Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 19, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 4 James and the Haymakers performed very well. It was like an old revival meeting-only the sermon was delivered in song. Regardless of what had gone before, everyone went away with a very first-class up feeling.

"Thank you for standing up for us. You don't know how much we appreciate all the blessing you have given us. I must ask, where did you take your voice lessons? The young African-American man asked.

"I just took choir in the middle school. I will be a freshman in the fall. The other members of the band either taught themselves or took band in school."

"I must say all 5 of you must have some natural talent. You gave a very good performance today. I have a teaching degree from Florida State University School of Music and qualified to teach instrumental music in high school. My wife, Alicia, also has a degree in vocal music. We are looking for a job and just hope that we will land a job and have a room full of students as talented as you five." said Sam.

"This sounds great! I know that the high school is looking for a band teacher and a vocal teacher. They usually have just one person do both, but I bet you could land a job sharing position for both the high school and middle school. We had a husband and wife do that last year but some school in California snatched them away. I have some friends on the school board which will meeting tomorrow night. If you are interested, I would be happy to take you and introduce you." remarked Jake. "That sounds absolutely great! I sense a very close relationship between James and you. Are you related?" Alicia asked. "We are not related. However, James and his Dad own the ranch where I am foreman. They just took over a couple of weeks ago." replied Jake. "I know James and the Haymakers are looking for someone to help them with their Music. Of course, you will be compensated for your time. James and the boys all live at the ranch." "This all sounds too good to be true. We are running out of money very quickly. Is there a place we could pitch our tent at the ranch?" Sam asked. "That will not be necessary. We provided all our employees with housing and we have two full time cooks for those who would like to eat in the mess hall. James and Nick have just moved into the big house and they don't have a cook and grounds-keeper yet. I am sure that I can twist some arms and get you on if you are interested." Jake stated.

"Man, are we interested. We are getting tired of cabbage, water gravy and beans. When can we start?" asked Alicia.

"You are on the payroll, as of right now." James said. "Jake, didn't tell you that I own half the ranch. Nick is my adopted dad and owns the other half. My parent were killed in an accident and we inherited the ranch. Nick has given me the same rights that he has even though I am a minor. We both agreed to run the ranch equally. Actually, we are city boys and just pay all the bills. Jake, actually runs the ranch."

"Shall we head out to the ranch. I forgot to introduce my parents Leon and Alice and this is my Aunt Nancy. She is James' grandmother. They have just arrived here from Seattle and want to settle down in Roundup. For the time being, they are staying in the big house with me. James lives in a tent with the other boys." Nick said.

We took Sam and Alicia to their house, moved their meager belonging in and invited them over to the big house for coffee and cake. They immediately accepted. It was easy to see that the family had been skimping on meals and had passed by the luxuries of treats. The two boys, Tony and Mike, heard the word cake and started jumping up and down. Mom grabbed Tony's hand and Aunt Nancy took Mike's and away we went to the big house.

After eating a big serving of cake and ice cream, We turned the TV on for the boys to watch, and soon they were fast asleep--nap time. The rest of us sat around visiting and getting to know each other.

It was late enough in the day, James invited everyone to go swimming. The boys left to get their swim trunks and everyone else scattered to get theirs. "We will just have to pass of swimming. We don't have suits." said Sam.

"Not a problem. I have a pair that should fit you. They should fit just fine since we are about the same sized. Mom, do have something that Alicia could wear?

"Sure thing! That is if she wants to be seen in an old fashion one piece."

"I don't mind! Any thing would be better than going in without anything. I know the guys wouldn`t mind but I would have to live with myself tomorrow." Laughed Alicia.

After about an hour of swimming, visiting and soaking in the hot tub. We all decided to call it quits. That is all except the young kids and the started howling but lost out to their parents.

"Hey guys! What do you say that we have an old fashion song fest?" Asked Sam. "Do you have any unused instruments that Alicia and I could use?

