Second Chances

By moc.loa@adnaPneerrG

Published on Jun 27, 2007


This is a work of fiction involving explicit sex between two women. If this type of thing offends you, or if you are under 18, or if reading this breaks any law where you are...DO NOT PROCEED!!

When we got to DJ and Stephanie's place, Stephanie ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"Don't you ever scare me or us like that again! I was worried sick," she said.

"I'll try not to," I said. I was looking over her shoulder to Sara who was staring at me. I couldn't read her expression. I whispered to Stephanie, "Can you guys give me a couple of minutes with Sara?"

"Of course," she said. The way she said it, I knew she knew about last night.

"Thank you." I watched Stephanie pull DJ out of the room, of course with little protest. When they were gone I turned to Sarah. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for my behavior today."

"There's no need Casey. Stephanie filled me in a little, but said the rest would be up to you. She knows."

"Yeah, I know. So does DJ. She wanted an explanation. Sara, I like you and I am very attracted to you...and that scares me."

Sara replied, "The feeling's mutual ya know, in case you couldn't tell."

"Do you think that maybe we could see where this might go?" I asked, very hopeful that she'd say yes.

"I would like that very much, Casey," she said with a grin.

"Let's sit over here. I want to tell you what happened."

"You don't have to do this Casey."

"Yes I do. It's only right that you know why." I said down and took a deep breath. She sat down beside me and reached for my hand, but stopped. I reached for and took her hand in mine.

"Tyann and I were together for four years and married for the last year. We went to Canada and got married. My father passed and I took over the agency and started spending a lot of time at the office. We started arguing. Then, one night I had promised that I would be home in time for dinner at six. Something came up at work and I was late. When I got home, I saw that she had set the candles out and it looked like it was going to be a romantic dinner. She was sitting on the couch and I could tell she had been crying. I tried to explain what happened but she didn't want to hear it. We began to fight again. She got mad and walked out. She had never done that before. We always made up before. But she had this look. It was different this time. She took the car." I stopped and was trying not to cry.

"Casey, stop. You don't have to go on," she said, squeezing my hand.

"She took the car. I guess she was headed over here. But a drunk driver killed her. They say she died on impact. She died thinking that I didn't love her anymore. That's why she thought I spent so much time at work. I have never been able to forgive myself," I finished with a sigh.

"I cannot imagine what you have gone through. I can understand why you say you don't do relationships."

"When DJ was taking home, we talked. And what she said made sense. Tyann would have wanted me to be happy. She would have wanted me to go on. I would like to try. Can you or do you think you could give me another chance, now that you know how screwed up I am?"

"Yes. I'm a very patient woman and I happen to think you are special. I like you too and I think that you know that I'm attracted to you too. If you have any doubt I'm sure I could convince you."

"Thank you," I said as we pulled each other in for a hug. I wanted to kiss her but I wasn't sure how she felt about that right now. Sara must have read my mind because she pulled her head back far enough to place her lips on mine. It was soft and I could still feel the passion there but neither of us was in a hurry. When the kiss ended, I put my forehead against hers.

"We'll take it slow, Casey. I'm not going anymore."

"Thank you. We'd better go find the girls." We got up off the couch and started to look for DJ and Stephanie. "Before we go, Sara, will you go to dinner with me?"

"I would love to." We made plans and then went off to find DJ and Stephanie. We found them on the patio in a very heated embrace.

"I don't think they missed us," I chuckled. "Hey, you two get a room."

"We have one, thank you," Stephanie said as they pulled apart. Stephanie glanced down at Sara's and my hands, which were still clasped together. She smiled. "Are you ready to eat," she asked, looking at me.

"Not really, I'm not that hungry."

"You need to..." Both Sara and Stephanie started at the same time.

"Well DJ, I am outnumbered, aren't I," I said, looking to DJ for help. She offered none. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"I'm not stupid," was all she said.

