Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 18, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 3 When I arrived at the airport, my parents and Aunt Nancy were there to meet me. I told them all about the boys and James' job at the ranch. Aunt Nancy beamed with pride to find out that her grandson was having the time of his life. All of us decided to go to a restaurant and have dinner. They wanted to know all about the ranch. I told them that James and I had downloaded all the pictures that we had taken and would give them a slide show them when we returned home.

I got a big surprise. Aunt Nancy, my mom and Dad were contemplating selling out and moving into the town near the ranch. They wanted to be near their boys but at the same time give them ample space. I started a slide show on my computer and the more they saw, the more they thought moving there was a very first-class idea.

I called James on his cell phone and caught him at the pool with his friends. I told him that his grandmother wanted to say hi and put her on the line. She told him what she and his Aunt were thinking about. Tears started to roll down her cheeks and she handed the phone to me.

"Ok, wise ass, what did you say to your grandmother to make her cry?"

"Just told her that I thought that was a fantastic idea and I just wished I had thought of it. I think it would great if they were near us and we could visit when we wanted to!"

"James, Have I told you recently that I love you. I think you just made a decision for your grandmother and my parents. They were having doubts but I think you helped calm their fears by telling them you missed them and wanted them close-by. Thanks, guy! See you soon! Miss you, Son, and love you. Bye."

My parents and Aunt Nancy all started to talk at once. "Hey! One at a time! My brain has gone into overload and just about to shut down completely."

Dad started to speak. "We have all been talking about leaving Seattle and moving close to you. Once thing for sure, we don't want to live on a ranch. We would like to be close enough to visit occasionally."

"So tell us what you think and also all about the ranch and Roundup. Roundup is such a funny name for a town. Is it really called Roundup?" Asked Aunt Nancy.

"You had you phone on speaker so we already know what James thinks and we heard your reply. You were such a sweetheart with him and we all know just how much both of you mean to each other. I think an old confirmed gay bachelor is taking fatherhood very seriously." Replied Nick's mother.

"Mom, how did you know that I am gay? I have never told you and I tried to hide it from everyone so I wouldn't get into trouble at school!" "Nick, everyone knew. Your father and I have known for a long time. Parents have a sixth sense and know everything about their children. We figure that you have to live your own life the way that you want to. You being gay doesn't mean that we love you any less! Now why don't you answer Aunt Nancy's questions?"

"Yes, Roundup is a name of a town in Montana. It is a small town about 2500 people and has a high school of about 200 pupils. Children are bused into Roundup from all the ranches around. Why don't I pull Roundup, Montana up on the internet and let you see and learn about Roundup. You will just love the country, the peace and quite of a small town."

"I have already made my mind up but I would like to read about Roundup anyway." Aunt Nancy respond.

We talked until it was time for bed and then we all we to our rooms. I found it very hard to get to sleep. A thousand thoughts keep running through my mind. I keep coming back to the idea of Jake and I could develop a relationship. Did I want to get that involved or not? Would a relationship have an effect on James and how would he react? What about Joe, the man that I have been involved with. How would I tell him? Questions and more questions and no answers. Tomorrow is Saturday. I would just call Joe the first thing in the morning and make arrangements for us to get together tomorrow and thrash out what was going on. Finally, I dropped off asleep.

After breakfast, I called Joe and decided to meet at his place. I went over and knocked on his door. When he opened it, we were in each others arms immediately. We didn't waste any time and headed for his bedroom. We had one terrific time and finally we were just laying there in bed holding each other.

"Joe, we really have to do some serious talking and thinking."

"Nick, I know what you are going to say. Remember when we started dating four months ago. We agreed not to get emotionally involved. I care for you a lot and really enjoy being with you."

"I know Joe, and that is one of the things that is bothering me. I really care for you but I have become emotionally involved but I can say that I don't love you. I still want you as a friend but just as a friend not as a lover. I have met someone and this may go beyond just a friendship. I just have to wait and see how it works out."

"Nick, I am so glad for you. The same thing has happened to me. I, also, have met someone. The feelings go much deeper that what we have. I have tried to figure out how to tell you that I needed some space and time to think. Here we are the two of us, feeling the same thing and afraid to actually say how we feel."

"That is because we are concerned and don't want to injure or upset the other. Joe, I want us to remain close and very good friends. Nothing or anyone can't take that from us. We don't have to have a sexual relationship to be friends. I have taken pleasure in the time that we have spent together and I have no regrets or misgivings."

"I want to wish you all the happiness in your future and you have my blessings. Nick, you are one special person and no one will ever replace you. I am glad that we have had this discussion. My new friend has asked me to move in with him. I have been holding off in giving him an answer. Now I can. Thanks!"

"Joe, I wish you the same. What do you say that we quite talking and enjoy what time we have left."

Joe and I spent most of the day together. Most of the time was just spent holding each and talking. Our friendship has grown stronger and the bond between has become very permanent. No one or anything can come between us.

