Second Chances

By moc.loa@adnaPneerrG

Published on Jul 11, 2007


This is a work of fiction involving explicit sex between two women. If this type of thing offends you, or if you are under 18, or if reading this breaks any law where you are...DO NOT PROCEED!!

My first day in California was tough. I was jumping through hoops trying to keep this client. I wanted to get done so that I could get back home. I was sitting on the balcony of the hotel looking at the lights of Los Angeles when my cell phone rang. It was DJ.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"You could have called me. I would have went out there with you."

"There was no need. Besides, you have a wife at home."

"So, you have Sara," she came back with. "How did it go, did Joel screw up that bad?"

"Yeah, he did. I don't know what he was thinking. But another day or so I should have it all taken care of. It's not like I had all the things that I need at my fingertips, I actually have to wait for things out here."

"You are spoiled," DJ laughed. "What time is it there?"

"It's about 6pm. So that what, puts you at 10pm right?"

"Yeah, well I hear Stephanie calling for me. I better go. Take it easy." After DJ hung up I dialed Sara's number.

"Hey stranger, I thought that you forgot all about me," she said when she answered the phone.

"Well Hello to you too. I forgot about the time difference. Sorry for calling so late."

"You can call me anytime. I don't care what time it is. So how did your first day go?"

"It went okay, but I sure could use a back rub about now." Among other things, I thought to myself.

"I would love to give you one. So its what 6 there?"

"Yeah, I am waiting on room service. How was your day?"

"It was okay, dinner was lonely by myself."

"What are you wearing?"

"Nothing, I am laying in bed."

"Can I join you? I like the picture that you are giving me."

"Oh, and just what would you do if you were here?" Sara's voice had turned husky.

"Does this count as sex? We are on the phone and I am three thousand miles away."

"Just tell me what you would do if you were here."

"I would first start kissing your neck, and then behind your know that spot that I found...I like what happens when I do that...I would move my hands to caress your breast and pinch your nipples which should be hard by now...Tell me Sara are your nipples hard?" I whispered softly.

"Uh-huh...keep going..." She sounded winded already.

"Tell me, do you have a vibrator?"


"Get it." I waited for her to get it. I could hear her rustling around her table beside the bed. Then she got quiet. "Got it?"

"Yesss." She hissed.

"Good. Now put it down beside you. Wet your fingers and rub them on your nipples. I wish I could blow cool breath on them and make them even harder..." I heard her moan. "Move your hand down your have such smooth skin...I would love to be trailing wet kisses down you..."

"Casey..." She moaned.

"What do you want? You want me to suck on that nice and tasty clit of yours? Is that what you want? Sara you taste so good...move your hand down to see how wet you are...Are you wet Sara?"

"Oohhh, god....please." She was begging.

"Dip your finger inside you...Rub it over your clit...imagine my tongue doing that for you...Pick up your vibrator and slip it inside you...and turn it on....Does it feel good?"


"Pull it back out...and leave it out."

"What? Casey...."


"Casey please..."

"What do you want Sara?"

"I want to come...please help me."

"Push it back in...Take your other hand and rub your fingers over your clit..." I could hear her breathing getting ragged. "Harder it faster...oh yeah I can tell you're getting close...let it go...let me hear it..."


"That's it...faster Sara."

"Ahhh...fuck," she screamed out.

"Sara...are you okay?" I asked. The phone had just gotten real quiet.

"Yes." She answered in just barely a whisper. "Let me catch my breath."

"Okay." I heard the knock on the door. Perfect timing. I answered and let the man in. I signed for it and gave him a tip.

"Casey you are very bad. In a good way." She laughed.

"Well I do try. It sounds like you had fun."

"Oh, I did. Now why don't you get naked and let me have my way with you."

"Maybe next time. That was for you. I will go take a cold shower." I heard a beep in my ear. "Damn cell's going dead."

" will call me tomorrow and I don't care what time it is." She said.

"I will...Goodnight Sara."

"Goodnight Casey."

I sat around for the next hour or so, just trying to kill time. I should be used to being by myself. I have done it for the last year. It should be nothing new. I just chalked it up to being in a different city. I kept thinking back to the times that I had shared with Sara over the past couple weeks. I was enjoying myself, there was no doubt about that. She was an easy person to be around, and certainly not hard on the eyes. The thought of her lying in her bed naked and playing with herself was enough to give me chill bumps. I decided to take a cold shower, and then try to get some sleep.

The next day was a bitch. Nothing was going right. Everyone was canceling on me.