We all sat around the table and talked for a few hours. It was just idle chitchat. Sara and I held hands, occasionally exchanging glances at each other. It felt good.

"Guys, I'm going to get going," I said. I stood up. "DJ, I'd like a meeting in the morning. Say, around 9?" looking for confirmation from her.

"Sure thing," she nodded her head. "Do you want me to call everyone?"

"No, just me and you."

"Yes, ma'am."

"By the way, I'll be late." Both Stephanie and DJ looked at me, almost shocked. "What? I'm going to try to relax a little."

Sara spoke up and said, "Casey, I'll walk out with you. Boss lady Stephanie says I can't even be a minute late so I need to get my beauty rest."

We all said our goodbyes and Sara and I walked out. We stopped by my truck.

"You're beautiful already. You don't need any sleep," I whispered. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close. She looked up to me, as I was just a little taller than her. We just stared for a minute or so. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"You better. Now, you better kiss me before I explode." I brought my hand up and cupped it behind her neck and dropped my lips to hers softly at first but then the passion and urgency I was feeling took over. I pulled away and she groaned in protest.

"Casey, it's going to be hard to go slow already knowing how you can make me feel," she breathed out.

"I know," was all I could say.

"You better go now before I change my mind about going slow. And call me tomorrow," she reluctantly let me go.

It was tough to walk away but I knew she was right. There would be plenty of time for that later.

Monday at work was a little hard. I thought about Sara all day, about how her body felt next to mine, what it was like to kiss her. I looked over at the clock. It said 5:30 pm should I call her, I thought. Should I wait? We are going to dinner Wednesday. Maybe I could talk her into tonight. I picked up my cell phone to call her when my secretary walked in.

"Ms. Hamilton, it's Mr. Stewart. He's in a frenzy."

"Tell him I'm not here," I said. She looked at me with a strange look. She didn't move. "Stacey, is there a problem?"

"No ma'am, excuse me." I waited till she closed my door. I picked the phone up again and dialed Sara's number. She answered on the third ring.



"Casey, it's good to hear your voice," she said.

"Yours too. How has your day been? Are you still at work?"

"Yeah, I was just about to leave. What about you?"

"I'm sitting at my desk but my mind has not been here today."

"Oh, and just where has it been" she had dropped her voice to a husky whisper.

"On you. Let's have dinner tonight."

"Only if I stay for breakfast."

"Bacon and eggs?" I knew that she didn't do breakfast, but I wanted her, and to hell with going slow.

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I. If you like Chinese I'll stop and get some then meet you at my place."

"That sounds wonderful. See you in a little bit." And then she was gone. I picked up the office line to buzz DJ.


"Hey, come to my office."

"On my way," she said and was there before I could hang up. "What's up?"

"Remember our meeting this morning? Can you start tomorrow?"

"Sure, why," she asked.

"I'm going to take the rest of the week off."

"Casey, are you okay?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Okay. Just making sure. Stephanie is never going to believe this."

"Just get with Stacy and cancel all the meetings you don't want to do. I got to run. I have a hot date waiting on me," I said, as I was packing up. "If you need me, call me."

"You and Sara?"

"Yeah, I really like her. I'm scared to death but I really like her."

"You deserve to be happy."

"Don't stay here too late. Go home to that woman of yours," I said, as I walked out the door. As I turned around on the elevator, I saw both DJ and Stacy looking at me.

I got in my truck, dialed the Chinese place and ordered dinner. Then, I was on my way.

Sara was waiting on me. She was leaning against her car wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I looked at her feet. Flip-flops. I loved it. She had on her sunglasses and her hair was down-a pure beauty. I parked beside her.

"Sorry about that. How long have you been waiting?"

"Just a couple minutes. I'm starved," she said, as she ran her eyes up and down my body. "You are gorgeous."

"Uh-huh, look who's talking. Here, take my keys and let yourself in. I'll get the food. That is, if you still want any."

