Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Feb 6, 2011


Please send all emails regarding this story to Thanks.

Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Alright, so I know it's been a minute, but I finally found time to update. With school and work and personal obligations, my time has been stretched. Anywhat, haha, this chapter sees some old problems addressed and put to rest. It also sees some maturing done. As with all my chapters, feedback is welcome and appreciated. Please send all emails to Now, read my chapter.

Secret Admirer-10 Help


"Aunt Jackie! What are you doing here?!" I said after I got done hugging my aunt.

"Well, I just so happened to hear my brother is planning on reentering the single world again, and I just wanted to come and make sure he adjusted alright."

My dad rolled his eyes. "Jacqueline, there is no need to check on me. I'm a big boy. I can handle myself."

"Well, you'll always be my baby brother, Adam. I gotta take care of you."

I smiled at her. "Well I'm glad you're here!"

She laughed. "Well, I'm glad you're glad. Now, I hear there is someone special in your life. What's her name?"

I looked towards my dad and arched my eyebrow in question. "You didn't tell her?"

"I have always been one for letting people tell their own secrets."

"Secrets? Who has a secret?" Jackie asked.

"Well, Aunt Jackie, you see...I'm...uh..." Talan picked that moment to come downstairs.

He came up behind me and wrapped me in his arms. "Babe, I gotta go. The guys are ragging me about that movie. I'll come back over after and return the favor. I love you." He kissed the side of my neck and then walked out the door.

As soon as the door closed, my dad and Jackie burst into laughter. "What's so funny?"

"The look on your face. You are seriously redder than an apple right now."

"So, I guess you can guess that I'm gay."

"Hun, I knew that years ago. Your father and I used to talk about it often. He just never told me it was actually confirmed."

"Ah, well it's great to see you Aunt Jackie, but I gotta go meet some friends. I'll talk to you if you're here when I get back."

"Alright. Bye hun."

I ran back upstairs and pulled out my phone. I sent Brad a text.

Me: Be ready to leave in 10 minutes.

Brad: Where are we going?

Me: The movies.

"So, not that I'm not thrilled to be going to the movies with you, but why the sudden invitation?" Brad asked as he hopped in my car.

"Well, I didn't want it to be too obvious that I'm spying."

"Spying?" He asked, and then a light bulb must have went off. "Nate, this doesn't have anything to do with Talan going to the movies with the boys from the team does it?"

"No. It has to do with the fact that Chase is going to be there, too."

Brad chuckled. "Surely you don't think Talan is going to cheat on you with him?"

"You aren't the slightest bit worried about Mike?"

"Not after this afternoon."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he came over right after school, and we talked about it. Then, just to prove that he wants a real man, we had some amazing sex."

"Oh yeah? Who was pitching?"

"Both of us, actually. I like to give and receive. He does too."

"He any good?"

"Dude, he was like straight up abusing my prostate, man. I have never felt more intense pleasure in my entire life."

"Better than being with Matt?" I asked with a cheeky grin.

"Matt? Who's that?"

"That's what I like to hear, buddy!"

"So, how about you and Talan?"

"What about us?"

"How's the sex life?"

"Well, Talan has perfected the art of giving head. He's a damn pro, but we haven't done anything other than that and what happened on New Years."

"Y'all haven't gone all the way yet?"

"People still say all the way?"

"Shut up, Nate. You know what I mean."

"No we haven't."


"I don't know. I just think its because I'm really not ready for that yet."

"Well, I guess because I had wanted it for so long, I didn't wait too long with Matt."

"Yeah, well I want to make sure my first time is special and memorable."

"Well, that's smart, bud. So you have any idea when the big date will be?"

"Nope, but I'm not necessarily in the mood to find out either. It will happen when the time comes for it to happen."

"I swear, if you get anymore un-stereotypical, I'll hit you."


"You aren't a flamer, you aren't a back stabbing bitch, and you aren't a cock hungry slut. Are you even sure you're gay?"

"Brad, last time I checked you aren't any of those things either."

"Actually, ask Mike. I'm definitely the last one."

"Is that so?" I said with a laugh.

"Yes sir."

Talan and Mike had just walked into the movie theater when Taylor Mathis came over and greeted them.

