Second Chance Series

By David Lee

Published on May 15, 2009


Second Chance, Chapter 23


This story is copyrighted by the author known as David Lee and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without explicit permission.

This story contains descriptions of love and sexual fulfillment between people of the same gender. If possessing or reading this kind of material is illegal where you live, please leave this site at once.

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For the full disclaimer and additional info, please read the statement that precedes Chapter 1.

As always, I thank my editors Tom and David for their proofing my work and giving me suggestions and lots of positive feedback. They're an integral part of this effort.

Chapter 23

Scott and Ben drove home from the hospital after a half hour, but the boys remained. Rob was not eager to leave his newborn and Eric and Josh were nearly as excited about being there as he was.

After the nurse stepped out of the room, Rob checked his son's diaper to make sure that it wasn't wet and also to make sure that he still had his foreskin. It was a good thing that the doctors had followed his orders because he would have sued them if that hadn't. He had his own personal lawyer!

Josh and Eric each got a turn holding the baby. They were so impressed by this miracle of life that they nearly forgot to record all the events with their digital camera.

Eventually, Rob said that he was ready to go home. No one, not even the charge nurse, pushed him to leave. In fact, she felt a warm spot in her heart as she watched this boy handle his son so gently, but confidently. His actions began to change her impression of teenaged fathers – at least this one.

When they got home, there were leftovers for supper and the cake to eat. Rob blew out all the candles in one breath and did not reveal his wish. He hoped that it would come true and that he'd find the right guy to share his life with. All of his other wants seemed to be taken care of at the moment.

Rob enjoyed the gifts (mostly clothes) that he got from his dads and brothers. It was going to be great to go back to school with a bigger wardrobe.

Inside of the birthday card from Scott and Ben was a note promising to buy things for Robbie in honor of his birth. The card from Josh and Eric contained a "work credit" to be redeemed for painting walls or whatever else was needed in creating a nursery.

Rob was truly grateful for presents from his new family, but the greatest birthday present lay in the hospital nursery several miles away. No gift could ever top that!

Two days later, Rob was able to bring his son home. Although he was already certain in his heart that this was his child, proof from the lab removed any shadow of doubt for anyone else.

The intervening time had been spent frantically turning a small, unused bedroom into a nursery. Eric and Josh had painted the walls a fresh coat of light blue paint.

Like two doting grandparents, Ben and Scott had spared little in creating an atmosphere that was worthy of a photo shoot for an interiors magazine. They had "let" Rob spend money on the crib which he found in a resale shop, but had insisted on providing nearly everything else. They had also stressed that he should spend his time at the hospital bonding with his son while the rest of the household worked on the baby's new room. Eric gave him a set of keys to his car to use whenever he wanted to go.

Because of Rob's age and the unusual circumstances surrounding custody of the baby, he had been assigned a social worker to check on his fitness to raise a child as a single parent. The lady, who came to call immediately after father and son got home, was impressed with the surroundings in which the child would be reared. She had expected to find them living in some dingy, squalid studio apartment and not a gracious home of classic design.

When she was ushered into Rob's room by Eric and Josh, she found him with his eyes closed lying on the bed, shirtless, with his tiny boy asleep on his chest. That scene impressed upon her that he loved the child very much. It would remain like a snapshot in her mind for a long time, influencing her decisions.

She tiptoed out to keep from disturbing them and followed the other boys into the nursery. Any concerns she'd had about Rob's ability to provide a good environment for his son were completely laid to rest.

In the days before school started up again, Josh and Eric took a crash course in looking after babies. Having grown up as only children, they didn't have a clue. In addition to learning to feed and diaper the little guy, they were determined to record every detail of his life. Each night Eric wrote a little bit in a diary and Josh constantly took photos. It was like little Robbie had his own paparazzi following. The guys were thinking about making a website for him.

Rob had given notice at work, but had agreed to work New Year's Eve. His supervisor was pleased not to have been left high and dry. So many guys that age seemed to lack a good work ethic. They would often quit with no notice at all. Rob was too conscientious for that. He would get a good recommendation if he ever needed it and he'd be welcome to resume working there if he wanted.

In a way, it was fortunate that Rob quit. Business would fall off after the holiday season and a number of temps would be let go. Someone else would be keeping a job because Rob was leaving.

Blake came to the kitchen door smiling.

