Sean and Dan

By moc.loa@naDllabsberomB

Published on Jul 25, 2001


It was four o'clock in the afternoon. I was lying in my bed. In my boxers. Spread eagled. With my dick in my hand. I was hard. I had my eyes closed. And I was nervous as hell.

I wanted it so bad. I wanted to fuck Sean. I wanted to see him on all fours, ass in the air, forearms on the bed, clutching a the sheets like they were a lifeline, head down on the pillow, moaning like a bitch, watching my cock disappear up his tight cherry pucker. To grab his hips and fuck his virgin ass till I made him cum all over his own sheets in his own bed.

Okay. So I was amped up. I wasn't even sure Sean was a virgin. But details like that don't matter when you have fantasies. That's how it is sometimes. And if you'd been waiting as long as I had for this moment, you'd understand. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you.

Guys who follow their instincts aggressively probably don't take the time to tell their stories like this. They're too busy out fucking boys who could never quite figure out that it was dick they wanted until they were on their backs in the back of a car or a hotel bed with a cheesy ass quilt and some well-muscled stud has got his fat 8 inch cock halfway up their ass and they're moaning half in pain half in shocked pleasure as their mouths hang open and they spread their legs wider. Guys who fuck like that have known what they wanted all along. It's the guys that get fucked, they're the ones who didn't know.

Don't get me wrong and don't think I'm taking sides. I've been on both ends. But I think there's something to what I'm saying, no offense intended. Fucking a guy is about the most intense physical act of domination I can think of. Sure, it can be loving and all that. But no matter how you slice it up, it's not really gentle. It's you on top of him, giving it to him like there's no tomorrow. Watching his face, seeing his body, his legs making room for you, his ass making room for your dick...him doing it your way and feeling good about it, in fact feeling better because he's not really in control anymore. You are. And he's giving control to you and that's getting him off as much as that dick that's hitting parts of his ass he's never even felt before. And you know, like I said, I've been there.

In fact, later, much later, I got there with Sean. We made some of the most mind-boggling romantic love you could imagine. ON sheets strewn with rose pedals. On bear skin rugs and ski lodges. In hot tubs. In the shower. On the beach. And plenty of times it was him fucking me. I don't believe you are just one thing, a top or a bottom. I know some guys clearly get a lot more pleasure out of their ass than I do. But I don't think there's anything healthy at all about insisting that you either fuck or you get fucked, and there' s no in between.

When you're having sex it's a different story. If you're on top during the sex, then that's the way you should let yourself be. And if you're on the bottom, then that's a whole other experience. What's amazing is how hot both of them can be. I don't know. Maybe I'm Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. But I hope it's just that I'm man enough to admit that most of the time...I love fucking a guy. But sometimes, I'll give it up like Kim Bassinger in 91/2 weeks. Go figure.

The key is, you have to know where you stand when it gets started. There can be no confusion. No hesitation. You have to know what you want and then go get it. I figured Sean knew that's what about to happen. And if he wasn't quite sure, I was prepared to use all my powers of persuasion.

It's not just that I liked his ass either. I did. For sure. It looked great. I would eat breakfast off it. Bacon. Eggs. A banana. Even orange juice off his balls.

But I liked Sean. He did it for me, whatever that means. I'm sure you know what I mean. It's just that he was the one who made my motor go. The way he talked. And smiled. And shook his ass. It was just desire for him. To be the one that connected with him, and then throw his legs over my shoulders and REALLY connect. That's what I thought I was gonnna happen.

We had already made the chemical connection. Chemica calda. We clicked. We laughed. And we were really jonesing for each other. And now it was time for the consummation baby. Making the beast with two backs and all that.

I let go of my boner and sat up on my bed. All that thinking about bananas and orange juice and Sean's bed sheets had got me pretty riled up. I decided to call him. Get the ball rolling.

I looked at the crumpled up sweaty piece of paper in my hand, the same hand that had just been holding my dick. "Sean," it said, "Dan's study savior, 443-8537, room 204 Hughes." I dialed his number. The phone was ringing and for some reason all I could think of was if what if someone could see us fucking through his bedroom window. Wouldn't that be hot.


"Uh yeah hello...this is sinner in the hands of an angry god looking for the wisdom of Jesus and a briefing on the War of the Roses. Is Sean there please?" Don't ask me where that shit comes from. When I get nervous I just start mouthing off.