"Why the fuck can't this go right," I muttered to myself. By the time I got back to my room it was 10pm LA time. I knew that I couldn't call Sara now, so I sent her an e-mail and ordered some flowers to be delivered to her the next day. It was the least I could do. As I sat there in the chair on the balcony I realized that I missed her. I was somewhat scared by the revelation. >From there it wouldn't be too long before other emotions set in. I convinced myself to keep trying. After a cold shower and dinner I fell asleep.

The next day was better. I got an e-mail back from Sara. She got the flowers and loved them. She told me not to worry about not calling her, that she understood that I was busy and that I needed to hurry up and come back home. Everything after that seemed to work in my favor. I might even get a flight out first thing in the morning. That afternoon I took the time to call Sara at lunch.

"Hey baby," she answered the phone.

"Hey yourself. How are you?"

"Better now that I have heard your voice. When are you coming back?"

"Maybe tomorrow morning. Things look like they have settled down here."

"What time so I know when to pick you up?"

"I am not sure yet. I can take a cab. I know that you have appointments."

"I will clear my schedule to pick you up." She laughed. It was good to hear her do that.

"I will call you later today and let you know. Maybe we can do that movie tomorrow night. I think that I want to skip Clearwater this weekend. I have had enough traveling for now."

"Whatever you want. And I would love to watch that with you. Call me later."

"Ok, talk to ya then."

Four hours later I was putting a wrap on the photo shoot. I was done. I called the airline and got the first flight out. Next I called Sara to let her know, but I had to leave a message.

"Casey...Casey. Over here." I heard Sara calling for me. She was waving her arms in the air.

"Hey there you are..." I couldn't finish my sentence because she had jumped into my arms and was kissing me, like she hadn't seen me in years. I held her and kissed her back. I had to admit that I missed kissing her and holding her and all that other stuff that went with it.

"Welcome home," she said as she broke the kiss.

"It's good to be back... Now let's get out of here. Did you like using the car this week?"

"I sure did. Stephanie gave me what for though. She was a little surprised. Made me take her to lunch everyday. I don't know why she won't get herself one of these if she loves it so much."

"She says that it's more of a treat to go for a ride in mine and that it wouldn't be such fun if she drove one everyday."

"I know. I had all the girls looking at me."

"So you used my car to pick up other chicks huh? That's rough. I was only gone three days."

"I said looking at me, I didn't say they were with me." She laughed. I was having fun teasing her like that.

"I need a nap. I am so tired. I worked until after midnight last night to get this stuff done."

"Casey, why didn't you take another day," she asked.

"Because I have a date with you tonight. I didn't want to miss it." As I said it I realized that it was the truth. I wanted to get back to spend time with her.

"It would have been okay. I understand that you have work to do." Sara was smiling really big.

"Yeah, but then I would have missed that smile right there."

"You are so sweet!"

"I try." We pulled into her drive and I shut off the car.

"Are you coming in? You can take a nap here. I will leave you alone."

"If you're sure that it's no trouble."

"At least you won't be late for your date tonight. By the way what do you want for dinner?"

"Anything is fine with me."

"Okay, well while you are sleeping maybe I will run out to the store and pick up some things, like popcorn for the movie."

Over the next few weeks we fell into a pattern. After work it was either to my house or hers for the night. We would watch movies or just sit and talk. We were still trying to not have sex. It was difficult and neither of us brought up the phone call that we shared when I was in Los Angeles. I had also started working from home a little more. It was good for me to relax. I realized that the firm could handle me being away. I didn't need to be there 24 hours a day. I was spending more and more time with Sara. I was sitting there at my desk one Friday working or rather trying to work. My mind kept drifting to Sara. I decided to take a break. As I sat back in my chair the picture on the corner of my desk caught my attention. I picked it up and looked at it for a while. I knew that one day I was going to need to put it away. Sara had started to spend a lot more time here. I knew the picture was a sore spot. I also knew that I needed to try to move on. My feelings for Sara had grown. I had gotten very, very attached. Opening the top drawer I put the photo in it. That's about as good as it was going to get for now. I sat there for another hour or so just staring off into space. I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to hear Sara's voice.

"Hey sweetie." She answered the phone.

"Hey yourself, what ya doing for lunch?" I asked.

"Hopefully I get to have lunch with a very sexy woman."

"Who is she? Do I know her?"

"What time are you going to pick me up?" she laughed.

"How about an hour or so?"

"Wonderful, I can't wait to see you," she said in a husky voice. "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm thinking that we need to have a talk."

"Oh, what about?" By the way she said it I knew that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I'll see ya in an hour or so." After I hung up, I went and took another cold shower.

