Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on Jan 22, 2010


Second Chance, Chapter 58


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

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For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Chapter 58

Robbie was up early chirping in the kitchen as Rob and Blake got his breakfast ready. The day had dawned sunny and 70 degrees, without a cloud to obscure the azure sky. It was a good omen.

Eric awoke to the pleasant sensation of being felt up. Josh was in a playful mood teasing him about not being as excited about his wedding day as he had been about going camping the month before.

"Hey, I'm awake early and I'm pretty happy about it as you can tell by the tent I'm pitching." Eric laughed.

"Yeah, that's some pole you're got there, Babe. I'm having second thoughts about whether I can take that monster!"

"You'll have third thoughts when I'm through with you," Eric said as he tickled Josh's ribs.

"Okay, guys settle down," Dane said, getting out of bed. "Think of something besides sex so you can go down to breakfast without embarrassing yourselves and everyone else!"

"Look who's talking," Josh exclaimed. "Either you're carrying a battering ram or you're as horny as we are."

"Okay," Dane grinned. "I'll admit to being a little aroused. Who wouldn't be waking up with a stallion in bed?"

While saying this, he pulled the sheet back to prove his point. Colt's impressive mast was pointing straight toward the ceiling and throbbing with each heart-beat.

"Let's go shower and give these guys a chance to take care of each other,"

Eric suggested.

He pulled Josh with him toward the small bathroom in the loft, stopping to grab shorts to put on when they were done. Colt crooked his finger at Dane in a beckoning gesture, heading toward the deck. Both of them pissed over the edge before pulling the cushion off of one of the chaise lounges. Knowing they wouldn't have a lot of time to spare, they got into the 69 position without much foreplay. It was going to be a quickie or nothing until evening and they were going for the former. Within a few minutes, they tasted the rewards of their efforts.

Josh and Eric emerged from the bathroom and descended the stairs. They didn't even see their friends out on the deck kissing in the afterglow.

Rob had coffee brewing while he fried bacon. Blake was cleaning up Robbie from his breakfast. Ben and Scott came out of their room to help.

The sounds of the upstairs shower running again let the guys know that Dane and Colt would soon join them. By the time they came down, everything was ready.

"Is it okay if I ask a blessing on the food?" Dane asked.

"Sure," everyone responded.

"Gracious Lord, please bless the hands that prepared this food and bless it to our use. Let this day be a blessed event for all who participate. Grant that these couples may enjoy the happiness and fulfillment that you bestow on those who are true soul-mates, like you have for Colt and me. Amen."

"AMEN!" came from all the rest.

"That was very thoughtful of you, Dane." Ben smiled. "I for one feel blessed already and I think the rest will second me on that. This is a wonderful place and you've been so hospitable."

The other guys agreed.

It was 9:30 by the time the breakfast dishes were done and the kitchen tidied up. Eric wanted to get dressed right away so they wouldn't be late getting started. He and Josh went up to the loft to do that. Rob and Blake used the loft bathroom while Ben and Scott used the downstairs one. None of them was in as big of a hurry as Eric.

Dane got dressed while Colt dressed Robbie in his little outfit. Doing that made him even more certain that he wanted children when he and Dane were out of college.

Colt handed Robbie to Dane while he dressed. Dane had his hands full trying to entertain the little guy without getting either of their white outfits dirty. Perhaps they should have dressed Robbie at the last possible minute. He finally gave up trying to corral the little boy, stripped him down to his diaper, and allowed him to crawl on the living area floor. He would put the outfit back on him just before the ceremony.

At about 10:30, Fr. Jerry and Dennis arrived. Greta's Highlander drove past the gate to the cottage that was just down the road. She was accompanied by an older lady that Dane said was Jane Masterson.

Dennis busied himself setting up a small electronic keyboard. When he was finished, he helped his partner with the kneeling bench and a large white box covered with a linen cloth. These additions turned the gazebo into something that resembled the front of a sanctuary. The altar would provide a focal point.

They placed several candles on this temporary altar. In the center were three large, white unity candles. Flanking them were a pair of black candles, a pair of gray candles, and a pair of silver ones.

Dane set up a video camera on a tripod at the back. He was careful to position it so that everyone would be in the viewfinder when all were assembled at the altar. He had Greta, who had just returned, at the ready to turn it on and make any adjustments that might be needed during the ceremony.

Approximately five minutes before the appointed hour, Dennis began to play a medley of familiar hymns. Dane and Colt unrolled a white carpet going down in front of the gazebo to provide a kind of aisle. Colt then carried Robbie and a basket of rose petals trying to get Robbie to scatter them. Robbie got into it and threw a bunch of them haphazardly. Everyone laughed and Dane captured it on his camera. Next, Colt lighted the black, gray, and silver candles while Robbie watched intently from his perch in the crook of Colt's left arm.

