Searching for Lost Souls

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Jun 18, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you find this material offensive or are underage. I do not mean to imply anything about the sexualities of the characters mentioned, this is a work of fiction.

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Chapter 6: A Beginning, a Middle, and an End... pt. 2

"Wh-what do you mean that YOU gave Justin the hickey?" Lance sputtered out.

"I think you know goddamn well what I mean!" JC snapped back, "so before you make stupid fucking conclusions about..."

"You and Justin are gay?!?" Chris interrupted loudly.

"Chris..." Justin tried to comfort him.

"Get the fuck away!" Chris yelled, "you fucking fag!!"

Tears began to well up in Justin's eyes.

"What did you call him?" JC asked.

"You fucking heard me," Chris spat back sarcastically.

JC leapt across the limo and socked Chris in the jaw, the loud smack cut sharply through the newfound silence and tension. JC's hands found their way to Chris's neck and began to squeeze.

"YOU FUCKING TAKE THAT BACK!!!" JC screamed as loud as he could.

"Get off of him," Joey shouted as he and Lance pried the two apart.

"Everyone just stop this," Lance took control of the situation that he was responsible for starting, "we'll sort this out at the hotel."

The limo rode on in silence the remainder of the way to the hotel.

As the five men exited the elevator shaft, which had been as silent as second half of the limo ride, and make their way towards their individual rooms.

"Whoa!" Lance stopped them all, "we need to sort this out before it gets any worse."

"Fuck you, Lance," JC said as he led the nearly sobbing Justin into his room.

"Yeah, Lance," Chris said miserably, "fuck off, just for once, fuck off and leave everyone alone."

Joey marched into his room without bashing Lance any more, perhaps the most confused out of the five he decided to leave the poor boy alone and sort this out on his own, leaving Lance standing in the hallway. He finally realized that he couldn't help this problem and dragged himself into to room like a beat dog.

"Why is this happening?" Justin sobbed uncontrollably, "what did we do that so wrong?"

JC walked over to Justin, who was lying on his stomach, his faced buried into a pillow on JC's bed. JC sat down on the bed next to him.

"Justin," JC said softly, nearly a whisper, "what Chris thinks about this isn't going to affect how we feel about one another..."

"But, JC," Justin said through gasps of air, "I'm not sure if I do love you..."

JC's eyes widened as he took in what Justin was saying. He stood up and walked over to the window and looked out as the now gray sky was beginning to spit rain.

Justin looked at the young beauty and realized that all he had done was make the problem worse as he began to cry even harder...

Joey stood in the shower stall, the water running over his body, he always showered whenever he was thinking about something important. At this moment he ran over how in the matter of three hours his four colleagues had gone from being closer than they had ever been to this. All because of a stupid hickey and how the press and Lance reacted to it. It was JC and Justin's fault for being gay, the gay fuckers, but then again, maybe they had always been in a relationship. If so, then the two people he now hated had been his best friends for years. No, it wasn't their fault, they were still his brothers...

Chris lie on his bed as he thought of what had happened, he wasn't prejudice against gay people it just caught him by surprise and he said something he didn't mean without thinking...then it snowballed. These two were his best friends, closer to him than some of his actual family members, and he had called them fags.

He rolled over and saw that it was now pouring outside as he closed his eyes, maybe it was dream, or maybe some sleep would help him think better, but the same thing kept rolling through his mind: fucking fag'... The words he had uttered less than an hour ago now haunted him as thoughts of the fight, and the pain in his cheek, crossed his mind again...fucking fag'...

"What did I do?" he asked himself.

Again he saw the image of JC jumping across the limo and punching him...fucking fag'...*sock*...fucking fag'...sock...`fucking fag'... The images kept coming into his head.

"I'm didn't mean it..." Chris whispered to himself as the thoughts kept coming to him...

Lance sat in a corner of his room, though it was still the middle of the afternoon the clouds and rain had blackened his room. What was happening to the band? He knew he played a big part in this by bitching at Justin without hearing his side of the story, but JC and Justin shouldn't have gone behind the backs of everyone else, and Chris shouldn't have said that...

Lightning momentarily lit up his room as he contemplated the events that had transpired and the thought that HE couldn't help it. Lance had always been able to help the band through his problems, but this time...he couldn't. In his mind this meant that the problem couldn't be solved, it would only get worse and would lead to one thing: the breakup of the band...

As the sun rose to begin the next day the five men awoke early since they all spent the rest of the day in their rooms and had gone to bed early.

Justin awoke in JC's room to find JC had slept on the nearby couch, apparently more offended by his comment that he previously thought. JC woke up about a half-hour later, finding Justin staring at him from the bed. JC got up and headed to the bathroom without a word passed between the two...

When Joey finally pulled himself to consciousness he headed back to bathroom to take another shower and think about what was about to happen between the feuding band members...

Chris dragged himself out of bed as soon as he woke up and headed right for the shower, got himself dressed, and out the door, he had a mission and was going to get it done ASAP...

Lance on the other hand, lie in bed, depressed, and convinced that the band was collapsing around him. He rolled over sighed heavily and closed his eyes again, this was the beginning of the end...

"Who the hell is that?" JC muttered to himself as there was a knock on the door, since Justin was now in the bathroom, "who is it?" he asked as he walked up to the door.

"Room service," came a nasal voice from the other side of the door.

JC opened the door and there stood Chris, his nose plugged to achieve the nasal effect.

"You better get the fuck out of my site..." JC said solemnly.

"I'm sorry," Chris said simply.

JC stood there, unconvinced.

"JC, I am being sincere, I didn't mean to call Justin a...well, um, you were there," Chris said, "I was shocked, and when Justin moved towards me, I freaked and the wrong thing came out, then I got all hot and bothered when you defended him...and...I'm sorry. Please, you know as well as I do that I'm not a bigot and I cannot go on another second knowing that you two are..."

Chris then noticed Justin exiting the bathroom, only wearing a towel as he gathered his clothes, he seemed rather annoyed at something.

"...are...mad at me..." he continued.

"I understand," JC said, now convinced with Chris's seemingly authentic apology, "but he doesn't."

JC moved out of the way so that Chris came into full view of Justin's perfectly sculpted body.

"I think he needs a bit more convincing that I do..." JC said.

Chapter 7: Smoke and Mirrors; coming soon(er than this one, sorry to those of you who didn't know I was on vacation with my bf, sorry for the delay!).

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