Mom, Dad, Aunt Nancy and I spent the next week getting ready to move. We decided to give all our furniture, unwanted clothes, and etc. to the Salvation Army. We would buy new when we arrived in Montana. My parents and Aunt Nancy put their houses on the market. We loaded a U-Haul truck and we were ready to leave. I was to drive the truck and tow Aunt Nancy's car. Dad was to drive his car. The time to depart arrive, we piled into the vehicles and took off. Lookout Montana, here we come!

It was sad for Mom, Aunt Nancy, and myself. We were leaving our childhood homes behind and starting a new life in a new place. Dad had grown up in Olympia and was a city boy all his life. I knew that they would never regret leaving Seattle. The first time, I left Seattle, I knew I had a challenge before me. With my family all standing beside me, I knew life would offer great rewards..

I called James when we were getting close. He would be waiting on the porch for us. It was a pretty picture. James had on his work clothes and had a big straw hat. He looked like a model for some tractor company. We had barely stopped moving when Aunt Nancy and Mom were out of the car and running to meet him. Dad was not far behind. James met them half way.

By now, I was on my way to give him a big hug. I was very glad to see him. I was amazed at the good tan he was getting. It gave him a certain glow that made him look like a man. He flexed a muscle and laughed.

"I wish that I could stay and visit but I had to shut the bailer down and I know the guys will be caught up and waiting for me. I will see you when I get off work tonight. Love you" and he was gone on the four wheeler.

"Can you believe the change in him? And to think, I had trouble getting him to take out the garbage." said Aunt Nancy with a tear in her eye. "Let's go in and I will get us something cold to drink and will show you our new home. This big house belongs to James and I now. We have lots of room if you want to stay out here!"

"Nick, We will stay for a few days until we can find a place in town. As we said before, We are city folk not country people." Commented Dad. "Wait until we go into town. You will find out you will still be country. I bet you could put the whole town in 3 or 4 of Seattle's Blocks." Laughed Nick.

There was a knock on the front door and I went to answer. "Hello, Jake! What are you doing knocking. Why didn't you just come on in."

"This isn't my house, remember! I have the big white house across the road. Who are these lovely women. I bet you are related to them. It is plain to see where you got your good looks from. Sir, please forgive me. I didn't intend to imply that you are an ugly duckling. You are far from that." remarked Jake.

"Dad, Mom, Aunt Nancy, I would like to introduce Jake, who runs this place. James and I may own the ranch but Jake is the manager, foreman, boss or what ever you want to call him."

"Jake, My name is actually Leon but call me Dad if you want. This is Alice but call her Mom. This woman you had better just call her Aunt Nancy but you will hear James call her Grandma. I don't think I would call her that if I were you!" said Dad giving Jake a big hug. Mom and Aunt gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek."

"Nick, I must be getting back to work. Those teen age boys have probably taken off swimming since I am not there to supervise. Just kidding. They are a great bunch of kids and would work with out me. We work in pairs and since there is an old number, I have to really give it my all just to keep up with James. We are going to have a big cook out tonight and swimming afterwards. I will leave it up to you to entertain yourselves. I am very glad to meet you folks. I have heard a lot about you and feel that I have known you long before you arrive. Later!" said Jake as he was walking out the door.

"Nick, you had better snag that one. He is cute and a keeper." Laughed Aunt Nancy.

"So you know my deep dark secret also. Who told you, Mom?"

"No one had to tell me. It is written all over you. Your mom and I had suspicions when you were a teenager. We became more sure as you got older. James on the other hand is as straight as they come. Right?" commented Aunt Nancy.

"You have that right. That is one kid that you don't have worry about. He is going to chase anything who wears a skirt. I guess I can't say that in these days. You can't tell a man from a woman by the way some of them dress. Aunt Nancy, we can all be proud of that kid. I can't wait to go to his first football game."

"Is he going out for football?" inquired Aunt Nancy

"That he is. The practice starts the last week in August. That is why he is on the haying crew. There are 4 boys from the ranch who will be going out also. They are trying to build a little muscle. The boys are just trying to keep up with all the rest of the ranch and farm boys. They have started a running program every evening. I want to join them and see if I can get back in shape."

I went down to the workers houses and found a couple of the women who would take us on a tour of ranch. We spent the rest of the day touring and still had much to see. Soon it was time to head back to the ranch house. Everyone would be getting off work and cook-out should be about ready to begin.

Soon the ranch was buzzing like a swarm of bees. Everyone headed for the showers to clean up and get ready for dinner. The men started the grills and put the steaks on to cook. The women were busy making salads, wrapping potatoes in foil and putting them in the coals to bake. Everything came together like clock work and soon everyone was eating a delicious meal.

Jake rattled his glass with a spoon to get the attention of the crowd. "Boys, are you ready? Good! Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce the entertainment for tonight. Let's welcome, James and the Haymakers!"

