Second Chances

By moc.loa@adnaPneerrG

Published on Jun 24, 2007


This is a work of fiction involving explicit sex between two women. If this type of thing offends you, or if you are under 18, or if reading this breaks any law where you are...DO NOT PROCEED!!

While I sat there watching my two best friends, I had to admit that I was jealous. Stephanie and DJ had been together now about eight years and you would still think that were still in the honeymoon stage. I can remember the day I met them about seven years ago. We were spending a night at the only bar near the college that was for gays and lesbians. I had made a pass at Stephanie; I had no idea she was taken. Rejection brought me the two best friends a girl could have. And now we are sitting here celebrating 8 years. I glanced down at my watch. It was time to make the toast. I wasn't good at this, speaking in front of a room. I glanced around at all the people who had come to celebrate. Some I knew and some I didn't. I decided there was no time like the present. I stood and got everyone's attention.

"Well, as some of you know, I am no good at speaking but for DJ and Stephanie, I will give it a shot." I turned to them and raised my glass. "Over the years I have watched your love grow even stronger than it was the day I met you. I wish you many more years of happiness and may your love continue to grow. Everyone, please raise your glasses with me - to DJ and Stephanie."

A little while later, just about everyone in the room was on the dance floor. I stood next to DJ.

"DJ, I am going to head out," I said.

"Are you sure? The party has just started."

"Yeah, I have a couple of accounts that I need to work on. You know I have that big presentation on Monday." I took over after my father's Advertising agency after he passed. "And from the looks of it you better go dance with your woman. Have a good night."

"With that look, my night won't be just good, it'll be fantastic. We'll see you tomorrow" Every Saturday we have a diner at their place and swim in the pool during summer. I watched DJ walk over to Stephanie. I sighed.

"Doesn't it make you sick?" I turned to the voice beside me. "Hi, I'm Sara Davenport, I work with Stephanie."

"Casey Hamilton, it's nice to meet you. And no not really."

"So, Casey, how long have you known them," Sara asked.

"For about seven years. I met them one night at this club by the college. I saw Stephanie leaning against the bar by herself. I tried to pick her up. I got a very graceful rejection but we continued to talk and she introduced DJ and the rest is as they history." I continued to study Sara. "You said you work with Stephanie?" Sara looked too young to be a doctor.

"Yeah, I transferred in about a month ago. She has been so kind in helping me with the transition and showing me around, helping me to meet people. She's told me about you." She said the last with a small smirk on her face.

All I could do was shake my head and say, "Oh boy, all good I hope."

"Oh, it's good Casey. Could I interest you in a dance?

"I will have to take a rain check. I was just about to leave."

"Now, why would you do that? It's Friday night and it's still way too early to call it a night."

I considered it for a moment and then said, "Unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do to finish up for a major presentation on Monday."

"Stephanie did say you are a work-a-holic. Will you be making it to the BBQ tomorrow?"

"I never miss those. That's another reason I need to get my work done tonight."

"Well then, Casey, maybe we can talk more tomorrow."

"I don't see why not." I replied, looking around for a place to set my glass.

"Here, I'll take that for you. Don't want to keep you from your work." As she reached out to take my glass from me, our hands brushed against each other and I immediately felt the electric jolt. My eyes flew to hers. I could see she felt it too. We stared at each other for a moment. I realized that her hand was still on mine.

"Thank you, I better get going." I said, as I pulled away.

I could feel her staring after me as I walked away.

As Sara watched Casey walk away, she thought about what had just happened. She knew that Casey felt it too; she could see it in her eyes. Hopefully, tomorrow they could explore things a little more. She watched Casey until she was no longer in view.

"Sara, I'm so glad you could make it." Sara turned to see Stephanie.

"Thanks for the invite. I can't wait to get in a pool, it's so hot already and summer has barely started yet."

"Sara, this is DJ." Stephanie said as DJ walked up behind her.

"It's nice to meet you." It was amazing how Stephanie could tell DJ was there without even looking.

"Likewise. I see you were chatting with Casey," DJ said.

"Yeah, we were discussing how you two make everyone jealous," causing Stephanie to chuckle.

"Sara, you're crazy. So, are you coming tomorrow?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it for anything." They continued to talk a little more before someone called the two away. They said goodbye with promises of seeing each other tomorrow.

On the other side of town, I was sitting in my office looking out over the lights. My thought kept going to Sara. I hadn't expected to feel that jolt of electricity. Not that Sara was hard to look at. She was a couple inches shorter than herself, with blonde hair, soft green eyes, and all the right curves.

"I don't have time for this," I muttered to myself. Don't have time for fantasy or relationship. Looking at the clock, I saw that it said 4 A.M. I better go get some sleep.