"I have come to pay my respects to the master of the house."

"Well, both Dad and Ben are at the grocery store, but you're welcome to wait for them." Eric said.

"I'm not here to see them, I was referring to little Robbie. Hasn't he become the ruler of this extended clan?"

"Yes indeed he has!" Eric agreed, laughing. "He has us all at his beck and call. He had me up at 2:00 a.m. for a feeding. Once he got an ounce in him, he kept falling back to sleep and wasn't at all pleased with me for waking him up to nurse more. I'll take you up, but I'm not sure he's awake."

Robbie was awake in his father's arms getting burped. Rob grinned broadly at their neighbor as he came in.

Blake made all the appropriate comments about how adorable the boy was and how much he looked like his father. Rob blushed, feeling special about the "adorable" comment. It sounded like it was being applied to him as well as his son.

"I'm not good at picking out baby presents, but my sister told me that it's important to read to babies even when they're too little to understand the words. So, I bought this `board book' that the lady at Barnes and Noble said is tough enough to take the abuse of little hands trying to turn pages. It has textures for each animal in it so he can learn how they feel. I hope it's okay..."

"Cool! That's his very first book. Please write something in the back so he'll always know who gave it to him."

"Okay, sure. I can do that," Blake said, pleased to be asked.

Blake had a tender, almost emotional look on his face when he got the opportunity to hold the baby. His wistful smile reminded Josh of how Rob had looked when he first held his son. Josh quickly retrieved his camera to capture it.

Just to make sure that the whole scene didn't get way too saccharin, little Robbie scrunched up his face and filled his diaper with a smelly load. That brought everyone back to reality in a flash.

"Was that directed at me?" Blake asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, now you're officially welcomed into his circle of friends. He's done that to all of us who are close to him," Rob snickered. "It's like marking his territory, I think."

Rob laid Robbie on the changing table and displayed his ability to do all things for his son – even the unpleasant chores. Blake was impressed and a bit envious. He doubted that he would ever have a son to do those menial tasks for.

Winter break came to an end all too quickly. Rob had to go back to school like his peers, so someone else would have to care for Robbie during that part of the day. Rob was hesitant to hire a nanny because he remembered the worthless one at his house, but he wasn't sure what else to do.

Like a concerned grandparent, Scott volunteered to take over parental duties for Rob when he was unavailable. Scott said that he could keep the baby close by and talk to him even while he was doing business on line. It might slow him down a bit, but it was doable. Little Robbie wouldn't know that he was being given facts, figures, and stock market quotes. He'd assume that one of his loyal subjects was paying homage.

Josh and Eric soon found out that tending a baby on top of other obligations was no picnic. They dutifully took turns getting up in the middle of the night despite twice-daily swimming practices and some evening swim meets. School work and sleeping got sandwiched in when time allowed.

On top of that, Josh had to get together with Mr. Hadley about his upcoming exhibition and take his paintings to a shop to be professionally matted and framed. He was thankful that he hadn't tried to do that himself. It had seemed like a lot of money to spend, but given his schedule, it was worth paying someone else for the service.

Rob bore most of the responsibility for his child's care after school and during the evening. And, he finally told his bros that they were not allowed to do any feedings during the night. They needed to get more sleep and he could do it because he wasn't in swimming. He would welcome their help in February. They reluctantly agreed, but insisted that they could at least relieve him for a bit in the evening when he needed to study. Ben made the same offer.

There were several weekends in January when Josh and Eric didn't seem to do much more than catch up on sleep, do homework, and go to swim meets. Church attendance, painting, writing, and their sex lives all were sadly neglected.

"Do you think that parents ever have sex once they have kids?" Eric joked one Sunday afternoon as he was posing again for a little while.

"I used the think the idea of parents even doing that was gross!" Josh giggled. "They must do it sometimes, or there'd be a big drop in the population. But I'll bet they're too tired to get it on for the first couple of years – at least until the kid is potty trained. I wonder how Rob is holding up. He's probably being as chaste as the Virgin Mary."

"I'd like to be chased – chased around the studio," Eric grinned. "Anyone interested?"