"It's about damn time guys! We thought y'all were gonna bail on us."

"If Nate had his way, I'd be at home in the bed," Talan said with a cheeky grin.

"Then you should have stayed home. I would never pass up a chance at getting some." Taylor said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Is that so?" A voice from behind Taylor asked.

All three guys diverted their attention to the voice coming from behind Taylor. Talan was instantly nervous.

"Chase, what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, what the fuck are you doing here?" Mike asked with no effort to hide how much he disliked the boy standing in front of them.

"I came to see a movie with Talan. What are you guys doing here?"

"Came to see a movie with Talan?" Taylor asked. "He's here to see a movie with us."

"Well, maybe he'd be willing to change his plans." Chase walked up beside Talan, snaked his arm around his waist, and gave his package a firm squeeze. "I'll make it worth your while."

Talan didn't know how to react. He was shocked into an emotional void where he had no way to control his actions. That is until he heard a drink hit the ground behind him. When he turned around, he saw a very pissed off Brad turning to run after Nate, who had already burst into tears.

Talan angrily pushed Chase away. "Get the fuck off me!"

"Oh come on, baby. I'll make you forget all about him."

"I said get the fuck away from me!"

"Oh come on, what does he have that I don't?"

"My heart."

"Well, I don't need that to make you feel like a real man."

"Well in order to feel like a real man, I need a real man. If you were to grow some balls, wear some men's clothing, and toughen up, you might have a chance with me. However, that's only if I wasn't with Nate, and him and me are in it for the long haul. Sorry pal. You lose."

"I always get what I want, Talan."

Talan grabbed his own dick. "Except this." He turned to Mike. "Keep an eye on this little girl here. I gotta go get my man."

Talan ran out of the theater in pursuit of Nate. As soon as he got to the parking lot, he saw a Nate's car speeding away from the theater. He quickly pulled out his phone.

Talan: Natty, it was NOT what it looked like! Call me as soon as you get home or I am coming over. I love you!

Nathan wouldn't allow Brad go home with him. He wanted to wallow in his self pity. As soon as he dropped Brad off at his house, Brad got on his phone.

"Mike, you need to come over here now."

"Alright babe. The movie is about to start. I'll be over there right after it's done."

"No, you need to come over here now."

"But the movie..."

"Will be there tomorrow, Michael. Please come over."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few."

"Thanks. See you soon."

Brad hung up his phone and marched to his room. He knew Nate was very upset right now and that pissed him off. He wanted to find Talan and beat the shit out of him. That's why he called Mike. He wanted to find out all the details about what was going on with Chase and Talan. He knew that Mike would know.

About ten minutes later Mike was walking through Brad's bedroom door.

"Brad, I better be getting some grade A head because I already bought my ticket."

"Later. I just wanna know what the deal between Talan and Chase is."

"What deal? There is no deal."

"I call bullshit. I was at the theater too. I saw what happened."

"Babe, you and Nate didn't stay long enough. Talan rejected Chase. He wasn't subtle about it either. It was a straight up rejection."

"You promise?"

"I would never lie to you, Bradley."

"Two things. One, don't call me Bradley. Two, drop your pants."

I was sitting on the couch next to Tristan silently letting tears drip down my face. We weren't saying anything to each other, but his presence was doing wonders for me. I was just about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Well, in reality, it was a pounding.

Tristan got up and walked to the door. "What do you want?"

"Let me talk to him, Tristan."

"You've done enough, Talan. Don't ya think?"

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know I need you to get the fuck off my dad's property."

I heard what sounded like a bit of a struggle, and then Talan came waltzing into the room. He grabbed both sides of my face and forced me to look at him. "Nathan, it was not at all what it looked like."

"Really Talan? It wasn't you going to the movies to meet Chase?"

"No, I was meeting the guys from the team there. Chase just happened to be there. Honest."

"Well, y'all looked mighty cozy to me, Talan."

He let go of my face. "You know, I'm getting a little tired of this, Nathan. Here I am, completely innocent of any wrong doing, and yet I'm being treated like a criminal by the man I'm in love with. You need to get some help, Natty. I don't know what it is that makes you think I would ever want to cheat on you, but it is not normal."

