
By Art Gibson

Published on Mar 23, 2022


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I modeled gay porn scenes to support my younger brother, Johnny. and myself. I was screwed in multiple ways after Johnny discovered my part-time job doing porn. Then my straight brother became involved.

Remember, this story is fiction. The author does not condone or condemn the action.

This chapter has an attempted suicide scene.

Some behaviors can trigger suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Teens, especially gay teens, are at greater risk for suicide than non-gay teens.

For help with crisis or suicide prevention or information contact: The Trevor Project 212-695-8650 /

Trevor provides crisis and suicide prevention counselors 24/7

Screwed C-12

I struggled to open my eyes. The bed felt crowded as I tried to stretch. I was being held in a vise. My head cleared. I felt a scream ready to rip from my throat until my brain identified the men next to me, holding me protectively. I could see they were still sleeping as they cuddled me in their arms. Then, with a crash, what happened last night flooded me. What I had allowed them to do. How I had lost mental and physical control as they watched my out of control sexual passion.

I remembered then that vibrating tube they inserted inside my private place, my rectum. I remembered the vibrations and my response. I remembered me screaming and my hard cock spewing out my juices in a way this teen had never experienced. I had shown my brother and his lover how lost in lust and need I was at that moment.

"Mmmm," someone's awake. Cam's face was inches from mine. I turned, expecting to be angry with him for what they caused. Instead, Cam's mouth, so close, ignited a love inside me. I gently pulled Cam's head closer so our lips met. In seconds, we were passionately rutting against one another. As our arousal increased, I felt Trevor join us in our passion. My cock and Cam's were next to each other as we ground, seeking pleasure. Trevor's cock moved in my crack. With a shout, I came, releasing myself on my brother's stomach. Both he and Trevor came moments later.

The three of us remained cuddling and kissing for how long I did not know. Time had no meaning. Between these two, I felt safe. I felt Cam and Trevor's fingers massage my scalp. I purred.

Cam began. "Last night was a trip. Your experience showed you the depths of your sexuality. How you enjoyed your loss of control as you gave yourself to your passion."

"I never, well, I gave myself to those feelings. You watched me as that happened. I can't believe you two saw me like that. I felt humiliated after, but I immediately passed out."

"You know how the loss of control can feel. We allowed that to happen, and yes, we watched. Johnny, now you know what it feels like to suffer the loss of control. Next time, we will teach you how to control your passion, to tame it. You will learn to release on your terms. We use control in our scenes. We will teach you to control those teen hormones."

Trevor added. "Kid, you were hot. We are glad you want to be with us.

My mind raced at that. Want to be with them? I craved everything about my brother and his partner. "Guys, I gotta pee. Then the team has a meeting later."

Later, showered, dressed, and breakfasted, I kissed Cam and Trev farewell. The last thing I saw as I rode my bike away, my precious skates slung over my shoulder, were the two waving and kissing.

The rink was a brief ride from my home. I thought about what Zane and I had done. I liked him. I liked what we had done. Maybe we could do more.

I chained my bike and made my way to the locker room. I paused at the door, remembering the video of some of my teammates engaging in gay sex and expressing their passion. How should I act now that I knew? They never hinted they were into sex with each other. Then I thought of Max and Chappy and their deep passion for each other while being filmed and watched by others. They were so into one another that only their desire and love mattered. Nothing or anyone deterred them. To me, gay behavior was sick and had to be fought against. That was just a few days ago. Now I considered myself gay and loved myself and my gay family and friends. I would defend them.

"Move your ass, Johnny. You are blocking the door."

I turned to see Zane smiling. Our sex the day before flashed through my mind. I smiled back. "Tell me how you want me to move it, homo."

"Shhh. Not here. We need to play it straight for now. Later, okay?" He patted my shoulder as we entered. His touch went straight to my cock. The team was preparing for practice. All the players were in various stages of preparation. Some were taking off their street clothes while others were naked. Some stood wearing only the cup protector, allowing their bodies to be observed by anyone interested. I kept my eyes above other's waists as I put on my equipment.

