Seal Rocks

By moc.liamtoh@1esuolap

Published on Sep 12, 2006


It was a cloudy morning. He was stiff all over. Mike was trying to lift him from under his arms. "Dude, what you doin' over here?"

Jesse blinked awake, but just barely. He was slumped over against the closed door to his room. He looked about himself blearily, trying to reconstruct things. "Went to piss," he muttered, "in the night. Sat here." He didn't want to confess to crying most of the night.

Mike looked at him, confused and worried. "Let's get you back in bed, OK?"

"Ya. Sure. Good idea." Jesse clambered to his feet and shuffled over to his bed, falling almost face-first into it, his legs sticking out the side at an angle. As he slid back into sleep, he heard Mike chuckle, and felt sheets cover his legs. Then Mike's hand ran softly through his hair, and he smiled.

The sun was bright when he awoke again to the sound of his blinds clanking against the window frame from the ocean breeze. The door to his room was closed; Mike was gone. He stretched luxuriously for several seconds, enjoying the feel of his own bed and covers - the warmth, the faint smells, the texture. His cell, on the table by the bed, read 10:28. He frowned at the time for a moment, then rolled away and covered his face with a pillow. He wanted to stay in bed, to hide from everything, to remain where everything was safe and comfortable and simple: you just slept. He squeezed his eyes closed and dozed lightly for awhile.

Mike's hand, again in his hair, woke him. "Hey Jes," he whispered.

Jesse grunted. "Wanna stay here."

He heard Mike breath a small laugh. "Do I get to join you - Everybody's gone out for like two hours."

Jesse rolled to face him. "Where to?"

"Your mom has an open house that'll go all afternoon, Ben's at Trestles till 3 or so. My mom went home to do stuff. She let me stay to keep an eye on you."

"You're doing great so far."

"Thanks. So, do I get to climb in or what?" He was smiling.

Jesse opened his eyes a little. "Too many clothes. It'll chafe."

"OK, I'll fix that," Mike said quietly. Jesse opened his eyes the rest of the way as Mike stood back and easily stripped off his t-shirt and jeans. His body glowed in the morning light.

Jesse smiled and reached out to run his hand over Mike's tan line, low on his flat smooth stomach. "You're so dark," he said. "I wish I could get tan like this. It makes your belly and your - your butt look so cool."

Mike smiled and lifted the covers. "You look good to me." They were both growing thicker.

Jesse groaned and pulled at the sheet. "Don't let the air in!! It's cold!!!"

Mike slid into bed next to him and covered them over. "That better?"

Their arms slipped about each other lightly. "Yeah. Lots." Jesse rested his head on Mike's shoulder and snuggled against him. Their legs casually intertwined.

"You're warm," Mike breathed into Jesse's hair.

"Mmmm," Jesse replied, his hand running over Mike's hip. "You feel good." He shifted a little, and their erections each touched the other's belly. They both stiffened, and pushed forward against each other. Mike's hand pulled Jesse's ass in closer. They both inhaled sharply. Jesse began kissing Mike's collarbone, and the indentation just above it. Mike snuffled his face lightly in Jesse's hair. Their movements slowly grew in intensity as they rolled back and forth against each other, humping against each other's stomachs. Mike dropped his head to chew lightly on Jesse's nipple; Jesse moaned into Mike's hair and clutched at his head. Jesse grabbed Mike strongly by the asscheek, pressing his hand down into the crack and seeking his opening. He pressed against it when found, and Mike arched against him. They soon reached their climaxes, which poured out between them and slicked up their bodies. They remained clasped together afterwards, softly kissing and spreading their semen over each other's torsos with small squishy back and forth motions. The air over them hung heavy with the smell of it.

Mike finally lifted his head from the crook of Jesse's neck, looked down at him, and smiled. "You sleepin' again?"

Jesse smiled back, eyes still closed, and stretched beneath him. "Mmmmmaybe," he sighed, his hands fluttering over Mike's pointy shoulder blades. "Maybe I'm just cozy."

Mike's lips traced the line of Jesse's jaw lightly. "Lemme know when you decide which."

"You got it." Jesse's hand tangled in Mike's hair, bringing him up for a kiss, and they began moving against each other again. Jesse rolled them over and slid down Mike's slippery chest and belly to take him into his mouth, and heard Mike whisper, "Oh God, Jes, yeah. That's really good, dude." Jesse cleaned him off as best he could (some of his come had matted his public hair, and Jesse wasn't too interested in sucking on that. Besides, it made his face slipperier as he bobbed up and down, to nestle in Mike pubes). Mike was partly sated by his previous orgasm, and just enjoyed the feeling, caressing Jesse's face, head and shoulders. Eventually they moved opposite each other and the fellatio became mutual, both boys running hands over their partner. Mike began probing Jesse with one, then two, fingers; Jesse reciprocated. How long they kept at it they never knew, but eventually both their jaws grew numb, and by silent consent they flipped back and resumed kissing.

Jesse reached down and lifted Mike's left leg. He looked questioningly down at him as he did so, wordlessly asking permission. Mike smiled dreamily and lifted his right leg up to a similar position. In a minute, Jesse had Mike curled into a ball beneath him and was moving slowly in and out, their sighs almost lost in the breeze through the blinds. This was more intense, though, and Jesse soon sped up, as the overwhelming desire of fucking took him. Mike, too, grew louder, gasping with each thrust, "More - more - Oh shit - Jes - more - aaawwww . . ." as Jesse lost all control and smashed into Mike as hard and deep as he could and Mike shuddered beneath, spattering more semen over their chests just before Jesse ground downward one last time and spasmed for what seemed hours.

Jesse fell off to his right side, rolling Mike with him, still inside. Mike's arms were up under Jesse's, holding him by the shoulders, and he was panting. "Oh Christ, Jes. Christ."

Jesse looked at him. "OK?"

Mike started laughing. "You think?"

