Searching for Lost Souls

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Mar 10, 2001


Hey Guys! I'm back, if you don't me I'm the author of the story "Dreams Can Come True" and I want to hear all of your questions, comments, whatever so e-mail me at, ok?

Disclaimer: If you find M/M situations offensive, are not of legal age wherever you are then don't read this. Also, I have no knowledge of the sexual preferences of any members of NSync, or any boyband for that matter, so don't e-mail me asking questions. I had a big problem with the same guy e-mailing me for Brian Littrell's phone number when I was posting my last story...don't do that...

On with the story:

Searching for Lost Souls

Chapter 1: Different Perspectives

JC Chasez tossed and turned in the king size bed of his New York hotel room. JC and his fellow *NSyncers were in New York for a guest spot on TRL to promote their new tour. JC rolled over yet again and his armed draped over the well-defined torso of Justin Timberlake, whose masculine body lay next to JC on the mattress.

Justin often slept with JC whenever Justin couldn't sleep, whether it was because of nervousness, sickness, or whatever. JC never minded it because he had always had a small crush on his fellow bandmate. Justin normally slept with JC when he was nervous about the press exposing his relationship with Britney and the probable massive press scrutiny that would follow, but now that the two were public about their relationship they had nothing to worry about, or did they?

Britney was in England promoting her upcoming CD, slated for release at around the same time that *NSync's was coming out, and she had been invited to one of the Royal Family's palaces by Prince William. Justin wasn't normally jealous, but Britney and the prince had exchanged e-mails and Justin had read them and spotted the obvious flirting between the two.

JC slid closer to Justin so that their bodies were brought together. He wanted to hold Justin like this all the time and make Justin's problems and worries go away, but he couldn't. JC had decided long ago that all he cared about was Justin's happiness and knew that that meant he had to be with Britney.

JC nuzzled his nose in Justin's hair and took a deep breath of the young man. JC closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep before the sun came up.

The sunlight that shown through the curtains of JC's room slowly brought the sleeping beauty called Justin Timberlake back to consciousness. Justin rubbed the sleep from eyes and brought his hand back to his side to find JC's arm draped over him. Justin began to slowly move, as not to disturb JC, and felt JC's morning hardon pressing against his ass. Justin began to rub his body against JC's hard cock.

Justin was bisexual and was a virgin to both sexes, much to his regret Britney wanted to wait until she was married and Justin just never had the courage to hit on another man.

Justin slowly raised himself out of the bed and quickly tiptoed to the bathroom. He quietly came back into the room and noticed it was only quarter after seven. He thought that it wasn't worth going back to bed so he put on a blue silk bathrobe and went onto the balcony and watched as the people of New York started another hectic workday.

Justin leaned slightly over the edge of the balcony and saw some of the group's more loyal fans had slept outside the hotel last night. He smiled at the thought that they'd sleep on the sidewalks of New York just to get a glimpse of their favorite boyband.

Suddenly Justin felt someone's hand on his back and he was given a quick push towards empty air. He panicked and spun around to see JC laughing hysterically.

"That wasn't funny!" Justin screamed as he walked back into JC's room.

"Oh, come on, Justin," JC said as he wiped a tear from his eye, "the look on your face was pure Pulitzer material if I had had a camera."

"When are we supposed to do the photo shoot for Rolling Stone?" the annoyed Justin changed the subject.

"Eleven," JC said as he fell back into the bed.

"What do you wanna do until then?" Justin asked.

A thousand dirty thoughts ran through both their heads.

"Dunno," JC answered.

"Well I for one am bored out of my skull," Justin grumbled as he flopped down on the bed next to JC. JC leaned on his arm the way Justin was and the two searched each other's eyes. Justin could feel the courage inside of him building, he wanted desperately to lean in for a kiss when...

"Well," JC said as he jumped off of the bed, "we can't do anything looking like this. I'm gonna shower, you order us some breakfast."

Justin fell back into the pillows with a sigh...he was so close...

JC turned on the water to the shower and stuck his left arm under the cascading liquid to check the temperature. He slowly pulled off his boxers and stepped into steam filled shower stall and slowly lathered his hair with shampoo. He dropped his soapy hands to crotch and massaged the lather into his pubic hairs and around the base of his cock.

"What almost happened out there?" JC said to himself as he lathered his hard cock, "it's almost as if he wanted"

"JC?" Justin yelled from the other side of the door, "what do you want me to order you?"

"Um..." JC stuttered as he slowly stroked his length as he thought of Justin and what had almost happened, "I don't care...whatever you're getting..."

JC picked up the pace after he thought that Justin had left from his perch outside the door. He brought his lubricated hand from the head of his 8-inch, cut cock to the base quickly as he thought of his best friend and the secret escapades they could have behind the back's of everyone: their friends, family, bandmates...Britney. He'd forgotten about Britney. He pushed the thought from his mind and thought of Justin again, his perfect smile, his strong arms, well-defined chest...

JC was close to cumming when he thought he heard a faint noise outside the door, it was his imagination. He pumped his cock again and again and finally spewed his load all over the side of the shower. He brought a small bit of it to his mouth and licked it from his finger, the salty taste lasted for only a second and he decided he'd best clean it off the wall before Justin took his shower.

Justin listened carefully with his ear against the bathroom door. He was sure he could hear JC jerking off. He leaned harder against the door and it creaked slightly, he hoped the faint noise wouldn't disturb JC...his wish came true as he heard the noises continue.

Justin slowly reached his left hand down through his robe and into his boxes and lightly stroked his growing cock. He tipped his head back and groaned lightly. He beat off his rock hard meat as he listened to JC doing the same only a few feet away and a wooden door away. He felt his 7-inch meat start to spasm and bit his lip to keep from groaning. His load spilled into his cotton boxers and he tried to hold it there until JC got out of the bathroom so he could clean up. He couldn't be caught like this, not by JC...

JC came out of the bathroom wearing a silk robe similar to Justin's and began to rummage through some clothes, looking for something to wear. Justin quickly slipped into the bathroom without looking too conspicuous as he held his crotch trying not to get cum all over himself. Once in the bathroom he threw off his robe and wiped the cum off of himself with his dirty boxers. He jumped into the shower and quickly cleaned his masculine body.

As Justin began to dry himself he put his towel on the sink and looked for the pair of clean boxers he had brought into the bathroom with him. The door opened and JC stepped in holding a pair of Justin's boxers.

"JC!" Justin yelled.

"Here you dropped these outside of the door," JC said as he handed Justin his underwear.

"Uh...thanks," Justin said as he covered himself with a towel.

"So what do you wanna do?" JC asked as he leaned against the sink.

"I'd LIKE to get dressed, you already have!" Justin said somewhat annoyed.

"Why so bashful all of a sudden?" JC asked, he only stayed to get glimpses of Justin's perfect body, "we've showered and dressed together hundreds of times..."

"Well..." Justin started timidly, "sometimes I do like my privacy..."

Justin slowly turned from JC. JC walked out and closed the door, he sat on the bed and put on his favorite Nikes. He sat up and put his head in his hands. What was he thinking, walking in on Justin like that?

JC stood up and rubbed his now erect cock, his glimpses of Justin had aroused him again, but this time he couldn't jerk off. He leaned again the wall to the left of the bathroom door and sighed. He was sure he had misread Justin earlier...he had was just a big...mistake?

That's it...remember to e-mail me with your comments at

Next: Chapter 2

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