"You know what they say. You eat and then two hours later, you're starved again. I may be hungry all night long." I watched her walk away. God-that ass! I lost all interest in food. I got the food, walked in the house, and saw the trail of clothes all the way to the bedroom. I set the food down in the kitchen and then picked up her shit, pants, and moved the sandals out of the way. Then, I picked up her bra, brought it to my face and inhaled her scent. This woman was going to kill me, a black lace thong was next. I walked through my bedroom door and saw her lying on the bed with her hands between her legs and she was rubbing herself. I noticed she had shaved.

I cleared my throat. "Going slow, huh?"

"Oh yeah, I'm going to go real slow. Now come here."

"Yes ma'am." She got up on her knees on the edge of the bed and I walked to meet her. I started kissing her neck, down her collarbone while my hands were busy unbuttoning my shirt.

"Casey, I don't think I can go slow. You are so hot."

"You know when I said slow, I thought maybe a couple of dates, get to know each other, that kind of thing."

"If that's what you want because we can stop this anytime," she said as she was reaching for the button and zipper on my pants. Before I could answer, she had her hand inside my underwear and was inserting a finger inside my very wet pussy. "My, it doesn't seem like you want to stop. Do you?"

All I could do was moan. No, I didn't want to stop. I leaned in to take her lips with mine. Hopefully, this will answer her question. She continued to flick her finger across my clit. She stopped long enough to help me finish shedding my clothes. Then we were tangled on the bed, feeling, rubbing, and kissing everywhere that we could. I grabbed her ass and pulled her towards me, fitting our bodies together as close as I could. We stopped rolling around long enough to look at each other. I saw desire in her eyes. They had that glassy look. I leaned in to kiss her. I could feel and hear her groan into the kiss. As our tongues were busy exploring each other's mouths, I brought on hand around from her ass tracing her hip as I went. I cupped her pussy and squeezed causing her to whimper. I traced her slit with my middle finger and she brought one leg up a bit more to open herself up to my hand. I pressed further with my finger until I was between her lips, putting pressure on her clit. I started rubbing back and forth and in a circling motion.

She broke the kiss and took in a ragged breath. "Oh God, Casey, please fuck me," her voice was very husky. "I want you to make me cum." I pushed her over onto her back and started kissing my way down her body. Taking the time to stop and suck on each nipple, biting them gently before letting go. Her hands were in my hair, gently tugging on it. I continued kissing my way down, drawing my tongue over her abdomen causing her to take in a deep breath. I moved over to her left hip and kissed my way across her lower abs. She raised her hips up off the bed. I guess I was supposed to take that as a hint. But, I ignored it and continue down her right leg and then coming back up her left leg, I settled down between her legs. I could see the moisture and I blew a breath on her before I kissed each thigh. I drew my tongue over her. She sighed, "Please Casey. I need to cum please," she pleased with me. I lowered my mouth and licked her clit over and over. I inserted two fingers in her and started pumping them in and out all the while flicking my tongue over her clit. It wasn't long until I felt her start to contract around my fingers. I started going a little faster.

"Oh, don't stop. Please, Casey, don't stop." I had no intentions of doing that. The taste and the smell of her arousal were almost enough to push me over the edge, which only served to make me go faster. She raised her hips up off the bed and called out my name. I latched onto her clit and started sucking it, still trying to move my fingers in and out, but she was clamped down around them, holding them pretty tight. I opened my eyes so I could watch her. Her mouth was open and she was staring at me. Her hands had the sheets clutched in them. "Casey..." her breath caught and all of her muscles clenched. She began shaking all over and she was practically sitting up when she began to push my head away from her. I pulled away and she fell back, still breathing hard. I crawled up beside her and fell onto my back. We laid there in silence. I could hear her breathing return too normal. I turned my head to face her and she had her eyes closed. I knew that didn't mean she was asleep so I just kept watching her. I noticed she had a smile on her face.

"Casey, that was..." she started but stopped.