An hour later I pulled up to the front entrance just in time to see Sara walking out. She had on a soft pink polo shirt and Levi's that fit every curve perfectly. I watched her slip on her sunglasses as she got closer to the car. She got in the car and leaned over to kiss me. I didn't want the kiss to end. I wanted her. She sat back, put her seatbelt on and pulled her hair back.

"Hmmm...I am having lunch with a sexy woman," she said as she grabbed my hand and her eyes traveled over me. I was wearing old faded Levi's and a white tee shirt, with flip-flops. "Oh, by the way the girls are joining us, hope you don't mind."

"OK, where are we going?" I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't have her to myself. She told me where to go. After we got there and I parked the car I turned to her.

"You ok Casey, you were quiet all the way over here?"

"Yeah, I am sorry, I was hoping to have you to myself for a while." I leaned over to kiss her.

"You can have me all to yourself tonight." She leaned back in to kiss me. She tried to pull away but I used my hand to keep her there, and deepened the kiss.

"Hey you two need to get a room." That could only be from DJ.

"I'm trying," I said, watching Sara's eyes get big, and then relax. She gave me a smile.

All through lunch she sat close to me and had her hand on my thigh most of the time. Occasionally she would start to rub it up and down. I had to stop her. I leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Gotta stop that, you are killing me here." She laughed. I didn't think it was that funny. After I paid the check and told DJ and Stephanie that we would see them tomorrow I drove Sara back to work. Instead of dropping her off at the front entrance I parked. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I am glad you thought that was funny back there."

"I was trying to get you in the mood," she said.

"I have been in the mood for the past month...I don't know how many more cold showers I can take." I was holding her hand and rubbing her palm with the thumb.

"I can't wait anymore either. I want you so bad," she said to me barely above a whisper. I pulled her in for a kiss.

"How about we do dinner tonight?" I asked.

"Let me run by the house after work and I will be right over. Now I have to get back to work, I have a group in ten minutes." She started to get out of the car but I caught her hand and pulled her in for another kiss.

"Ok, I will see ya later." I watched her walk into the office. My god what an ass! Shaking my head, I answered my cell phone. "Hello?"

"So what's going on between you two," Stephanie asked.

"I have no idea."

"I watched you two from up here in my look like you are enjoying yourself."

"I am. Stephanie I'm scared."

"Do you love her?"

"I care."

"Please be careful, I don't want to see either one of you get hurt."

"Neither do I."

A few hours later I was all ready for Sara. I had cooked Lasagna and had French bread ready to be put in the oven. The table had candles, and I had some soft music going in the background. Sara had called and said that it would be about seven when she got there. At ten of, I started pacing. My hands were sweating and I was a nervous wreck. Tonight was going to be different. I knew that we were going to make love, not just have sex. I had gone and let my feelings get involved. I wasn't entirely comfortable with this. I know that Sara loves me, I can see it in her eyes. She wouldn't let it show too long before she would hide it.

I heard Sara pull up. I waited until she knocked on the door to open it. And as soon as I did I had the wind knocked out of me. I didn't think that it was possible for her to be any more beautiful than she was right now. I held out my arms and she walked into them turning her face up to accept my kiss. I moved us further into the house and was trying to shut the door and not break the kiss. It wasn't working, so I had to pull away. She started laughing at my inability to do both.

"So much for being smooth," I muttered. She laughed even more.

"I don't care if you are smooth or not. I thought that you were ordering out? That smells wonderful."

"I cooked. I made lasagna and a salad. Would you like something to drink," I asked as I turned toward the kitchen. I could hear her sigh as she saw the table.

"I would like a Coke. You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me."

"It was no trouble. It looks all done, are you ready to eat?"

"Oh yeah, I am ready to eat." Her eyes were full of lust and desire. After the meal I asked if she wanted dessert. I watched her get up and come toward me. I shifted in the chair so that I was facing her. She sat down in my lap facing me, her legs straddling me. She cupped my face in her hands and traced my lips with her tongue, coaxing me into a kiss. I deepened the kiss by sucking her tongue into my mouth, and then plunged my tongue into her mouth. When the kiss ended she whispered in my ear.

"Casey, take me to bed and make love to me." I looked at her for reassurance. I saw pure desire in her eyes. I stood up taking her with me. She wrapped her legs around me when I placed my hands on her ass and started walking to the bedroom. She brought her lips to mine again, we both moaned. As she plunged her tongue into my mouth she started pulling my shirt up and had it almost off me before we collapsed on the bed. I raised my arms to help. I reached for her shirt and pulled it off, after she sat up enough to help. While she was sitting I reached around with one hand to unclasp her bra. As soon as I had that off I was taking a nipple in my mouth and was running my tongue over it. She put her hands on the back of my head to keep me there.