Jesse rolled away slightly, slipping out of Mike. "Just checking," he grinned.

Mike took a deep breath as he uncoiled his body to lie along the length of Jesse's. "We can't do this again."

"What d'you mean?"

"Before Monday. We'll be all fucked out."

"Oh. That." Jesse had forgotten about the outside world that whole morning, but now it pushed back into his brain. He felt his stomach tighten. "I gotta tell you, I'm a little scared."

Mike nodded gravely. "Me too. I'm - I'm glad it's with you. That's the only way I could do it."

Jesse nodded. His mind was now occupied with things other than sex. He slid out of bed and into a pair of boardshorts. "Where you goin'?" Mike asked, surprised.

"Right back." Jesse walked quickly through the house and out the front door, to the mailbox at the end of the short driveway. The day's mail - actually, several days', from the look of it - was wadded inside. He pulled it all out and went back inside, spreading the mail out over the dining room table. He sorted through it, placing bill - looking mail to one side. Mike appeared in the doorway in his boardshorts, trying to smooth his thick hair with is fingers.

"What're ya doing?"

"Using my income," Jesse answered, as he slit open an envelope. He scanned the contents grimly. "Yeah, we're behind on this - badly. They want like $450 to avoid collection."

"What is it?"

"Card of some sort," Jesse sighed. "Mom is lousy at finance stuff." He sat back. "How much have we gotten each so far?"

Mike shrugged. "I think like 3, 4 thousand. I hid that stuff Ernie gave us."

Jesse smiled, his face still set. "Ya, me too. Well," as he opened another envelope and scanned its contents, "no need letting it just sit there."

"You can have mine too, I already said that."

Jesse smiled up at Mike, and his face softened. "I know, let's just use mine today and see how much I can fix. Call the bank, see when they close."

Within half an hour, Jesse had made a list of bills - utilities, insurance, credit cards - and sorted out the envelopes and return receipts. He placed the contents in a plastic storage baggie. "Use Ben's bike," he called over his shoulder to Mike as he opened the garage door. "Gotta hurry."

Thankfully, the bank was almost empty - noon hour on a bright summer day is not a time for much banking in a town like San Clemente. This made their task a bit less embarrassing. "I need some cashier's checks," Jesse said calmly as he stepped to the teller window. "Here's my account number."

The teller typed the number in. "And you are?"

"Gantry. Ron Gantry," Jesse answered with a casual air he had practiced all the way down the hill.

"May I see some I.D., Mr. Gantry?" Jesse pulled his wallet out and slid the fake license over. She examined it cursorily for a moment. "Very well, you have unlimited free cashier's checks on this account. How many do you need?"

"Seven," Jesse answered, handing her a list of amounts and payees. "Taking care of some bills for my, uh, grandmother."

The teller smiled at him. "How sweet. Would you rather use your own checks, though?"

Jesse shook his head. "It's a surprise for her. I'd rather she not know I'm doing it."

The teller smiled, nodded, and began entering data into her terminal. Within a couple of minutes, the printer behind her started clacking. Almost as soon as she had finished entering, the checks were in Jesse's hand. "Thank you so much, Mr. Gantry. Have a great rest of the weekend. This is very, very nice of you."

"Ya, thanks. See ya." Only now, once the thing was done, did Jesse feel an overpowering nervousness. He glanced about him to see if he was being watched, and fairly ran from the bank.

Mike was waiting a block away, on a side street, holding Jesse's bike. "It go OK?" Jesse held out the checks. "Excellent. WE can mail them on Del Mar." They turned their bikes to pedal up De La Estrella toward Del Mar, keeping themselves out of sight from the bank.

"I think I need to hit other branches - I don't want to get too well known in one," Jesse as they turned down Del Mar a few minutes later. "This fake ID thing is weird."

"At least you'd think they'd give us one that'd let us drink," smiled Mike as they parked their bikes outside the post office.

Jesse smiled crookedly. "They aren't interested in us drinking, after all."

They laughed over that the whole time they were sealing up the envelopes, playfully shoving and bumping each other. A couple of older people also mailing things frowned at them, but they didn't care.

Paying off some of his family's bills made Jesse feel warm. He was helping, something good was coming of at least this part of the craziness. He wondered if his mother would even notice that her utilities were up to date and three of her cards paid off. It must have killed Dad to see things falling behind like this, he thought, then shuddered as he realized what he'd just said - even to himself. Was there more to what had happened after all? Why had they fallen behind if Dad hadn't been laid off until just before he died?

They had lunch at the Italian deli on Del Mar, not far down from the post office. Wrestling the thick oily subs into their mouths took most of their energy for several minutes. Only when the sandwiches were definitively losing the battle did they sit back and start talking again. It was an easy, inconsequential conversation, just the sort of thing Jesse needed. He sat back, feeling sated in more ways than one, and closed his eyes. "Y'know," he said softly so he wouldn't be overheard, "this won't be so bad if I can do this for Mom."

Mike smiled thinly. "It's sort of an adventure, to me. Doing the forbidden and like that."

Jesse shorted a laugh through a mouthful of sandwich. "We got a lot of forbidden stuff going on, you got anything specific in mind?" he mumbled.

That afternoon they biked down to Riviera, taking along two of Mike's boards. Jesse was greeted like a returning hero, the girls all hugging him (especially Kate, which caused Mitch Huff to go into yet another jealous fit) and the guys high-fiveing him. The Boynton brothers waved to him from the water, beckoning him to come out with them. He waved back. Then Erick grabbed him from behind and pulled him into a crushing embrace. "Dude, you're back. So cool."

Jesse relaxed from his initial shock and let Erick hold him. It felt good, to be honest, Erick's soft blond hair tickling his shoulder, his tan arms about his chest, the feel of his body against his back. It was almost erotic, but he pushed such thoughts aside as he turned to touch fists with Erick. "Thanks, dude, glad to be back."

