Secondary School Boy

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 9, 2007



Secondary School Boy by justjames17.

I was waiting for the bus to go and collect my car after having it repaired and stood at the stop grumbling to myself about having to stand there freezing my bum off when I noticed him. He was walking up the footpath on the opposite side of the road towards the pedestrian lights while my eyes followed him hungrily. He was short and stocky with dark brown curly hair, a cherubic face and was wearing his dark blue school tracksuit, which accentuated his full round arse and the tight little bulge in his crotch between his legs as he walked carrying his heavy back pack of books and stuff.

I watched as he stopped at the lights pressing the button to trigger the crossing lights, he stood there shrugging his quite broad young shoulders trying to ease the heavy weight on his back. The lights signaled him to cross and he set off the wide road hurrying to cross before the lights changed again, I watched the way his pants moved about his bulge and decided he was wearing briefs as his basket was so tight. He arrived at the stop and dumped his back pack on the ground and stretched, he looked at me and noticed I was watching him, his cute pink lips stretched and the corners lifted as he smiled at me.

My heart bounced like a beach ball in my chest as his bright smile lit up the gray day, he nodded to me and I smiled automatically back at him as my mind stripped him naked. He spoke, "G'day it's a bit chilly isn't it?"

I nodded tongue tied at his cute voice, neither the high pitch of youth nor the deeper tone indicating he was fully matured, he was a perfect teen and I guessed he was around 16 although his smooth unblemished features made it difficult to judge accurately. He stood there squirming a little then his hand went down inside his pants and he adjusted him self while his eyes locked on mine, I had to look down to see him making his genitals comfortable. He grinned impishly when he saw me watching his fumbling hand and he sort of squeezed himself pushing everything against the light material of his pants, his tight bulge was fully visible and I felt my own cock throbbing and growing. I looked up into his keen brown eyes and saw a knowing glint as he smiled at me and sort of blushed coyly before he said softly, "Do you like what you see mate?"

I nodded realising this lad knew exactly what was going through my mind; he knew I was very interested in his sexuality. I stood hands in pockets to disguise my now bone hard tool, he shuffled his feet nervously looking about the street as a mob of his school mates came roaring around the corner chiacking and messing about as the hurried towards the bus stop. He picked up his backpack and moved closer to where I was standing till he was almost pressed against me as the bus approached and rumbled to a halt. He and I were first on board as the press of his mates pushed us into the vehicle, I had to buy a ticket while he put his student pass into the validating machine. This gave him the opportunity to rub against me in the crush as I pushed my ticket into the machine after him, we moved down the bus aisle and stood near the rear door, as the seats were already full.

The crush increased as the rowdy milling mob of schoolboys crammed into the bus squashing us together tightly, I felt his warm young body rubbing on mine as the bus jerked into motion. His hot crotch was against my hand in my pocket and he seemed to be deliberately rubbing his hard little package on my hand, it felt unbelievably hot and firm and I wondered if it was as hard as mine certainly was. He looked up into my eyes smiling and his hand strayed down and onto my fly where it groped my hard on firmly, I took a gasping breath while my erection throbbed at his touch, he grinned mischievously and rubbed up and down my stiffy.

I was close to exploding, just his close proximity was a huge turn on but to have this little raver actually playing with my excited meat was too much. I moved my hand in my pocket to push it between his and my boner, he frowned slightly and moved around facing away from me but pressing his tight firm little butt against me. My hand was on his crack and I felt how firm and tight his muscular little bum was as the bus lurched and swayed along the road. He might be short in stature but his young body was like a Greek God, I was entranced at his fit young muscles and sexy good looks.

We rocked and rolled into the huge shopping centre where many got off including us as I had to change buses to continue my trip, the boys scattered in all directions but he stayed by my side and looking down I could see his dick pointing out in his pants, he was as stiff as a steel spike. He looked at me and said softly, "I need to go and take a leak do you want to come with me? I'm Ron by the way what's your name?"

I nodded and replied that I was called James then he took off into the entrance of the centre, I tagged along behind him in the crowd as he went down the escalators into the lower area, he headed towards the Target store and turned right moving down a passageway towards the toilets with me right behind him. We entered the brightly lit toilet area and after checking out it was empty he led me to the last cubical where we entered closing and locking the door. He dropped his backpack and began undoing my zipper, he was very proficient at the task and I thought to myself that he wasn't a beginner. He had my trousers and briefs puddled on my sneakers in a flash and was immediately rubbing his cherubic face against my rigid rod in the blink of an eye.

I groaned in bliss as he took my knob into his molten moist mouth while driving me insane with his quick little tongue, he dug the moist tip into my foreskin rubbing on my so touchy drooling knob while his hands played with my tight balls. I knew I couldn't last long as I clutched his curly head in my hands holding him steady as I began driving my dick in and out of his throat. He gagged a little as I thrust hard don his gullet filling his throat, the sensation of that warm silky flesh on my nerve laden cock head dragged me to the brink and with a strangled gurgling I fired off spurt after spurt of thick juicy jiz into the hungry little horn dog's stomach while he squeezed my squirming nads firmly in his hands.

