Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 20, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 5 "Yes, I am the spokes-person for the group!"

"Very well, Mr. Brown, go ahead." said the chairman.

"We are opposed to having queers teaching our children!" The crown started stomping their feet , clapping and chanting."

"Mr. Brown, control your group or all you will find yourself looking at the world through bars."

"Jake was instrumental in slipping a faggot into the teaching staff and now he wants to put another on the staff. We must protect our children from the scumbags and those out to harm them.." shouted Mr. Brown.

"Mr. Brown, I certainly hope that you have facts to back all of this. If not I think this has gone far enough. I think you are leaving yourselves open to a bunch of lawsuits.!"

"Mr. Chairman, don't threaten us. There is already talk of start a recall of the entire board."

Jake, started to rise from his seat but Nick stopped him. "Jake don't get involved. Let me handle this. Mr. Chairman, may I finish talking. I was not through when Mr. Brown so rudely interrupted."

"Go ahead, Mr. Phillips."

"Thanks to our forefathers for looking ahead and protecting the citizens when they wrote the constitution. Yes, we have freedom of speech but it applies to everyone. There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind if you have the facts to back it up and it is the truth. I know that Mr. Brown is going to start quoting the bible next. Again every one has the right to his own opinion. I know Mr. Brown is going to quote one little verse and ignore the rest of the bible. He is going to completely ignore the ten commandants especial about bearing false witness again thy neighbor, coveting his neighbor's wife and committing adultery. I ask you, Mr. Brown is this a greater sin than two people of the same sex loving each other. I think not but I am not going to judge my neighbor. What I do in my bedroom should be private and not a concern of every-do-gooder, trying to look important in the eyes of his so-called friends. What you do in your own bedroom should be just as private." Said Nick, smiling at the group of hecklers.

"Who told you I was having an affair with---and he stopped short and put his hand over his mouth." Mr. Brown knew that he was caught in his own trap and went running from the building.

"I would caution the rest of you remaining, that you had better be a little more careful in choosing you friends and leaders. I know that several of you are business owners and others of you are employed or relatives of these owners. I have one of the biggest ranches around. I would hate to see you loose my business and that of others in the community. I know that business is tough in a small community because everyone is looking for a bargain and will drive to the large cities to save a buck. I would like to give my support to the local community if at all possible. If forced I will take my business elsewhere and I am sure the other ranchers would do the same, along with local residents." Nick told the audience very sternly.

People started to stand to leave. "I would like for you stay for just a little longer and hear what I have to tell the school board." Everyone sat back down. "I just told you that I would like to apply for a the elementary school position that just opened."

"There are some things, that you should know before you give my verbal request your attention. First of all, I am gay. Now the children are completely safe with me. I have absolutely no interest in young children. I prefer men of my own age. My son who is half owner of the ranch will be going to your high school and will be taking music classes and will be going out for all sports. He poses not threats either. He is not gay. I have made no effort to sway his opinion. He has been given the right to make his own choice and has equal rights in making ranch decisions. I feel now that it is up to you to make your decision. There will be no hard feelings, if you reject my verbal application. I would like to thank you for the consideration you will give me. Thank You!" Nick sat down and Jake started to get up but Nick stopped him. "Now anyone who is interested may leave if they want." Nick continued.

"We would like to go into executive session again." the Chairman said and the board, superintendent, and the principals left the room. The school board came back into the room. No one had left and all were very quiet. "Mr. Phillips, would you please come and have a seat up front. Thank You. We are happy to report after an unanimous vote, we would like to offer you a contract. You can meet with the superintendent and complete all the necessary paper work. Of course you will have to be certified by the Montana State School Board before this can become a legal and binding contract.. Congratulations!"

There was a large applause of acceptance by those in the audience, even from those who came to protest.

"If there is no more new business. I shall close this meeting. Meeting adjourned!"

Nick. Sam and Alicia spent the next half hour visiting and meeting their new neighbors. Finally they made it to the door and were on their way to the parking lot. Every one was surprised to find Mr. Brown and two men waiting for Nick to come out.

The two men grabbed Nick and Mr. Brown hit him on the chin with his fist. Before anyone could react Nick had all three on the ground with bloody noses and black eyes. "Don't get up unless you want more of the same. I forgot to tell you that I have a black belt and was boxing champ for my age group while I was in college. I should file charges against you but at this time, I won't. That is not to say that I won't in the future if I have anymore trouble from you three. Now get out my sight before I change my mind!"

"Remind me not to make you mad. I don't want to get my tail kicked." Laughed Sam. "Not only do you have a quick tongue but your hands are even quicker. I am glad you are on my side."

"There is only two things that are tougher than me. A horse and saddle still get the best of me. I am working on them and hope to have them under control in a few days." snickered Nick. "Jake are you taking notes. I don't want any guff from you, either."

