Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Oct 1, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you.

Chapter 16

Nick and Sara went to see the superintendent of the school district. Nick filed his resignation paper and Sara filled out her application forms.

After this was completed they headed back to the ranch for their tour. They took a picnic lunch and would eat it at a nice little picnic area by a little stream on the back side of the ranch. Most of the ranch was accessible by roads. The parts not covered today, would be covered at a later date by horse back.

Tom had spent the day giving Harry a complete examination and completed his interview

with him.

"Harry, I am glad to report that I didn't find anything physical that could stop you from walking. You have very good reflexes and lots of feeling in your lower body. These are very good signs. I think we can rule out Muscular Dystrophy. This usually is an inherited disease and you would have much more muscle deterioration which you don't have, if any at all. I couldn't find any muscle deformities at all. Of course we won't know for sure until we have poked, stuck needles in you and did other forms of cruel and an unjust punishments on your body." Snickered Tom.

"Well, big guy, Do you still want to continue?" Asked Tom.

"Nothing can be as bad as what I have already endured. I am up to anything. Go ahead and schedule me into the program."

Tom left to go back to school. Three days later, he called and told Harry that he had been accepted into the program. Tom also invited Harry to stay at his place while he was being evaluated and afterward if he had to go for treatment.

"Harry, is Nick around. I would like to talk with him if he is." Tom ask.

"Tom, he is out in the field learning how to put up hay. I'll have him call when he returns."

"Thanks, Harry. I appreciate that. What I have to ask him concerns you. Harry, I have really fallen for you. I know that we have known each other for just a short time, but I have never felt this way about anyone else until I met you. I would like to have you move in with me and become my partner. If things don't work out, we can at least gave it a good try. Harry, are you crying? I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Tom, Yes, I am crying. I feel the same toward you. I have always been afraid to become involved with anyone. I never knew love when I was growing up. I thought that no one would ever want to love me."

"Harry, you have a lot to offer. You're one terrific person and can make me very happy! I want you to be that person and I know that I can make you happy, also. Be sure to have Nick give me a call. I want him to know what is happening from the beginning. So I will hang up and wait for Nick's call. Love you!"

"Tom, I am going to talk to Nick before I have him call. The last thing, I want him to feel is that I am sneaking around behind his back. I will just be up front with him and tell him the truth. Love you!" Harry hung up the phone and just sat there shaking and crying. Harry was still sitting in the same spot. He was completely emotionally drained. Nick, James, and Rickie came in for lunch and found Harry.

"Harry, what in the world happened to you. Did you receive bad new or are you ill? You look absolutely terrible." exclaimed Nick.

"Dad, I think I will go make some lunch. I think Harry and You need to talk! Right Harry? James informed Nick.

"Yes, Thank You.!" Harry said as James left the room with Rickie right behind him. "You are really lucky to have those two. I must say James sure does know how to read people.

Harry told Nick all about Tom and his phone call. Nick listened and let him finish before he said anything.

"Harry, This does not surprise me one bit. I could see it written all over your faces when you looked at each other.

"Then you aren't mad at us?"

"Why would I be mad at you guys. Just the opposite, I am very happy for the both of you. Harry, I have been with each of you separately and together. I had fun. What we had was just good sex not love. Sure I love both of you as brothers or friends but not as lovers or partners. I am still waiting for Mr. Right to come along. Sure I have been in several affairs but no one had turned me on enough for a lasting relationship. Maybe one of these days!"

"Tom wants you to call him back."

"Not a problem. I will do it right after lunch."

Nick made his call and made arrangements to bring Harry to Missoula the following day. Nick would take the converted van so that Tom would have transportation for Harry.

Nick decided to catch a plane into Seattle and visit with old friends. Rickie wanted to go with him so Nick made plane reservations for the two of them. James was going to stay at the Ranch. Nick deicide to make this a mini vacation and made motel reservations for several days on the Washington Coast, three days in Victoria, BC. Of course he would spend four days in Seattle. Rickie had not been to Seattle and all of this would be new to him. Of course, he was so keyed that he didn't sleep the whole night before they left.

