Searching for True Love

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 11, 2010


This is the story of one man's search for true love. However, there will be some sex but the real focal point will be on the relationships developed along the way. If you are not of legal age, this is unlawful in your area, or man sex bothers you, then I would suggest you leave now. Drop me line, I would love to hear from you. j

Chapter 1 Here I am, a 36 year old man and about to become a full time dad to a 14 year old boy, James. So you ask what is wrong with that? I had better start at the beginning and give you the whole story.

My mother only has one sister, Aunt Nancy and she had only one child, Carol. Mom's immediate family was very small. Of course she had several Aunts and Uncles plus cousins galore. I am the god-father to Carol's son, James. If any thing should happen to both his parents , then I would take him and raise him as my own.

As a group, we loved to go hunting and fishing together. Carol and Ben were my best friends. Nothing is better than going to some secluded lake and camping for the week-end or spending our vacations, touring and camping. Carol's husband, Ben, and I loved to backpack into the mountains and go hunting. Of course, we spent the day hunting and our nights in the same sleeping bag.

My life was suddenly and completely changed. Carol and Ben were killed one day when a semi-truck ran a red light and hit their car broadside. They both were killed instantly

. James was at school and was spared. I received a phone call at work and had go and pick James up at school. I nearly collapsed in the principal's office, so he drove me to get James and then took us home.

Aunt Nancy and Mom came over and took control of the situation. I don't know what I would have done without them. James and I just sat on the sofa, held each other and cried for three whole days and nights. We only ate when Mom and Aunt Nancy made us. I guess that is what we both needed because evidentially, we were able to start functioning again.

The judge approved my application for adoption of James immediately. After the short legal process, I officially adopted James and now he is legally my son.

I hired a very good lawyer friend to represent us and we all came out winners. Acting on James' behalf, I sued the trucking company for a very large amount of money and collected.

Ben had recently inherited a very large cattle ranch 10 miles from Roundup, Montana along with 4 million dollars. He was in the process of trying to get everything settled so the family could move there. He and Carol had enough foresight to write their wills leaving everything to James and me if something should happen to both of them. Now, we are in the process of getting ready to move. Can't you just see it--two city boys living on and running a ranch!!! Mom and Aunt Nancy are delighted because now we will have a new life and can start living again.

James and I are both scared to death about making this move. However, we are very supportive of each other and can talk honestly without fear of hurting the other. We face our problems head-on and even if we disagree we at least listen to what the other is saying. James feels more like my little brother instead of my son. It is hard to believe that James is only 14 and will turn 15 in two weeks. His head is screwed on correctly.

I am swollen with pride. James wants to call me Dad and he does. Our lives have meaning once again. James still sleeps with me all cuddled up like a little teddy bear. We tried to 69 once but have decided that this is not for either of us. James knows that I am gay but this is not for him and boys just doesn`t turn me on. We have been completely honest with each other and a gay relationship is something that neither of us want.

I have a small apartment and I have given the manager notice that I would be leaving. James and I have decided to give all my furniture to Salvation Army. We are in the process of putting the things I want to keep in boxes and moving them to his house. However, it is very hard for both of us to go into the house so we rented a storage unit as a place to put my stuff. When we get my place cleaned out, then we will have Aunt Nancy and Mom help us with James' house. They can take what they want and James can move the things he is keeping into our storage unit. The house will be given to a charity that helps families in need. They are always looking for someplace to put families on a temporary basis.

I contacted the ranch manager in Montana. In two weeks, we have an appointment to visit with him and look the ranch over. We, also, made an appointment with the lawyer who is handling the settlement of the estate. We have to start planning our future. This is something that we don't want to do but we must move forward. Together we will make it work.

It is a good thing that James will start his summer break in two weeks. Maybe we can get our move completed before school starts again in the fall. James wants to start at the beginning of the school year in his new school. He will be entering high school and wants to go out for the fall sports. He doesn't want to start and have to change schools.

I don't know how I am going to survive not having a class of my own. I have returned my contract for the coming year and the school board has accepted my resignation.

Nothing is certain or guaranteed in life. It can change in the blink of an eye. I guess the only things that are definite are taxes and death. If I die first, then someone else will have to pay my taxes.

Time for our appointment in Montana arrived. Time has gone by so quickly. Our small commuter plane has landed and people are leaving the plane now. I reached over and took James' hand. He had a look of panic written all over his face. My insides were tied in knots. "James, don't worry. Somehow, we will make it though all of this. We must do it together if we are to survive. Love you son." We spotted a drop dead, good looking man holding a sign with my name on it. Man what a hunk. I almost creamed my pants just looking at him.

James looked at me and grinned. "Calm down, Dad. You have a big tent leading the way."

"Smart ass!" I placed my carry on in front of me and we walked up and introduced ourselves. Our man was even better looking up close. James snickered again and I was ready to strangle him.I am a teacher in an elementary school and my name is Nick. So I am around kids all day during the school year. I am gay but never wanted any young boys. In fact, I can truthfully say that I have not been turned on by anyone under the age of 20. I prefer men of my own age. I like sports, outdoor activities and doing man things. I spend a lot of time in the gym and being around men. Nothing turns me on more that the smell of hot sweaty young man trying to beat me in a game of handball or basketball.