"Sam, I have a brand new violin that is still in the box and there is an old upright piano in the rec room." Jake declared.

"That is just great! Alicia can make that piano do everything but talk. I am not saying I am a Charlie Daniels but I can hold my own in a fiddling contest." Exclaimed Sam

Alicia went to her car and came back with two tambourines. She handed one to each of her boys. "Are you ready to show off and give the people a good show?"

"You bet! Aunt Nancy, can you find a large dishpan and a wooden spoon. You can join us too, if want." Tony, the oldest of the two boys, said with a smile.

"I don't know how to play a dishpan! I thought that was for washing dishes. That is all I have ever used it for." respond Aunt Nancy "You can do it, Grandma!" encouraged James. "Aunt Alice, there is a bongo drum on my dresser for you and we won't take no for an answer." James said firmly.

"Let's all go to the rec room and have some fun. There is a large box of songs books over there in a closet just collecting dust." remarked Jake. The party broke up and everyone headed off to bed. It would be back to farming and ranching as usual since it was Monday.

I decided to go to the hay field with the boys and work with them. It didn't take me long to find a whole bunch of sore muscles. I don't know how I did it but I made it through the day. I probably wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning. All I could think about was getting back to the house and soaking in the hot tub.

After getting home, showering, and soaking in the tub, it was time for dinner. Alicia had a meal fit for a king and we all over-ate. We would pay for it later but who cares.

Sam, Alicia, Jake and I all piled into a SUV and headed for the school board meeting. There about 30 people in parking lot carrying signs, protesting. They all had signs saying they didn't want queers in their schools. I looked at Jake and asked him with that was all about. He just said "Later. Just don`t say anything and just go inside the building."

We went inside and the protesters laid their signs down and went inside also. I could see that this might get to be a little heated and anything could happen. I just didn't know when. The atmosphere was very tense and could explode at any minute.

When the board finished with all the old business. The superintendent took the floor and explained that they still had several teaching position not filled which included the vocal and instrumental music for both the middle school and the high school. "I have a brand new position that just opened . The 4th grade teacher resigned Friday. I haven't even had a chance to start recruiting for that position. I have had no interest in the music positions." Reported the superintendent.

Jake rose and asked to address the board and was given permission to speak. The crowd started to boo but was quickly told to be quite or leave the room. "I have two people with me who attended the Florida State University School of Music. They both have degrees in teaching. One is an band teacher and the other is a vocal instructor. I would like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Both have their credentials and several letters of recommendations with them."

"Thank you, Jake this is indeed a pleasant surprise. Why don't the three of you come forward and be seated in the chairs here in front. We certainly would like to interview you. Would the two principals involved and the superintendent please have a seat here with the board. Thank you." said the Chairman of the board.

After a very cordial interview, the Chairman announced that the board would go into executive session.

After a very short time, the board returned. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, we have reviewed your credentials and letters of recommendations. We would like to offer both of you positions in our high school and Middle school. Each of you will teach ½ day in each school. We are very pleased to welcome you our staff. The principals have scheduled an appointment for 1:00 tomorrow, If that is agreeable with you."

"That will be fine with us, We will be there tomorrow. At this time, I would like to thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. Just when we thought we had hit rock bottom, we met Jake and now all of you. Thank you!" Sam said.

I stood and asked to address the board. The crowd really started booing and it took the chairman sometime to get it quieted down.

"I am sorry for that outburst. May I ask the nature of your request?" Asked the chairman of the board.

"My son and I are the owners of the ranch where Jake is manager. We just moved here a couple of weeks ago. I have been a teacher in the Seattle Public School system for 10 years. I have a elementary teaching degree. However, I don't have all the paper work with me but I would like to apply for the teaching position your superintendent mentioned earlier."

Again the crowd booed. "One more outburst like that and I will close this meeting and notify the state police to arrest all of you. The secretary has all of your names written down so we won't miss any of you. If you have a spokes person, I would like to hear from that person only."

Next: Chapter 5

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