Second Chances

By moc.loa@adnaPneerrG

Published on Jul 7, 2007


This is a work of fiction involving explicit sex between two women. If this type of thing offends you, or if you are under 18, or if reading this breaks any law where you are...DO NOT PROCEED!!

I woke up the next morning at my usual time. Early. Sara was still tucked underneath my arm. I noticed that it was still a little dark outside. I tried to fall back to sleep, but I thirty minutes later I gave up. I slipped out of bed carefully and started some coffee. After making a bathroom trip and getting dressed I got a cup of coffee and slipped out on the balcony. I was tempted to wake Sara up to watch the sunrise, but she looked too peaceful so I let her sleep. The sun was almost up, when I felt someone watching me.

"You are testing my will power woman." I said to her. She had on my button down shirt that I worn last night, the first three or four buttons were undone, and it came down to just above mid thigh.

"What do you mean?" she gave me an innocent grin. "So what are you doing out here?"

"I am watching the sunrise." Sara came over to sit in my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in to kiss me.

"Morning, you should have woke me up." She said as she snuggled her cute ass farther into my lap.

"Morning to you too. You looked too peaceful to wake up. It was a beautiful sunrise this morning."

"Hmm...beautiful." Her eyes had never left me. "What time do we need to leave?"

"Whenever you want. I run my own company so I don't have a specified time to be back, you on the other hand have a boss to answer to." I was content to stay right there.

"Yeah, and she is a stickler for being on time." We shared a laugh at Stephanie's expense. "Maybe she would go easy on me."

"We can stay as long as you like."

"As much as I would like that, I have a million appointments and a couple of groups scheduled for tomorrow." We lapsed into a comfortable silence. I couldn't help but run my hand up and down her thigh. My other hand was rubbing on her shoulders and then through her hair. I could feel her hand playing with the bottom of my hair. She turned her face to me and kissed me again. We took our time exploring each other's mouths. The longer we kissed the more passion and want was being felt. I knew she was feeling it too. She had started moaning with me. Without realizing what I was doing I stood up as I held her in my arms and carried her into the room and laid her down on the bed. I lay down beside her and brought my lips to hers and gave her a deep long kiss. While still kissing her I started unbuttoning the shirt and was pushing it away from her. I cupped her breast in my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. When I ran my thumb over her nipple it was rock hard. I broke the kiss to reach down and take her nipple in my mouth. Sara put her hand on the back of my head and was urging me on. After biting it gently I let it go and gave the other one the same attention. I started moving down her body trailing little kisses as I went. I could smell her arousal. I was almost to the point where I couldn't stop. She put her hands on my head and held me still.

"Casey..." she started.

"I know, but you make it so damn hard." I just laid my head on her stomach. "This is going to be hard."

"I know, but it will be good in the end. Come here." I moved up to face her. I was looking in her eyes. I could tell that she really didn't want to stop either. "Let's get dressed and go get some breakfast. If we stay like this I will change my mind." I rolled over and she got off the bed. "Come on Casey...I am hungry...Damn."


"All I have is my dress." She held it up.

"Okay, how about I go to one of those little stores and get you some shorts and a shirt. And you can stay here and get a shower." I offered.

"Well are we going to stick around for a while?"

"Yeah, I thought that we could go rent a wave runner and go up the inter-coastal waterway. Unless you don't want to."

"That sounds fun. But I want to get a bathing suit if we do that."

"What do you want and I can get it for you?" I grinned.

"Oh, I am way to picky for that." She said with a wave of her hand.

"That hurt." I gave the best hurt face that I could muster. "Why don't you let me try?"

"Well...maybe, I really don't want to put this dress on again." I could tell she was thinking. "Okay, we will try." I got up off the bed and headed towards the door. "Casey..."

"Yes?" I turned back around.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked a she walked towards me. She grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. It went on longer than I think she had intended, because when we broke apart she was all flustered and red in the face. "Now get out of here." She pushed me towards the door. I laughed all the way out.

It took me almost an hour to find a bikini that I thought that she would approve of. I finally bought two. I found one that I liked. I got both of us some shorts and shirts. And as an after thought I picked up some flip-flops. I was not going to wear dress shoes with a bikini.

"Sara...I'm back." I said as I came in the door.