"Oh, so now I'm crazy?"

"You've got some issues to work through, bud. That's all I'm saying. Go to the shrink, the one that helped you after the suicide attempt. If we are gonna be happy together, you gotta get your shit together."

"So you're breaking up with me?"

"God no! I'm telling you to get in touch with this shrink and get some help with your issues. I'll be right there with you every single step of the way."

"And what about Chase?"

"He can rot in hell for all I care. I got the man I want. It doesn't make much sense to trade a Mercedes for a Pinto, does it?"

I smiled at that. "You're so fucking corny."

"That's why you love me."

"I guess so."

"I know so."

Two days later, I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Talan's car on my way to Dr. Rowland's office. He specializes in suicide patients, but he willingly takes back all former clients. Being a former client, my dad was able to get me an appointment with him relatively quickly.

"So, you really think this will help me?"

"I think it will, babe. You need to work through your insecurities."

"I guess you're right. So, what are you gonna do while im in there?"

"Sit in the waiting room. I brought my laptop. I'll probably get on Facebook or something."

"Just don't get on that one site."

"Which one?"

"You know, the one with all the gay stories. The one that gets you so horny you start leaking."

"Oh, that one. I won't. I don't really feel like getting hard in public."

"Never thought I'd see the day when Talan Ivory didn't wanna get hard."

"Oh, I plan on getting hard, but only when I have you naked in my bed."

"I like the way that sounds."

"Good. We're here."

Talan parked the car, and, before I had a chance to protest, came to my side and opened the door for me.

"Talan, you don't have to play the role of Mr. Chivalry."

"When I have you with me, I'm gonna dote. Deal with it, pal."

I smiled. "You are such a dork."

He grabbed my hand and led me into the building. For the sake of my sanity, Talan turned to go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. We walked up the four flights of stairs and finally got to the floor with Dr. Rowland's office. I went to check in with his secretary, fully expecting some white haired lady. Boy was I wrong.

"Welcome to Dr. Rowland's office. Do you have an appointment?" The extremely handsome man behind the desk asked.

I saw his nameplate, and I addressed him by name when I replied. "Yes, Brandon. My name is Nathanial Quincy. I have a 12 o'clock appointment with him."

He glanced at a picture that I couldn't see with a love filled gaze. "Ah, yes. He has had me clear all of his appointments today for you, young man." He pressed a button on what looked to be an intercom or something. "Keith, Nathanial Quincy is here for his appointment."

"Send him in, Brandon."

Brandon smiled at me and pointed to a door a little away from his desk. I noticed he had on a wedding band. `Damn, we lost a good one to the dark side.' I thought to myself.

"Good afternoon, Nathanial. How are you feeling today?" Dr. Rowland asked me as I walked into his office.

"I'm feeling pretty good today."

"Great! So, where did you wanna start?"

"Well, I guess you could say I'm having some relationship problems, and they're my fault."

"Your fault? How so?"

"Alright, so I love Talan with all my heart, but I just know I'm not good enough for him. He's gonna cheat on me. I know it."

"Why aren't you good enough for him."

"For starters, I tried to kill myself."

"And when you were unsuccessful, who was the person who spent everyday at the hospital with you?"

"Talan did."

"So then we can rule out suicide as a reason you aren't good enough for him."

"Alright, but that's not the only thing. I mean, my mom doesn't even love me anymore. How can I expect someone who isn't even related to me to love me?"

"Does Talan say he loves you?"


"Has he ever given you a reason to believe he doesn't?"

"Not really."

"Then why is it so hard to believe that he does?"

"I don't know. I guess because he's way outta my league."

"What do you mean?"

"Talan is gorgeous. He's got a great body and a killer face. His personality is golden. I'm flawed beyond belief. He is too good for me."

"You're flawed?"

"Yes I am."

"How so?"

"I mean, my mother doesn't love me. I was orally raped. There is no way he could love me."

"Nathan, let me ask you a question. How did you feel when Talan told you he loved you for the first time?"

"I was in shock. I didn't believe it."

"And why's that?"