To the sounds of Pachelbel's "Cannon in D," the couples walked toward the altar in pairs – Eric and Josh leading the way. They each took a silver candle and lighted the left white candle extinguishing their individual ones. When they stepped back, Rob and Blake did the same with the gray candles and the center unity candle. Finally, Ben and Scott lighted the right candle from their black ones.

Fr. Jerry offered a prayer of blessing upon the gathering. He asked God to join the couples for time and eternity on their special day.

Dennis sang: "The Lord's Prayer."

Fr. Jerry then read the familiar passage from Corinthians about the supremacy of love. He followed that with a short message about the sacredness of marriage. He said that God did not intend that a man should live alone, but in union with someone he loved. He spoke of two soul-mates becoming one flesh together. It sounded much like any other wedding homily, except for the omission of references to a man and a woman.

Eric and Josh held hands and repeated their vows. They placed the plain gold bands on each other's ring fingers after Colt unpinned them from the pillow that Robbie was clutching and chewing on.

Rob and Blake said their vows next. They held Robbie between them as they did. He tried to throw the pillow, but Rob anticipated the move and managed to grab it in time. Then they handed Robbie back to Colt.

Ben and Scott were last, but that didn't make it any less meaningful for them. Both had tears in their eyes as they pledged their love to each other for a lifetime and beyond, God willing.

The couples were waiting for the pronouncement of marriage when they got a surprise. Dane handed the digital camera to Greta. (Both of them had remained outside of the video camera's range.) Colt gave Robbie back to his dads. Then the two of them stood by the keyboard and sang a song that they'd been rehearsing especially for this day. It was "True Love" from "High Society" – as a duet. Dennis had coached them and it sounded wonderful.

Sun-tanned, Wind-blown

Honeymooners at last alone.

Feeling far above par.

Oh, how lucky we are!


I give to you and you give to me,

True love, true love.

So on and on it'll always be,

True love, true love.

For you and I

Have a guardian angel on high,

With nothin' to do.

But to give to you and to give to me,

Love forever true.

For you and I

Have a guardian angel on high,

With nothin' to do.

But to give to you and to give to me,

Love forever true.

Love forever true.

It was a perfect sendoff song. When the last noted died away, Fr. Jerry began his pronouncements with Eric and Josh, ending with Ben and Scott in the same order as they had taken their vows.

The newly married spouses kissed and headed back down their white "aisle" to the strains of the traditional postlude. Of course all were smiling broadly.

The luncheon that Greta and Jane had set up was fantastic. Naturally all participants in the wedding, including the ladies, were invited to partake. The ladies had outdone themselves as was their tradition.

Scott had sent money ahead of time to cover all expenses, but felt that additional gratuities would be welcomed by Dane and Colt who were in college. He thought that the adults might be offended if he gave them tips, considering their social standing – especially Jane Masterson who had more money than Scott would probably ever make in his lifetime.

However, he figured that no one could be insulted by a small check for their favorite charity. The adults all accepted those graciously, saying that they would be put to good use in the community.

Dane and Colt left rather quickly after lunch because they had an important errand. They promised to return within a couple of hours.

Greta and Jane took care of cleaning up. They insisted that no groom should have to lift a finger on his wedding day. Greta invited the men to go for a swim, use the boat, or take a nap until her grandsons returned.

Dennis and Jerry thanked her for including them in the invitation to enjoy the lake, but said that they needed to go back to Cosgrove because they both had a few details to take care of for services the following day. They embraced the newlyweds one more time before departing.

Blake and Rob chose to take a nap while Robbie was down for his. Ben and Scott wanted to go waterskiing again, so Eric and Josh went with them to ski and help spot.

The lake had a lot of traffic on it because the day was perfect for skiing. The boys and their dads each had a chance to ski again before they decided to call it quits and put the boat away.

"I can't believe we're doing this instead of each other," Eric whispered in Josh's ear. "I'm so horny for you I could burst. I can't wait to `become one flesh together'!"

"I agree, but I want it to be special the first time; not just a quickie in the loft."

"Are you two conspiring about what's going to happen later tonight?" Ben grinned.

"Yeah Dad, we are!" Josh answered back without hesitation. "We think we're ready, thanks to you guys and the Johnson boys. They gave us several tips that should help. Wow, I can't believe I'm discussing this with my dads!"

"You're a married man now. Nothing is off limits for discussion. In fact, it never was anyway."

"I know. I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate both of you," Josh said, nearly choking up with emotion.

"Me too," Eric exclaimed. "I've heard horror stories about how fathers treat their gay sons."

"How could we do that as gay men? Why would we expect you to be different than we are?" Scott asked.

The guys had barely showered and changed into shorts and T's when Dane and Colt arrived back at the cottage.

