Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Sep 10, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 9

It has been two months since the victory celebration. Nick is able to walk with the aide of crutches but still spends most of his time in the wheel chair. He has spent 3 days in the classroom getting to know the kids and to get acquainted with the curriculum. He has the week-end to get ready to take over full time.

That evening, Tom asked Nick and James if he could have the evening with just the three of them. Nick and James wondered what was up. Tom had not been his usual self for the last couple of days. They immediately agreed and told Jake that the big house was off limits for the evening.

"The insurance company is stopping my service." Said Tom, with tears in his eyes. "I knew this was coming but just didn't know when."

Nick started to say something but for some reason James stopped him "Dad, I don't think Tom was finished yet. There is something bothering him and is very important to him. Let him have his say. OK?"

"Tom, I have a feeling about what is coming but I want to hear it from you." Nick declared.

"I really don't even know how to begin. I have thought about this for a long time. I think I will just start and Go from there. I love both of you like you were family, only we are a lot closer than family. It tears my heart out, I have decided to leave and go back to school. There I have said it. Now I can go back and explain." Stammered Tom.

"First of all, my decision has nothing to do with either of you. Hurting you is the farthest thing from what I want to do. I only have a year and one term left to have my MD degree in physical therapy. Nick working with you has been a great pleasure and it has made up my mind as to what to do. I have been getting college credit all the time that I have been here. James, I feel like you are my son but that would mean that I was only 12 when I had you. If I ever have a son, I would want him to be just like you."

"Tom, come over here to the sofa and sit between us. I think we all need a great big hug and some time out. No need to say anything more for awhile." Nick said with tears rolling down his face. James moved over to allow Tom between them. He was also in tears. We sat in a three way hug for the longest time. No one said anything. No words were needed to express how each one felt.

"Tom, I don't know if I can find the words to express my feeling for you. I want you know that I hope the best for you. I know that somewhere there is a man, woman or little child just waiting for you to come and help them. I know in my heart that I would not be here today if it had not been for you and James. I know that I would be selfish in saying that I wish that you would stay. However, I am not going to lay that guilt trip on you. I am not going to deny that I have a romantic feeling for you. I will always hold you in my heart and you will always be with me." Nick choked up and could not go on.

"Tom, I know what Dad is trying to say and I don't know if I can say it either. But here goes. You came into our lives under very strange and bizarre conditions. You were very professional but still you handled our lives with love and caring. You treated us with dignity and for that we will always be grateful." Now it was James who was trying to fight back the tears and couldn't go on.

"I guess what James and I both are trying to say is that we both would like to have you stay but we want you to go with our full blessings. If we can help in anyway, please just let us know and we will move heaven and earth to accomplish it. You must promise to return once in awhile for us to steal a hug and a kiss. You have our address and phone number so let us know how things are going. When you get back to school give us a call. Love you, Man. You are the greatest."

"I feel a lot better now. I was fearing the worse and I should have had more faith in both of you. I only have one request. Do you think we could go swimming and use the hot tub one last the nude!" Tom said with a smile.

"Sure thing, only one thing. Dad is sure to get a boner and I will probably get one also." Laughed James.

"You think I won't have one. Wrong, because I have one now." Remarked Tom

"Guess what. Dad already has a tent pole and I am working on mine." Replied James.

"When do you think you will be leaving?" Asked Nick.

"I think probably Monday morning while both of you are at school. We will have the whole weekend to say our good-byes. I don't think I could go if you are here to see me off." Tom said.

"That sounds like a good plan." I couldn't bear see you go down the road and waving good-bye to us." Nick said gloomy. Tom, take one of the 4 wheel drive vehicles. You will be able to get around in these Montana winters. I will sign the title over to you."

"Thanks, Nick. I was wandering what I would do for transportation."

"Can we have a going away party on Saturday. I will make all the arrangements and phone my grandparents, and tell Jake and the rest of the gang." Said James.

"Ok, with me. I didn't want to leave without telling everyone good-bye."

The going away party for Tom went on without any problems. Everyone hated to see him leave, but he would go away with all the blessing from all in attendance. Although it was sad, Tom would be loved and respected by the whole community. If Tom ever chose to come back he would be welcomed with open arms.

Nick's first day at school was a rewarding one. He had a terrific bunch of kids. He was widely accepted even though he was still in the wheelchair. This made no difference, Nick established from the beginning that no one was to do anything for him that he could do for himself. If he needed help, he would ask for it. This included of the course the kids, teachers, principal and anyone else in the building. Jake and Lee were there right on schedule to pick him up and take him home. Nick was bubbling over with enthusiasm and he tried to talk their ears of all the way home. Tom had trained Jake and Lee to take over Nick's physical therapy. Nick was barely out of the van when they started.

