
By Art Gibson

Published on Jan 15, 2022


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I modeled gay porn scenes to support my younger brother, Johnny. and myself. I was screwed in multiple ways after Johnny discovered my part-time job doing porn.

Remember, this story is fiction and in no way condones or condemns the action

Screwed C-6

Camden looked at the boys as he held Trevor's hand. "Today's scene was not a love-making scene. We were pretending to have been four-wheeling in the desert and were becoming hot when we come across an oasis."

Johnny's head quirked up. "An oasis in this desert around Vegas? Not real believable, bro."

Trevor laughed. "Porn is all make believe, so why not an oasis." He slipped his arm around Camden to kiss him.

Camden stared at his boyfriend, then turned to us. "What is more unreal is what we have to tell you. It is more unbelievable than an oasis in the Vegas desert."

The three youngsters waited. Elijah stared at the older teen's bodies and hardened.

Camden began. "One of the cameraman on the set today, his name is Stan. He leaves for location tomorrow. He will be gone three days."

"Do you guys have to go?" Asked Johnny?

"No, just Stan. He has a problem. Stan is a single father. His son is ten. Stan Junior was born when Stan was fourteen. Stan is now twenty-four. The son's mother was a porn actress for another studio. She seduced Stan so she could take his virginity. Stan had never been with either a man or a woman. When the woman learned she was pregnant, she told Stan she would take care of the problem. Stan pleaded for her to deliver. He contracted with Straight Guys to help pay for the birth. In return, Stan agreed to remain employed solely for them."

"That's a bunch of shit," Elijah said.

"Stan is a single dad who loves his son. The boy identifies as gay. Stan cannot take him on this shoot. He asked if we would watch him. He knows we are open and is fine with exposing Sam Junior to us."

No one spoke at first until Timmy spoke. "This sounds like a script for a cheesy romantic porn scene."

No one said any more, because just then the doorbell sounded.

"Uh, we kind of told Stan we would watch his son. That must be them." Trevor added, and three boys scrambled for the bedroom to dress. "Hold it, guys. I told Stan we preferred to not wear clothes. It's okay. He and his son never dress at home. His boy watches the movies his dad shoots. We are all good."

"It's them," Trevor said, looking through the peephole in the door.

Trevor stood out of sight of anyone in the hall as he opened the door. Stan entered, followed by a boy who must be his son. Elijah immediately stared at this skinny copper-skinned boy with short white hair. His eyes had dark coloring under the eye balls showing that he added accents to make them pop.

"Thanks guys. My departure got moved ahead. I can't stay." Stan kneeled in front of his boy. "Junior, be good for Cam and Trev. I'll see you in three days." Stan kissed his son in a manner that was definitely undad like. He thanked us again, then left.

Junior stood looking around. "Where do I put my clothes?"

Elijah volunteered to take this boy into the bedroom we all would share. They returned with Junior hard and masturbating himself. He plopped onto the sofa erect and by the looks of his action; he planned to do himself in front of us.

"What? You ain't seen a kid masturbate? Anybody got any lube?"

Elijah ran off and in seconds returned with a partially used tube, handing it to Junior. "Where's your good porn DVDs? Maybe one I ain't seen yet? I see all the stuff dad shoots. I was watching it with him since I was old enough to watch. I really like Camden's scenes. You and Trevor are smoking red hot. I been masturbating since I was about five. Dad taught me while we were watching a scene. He was doing himself and I asked him if he could teach me. Dad and I now jack together, side by side. He's maybe six or seven inches, hard. I am only three, hard. We do each other all the time. He is a horn dog for an old dude. Taught me all about sex. We do everything. He won't let me take him in the ass. He's afraid he will bust me open. Shit. He ain't that big. He's twenty-four and full-on adult size. I bet I could take him. He lets me fuck him. I get off quick like his chute is hot on my prick."

Junior's hand flew as he talked. His abs were bouncing. I could see the slack in his face. His eyes were losing focus, staring into the distance. He looked as if he were getting close. He stopped talking. The rest of the boys stared. Johnny and Timmy were hard and one arm hugging. Even Camden and Trevor had hardened. Elijah's hand moved as fast as Junior's as he stroked himself to the scene in front of us. He moved closer to Junior, his leg touching his.

"Here it comes, here it comes," Junior squeaked, his skinny body thrust, exposing his entire front, the yet undeveloped abdominals, and the outline of his ribs. His toes curled. His heels pushed against the carpet. His head arched over the back of the kitchen. Nothing was hidden. His face turned red. He looked as if he had become lost in his orgasm.

His breathing calmed and his body, still exposed, returned to the sofa seat. Elijah leaned over Junior as if he wanted to paint his tummy with the cum he was too young to release as his fist beat a frantic tattoo against his cock.

"What the heck. Why are you guys just standing looking at two kids have an orgasm? I do it with dad all the time. He squirts a gallon all over me. I know I do not squirt juice. Soon. It's coming." He laughed, "Cumming. Get it. My juice will come. I wonder who will be the first to taste it. HMM. Maybe dad?"

Elijah gave a groan. His hand stilled, squeezing his small shaft. Junior pulled Elijah down against himself so their bodies made full contact. He joined his mouth to Elijah's, put his hands behind the tinier boy's head and devoured Timmy's brother's mouth.

Timmy and Johnny became aroused at the scene playing out at their front. They eased one another to the floor and began twisting against each other. Their rolling brought them against Trevor and Camden, who had joined them on the floor.

Johnny grabbed the lube and slicked Timmy's dick. He had trouble inserting it. Looking at his brother, he called, "Help me." Camden and Trevor both came to help. Trevor inserting two fingers in Timmy, telling him to relax. When Timmy began to moan and his hips pounded Trevor's fingers, Trevor nodded. "He's ready."