"I mean, I spent so long knowing that I could never have him. I even tried to kill myself because I knew we could never be together. Then, he goes and tells me he loves me the way I love him. It just seemed too fairytale."

"So, you're saying his love is too good to be true?"


"Well, then that means yours is, too."


"Well, from what I gather, you knew nothing of Talan's feelings until he expressed them to you, correct?"


"Did he know anything about yours?"


"Is your love for him too good to be true?"

"No! I love him with everything I am!"

"Then why is his love too good to be true?"

You know how in movies when people have those light bulb going off moments? That is what I had just experienced. After my "Aha!" moment, Dr. Rowland spent the next half hour telling me how to deal with my inner demons. The last thing he said sort of took me by surprise.

"Nathan, I believe the best thing for you right now is a solid, strong relationship. With that said, I have a recommendation for you."

"Alright. Let's hear it."

"Okay, I think you and Talan should abstain from any further sexual activity. While it may be fun and exciting, it could possibly be obstructing the healthy development of your relationship. You are both hormonal, I understand that, but you are more emotionally fragile that Talan is. I feel like you believe that he will stay with you if you reduce things to a sexual level. The commitment is there, Nathan. You need to take the time to work with Talan and strengthen it. I am not telling you to wait forever, but I am saying wait until you are completely ready."

"Doc, we are ready."

"Tell me, Nathanial, have you had anal intercourse with Talan yet?"

I blushed immensely. I looked down at the floor and mumbled a weak no.

"And why is that?"

"We wanna wait."

"Are you waiting for any particular reason?"

"Until we both know..."

"Know what?"

"Th..that we're ready..."

"My point exactly. If you were ready for intercourse, or any form of sex, you would have done it all now. You need to give your relationship time to grow and mature. When it's where it needs to be, sex will seem like the only logical next step."

I stood and smiled. "Thank you doctor. You helped a lot."

"That's what I'm here for," he said with a smile.

I almost walked out his door when I remembered I had left my jacket. I turned around to get it, and I noticed the picture frame on his desk. It was a picture of him, Brandon, and a little boy standing around a cake. There was a banner in the background that read, "Happy 8th Birthday TK" I looked at Dr. Rowland.

"Who's little boy is this?"

"Mine. His name is Trevor Konnors, but we call him TK"

"Why is Brandon in the picture?"

"Take a good look at it."

I looked back at the picture, and that's when I noticed it. Dr. Rowland and Brandon had their fingers intertwined on top of TK's head. Then I noticed that they both had on wedding bands.

"Is Brandon your husband?"

"For about 10 years now."

I smiled. "You guys makes a nice couple."

"Thank you."

I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. Talan was waiting for me. I went over to him, pulled him into me, and gave him a kiss. "Take me home, babe. We need to talk."


As we were walking out, I turned to Brandon. "You cleared his schedule and I'm done. Go get him!"

"So, let me get this straight. The doctor helped clear your mind of all your problems, but then said we shouldn't have sex?"

"First off, he didn't clear the problems. He has helped me see them in a new light. I think I can work on overcoming them. That is, if you're willing to help me."

"I'll be here every step of the way, Natty. Now, back to this sex thing."

I laughed. "That's how I was, too. But it sorta made sense after he explained it to me."

"Well then, enlighten me."

"Okay. Why haven't we made love, yet?"

"Because we wanna wait."

"Why do we wanna wait?"

"Because we aren't ready for that step yet."

"Exactly. The doc said that if we can identify that we aren't ready for one aspect of a sexual relationship, then we really aren't ready for any aspect of it. He says that I'm using sex as we do it now as a way to make sure you stay with me."

"That's ridiculous. No you aren't."

I bit my lip. "Well..."

"What? Nathan, you're kidding, right?"

"Well, the other day, I kinda gave you a blow job to try and keep you from going to the movies."


"Because Chase was gonna be there. I know it's stupid thinking about it now, but then it made perfect sense to me."

He grabbed my face in his hands. "Listen, I love you with all my heart. I want to spend my life with you and, hopefully, a house full of kids. You didn't have to blow me to keep me here. You could have just asked nicely."

"But blowing you was fun for me, too, but now do you see the stock in what the doctor said?"