"Hey, guys! Don't you think I need a little rest before you put me in the torture chamber?" Nick asked grinning.

"Sure, when we are finished with you which will be just in time for you to get ready for school in the morning." Chuckled Lee.

"Does that mean that you are going to spend the night with me and that you both are going to pound my ass all night?"

"Afraid not. Nick you will be going without until you find another man. I just hope that you won't scare him away. Do you want us help find one for you?" joked Jake."

"No, thank you. You forget that I have James to do that for me. He has found two for me and I let them both slip away. I think I will just try it on my own!"

"I was the other one, but someone I know slipped in and stole me away!" Laughed Jake.

"Hey, enough talking! Time to get to work." said Jake.

"OK, if you say so! Slave driver!" responded Nick.

After a strenuous workout, Jake and Lee just had time to get Nick showered and ready for dinner. Although, Nick was able to walk short distances with crutches, he was still dependent on others to assist him with everyday task that other just take for granted. James called and told Nick that he would be a little late getting home, practice ran a little later than usual. The five boys would stop and have a pizza before coming home.

"James, are you on the level with me or are some cute little skirts involved." teased Nick.

"Now, Dad would I fib to you. On second thought maybe you betted not answer. See you latter. Love You!"

Nick finished dinner and used his power chair to go to the house by himself. Jake tried to talk him out of it but to no avail. Nick had to promise not to try and get out of the wheelchair by himself and he would leave his helmet on until James arrived.

Nick finished his papers for the day and tried to watch a little TV but could not get interested. Nick got out his oils and finished the portrait of Tom that he had started earlier. He used some photos that he had taken of him. The painting turned out better than Nick had expected. He backed off a bit and sat looking at the picture. He was very proud of his accomplishments. Nick started to cry. It had not been 24 hours yet and here he was missing Tom already. He could not stay in the same room and went into the living room.

James came bouncing through the door. "Dad, what is wrong. Are you hurting? What happened?"

"Calm down. I am just fine only my heart is breaking. Come with me. I want to show you something." said Nick. He took James into the den and showed him the portrait of Tom.

"Dad, I can't believe my eyes. It is like having Tom in the room with us! You did a terrific job. Are you going to put it up in the living room?

"No, James. I promised to give it to Tom for his mother's Christmas present. He has not seen it yet. I told him he had to wait until it was finished and I just finished before you got home. I will paint another using the photos that we have taken."

"Hey, anyone home?" Jake hollered from the front door.

"Just a minute, Jake! I will be right out. I have something that I want to show you but wait for me to come out! Is Lee with you?" Nick asked.

"Yes, I am." Replied Lee

Nick and James went to the living room. "James, take each of them by the hand and have them shut their eyes until we get to the den."

"OK, Dad, lead the way. Don't open your eyes until Dad tells you!"

"Hurry then The suspense is kill me. What have you two been up to this time?" asked Lee.

"Not us. Just Nick."

James arranged Jake and Lee in front of the picture. "OK! Guys open your eyes!"

"Nick, are you going to tell us that you painted the picture all by yourself. My word! That is one magnificent job that you did. I feel like I could just walk up and kiss Tom. I can't believe it!" said Jake.

"I wouldn't advise it because the oils are still wet. I just finished about 5 minutes ago."

"No wonder I don't have any talent. You and James have it all." Lee remarked.

"Oh! I wouldn't say that. It seems that you have a special talent that only I know about" Jake sneered.

"Why don't you just tell the whole world!" responded Lee.

"I would but I am afraid that you would take the knife to me like we do with all the little bull calves in the spring." laughed Jake.

"I would but I sorta like you the way you are now." grinned Lee.

"Well, are you going to tell us about Lee's special talents." inquired Nick.

"No, and you had better not try to find out either or I will take the knife to you!" Retorted Jake.

"Guys, I haven't faintest idea what all of you are talking about and it appears that I really don't want to find out either. I have to give Nick his massage. Do I have any volunteers to help me?" said James.

"Sure!" said both Jake and Lee.

"O'boy! Three sets of fingers touching all of my body. What more could I ask for? I know certain parts of me would like more than just fingers." Nick grinned from ear to ear.

"One of these days Dad, I am going to turn them loose on you and I will go into the other room. But for tonight you get only a massage!" James said sternly.

"You never let me have any fun. I think I will just fire your sorry ass and hire a new body guard." whispered Nick.

"You can't fire your son, so you are just stuck with me. I guess you will just have to make do because you don't have any other choice." Chuckled James.

"Nick and James, It is good to see that you have kept your sense of humor through this whole ordeal. The love that you two have for each is beyond belief. Keep that love and you can handle anything the world throws at you." Jake told them.

Next: Chapter 10: Searching for True Love 10 11

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