Seal It with a Kiss

By Orlando Roach

Published on Jun 2, 2011


If you have any comments please hit me up at

This is my first time writing so bear with me. All rights for this story remain with me, so if you wish to post this story somewhere else, please ask first.

And I will like to send a shout out to my editor Lisa.

Read at your own risk. This story is complete fictions so enjoy..

Seal It With A Kiss

\Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy

(Hey what up girl?) I grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city

(Let's go) Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back

As Kesha - Tik Tok blares from my Ipod which connects to my alarm clock, I wake up to another boring and miserable day in my life. I can't help but feel sad and lonely. As I look around my big room my eyes fall upon the picture of my best friends and I in Italy on a family vacation. I can't help the smile that comes upon my face at the picture of my two best friends; they are the only thing keeping me sane.

A knock at the door brings me out of my daydreaming.

"Jay, it is time to get up for school!" my mom yells.

"I am up mom", I reply.

I quickly get out of bed and make my way to my en-suite bathroom. That's what you get for having a fashion designer for a mother and a lawyer for a father. I quickly brush my teeth and use the toilet and try to fix my shoulder-length black hair to look so it looks good. I put on some clothes, not caring if I look good, just comfortable. Even though my mother is a fashion designer, I do not have fashion sense. Grabbing my glasses and backpack I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

I sit at the table as my father is coming in from outside with the morning paper. He's shirtless; he just has his pajama bottoms on. He is really muscular for a thirty-six year old, and he has broad shoulders, a six-pack, great pecs, and the well know V shape. He does go to the gym at least three times a week, and since he used to be the high school quarterback back in the day, he likes to keep active. He is also tall at six feet, one inch. He is also hairy; I take after him in this regard. His black hair is in all directions and his bluish green eyes still look sleepy.

"Hey dad, how're you doing?" I ask.

"Fine son; just got a court case today." He replies.

"I know you will win."

"Thank you son."

Dad grabs a cup of coffee and sits down as my sister Kim makes her way into the kitchen. She looks like she could be on America's Next Top Model with her shoulder-length brunet hair that she got from our mom. Her hair is in crazy big curls, and she has on smoky black eye shadow that makes her blue eyes pop of out of her face. She's dressed in her cheerleading outfit. She's tall and stands at five feet, eleven inches. She sits down and grabs the gossip section of dad's paper as mom places the breakfast on the table. She made eggs, bacon, biscuits and she serves orange juice with it.

My mother is tall; she's six feet and she has shoulder-length brunet hair like Kim. She has an hourglass shape even though you can't see it in her pajama dress. She has blue eyes like my sis.

"Hey Kim and Jay, I am going to New York at the end of the week, would you guys want to come?" my mom asks.

"Yes mom,'' my sister and I say at the same time.

"Okay, school should be out for the summer, so you won't miss any days."

"Mom can I invite L and Erick?" I ask.

"Of course honey; they are just like family."

"Kim and Jay; please don't forget you guys have gymnastics today at 4:30 and Jay, you have a karate competition on Thursday at 5:00 p.m." Dad says.

"Yes dad," we say at the same time

We quickly eat our breakfast and make our way to the door to my sister's Lincoln Navigator which she got for her seventeenth birthday last year. I will be turning seventeen this year, so I soon will be getting my own ride. We go to Beverly Hills High, which is home to many of my bullies. It is so big; it looks more like a college campus.

Let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Jay Ivan. I am sixteen years old. I have green eyes that I inherited from my dad, while my sister has blue eyes that she got from our mom. I am five feet, eleven inches, and I am into gymnastics, dancing and karate. I have been doing these activities since I was five and only my family and best friends know. I have a swimmer's build from all the exercise I do. I am also very smart since I don't have a social life. I live in Beverly Hills, California. I am a junior just like my best friends, and my sister is a senior. I am gay but only my sister and best friends know. I have a bubble butt and I am ten inches uncut when hard, and eight inches when soft for you perverts out there.

"Jay," my sister says.


"Tell me why you don't try out for the cheerleading team; you would be so good."

"Because everyone will find some way to make fun of me; they already think I am a nerd and a freak." I explain.

"You so need to stop worrying about what other people think," my sister states

"That's easy for you to say; everyone loves you." I say, getting frustrated.

"Well, why don't you think about it, because we are having tryouts in the summer before school starts."

"Okay, I will think about it."

We continue to school in complete silence except for my sister talking to her friends on her phone. When we get to the school, my sister drops me off at the front of the school and as she continues to the senior parking lot.

I walk into the school heading straight to my locker trying to go undetected by my bullies. I hear my name being called from behind me, so I turn around. It's my best friend Lilly. As she walks to me; I can't help but notice that all the boys stop to stare at her. Her heels click on the ground like she is on the catwalk. Her black hair is curly at the ends and her black eyes lock on me and no one else. She smiles as she comes down the hallway, showing her pearly whites. She is also five feet, eleven inches, like me and she has great tanned skin, thanks to the California weather. She is also a cheerleader like my sister, and is also trying to get me on the team. She is wearing her cheerleading outfit which consists of our school colors: black, red and green with the school football logo on it: "Wildcats".