Erick looked genuinely concerned, which deeply surprised Jesse. "You OK?"

"Ya, ya I'm fine. Better every day and all." He wanted to change the subject. "So, uh, whatever happened to your hot three way?"

Erick laughed. "Total bust, man. I lost my nerve. Hanna couldn't make it, and when Mackenzie came in, I felt like I was gonna be sick. I mean, she's like really big now -" he held his hand high over his head -"and built like you can't believe. She'd have killed me if I'd tried anything she didn't want." He laughed again. "So we chilled, a little making out, nothing below the waist and shit."

"That leaves a lot above the waist to do, though," Jesse grinned at him.

Erick glowed, happy to be able to tout his prowess in at least this lesser arena. "You better believe it!! A whole lot, dude. In fact we're going to the movies tonight - I'm kinda hoping to get some below the waist action, actually. She seemed interested by the time she left."

"Excellent," Jesse said. This was more like the Erick he knew - brazenly overconfident in his powers of seduction and general coolness. Jesse shook his head slightly, ignoring the small voice that asked why Erick had hugged him like that - and why he'd liked it so much.

Kate was in a more modest bikini today, but looking at her brought a flood of half-remembered sensations back to Jesse. He felt himself swelling a bit, and in a mild panic grabbed a board and headed out to the water. It was cold, much colder than it had been only - how long had it been since that last day here? A week? Two? Time seemed to have stretched out behind Jesse gauzily, with last week and last year and yesterday at once immediate and impossibly remote. Sorting it all out so engrossed him that he barely realized he'd reached the Boyntons until their welcoming shouts penetrated his ears at last.

"Dude, wassup?" Drew yelled from astride his board, leaning out to high-five Jesse. Eddie smiled casually at him. Jesse climbed onto his board, nodded to them both, and stopped in his tracks. Seal Rocks lay out beyond them, the waves foaming white and turquoise around them as they rolled toward shore. Dad's out there now, he thought, with the dolphins and the pelicans and the seals and the rotting kelp. Drew was talking to him, but he had no idea what was being said.

"Jes," a quiet voice intruded. He looked over. Mike was beside him, on his board. "Come out of it, dude, you're out here now."

Jesse blinked a couple of times, trying to clear his head. The wax on his father's board had been sticky; his hair had caught in it on the way out. "Ya, `s OK," he said vaguely. He smiled his best smile at Drew. "How you keepin' dude?"

Drew quickly forgot Jesse's initial odd behavior as the waves started rolling in. For the first ten minutes or so, Jesse just sat on his board, watching Mike and the Boynton brothers catch rides, waiting for them to come back out. Finally a larger set began building. "C'mon Jesse," Drew shouted, "take it!"

Jesse looked back at the wave - it'd be a good five footer upon breaking - and took off, dropping prone on his board and paddling hard top his left and inshore, where he saw the crest of the break forming. As the wave lifted him, he scrambled to his feet and pressed the nose down hard to gather speed. He felt himself slide up and over the mounting crest and down, diagonally across the face as it started breaking behind him, cutting up and down to stay just ahead of the white water, then crouching low and letting the small tube engulf him. He had a brief glimpse of water surging all around him, cool greenish light, the brightness of the outside world at the tube's end. This is Dad's coffin, he thought, as the tube collapsed and he was slammed down under the water, the board tugging at the leash on his ankle.

He yanked at his boardshorts once before he surfaced, to make sure they weren't down off his hips. As he gulped in air, his feet searching for the bottom, he heard approving whistles from the Boyntons, from Mike, from the girls on the beach. He'd never gotten into a tube like that before, and the exhilaration he felt merged with a pang of love and loss for his father. He pulled his board back into his grip and draped himself over it, crying.

It was amazing how fast Mike was beside him. "You OK? Did you get hurt?"

"Na," whispered Jesse, wiping his eyes with his forearm. "Fine. That - that was cool, that's all."

Mike didn't buy it. "What happened, Jess?" he asked softly.

Jesse wiped his eyes again. "Being in the water - like, surrounded by it - it's like I'm with my dad. Like that's where he is." He waved away Mike's start at an answer. "It'll be OK, I just gotta like work through it and all - all that crap . . ."

Kate was suddenly beside them, her hand on Jesse's shoulder. "You OK?"

"Ya, sorry. Catching my breath and all. That - that was cool, y'know?"

She looked at him, then at Mike for a second, then turned and waded back toward shore. Jesse felt like a shit - he hadn't intended to blow her off like that. "Hey Kate, I'm sorry, I was just kinda winded there. Thanks."

Kate turned around and smiled. "Relax, I'm fine." She was lying and they both knew it. "Don't want you back in the hospital. You never know what might happen to you there." She grinned at him and turned back inshore. Jesse couldn't help letting out a small giggle, and she shook her backside at him in response as she walked.

Mike walked Jesse back to shore, where Erick high-fived him and the girls all laughed. Kate was quiet, smiling at him but keeping a casual distance. Jesse sat on his towel and watched the Boyntons and Mike ride for awhile, with Erick joining them. Mike was glorious looking in the sunlight, his dark hair tangled and matted, his tan body shiny and wet, his lithe body moving with practiced ease on the board. The Boyntons were cutting it up much more than Mike, moving all over the waves in frankly spectacular fashion, but Jesse couldn't keep his eyes off his friend. Friend plus, he thought, and his lips curled into a contented smile. He lay back and let the sea breeze wash over him.

He opened his eyes when Kate sat down next to him. "You doing OK Jesse?"

"Yeah, sure." He propped himself up on one elbow and squinted at her pretty face. "It - it's good to see you again."

Kate laughed. "That's eloquent."

"Well, I - I just meant -"

"I know what you meant, Jesse." She sat back on her elbows next to him and looked out at the break. "So how long have you and Mike been doing it?"

Jesse froze. "D-doing what?"

