Second Chance

By D One

Published on Mar 21, 2007



"Ever get a blowjob?" the words rang in his head as Cory walked across the yard.

Children young and old were everywhere playing whatever games they were playing. Older young men, many shirtless, were running up and down the basketball court yelling and cursing.

Usually he would stop and watch imagining what it was like to have torsos like those he saw or to be able to touch them.

SUV's were lined up by the baseball field with overzealous parents sitting nearby yelling at their children to make them proud.

He walked past them all.

Maybe the words were actualy "Ever give a blowjob" or "Want a blowjob" or even "Need a blowjob" or possibly "I'll pay you for a blowjob".

It could have been any of these. He had heard several variations before.

But this time it stunned him.

Cory hung out in the park like most of his friends from the neighborhood and school. Sometimes there was a baseball game. But usually the kids just hung around sitting on top of the picnic tables, making fun of those they didn't know, their teachers or even each other.

He liked being there. It wasn't like school, where kids hung out in little groups defined by the clothes they wore, their looks or even the cars they drove.

In the park, even the best dressed kids in school, came to hang out in jeans and t shirts like everybody else.

He wasn't a popular kid nor was he a nerd. But even the nerds hung out in the park. It was kind of an equalizing ground during the summer.

The world around him that afternoon seemed unreal. There was almost a numb feeling in his head as he walked.

Barh who everhone called Bark, was one of the more muscular and athletically able kids. In school, he played football in the fall and wrestled during the spring. He wore one of those white sweaters with the school letter on the sides. He was usually crowded around by the other kids.

But in the park even Barh was like everyone else. He wore torn shirts and cutoffs and flip flops. He didn't show off with any athletic prowess, he just hung out.

And to Cory's delight he talked to him as well as the others. "So kid" he said "want to go (here or there)" and Cory would tag along as he went across the field, or got hotdogs from the concession stand or just sat under the tree talking about school.

When the weather got humid, the kids would strip as far as the law allowed, wearing short and nothing else. The girls wore elastic tops which seemed to excite the boys. But Cory liked looking at the bare chests, thick legs, growing armpit hair, emerging pectorals and biceps of the other boys.

Cory wasn't dumb. He knew he wasn't the only one. In fact sometimes he would look around to see which of the other boys were looking at the hunker kids like Barh.

"So what's up kid" Barh put his bare arm around Cory's bare shoulders that day.

"Just haning out like everyone else" Cory said casually. In school he wouldn't dare speak to a school hero. But then Barh never talked to him in school either.

"Yea know what you mean, want this?" Barh handed a tiny white cylinder of paper which was smouldering. The kids often smoked pot in the park. But they were caught so often it raerly happened.

"It's just a cigarette. I role em myself. That way nobody knows when it's tobacco or something more fun"

Cory waved it away. "Don't smoke man" he said.

"Cool. Bad habit anyway. I can't smoke when schools on, training. The coach would rip me a new asshole" he laughed and took a drag then crushed the butt under the sole of his flip flop.

"So...." and then the words came. There were other kids around them so Barh leaned close to Cory's ear and half whispered the question.

"Ever had a blowjob?"

Cory didn't remember answering. He said something he knew. But then left. Maybe he said "have to go home" or "Gotta go" or "god I want to suck your cock int he worst way". Well, maybe not the last one.

Now he was walking across the yards away from the shaded picnic tables, across the parking lot and up the street towards his house.

"Mom? Carla?" he called out. Cory knew nobody was home but there was some security in asking as he unlocked the door to the pool house.

His Dad made the offer and Cory couldn't believe it.

"So you want your own room huh? Your little brother starting to drive you nuts?" he laughed "Your Uncle was the same way to me when we were your age".

Cory closed the sliding glass door that had become his shield of privacy against the world. In the one room that he decorated with posters, books, computers, a queen size bed and his collection of CD's, Cory felt secure.

He reached to take his t shirt off and realized he was still half naked having left his t shirt at the park.

"Shit" he muttered. It was one of his favorites too. Probably gone now. Maybe it was in the lost and found. He'd check tomorrow.

Slipping out of his shorts, he flicked his testicle and half hard penis to cool off. His penis was always half hard and usually rock hard. The heat made his ball sac hung low. He turned the shower. It was the original shower stall that was in the pool house and perfect for his bachelor apartment.

The knocking on the glass door stopped him from stepping into the water.

Turning, he saw Barh at the glass door. Cory forgot to close the blinds. His nakedness was clearly visable.

Barh didn't acknowledge it.

"You forgot your shirt" he held up the tangerine color t shirt. "Can I come in?"

The older boy was polite.

"uh yea sure I guess' Cory stepped back. "Want a coke" he was anxious to show off his little regrigerator to anyone who visited his private apartment aka pool house.

"Uh yea, can I get comfortable too?" Barh started unbuttoning his shorts.

"Oh shit, sorry man I was gonna get a shower" Cory said as Barh walked back to the door and closed the blinds.

"Hell me and my brothers are always bareass at home." Barh had let his shorts drop to the floor.

Cory stared. He had no choice.

"It's comfortable, cool and we save our laundry"

"You have brothers?" Cory asked not sure whether to cover his half hard cock with his hands or turn away.

"Yea two older" Barh said he was pulling on his penis. "Nice huh?"

Cory didn't know if the boy was talking about his cock, or the feeling he had given himself by pulling on it.

"uh yea" Cory said. His eyes had measured the cock that was certainly thicker then his. But in it's soft state he wasn't sure about the length. His own cock was growing.

"Wow nice one kid, let it get hard so we can jack off" Barh said as he started playing with his penis which as now expanding.

"I thought you were interested" he said.

Cory felt himself blush at obviously being caught looking at Barh in the park.

"I mean I hoped you'd be, you're cute" it was Barh's turn not to blush as he admitted an attraction to Cory.

"Can't tell anyone of course" he said as he moved forward "but we can take care of each other and keep it our secret"

"yea" Cory whispered his answer rather the gasp when Barh touched his cock. He couldn't believe the odler, hunkier boy was kneeling in front of him.

And then as Barh's hands slid up his stomach and his fingers found Cory's nipples, warm lips surrounded his cock.

"Oh shit, you weren't kidding" Cory said.

"I never kid about this" Barh looked up "besides I want to feel your lips on my boner too, ok?"

And then Cory responded finally the way he had wanted to respond back in the park earlier.


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