Josh set down his pastels, washed his hands, peeled off the T-shirt he was wearing, and pushed his shorts and underwear to the floor. He came up hard, waving his rampant dick in his lover's face. Eric took that as a "yes" and ran his tongue over the partially exposed head. Pushing the prepuce back with his lips, he began tonguing that sensitive area where head meets shaft. He used his right hand to massage Josh's perineum at the same time. His left hand found its way up Josh's abs toward his nipples. Josh's knees nearly buckled from the electrical change that originated in his groin and was going through his whole body.

"I want to do you at the same time," he gasped.

But it was too late to hold back. All those days of built-up cum exploded in a flood worthy of a porn star. Eric gagged for a second, but bravely swallowed most of it. Grinning, he lay back on the rug licking his lips.

Josh got on his knees to lick his way up the insides of Eric's legs as he lay there. When he got to his lover's crotch, he inhaled deeply. The heady aroma of sexual desire filled his senses. He caressed Eric's smooth ball sac and lapped up the precum that was oozing from his throbbing tool. The clear, sticky liquid tasted incredible – like a gourmet delight!

Holding his breath and relaxing his throat, Josh managed to take his lover to the pubes for a few seconds without gagging. He bobbed up and down until Eric grabbed the back of his head and thrust upward. This time, Josh did gag for a second until he could back off enough to keep the thick load from going directly into his esophagus. He then crawled up to cover his lover's body with his own and share the seed in a deep kiss.

Their afterglow moment was interrupted by a quiet gasp. There was Rob, standing in the doorway with his sweats around his ankles, catching his jizz in his left hand.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to perv on you. I came up to see if you wanted popcorn and I couldn't tear myself away. It was so hot and so beautiful."

"It's all cool," Josh assured him. "We should have invited you to jerk off with us. Sorry, we were too horny to think about anyone else."

"Eat your load before it gets cold!" Eric encouraged. "That will let us perv on you."

Rob grinned as he cleaned off his hand. Nothing went to waste.

"Wow, I didn't know how much I needed that! It's been too long."

On inauguration day, the high school set up screens for projection TV in the auditorium and the gym so that the entire school body could watch. It wasn't that the administration was promoting one political party over another, but that the historical nature of the event was more important than the lessons which were scheduled during that time.

Rob found his bros heading for the auditorium along with Dylan, Garret, Aaron, and an African American swimmer named, Damian Washington. As a freshman, Aaron was supposed to have been in the group going to the gym area, but he stuck with his brother and the other swim team members for security. At least that was his claim. Dylan thought he tagged along just to be a source of embarrassment!

Aaron had intended to sit next to Garret because he sensed that they were on the same team in more ways than one. He thought it would be fun to let his knee come in contact with Garret's and see what the reaction would be.

Garret, however, managed to sit between Josh and Rob. He didn't feel exactly comfortable next to Aaron. Aaron had too much of a reputation around school and it was barely the beginning of the second semester!

Aaron ended up sitting between Dylan and Damian. That wasn't a bad place to sit either! Damian was cute and well hung. Aaron had scoped him out in the showers after practice many times. Maybe he could let his knee settle against Damian's. He could feel his dick stirring at the thought.

It took a few minutes for Dr. Parsons to get the audience settled enough to listen. He talked briefly about the significance of the occasion and reminded the students that viewing it on a big screen was a privilege, but not a right. Anyone who was disruptive or noisy would be removed and would serve detention. The hall got very quiet after that.

Once the news coverage began, most of the kids focused on the screen. Their rapt attention was probably due, in part, to the fact that most social studies teachers were going to give a quiz over it.

When it came to the point of the swearing in and Obama laid his hand on the Lincoln Bible, the people present in Washington were asked to stand.

Damian stood up also. Eric and Josh understood what an emotional event this must be for their classmate, so the joined him. The rest of their buds did likewise. Soon the whole audience was on its feet.

It was a moving sight. Dr. Parsons was not a man given to emotional displays, but he found himself blinking a lot.

The students evidently understood how important the day was because they appeared to have their eyes riveted to the screen. It was truly amazing to have such a large number of teens listening intently through Obama's whole speech.

After the former president and his wife boarded the helicopter to leave, it was time for students to go back to their regular schedule. They left quietly for the most part. It was almost like they'd participated in a solemn religious ceremony.

Damian's eyes sparkled with unapologetic tears. His teammates spontaneously hugged him on their way back to classes. Since Dylan had started it, no one else held back in participating in the gesture of friendship that some jocks might think of as gay.