"No I'm sorry Sean is not here," Sean said, "But Dan's study savior is here. Would you like to speak with him unrepentant heathen barbarian?"

"Heathen? Barbarian. You're only saying that because you want me to sack your village and carry you off like a cheap ass ho to be my bitch, right?"

"Yeah yeah yeah man. You got it. Damn you figured me out bro. I guess Ill just leave the door unlocked and you can knock me upside the head," Sean said.

"I'll be knocking you up baby, but not upside the head." I was cracking up by this time.

"Damn boy!! Down boy. Down." Sean was laughing too.

"So dude, uh, can I come get my study lesson now? I tried to take a nap and shit but it wasn't happening. And I figured what the hell if you had time and stuff, we could just knock out a few chapters and get ahead of the game." I said it all sort of fast. I was pretty sure he'd be cool with it. But you never know.

"Yeah bro. That sounds cool. Just like bring a few sodas over or something and some chips and we can chill, hit the books."

"Cool man," I said. "So it's 204 Hughes right?"

"Who are you kidding Dan? I know you got it written on your hand probably carved into your hope chest by now."

"Just for that Daddy's gonna spank your ass," I said.

Sean just laughed and so did I.

"Alright dude, I'm on my way. See you in a few."


I heard him hang up and I clicked off the phone. That went pretty well. He actually seemed pretty confident. Not that that surprised me. The nerves would probably come later though, when I had his boxers down at his ankles and his hands on the wall in front of him and I was easing my dick up his butt...whoa boy! Easy tiger, I thought to myself. First things first, get dressed.

I threw on a clean pair of Calvin Klein boxer briefs and a Champion white T-shirt. I didn't wanna look too dressed up. I like guys that take care of how they look. But I like it when it's casual too. I threw on a pair of long red mesh Adidas shorts, some Nike cross trainers with no socks, and bam, I was ready. No messing around with the closet with this boy. I had business to attend to.

The door had almost hit my ass on the way out when I realized I was forgetting my book bag. Oops dumbass. Hard to study with no books. I threw some books in the bag. I think my Western Civ history book was one of them. And I also grabbed a few condoms from my shaving kit. I might be needing those later, I was hoping.

The walk to his dorm wasn't that far. I had to stop by the store on campus to pick up some chips and soda like he'd asked. For once in my life, I didn't furtively glance at every single boy in the store to see who was the best looking or who just might possibly be gay and interested in staring longingly into my eyes. I rushed through the store instead, got a few cokes and some cool ranch Doritos and stood in line to pay. Hmm...the cashier IS kinda cute actually. Two hoop earrings Short blond hair, almost a buzz, and a really lean face. He smiled.

"Will that be all for you tonight?"

"Not if you want to get down here and lick my balls," I was thinking. But I didn't say that of course. I just smiled and looked at him and said "Yeah that's it man."

He rang me up and handed me my money, his fingers brushed my hand. He smiled again. "Thanks for coming." Hmmm.

"No problem dude, anytime." And then I was off.

That little encounter didn't do anything to settle me down. Cute cashier boy smiling, thought of the stock room.... But honestly, that all happened in a split second. It's fucking amazing how quick your brain can put together a scenario like that sometimes. You're in an elevator with some young looking stock analyst and in the space of two seconds you've got this picture of him bent over the desk with his Brooks Brothers trousers on the floor, grabbing the corners of the desk, and getting fucked like a pack mule. And that's just between the third and the fourth floors. Imagine what you could come up with if he was going to the tenth floor. Leather chairs probably, his young wife on the phone while you had his ankles in your hands-Okay okay enough.

"Damnit boy. Get a grip," I said to myself.

I got to Sean's dorm, Hughes Hall and had the goth looking chic at the front desk buzz me in.

"Yeah?" she said.

"Yeah, uh, Sean Keller please, room 204."

"Just a second."

I looked around the lobby while she called him up. Nothing major going on. Nothing to indicate I was about to pound this cute looking guy from history class into his mattress until my nuts exploded. Nope, no evidence of that anywhere. Funny how the world doesn't really revolve around you the way you think it must. That truthfully, most people don't give a fuck who you're fucking, or if you're fucking at all.

Sean snapped me out of my philosophizing by slappin me on the back and smiling at me.