Kate leaned towards him. "I'm not dumb, Jesse. I can see." She smiled at his horrified expression. "Oh, you got it bad, haven't you." She rolled onto her stomach and poured a small handful of sand through her fingers. "Did it start after you got hurt?"

Jesse's mouth was dry. "Before," he whispered. "Kate, I -"

"Relax Jes," she said, smiling at him. "It's OK. I mean you liked what we did, right?"

"Yeah, of course, It was so amazing, I -"

"Good. Maybe we'll do it again sometime, OK?"

"Kate, I - Mike and me, it's -"

"I know. It's complicated. It always is." She looked down at the sand. "My brother Danny? He had a bud in high school, they were like inseparable. It was like that. He went back East to college, I thought Danny was gonna lose it for about a month. It happens." She smiled at him again. "Growing up sucks, huh?"

Jesse had to laugh at that, lying back down and roaring. Relief and fear were so tangled up that he felt helpless. His head hurt all of a sudden. "Besides," Kate whispered in his ear as he calmed down, "Mike is pretty hot." He looked over at her, jaw open, and saw her barely suppressing her own laughter. They both burst out, but Jesse was conscious of how his cock tingled at the very suggestion. He quickly sat up and adjusted his boardshorts to hide his tumescence.

Mike was walking up from the water, dripping. Kate looked at him with Jesse. "Yup, definitely," she said. She stood up and brushed sand off herself. "I need to go in and clean off the sand. Be back, OK?"

"Sure," Jesse said. She passed Mike about halfway down the beach to the water, playfully grabbing at his ass as she passed. Mike turned and yelled something at her that Jesse couldn't hear, then resumed his walk up to Jesse with a grin on his face.

They lay in the sun for a couple of hours, dozing or talking inconsequentially. Jesse didn't want to tell Mike about his conversation with Kate there - they might be overheard. In fact, he felt it was a miracle that he and Kate hadn't been overheard in the first place. So he contented himself with looking at the drops of water shining like diamonds on Mike's skin, imagining their taste. He stayed on his belly to hide his hardness.

Eventually the crowd thinned as afternoon wore on. Kate's friends left, and she pulled her towel over next to theirs. She sat, looking at Mike, who was dozing, then smiled knowingly at Jesse, who just shrugged. "What can I say," he mouthed silently. "He's hot."

Kate nodded.

Jesse spent that night alone in his room, contented and relaxed in a way he hadn't felt in a long time. His father had been wound so tightly for so long a time that not having to worry about the next angry outburst was a relief. But he missed Tina, who had usually slept by his bed, snoring in a very un-doglike fashion through the night.

The next day, Sunday, was a family day. He, Ben and his mother went to church - another ordeal, with more people offering effusive condolences, hugs, and hand squeezes, then a long wandering trip to the mall in Mission Viejo, just to look around. Jesse couldn't bring himself to go into the pet store for a long time, but finally entered to see only the usual collection of toy breeds at massively overwrought prices. He felt a need to replace Tina, but it felt unseemly to do it so quickly. He wound up spending a lot of time at Old Navy, looking absently for a pair of jeans that he really didn't want anyway. His mother and Ben hovered over him constantly, at times annoyingly. It's OK, I'm not a total basket case here, he felt like saying. But the closeness was also deeply comforting. God I'm such a baby, he thought as he let his mother hug him yet again.

That night he examined himself in the mirror in his bathroom. The scar across the bridge of his nose was almost invisible now - amazing it had healed so fast. He took a plastic disposable razor and carefully shaved his crotch area, leaving only a small patch of pubic hair, as he'd been told to do. It didn't take long - he had so little hair down there that he was finished within ten minutes. He called Mike on his cell around 11. Both of them were nervous.

Ben was sitting in the kitchen reading the Times the next morning when Jesse hurried through. "Want something?"

"Na, I'm, uh, meeting Mike. We're, um, gonna hang down at San O."

"Want a ride?"

"I'll bike it, thanks." Did Ben see how edgy he was?

He got to the Trestles lot around 8:30, well before the agreed-on meeting time. He wanted to be early, to see them all arrive, as if that might give him some insight. He locked his bike against the hurricane fence and sat under a tree, deep in shadow. The morning clouds were thick again, the air damp and still. At about ten of, an Escalade pulled into the lot, with Ernie behind the wheel. He got out, stretched, and wandered into Carl's for a coffee. Another guy - short blond hair, t shirt, shorts - got out and rummaged around the back of the SUV. When Ernie had returned with coffee for them both, Jesse decided to make his appearance. He'd chosen his clothes carefully: a loose fitting Killer Dana sleeveless T-shirt with large arm holes, long cargo shorts with boxer briefs underneath, and his Rainbows. Ernie smiled as he approached.

"Morning Ronnie. This is Joe Davis, our sound guy. He'll also run the second camera." They all shook hands, Joe smiling blandly at Jesse. Mike showed about two minutes later, much to Jesse's relief. Making small talk with people who were about to film you having sex was a social skill he that he found he lacked. Ernie hustled everyone into the Escalade and pulled it out onto the freeway, headed south.

Mike and Jesse sat together in the back seat, glancing at each other nervously. "Hey Ernie," Mike finally said, "where are we going?"

"Not far," Ernie said in a reassuring voice. "A house a little inland in Oceanside. You'll like it. We've got it all set up."

This information failed to calm them very much. "Wh - what about the people who like live there?" Jesse asked, his voice very thin.

"Friends of Denny Falcone's," Ernie said. "We use the place quite a bit, actually. It'll be fine, you'll see."

They fell quiet after that, and sat in darkness as the SUV exited the freeway in Oceanside and began driving inland.

They arrived within minutes - a large, somewhat dilapidated ranch house on an empty lot, set well back from the road, with no other house nearby. There was a separate garage with an old finned Chevy parked in it, and a faded welcome mat that read "Den of Iniquity".