"Oh god...Casey that feels so good..." She moaned. I starting roaming her body with my hands settling on her jeans...once I had them undone I followed the same path with my mouth and tongue, trailing wet kisses down her abdomen to the edge of her panties. I hooked my fingers in her jeans and panties and pulled on them, she raised her hips to allow me to take them off. I stood up to finish pulling them off. I finished undressing myself as I admired her body, from her legs to her thighs and then up to the swell of her breasts. I started kissing my way up her legs alternating on the way up. I got to the juncture of her thighs and I could see how wet she was. I gave a soft blow of air, which caused her to suck in her breath. I placed a kiss right on her mound, I couldn't wait any longer to taste her again so I parted her folds with my fingers and ran my tongue up and down her. With each lick I would press a little harder and go a little faster. Sara had started moving her hips, so I placed my hand on her abdomen to keep her still. With the other hand I slipped two fingers in her and started moving them in and out. I sucked her clit into my mouth and was swirling my tongue around it. Sara had one hand on the back of my head and the other was pinching her nipples. "Casey, I am getting close...please, faster..." she breathed out. I wanted to please her so I picked up the speed. I could feel her muscles start to clench and her breathing become more ragged. I was rewarded with her screaming my name as she came. I continued to lick her until she had come down and her legs fell away from my head. I pulled myself up on the bed next to her. I was lying on my back, she rolled over and threw her arm across me and snuggled into the crook of my shoulder.

With my eyes closed I felt her begin to stir. She was feathering kisses all over my neck and shoulders. When her lips settled on mine for a long slow kiss, our tongues caressed each other. Her hands had started roaming my body settling on my nipples, she pulled on one with her finger and thumb. My nipples were rock hard aching for attention, we have had a month or so of foreplay. She took one in her mouth and sucked on it, and then ran her tongue over it. I moaned. She positioned herself over me and took the other one in her mouth, biting on it gently before moving on. I liked the feeling of her laying on me. She was trailing hot wet kisses down my body, and then would blow on it causing me to get chills and I didn't think that my nipples could get any harder. I am not one to be vocal in bed...but tonight was different.

"Sara, please...I need to feel you...please..." There was a hint of desperation in my voice, which surprised me. She settled between my legs and spread them out more. She traced my pussy with her tongue. The next thing I knew she had two fingers pumping in and out of me and she had my clit in her mouth, sucking and licking. I knew that it wasn't going to take long for me. My body was shaking and I could feel my muscles start to clench...I thrust my hips off the bed and cried out. "Saaaraa..." wave after wave kept washing over me.

I came back down to earth with her arms around me. I turned towards her putting my arms around her. We shared a long leisurely kiss.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"For this. You were beginning to drive me mad. Always looking so damn sexy. Of course you could wear a paper bag and I would think that you were sexy."

"I never really wanted to stop you know."

"You mean that I took all those cold showers for nothing? I could have had my way with you long ago?"

"I knew that it was the best way for us to get to know each other." I pushed her over to her back and brought myself over her. I started kissing her neck. "And by the way you can have your way with me anytime you want." She laughed. I leaned down to kiss her but stopped short, she moaned in protest.

"What?" I whispered.


"Please what?"

"Kiss me." I brought my lips down to her, but not touching. I ran my tongue over her lips causing her to moan. All she had to do is rise up a little and there would be no stopping it. "Casey..." she breathed. She was looking at me through half closed eyes. I softly touched my lips to hers; she parted her lips to kiss me back. We would break apart only to come back together. We just lay there kissing for a while, our naked bodies pressed against each other. "This feels so good."

"Mmmm..." was all I could get out. I was drifting off to sleep.

"Casey, are you awake?"


"Okay." Sara laughed. "Let's take a nap."

"That sounds good." We turned so that she had her back to me, but my arms were still around her. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up about an hour later to find myself alone. "Sara?" I called out. Nothing. I got out of bed and put on a robe to go search for her. I found her in front of the T.V. I noticed the dishes had been done.

"I guess you didn't need a nap huh?" I asked breaking her away from the T.V.

"Hmmm. No, not really. How'd you sleep?"

"Fine. I missed you when I woke up." She got up and walked over to me and put her arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around her waist.

"Well, let's go back to bed then." She said with a grin.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I want you to fuck me." I was a little surprised by her choice of words. I had never heard her talk like that. Even so it turned me on. She moved around me and started walking down the hall, dropping her robe on the way to expose that wonderful backside of hers. I followed.