"What's up big dog?" he said. Man was he cute. If you don't remember what he looks like, let me refresh you. He stood five foot ten inches, and probably about 160 pounds. He was lean, and muscled, with all the right cuts in all the right places.

Round and broad shoulders that tapered down his v-shaped back to a 30 inch waist that sat on top of what had to be one of the world's grade AAA asses. Like I said, breakfast on this ass, not a problem.

His legs were nice too. Shaped and lightly dusted with brown hair that matched the brownish blond hair on his tanned head. He kept it short, and parted to the right. He looked like a skater who was thinking about becoming a cop, but changed his mind while the comb got halfway through his hair.

His eyes were, predictably, green. God must make boys like this to torture the rest of us. But Sean wasn't vain about his looks. He just smiled and kept his hand on my back as we started walking to the elevator.

"Not much dude, I got some cokes and shit. And I even think I got the right book to study with."

"That always helps dude."

"Like you'd know man," I joked as we stepped into the elevator. He pressed 2.

"Yeah whatever bro...hey listen, my roomie's gone for the night. But just don't like, mess his side of the room up or anything. The guy is more anal than a proctologist."

I laughed. "NO problems man, we'll just keep things to your side of the room."

"Uh...yeh bro, that'll work. Here, let's go."

We got to his floor and took a left out of the elevator to the end of the hall. Sean's door was the last one on the right. He slid his key card in the door and the light went green and he opened it up.

His room was just like mine, of course. There wasn't any reason I should be more excited than usual. But you know how it goes. He had different posters. Different books. Different cloths lying around (boxers). And also, a different smell.

It smelled good too. Not musty or anything. Just masculine and clean. Like a guy who's just gotten out of the shower and put on clean boxers, jeans, and a tee. The kind of smell that makes you lean a little closer.

"So dude, just uh, throw your bag over here and have a seat. We can bust out the cokes first if you want."

Sean's bed was on the far side of the room, next to the window, which looked over the natural amphitheater in the middle of the campus. Since it was summer the tall poplar and oak trees that line the theater had all their leaves, and it gave the room a nice green lush look in the late afternoon, as the sun set behind them and left the room in a weird gold color.

Sean didn't have the lights on. And as he sat on his bed I took a second to check him out more. His profile was sharp against the backdrop of the sun. It made the light brown stubble on his chin stand out. And his eyes showed two sharp sparks where the sun hit them. He was wearing a dark blue Hurley t shirt and some old navy board shorts and ankle high socks. He looked pretty bronzed. And I had this stupid idea.

It's stupid now that I think about it. But like I said, when I'm nervous shit comes to me. I just think it and say it at the same time. And I was nervous. I wanted this boy. And I fucking wanted him now. I just wasn't sure how I was going to get him until I blurted it out.

"Dude, in this light your skin is exactly the same color as the picture of that statue in the Civ book."

He looked at me like I had a third eye. Whoops. It woulda been better to talk about pussy first probably.


"Here man, I'll show you." I grabbed my bag. Well there's was no turning back now. I was about to put all my cards on the table. Besides, I didn't want to spend all night being nervous. If you talk about something too much, you diminish it. Sometimes it's just better to do it, and talk about later, if at all.

I sat next to him on his bed. It ran through my mind that it was strange for a guy to have a white comforter in college. White gets pummeled by dirt. But his comforter felt soft underneath me. He was on my left, with his right leg tucked under him, sucking down a can of coke, looking at me with a small grin on his face.

"Here dude...look, you'll see what I mean. Trust me."

I scooted next to him, tucking my left leg under me so my knee was a few inches from his. Then I spread the book out on both our knees and started thumbing through the pages. Our shoulders were nearly touching. And it was really quiet in the room. And my dick was getting hard. But it felt good. And it was good finally, to be alone with Sean in the same room.

"Not that one...nope, not that one...nope...nope...nope."

"Shit Dan, you sure you know what you're looking for? After all I'M the one sposed to be tutoring YOU."

"Shut the fuck up man...I know exactly what I'm looking for. There." I stabbed the page.

It was a statue by Auguste Rodin. Maybe you've seen it. I'm not sure what it's called. I'd call it "holy fuck I'm getting a hardon," but that wouldn't do it justice. It's a lot more erotic than that.