"Okay, you're really hurting my ego here."

"If I had the energy I would make you pay for that."

"Promises, promises."

"I'm serious. I don't think I have ever felt anything that wonderful." We lay there for a while, neither one moving. Her breathing fell into a rhythm and I knew she had fallen asleep. I got up carefully, found a robe to put on and found another one for her. I laid it across her arm. I left and quietly shut the bedroom door. Stopping by the kitchen, I put the food away and fixed myself a glass of sweet tea. I moved on to my office. I may have taken a couple of days off but that didn't mean I could abandon my company altogether. I turned on the computer and picked up Mr. Stewart's file. Remembering his earlier frenzied phone call, I had to shake my head at what I was seeing. No wonder he was pissed. I sent DJ an e-mail to have these ads done over. After sending the e-mail I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I had just got him on the phone when I saw Sara standing in the door.

God, she was sexy. She had my robe on but it was hanging open. Her hair was tousled and she had that come hither grin on her face. I held up a finger telling her just a minute.

"I know, Frank. It's totally unacceptable. I am getting DJ on it tomorrow. I won't be there the rest of the week. Yes, DJ knows what to do...don't worry about it Frank. Listen, Frank, I have to go. I'll call you when I get back to work." I disconnected the phone and found Sara walking over to me.

"You should have woke me up," she said as she sat in my lap. I wrapped one around her and put my hand on her thigh.

"You looked peaceful," I said. I had started rubbing my thumb on her thigh.

"But I didn't get to return the favor."

"There's plenty of time for that." I leaned my head back on the chair to look up at her. "Do you want some dinner?"

"What time is it," she asked as she looked around for the clock. I glanced at the clock. But her eyes fell on the picture on the corner of my desk. "Is that her? Tyann?"

"Yes," was all I could say.

"She is beautiful." Sara reached out and picked it up, thinking about how happy Casey looked.

Realizing I was holding my breath, I let it out slowly. Sara set the picture back down, got up and started walking out. Turning, she looked at me and said, "Now, where is that dinner that promised me?" She turned around and kept walking. I was left with no choice but to follow. I sat there for a second, staring at the picture. It had been taken at a cabin we had rented for our honeymoon. It was such a happy time. Tyann was glowing. She told me once that she didn't ever remember being as happy as she was that week.

As I walked in the kitchen she was on her cell phone. She said her goodbyes and hung up. "It looks like I'm going to have to go. One of my patients is in trouble." I noticed she had tied her robe.

"Well, I hope it's not too serious."

"Okay," she said and walked out before she could leave the kitchen. She started, "Casey, I..." she stopped.


"Never mind." Sara stopped because she realized she had no right to ask yet. While Sara was getting dressed, she kept thinking, "Where did this come from?" She was not supposed to be caring this much already. Other than having great sex, she really didn't know Casey. But if she was family to DJ and Stephanie, she couldn't be that bad. Sara was starting to have guilty thoughts about leaving. There was no patient in trouble. She just knew that she couldn't stay after seeing that picture. She couldn't help feeling jealous. "Stupid," she muttered to herself.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"I've got to run. Sorry for running out like this." With that, she took off down the hall.

"It's okay," I called after her. Still standing in the bedroom, I heard the door shut. I had serious doubts that it was a patient that called her away. But if that's what she wants me to believe, what could I do? I knew it was about the picture. I was not going to apologize for that. I went back to the living room and turned on the news.

The next morning I woke up on the couch. It felt good to sleep in. I went through my morning routine. Most important was the coffee. A few hours later, I decided to go see Stephanie. I needed advice, professional advice.

I put on a pair of shorts and matching shirt and it was a beautiful summer day so I decided to really try to relax so I got out the convertible and put the top down.