I went to the nightstand beside the bed and opened the top drawer to pull out a little surprise that I had for her. She saw it and her eyes lit up. "Let me help you with that," she said. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and my pussy was almost eye level with her. To help insert the end that goes in the wearer she leaned over and licked me over a few times, playing with my clit. I was already wet with anticipation. I moaned. When the straps were all tight she stood next to me and kissed me, drawing my tongue into her mouth. I made sure that she had her legs against the bed before I pushed her back; she tried to take me with her. I didn't follow, but I knelt down between her legs and buried my face in her, flicking my tongue over her clit and plunging it in and out of her. I heard her moan. "Casey please, I want..." I kissed her quiet. She reached down between us and guided the fake cock to her. Once she had the head positioned at her opening I began pushing in real slow. Once I was all the inside I started pulling out again so that the only thing left inside was the head, then I would push back in. She began to meet me thrust for thrust. With each motion of her hips I could feel the little nub that was inside me brush up against my clit.

"Ahhh...I'm almost there baby...faster..." she said as she started thrusting harder against me. Her fingernails were scraping my back.

"Ahhh...Sara..." I didn't have enough breath left in me to finish my sentence. I looked into her eyes and said, "Sara, come with me." I cried out.

"Yeeessss." She screamed as she followed me over the edge. I collapsed on her and then realized that I might be crushing her I started to pull off her. "No, stay." She held me tight.

I rose up on my elbows to look at her. I gave her a soft kiss. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah baby, more than okay." We laid there for a few more minutes in silence just sharing soft kisses. She began moving her hips again. I flipped us over so that I was on my back and she was sitting on me. I looked up at her and saw her grinning. She would lift up and come back down real slow and then lift up again, with each downward move she would go a little faster and harder. When she would come down I would thrust my hips up. I reached down and started rubbing her clit with my thumb. She had her hands placed behind her and on top of my thighs for support. Her head was thrown back and her breathing was matching mine. I was almost over the edge but I wanted to wait for her. I began to speed up the movement of my thumb and thrusts.

"Sara..."I choked out.

"Casey..." she echoed behind me as she collapsed on me. We lay there a minute or so just to catch our breaths.

"Sara let me get this off." I stood up and she followed me by sitting at the edge of the bed. She helped me get it off. We lay back down and I pulled the sheet up over us and settled in with her head on my shoulder. Slowly my breathing slowed. I guess she thought I had fallen asleep. I felt her raise her head. I could feel her looking at me when I heard her whisper.

"Oh, god help me, I'm in love with you." I didn't say anything; I just pretended to be asleep. She put her head back down and went to sleep. I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready to hear that and she obviously wasn't ready for me to hear it. I didn't know what to do. I figured I would sleep on it and figure it out in the morning.

I woke up the next morning alone. Again. After looking at the clock, I decided to get out of bed. It was after ten. I went in search of Sara again. I found her on the couch in front of the T.V. I could tell that she was lost in the cartoon on the screen. She giggled at something on the screen. It was really cute. I just stood there and watched her until the phone started ringing. She stared at it. I had to laugh which caused her to look around to me. I walked over and picked it up and sat down on the couch.

"Hello Kathy, how are you...I hope you have a good trip...Yes I have...for about two months now." After a few more seconds I hung up. Sara had moved over to me.

"So, who is Kathy?" I didn't know how in the last few weeks but Kathy had managed to call when Sara wasn't there, but I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Kathy is Tyann's mom." I felt Sara stiffen beside me. "She calls me every week to see how I am doing. Most of the time it is on Sunday."

"Oh," I could tell she was trying to play it off.

"She's been after me for about the last two months now to start dating again."

"What have you told her?"

"Today was the first time that I have said yes. Sometimes even though she asks, I am not sure she wants to hear it." I pulled her into my lap and started to kiss her neck. "She was happy for me." I was kissing her neck between words; Sara turned her head so that I would have better access to her neck.

"Oh, I like that, keep doing it..." I kept on kissing her and moving my hand up her thigh inside the robe. The phone rang again and I ignored it. "Aren't you going to get that?" she sighed.

To answer her question I covered her lips with mine. The phone was still ringing. I continued to move my hand up her thigh and cupped her pussy. Breaking the kiss I asked, "Do you want me to get it?" I moved her robe off her shoulders to expose her breast; I leaned over to suck a nipple into my mouth running my tongue over it. I let it slip out of my mouth and then blew on it. She grabbed my face and brought her lips to mine. When she pushed her tongue into my mouth, I pushed my fingers inside her and rubbed her clit with my thumb. I began withdrawing my fingers and plunging them back in as fast as I could. I broke the kiss off to take her nipple in mouth. She threw her head back.