"I am out here." She called from the balcony. I noticed that the TV was on. I just shook my head. I threw the stuff on the bed and went to the door. I stopped dead in my tracks. She was naked. Lying in the chair.

"How do you expect me to behave myself if you do this?" I sputtered. God she was gorgeous.

"I was trying to get a little sun. I hate tan lines." She said without missing a beat. I just turned to go back inside. I got out the suit I got for myself and started taking off the tags. I was almost done when I felt her come up behind me and put her arms around me. "Casey...I'm sorry."

"Sara...I hope you like your bikini that I got you." I handed to her. I did not turn around to face her. I couldn't look at her naked form again or I would be doing what I could to convince her that we didn't even need to leave the room to have fun. She went to the bathroom to get ready and I took the same opportunity to change. I was looking at myself in the mirror when she came out.

"Damn Casey, you look good enough to eat. Sexy."

"I am good enough to eat and you look amazing too. Do you like it? Did I pick it out right?" I teased back.

"Yes, it's a good choice. Now lets go get some breakfast."

A couple hours later we were on a wave runner headed up the inter-coastal waterway. She was sitting behind me with her arms around me, holding me tight. I was beginning to think that this was not a good idea.

"Let's stop for a minute." She said into my ear. I slowed down to a stop, and turned to her. As soon as I had my face turned she leaned into kiss me.

"Hmm, you taste like salt." I said. "What was that for?"

"I just felt like it. You are so cute with that hat on."

"Thank you. And feel free to kiss me whenever you want."

"Ohhh, thank you, in that case..." She leaned into me and I met her halfway. I could hear that sounds of some hootin' and hollerin' from some bunch of guys in the boat that I saw going past us. "Did we give someone a show?"

"Yes, but I am sure that they liked it. It was a bunch of teenage boys." She turned red. "I didn't think that you had a problem with public display's? You manage last night with no problem."

"Yeah but that was in a club for gays." She answered.

"So should I not hold your hand or try to kiss you in public unless we are at the club?"

"No. I will get used to it."

"I wouldn't want to do anything that is going to make you uncomfortable."

"Then you better kiss me again right now." To which I gladly obliged.

We had lunch before starting back home. On the way we just made small talk and planned to have dinner a couple of nights during the week. Before we knew it I was at her front door.

"Do you want to come in for a while?" She asked.

"Sara, I don't think that I better. It's not because I don't want to spend more time with you but I really need a cold shower and..." I began.

"I understand Casey...I will call you tomorrow okay. Have a fun day at work." She reached over to kiss me. When we parted we both moaned. I got out and walked her to her door. I took her in my arms and kissed her again. She pulled away and went inside. I waited until I heard the click of the lock.

I was sitting in my office Monday afternoon thinking about what had happened over the weekend. I was still hesitant about starting anything but the only way I was going to find out if I was really ready was to jump in with both feet. I had surely done that by agreeing to not have sex for now. That almost guaranteed that feelings would be involved. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I called out.

" are you doing?" DJ said as she came in and took a seat.

"I am doing."

"Did you have a good weekend?" At the mention of the weekend I just smiled.

"I had a wonderful time. After we left the club we drove to the beach and stayed the night. We rented a wave runner and we played in the water on Sunday. We are going to have dinner this week."

"Sounds like you two hit it off."

"Yeah. I guess I have jumped in with both feet. She is a great person."

"Yeah, well you deserve it. Well I better get home. I have done my digging that I was told to. Have a good night." She got up to leave. All I could do was laugh. Figures Stephanie would put her up to digging.

"Hey DJ, why don't we all go to the beach this weekend, maybe Clearwater or something?" I asked.

"That sounds good I will get back to you. Night."

"Night." After she left I leaned back in my chair and picked up my thoughts where I was before I was interrupted.

I woke up two hours later. Somehow I had gotten so comfortable that I had fallen asleep. It was only seven. After putting my desk in order I got up to leave. I was just about to close my office door when my cell phone rang.


"Hi." Sara said.

"Hey gorgeous."

"What are you doing?"

"I was just about to leave work."

"Want to get some dinner? I just got done also." She asked.

"I would love to. Where would you like to go?" "How about that BBQ place."

"That sounds good. I can be there in about 10 minutes."