"It's a perfect day to be by the pool."

"Casey, I'm glad you could take a break long enough to come. You work too much."

"Yeah, I know."

"And we need to work on that."

"Did someone say work," DJ asked as she walked into the room. "Work is a bad word today. Tell her Sara." I had not seen Sara behind her.

"Yep, no work today."

"I'm not working today. Besides, I got it all done last night." I said, while turning to DJ and Sara.

"So Casey, how late did you stay?" DJ asked, raising one eyebrow.

"None of your damn business."

"So, you left this morning." I guess Stephanie sensed where this was going and told DJ to go get the grill going.

"Thanks Stephanie," I said.

"Casey, you really should slow down. It's not good for your health."

"Are those Doc's order?"

"If I have to, yes."

"I'll try," I could feel Sara's eyes on me. "Stephanie, I'm going to go get in the pool."

"Okay, Sara, why don't you go with her? I'll be out in a minute."

"They watch over you like mother hens don't they," Sara asked on the way out. "They do it because they love me. But it does get a little old," I said. "But they can do it all they want. I consider them family."

"Casey, what're you saying' about us," DJ asked.

"I was just telling Sara that you two are the most loveable pains in the ass." Sara laughed, and it was mesmerizing. "Now, I'm going for a dip." I went over to the lounge chair, pulled off my shirt and shorts. I could sense someone looking at me. I looked around and saw Sara looking at me with what was obvious desire in her eyes. She just grinned. I went to the deep end and dove in, and swam down to the other end, to sit on the steps. Sara appeared beside me holding a glass of sweet tea.


"You're welcome, and it's already a nice day." I could almost hear the grin that she had on her face.

"And best of all, DJ is not too bad with the grill."

"I hope so. They're both great people."

"Yes, they are."

"Stephanie was so friendly when I first came in. One can't help but love her." With that, we noticed that Stephanie was now beside DJ at the grill. They were lost in each other.

"I think they forgot all about us." I said.

"I can't wait to have that one day. What about you?" she asked, turning back to me.

"They weren't always like that. At one point, I didn't think they were going to make it."

"Everyone has problems."

"Not like those two did. But that's for another day. It's too depressing for today." With that, I slipped further in the water. I could feel Sara watching me. I had to admit that I am attracted to her too. But I don't do relationship, not since Tyann.

"You know babe, your friend has the hots for Casey." DJ whispered in Stephanie's ear.

"Yeah, I know. Her eyes follow Casey's every move."

"Whatcha gonna do about it?"


"I say we forget about 'em and go back to bed." DJ said, as she pulled Stephanie closer.

"As fun as that sounds, maybe later. As for those two, I am going to let Casey handle it for herself."

A few hours later as the sun was setting, we were sitting around outside. I glanced at Sara, and to no surprise, she was looking right at me. I stood up.

"I'm going for another swim. Sara, care to join me?" I walked away, not waiting to see if she was following. I walked straight to the edge and dove in. When I came up she was in the pool. I swam over to the side and came to a stop beside her. I didn't say anything at first, just looked at her.

"I don't do relationships," I said.

"Okay, how about sex. Do you do that?" She asked in a husky voice. I felt her foot tracing along my calf. "I want you Casey."

"You don't seem to be the type to have casual sex."

"I hope there is nothing casual about it. I want it fast and hard and feverish," she said as she moved closer to me.

"You don't hold anything back, do you?"

"Not when I want something," she said.

I didn't respond right away. All of a sudden, she turned and swam away, leaving me to my thoughts and a view of her backside. I noticed DJ and Stephanie going into the house carrying dishes. I swam after Sara. When I caught up to her, I moved around to the front of her. "Yes?" Her lips slightly parted. I leaned in and covered her lips with mine. She met me with equal pressure. Even in the cool water I could feel the heat building between my legs. I had never felt anything like this. I pulled away breaking the kiss and said, "I don't want them knowing about this."


"Meet me at my house at 9 tonight." I gave her my address and we worked out a way for us to leave without drawing attention to us. The next couple of hours went by really slowly.

"DJ, Stephanie, I need to get going."

"Casey, I know you're not going to the office are you?" I could hear the mother tone in Stephanie's voice.

"No, mom, I'm going home." I said, which drew laughter from everyone. "Sara, it was nice seeing you again."

"You too, Casey." she said smiling. "By the way, what time is it?"

"It's about 8:30." DJ looked at her watch.

"I guess I better go too. I told my mom I'd call her at 9. It's my usual Saturday time." We all made our goodbyes.