"Oh Casey...don't stop...please..." I could feel her clamping down on my fingers.

"Let it go...come for me," I urged. Her arms tightened around my neck as she cried out. I held her tight until her breathing had returned to normal. "Aren't you glad I ignored the phone?"

"Oh yes..." she laughed. "Did they leave a message?"

"I have no idea, I wasn't paying attention. It was probably just DJ to make sure that we are coming today."

"Oh, I already have thank you." She gave me that sexy grin of hers. "Hey let's go get a shower, I want to go shopping first." She got up and headed for the bathroom.

"What are we shopping for?" I called out as I got up to follow her.

"I want a new bikini."

"Can I help you try them on?"

"Only if you behave in the shower," she warned me. I just smiled.

We left the house two hours later. All I can say is that I behaved in the shower. Sara even told me that I was good. As we shopped I could still hear the words that she said last night and I could see it from time to time, but she was good at hiding it quickly. When it came down to deciding which bikini to get I was no help. Well not really anyway.

"You should get them all," I suggested.

"I don't need them all Casey. Now which one?" She held them up for me to look at them again. I thought that they both looked very good on her but the black one was sexy as hell. It looked really good against her tan skin and showed me just enough of her pert breasts.

"I like them both, but the black turns me on." I dropped my voice a little; I could hear the huskiness myself.

"Oh...yeah. Maybe I should try it on one more time just to be sure." She was teasing me.

"Maybe I should help you," I said as she walked toward the changing room. I followed her. Once inside the little room, she turned to me and pulled me to her. We kissed. The longer the kiss lasted the more passionate it got, I broke my lips away to get some air.

"Casey, I want you."

"Me too."

"Do we have time to go back to your place?"

"No," she reached for my shorts but I stopped her. She looked at me puzzled. "There are too many kids around."

"Yeah, I just want to taste you again so damn bad." She pouted. "Can I least get another kiss?" Oh she was so cute when she pouted. I didn't answer her verbally. After getting our clothes straightened out we went to the counter to buy the black one. I was smiling all the way.

Later all of us were sitting around the pool. Sara got up to go inside.

"I am going to change into new suit." She looked at me with a smile.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"Casey, behave yourself." I watched her walk away all the way to the house. I turned back around in the chair to find DJ and Stephanie looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"You're in love with her aren't you?" Stephanie asked.

"No." Simply put. I was extremely attracted to her and I did care.

"That was a little quick. Don't you think babe." DJ said to Stephanie.

"Yeah, I agree. I can see it in their eyes when they think that no one is looking. But if they want to keep denying it we can't stop them." They were acting like I wasn't sitting there any more.

"Uh...guys I am sitting right here," I said. But they continued to ignore me.

"Babe, you would think that they would like to know so that they could have what we have." Stephanie said to DJ.

"You are right honey. I love you." DJ said as she leaned over to give Stephanie a kiss.

"I love you." Stephanie answered.

I sat there and watched them for a second before Sara caught my attention. She was coming out of the house. She went straight to the pool and dove in. I watched her swim back and forth for a little while. I was lost in thought, maybe the girls were right. It scared me. I wanted to have a good time so I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"Casey, are we still going out tonight?" Stephanie asked.

"You will have to ask Sara."

"Ask me what?" Sara came up and sat down beside me on the lounger. I resisted the urge to reach out to her.

"They want to know if we are still going out tonight." I didn't really want to go, but if Sara did then I would.

"I don't know guys. I really don't feel like getting hit on by that drunk woman again." She said as she put her hand on my thigh. I knew what she was trying to say. That was her way of telling me that she wanted to go home and stay in bed all night long.

"That woman may not even be there," Stephanie said.

"Sara, all she wanted to do was dance." I couldn't help but tease her. She turned to face me even more.

"You want me to go rub my body all over some other woman?" She questioned me.

"On second thought that doesn't sound so good." I pulled her to me as I sat up to kiss her. It shocked me at how possessive my voice had sounded. I think that they heard it too. I knew that DJ and Stephanie heard it because I got an "I told you so" look from both of them. Sara saw the look too and looked confused. I got up real quick and went to the house mumbling that I needed to use the bathroom.

"No Sara. Let her go." I didn't stick around to hear the rest.

"What happened?" Sara was looking at them for answers.

"I think that we were a little hard on her just a few minutes ago and I guessed we pushed her further than what she was ready for."

"What did you say?"

"We kind of gave her a hard time about you. We can see how you guys feel about each other and we were trying to get her to admit it."