The inside was spare, with white walls and only a few pictures. About half the living room seemed taken up with lighting and camera equipment. Ernie showed them into a bedroom in back, which similarly was jammed along one wall with gear. He offered the boys juice, which they gratefully accepted.

Ernie gestured the boys to sit on the couch as Joe began fiddling with lights. "OK, Ron, Jamie, this is going to be very informal - improvisational. Here's what I want to do: Jamie, you live here. Ronnie, you're new to the neighborhood. You'll knock on the door, get let in, and you two can talk a little. Let the subject come round to sex, and just sort of let yourselves go. Once you start kissing pretty deeply, I'll start to tell you things to do."

"Won't that get heard?"

"We can dub over the soundtrack, Jamie. We want to hear you boys while you're doing it, it makes things much sexier. And remember your screen names," he added with a smile. "After a while we'll move into the bedroom. For now, standing and on the couch will be good. All right?"

Both boys nodded mutely. Jesse nervously licked his lips for about the hundredth time.

How are we, Joe?" Ernie asked. Joe nodded. "OK then, let's just try it once without filming, and see how the dialog goes. Let you get into it a little."

They rehearsed for about fifteen minutes, with Ernie suggesting conversation points and transitions to get them going. It was interesting in its way, and even enjoyable, since the scene ended with Jesse and Mike kissing. They quickly lost their feeling of self-consciousness at doing this in front of Ernie and Joe.

Ernie had them run through one more time while he worked with the cameras. He was behind one, and two others were controlled by joystick. "I can edit the various shots later any way I like, to make things look good," he explained. "OK, let's go for real here. When you start kissing this time, just be natural and start stripping each other. Do whatever feels right. I may make some suggestions - try not to react to my voice, OK?"

The boys nodded again, and Jesse turned to go out the door. He and Mike looked at each other for a second, and Mike winked at him. Jesse grinned, glad it was Mike there with him, and they began.

Mike opened the door after two knocks. He was bare- chested, with a gay porn magazine in his hand. "Hi, my name's Ronnie. Just moved in next door and thought I'd say hi." He looked down at the magazine, and added, "Whoa."

Mike looked embarrassed and put the magazine down on a side table. "Jamie Haller," he said, extending his hand and inviting Jesse inside. The door closed softly.

"So, your folks not around?" Jesse asked as he walked across the room to the couch.

"Uh, no," Mike answered, again pushing the magazine out of sight.

"Hey Jamie relax. I like those mags, too." He smiled at Mike, who smiled back. "You, uh, you always go without a shirt at home?"

Mike smiled and shrugged. "Well, sometimes, you know." He gestured to the magazine.

Jesse nodded, grinning. "I'm glad we moved here. The surfing is supposed to be hot."

"It is," Mike answered. "I'll show you the good breaks."

"And the hot guys?"

A laugh. "That too."

They stepped close to each other. "Actually," Jesse said, putting his hand onto Mike's warm chest, "I think I already found one." They moved together and began to kiss. As they did so, they were conscious of Ernie moving about them with a camera. They leaned up against the wall by the couch and began kissing deeply, Jesse's hands running over Mike's back and shoulders as their tongues clashed. It felt so good, so normal - Jesse was surprised.

Ernie's voice interrupted their mood. "OK Jamie, start to lift Ron's shirt." Mike didn't need encouraging. Jesse sighed as Mike's hands slid underneath his T shirt and lifted. They broke their embrace enough to allow Mike to pull his shirt off, then looked at each other and giggled.

"So you just moved here, Ronnie?" Mike asked. This was unplanned, but Mike was grinning at him and he couldn't help grinning back.

"Yup," Jesse answered, his hands running over Mike's chest and down his belly.

"This is better than the mags, dude."

Jesse laughed. "You said it," and they started kissing again, hands running all over each other now. Mike's left hand plunged into the back of Jesse's shorts, cupping his asscheek. Jesse moaned and slid his lips down onto Mike's throat. Soon he was going at Mike's right nipple, with Ernie coaching him to keep in profile as much as possible so the camera could see what he was doing. They both tugged at each other's shorts. Mike abruptly dropped to his knees in front of Jesse and pulled his shorts off. Jesse's erection was outlined against the fabric of his boxer briefs, with a wet spot at the head of his cock. At Ernie's direction, Mike rubbed it for a few minutes so the cameras could clearly capture the scene. Then Mike put his mouth over it, through the cloth, and licked. Jesse's hand went to the back of Mike's head. "Oh dude . . . Jamie," he remembered, and Mike looked up at him mischievously as he pulled the boxer briefs down in front, freeing Jesse's cock.

Mike stroked Jesse for a few minutes at Ernie's instruction, then started sucking him. Jesse fell back against the wall and sighed deeply. Ernie moved around them, filming Mike's work from various angles. "OK now, pull him up and kiss him, Ronnie," Ernie whispered, "good. Now strip Jamie the rest of the way. Good. Play with it, stroke it. That's nice, do that again, against your cheek. Good." Jesse hadn't heard Ernie talking like this when Mike had been kneeling before him - he guessed he was too preoccupied with getting fondled and sucked to notice. The voice was soft, soothing, always urging him onward. "Lick him again, that's it, a little trail of precum to your tongue, excellent, now take the head in, not too fast, there, move sideways so we can see it, good, good." Jesse was sucking Mike hard now, and Mike was whimpering loudly, his hand running through Jesse's hair. "We need to see you come, Jamie," Ernie said calmly to Mike, "so be sure to take it out and go off on Ronnie."