It's a bronze statue of a young athletic looking guy, maybe in his 20's, it's hard to say. He's naked. His right leg is slightly bent at the knee, with the toes of his right foot just arching up off the ground, like he's just had some powerful sensation. His right hand is running through his hair, like you would if you were rinsing out shampoo in the shower, with his elbow cocked at a 90 degree angle to his arm. His left hand his clenched in the air at just about the height of his ear. His neck looks incredibly exposed.

But it's his face that says it all. When I first saw it I though it looked content. Like He had just relaxed in a hot shower after a long hard sweaty practice, or a hot day in the fields mowing hay, or hauling lumber or something.

But when I was horny and I looked at it, I thought his faced looked different. It looked like he was getting ready to cum. Like he was up on his toes because some hottie had just stuck his tongue up the guy's smooth pink asshole, or the head of a big thick cut cock had just pushed past his ring and sunk deep up into his ass, and a big pair of cum filled balls had rested in his crack. This bronze fucker oozed male. It wasn't even necessarily gay sex. But it was all boiling, smoldering, volcanic testosterone.

"There dude. That's it." I pointed at the page. Sean looked at it. His head was tilted towards the page, but his eyes flickered up at me for a second and he smiled, almost shyly.

"Shit dude, I don't look anything like that. That's a fucking Greek god or something." His eyes flickered up to look at mine again. And this time I stared at him. He stared back. There was some color in his cheeks. I could see that he was blushing. I knew that if he looked he'd see that my heart was pounding through my T-shirt.

"No Sean...seriously. I don't know much about art. But I know what I hate. And I don't hate this."

He laughed. Phew. It was a Simpson's reference and he got it. And it broke the ice some.

"Seriously man, you think I look like this?" He leaned closer and our shoulders were touching.

"Dude abso-fucking-lutely....Look," I said, "His jaw is square...just like yours." I reached up and tapped his jaw with my right index finger, and slid it slightly under his chin, just a bit down his neck.

"Yeah?" he gulped and titled his head back some.

"Yeah....and look..." I traced the bicep of the picture of the statue, "...his arms are built bro...just like yours." I ran my hand up his right arm...stopping to squeeze his bicep and petting him back and forth.

"Yeah?" he said and looked up at me with his eyebrows raised. His voice was softer now. A little raspy.

"Yeah man. And look...his thighs are strong and sculpted bro....just like yours...." I slowly ran my hand up the inside of his thigh...under his shorts...feeling the soft fine hairs there...hearing Sean moan a little and spread his legs more.

"Yeah?" It was almost a whisper.

"Yeah Sean...and look...his face is so alert...tense...ready for something...his lips are parted...his eyes are closed...just like yours." I reached up to touch his lips as he closed his eyes. He set his coke down on the dresser and I threw the book down on the floor and laid half on top of him as he laid back against his white comforter.

I kissed his lips as his breathing got more shallow. He scooted on to the bed and I laid down fully on top of him. My hands were on his hips, pulling up his shirt while I left wet kisses on his neck. His threw his head back and raised his arms up.

I pulled his blue shirt off and straddled his hips as he left his hands in the air. What a fucking god. Sean was flat out beautiful. The sun was setting full steam now, coming through the trees, leaving leafy shadows on his tanned smooth chest. His nipples really did look bronze and I could see beads of sweat forming between his built pecs and I took my shirt off.

I ground my cock on his. By now we were both tenting big time. His arms were still up in the air and I grabbed both wrists in my hand and pinned them over his head while I leaned down to suck on his neck, leaving a big red mark there.

"Oh fuck," he said and moaned.

I began kissing all over his neck and collar bone, keeping his arms pinned above his head and licking my tongue slowly in and out of his armpit on each side...and back up to his face, where I put my mouth on his and slide my tongue over his lips. He opened up and let me in and I stuck my tongue deep in his mouth, feeling his soft tongue licking against mine. God was this boy hot.

I licked up his jaw as he wrapped his legs around my waist, spreading them more so I laid right between them. I sucked on each ear lobe while he whimpered underneath me. Then I licked long and slow up the ridge of his ear and fucked my tongue into his ear canal.

I was breathing hot on his ear and I said to him in a clear but soft voice "Sean...I'm gonna fuck you tonight. First I'm gonna suck your dick till you feel like your nuts are gonna explode. And then I'm gonna get your asshole ready. And then I'm gonna fuck you with my fat dick."