"Get between Timmy's legs." Camden commanded. Grabbing his brother's cock, he guided it to his friend's entrance. Once his tip was touching the ring, Camden told his brother to push. Holding Johnny's cock as it slid into the boy under him. He directed Timmy to put his arms around Johnny's shoulders. "Kiss each other. Johnny, don't move inside him yet. Just kiss him. Wait for him to say he needs more."

The two teens were showing passion. Timmy moaned like he needed Johnny. Johnny started sucking at Timmy's neck, trying to feel for the blood in that big vein on its side. "Wrap your feet over Johnny's butt. Pull him in. Johnny, begin thrusting. Establish a rhythm."

The four boys were lost, experiencing more passion than ever expected. The room filled with cries and moans.

"We can't fuck," We need all we got for the scene." Trevor told Camden."

"Sit on the floor, against the wall. Just watch.

They heard Junior direct Elijah, "Sit on me. Slick my cock with your spit, then sit on me."

Both older teens watched. In a little time, Elijah lowered himself onto Junior's shaft. Junior pulled the smaller boy to him and kissed his lips. "Move on me." He pulled Elijah to him, squeezing him.

Camden found it difficult to follow the action between the two pairs of boys, so lost in lust, they seemed. "So hot." Murmured Trevor. "I'm glad I have you, Cam."

"I love you, Trev," Camden said as their lips met.

A shout burst from Johnny, followed by one from Timmy. Both had stiffened and were pawing at each other helplessly. They were a tangle of tongues, lips, and limbs. Calming, Timmy looked between their joined torsos. "Man, I never even touched myself. When I felt your cock twitch and you spurt. I had to release." Timmy stopped talking and returned to kissing Johnny. After time passed, Johnny looked at his lover. "I always thought being gay was bad."

"Now?" Timmy's question was more a smirk.

Johnny smiled happily. "Man, I don't know if I ever want to be gay with anyone but you. Want to do this again?"

"More, pizza first," Timmy said.

On the couch, the two preteens remained joined in action. They had moved so now their bodies were on the seat of the couch, clutching and humping against one another. Junior looked as if he were trying to drive and thrust deep inside his lover. With each thrust, his hips left the couch, so all of Elijah's weight slammed down on Junior's cock as Elijah's bottom slammed into his friend's groin. The rest of the room did not exist to them, so lost in one another were they.

Cam and Trev rose to walk to the fourteen-year-old teens, who stood unsteadily, holding each other after such an emotional experience. The older teens cocks seemed impossibly hard as they came up to the boys.

"That performance was porn star quality," Trevor told the two. Johnny blushed as it came to him that his brother had seen his lust.

"You're not mad, are you, Camden?" Johnny looked fearfully at his brother.

"You are okay, Johnny." Like Trev said, "Both porn stars."

"Can we work at Straight Guys?"

"Sure Timmy. When you turn eighteen. Until then, love each other, do your schoolwork, and Johnny, play hockey."

"Hockey players are not too gay friendly, bro."

Before Cam could reply, A shout came from the boys on the sofa. Everyone turned to see Junior's butt over two feet off the couch, with Elijah bent against Junior's chest, his mouth still clamped against Junior's.

Finally, four smelly boys ate pizza like they were starving. Trevor shook his head. Everyone sat naked.

"After we eat, you four shower. Get dressed. I want to take you on the Strip, for you to enjoy the lights.

He did take them. They all dressed in the nicest clothes they brought. Back at Caesar's, they went to the lounge to have, as Junior called it, a "Nightcap" whatever that was. They all ordered virgin daiquiris. Sitting and watching the people, some in fine clothes and others looking as if they were going to work, Junior said, "We shouldn't be drinking these. They are for virgins. None of us fit that definition." He laughed as Timmy threw a straw at him. "Dirty boy," he said to Junior.

Their excursion at an end, they entered the suite, still chortling about the sights they saw on the strip. "I think I saw a male prostitute," Timmy told everyone."

"Did you ask him what he charged for a quickie?" Johnny asked.

"Shut it. Bro. I got all I need right here" He laughed as he grabbed his lover. "Get those clothes off. I'll give you a quickie right now, right here in front of everyone." Johnny smiled. All he told him was, "We got all night and all day tomorrow." Looking at Elijah, Johnny asked in a low voice. "Want to have fun with your brother? You know, have some young stuff, keep it in the family?"

Timmy stared across the room where his nine-year-old brother and Junior were kissing. "Maybe, if it's okay with you. We could both do him and Junior. If you want to, that is." Johnny's nod confirmed what these two would attempt to do.

Later, as everyone sat watching the first Spiderman movie, again without clothes, Johnny waited for a chance to talk with his brother about an issue that had been on Johnny's mind. He got his chance when both Timmy and Trevor went to the toilet.

Moving next to Camden, Johnny asked, "Will Trevor stay in Vegas?"

"No. He is coming to live with us,"

"But us. Remember us?"

Camden brushed his brother's hair as he looked at the scared face. "Trevor knows about us. I told him what we did. He is down with us like that. He said you and I together are like me and a guy on the set doing a scene. That's how he sees us. I told him you and I were different. That we had feelings for one another. He understands. He knows that he and I are in love. We are boyfriends. He knows you and I have a special brother relationship. If we make love, he can accept us doing so. He said we could bring you into our relationship all the way. But only if you want that." Camden turned thoughtful then. "You need to prepare Timmy if this moves forward. He is in love with you, you realize.

Let me know what direction to have the guys take.

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Next: Chapter 7

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