Mike's moans varied a little, indicating his understanding. Jesse kept at it for another minute or so, his hands now running into Mike's crack and fingering him, when Mike abruptly pulled back, took his cock in his hand, and started stroking fast. His face was contorted, agonized, his neck tendons straining. He groaned loudly, "Oh, shit . . ." and started ejaculating, long ropy spurts that splashed onto Jesse's face and neck. Jesse opened his mouth to catch what he could as Mike kept spasming, lowering his mouth back onto him as the orgasm faded, to suck the last dribbles out of him. Mike shuddered from the intensity of the feelings, gasping for breath and slowly wilting down onto the wall. Jesse pulled his head back to show his spattered face and the pendant trails of spit and semen running from his mouth to Mike's penis. Ernie urged them both along, quiet, dispassionate. The camera was very close to Jesse's face now. Jesse licked his lips slowly and tossed his hair back, letting the drools of ejaculate run down his face and merge into a globby pool. He smiled up at Mike, who weakly gestured him to stand back up. They kissed again, rubbing their cheeks together and spreading the liquid over them both. They stepped back, looked at each others' faces and laughed, forgetting they were being filmed and just enjoying for the moment the glow of having given each other pleasure.

"That's perfect," Ernie said loudly, startling them both, as he gestured for Joe to cut the sound. He lowered his camera. Jesse looked around, and noticed for the first time that Joe had a camera in one hand as well. Mike was resting his forehead on Jesse's shoulder, panting hard. Jesse blinked, suddenly aware of how bright the lights were, and instinctively rubbed a hand over his face. It came away gooey.

"All right, we all OK here? Ernie asked brightly. "Now let's get Ronnie off here. Jamie, you sit on the couch, good, spread your legs, good. Now Ronnie, sit in between there, good. OK Jamie, I want you to kiss his neck and play with his nipples while he strokes himself off, ok? Let's check the light here a second." He stepped back and fussed with some equipment, whispering directions to Joe.

Jesse put his head back onto Mikes' shoulder. "You OK?"

"Ya. Wow, that - that was intense, Jes. Knowing we were like being watched and all. Really got me going . . ." He inhaled deeply. "I think I came like a gallon there," he giggled.

Jesse turned his face sideways, trying to rub more off onto Mike. "I got extra for you." They both laughed, and Mike's hand strayed to Jesse's lap, taking gentle hold of him. Jesse groaned, suddenly aware of how stimulated he was.

"OK, start whenever you want to, boys," Ernie called out. Jesse saw him duck behind a small camera on a tripod. As Mike started kissing his throat, his fingers attacking his nipples, Jesse took hold of himself and started stroking. Mike was hardening against his back. He opened his eyes dreamily and noticed for the first time a flat screen monitor mounted across the room at ceiling level, directly in his line of sight. A live feed of the two of them was on it. The sight of himself on the screen, surrounded by Mike's tan and subtly muscled body, was intoxicating. He groaned loudly and redoubled his speed, Mike whispering in his ear, "Oh yeah baby, go for it, come for me now Ronnie, all over us both, cmon dude . . ." He watched himself tighten, arch slowly upward in Mike's embrace, and then spasm wildly as he erupted. His eyes lost their focus then, and he only vaguely felt his semen spattering all over his upturned jaw, neck, and chest. Mike's hand closed over his own and milked him hard, even after the feelings became too intense and he twisted weakly in Mike's arms to escape. He was crying aloud before mike finally let go, running his hands over his smooth torso, spreading the come all over him, licking some off his throat before pulling his head around for a final relaxing kiss.

They faintly heard Ernie call for the cameras to cut, but kept right on kissing. They felt entirely too good to stop. Jesse finally glanced up at the monitor and looked at his image - flushed, glistening and spattered, slumped against Mike. He sighed deeply and sank totally into the arms and legs about him.

Ernie let them sit there together while he looked at a playback, sped up, of what he had on the various cameras. It as, just like he'd expected, uniformly excellent. Real get your rocks off stuff. Top dollar. He smiled at Joe and nodded. "All right, boys," he called out, startling Jesse and Mike out of their reverie, "why don't you shower up and in a little while you'll be ready to do the other scene I want today."

The two stirred slowly. "What is it?" Mike asked dully as they stood up.

"Fucking, of course. I think you're the top boy here, that sound good Ronnie?"

Jesse blinked and shrugged. He'd never turn down having Mike do him. "Sure. Do we like assume roles in this?"

"Oh yes. It's part of your personality, if you will, to the audience. The top man and the bottom boy. Some bottom boys do top sometimes - guys like Johan and real popular ones - but it's usually pretty cut and dried. Does it bother you?"

Mike spoke up. "Well, yeah. I mean I like both a lot, and I - I don't like want Je - I mean Ronnie set up as a fairy or anything."

Ernie smiled easily at them. "Next time maybe we'll switch around, see if people like it that way more. For today let's just do this. We don't have a lot of time, after all, and even you two can't keep coming like that forever." Jesse thought: next time??

The shower was small and not very clean looking. Jesse used as much soap as he could, and was glad he'd brought his own beach towel to use afterward. I'll probably get lice or something from this, he thought. Mike seemed equally squeamish about it.

Ernie had sandwiches and sodas laid out on a small card table when they emerged. Jesse glanced at the clock screen on one of the cameras; it was already 12:45. He was suddenly very hungry.

They then moved into the spare bedroom of the house. The bed itself had no headboard, a thin comforter and coarse sheets. They sat awkwardly, naked, on its edge, next to each other, awaiting instructions. They kept their shoulders lightly touching without realizing it, taking comfort in each other's presence.

"OK," Ernie said with a smile after speaking quietly with Joe for several minutes, "I'd like you to sit down on Jamie, Ron. That'll give us some good opportunities to film it close up. Then we can move on to other positions. You need to visit the rest room to get clean?" Jesse had already douched himself out as Ernie had instructed - an odd procedure that was the most un-erotic thing he could have imagined. He shook his head. "Good. Now there's no need to rush here, so why don't you two just get yourselves going however you want. You don't even need to know when we start filming, just let it be natural. We'll just let the camera catch you while you're leading up to it. Oh," he added, leaning over to open a bedside table drawer, "we do this safe - I know you boys haven't used condoms, but we need to promote safe sex. We're not totally without morals, you know." His laugh seemed oddly hollow.