"OH god yes..." he moaned as I rubbed that spot under his nuts....inching my finger back toward his asshole. His shorts were still on though.

I stopped kissing him long enough to reach down and pull his shorts off his tight ass. He lifted up his hips for me and I caught my breath looking at how spectacular he was. His cock was rock hard and glistening with precum. He was about 7 inches cut and his dick was straight and thick. He had a trimmed blond curly bush that sat on two average sized nuts that were pulled up to his body a little.

He was looking up at me, lips apart, panting some. I scooted off him long enough to pull down my shorts and my CKs and then straddled him again. I grabbed both dicks in my hand and rubbed them together. His dick was so hot in my hand. And he arched his hips to get more contact. I slid my fist up and down our dicks for a few strokes before I stopped.

"Lean up on your elbows for a second. I want you to see this."

He did like I asked and I noticed by now his hair was matting to his forehead from the sweat. I grabbed his cock in my hand and looked him straight in the eye, opening my mouth and leaning down to kiss it. I kissed the head and he gasped.

"oh fuck yeah Dan, unhhh." He threw his head back. I reached up with my free hand grabbed a handful of his hair...and softly pulled his head back.

"Watch man..."

His eyes were wider and I took my tongue and ran it a very slow circle around the head of his cock. He whimpered again. I started licking more of his shaft, soaking it with my spit...licking up and down...flicking my tongue over the slit...and sliding it more of it my mouth...bobbing up and down on his aching cock, running my hands over his smooth chest to tweak his nipples...and back down to his full balls...cupping them, stroking them, while I spread his legs more....tracing the tips of my fingers lightly down the inside of his thighs.

The sunset was bright still, but fading. And in the soft light I could just see Sean's dusky hole as he spread his legs more. It was smooth, totally hairless. I took my free hand put my index finger on his lips while I held his cock in my hand.

"Suck my finger man..." He opened his mouth and sucked my finger in.

"Come on dude," I said "suck it." He started sucking, rolling his tongue around my finger, bobbing up and down a little each time, getting into it more each second. We both were. Getting to that point where you stop thinking and just start going on instinct. Letting your body take you where it wants to go.

I took my finger out of Sean's mouth and kept pumping his cock. "Spread your legs some more bro..."

He did with this incredibly nervous look on his face. Nervous but so fucking turned on. I took my finger, soaked with his spit, and traced it down under his balls, under that smooth space between his nuts and his hole...and kept going. When I got to his ass he shuddered and gasped. I traced a slow wet outline of his hole with my wet finger just teasing the outside.

He moaned louder and I put some pressure on his hole. Just a little. Not to push in. Just teasin it. I swallowed his dick in my mouth again, this time going down as far as I could, till I buried my nose in his bush.

"FUCK" Sean yelled and started clenching the sheets with his hands. As he did that I pushed my wet finger inside his hole. It was so fucking tight that it took a little pushing.

"Uh uh uh UHHH." Sean whimpered. "UNNHHHHH, oh god oh god oh god...that fucking hurts. Unh unh unh...oh MMMMMMMM."He thrashed his head back and forth a little and bucked his hips some. He was biting his lower lip and clenching his teeth. Yep...first time with the ass I thought.

I stopped sucking his cock but left my finger up his butt and laid back on top of him. Kissing his chest. His face. His eyelids. His mouth.

"Sean bro...your body is so incredibly hot. Your dick is so fucking awesome bro...and your ass..." As I said this I kept fingering his tight hole, in and out...slow jabs...then fast ones, working tight circles, loosening him up some...sliding my finger up his tight butt.

"OH god Dan...that feels so good bro...ohh don't stop." His legs were open more. His body was in charge now. Telling him what it wanted.

"I'm not gonna stop dude, I'm gonna fuck you man..." I had my forehead rested on his looking straight down into his eyes. They were scared eyes. But also he was into it. He nodded, moving our foreheads.

"Do it man. I want it now. I want you to fuck me."

I smiled some and slid another finger in all of a sudden, causing him to arch his back again as he moaned louder.

"FUCK me man. I want you to fuck me"

I jumped off him to grab a lubed condom from my back pack. It was gonna be tight. But it was gonna be good.

Sean was on the bed, legs spread, hands at his sides, looking down at me while I was on the floor. I stood up and over the bed. He looked so hot. So vulnerable. So ready.