"See ya there." She hung up the phone. I felt a little awkward at first, but on the drive over the feeling eased off a little bit. By the time I got there I couldn't wait to see her again.

I pulled in and parked next to her. I could see she was still in her car. Before I could get out she was standing next to me. We put our arms around each other and kissed.

"So how was your day?" she asked as she took my hand and started for the restaurant.

"Ok, yours?" I was trying to sound convincing. I laced my fingers with hers.

"It was good, but you, you don't sound to sure about that." She could read me pretty good.

"I have an issue with a major client."

"Do you need to be dealing with it now?"

"Nah, I can't do anything tonight. I am however hoping that I don't have to fly to California to fix a fuck up by a junior associate. Pardon my language, but the client has been with us for over twenty years."

"No need to apologize that word sometimes finds itself coming out of my lips." When we got to our table she sat down across from me.

"Lets not talk about it anymore. What are you in the mood for?"

"I was thinking ribs."

"I think that I will just get a salad. I have to watch this figure ya know." I grinned.

"Oh, there isn't anything wrong with your figure." We ordered our food and made more small talk until our food got there.

I was watching her eating those ribs it looked like she was having a good time. "Are they good?" I asked.

"Finger lickin good." She said as she proceeded to suck every finger into her mouth one at a time. Her eyes never left mine. I had to shift in my seat at the memories of her tongue licking certain parts of my anatomy.

"You don't play fair." I said after I cleared my throat.

"Oh?" We finished our dinner and sat there awhile, I got lost in CNN on the TV. "Casey why don't we get out of here?"


"Let me use the ladies room and I will be right out."

"I'll go take care of the check."

"No let me, it was my idea."

"No." I turned and walked to the counter.

A few minutes later she met me outside, just as a big crowd started for the door, they were all in softball attire. "Wow, what is all this?" she asked.

"The softball games just ended." I thought that I saw someone that I recognized and took a closer look. Damn. Maybe she will just walk on by I thought. Nope no such luck.

"Casey, is that you?" the girl asked.

"Alex, nice to see you." I felt Sara come up beside me and put her hand in the crook of my elbow as if to mark her territory.

"It's been a long time. I am sorry about Tyann."

"Thank you." I stiffened a little.

"She was a great lady. Well I better get in there. Take care."

"You too Alex." I watched Sara as she watched Alex walk away. I got this sick feeling. I couldn't be jealous. I was. But then I couldn't really blame her Alexandra was stunning.

"Who was that?" Sara asked as she turned back to me. "Casey are you okay, you are white as a sheet. Who was that?"

"That was Alexandra Sebring. Her and Tyann had dated a couple of times before I came along. I guess you could say that I stole her away." I just stared at the spot where Alex had just stood.

"Casey, stop it. That won't do you any good." She read my mind.

"Sometimes I just can't help it. You are awfully understanding about this."

"Casey, Tyann was and well still is a very big part of who you are. I want to spend time with you and I want to get to know you, and she is a part of that." She said as she came closer to me, and put her arms around me. She cocked her head to the side, "Why don't you come over and I will try to help you loosen up those muscles a little. I have been known to give a good back rub."

"That sounds good."

"Would you like something to drink?" Sara asked me as I sat down on her sofa.

"A beer." I muttered underneath my breath before saying "A glass of water will be good."

"Do you mind if I have a glass of wine?" She asked as she sat down.

"Why would I mind?"

"I noticed that you never drink."

"Personal preference."

"I like to drink one every now and then to unwind. I will try to make sure that I have some sweet tea for you next time."

"You don't have to do that. Water is good."

"Oh, but I want to." She set her glass down and picked up a remote. After pressing a couple buttons soft music filled the room. The only light was from the lamp in the corner. "How about that back rub?" She situated herself on the couch and patted the spot between her legs for me. I moved to where she had told me to sit. I hadn't realized how tense I was until she started massaging my shoulders. I felt myself relax against her.

"That feels good." Her hands were moving up and down my arms and across my shoulders. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and I was starting to slump a little more.

"That's it just relax." I leaned back into her and she wrapped her arms around me. We sat there like that for a few minutes before I felt her shifting. I turned so that she had one leg behind me and the other across my lap. I started tracing her face and lips with my fingers. As I brought them across her lips they parted slightly. When I leaned into kiss her, it was soft and gentle. When I pulled back I looked her in the eyes. "Sara, I want you."