Jesse looked at Mike, who was eying the condom box now atop the scratched bedside table with a mixture of interest and trepidation. "Relax," he whispered, "it can't be that hard to put on." They both giggled.

"I'm just worried it might feel different," Mike answered, turning, his hand sliding onto Jesse's back Jesse relaxed onto it, feeling how warm it felt.

"Na, it's still you," he said. "Besides, he's probably right - we need to be safe."

Mike sat up, feigning anger. "So you're out slutting around on me already??"

"Ya, in all my free time," Jesse laughed. They leaned against each other; their faces drew close. "As if," Jesse whispered as he leaned in and started kissing Mike. They sank back sideways onto the bed, and at some point Ernie and Joe started filming.

They grew hard more slowly this time, taking time to caress each other all over. Jesse finally lifted his head from Mike's crotch, where he had been licking back to his hole, and smiled up at him, holding his erection in his hand. "I think I want to sit on this for a long time."

"MMMmmm," Mike sighed. "I'd like to sit on yours too." His eyes twinkled - he knew he was undermining the set top/bottom roles Ernie wanted them to establish.

Jesse giggled, trying not to indicate his understanding too directly. "That sounds cool," he said, "but I asked first."

"True," Mike sighed as he reached for the condom and lube beside him.

Neither of them had ever dealt with a condom before, and doing it while being filmed was more than a little embarrassing. They both giggled self-consciously as they tried to roll the latex onto Mike's cock. At least he stayed hard during the process.

Once they had scaled that cliff, Jesse laid on his stomach while Mike slowly lubed him up, playing with his hole with his fingers extensively, Ernie again softly instructing him from behind his camera. Jesse groaned as Mike opened him up, squirming at the penetration and growing more desirous for the real thing. "C'mon, Jamie," he finally gasped, "just fuck me, please."

Mike rolled onto his back and beckoned. "Climb on, Ronnie." And he did.

This was a new position for the boys, and getting it right took a few minutes. It also felt different with a condom on, especially for Jesse. He bit his lip slightly as he slowly lowered himself onto Mike's erection, shifting his legs about as he straddled Mike from above until he found an angle that felt right. When they did, Jesse found he could raise and lower himself on Mike's hardness without hurting himself or Mike (the fear of somehow crunching Mike took him a bit to get over). They both were breathing fast and shallow as the feelings overcame their inhibitions. As he slowly increased the speed of his movements, impaling himself again and again on the spike of Mike's cock, Jesse unconsciously begun to undulate his body as he moved. His hands lay on Mike's chest, bracing himself and caressing at the same time. Mike's hands grabbed him tightly by the hips, now and then running over his chest or back. At Ernie's whispered direction, they slid up on the bed so Mike was half propped up against the wall, allowing them to embrace more fully and kiss. Their tongues and moaning voices intermingled in their open mouths as their movements grew faster. Jesse was vaguely conscious of Ernie and Joe moving about them, now behind and below them, now above at an angle looking down, with cameras in hand. He didn't care. He was taken, impaled, fucked, driven by his own desire down onto Mike, taking him deep inside and holding him there, interrupting their movements now to grind himself down as hard and far as he could, while Mike responded by pressing his hips upwards in response. It felt like Mike would burst through his entire body. Jesse's head fell back, his hair hanging loose and a bit damp over his forehead and back against his neck as Ernie whispered, "That's it, feel it all the way in. Stroke him, Jamie." And Mike did, taking Jesse's cock in his hand and pistoning it. Jesse began crying loudly, eyes scrunched shut. "Oh shit, Jamie, I'm gonna come if you keep that up."

"Not yet, Ronnie," whispered Ernie. "Slow it down, I need you both to last a while."

The words broke their mood. Jesse looked into Mike's eyes: cool off. Mike nodded imperceptibly, his hand leaving Jesse's cock and going back onto his hip. They humped at each other for a few more minutes, suddenly feeling mechanical about it all, until Ernie stood up next to them, lowering his camera. "All right, let's get another position." Jesse lifted off Mike, feeling a bit sore and very empty, and laid on his side at Ernie's instructions. "Now lift that upper leg, there, that's right, and Jamie you slide in there, good, all set? OK let's go . . . now."

Mike slowly pushed back into Jesse from behind. Once Jesse recovered his breath, he looked back over his shoulder at Mike, who was smiling hazily at him. They shared a small laugh as the feelings of fucking again overtook them. Ernie was very close to them now, filming their coupling in detail, and they struggled to make fewer extraneous motions in order to give him a better view. Mike was hitting Jesse's prostate with his inward thrusts, though, and Jesse was slowly losing the battle for self control. "I can't last much more, he grunted out, feeling his erection swelling."

"That's fine, Ronnie, let it happen. Don't touch yourself, just let it go," Ernie said, his voice suddenly sounding a bit tight. I wonder if he gets off doing this, Jesse thought for an instant, before another stroke from Mike blacked out his rational mind.

They moved faster, Jesse shoving himself back onto Mike as best he could in this position, Jesse's face getting redder and more contorted as he went over the edge. He felt the surge of his orgasm gather, rise and finally break over him, his body convulsing with its spasms. He was vaguely conscious of being really loud as he came, and of his spurts flying all over the place since his cock wasn't being held by anything, just spewing on its own. He heard Mike gasping behind him, and Ernie's voice again, "Try to hold on, Jamie, we need to see you come." Jesse was beyond all recall by Ernie's voice, but he felt Mike slow, shuddering to regain his self control and keep going. Jesse sank down onto the bed, unable to catch his breath because Mike was still driving into him. It seemed hours later when Ernie announced, "OK, last position, boys, you're doing wonderfully."

