
By Art Gibson

Published on Feb 10, 2022


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I modeled gay porn scenes to support my younger brother, Johnny. and myself. I was screwed in multiple ways after Johnny discovered my part-time job doing porn. Then my straight brother became involved.

Remember, this story is fiction and in no way condones or condemns the action

Screwed C-9

Uncle Donovan smiled as he looked at the four of us. "This room smells like a set on Straight Guys after we shoot a group scene." He laughed. "Hey it's okay. Practice. When you are eighteen and if you want to work in the industry, I can have you do a screen test. I always look for twinks to add to my models." Turning to my brother and Trevor, he shook hands. "Glad you could do those scenes, and thanks for breaking in the new guy. He was plenty worried, this being his first time bottoming."

"No problem. See you next time. Uncle Donovan came over and hugged me and sniffed. "Ah. The smell of teen cum." He gave me a kiss and ruffled my hair before he left, waving at the others.

Cam smiled and asked if we wanted pizza. Junior replied, "Does a gay boy want dick?"

That kid would never become uncrude. Of course, we all wanted pizza so Cam ordered four larges.

"Junior, your dad will be here in about an hour. His shoot ended early. Pack up after the pizza."

Pizza came. As we ate, I could not help but notice how Cam and Trev looked at each other. I knew. My brother was more than a scene partner to Trev. They were in love. I had to accept that. It hurt. Cam came to sit next to me. He put his arm around me and hugged.

"Johnny. When we get home, it will be okay, you will see. Trev and I worked things out. He agreed you and I can be brothers with benefits, just you. So keep this to yourself." I felt lighter.

Junior's dad came to collect his jerk-off son. I was glad to see him go, only I wondered what fallout would happen from the video Junior sent.

That night Timmy, Elijah, and I shared the bed naked. Elijah pleaded for both of us to fuck him. Instead, Timmy and I played odd or even to see who entered Elijah from which end. I ended up in Elijah's rear hole with his brother in his mouth. While we were thrusting and using Elijah's nine-year-old body, Timmy and I kissed. We stiffened at the same time. We made so much noise that my brother opened the door. Seeing our scene, he said, "Oops," and shut the door. We did not shower that night enjoying the closeness and smell of our bodies.

Our plane lifted from McLaren on time. I sat next to Timmy, holding his hand. Elijah sat across the aisle. Camden and Trevor sat behind Elijah. The flight went smoothly and since it was nonstop. We landed and were walking into our home in under four hours.

Arriving at our home, Cam escorted Timmy and Elijah to their house, probably to be sure their parents were home. I excused myself to unpack. Lots of stuff ran through my mind, like seeing Max and Avery lose their virginity with their fourteen-year-old brothers who played on the JV squad. Then Zane, Brandon, and Ross, sophomore varsity players, took whatever remained of my senior co-captain's virginity. I hoped the way they were turned on and lost in each other, that their lust for one another would make the video Junior sent of me seem tame. I now knew the results of a group of boys enjoying sex with one another.

I was almost done sorting my clothes when my incoming text chimed. Zane wanted to know if he could come over now. I told him, sure. Ten minutes later, he arrived, breathless. "I gotta talk to you, private."

Shit, shit, I thought. He had seen the video. I led him to my room. "Lock the door."

He sat on my bed. I took the desk chair. Zane rubbed his hair, then launched breathlessly into a tale that after I heard it seemed too difficult to believe. Zane started.

"Last Sunday, Bryce, Cole, Ross, Brandon, and I were hanging out in Ross's basement. Nice setup he's got. Anyway, we were talking about what went down with Max and Avery." He looked at me. "I forgot. You don't know."

I did but decided acting as if I didn't was the way to go. He continued.

"I'll tell you that part later. So, we are just hanging out, chilling, and the bell rings. Ross goes to answer it. Chapman came down with Ross. He looked like he had something to say. You know Chapman, senior, too small to play forward and way too small for D. Plays 4th line, when he gets ice time. He was spoiling for something, saying the five of us were getting kicked off the team. Chappy always has been a prick. Tonight he was in his super prick mode. He kept saying we were off the team.

I asked him what the fuck he meant. He told us he had evidence of what we had done to his friends, Max and Avery. Now I knew he was not their friend. Nobody was friends with Chappy. We played with him. Off the ice. No one wanted anything to do with him. On road trips, no one wanted him as a roomie. The coach had to force two guys to share a room with Chappy.

Chappy is going on about us doing stuff to Max and Avery, bad stuff. How he learned about what we did, I did not know. I asked him what he thought we did. He got red and stammered that we had done sex stuff to them while they were tied. That we forced ourselves to, and here Chappy did not even say the word, he's such a virgin."