"Yes, I do. I will be more than willing to go along with it, as long as it means I get to spend loads of time with you."

"Hey, spending time with my guy? I'm down with that."

"Well then, how about a date?"

"Sounds like a plan. Where we going?"

"Anywhere you wanna go, Natty."

"Ice skating!"

"You know, if you weren't so damn cute, I'd slap ya. Why ice skating?"

"Well, I thought it was kinda a romantic thing. I mean, guys and girls always do it on dates in movies."

"Nathan, baby, we have gotta stop letting you watch so many movies. What kinda dates do two guys go on in movies?"

"I don't really know. I guess we could go eat and go to a movie or bowling or something."

"We'll figure something out. Let's go."

"Daddy," Tristan said as he walked in to his father's study, "can we talk?"

"Sure, Tris. What's up?"

"It's about the baby. It's getting closer and closer to the due date, and honestly, I'm nervous as hell."

"Well, son, that's to be expected. I was pretty much in the exact same spot you're in now when you were on the way. Except instead of talking to my father, all I had was my momma. I guess I can tell you what she told me."

"Did it help you?"

"Well, considering the two fine boys I raised, I'd say it did."

"Okay, well let's hear it."

"Alright. Raising a child is never an easy thing. No parent is perfect and there is no sense in trying to be. You be the best parent you know how to be, and raise your son like you were raised. Be there to comfort him when he is sad and to celebrate with him when he is happy. Show him respect when he does something good and correct him when he does something bad. Most importantly, love him. Never let a day go by without him hearing you say you love him. Raising a child is the most important thing you will ever do in your life, and I'll be here to help you every step of the way."

"Damn, Grandma said all that?"

"Yup. She sure did."

"So, that's why you always told us you loved us, even when we were getting in trouble."

"No, I told you because I do love you. That and the fact that what kid is gonna act up when there parent gets on to them by telling them how important they are?"

"Good point. Thanks daddy. I feel a little better now."

"Good. Is there anything else?"

"Well, I'm kinda nervous about raising the baby without a mother."

"Well son, I haven't been doing it for long, but I can say as long as you love your children, it's easy."

"I guess, but I mean, even though mom is a shitty person, at least we had a mom around."

"Language, Tristan. You're never too old for an ass whoopin from your father so watch your mouth, and your brother is going to be raising a child with Talan. There is not going to be a mother figure in that household."

"But Audi has always been good with kids. I mean, he does wanna be a teacher. Also, there are gonna be two parents. I don't know if I'm cut out for single parenthood."

"Tristan, you can do anything son. You already have your foot in the door when it comes to a successful career. You are my best renovator right now. It won't be long before you're moving out of my house. Just remember, that just because you are single now, that doesn't mean you will always be single. Also, you are now, and will always be, my baby boy. If you ever need anything, I'm here to help."

Tristan got up and hugged his father. "Thanks, Daddy. I think I'm gonna go shopping for my little guy some more."

"I'll come with you. I know another little one that is gonna need some stuff."

"Audi and Talan haven't been shopping for the baby?"

"They are afraid to do it until the know the sex. Since we didn't know your sex, your mother and I became skilled at shopping unisex."

"Y'all didn't know my sex?"

"We chose not to. We wanted to be surprised. It made it more special."

"I reckon you're right, but I am glad I know I'm having a little boy. Come on, let's go."

"Tori, there is no way Chase is good enough to be on the team. He may have good tumbling passes, but his stunts are pathetic. He can't even hold up a girl in a two man base."

"He could be a flyer."

"There is no way. He's got 30 pounds on Misso. And there is not a chance in hell that I'm going to be his stunt partner."

"Nathan, come on, we need him."

"Why is that?"

"He is the only guy that tried out that can do a standing full."

"It's not a true standing full because he does a step out."

"Well, I don't see you doing one at all."

"That's because you never asked me to."

"Oh, so you can do one?"

"Yes I can."

"Well, if you can do a standing full right now with no step out then we won't put Chase on the team."

That was all the motivation I needed. I stood up and walked a little ways away from Tori. I took a deep breath and did a count off in my head. When I exhaled, I bent my knees, pushed off the ground as hard as I could, and twisted my body around in the air while doing a flip. I landed without a stumbled. I looked at Tori with a smirk on my face. "Chase is out."