"Don't worry, Boss. I am a lover not a fighter. I like the way you defused that angry crowd before it had a chance to take control. I think you have meet all the trouble makers in this nice little community. I think they have all gone away with a different point of view. Two problems have been solved in the last couple of days, race and sexual preference. I just wonder what issues are left. I think gender is not an issue because Montana cowgirls are a tough breed and everyone knows you don't mess with them." Laughed Jake. "Come on lets head for the barn. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow and sunrise comes mighty early."

"You haven't seen the sunrise your entire life. I know what time you get up. We do need to go, we have had quite a exciting day!" Nick replied. The next day, I was getting ready to go into town, when Mom came into the kitchen and I poured her a cup of coffee. "Are you doing anything special today? Your Dad, Aunt Nancy and I would like into town and look around."

"Nothing really special. I have a applied for a teaching job in the elementary school and I have to go in a complete all the paper work and send for my transcript and teaching certificate to the state department and get certified to teach in Montana." Nick replied.

"Wow! That sound really special to me. Would you like three passengers. After you are finished with your obligations, Maybe we could do a little sight-seeing. We have only been into Roundup the once and then we saw very little after that little escapade at the church."

"You should have seen the escapade at the school board meeting last night! My fat lip is evidence of some of the fun that we had. Looking at the bright side Sam, Alicia and I all have teaching jobs for this fall. I think that we have seen the last of all the adversity and brighter days are ahead. I had my little coming out party and my fat lip is the result." Chuckled Nick. "Why don't you get Dad and Aunt Nancy and we can be on out way."

On the way into town, my passengers had to have a blow-by-blow account of everything that had happened last night. It was nice to get all my problems out in the open and to have the full support of those I love dearly. I think our bonds got a little stronger.

My appointment with the superintendent went without any problem. He called my old school district in Seattle, who would put more information in the mail that day. The superintendent faxed Washington State University and the State Education Board and requested copies of my transcripts and teaching certificate. Now we were free to spend the rest of the day in Roundup. The superintendent had a map of the town and surrounding area. Now we didn't have to worry about getting lost in this big city.

We drove by a brand new apartment complex. Mom and Aunt Nancy fell in love with at first glance. They wanted to go in an take a tour and so we went into the office. The young lady at the front desk said that they were just showing the units now and would start renting at a later date. The complex had 20 units all built on a large square. All of the apartments opened into a large park like common area which was beautifully landscaped. Each unit had its own private patio facing the center. There was a large enclosed pool, exercise room, and community hall at one end. The whole place had the feel of a large resort.

The young lady told us that the owner had passed away and his heirs were wanting to sell the whole place at a fantastic bargain. They were just asking for actual coast plus $300,000. In fact, it had not even been put on the market yet. She told us that the heirs, a brother and sister, would be flying in from Colorado later in the day. I made an appointment to have them out to the ranch for dinner and would put them in the guest house. I called Alicia and told her that we would be having two guest for dinner.

"I will leave my cell number and when they are ready to come out to the ranch, just give me a call and I will send a car for them. If you can get in touch with them, you can let them know what the plans are and that we are potential buyers." said Nick.

On the way home, Mom came out point blank and asked, "Nick, just what are you thinking, you know that we don't have that kind of money. So buying that apartment complex is just out of the question."

"Mom, you keep forgetting that James and I have a little money. We can buy the apartments and still have money left over. All I have to do is convenience Mr. Tight-wad to part with some of his money." Nick reacted.

"Nick, you know that will not be easy. James does not like to spend his money. He can always con some one else in spending theirs." laughed Aunt Nancy.

"I just want to get him alone before the owners arrive. Actually. I really don't see a problem. I was just joking. I am sure that he will be just as enthused as I am. Our money might as well be working instead of just sitting in a bank somewhere making someone else rich." Nick responded.

James came in from the field. "Hey, James! Grab a quick shower and meet me in the hot tub. Something very interesting came up today and I need to talk with you very soon." Nick told James.

"Can't you tell me now and then I can shower." answered James.

"Sorry, Buddy. See you in the hot tub."

Soon Nick and James were in the hot tub and Nick began his narrative of the day's happenings. Nick knew they didn't have a lot of time before their guest would be arriving.

James became very excited over the prospect of buying the Apartment building. He was even more excited when Nick told him that he wanted to offer it to his parents and Aunt Nancy , who would become managers. They would occupy two of the units and rent out the rest or turn them into condos. This would be the best way to go Nick figured.

The owners of the complex arrived and James and Nick took an immediate liking to them. They came to an agreement. Nick and James would give them 2 million in cash and the apartments would be theirs. They all would meet with the lawyer tomorrow and have him draw up the transfer papers. Nick would go to the bank and have them transfer the money to the bother and sister's account. Fortunately, the father knew that his health was not good and put all his holding in his name , his son`s, Lee and daughter's Sue. Since both were over 21, nothing would have to go through probate.

Jake and Lee were friends and had a thing going on. They both ended up sharing the same bed that night. This was ok with Nick. After all Jake and Nick had known each other for only a short time. Nothing serious had developed even though they had shared some good times together.

Next: Chapter 6

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