As I was driving along, I kept thinking that I was making a mistake. I would just tell her that I changed my mind. This couldn't go anywhere. It would just lead to problems, problems that I don't have time to deal with. I sat in the driveway until I saw her little red BMW pull up behind me. I watched her get out. As she was walking up to me, she reached back and let her hair down. Oh God, I thought, she's gorgeous. If we go in the house, I doubt that I would be able to refuse her. I got out and stood beside my truck.

"Sara, I..." was all I got out before her lips covered mine. She backed me up against my truck. I felt her hand go to the back of my head and hold me to her." I pulled away, drawing a ragged breath.

"You know you want it, why do you keep denying it?"

"Because it could cause a lot of problems. You know we have mutual friends."

"I thought you didn't want to tell them."

"I don't, but when this is over, it could be awkward at gatherings."

"Casey, I want you," she whispered as she leaned in to kiss me again. I met her halfway because god help me I wanted her too.

"Let's move this inside," I said, between kisses.

By now, there was no return. It was going to happen. I barely had the door shut behind us before we were tearing at each other's clothes. I nudged us in the direction of my bedroom dropping clothes all the way. Sara's hands were running everywhere. They felt so soft and smooth and were leaving a trail of electricity behind them. By the time we got to the bedroom all we had left on was the bottoms of our swimsuits. I hooked my thumbs in the waist and started pulling them down. I bent down to pull them off the rest of the way. My head was level with her pussy. I could smell the arousal. I leaned forward and buried my head there, moving my hands up to her ass pulling her toward me. I could hear her gasp as I stuck my tongue out to take a small taste. I heard myself groan. I kissed her thighs and moved my mouth back to her. I ran my tongue up and down her outer lips.

"Oh, Casey," she breathed. "Please," I noticed that we were close to the bed so I stopped long enough to push her back onto it. I pushed her legs apart as I knelt down by the edge. I looked up at her and saw that she was watching me. Her lips slightly parted.

"What do you want?"

"You," she said, breathing heavily.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Fuck me."

"I like a woman who knows what she wants."

"Casey, please, this is torture," she begged. I lowered my head and ran my tongue over her again and again putting a little more pressure with each stroke. I knew when I ran my tongue over her clit; she arched her hips up and grabbed my head with her hands pulling me deeper. I continued my assault on her clit while inserting two fingers inside her. I began to move them faster and faster. I pulled her clit into my mouth and sucked on it. I could feel her muscles clenching my fingers tighter.

"Casey, please don't stop," she whimpered. I could tell she was getting closer so I went a little faster. Her legs clamped down around my head as she screamed out. I kept at it until her legs relaxed enough. I pulled myself up onto the bed beside her. She was still breathing heavily. I had my arm slung over my eyes. We just lay there like that for a few minutes. No words were spoken. Her breathing had slowed to normal. I thought she had fallen asleep until I felt her mouth take my nipple and her hand slide in my swimsuit bottoms causing me to groan. I shifted my legs further apart to give her more access. With that movement, she knelt beside me and pulled at my bottoms, pulling them off.

"You should swim naked. You have the most beautiful body." I could see the pure desire in her eyes.

"I do here. I have a pool." Oh great. Now I am babbling like an idiot. What her hands were doing to my body was making me lose my mind.

"We will have to go skinny-dippin later." she said, as she situated herself between my legs. "Speaking of dipping..."she said, as she lowered her head to the juncture of my thighs. At the first lick of her tongue, I jumped. She giggled.

"I swear I've done this before."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just been a while."

"It sure didn't feel like it's been a while," she said and then blew a breath on me. "Let's see what you remember."

Her mouth was then attached to my clit. I felt her insert two fingers into me. Pulling in and out slowly as first and gradually she got faster and faster. I felt the pressure building in me and I knew it wouldn't be long. Sure enough, in no time at all I was over the edge. Sara licked at me until my breathing wasn't so ragged, then crawled up beside me. We laid there for a couple of minutes. Finally, I broke the silence.

"I don't remember it like that." All she did was laugh. I really liked her laugh. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Water would be good. And a bathroom..."

"Ok, the bathroom is through that door right there and I'll go to the kitchen."

I went to get up but she caught me by the arm and pulled me back down and kissed me. It was soft but firm. It held the message that there was more if I wanted it. It felt good kissing her. I pulled away and got up before she had a chance to stop me. I couldn't believe what I was feeling. On the way to the kitchen, I was telling myself not to feel anything. I was standing at the sink when I heard Sara come in.

"Do you want ice," I asked.

"No," she said as she took the glass from me. "You didn't like what happened earlier?"


"You pulled away pretty quickly just now."