"You ready for this bro?" I grabbed my cock and waved it at him.

"Yes. I want it now bro. Do it before I change my mind."

I answered by getting down between his legs and rolling the condom on my cock. I took his legs in each arm and put them on my shoulders, scooting up under him.

"It's gonna hurt bro...push out, and breathe'll get better. Tell me if I'm hurting you."

He looked up nervous and just nodded.

I looked down and could barely believe what I was about to do. Sean's ass looked so tight. It was raised up slightly off the bed, the pink hole winking at me...slick from my finger fucking. I took the head of my cock and slid it up his crack. He moaned loud.

Then I placed the head of my dick on his hole and pushed in. I watched it stretch and start taking my cock in. Sean moaned and grimaced. I pushed his ass up higher in the air and pushed in harder.

He opened up his eyes wide as my cock got past his ring and sunk deeper up his butt. "OH fuck, oh fuck oh fuck..." He winced and made a high pitched moaning sound. "unh unh unh...oh fuck."

His chest was rising and falling faster now. It was sweaty too. And I ran my hand over it and stopped pushing in for a second to let him rest. He settled down some. It was a good thing I stopped too. His ass was tighter than anything I'd ever fucked in my life. I thought I was gonna cum the very first second I was in.

But I was better now. Wasn't gonna cum right away. And Sean looked ready. I thrust in hard again, leaning over him and looking down, feeling my dick sink deeper almost all the way in.

"FUUUCK...oh fuck...yess...fuck dude, you just hit something....mmmmm ohh mmmmm."

I was getting really turned on by all this and I slammed my dick all the way up his tight hole. I was taking this boy's cherry now. Sean moaned as I rammed home and now wrapped his legs around me. I guess he was used to it now. My dick wasn't huge. But if you've never had anything up your ass before, it all feels big.

I started humping in and out of his butt now. He was making soft moaning sounds and practically purring. His dick was rock hard and leaving a huge pool of pre cum on his chest. I scooped some up and pushed it on his lips...which he started licking right away, sucking on my fingers.

I grabbed his ankles again and pushed his legs back further, so his ankles were back practically by his ears. I looked down and my dick was buried up his ass. He felt so smooth inside, so fucking warm and tight. I started fucking him harder.

"Yes" he said each time I thrust into him.

"Yeah Sean, take my cock man, fucking take it bro."

"Fuck me man...fuck me dude."

"Yeah bro, fuck yeah your ass is so tight. I'm gonna fuck blow my hot cream up your ass bro."


He was raising his voice now and so was I. We were both sweating up storms. I was pumping harder and faster, getting closer. And he was now just making a steady series of grunts and whines.

"I'm gonna fuckin cum Dan...oh oh oh oh. Fuck yeah dude, oh fuck I'm gonna cum"

I pounded his ass faster now, looking down at his dick which was jumping around like a live wire. I was gonna fuck this boy till he came on himself and then I was gonna nut while I was deep inside his butt.

I pounded harder and harder. Long deep fucking that made the bed hit the wall and Sean moan louder and louder and louder till he fucking clenched his ass around my dick and I saw his cock erupt. The first spurt of cum landed on his pillow above his shoulder. He was moaning like crazy and cum kept flying out of his dick all over his chest and a few ropes on his face.

Seeing this set me off. I buried my bone as deep up his tight jock ass as I could and I thought my nuts were getting crushed. My whole body felt like it was gushing out into Sean as I pumped a huge load of hot cum while I pushed deep up his butt. My head was on his shoulder and I was laying hard on him.

Our bodies were covered in sweat and cum. I was still inside him, still hard. My ears were ringing for some weird reason and Sean had his arms around me. He started laughing. I could fee his chest quiver from it and I raised my forehead up to look at him and said "What?"

"Dude, I don't know much about butt fucking. But I know what I hate. And I didn't hate that."

End Chapter Four

Okay dudes. There it is. Hope it was worth the wait. I'll write an epilogue next, which shouldn't take long. But I wanted to get this one right. Thanks for all the offers for proof reading. I passed them up because I'm lazy and proud. Sorry this took so long but I was on vacation busting myself up mountain biking in Utah. As always, comments and stuff are welcome. I'm not always great at answering quick. But I'll answer. Drop me a line at Later.

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