do son, then I will support you. Tristan, you don't mind sharing the nursery do you?"

Tristan looked at my dad and then at me. A smile broke out on his face. "I'm gonna be an uncle and a daddy at the same time. Awesome! Course I don't mind, daddy."

"You kids, y'all are making me old before my time."

I was about to respond to my dad when the phone rang. I went and picked it up. "Quincy Residence."

"Hello, Nathanial. Can I speak with your father?"

I handed the phone to my dad. Before he took it, I said, loud enough for it to be heard over the phone, "It's that bitch you're divorcing." My dad was about to say something, but I went into the living room, got Brad, and walked outside. We were greeted by Talan hugging a crying Mike.

"Mike, what's wrong?" Brad asked, trying like always to be the rock of our group.

"I broke up with Stacy." Mike said through tears.

"What? Why?" I couldn't mask the surprise in my voice.

Mike looked up, locked eyes with Brad, and then withdrew from Talan to hug Brad. "I'm so sorry about Matt. You deserve so much better than him."

Both Mike and Brad were crying now, and then it happened. Mike leaned back to look into Brad's eyes. Brad leaned back to look into Mike's eyes. They both leaned forward, and they started kissing. I don't know what came over them, but their kissing was extremely urgent, and started getting hot and heavy.

Brad broke the kiss for a moment, but only so he could lean against Tristan's truck. He then reached out with his hand and pulled Mike into him. They started kissing again. Next thing I know, Brad has his legs wrapped around Mike's waist, and Mike is holding him up against the truck grinding his hips into him. That's when I felt Talan behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and started nuzzling my neck. He nibbled on my ear and then whispered, "That's pretty fucking hot."

Unfortunately, I had to end the show. Mike was undoing Brad's belt, and I simply refused to let them have sex in my driveway. I cleared my throat, and they looked at me. "Um, can you not have sex in my driveway?" They turned their stare from me back to each other, and I watched them blush deeply. Mike clasped Brad's belt, but instead of putting him down like I thought he would, he started kissing and grinding into him again.

"Mike! Easy boy!" Talan shouted. I busted out laughing.

I leaned into Talan when I gained control of my laughter. Mike had finally put Brad down, and they were holding each other with their foreheads pressed together. I whispered to Talan. "Looks like they both moved on quickly."

"Well, I probably should have told you a while ago, but Mike was lying when he said he didn't feel anything when he kissed you."

"He was?"

"Yeah. He said he went rigid. He told me that he loved it, but he knew that I was your Secret Admirer, so he couldn't ruin it for you. I'll tell you though, you sexually confuse a bunch of people, bud."

"Is that why he broke up with Stacy?"

"No. He broke up with her because she sided with Matt even after all the stuff Brad did for her."

"What did Brad do for her?"

"I'll tell you later, just know it is major."

"So, you don't think this is just an experiment thing, do you?"

"Look at them Natty. Mike is looking at Brad the way I look at you. I don't think its an experiment anymore than you and I are."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't call Brian, then."


"Yeah, I was gonna see if I could get Brad set up with him. Looks like that won't be necessary now."

"I don't know. This looks like it could be serious. I would hate for one of them to think they are just the other's rebound."

"Well, let's talk to em about it."

"Later. Right now, we need to head out. Brenda and Kelly are already at the restaurant. I think Brenda invited Patrick. They are sorta talking right now. You cool with that?"

"Of course. You know I have no beef with Patrick. None at all."

We all loaded into Mike's car, Talan and me in the back, Brad and Mike up front. I smiled when I saw they were holding hands. I didn't know where their relationship was going, but I did know that I was gonna support it. I just had to make sure Stacy was okay. I pulled out my iPhone, and was gonna check my email, when I saw I had a text from Stacy.

Stacy: Hey, umm is there anyway you could come over here?

Me: Sorry Stace. We are heading to eat with the gang.

Stacy: Yeah. Minus me and Matt. Whatever, Nate.

Me: Hey, if you are gonna get mad at someone, get mad at Matt and yourself. He caused all this and you sided with him.

Stacy: Did that mean that Mike had to break up with me?

Me: You know how Mike is.

Stacy: Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about.

Me: Well, I think he is already moving on. I just wanna make sure you're okay.

Stacy: Moving on? With who?

Me: Not my business to tell.

Stacy: Well, I've moved on as well. I was cheating on him anyway.


Stacy: yeah. It was me that Matt is with. Alexandra was just a cover so Mike wouldn't find out.

Me: Stace...

Stacy: Yeah, so can you like leave and come over here? I wanna talk to you.

Me: I love you, Stacy, but my loyalties lay with Brad even over you. He comforted me when I needed him.

Stacy: Seriously?

Me: Yeah. Sorry. Bye.

Stacy: Fuck off, Nate!

I nudged Talan, and handed him my phone. He looked over the conversation, and frowned. "That bitch," he whispered.

"I know."

"Baby, where is the corkscrew?" Talan called from kitchen.

"Drawer next to the sink!" I called back from game room, which Brad and I had turned into a make shift party room for our New Years Eve party.

"I found it. You want white or red?" Talan asked as he came back into the room.

"Mmm, white. Red wine makes me horny."

"Red it is." Talan smirked.

Everyone laughed as Talan handed me a glass of red wine. Mike agreed with me, saying red wine made him horny as well, so Brad handed him a glass as well. I was surprised by them. They had only been together since the day after Christmas, but they were quickly falling in love with each other. I even heard Mike earlier in the day, while talking to me about Brad, say, "I really him a lot."

I'll admit I was surprised, but our friends took to their relationship swimmingly. Kelly inadvertently latched on to them and became their constant third wheel. Brenda was quickly forming a relationship with Patrick, and they were making out with Brenda on the pool table and Patrick standing in front of her when Talan was passing out wine glasses.