"I heard a commotion on the freshman side of the locker room."

Two of the new freshman had Max and Avery cornered. They were smirking at the co-captains. "The word is out our captains like to take it up the butt. That true? I heard you two made out with each other while you got fucked."

"Max blustered. "Get dressed and get on the ice."

"Aw. How about our senior captains dress us. Bet that would get you two off. You two like freshman cocks? Maybe we could fuck the both of you."

I had enough. The team, well, most of them, knew me as anti-gay. I moved toward my buddy's tormentors. Max and Avery were bright red.

"You guys are new to our team. These two are our captains. Respect their jobs. They earned them and we voted for them. You two might make varsity, if you are half as good as the two you are ragging on. Max and Avery will have a lot to say about that when the end-of-year vote is cast."

I didn't even know these two kid's names. Max and Avery seemed shocked at the mouths on these kids who turned on me. "How come you are siding with those two? You hate gays. A week ago you were all homophobic about gays."

I stared at these twerps with a strong desire to wrap a hockey stick around each of their heads or maybe their nut sacks.

"Well now, Max and Avery are our captains. I ain't agreeing they are gay. I wouldn't know. Gay or not, you two twerps do what they tell you about the game or those sticks you are so proud of are scoring a goal where you don't want them scored. Get your asses dressed and on the ice."

One kid mumbled, "Bet the coach wants to know about them being queer."

I saw Max stagger. Avery helped him sit on a bench. I lost it seeing Max take this abuse. I had watched him abused in the basement, fucked as he ground against Avery. I had not talked to them since. I knew they suffered as they lost their virginity. I had enough. I waved Cole and Bryce over. They were quick to think and would play along with me.

"Do you know these two?"

Cole looked at the two defiant freshmen. "That's William. That's Sam."

"What did you tell me you and Bryce saw them do after the last practice when you returned to the locker room? Remember telling me what they were doing to each other in the showers? They thought they were alone. You told me the next day. I told you not to say anything, as they probably did not want to be outed."

"Outed? We ain't queer."

"Tell us what you two saw."

They saw shit."

"Sorry guys." Bryce said, "We wanted to keep quiet. You caused us to tell." Now most of the team was listening. "Cole and I returned to get some homework. There were noises in the showers." Pointing at Sam, he said. "This kid was on his knees sucking his buddy. We watched. William was begging Sam to let him fuck him like he did last

Saturday. Sam pulled off William's cock, turned and spread his cheeks. William lined up behind Sam and thrust deep inside him with a single stroke. Sam screamed. Then he began fucking himself back on William's cock. He was so lost in lust."

Cole took over from Bryce. "These two were freaking hot. I almost lost it watching them. They both came, moaning their love for one another." He looked at the two freshmen, who stood biting their lips, ready to bawl.

"It ain't true guys." Sam looked wildly around the assembled hockey players. "He's lying. We ain't gay. We wouldn't do what they said. Bryce, you gotta tell them. Tell them, Cole. Tell the team it ain't true. Please, guys. We're begging."

William had a pleading look as Sam lost his cool, hugging himself and crying as the team turned from the two in disgust. I almost felt sorry for them. "If you go to the coach, we tell about him about you two." I changed tone to yell at the team. "Show's over. Ice-time."

Suited, the team shuffled to the rink. The last I saw of our two freshmen, they were seated on the bench bawling, arms on each other's shoulders. I felt an unease run through me as I took the ice. Fifteen minutes later, I did not see our freshman. My unease deepened. I told the coach I needed to go to the locker room to adjust some inner equipment. The room was silent as I entered. I walked to the freshman section. No one was there. I heard a noise from the coach's room and walked to investigate. Inside, I froze at the scene in front of me. Both boys had a rope looped over ceiling pipes and attached to their necks. They were standing side by side on wooden chairs, holding hands and bawling. Through their sobs, I hear Sam say. We go on three. Kick the chairs over. We die together."