Jake shook our hands and it seemed like he held mine a little longer than I had expected. All I know it made my body tingle all over. Every time James made eye contact, his eyes teased me and he would grin. If he kept this up, I might just bust his cherry to get even.

We arrived at the ranch and pulled up to the house which looked more like a hotel than a house. Jake took us to our rooms and told us that he would meet us downstairs when we were finished.

James came into my room. "Dad, Jake is one good looking guy. If I were you, I wouldn't waste anytime getting him in bed with me. He is really a first class dude!"

"James, I don't think you will have to worry about me. You saw the hard-on that I got when I first say him. I just hope that he is not a straight arrow like you!"

"If he is, I bet you will rape him any way!" Laughed James. "Dad, I know all about the hunting and fishing trips that you and my dad took. Dad told me all about them and everything that you did. He told me that If you ever wanted to take me to bed with you, it was my decision. Even though I love you with my whole heart, I am not sexually attracted to you.."

"James, Thanks for telling me and being honest with me. Your Dad told me the same thing.." I replied. "I never get turned on by you. I am glad that we tried to 69 but got turned off. I can still love you as a son and we can always be best friends. We don't have to have sexual relationships. Let's go find that hunk!"

We went downstairs and was meet by the love god himself. Jake told us that he had organized a cook out and all the ranch employees and families would be there. He gave us some name tags and explained that everyone would be wearing them. He turned to lead us outside. James took his thumb, goosed me and giggled.

"Keep it up young man and you will be sorry."

James just smiled and reached up and goosed Jake. "Dad leave his ass alone."

Jake looked over his shoulder, smiled and said "Don't stop now" I was ready to find a hole and climb into it. James was just about ready burst trying not to laugh out loud.

"I am glad to see that you two have a sense of humor. I had visions of getting a couple of prunes for bosses. I think that we will get a long beautifully. I must put your minds at easy, Yes, I am gay and No I don't have a steady boy friend. I could see the wheels turning when I picked you up at the airport among other tell-tell signs." remarked Jake. "If I remember correctly, your pants had a big tent in front."

"Hello Jake! I think we are going to have a lot of fun. I am gay also and don't have a steady either. Forget about this kid . He doesn't know what he is missing and is Mr. Straight Arrow first class".

"There are 4 teenage boys here on the ranch. He will fit right in with them. I don`t know what is wrong with boys of today. I lost my cherry at age 13 to the boy next door. I liked it so well that I try to get into someone pants every chance I get."

"Jake , you sound like my Dad. If you are not busy tonight, I know he needs--someone to plug his ass! You had better have a big one because I understand that his hole is big and sloppy. He hasn't had any for sometime now." Laughed James. Nick by this time was the color of a beet but James had opened some doors for him.

Jake stopped , grabbed James and gave him a big kiss on the mouth. " Guess what, Dad! I got the first kiss from this super hot stud." Now it was Jake's turn to get rosy cheeks.

"Nick, If ever I become a prostitute. I want James to be my pimp. I bet I could make a small fortune for the both of us with him peddling my ass all over town." Laughed Jake. Now it was James who turned all shades of red.

They were at the patio door and stepped out side and the party started. The boys all got together and found a corner by themselves. The five of them hit it off right away. You would have thought they had known each other forever. Of course the topics of discussion were cars, girls and sports. Not necessarily in that order.

After awhile, the boys decided to go swimming and went to get their swim suits. Everyone else though this was a good idea and did the same. Much to James and Nick's surprise, there were two large heated swimming pools enclosed with plate glass walls under a roof with an open air space between the roof and walls. One pool was for the adults and one for the kids. The 5 boys joined the adults and the younger kids all went to the other one. The parents could supervise from the adult pool since they were side by side. There was a large hot tub and two Jacuzzis.

It was getting late, so the party started breaking up. James was invited to join the boys sleeping in a large yurt behind the employee's houses. He was thrilled to be `camping out' with his new friends.

Nick was left with the large house all to himself. "Jake, I am afraid of the dark and don`t like being alone. Would you like to keep me company?" "You bet! I have gone a long time without any loving myself. By the way, are you a top or bottom?

"I go either way. I am not choosy."

"Good that is the way I swing also." Replied Jake. "Race you up the stairs!"

"I would rather save my energy for the bed." laughed Nick putting his arm around Jake's waist. Jake turned and kissed him.

Slowly they started up the stairs with their lips locked in a kiss. Their hands were now wandering and exploring the other's equipment. Both guys had a raging hard-on by the time they reached the bedroom. We were stripping off articles of clothing and we completely nude when they arrive.

"There are condoms and lube in the night stand. I wanted to be prepare just in case I got lucky and I would say that I got more than I bargained for. Man, you have a very nice body and I can't wait to for that large piece of manhood you are packing to get stuck in my ass," cooed Jake.

"You are pretty good piece of eye candy yourself. I hope you are as good in bed as you look. I guess there is only one way to find out!" whispered Nick. "Jake, I have been tested recently and I am complete free."

"Good, I am too. I guess we can skip those old rubber things that we don't like. If that is ok with you."

"That is fine with me , Jake!" Nick replied.

Next: Chapter 2

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