"Hey Jay."

"Hey L, what's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing; just waiting for exams and school to be over; you?"

"Nothing much; Just one more week to go," I reply."Why are you and Kim dressed in your cheerleading outfits?"

"Oh, we have an away football game on Friday against the Blue Devils, so we are wearing our uniforms all week for luck." She answers. "So, are you coming?" she asks.

"Like I have a choice seeing as my sister and best friend are on the cheerleading team, and my other best friend is on the football team." I state.

"That's right," L replies smiling from ear to ear.

We to continue to talk as we make our way to the cafeteria after a quick stop at my locker. As we enter the cafeteria, we walk to our table not caring about the looks we were getting. It is starting to get old. People wondering why a cheerleader is hanging with the school freak.

When we reach our table we are greeted by my other best friend Erick. He is a linebacker on the football team. He's a little taller than me, at six feet, and he weighs two hundred pounds of pure muscle, compared to my 185 lbs. He has blue eyes, brown hair and tanned skin. He's also L's boyfriend; they've been going out for two years. We've all been friends since elementary school, when he moved here from Texas with his family. His parents are both doctors and he has two brothers, Jim and Dan, who both attending college now. He is dressed in a tight polo shirt showing of is broad shoulders and mountainous pecs containing his six-pack and V shape. He's wearing Levis which show off his great package. He's seven inches uncut soft and nine inches hard, which I had the pleasure of seeing. He also has a muscular butt.

"Hey Erick, what's going on?" I ask him.

"Nothing much. You?"

"Nothing much; just my sis and best friend are trying to get me to try out for the cheerleading team."

"You really should try out; you really are good." He states.

"Thank you." I said. "So, you ready for the game Friday?"

"Totally, we are going to crush those Blue Devils."

"L and Erick, my mom is going to New York at the end of the week. Do you guys want to come?" I remember to ask them.

"Of course" They both said at the same time

We continue to talk before Erick and L start having a little make-out session.

"Guys, do you have to do that in front of me?" I ask, acting disgusted.

"Oh poor baby, you will have a boyfriend soon," L says, pinching my cheek as I blush, while Erick laughs at my embarrassment.

The bell suddenly rings, saving me from more embarrassing questions, as I quickly make my way to the first of my four exams of the day. I blow through my first two tests of the day. My day continues on uneventfully until lunchtime rolls around.

I go to my locker to put my books away and I can feel eyes burning into the back of head. I turn around and there is Evan, the captain and quarterback of the football team. He's coming my way with his jock goons and he is a big man on campus. As our eyes meet I can see a smirk form on his face. His grey eyes shine with mischief as he approaches me.

"Hey freak, what's up?" Evan asks, as his jock buddies laugh.

I just roll me eyes and turn around putting my books into my locker.

Evan thinks he runs the school just because his father is a movie director and his mother is a writer. He always gets what he wants when he wants it, no matter what it is. Evan hates when people ignore him. He quickly spins me around to face him as he continues to smirk, seeing the annoyed look on my face.

"So what's up freak, trying to look cool hanging out with the in crowd?" His jock buddies laugh at his remark.

"No I am not trying to look like you, now I am?" I reply, getting really frustrated. Evan has been bullying me since freshman year, and it is starting to get real old. I stand there and I can't help but take in Evan's looks. He has dirty blond spiked hair, he's tall at six feet, two inches and he weighs 220 lbs. of pure muscle. He has broad shoulders and huge biceps and pecs. He's wearing a tight black shirt and blue jeans showing of his cute butt and ample package in the front. If he was not such a jerk, I would have a crush on him. He is also a junior like me.

"Oh, and how you wish you could be me." He retorts.

"Oh let me think about it: hell no! I don't want to be a spoiled bitch like you." I reply.

I could see Evan getting angry and right before he going to punch me, a teacher comes around the corner stopping Evan in his act.

"Boys, what's going on here?"

"Nothing sir, just playing with Jay here."Evan says as he lets me go.

"Okay, but try to keep the PLAYING to a minimum; school is almost out for the summer," the teacher reminds us, drawing out the word PLAYING so the message come across without Evan looking bad.

"Okay sir," Evan says smiling, as he and his buddies head in the opposite direction of the teacher. I roll my eyes, close my locker and head to the cafeteria.

I enter the cafeteria, grab my lunch and walk over to my table. I see my best friends are already there. As I sit down, L asks why I took so long.

"Mhmm, nothing, just Evan and his buddies again," I say rolling my eyes, noticing Evan staring at me from across the room.

I could see L and Erick getting angry. L gets up, storming over to Evan's table, but Erick quickly grabs her by the wrist before she makes a scene.

"Babe, calm down." Erick says to L, clenching his teeth trying not to get angry.


I am really touched that they are protective of me, but please I am not a baby. I could see everyone staring at our table, even Evan

"Please quiet down; you are making a scene." I say quietly with my best pleading face.

L looks around and shouts, "WHAT ARE YOU AL LOOKING AT!!!!!!!"