Sara was looking out of her office window thinking about last night. Her office looked out over the parking lot. It wasn't very scenic but at least she got to see daylight. She watched this little car pull in and park. The person looked familiar. Casey. What was she doing here? Her pulse sped up a little-this woman was sexy as hell. She wasn't ready to face her yet. She quickly went to tell Wanda, her and Stephanie's secretary, that if anybody asked, she was out. When she went back in her office, she left the door cracked, wanting to hear what was being said.

"Well, I'll be. Casey, is that you," Sara heard Wanda say.

"Yes, Wanda, it's me."

"I haven't seen you since...well, you know."

"It sure has been a while. How've you been? Thought for sure I would have seen you at the party the other night."

"You would have but George has not been feeling well."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is Stephanie in?"

"Not right now. She should be back any minute."

"Okay, I'll just have a seat and wait." Sitting down, I picked up a magazine. I noticed Sara's office door. I knew she was here. I saw her car. If she wants to ignore me, okay.

On the other side of the door, Sara couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Casey wasn't here to see her. Just when she was getting up the nerve to walk out there, she heard Stephanie come up.

"Casey, girl, what a wonderful surprise." I stood up to give her a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if I could steal you for lunch?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. Just let me get my keys and wallet. I need to lock my office."

"Go ahead and lock your office but leave the keys and wallet."

"You have the convertible, don't you?"


"Oh Casey, you know I love that car." Stephanie glanced at Wanda, "Is Sara in?"

"Stephanie, just us okay," I said quickly. Stephanie looked at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Okay. Wanda, tell her that I went to lunch." Stephanie and I started walking away. She looped her arm in mine.

"People are going to start thinking you're going behind DJ's back," I said with a chuckle.

"Let 'em. I couldn't think of anyone better to do it with. Besides DJ knows better. So, tell me why you didn't want to invite Sara? I thought you two were getting along great."

"I have my doubts about that. I wanted to talk to you about something that doesn't concern her."

"I heard you had a date last night." We got to my car and I opened the door for her to get in.

"Stephanie, that depends on the definition of date. I stopped to get food on the way home and met her at my place. We skipped dinner and went right to sex."

"Well, it sounds like a date to me."

"A date is when you talk, get to know each other's likes and dislikes."

"Well, do you like the sex," she asked, laughing.

"Yes, it's wonderful. But that's beside the point." I told her the story about the picture and what happened afterward.

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No, I just need help. I don't know how to date anymore. Should I put the picture away?"

"No, I don't think that's it." We were silent for a minute. "Oh, Casey, let's eat here."

I pulled in and after we placed our orders Stephanie looked at me and asked, "Are you really ready to move on?"

"I honestly don't know. I would like to think so. I know Tyann would have wanted me to be happy. Stephanie, I like Sara. I would like to get to know her better."

"I support whatever you want and I know DJ does too. We are both so happy you have finally taken a few days off." We sat there talking for over an hour before she said she had to get back. I thanked her for the little talk.

What I didn't know was that Sara was sitting back in her office crying. She had heard me tell Stephanie not to ask her for lunch. She didn't understand why this was bothering her. Before she could straighten herself out, Stephanie came through the door.

"Sara, we need to talk."

"What about," she sniffed.

"First of all, why are you crying?"

"Because I messed up and now she doesn't want anything to do with me." Sara couldn't help but let the fresh tears fall.

"You are just as bad as she is," Stephanie said, shaking her head. "Sara, Casey is a wonderful woman and she is trying to move on. Why did you leave so fast last night after you saw the picture? We all know that there was no patient."

"I saw the happiness. I can't compete with that."

"Sara, that picture was taken on their honeymoon. There is no competition for that. And no one will ever replace what they had. But that doesn't mean that Casey can't find happiness again with someone new." She got up and went around behind Sara and started rubbing her shoulders. "You fell hard for her, didn't you?"

"At first sight."

"Give her time. And next time, try to eat and talk first. Stay out of the bedroom." With that, Sara blushed crimson red.

"She told you."

"Yes, we're family. She tells us everything."

"Thank you Stephanie."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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