Zane stopped his tale to tell me some of what I had seen on the video. He clarified that though it looked like we forced ourselves on our two friends. They actually told us to do it, to take their virginity. Of course, I looked properly surprised.

Zane said he'd tell me more later. He wanted to continue the story.

"Chappy told us he was going to the coach. Said he had proof. I did not know why he told us. He could just have gone to the coach. I looked at my buds. They knew what I was thinking. As one, we rose and grabbed Chappy. He fought and screamed. Called us faggots. Said he'd get us good. Brandon ran into the closet. We knew his older brother had sex toys in there. We saw them once when he was not around. We laughed but did nothing with them. Brandon returned with leather wrist cuffs joined by a strap that had a hook attached. Chappy fought. For a guy that weighed maybe 140 pounds, he was a tough dude. He screamed. Now no one was home, but I stuffed my T-shirt in his mouth, anyway.

With the wrists secured, Brandon attached a rope to the hook and threw the rope over a ceiling beam. We pulled the rope enough so that Chappy's arms were extended and stretched. Now he was begging. I think he guessed what we planned.

We sat on the couch, looking at Chappy as he twisted and cried. Ross asked what we were going to do with him? Bryce said if we let him go now, we were in even more trouble. Cole said that he had a plan."

I had been listening all this time to Zane's tale. I thought I knew what was coming. I was partly correct. Zane continued.

"Cole said we had to do something that would make Chappy not want to report to the coach. He stood up and walked to Chappy, who looked at Cole fearfully while still crying. When Cole reached to unsnap Chappy's jeans, Chappy struggled and kicked, all the while crying and begging with his eyes. Cole unsnapped them, took off Chappy's shoes and socks and ripped down both jeans and boxers. We all gasped.

We now knew why Chappy used a stall to change and never shower after practice. His cock was short and thin. My nine-year-old brother is bigger and has hair. Chappy had no hair. His balls were not fully down. He was in the early stages of puberty. No one laughed. We knew how this had to embarrass Chappy. Cole asked him if he still wanted to inform the coach. Chappy told us to screw ourselves. Cole returned the T-shirt and cut away Chappy's shirt. He hung naked for our viewing. Still, we did not laugh or make fun of Chappy. Despite what we were doing, he was a teammate. We just needed to figure out how to shut him up."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We raised him so he was stretched so that only the tips of his toes touched the floor. Away from Chappy's hearing, we agreed we would get Chappy so horned that he would beg for relief. We decided we would edge him and when he was begging for more, we would get him begging us to violate him. We all knew he was probably a virgin. We drew straws for the order we would fuck Chappy. The shortest straw would deflower him. The rest would massage him, treat him nice while the winner took him all the way for the first time. By the end of the session, Chappy would have five loads of cum in him. To make us more secure, we would video him out of control. Our identities would be photoshopped out."

I was almost hard myself listening to Zane. "What happened?"

"We started with simply massaging Chappy all over. He liked what we were doing. He began purring. To make him more ready, we told him he was our friend and friends helped friends. Nobody touched his cock. We only breathed on it or skimmed it. Bryce and Cole rubbed his butt cheeks and into the crack. What was outstanding was how Chappy changed from an angry boy into a purring kid getting turned on. I whispered that if we removed the shirt, he needed to be quiet. He nodded. I removed the shirt, freeing his mouth. As I did that, I placed my mouth on his and put my tongue in as deep as I could go. I felt someone tweaking Chappy's nipples. Brandon stroked Chappy's cock, which had hardened to almost five inches. He was a shower. Loosened the rope so Chappy could stand flatfooted. We stepped back to survey our teammate. He was no longer crying. His eyes were red still and flashed wildly. I asked him if he was okay with what we were doing and did we want us to continue. He said. "Oh god, yes." We had him and he was agreeing. This would be consensual. I loved looking at his cock. I fell to my knees and took Chappy's tip in my mouth. He thrust. I backed off. He could not be allowed to cum for some time."

Zane caught his breath. I saw his shorts tented. I adjusted mine. He looked. He smiled and lowered his, showing me his hardness. I lowered mine. He had maybe six inches. I had just under six. "You circumcised? I can't tell with your glans all the way out."

"Rub it. Find out." I did. The way the skin moved; he was. I wanted to keep moving his skin. I wanted to hear the rest of the story. I let go.

Zane looked at my cock as if he wanted to inhale it now. "We can do more after the story. Listen. The rest will get you very hard. We can do anal, later."

"Oh yeah. That would be fun."

Zane returned to the story.

Chappy's friends go all the way inside Chappy. Read C- 10 for Chappy's reaction and more.

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Next: Chapter 10

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