Everyone quickly turns around to what they were doing before. L finally calms down and takes her seat, but you could still see she is upset.

"Guys, I am sorry for going off like that," L says, looking down at the table.

"It's okay; it just shows that you really love me," I reply.

"I just think someone needs to give Evan a taste of his own medicine. He has been bullying you for three years now." L says.

"I know."

"So, what you plan to do about it?" she asks.


"So, all those times in the past when he pushed your head into the toilet, embarrassed you in front of everyone, beat you up, all that humiliation."

"I DON'T KNOW!" I shout, getting frustrated.

"I don't know why you don't stand up to him; use some of your karate moves and your muscles that you've been packing on for the last four years."

I just roll my eyes because we have been over this before. I am not into fighting if I don't have to. Erick knows what's going to happen if we continue down this road, so he tries to change the subject.

"So how long are you guys staying in New York?" he asks.

"Five weeks but we will be back two weeks before school starts."

"I was thinking that I can come up there the final two weeks and we could hang and forget about everything here." Erick says.

"So you don't want to come when my family and L are leaving?"

"I have plans with my family; we are going to Texas for part of the summer to hang out with family and old friends."

"So we have a plan."

"Yeah," everyone agrees in unison.

We continue to talk about our plans and other basic things until the bell rings. The rest of the day blew by so fast that before I knew it, I was on my way home with L. Erick had to borrow L's Porsche because his father dropped him off at school this morning. Since L, Kim and I are going to gymnastics today, we just hang at my house until class, and when class is over, Erick will pick L up.

Our favorite song starts playing on the radio, so I turn it up and we start to sing along with the chorus.

Come here closer, Don't be shy. Cross my heart, and Hope to die Keep a secret, Me and You And Seal it with a kiss (oh oohh oooohhh oooohh)

In the shadows where it's hot Love the risk of getting caught Wanna taste forbidden fruit And seal it with a kiss (oh oohh oooohhh oooohh)

Britney Spears - Seal It With A Kiss

When the song finishes we just get home and run in the house. My house is more like a mansion. Its decor is clean lines, modern with a little Tuscan all through the three story house. There are six bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms with a den, office, swimming pool, a seven-car garage and a gym where I work out at least twice a week.

"Hey mom, we're home!" I shout, as I go to the kitchen for a pop tart and orange juice. Kim goes upstairs to her room talking on her phone, while L follows me.

"Hey Dena," L says to my mom. My mom hates when people call her miss or madam; it makes her feel old.

"Hey honey, so how were the exams?" mom asks.

"They were okay; nothing that I couldn't handle, what about you L?" I ask.

"Mine were okay too since I have the best study partner!"

"Thank you, but we need to put in some studying before we go to practice." I remind her.

"So mom, L said she is coming with us to New York and Erick will meet us there for the final two weeks."

"Okay, so we need to pack by Saturday because we are leaving early Sunday morning, probably by 4:30 a.m."

"So where are staying in New York?" I ask her.

"We are staying in the penthouse suite at the Plaza next to Central Park in Manhattan." She answers me.

"Cool, so I guess we have everything planned, so L let's go get some studying done."


"Bye mom, see you later."

"Bye Dena."

"Bye darling."

We took the elevator to the third floor where my room is. As we enter my room, I can't help take in the decor. One wall has my big flat plasma television with all my game systems and home theatre connected to it. There's a big sofa in front of it and the next wall has my desk with my laptop on it. There are bookshelves on either side of the desk, lined with trophies, books, and cd's. My California king-sized bed is in front of the window that looks out at the beach. There is an en-suite bathroom and a huge walk- in-closet.

I drop my bag on my desk and take out my book. I put on some music and then L and I sit on my sofa and study. Two hours later, we start to get bored so we put our books down and start talking while listening to music.

"So J, tell me what are you looking for in boyfriend." L starts.

"Mhmm, why do you ask?"

"Just want to know," L replies.

"Okay, mhmm, I don't know I am not really looking for any one they will find me" "That's so different. You really are hopeless romantic"

L and I continue to talk about anything and everything. I check the clock and it reads 3:35. It's almost time for gymnastics. We are getting a little hungry, so we get dress in our gymnastic outfit and made our way down stairs to the kitchen, where we find mom and Kim talking. They are talking about mom's new clothing line. L joins in on the conversation while I make us something to eat. By time we were finish it was time to leave, so we file into my sis's car and head to the gymnasium.

We enter the gymnasium and spot Ellie, one of my few friends, and we chat while we do our stretches. Eric has chocolate skin color that makes his blue eyes pop. He has strawberry lips and a strong jaw line. He is kind of hairy like me. He's my height and he has the perfect V shape and six- pack. He's also packing; his cock stands at eleven inches, uncut hard I saw in the shower once while he was jacking off for you want to know when he though everyone was gone home but he does know I saw him.

We practice for awhile until we mastered the routine perfectly. We also did some free-style and some weightlifting. By time we finish, I am so beat that I just hit the sack as soon as I got home. Another end to another day. Tomorrow will be another start to another day.

I hope you guys like it there will be no sex for some time but it will come. All comments welcome just email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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