"I know." I covered her lips with mine again and thrust my tongue in her mouth. Her hands went to my waist and she was working on my belt and the bottom of my shirt. After she got my shirt freed from the waist of my pants I felt her hand brush up against my skin. She cupped my breast with her hand and ran her thumb over my hardened nipple. I moaned into the kiss. I began working my way up her shirt and to her back so that I could undo her bra. Once I had that free I was pushing her shirt up to pull it off. Somewhere in the background I heard my cell phone ring. Sara broke the kiss causing me to groan.

"Casey, baby your phone is ringing." She continued to kiss my neck and gently squeeze my breast.

"So." I did not want to stop. I needed to feel her next to me. No sooner than the phoned stopped ringing it began again. "Damn."

"You better get it." She said as I was grabbing for it.

"Hello." I said rather hastily. "No, sorry...Alright, I will be there in the morning. Bye." I hung up the phone. "Shit."

"I take it your headed to California?"

"I'd rather be headed to bed with you."

"We were getting a little carried away."

"Saved by the phone huh?"

"I know that if it had not rang we would be in the bed right now. And I still think that we need to wait awhile. I was letting my body over rule my brain."

"Tell me again why we are torturing ourselves?"

"Just think of what it will be like when it does happen."

"I will probably explode. I hate to do this but I need to get a ticket."

"I know." Neither of us moved. Within minutes I had a ticket. I looked over to Sara, and saw that she had her head back against the sofa and her eyes closed. "What no private plane?" she asked.

"Frequent Flyer miles." I laughed.

"You only got a one way, how long are you going to be gone?"

"I don't know. Hopefully I will be back before Friday. I was going to ask if you wanted to go to Clearwater beach Saturday with DJ and Stephanie. I asked DJ about it earlier today."

"I will go anywhere with you." She said as she was caressing my check. "I hope you make back, I dare say that I will miss you."

"I will call you."

"You better. When do you leave again?"

"I need to go pack a bag, the flight is at 7am."

"Well lets go pack a bag and I will take you in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She started to get up but I stopped her. "What?"

"Just this." I leaned in to kiss her. I pulled away before I got carried away again. "I need to go to the office and get my laptop and the files I need."

"Well, then what are we waiting on?"

Later that night we were cuddled up in her bed with her on her back and me on my side facing her. I had my head propped up in one hand and the other laying across her stomach.

"What is your favorite color?" I asked.

"Pink, you know a soft pink."

"Movie?" She giggled. "What, you said we needed to got to know each other."

"Imagine Me and You."

"Imagine Me and You what?" I asked.

"You haven't seen that movie?"


"We will have to make a date of it then. When you get back."

"That sounds good. Okay your favorite singer?


"I don't count."

"But you do it so well."

"I do a lot of things well."

"Don't I know it." We both laughed a little. "Okay, it's your turn."

"Blue, Dirty Dancing and George Strait."

"That's no fair I wanted to ask each question." She stuck out her lower lip to pout. It was so cute, and so kissable. I couldn't resist. I brought my free hand up to cup her face and she took hers and put it behind my head. When we pulled away we both were a little short on air.

"You know, you are so cute when you pout. I bet you get your way all the time with that don't you?"

"Well with the family it doesn't work, but with my relationship it works."

"I can believe that." I traced her lips with my finger. "Here's a question. How many girlfriends have you had?"

"How many have you had?"

"I asked first."

"I have dated a lot, you know one date and nothing else. But as for long term, more than six months, three." She said. "Your turn."

"I don't think that you want to know."

"Tell me."

"I don't really know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"It's rather embarrassing, I would start seeing someone and then a couple weeks would go by and then I would get bored and move on. I was like that throughout college. I was pretty crazy. I only settled down when I met Tyann." Shit, that probably wasn't the best thing that I could say. "Why is that?"

"She was the one that didn't want me, which made me more determined to get her."

"So do I need to play hard to get?"

"No, that was a long time ago."

"Well I don't want you getting bored with me."

"I don't see that happening. You have my attention."

"Good. Now lets get some sleep." She lifted her head to kiss me. "Good night."

"Good night." I laid there with Sara in my arms and drifted off to sleep.

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Next: Chapter 5

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