Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Oct 4, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 17-Final chapter The rest of the vacation was absolutely great. Rickie and Ed were bonding and were becoming the best of pals. Nick walked around with a big twinkle in his eye and some spring in his step. Even though Ed and Nick did not have the chance for any sexual activity, they didn't have to. Love was written all over them.

Rickie was the first to say something. "Dad, I think I would like to have a room of my own tonight. You and Ed have been so patient. I think it is time for you two to do more that look at each other and drool. The least you two could do is use a handkerchief and wipe your chins." "Good idea! I won't use a handkerchief. I will just use my tongue to clean his face and other parts." teased Nick.

"Dad, that is so gross! Don't you think so, Ed?"

"Actually I think it would sounds like I good idea. I think that I have to clean him up also." Ed said sticking his tongue out. "Come here, Nick and let me get started cleaning you up!"

"You two are so gross! Let's go to dinner, I am getting hungry." Rickie said.

"I know where you can get a lot of protein. The only thing is you will have to work a little for your dinner." Nick joked and rubbed his groin.

"Oh, Dad! Get you butt in gear and let's go."

"It is plain to see who is the boss in this family. I am with you, Rickie. I am just about starved and I don't want protein ,either! Chuckled Ed.

"You two are no fun at all! I guess we might as well go find a café and get some real food. How about Italian. I know a great little restaurant." mentioned Nick.

After dinner was finished, and over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, Nick and Ed were visiting.

"Ed, I have something very important to ask you."

"This sounds very serious. I think I had better take a walk!" exclaimed Rickie.

"No, stay. This concerns you also. Ed, I let you go once and regretted it every day that we have been apart. I love you very much and would like to have you become my partner. This would mean leaving Seattle and moving to Montana with me."

"Nick, you and I made a big mistake once and I sure don't want to make the same mistake again. I let you go once but I'll never do it again. I love you and only you. I was waiting for you to make the first move, since I walked out on you before. I would go with you anywhere, to the end of the world if need be. Of course, I'll go to Montana with you!" said Ed with tears in his eyes.

"Yipee!" yelled Rickie. "Dad, It is about time you did something. I was afraid that I would have to step in and take command.

Nick and Ed moved together, took each other in their arms and kissed. "Dad, people are all looking at us!"

"I don't care. I am in love and I don't care who knows"

"Nick, I don't care either. Maybe we had better pay the bill and leave. If we stay here any longer, I just may rip your clothes off and then Rickie would be embarrassed.

"Would not. I have seen both of you naked before. I have pretended to be asleep and I saw you last night! Dad, Ed is really big. I bet he will give you a sore ass when he get you in bed tonight."

"Ed and I are no strangers in bed. We take turns and that way neither of us gets a sore ass." giggled Nick.

That night Ed and Nick went to bed early. Rickie went to his room and turned on the TV set. Soon he was sound asleep. It had been a long day.

The next morning, Nick called James to tell him the news. Rickie couldn't contain himself and wanted to talk. Nick finished talking with James and handed the phone to Rickie.

"James, Do you remember that old milk cow that Dad put with the bull? Remember how she bellowed when the bull slipped his big cock inside her and bred her. Yea, and she had twins. Well, Dad will have at least four calves, because when Joe slipped it inside Dad, he bellowed louder than the cow. He kept it up all night too." Whooped Rickie.

"Rickie, give me that phone! I did not bellow like a cow, I howled like a coyote baying at the moon. We are going to drive back so there won't be any need to meet us at the airport. Bye! Love you!"

"Ed hold that kid and let's cut his nuts off like we do the little bull calves. We will see how loud he can bellow." laughed Nick.

"Why don't we just use him like the bull used the cow and see how loud he bellows! That sounds like more fun." Replied Ed, grabbing Rickie giving him a big hug and a kiss. "I think I am going to like this family. I can't wait to meet James."

"All you two think about is being Nasty. Come let's get a move on. We have things to do." said Richie

Ed had a large van so they were able to get all of his things into it. He had been renting a three bedroom house with two other guys so he didn't have any furniture or big things. Soon they were ready to head toward Montana.

The first night, found them in a little town that had a rodeo going on. The only room that they could find was one with two full sized beds.

"Ok, with us in the same room tonight?" asked Ed. "I am just to tired to do anything tonight, anyway."

"Sure, why not! I would love to see you sock it to Dad tonight."

"Not going to happen. If we catch you faking that you are asleep, you will find yourself sleeping in the car." said Nick.

"You wouldn't to do that to a poor defenseless little boy, Now would you?"

"Yes!" both Ed and Nick answered.

"OK, you win. I will go right to sleep." Rickie said grinning to himself.

"Do you think he is asleep yet?" whispered Ed.

"I'll check and see." whispered Nick.

The next morning, Nick was shaking him and telling him to wake up. They went to a little near-by restaurant and had breakfast. Soon they were on their way.

They stopped in Missoula to see Tom and Harry. Harry had good news, so far they hadn't found any bone, muscle, or nerve damage. All the test were coming back negative. The doctors were thinking that Harry's poor diet in his formative years might be the root of his problems especially when he was living on the streets. However, his whole childhood days weren't much better. If this be the case, a complete reversal might be achieved.

There were several options left so Tom and Harry were thinking positive. Harry, was able to walk short distances with the aid of a walker. So everything looked like a big Go.

Harry's good news did not stop there. His grandmother had found him on Facebook. Harry's mother had died from a drug over-dose. Before she died, she told his grandmother his name, when and where he was born, and where he was last located.

The grandparents had spent the last year trying to find him and had even hired some private detectives who joined the search. Finally, they made a connection. They were coming to Montana and would spend a month visiting. They wanted to become part of Harry's life and if things went as planned would move to Montana from Kansas.

Harry's life had done a complete flip-flop. It was a good thing that Tom was there to keep his feet on the ground. Harry's life now had some meaning and Harry was having a hard time adjusting to it. However, with Tom's love and help Harry could face each new day with a smile.

Nick and Rickie could not believe Harry's good fortune. Likewise, Tom and Harry were overjoyed that Nick had finally found true love. Now, everyone could stop playing match-maker for Nick.

After a short visit, Nick, Ed and Rickie were on the road again. They decided to take a little detour and do Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. There was no real hurry to get home. They were making daily phone calls home to check in and make sure there were no problems.

Nick and Ed were positive now that they wanted to be together. Even though, they couldn't get married or have a civil union in Montana, they wanted to become partners. For the time being, they decide just to live together.

Nick put Ed as co-owner of all of his accounts and his share of the ranch. Nick established a living trust to protect James and Rickie's interest until they reached the age of 21. Their share of the ranch profits would be held in trust so at the age of 21 both of them would have a substantial fund given to them.

Nick and Ed both wanted to take an active role in running the ranch and become more than just owners. John put them into an active work schedule and come winter, all hands would be active in feeding the cows and horses. For the time being, Nick and Ed were helping put up the hay. Both of them had gotten a little soft and had sore muscles for a week.

Nick's search had come to an end. He had finally found his true love. He had two beautiful sons, a loving family and lots of friends. His health was excellent. He had an outdoor job and money in the bank. Nick found himself looking at the world through rose colored glasses. LIFE IS GOOD AND COULDN`T BE BETTER! What more could he ask for?

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