"Okay, okay, you win. Chase is out."

"Good. Now, let's finalize the list and get it approved. I have plans to meet Talan before first block."

Brad, Mike, Talan, and I were sitting on the grass by the field with some of the guys from the football team talking when I heard someone scream my name. I looked around and saw who it was.

"What do you want?"

"What the fuck, Nathan?! Why didn't I make the team?"

"You just weren't good enough, Chase. It's as simple as that," I said while standing up.

"What the fuck...that's bullshit! I have the best damn tumbling out of anyone who tried out. I'm better than you."

"That's where you're wrong, and I proved that to my co-captain."

"I'm going above your head on this one. Coach Espinoza will agree with me on this one."

"We already got her approval on it. You lose this time."

Before I knew what happened, I felt a sting in my cheek. "Did you just slap me?"

"Yeah I did. You gonna hit me back, pussy?"

"My father always told me not to hit girls."

He slapped me again. "Who you calling a girl, bitch?"

By that point, I was fed up with him. "You!"

He slapped me again. "Well, I'm sure showing you right now."

"Well, let me show you how a man hits!" I clenched my fist and punched Chase as hard as I could in the nose. When I heard the crack, I cringed with a smile on my face.

Chase's hands shot instantly to his nose which was starting to bleed. "You bastard! You broke my fucking nose! I'll report you!"

"Self-defense you little bitch. You hit me first, and I have witnesses."

I watched as he ran off crying. I thought my day couldn't get any better, and then I saw something hilarious. In his retreat, Chase failed to look where he was going, and he ran right into the path of a few guys during their track practice. One guy ran into him, knocking him down, and before the other two could stop, they stepped on him. I fell over laughing. Looking back on it now, I regret the way I treated Chase, but I had to protect my territory.

I fell to the ground laughing, and Talan came and wrapped his arms around me. "So, you sure you wanna stick with this no sex thing? Cause I gotta say, I am so turned on by you right now."

I turned around and straddled his lap. "You ready for me to fuck you? I'll do it here and now, in front of everyone. If you're ready." With that, I licked his ear.

"Shit, I'm ready! So fucking ready!"

I gently bit his ear before I whispered, "Sorry, I'm not."

He playfully pushed me. "Cock tease!" He said with a laugh.

That's when I noticed that everyone sitting with us was watching us. When I started to climb off his lap, Brad spoke up. "Oh, don't mind us. We were just enjoying the show."

I blushed, stood up fast, made an excuse, and bolted away from them. I had managed to embarrass myself pretty badly, and I just needed to get away from them to calm myself down and regain my composure. I walked down to the school, and started to walk to the bus porch. I almost turned the corner when I heard talking. I stopped walking, but my nosey nature got the best of me, so I stood and listened in.

"Stacy, I don't think this is gonna work out."

"What the hell, Matt? We can make it work."

"I miss Brad, Stacy."

"Well, Brad and Mike are together. You are never gonna get him back."

"I know, but you can't give me everything that Brad could."

"They make strap-ons Matt. I could buy one."


It was all too much for me and I had to let out a laugh. Of course, they heard me. "Who's there?!" They said in unison.

I revealed myself to them. "Were you spying on us, Nathan?" Stacy asked me with a scowl.

"Now why would I want to waste myself on the school's trash?"

"You better watch yourself, Nathan. You don't know who you're messing with."

"Last I remember, Mattie boy, I punched you."

"Well, what about me then, Nathan? You didn't punch me!"

"You know, I still don't know why Brad dropped the charges on you, you crazy bitch!"

"Is that anyway to talk to your best friend, Nathan?"

"Former, and you were just my best girl friend. Brad and Talan are my true best friends."

"Ouch. I think I'll cry," Stacy said with mock sadness.