A week before the final swimming competition, most of the guys on the team bleached or dyed their hair. It was already damaged from too many hours in chlorine and they traditionally shaved it off before the last meet.

Eric and Josh invited their closest buds on the team, Dylan and Garret, over for the occasion. They decided to go blond for the next week, so all stood in the bathtub and applied bleach to each other's hair. They had agreed to dress in plain white briefs (tighty-whities) because they didn't want to damage their clothes or colored underwear. Eric and Josh would have been fine with wearing nothing at all, but figured that it might bother Dylan who was about as straight as anyone they knew. On the other hand, they suspected that Garret might not have minded.

After letting the mixture set for a few minutes, they turned on the shower to rinse it off. The water made their underwear nearly transparent. Garret was obviously turned on because he was sporting a boner that no one could miss. No one said anything, but he looked embarrassed. Eric gave him a big grin when Dylan wasn't looking. Garret grinned back and seemed to relax a little. They stripped to dry off and then dressed again in their regular clothes.

The following week, on Friday night, the swim team met in the locker room to perform the time-honored custom of head-shaving. Damian made a joke about having very little "wool" on his head anyway. Almost everyone, except Jake, seemed to think that the ritual was cool. Jake groused about it, but let his head be shorn even though the other guys assured him that he didn't have to. Only Aaron called him a wuss, but that was enough to make him feel afraid to be different.

The boys teased each other about how dorky they looked and horsed around like little kids. Several guys indicated that they were going to shave off all of their body hair in the hopes of shaving some milliseconds off of their times. A few were going to help each other with that chore before they left, but several were going to do it at each other's houses.

"All of it? Does that mean deforesting the old bush?" Aaron asked as he suggestively ran his hand down the front of his pants.

"Jeez, give it a rest," Dylan sighed.

"Are you going to shave off my pubes, Big Bro?" Aaron giggled.

"Hell no, I'm sleeping over at Josh and Eric's with Garret."

"Ooh, you're sleeping with Garret?" Aaron teased.

"Shut the fuck up!"


"Sorry, Coach David, my brother doesn't understand words with more than four letters in them. Besides, he's being nasty."

"Aaron, you do need to cool it too." Coach David admonished.

At the Brady/Larson manor, everyone came in quietly so as not to disturb the baby. However, he was awake and eager for the attention he got from the guys. Dylan was really nervous about holding the tiny guy. He handed him off to Garret after a couple of minutes.

Garret seemed quite at ease. Little Robbie snuggled up and began to nuzzle near Garret's nipple as if looking for dinner.

"Hey Little Dude, I'm not equipped to feed you."

"You're welcome to give him the rest of his bottle," Rob offered. "He's only halfway through."

Garret finished feeding the baby while his teammates went to the bathroom to set up for shaving. Rob sat nearby noticing how familial the scene was. Garret seemed completely comfortable playing "daddy". If he were gay, he'd make someone a great partner in raising kids... Josh popped back in a couple of minutes later with his camera in hand.

Rob was feeling a little like a fifth wheel, being there alone with his baby while the others were doing silly schoolboy things. But he told himself that he had chosen this path. Well, not exactly planned it. However, he hadn't run away from his responsibility and he didn't regret the choice he had made.

He heard the back doorbell ring, but paid it little heed as he changed Robbie's diaper before putting him down to sleep. Moments later, Blake made a soft tapping noise on the doorframe.

"May I come in," he whispered.

"Of course. You're always welcome here."

"I wondered if you needed a babysitter for a couple of hours while you enjoy a little time for yourself."

"That's really kind of you, but he's going down for a long winter's nap – hopefully until 2:00 a.m. at least. You could keep me company while I finish my math assignment for Monday. Maybe you could help me with a couple of things I don't understand."

"I'd love to! I mean, my new roommate isn't much company because we have so little in common. I really need to be around friends since -- you know..."

"You've come to the right place for that," Rob assured him as he put an arm around his shoulder and they headed down to the den to tackle Rob's homework.

Author's notes: Thanks to all who wrote since last posting - Rutabaga, J, Polar, Mark H, Bill K, Paul R, Paul L, David M, Jim We, Dave J, Bertrand, Yvan D, Jim C, Bill K (2), Tim E, Michael W (Zeke), Rad, Harry T, and John McD. I appreciate your emails.


Next: Chapter 24: Second Chance 24

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