I wasn't lying when I told Talan about red wine making me horny. After my first glass, I was really feeling it. I grabbed Talan's hand and flashed him my sexiest smile. I quickly, yet subtly, lead him out of the game room and up to my bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, I was all over him.

"Listen," I said before planting a kiss on his lips, "we can have a little fun," kiss on his neck, "but I still want my kiss at midnight." I kissed him on his nose. "Can you do that for me...stud?" I asked as I flicked his nipple through his shirt. I knew I had him. Even before we became official I knew how to get what I wanted from him. Even when it came to the sex part of our relationship, I knew how to get him right where I wanted him.

He grabbed my ass with both hands and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waste. "I'm sure I can arrange that."

Talan walked to my bed and put us both down on it. He started kissing my neck while he was undoing my pants. I reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. I glanced at the clock and realized we had about 5 minutes until midnight. I sat up and pulled my shirt off as he pulled my pants and underwear down and off in one swift motion. I took that as my cue to flip us over, and I reached for Talan's pants. When I felt his stiff cock inside, I flashed him a seductive smile.

"My my mister Ivory. There appears to be something hard in your pants."

"It wants to play with you, baby. Can it come out and play?"

"I think it can." I then pulled his pants down without undoing them. Talan was going commando. I arched my eyebrow. "Planning on gettin' lucky?"

He flipped us back over, and kissed me. "I was hopin' to start a New Years tradition all our own." With that said, he started grinding his cock into me. At first, it was a little unpleasant, but my piece never lets me down. After a moment or two, my dick became the faucet it is, and I started leaking copious amounts of precum. It was lubing the way for his grinding. All the while, his hands were roaming all over my chest.

"You are so fucking beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky."

I looked at him and smiled. "Right back at ya." I looked back over at the clock and saw that it read 11:59. "It's almost time for my kiss."

No sooner do those words leave my mouth, we hear the gang downstairs start a countdown.

"Ten!" His thrusts increase in pace.

"Nine! Eight! Seven!" He puts his hands behind my head.

"Six! Five! Four!" He pulls me up to him.

"Three! Two! One!" His thrusts became too much for me, and as he pulled me into our very first New Years kiss, I came. I shot up between both of us, coating our torsos as Talan continued to grind. When the last bit of cum started to dribble from my dick, I noticed Talan's kissing become more urgent. I felt his cock spasm, and then he was adding his own cum to the mix on our chests. Once his orgasm had subsided, he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Happy New Year, Tally. I love you."

"I love you, Natty. Happy New Year."

For the next few moments, everything was perfect. I had just gotten a rag to clean us off with, when we heard the yelling. I looked at Talan, and he returned my look. We hurriedly cleaned ourselves, and I rushed for the door. As soon as I opened it, I was able to make out the screams.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" It was Kelly. There was no way that was a good thing.


Author's Note

Okay guys and gals, let me start by apologizing to y'all. This update took forever, but the holidays tend to be kinda hectic where I come from. That and the fact that my other story finally made it on Nifty. I got the amount of responses I expected to get, so I will be updating it again. Now, in terms of this story, what did y'all think? Worth the wait, or no? Yes, Talan and Nate have worked out most of their issues, but there is still one teenie tiny one that I'm sure most of you over looked. Well, Nate is neurotic, so it will become a major thing for him. Now, onto the baby. Sorry if this is a spoiler, but the baby is going to be born. Shame on the person who said Averie should fall down some stairs. However, after she gives birth, maybe. Haha.

This chapter sorta centers around two separate issues. Talan and Nate solving problems is the first one. The swapping of relationship partners between Brad, Matt, Mike, and Stacy is the other. I know Stacy has been portrayed as Nate's best female friend, and Matt has been portrayed as having a crush on him, but things are going to change very quickly. Some true colors are going to be shown.

How about Don't Ask, Don't Tell being overturned? Can I get a fuck yeah?! That is awesome! They are over there protecting our country, they shouldn't have to cower in fear of being discharged for their sexuality being discovered! Thank you once again to all of our armed forces. You guys and gals are awesome!

Happy New Year Lots of Love ZK

Uh OH! Shout out time! Haha

My girl Lisa! She is like the coolest mom ever. She is spunky as hell, and she loves my story, which in turn means I love her. Also, she has taught her three sons tolerance and respect. She is an awesome woman!

My little buddy from down under, always letting me know how much he loves my story. He makes me jealous cause I wanna go to Australia! :( Haha. I really hope you got that alarm fixed.

I need to commend someone. It's never an easy thing to take someone into your home, but you are doing it with open arms. You know who you are, and I think you are wonderful for doing it. Now, you and your man don't be too loud now. The new housemate needs his sleep! ;)

Here's a little survey I wanna check out. Just my way of testing a THEORY. Haha. How many of you guys think guys, or girls for that matter, look good with the right style of glasses? I have to say I agree with a friend who said that, after he called me a nerd, that is. Haha.

Last, but certainly not least, is Gabe. He doesn't like his full name, Gabriel, but I love it! Anywho, this kid writes the most in depth emails about each chapter of my story. I look forward to his "reviews" as we have come to call them. They always make me smile because I know I at least have one die hard fan. I told him about this update, and he told me he was on the edge of his seat. Haha. That kid cracks me up.

I love you guys!

Also, please let me know what you think! Everyone's opinions matter to me. I love hearing from you guys. Good or bad, let me know. My other story is called Never Forget Me. It's hella different from this one, but give it a read if you feel like it. It's in the Gay/High School section. Thanks guys and gals!

Next: Chapter 9

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