"Guys, I am willing to admit that I am in love with her, but you know she's not ready. I am patient enough to wait until she is. I am going to find her."

I was sitting in the guest bedroom with my face in my hands. I was trying to not cry. Were they right? I didn't know what to think. Ah, hell and then I went and made a fool of myself by reacting the way I just did. I heard a noise and looked up to see Sara standing in the doorway.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey yourself. Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom? I think that you took a wrong turn back there."

"Yeah, I guess I did." She came over to me and knelt down in front of me. She took my hands.

"Why don't you come back out and swim with me," she suggested. She had this look on her face; I wasn't sure what it meant. I could see the love in her eyes, this time she wasn't trying to hide it. "Come on." She was putting aside her feelings to make me more comfortable. This didn't sit will with me.

"Sara, I don't think that..." she put a finger to my lips to stop me.

"Casey, don't think, let's just go back out there and let's try to enjoy ourselves." I nodded in agreement and stood up. She came up with me. She looked like she was going to cry. I didn't want that. I put my arms around her and she hugged me back.

"Thank you," I whispered. She lightly put her lips on mine. It was almost a question. I kissed her back. As I was kissing her it occurred to me that I loved kissing her, to hold her next to me. I loved it when I made her laugh. I deepened the kiss and held onto her tighter. She tightened her hold on me in return. When I broke off the kiss she buried her face in my shoulder. It felt like we had stayed there forever before she spoke.

"If we don't go back out there, they will come looking for us." I didn't want to go back out but I knew she was right. So I just nodded again.

The rest of the night was quiet. DJ and I talked about work mostly and Sara just listened. It was around nine when I saw Sara yawn. I made a motion with my head to ask her if she was ready to go. She nodded. We made our goodbyes and left.

On the way to my place Sara fell asleep. I sat in the driveway just staring at her. I went over the day's events and how she had put aside her feelings to make sure that I was comfortable. It was not fair to her that I was not ready to say those words and she deserved so much more. I made up my mind that I was going to end it with her; but not tonight, in the morning. I helped her into the house and got her into bed.

"Are you coming to bed?"

"I will in a little while," I said. I leaned over to give her a kiss on the forehead already missing her. I was going to miss her body next to mine. I went back outside to check the mail. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour so I knew sleep was out of the question. I might as well pay some bills. The white envelope that was on top caught my attention. All it had on it was my name. There was no postage. Then it hit me, it was Tyann's handwriting. I dropped it like it was on fire. Was this someone's sick joke?

I just sat there staring at it for maybe thirty minutes. Before I realized what I was doing I had dialed Stephanie and DJ's number. I was just about to hang up when I heard Stephanie's voice.


"Can you come over, I need you." I always went to her with my problems. They both were my best friends but Stephanie was softer, and she always knew what to do.

"Are you hurt? Sara?"

"No, it's nothing like that." I told her an abbreviated version.

"Be right over." She hung up and I knew that DJ would come too. She would never let Stephanie drive alone at this time of night.

I heard them come up the drive. I didn't want to wake Sara so I met them at the door. We went to my office. I handed the envelope to Stephanie. She looked at it and then to me.

"What is this? This is Ty's writing."

"What" I heard DJ say.

"I found it in the mailbox tonight."

"Have you opened it?" DJ asked.

"That's why I called you. I can't do it." I watched as Stephanie sat down on the couch and opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. I heard her gasp and saw that she had put a hand over her mouth. DJ immediately went to her side. Stephanie read the letter and when she was done she looked up to me. She was crying.

"Casey, honey you need to read this. It's from Ty, dated the day before your wedding."

"I can't." I shook my head.

"Do you want me to read it to you? It will be hard but you need to hear this. Especially after today." I wasn't sure what she meant.

"To my dearest Angel Casey, You truly are my angel. You have shown me unconditional love. Tomorrow I get to make another one of my dreams come true. I will be your wife. I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. I never knew what real love was until I met you. There is not one single thing about you that I don't love, everything from your laughter to the way you cry and pout when you don't get your way.

If you are reading this then something tragic has happened and I am no longer with you. I know that you are seeing someone or you wouldn't have this yet. I made Leah promise not to give it to you until you were. If I know you like I know I do, you are having a hard time with it. Casey, you have so much love to give, let it happen. Allow yourself to love and be loved again. I want you to be happy no matter what the situation is. I wish you so much love. With all my heart and soul, Tyann." Stephanie had stopped reading. And my tears were flowing freely down my face. I felt DJ behind me, she lead me to the couch. I sat down and Stephanie pulled me to her. She just held me and rocked me back and forth for a while, until my tears had stopped.