"You know, you two are pathetic."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Matt, you're pathetic because you want something you had but threw away. Brad had some pretty strong feelings for you, and you went and threw all of that back in his face. The fact that you want him back is hilarious. As if he would ever leave Mike for you. Unlike you, Matt, when Brad develops feelings for someone, he likes to keep himself for that person only. You don't have a chance with him. Now you, Stacy, are worse than him. After everything you went through with Mike, to cheat on him is bad enough, but then to stab the person he moved on with, that's just disgusting. I honestly can't say I ever expected you to do something like that. Now to say that you would buy a strap-on to try and keep your man happy, that's fucking ridiculous and sad. He'll never be happy with you not because your missing a penis, but because you are missing compassion for people that you call friends. That's why you two deserve each other. You're both fucking pathetic."

"Nathan, what the hell has gotten into you?!"

"What's gotten into me? How about my mother leaving because I'm gay, being terrified that my best friend was gonna die because my former best girl friend stabbed him, and just in general having to deal with people's bullshit on a day to day basis. I'm not gonna let people walk all over me anymore. It's time for a fresh start."

Stacy walked a little closer to me. "Look, Nate, we're sorry for what we've done to all you guys. We just want to have y'all as friends again."

"Sorry? The time for sorry passed a while ago Stacy. We've moved on to the forget stage. As in forget you and Matt ever existed."

"Dude, that's cold." Matt said.

"Almost as cold as cheating on your boyfriends. That's one thing about a cheater. In a friendship or a relationship, if they are willing to cheat, who knows what else they are capable of. I for one will not allow myself or my friends to be around people like that. Is there anything you wanted to say?"

"Yeah. I just wan..." Stacy started, but I cut her off.

"Oh, that's right. I just remembered that I don't give a shit what you two say! Have a good life together." I turned, and started to walk off. I then turned back around. "Remember to get a rubber strap-on Stacy. You're allergic to silicon." I busted out laughing as I turned around and walked off.

I couldn't get over the audacity of those two. However, the thing I had the most trouble grasping was my new attitude. Sure, I had told myself that I was gonna change before, but something always happened before that change took place. That time, I felt myself actually transitioning into a new mindset. I was no longer going to let people walk all over me. It was time to take charge of my own destiny. I had been taking charge of quite a few things that day, and it felt damn good. I was thriving in my newly found attitude, and I was finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.

I was walking to my car when I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and saw Patrick running my way.

"Pat! What's up, dude?"

"It's my brother, man. He wants you to come visit him."


"He said he wants to talk things out with you. Own up to his crimes face to face with his victim."

"Is that how he views me? As his victim? Fuck that, Patrick."

"Nate, he said he really wants to do this. He has done a real 360 since he's been in there, man."

"It's barely been a month since he got sentenced, Patrick."

"I know, but I also know my brother. He's changed a lot already, and he's still changing. Just think about it?"

"I'll consider it, but I'm not making any promises."

"That's all I ask. Listen, I'm having a little get together this weekend. Talan already knows about it, but I wanted to extend your invitation myself. You coming?"

"I'll be there, man. I need to bring anything?"

"Your iPod. You have the best music out of all of us."

I laughed. "Alright man. I'll be there."

"Awesome. I'll catch ya later."


I got in my car, and started driving home. The whole way there, I couldn't help but think about Patrick's request. Sure, I had forgiven Kellen, but that didn't mean I was ready to face him. Forgive is the easy part. It's the forget that I was having hang ups on. I had a lot of thinking to do, and I knew that only one person could make this decision, me. That didn't mean that I couldn't ask for help from an outside party. I parked my car in the garage and walked in the house. I immediately sought out help for my conundrum.

"Aunt Jackie! You here?"


Author's Note

Let me first start by saying that while I appreciate everyone's opinion, it is first and foremost my story. That means that while I will take suggestions into consideration, I may not use them. Please don't be offended. Now, on to the story, so I know it may seem like Nate is changing rather rapidly, but his new attitude isn't necessarily set in stone. His Aha moment isn't going to be short lived, but he is going to have to fight to maintain that way of thinking.

In terms of Chase, say what you will to me, but I enjoy the fact that Nate punched him. It made me smile while writing it, and I hope I garnered a similar reaction from you while reading it. In reality, people like Chase do exist, and the only they are out there for is to attempt to be home wrecking sluts.

Anywho, until next time.

Lots of Love,


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