The final position was with Jesse flat on his stomach and Mike atop him from behind. "All right Jamie, just go for it here, and when you get close let us know so you can pull out, strip off the condom, and come on Ronnie's ass and back. OK?" Ernie was calm, clinical.

Mike nodded, then looked down at Jesse. "You OK?"

"Ya. That was - intense, I didn't even touch myself."

"I know, I dunno how I held back when that happened. So cool." He inhaled deeply. "I don't think I'm gonna last very long here, I want to come so bad."

Jesse smiled. "Go for it. Fast is good - I'm getting' sore."

"Oh shit, Jes - "


"Right - Ronnie. Seriously, you OK? Should I put on some more lube or something?"

"Yeah, try that. Hey, um, Jamie?"


"This is so good. Just fuck me hard, OK? Feels so good."

Mike smiled. He nuzzled in Jesse's hair for a second. "You got it."

Mike was right - he didn't last long. In this position, he was utterly in charge, driving down into Jesse with abandon. Jesse's arms were flung above his head, and he gasped and whimpered with each thrust. Mike braced himself with a hand between Jesse's shoulder blades as he fucked him. Jesse could see another flat screen off to one side, and on it Mike's face was contorted, flushed, his hair lank and growing sweaty. The sight, along with the overwhelming feeling of being possessed, sent Jesse over the edge. He wasn't coming now, just utterly out of control, his body writhing under the assault, fighting against it and begging for it simultaneously, unable to suppress his cries. Mike abruptly pulled out of him; he saw the condom land on the floor below his head, and then Mike's hand was on his hip as he stroked himself the final few times, at last shooting out long ropes of semen as he grunted loudly, covering Jesse's lower back with it, his body making the bed shudder as he emptied himself, until his forehead came to rest against the back of Jesse's left shoulder. Jesse turned his head, reaching back, and pulled Mike into a kiss. As Mike rolled off to Jesse's left side Ernie moved in for a closeup of Jesse's gooey backside. Both boys were done, winded. "I think that'll do," Ernie said quietly, and a moment later the bright lights in the room clicked off.

They were left alone for several minutes as Ernie and Joe packed equipment and sped through their camera feeds from the day. Instinctively, they slid into an embrace, slowly regaining control of themselves. "I don't think I'll be able to walk," Jesse giggled.

Mike lifted his head. "Did I hurt you?"

Jesse shook his head. "Just sore. I - I can't believe how long you went . . . it was like you were never gonna stop."

"Jes, I'm sorry, I -"

"Na, I liked it," Jesse said with a grin. "It was really intense." He took a deep breath. "At the end? I was watching on that screen," as he gestured to the small flat screen near the floor. "Now that was intense."

"Yeah, they have a lot of those screens around. I guess to make you hotter by seeing it." Mike's turn to sigh. "It works."

"I know. Aaawwww, dude," Jesse groaned as he rolled away, "I gotta hit the head." He stood awkwardly. "Maybe I can claim we rode horses all day or something." Mike started to help him, but Jesse waved him off. "See if we're done, OK? I know I am."

It took Jesse several minutes to clean himself up. When he finally came out, Mike was already dressed, sitting on the bed, and Ernie was standing in the door, looking very pleased. "It's going to be great, boys," he said with a smile. "Even better than the candid loop, because we could do so much more with the camera. You both really show it when you're hot for each other."

Jesse sat heavily next to Mike, feeling suddenly very tired. "Hey Ernie? One question: if it's supposed to be like voyeur stuff, how come you aren't like filming through the window or something?" He started pulling on his clothes.

Ernie smiled. "You're going to have your own site - hyperlinked from Voyeur Video. We have other content to put on it, too, but you two are the stars. Lots of people want to see more of you, and they're going to get it. We can probably get a month's worth of loops out of today alone."

"Do we have to do this again tomorrow?" Mike asked. "I'm kinda - well, beat, y'know?"

Ernie laughed; they heard a snort from Joe in the living room. You're free for a couple of weeks, Jamie. I have plenty to work with here from today. By the way," he opened a drawer in the bedside table and handed them each an envelope, "your latest statements."

Jesse started to open the envelope, then glanced embarrassedly at Mike and shoved it into his pocket. Mike did the same. Somehow, here, the connection between the money and the sex was too real for comfort. Ernie just smiled.

Within minutes they were back in the Escalade, headed west towards the freeway. Everyone was quiet, until Joe spoke up for really the first time all day. "Hey guys?"


"Just want you to know, that was really really hot, man. Can't believe you guys are legal. You're gonna be big in this business, y'know?"

the boys looked at each other, unsure how to respond to what was clearly intended as a compliment. "Um, thanks, Joe," Mike finally said, his cheeks burning red.

"I mean it. I seen a lot of the big guys come along, and mostly they're just trade - y'know, mechanical. No expression, no caring. Just fuck, come and leave. You guys like connect." God did we connect, I feel so connected I could drive a Hummer up my butt, thought Jesse. "Makes it more than just fucking."

Ernie turned to look back at them. "He's right - that's why the first loop did so well. Some people can just convey emotion without trying onscreen - you guys do, with each other. That's why this is so successful." He turned back to look out the windshield as he turned onto the 5. "Denny Falcone is going to be very, very pleased."

They slid out of the Escalade in the Trestles lot at about 5:30, feeling very tired. Ernie waved benignly, and was gone. Jesse walked over to the tree and sat on the grass beneath it. Mike followed, looking nervous. "Jes, are we OK here?"

Jesse brushed his hair back. "Ya. Just tired." He grinned lopsidedly. "You screwed the shit outta me."

Mike smiled sheepishly. "Felt good too, I gotta say, even with the rubber. That - that was really like erotic today, didn't you think? I mean, that's not like sick or perverted to think, is it?"

Jesse laid back in the grass. The sea breeze was cool on his temples, the dappled sun flickered over his face. "I don't know what's perverted any more."

Next: Chapter 14

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