"Sorry. Yes, I enjoyed it. It's just..." I stopped mid-sentence. There was no reason to go into it.

"It's just..." she began.

"Nothing. Why don't you go on and get in the pool?"

"Are you going to join me?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute. I said. "I'll grab some towels."

"Okay." I watched her walk out the back sliding door gloriously naked. I decided that later I was going to have her again. Once out of sight, I went through and picked up our trail of clothes and put them in my room.

Walking out to the pool, I could see her lounging in a chair. Her body was glistening wet. I could see the water shimmering on her. Her eyes were closed so I took the opportunity to just look at her. Starting at her feet, I noticed she had a toe ring. It was cute. My gaze traveled up her shapely legs. I'm glad she shaves. I prefer that. A little further down were those breasts. I didn't really pay enough attention to those-looked like maybe a C. Later. By the time I got to her mouth, I was turned on again. And by the grin she had I knew I'd been caught. My eyes flew to hers. I could see the same desire I knew I felt in her eyes. She sat up on the lounger, her eyes never leaving mine. She put one leg on either side of the chair, holding out her hand to me. I copied her, sliding right up to her so that our pussies were touching. My hands went to her breasts and our mouths met with fiery passion. Her arms went around me with her hands cupping my ass to pull me in closer. Sara began to move her hips with a thrusting motion. I broke this kiss and trailed my mouth down her neck, and then a little further. I cupped her right breast and brought it to my mouth sucking on her nipple. She threw her head back and let out a moan. I could feel the pressure building inside me. I reached around to grab her ass and pulled her closer. She did the same. Together, we found a rhythm, faster and faster. Our lips came together again, our tongues plunging into each other's mouths. I was almost there. I felt her muscles begin to clench so I picked up speed to take us both over the edge. She pulled away from this kiss. "Oh Casey, yes, uh...yeah," her breathing was matching mine-very ragged. We came at the same time. She leaned back on the chair and I went with her, laying my head on her stomach. It was maybe about five minutes later and she stirred. I started to move but she put her arm around me to hold me still.

"Casey, I don't think you forgot a thing," she said.

"I guess not," I said with a chuckle. "Maybe in a few minutes when I get my strength back I'll get in the pool to cool off."

"I say we lay here just like this for a while." Sara was running her fingers through my hair. About 10 minutes later, I heard her stomach rumble. I lifted my head up.

"I think someone's a little hungry?"

"Yeah, I am hungry but it isn't for food."

"That's not what your stomach is saying. Come on, let's go inside. I'll make us a sandwich." I started to move. She sat up with me and before I could get up she caught my face with her hands and pulled me into a kiss. As our tongues were battling it out for control, I felt her hands move to my breast and squeeze. This woman was insatiable.

"Casey, I want you again," she whispered in my ear.

"You are going to kill me." I said. "Can we at least go back to the bed?"

"I thought you'd never ask." All I could do was laugh. I got up, took her hand, and led the way.

A few hours later we were lying there. Sara had her eyes closed but I wasn't sure if she was asleep or not. I was thinking of getting up. I looked at the clock. It read 3:30 A.M. I decided to lie there and try to get some sleep.

I woke up to the sun coming in through the window. I immediately realized that I wasn't alone. Looking over I saw Sara still sleeping, her blonde hair spread out over the pillow. Pure beauty. I got up and got some clothes on as quietly as I could. I walked down the hall to the guest bath and took a shower. After my shower, I set about my normal routine. Starting the laundry, I threw Sara's clothes in too. I made some coffee and sat down on the couch to read the paper. About that time, my usual Sunday morning phone call came. Tyann's mom called every Sunday morning. She called to see how I was doing and to try to get me to come to Sunday dinner after church. This morning was no different. In the last few weeks, she started mentioning that I needed to start dating again. I keep telling her that I'm not ready. "But Casey, you are still so young." I could hear her say. And as always, I would tell her that I would think about it. When the call was over, I got up to change the clothes over to the dryer. In the hall, I ran into Sara, her body still damp.

"I took a shower. Hope you don't mind," she said quietly, almost shyly. "But I couldn't find my clothes." She was still wrapped in the bath towel.

"I'm just about to put them in the dryer. I figured you might want clean clothes today. I'll find you something to put on." She watched me as I moved the clothes around.

"I hope you didn't wash on my account."

"Nah, I do it every Sunday morning," I said.

"Well, thank you."

"Would you like some breakfast? Coffee?"

"Some coffee would be great." I could feel some awkwardness in the air. We walked to my room in silence. I got her a pair of boxers and a tee shirt.