Nick and Rickie met Tom and they all went for lunch. Tom and Harry were overjoyed to see each other. They had love written all over them. Soon it was time for them to take Nick and Richie to the airport. Good-byes were easy because Nick knew in his heart that this was a good decision on everyone's part. He longed for the day when he would find his true love.

Rickie fell asleep as soon as the plane left the ground and slept the entire way to Seattle. Nick was glad because the 12 year old's excitement and energy were about to wear him out. As soon as the plane was on the ground, Rickie woke up and was going full blast again. Nick had a car rental waiting to pick him up. They dropped the rental clerk off and headed for the hotel. They were going to freshen up and then head to the Space Needle for dinner in the rotating café located on the top. This had been Rickie's first choice of things to do. Next would be a ferry ride in Puget Sound.

Nick called his friend Ed and made arrangements for him to meet them at the space needle. Nick then called the Café and made reservations. They would just have time to get there if they didn't get hung in traffic.

Ed was waiting for them and after a great big hug, they headed for the elevator. "Dad, are you sure that I have to wear this stupid tie. It is about to choke me to death.?"

"Look at Ed and me. Does that answer your question? It won't kill you for a couple of hours! Then you can throw it away. So until then, SUFFER!" Laughed Nick.

"Nick, Did he call you dad? You didn't get married did you? Asked Ed.

"No, I am still not into women. I adopted him after his dad and lover were shot and killed by an angry boy friend. He is son # two. You remember son #1. You should see him now. He made the football team and is built like you know what. I will show you some pictures later."

They stepped off the elevator and were escorted to their table by the window. Rickie was just about wild with excitement. This was absolutely all about him. Bringing happiness into his life now was all that Nick wanted. As the night worn on, the conservation moved to Ed and Nick. Rickie excused himself and went out on the balcony so that Ed and Nick could be alone.

"Nick, tell me have you found Mr. Right yet?" asked Ed.

"No, I am still looking. I found a couple who were good prospects. Things just didn't click. I have gained some friends for life, however. I have had several one night stands but no one I wanted to take home to my mother and get her approval."

"Ed, how about you. Are you still with the guy you moved in with when I left Seattle and moved to the ranch.?"

"That was a total loss. He became very abusive and a two-timing, unfaithful bum. He just wanted me to put up with all his misgiving and support him all the time. I was really fooled by that one. I have just about given up."

"To be very truthful, I haven't really gotten completely over you. I find myself thinking and wondering if we really gave love a good chance. Ed, I think about you a lot, in fact I just plain miss you. Do you think there is a chance that we can rebuild our relationship that we both wanted to throw away? Asked Nick very timidly.

"Nick, I felt the same way. I feel like I have just been treading water. Are you sure that you want to give it another try. I am willing if you are an if you are sure this is want you want!"

"Ed, we made a mistake once. I don't think we will make the same mistake twice. One thing for sure, we can't feel any worse than we do now. Rickie and I are going on a mini-vacation. I would like to have you join us but first we have to get his approval. I really don't think this will be a problem. You noticed how he made himself scarce right now. For a 12 year old he has a lot going for him and uses good common sense.

"Nick, I want to be absolutely sure this time. I can't go through another time like we have had since we split even though it was on good terms." Replied Ed.

Rickie returned to the table. "Hey, Rickie, What do you think about Ed joining us for the rest of our vacation." Asked Nick.

"Not a problem! I guess I can share you with another guy, especially one that is real cute." Ed turned beat red. "Gocha, this time Ed. No pay backs needed!"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I will get you when you least expected it." smiled Ed.

"I think it is a Go. I will call and add you to our reservations. We are at the Hotel Seattle, room 217. If you want to meet us there at 8 for breakfast. We can take a ferry ride and then we can leave for the coast." Nick advised Ed.

"Why don't you just stop by my apartment and let me throw some things together and we can go back to your Hotel. I can get a room and we then we can get a early start."

"Ed, we have a room with two queen sized beds. Rickie and I can share one and you can have the other."

"Is that ok with you Rickie. I don't want to kick you out of your bed."

"I would rather have a bed of my own so you and Dad can share a bed. As long as you don't do any of that nasty stuff and you are quite and don't snore like Dad does."

"Rickie, now would we do something like that?" asked Nick.

"Yes!" replied Rickie!

Next: Chapter 16

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