James and the other four boys came running out. Each boy was carrying a musical instrument and they all started playing. What surprised the crowd was James who started singing in a loud clear, tenor voice. The crowd became very quite and then burst loose with a thunderous applause. James' family had tears in their eyes. Not one of them knew James could sing and sing he did.

James and Haymakers played and sang for about an hour. Jake stood up and started talking. "I am just as surprised as you are. They boys have been down in the barn every night. This is what we get for leaving teenage boys alone, with out supervision." Again, the crowd stood and applauded. "Tell me boys, where did all of you learn to perform so well? You did a marvelous job tonight. I am sure that we will hear a lot more from you."

"I know you will. The band learned to play in school. Among with everything else that they did, they found time to fit band into their schedules. I joined the choir in Seattle and the leader gave me individual voice lessons. Unforeseen, circumstances brought us all together. We all had sheet music and just pooled our resources. Thank you for letting us try our talents out." Again the crowd erupted in thunderous applause.

Everyone rushed to the boys and congratulated them. There were some mighty proud grandparents and parents. It is certain that there won't be any more sneaking out to the barn to practice. Nick promised a new public address system and two private professional tutors for the group, one for the band and one to help with the singing.

Sunday arrived and the family and ¾ of the ranch hands all headed to church in Roundup. This was a community and non-denominational church and had one of the largest congregations in town. Needless to say , word had spread that James and the Haymakers were fantastic. After the services, the pastor invited them to perform the following Sunday and would devote his sermon time to the boys.

Nick and the boys decided to go into Billings to get some sheet music and to purchase a good sound system. This would also give Nick and James a chance to see a little more of the country.

After work, they boys were busy with music practice for Sunday. Everyone on the ranch wanted to sit in on the rehearsals but were told they had to wait until Sunday to hear them.

Sunday, arrived and the family found a pew that they could all sit in. It was already occupied by an African-American young couple with two little boys. Nick and James were visiting with them and discovered that they were just passing though and were looking for work and had been living in Alabama. The man had lost his job because of his race. Rather than fight the system, they had decided to move north and to start over. They were down to their last $50.00. They had been living and sleeping in the car and would continue until work could be found.

Services were just about ready to begin. The minister and the usher came to the pew and asked the young couple to leave. The couple were told that they would have to go to one of the other churches to worship.

James bristled and wanted to know why they weren't welcome. "Reverend, Is it because of their color or just what is the problem?" James was not given an answer and the men turned to walk away.

"Reverend, my son asked you a question and he deserves an answer." said Nick rather loudly.

"Please lower your voice and don't cause a scene. I ask you again to please leave!" said the Reverend angrily.

The young couple started to stand and James told them to remain seated. James went to the podium. "May I have your attention, please." It became very quite and James continued to speak. "I don't know a lot of you and I am very new in the community. I have just witnessed something that makes my blood boil. I was scheduled to sing today but I won't be. In fact, I am leaving now but first I want to tell you why. I was sitting by that young couple and their two young children, when the Reverend and the Usher came and told them to leave all because of their race. I will not support or have any part of this."

"Reverend, what do you have to say about this?" asked a man on the other side of the room.

"I think the young man has this all wrong." said the Reverend.

"I was sitting in the pew right in front of the young man at the podium. I heard everything and he is correct in what he is saying." said a woman with anger in her voice.

"I am not going to stay and I invite anyone who agrees with me to leave with me and further more I will not be returning to this church." James said as he left the podium and headed for the door. James stopped by the pew and told the young couple that he would like to meet with them out side. About 95% of the people stood and started moving toward the door.

"Please be seated! I am sure that we can work this big misunderstanding out! Please!"Shouted the Reverend.

"Pack you bags, Reverend! You are history!" came a reply from a woman sitting in the back of the room.

"This is all the fault of you crazy faggots! You think I don't know what you do when you are not working." shouted the Reverend.

"Does that mean they will burn in hell with me since you made me suck your cock and you slid it inside me and made me not tell anyone? Asked a young 12 year old boy.

"You mean that the Reverend has had sex with you?" asked a state policeman who was in the audience.

"Yes, but not once but on a weekly basis for about 3 months now! Said the boy.

"Turn around, Reverend and put your hand behind you." said the policeman. "I am arresting you for rape and sexual molestation of a minor."

"I am innocent. I did no such thing!" yelled the Reverend.

"Save it for the judge. I`ll just put you in the patrol car and enjoy the rest of the service!"

"Hey, everyone! Let's go back inside and have our own service. I know 5 boys who have worked very hard for this moment. I mean everyone, even our new friends. I would like to extent a big welcome to you." said Jake with a big smile on his face.

"We would be glad too. We want to thank that young man who stood up for us." said the woman.

"I think you will be able to do that after the service. He is the lead singer for the group that is performing today." Jake said with pride.

Next: Chapter 4

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