"No," I screamed. "Please. Don't" I worked my way to stand in front of them. "Guys. Please. We'll tell them we were lying. Some of us know the truth. Don't kill yourselves. Oh, please guys. Let me help you both down. Shit, Shit, Shit."

William glared at me. "What's the use? Everyone will believe the lie." I stumbled to the floor, tripping on my skates.

"Guys, if you let me help you. I will make everyone understand. You were correct about Max and Avery. We were just trying to protect them."

Sam cried. "Too far. You went too far. We can't let anyone know about us. Our parents will kick us out. We will be homeless. We need to hide what we are, who we love. This way is better. You can't undo this one."

"Get down, guys. Please." William and Sam stared at each other. If they jumped together, no way I could save both. "Aw guys. No. Please. I am a prick. You can't do this. The team, no I, want you. Shit. shit. I am so frigging sorry." I was bawling now. My energy had left. I lay on the floor, deep sobs racking my throat as I watched these two little guys holding hands, ready to jump. They were staring at me as I bawled my eyes out.

Sam removed the noose from his neck. "I really did not want to die. William." "Me neither, buddy." William said as he too removed his noose.

I lay on the floor, not prepared to stand on my skates. William and Sam stood over me. I could not tell how they felt from their looks. They could spit on me. I deserved that. They were almost dead because of me. I bawled harder, thinking about how my cruelty almost destroyed two young lives. I curled into a ball. Someone unlaced my skates and helped me stand. Both boys guided me to a bench. Sam sat next to me, talking low.

"It will be okay, Johnny. We forgive you."

"No. I was a shit. How can you forgive me?" Sam was holding my shoulders. I became aware of William. "I put everything back as it was in the coach's room. What about him?"

"He's bad off. Now, I'm worried. Get one of his buddies." Within minutes. Max and Avery arrived, kneeled in front of me. I choked out how we had almost caused two deaths. They stared at Sam and William. Get the team in here. Tell coach a personal issue has come up, and the players need to solve it.

The team entered. William called an immediate team meeting as the guys entered. Avery saw the coach and said this was a player only meeting. I continued to cry until every guy circled me. Then I looked around. Omitting the suicide attempt. I told them everything we said about Sam and William was untrue, all of it. We did that to hide Max and Avery.

Max said. "Avery and I are gay. We do butt sex." "We do too." Chappy held Cole and kissed him. "Cole's my lover." Ross, Brandon, and Zane fessed up to being gay. I laughed for the first time that afternoon. I am too.

"William and Sam looked at each other. "Anybody else want to join us in the big reveal?"

The tension broke. Most players only said words like "Cool" or "It's all good." Before moving off to shower. I heard a few jokes about not dropping the soap. My teammates were okay.

Looking at Sam and William, I asked. "You good?"

"Yeah. We planned to have pizza after practice. Can you join us?"

That's how Zane and I ended up sharing a large pizza with William and Sam and answering their questions about being gay. I saw their eyes flicker to each other's hands when they thought I did not notice. I kicked Zane under the table, flicking my eyes at the two. He gave me an eyebrow raise. Maybe our two little freshmen needed a nudge.

"You guys want to come over to my house tonight? Zane and I will ne alone. My brother and his friend are in Vegas. We'll have the house to just the four of us. I can get a pizza to go. We can continue our conversation, answer more questions?"

"Willy, your mom thinks you are staying at my house. Text her and tell her two senior hockey players asked us to stay the night, go over strategy."

Some behaviors can trigger suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Teens, especially gay teens, are at greater risk for suicide

than non-gay teens.

For help with crisis or suicide prevention or information contact: The Trevor Project 212-695-8650 /

Trevor provides crisis and suicide prevention counselors 24/7

This chapter has been less sexual than previous. In the next chapter, Sam and William will reveal the truth about what they have hidden from each other and themselves. Hope you are enjoying this story. Comments and suggestions at:

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Next: Chapter 13

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