"Here are the key cards to your rooms at the Cosgrove Marriott. We had already reserved the rooms, but needed to confirm them." Colt said as he handed out the plastic cards.

"Uh, couldn't you have done that by phone?" Ben asked.

"Well, we had to enhance them a little. Ask your sons about that, but don't expect them to give you any details."

"Now, I'm very afraid!" Scott teased. "Will we be sorry we brought them with us?"

"Like you had a choice, Dad," Eric laughed.

It was about 5:00 o'clock when the couples got ready to leave for Cosgrove. They all hugged Dane and Colt and thanked them again before departing. They decided to eat a light, early dinner together in the Italian Restaurant that the Johnson boys had recommended. Then they would go to their individual rooms to begin their honeymoons. Tomorrow after breakfast, they would go their separate ways for the next couple of days.

Colt and Dane had done similar things to each of the three rooms. There were votive candles placed around the room, incense to be lighted, small bottles of Champagne chilling, and two pairs of scanty, sheer briefs in the sizes that the boys had specified, laid out on the bed.

Scott and Ben stripped each other and showered. Then they helped each other dress in the underwear that would soon be discarded on the floor. Scott lighted the candles while Ben started the incense and opened the bubbly. They dimmed the lights and opened the door to the balcony. There they sat nearly naked drinking a toast to each other.

Before their glasses were completely empty, Ben was on his knees licking his way up to Scott's crotch. Scott was oozing precum through the sheer fabric and Ben was doing his best to make sure none of it went to waste.

"Breed me, Husband," Ben said in a hoarse whisper.

"Your wish is my command!" Scott answered as he ushered his spouse back into the room and toward the king sized bed.

In a room down the hall, Blake and Rob were getting Robbie ready for bed. He wasn't as eager to sleep as they were to have him sleep, but he settled down eventually because the room was illuminated only by soft candle flames.

Rob went into the bathroom to prepare himself while Blake lay on the large bed with Robbie. He would transfer their son to his own portable bed once he was in dreamland.

Rob emerged wearing the briefs that left nothing to the imagination. It was obvious that he was excited. Blake grabbed the other pair of underwear and took his place in the bathroom.

Before long, he came out looking as happy to see Rob as Rob had been to see him. Blake had uncorked the Champagne and had poured them both a small portion. They drank to each other between deep sensuous kisses.

When both were so hard that their underwear began to hurt their balls for lack of room, Rob freed Blake and Blake returned the favor. Then Rob pulled his legs up toward his chest in a none-too-subtle gesture indicating that he wanted his husband buried in his ass to the hilt.

Blake didn't rush into that position. He began by licking Rob's cock and balls and working his way slowly southward. When he flicked his tongue across Rob's rosebud, Rob gasped and jerked as if he'd been seared by a hot poker. It was exactly the reaction Blake had hoped for.

Next, Blake lubed Rob's chute and his own shaft thoroughly before attempting to enter. Rob was so relaxed that Blake was able to slip in without causing him pain.

"Is it okay if I talk dirty?" Rob whispered.

"As long as our son is asleep and can't learn to use those words before he learns to walk!" Blake smiled. "Nothing that's said between lovers in heat is dirty."

"Then I want you to fuck my ass until I blow my load all over both of us. Let me feel your big cock throbbing and probing my prostate. Fuck me like a bitch in heat. Take me!"

Rob's litany of sexual words continued for only a short time because neither of them could hold back for long. When Blake unloaded inside of him, Rob made good on his promise to drench both of them with his jizz.

The youngest grooms took turns in the bathroom. Although they'd showered together countless times, they wanted to wait until later to see each other naked on their special night.

Josh took care of the candles and incense while Eric prepared himself. Eric made sure to do the "male douche" even though he suspected that Josh would ask to be the receiver first. He came out with a towel hiding his sheer briefs that were straining to contain his happiness.

He uncorked the bottle while Josh performed a similar ritual in the bathroom.

They both undid each other's towel allowing them to drop to the floor. Eric knelt to run his tongue across Josh's crotch. After a few minutes, Josh pulled him to a standing position and changed places, kneeling on the floor.

It was pretty dark outside since their room was toward the back of the hotel. Josh checked to see how exposed they would be and decided it was safe. Like their fathers, the boys spent a while making out under the emerging stars. Eventually, they could hold back no longer and headed inside again. Stripping each other, they fell onto bed wrestling and rolling around in their joyful lust.

"Take my cherry, please." Josh said in a ragged whisper. "I want to know I'm yours."

"Yeah!" Eric responded, at a loss for more eloquent words for the first time in his young life.

He lay on top of his new husband kissing him deeply before working his way toward his chest. There he sucked on both nipples and his armpits before going further down. He spent a little time tonguing Josh's bellybutton and then headed for his perineum. Josh loved the feeling of being licked so close to his hole. He didn't anticipate that Eric would go further.