"Kathy must have put that in there this afternoon or Leah her sister. I talked to Kathy this morning and told her that I had been seeing someone for a while now." We all sat there in silence for a while none of was sure what to say. "I need to talk to Kathy."

"Now?" I nodded and got up and went around my desk to call her. She must have been waiting on me.

"Kathy why did you wait so long to give me the letter?" I asked. She went through the whole story. About five minutes later I hung up the phone and let out a deep breath. "She said she gave me the letter when she was told to. After Ty left that night she called her mom, and told her what had happened. She knew that I still loved her, she was just feeling a little neglected and wanted to be mad for a while."

"What are you going to do?" I knew Stephanie was asking about Sara.

"I don't know." I said. "Do you think it's too soon to love?"

"I fell for DJ the moment I stepped into that dorm room. Time doesn't matter. Just go with it." Stephanie stood and went over to DJ and they wrapped their arms around each other. I walked them out and gave them a hug when we got to the door.

"You are the best friends that a girl could have." I told them.

"No, we are family." They both said at the same time.

I watched them walk away, holding hands. After they had pulled away I went to check on Sara. She was still asleep. I knelt down beside her. She was so beautiful in the moonlight. I brushed some hair away from her face. I noticed that I had on my ring still. I had become such part of me I never noticed that I had it on, another thing that Sara never said a word about.

"I love you Sara." I whispered. It had not been as hard as I though it would be. I kissed her on the forehead and walked out. There was something that I needed to do. I wrote a note and put it on the coffee pot.

Thirty minutes later I was standing at the gravesite. "Thank you baby for loving me enough to set me free. You will always be a part of me." I knelt down and placed my ring on the headstone. I turned to leave.

When I got home Sara was sitting on the couch watching TV. She looked over at me when I came in the door.

"Casey, are you okay?" I just stared at her.

"You like to watch TV don't you." I thought that it was cute.

"Well, I was worried about you and it kept my mind busy." She looked beautiful sitting there on the couch with her feet tucked up under her. She had on my robe. "You didn't answer me. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She smiled. I loved that smile. It's amazing what you notice about the person that you love once you allow yourself to admit that you love them. I made a decision right then that I would do whatever it took to make her smile all the time. But first we needed to talk. "Sara, we need to talk," I said. Her smile faded instantly and sadness filled her eyes. I went to sit down beside her.

"Can't we just leave things the way they are? I am okay with that."

"No, we can't."

"Why not?" I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Because you deserve so much better than that."

"Why don't you let me decide what I deserve?" Her tears were now falling off her face. I moved closer to her. I wiped away her tears with my fingers.

"Sara, baby stop crying."

"But, Casey..." All I could do was kiss her. Okay I thought. This is good. She stopped talking. I pulled away. She started talking again, so I kissed her again.

"Sara would you just shut up for a minute..."

"I don't know..." She started at the same time. Then she said, "Did you just tell me to shut up?"

"Yes, I did."

"Why did you do that?"

"I have been trying to tell you for the last five..." She interrupted me again.

"I can't believe that..."

"Sara, I'm in love with you." I continued over her.

"..would say a.." she stopped and looked at me. "What did you just say?" she whispered.

"I said that I am in love with you Sara." I was holding a breath waiting for her reaction. She just stared at me. "I love you Sara. That's why we can't continue the way we were. I want more." After a few more seconds of silence I was beginning to worry. "Ok, you can say something anytime here..."

"Say it again."

"I love you Sara." I laughed. That beautiful smile had returned to her face. She threw herself at me and held me tightly.

"Oh, Casey I love you too." When we kissed it felt like it was the first time. Her gaze fell on our hands. "You took it off." I knew that she was referring to my ring. Over the next hour I explained everything to her, even the letter. I had to be honest with her.

"Sara, I knew today at the pool that I was in love with you maybe even longer than that. I was scared. Hell, I still am. I could see the love in your eyes today when you came to find me. But I watched as you put aside your feelings to make me more comfortable. I had made up my mind that I was going to end it with you. But as soon as I did, I changed my mind. I wasn't ready to let you go."

"Baby, I wouldn't go away that easily," she said as she climbed into my lap. I rested my head against her shoulder and tried to hide a yawn. "Have you been up all night?"

"Yeah," I yawned again.

"Well let's get you to bed." She stood and reached for my hand. I stood up but instead of following her to the bed I scooped her up in my arms. She yelped in surprise. "Baby, put me down."

"No, I am going to carry you to bed and then I am going to make love to my woman."

"Oh I like the sounds of that, especially the my woman part." She smiled. " I love you Casey Hamilton."

"And I love you Sara Davenport."

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