"These should do before your clothes get done; shouldn't be too long." Sara took the clothes from me. Our hands brushed and I felt that jolt again. Apparently she did too because I heard that quick intake of breath. I broke contact with her. "Let's go get that coffee, huh."


We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you want any toast or something?"

"No, I'm not really a breakfast person," Sara said.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure," she nodded her head. "Why?"

"You don't seem to have that bubble personality that you had last night."

"I've never been any good at the morning after stuff. Despite what it looked like I don't do this all the time."

"I didn't think you did. Neither do I. It's been a real long time." The phone rang as I finished my responses. "Let me get that."

While on the phone with DJ, I had my back turned to Sara. Looking out the kitchen window, I felt Sara come up behind me and put her arms around me and start kissing my neck. I turned in her arms, but that didn't stop her. She moved her hands inside my tee shirt.

"I don't know DJ. I don't think I will leave the house today." I felt Sara's lips form a smile at that. "DJ, I'll get back to you." I hung up the phone.

"Sara, did you know that you are a bad friend?" I asked.

"Last time I heard anything, I was good," she said with an innocent tone.

"Stephanie has been trying to get you all day."

"Oh, I have been pleasantly distracted."

"Yeah, they want to go to dinner tonight. If I didn't know better, I would think that Stephanie is trying to play matchmaker."

"Now, don't they know that...what was it that you said, 'you don't do relationships?"

"That has never stopped her before," I retorted.

"Can I ask you why?" As soon as Sara said the words, she regretted them. It was like she watched the door slam in Casey's eyes. Sara had never seen someone shut down so fast.

"Your clothes should be done by now," I said, and pulled away, hoping that she would take the hint that it was time for her to go.

"You're right, I should get going," Sara decided to be blunt. She followed me to the laundry room. I got them out of the dryer. Sara stripped right there. She put on her shorts and top. Unable to apologize, I let her leave. It was nothing personal. I just wasn't ready to talk about it with her. I still have problems talking about it with DJ and Stephanie and they are my best friends. For some reason, I became angry with myself. I decided to go for a drive. About 30 minutes into my drive, I noticed that I was at the cemetery. I always end up here when I'm angry. I walked over to the gravesite. I could tell that her mother had been here recently. There were fresh flowers and the weeds were gone. I took my usual seat. I read the headstone just like I always do. It said, "Tyann Hamilton August 1976 - March 2006 Devoted wife." Devoted wife just didn't cover it. She sacrificed so much to make me happy. Her main goal in life was to make me happy. I adored her. She was my everything.

I had sat there so long I lost track of time. At some point it had started raining and I was soaked. Behind me I saw the headlights of a car coming in. And then I heard, "Casey, what are you doing?" I recognized DJ's voice.

"DJ, just leave me alone."

"Bullshit." Then, she yelled to Stephanie to bring her a blanket. I overheard some of the conversation they were having behind me.

"Step, you and Sara take her truck back to the house and we'll be there shortly." DJ lowered her voice but I could still hear her. "What are we going to do? She can't keep doing this."

"I know babe, we will think of something. Let's just get her home and dry for now."

"Ok, baby, I love you. See ya in a few."

"Love you too." And then it was just DJ left.


"Yeah...DJ, I just miss her so much...It still hurts." I broke down and cried again.

"Casey, hon, I know you do." She knelt down beside me and pulled me to her. "Let it out, Casey."

So, I did. I cried for a long time. I was starting to shiver. DJ noticed too.

"Come on, let's go."

"Just take me to my house."

"But..." DJ started.


"Ok, It's been a long time since we found you out here." DJ could only remember one other time about three months ago.

"Yeah...I know." We rode a while in silence." I was fine until I spent the night with Sara last night," I finally said.

"You spent the night with Sara?" she asked. "Like, as in, have sex?"

"Yeah." I went on to tell her all of the conversation that I had with Sara.


"That's all you can say?" I asked. "I feel like I have cheated."

"I think I understand how you feel. But don't you think that Tyann would have wanted you to be happy?"

"I never got to say I'm sorry. And I never got to say goodbye. I don't feel like I deserve to be happy."

"Tyann's main purpose in life was to make you happy. She would want you to move on and be happy. No one will ever be able to take her place." I knew she was right.

We pulled up to my house. "I'm going to go in and get a hot shower. And then we'll go to your place."

"Ok, I'm going to call Stephanie and let her know what's up. Are you feeling better?

"Yeah, Tyann's mom has been telling me for weeks that I need to go start dating again. Maybe Sara won't think I'm too nuts after seeing this tonight."

"I'm sure she won't. She's a great lady. Hurry up. We still have time for dinner."

As I was showering, I could feel the stress and tension washing away. I got out and dressed-Ready to go.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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