When Eric swiped his tongue across his sphincter, Josh nearly came right then and there. Eric had hesitated, fearing there would be an unpleasant taste, but that was not the case. Josh was squeaky clean.

Eric probably spent four or five minutes loosening up his husband's tight chute. He used plenty of lube in the hope that there would be little or no discomfort.

As he penetrated the muscle ring, he reminded Josh to push out toward the intruder. Once inside, Eric stopped to allow Josh to adjust. When he felt Josh relax, he fed another inch of his throbbing cock into the warm, moist chamber. Eventually, he was buried to his trimmed pubes.

He began with short, slow strokes. He didn't speed up until Josh begged him to. He could tell by Josh's inarticulate grunting that he was overcome with sheer pleasure.

All of a sudden, Eric froze in mid thrust and began to whimper as he unloaded volley after volley of hot cum. His tight abs rubbed across Josh's slippery erection in that moment with just enough friction to set him off too.

They both cried out in ecstasy as they "became one flesh together" for the first time.

About 20 minutes later, they both woke up grinning.

"That was so hot, I think I passed out!" Eric exclaimed.

"It was sizzling! Should we go shower and do it again, or do you want to sleep?"

"Hell no, I don't want to sleep! I want to get laid!" Eric insisted. "Do you think you're up to it?

By way of answer, Josh guided Eric's hand down to his rampant cock.

"Okay, that's a big `yes' and I'm ready to take it! Let's get cleaned up."

Back in their bed, Eric got on his knees with his face on the pillow and his firm butt up in the air. There was no missing that invitation and Josh didn't need any prompting to take advantage of it. He wasted no time burying his face. Eric thought he'd died and gone to heaven. He remembered his dad's comment about Josh inheriting Ben's talented tongue. Briefly, he wondered if his dad was getting the same treatment and the thought made him even hornier. He had to comment on it.

"Do you think our dads are doing this right now?"

"Yeah, they've probably done it twice already and are going for the third round." Josh giggled. "For old guys, they're pretty horny!"

Then he spread Eric's cheeks and dived back in again. This time he managed to get the tip of his tongue into Eric's virgin territory.

"I think I'm ready," Eric gasped. "I want to feel that big, hard cock where you're tongue is right now."

Josh grabbed the tube of lubricant and replaced his tongue with one finger and then two. When both moved around easily, he added a third. After a couple of minutes of prostate massage, he lined up his cock and thrust it in about half way. Eric gasped and tightened up.

"Baby, I'm sorry. It just slipped on in once I broke through."

"I'm okay. Just give me a minute. Hold still and I'll back up when I feel like I can. The largest dildo we have is no match for your dick!"

Josh giggled at Eric's response and that set Eric to laughing too. As he relaxed, he pushed his butt toward his husband, becoming more deeply impaled on that big piece of hot flesh.

"Okay, I'm ready. Make me your bitch!"

Eric's comment made Josh feel like a super-stud. He started slowly, but soon speeded up. Eric wasn't complaining. In fact, he was urging Josh on. After coming as hard as he had while getting laid, Josh had wondered if he'd spent his wad for the night. He couldn't have been further from the truth. As his sexual juices rose, he began to stoke Eric in time with his thrusting. He sensed that Eric was close because his ball-sac was tightening up.

"Oh babe, I'm gonna cum; I'm gonna cum! Aaaaaihhhh!"

While Josh was coating the inside of Eric's chute, Eric was covering Josh's hand and the towel they'd laid down under them. Josh collapsed on Eric's back where he lay panting and hugging his guy for a couple of minutes. Then Eric sprawled on the bed, Josh slipping out as they both lay flat.

"Man if you ever need money, you could sell that ass for a million dollars!" Josh enthused.

"Damn, we haven't been married 24 hours and my husband wants to peddle my butt!"

"No way Babe, I'm just saying that thing is worth its weight in gold and I'm the lucky guy who gets it!"

"So you want to be on top all the time now?"

"No, I want to take turns, but I never thought I'd enjoy being in you as much as I like feeling you inside of me. I think I'm what they call `versatile' after all. If we rest up awhile, can I try riding your cock?"

"Yeah, I think we should try whatever we want!" Eric said with enthusiasm. "But right now I'm starved. I wonder if the guys put any food in the fridge."

Dane and Colt had thought of everything. There were two generous roast beef sandwiches, a bag of chips, and a couple of sodas. The boys would have the strength to continue their Marathon. Neither would get much sleep that night.

Author's notes: Thanks to Ott, Jim We, Jim C, Paul R, Ricardo R, Rutabaga, Patrick C, Tom A, Chea, Chris B, John McD, Karserus, Rad, and Bill W for emailing since last posting. I always attempt to respond quickly, but have lost one email.


Next: Chapter 59: Second Chance 59

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