My climax finished caused my knees to wobble as he gently turned me around to rest my hands on the cool tiled wall above the toilet. He licked his lips and I felt his warm hands on my quivering arse cheeks, his warm breath moist on my crack, I shuddered intensely as the thought of what he might do surged through my whole being. I heard him whisper softly, "What a hot bum so muscular and sexy."

He kissed each cheek and I groaned deep in my chest, he giggled quietly then licked my crack teasingly, my whole body jerked at the feel as that wet warm appendage slid down my crevice. I slid my feet apart further to open my rear end for his attention and he sighed happily then his hands parted my firm buttocks opening me so he could see my puckered sphincter. His warm breath seemed to sear my flesh as he bent closer studying my tight twat, I felt a finger trace its way from my tail bone down my crack till it rubbed on my hole causing me to quiver and grunt.

His face pressed between my buttocks and that adventurous wet member licked my sweaty flesh then centred on my rear end teasing and poking my entrance. This confirmed that the lad was no novice he was well versed in all sexual delights and certainly knew how to turn a guy on. His next move after eating my arse was to stand close and rub his engorged dick on my wet twitching muscle, I moaned, "Do it, come on stick it to me."

He did just that and I gasped as his fat hard dick pierced my ring, he was not small in the erection department even though he was small in stature. His erection broke through my defences stretching my chute incredibly, I hadn't taken cock in a while and his was a real weapon. He surged into my rectum I groaned loudly then bit my hand to stop myself as I heard someone enter the toilet area. Ron paused in his thrusting but I could feel his woody pulsing inside me and feel his heart pounding as he leant on my back hugging me tightly and sucked the flesh over my shoulder blade. We heard the person piss and wash his hands before drying them under the hand dryer, then the door opened and closed again, Ron began slamming his cum cannon in and out of my ravaged rear. I was grunting and groaning dementedly as he panted and dribbled on my back, his meaty young tool slid in and out of my hole as he long dicked me expertly never missing a beat until he came close to his own climax when he lost all rhythm and just began ramming into my bum.

His hard hot horn throbbed crazily, swelling as he ground his soft pubes into my tender bum, Ron was about to deluge my innards with his tasty teen sperm and this he did in no uncertain terms. His tool throbbed and spurted driving his wrigglers deep inside my colon as he gasped groaned and humped with lust. My own cock instantly sprayed its second load out onto the toilet seat below. It was incredibly sexy to feel his teen tossle discharging up my chute and driving my sperm out all over the place. We stayed locked together till our ardour cooled and our brains returned from that hazy haven our minds retreat into after a totally fulfilling sexual delight.

Ron stirred his stump in my squishy arse as he kissed my sweaty back then ran his wondrous tongue down my spine sending a shiver throughout my being. His warm breath huffed on my flesh as he spoke softly, "That was totally awesome, did you enjoy it as much as I did James?"

I nodded sighing my pleasure as he licked me again and again; my flesh twitched shivering as tiny goose bumps rose on my smooth body. I loved this young lad he had pleasured himself but totally delighted me whilst doing what he enjoyed, I wanted to continue our relationship but feared to say so in case I frightened him off. Suddenly I felt his love pole slip from my slick ring leaving me devastated and deserted, he sighed in frustration and whispered softly, "James I wonder if you might meet me again one day?"

I felt my heart throb and swell, Ron wanted to get together again this was incredible to hear this youthful sixteen year old wanting to get back with me a 21 year old. I turned my face to look at him cuddling to my back, his warmth shared with me, I looked into his soft but so warm brown eyes and smiled, "You sure about that Ron, do you really wish to meet up again?"

He nodded kissing my back as his hands slid down my muscular belly to cup around my limp deflated genitals, he grinned and replied, "Oh yeah I really enjoyed our fun together I've only had sex with boys my age but you are a man and that is something else."

I smiled and told him that I lived right near his school and he could pop in after school or even at lunchtime if he could get away. He grinned and eagerly replied, "What if I come round at lunchtime and after school as well?"

I chuckled and replied, "As often as you'd like you randy young rake, I doubt I could get too much of you in my life."

He giggled and replied, "Next time I want you to root me as well, I really want to feel that log of yours forced up my bum and feel it fill me with your cum."

We stood up I gave him my address and phone number then I cleaned his sticky dick by sucking him into my mouth, licking and tasting his juices blended with my own in a delicious cocktail, Ron whimpered softly as he caressed my mussed hair then he took a handful of toilet paper to clean my dribbling hole. Once we were clean we tidied our clothes and walked out and made our way to the bus terminal to catch our transport.

We stood side by side chatting until his bus appeared, he gave my hand a squeeze saying bye and stepped aboard the bus, I waved goodbye as it left on its journey and sadly waited for my bus to appear. I wondered if Ron would contact me again but only time would tell.

The end.

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