By John

Published on Oct 11, 2006



Doug turned eleven just before school started that Fall. As a sixth grader, it was his first year in the middle school. The week school started up again the Boy Scout Troop sponsered by a church in the neighborhood had its first meeting of the year.

Doug had completed the Webelos program that summer including a a week of special summer camp and had been invited to join this particular troop by a counselor in training at the camp who was also a junior leader of the church troop.

For almost as long as he could remember Doug knew he was attracted to boys and had no interest in girls. It was more than his preferring to play with them. He liked how boys looked. He already knew he liked boys sexually, looked for every chance he could get to see boys naked and had begun fooling around sexually several years ago with some of his classmates.

Between the limited sex education Doug had acquired and the whispers about gay sex, as well as an instinctive understanding, his fooling around included far more than mutual masturbation. He and his buddies performed oral masturbation on each other and anal stimulation with fingers and objects they found around the house. But most of the other boys seemed to no longer be interested.

Webelos Camper Doug Meets Junior Staff Member Hank

On the other hand, Doug's interest in sex with boys grew stronger and stronger, and he began to notice and be sexually aroused by older boys. While he loved seeing his fellow Webelos naked or near naked in camp, he found he was really getting turned on my the counselors, particular the first year counselor in training boys, who he found were aged 15 or 16. These boys (the "CITs") had various responsibilities in various parts of the camp.

Doug's first contact with a CIT was as the initial check-in. A high school aged kid in Scout shorts, the long sox, and a t-shirt with the camp logo and the words "STAFF" and "Counselor-in-Training" surrounding the caracture of a pioneer settler. The boy was assigned to guide Doug, a couple other arrivals, and their parents to the appropriate campsite. He introduced himself as Hank and loaded some of the boys gear on a handcart and told everyone to follow him.

Doug found Hank to sexually arouse him immediately, and quickly fell in right behind the CIT,(his parents falling in behind with the other grown-ups) watching the older boys arms and legs (and buns in a tight pair of uniform shorts) work to move the luggage cart up the hill. Although his eyes were focussed on this action, he did glance downward to be sure he didn't trip over rocks in the trail.

Besides viewing the older boy's activity in front of him, Doug's brain was continuing to process Hank's facial features that he had carefully observed in the parking lot. Of course the kid was well tanned, a job outdoors did that. Light blond tight curly but short hair framed a face that reminded Doug of pictures he had seen of Greek or Roman statutes in big art books in his school library.

In fact, Doug rated the face faultless in his already well developed classification of older boy's looks. A perfect nose, not big, not small, slightly turned up, a constantly smiling mouth with full lips (Doug almost giggled thinking how they'd look with lipstick), gorgeous deep blue eyes with large eyelashes and very heavy eyebrows (matching the hair and well separated above the nose).

Doug had gotten close enough to Hank as gear was unloaded from the cars to discern that the staffer had a very tiny hint of a mustache above those beautiful lips, but otherwise a totally smooth face. This really excited Doug as he was really turned on by boys who (as he knew the word) were beyond puberty, but who hadn't gotten to look like adults. The initial observations in the parking lot also focused in on the fact that Hank had a prominent bulge in his shorts.

The adult campsite leaaders welcomed the boys, assigned them tents, and informed the parents that now was the time to wish their son's a good week and depart and the boys now had swim tests and other orientation activites. A few minutes later even the most reluctant parents had completed their embarassing good bye hugs and admonitions.

Doug and the three other boys who Hank escorted to the site were assigned to what proved to be a four boy tent on the far end of a long crescent of similar tents. Hank accompanied them to the tent, suggested they drop their gear on their bunks and quickly change to swim gear and sneakers, grab a towel and assemble with a few other kids at the leaders' tent. The CIT as he left the boys showed them how to close the tent flaps telling them "parents are still around".

In the tent Doug immediately began to strip down, but carefully folded his uniform shirt and shorts on the bed, took off his shoes and soxs, and pulled down his white briefs. As he did this he faced towards the center of the tent and was observing the three other kids. Two were dispensing of their clothes almost as quickly as he; one just tossed his uniform on the bed. The fourth boy was more reluctant, still removing his shorts as the others picked up their swim trunks and pulled them on.

For a few seconds Doug could check out two of his tentmates totally nude, but not for long. He took a bit longer to put his swim shorts on, the delay partly intentional to show off (and to keep checking the other boys) and partly cause he hadn't gotten new swim trunks this year and had grown considerably. The fourth boy sit down on his bunk, pulled off his underwear and put on his swim shorts in such a way nothing could be observed.

Hank's voice could then be heard as he called all the boys who hadn't taken their swim tests to follow him to the Waterfront. Grabbing his towel, Doug ran to the assembly area along with other campers. There was Hank, now out of his uniform and wearing what Doug knew were Speedo style swim wear. The tight spandex fabric was bright red with white stripes down the sides. At the front was a bulge that Doug knew could only be made by a good sized dick and set of nuts.

Doug, never a shy boy, introduced himself again to Hank by name and by his tent nubmer, and then asked, "hey, are you are a swim team in your school?"

The older boy's smile got even larger, as he replied, "you bet, but it was my first year and I am not in the champion class -- yet! Why'd you think I was on the team anyway?"

Doug answered, "well I figured those Speedos were from a swim team." As he said this he smiled and lowered his eyes to that beautiful display at Hank's crotch. Red and white must make it easy to see you as you swim."

For the time being no further conversation occured between the two as Hank led them all to the waterfront area. Doug easily passed the tests to become a full "Swimmer" and was dismissed to return to the campsite, but he delayed the journey to observe Hank standing on the docks watching the swimmers. He thought the guy's buns were fantastic looking straining the stretch fabric as he bent over to encourage a swimmer. Shortly Hank turned around and saw Doug still in the swim area. He yelled out, "Hey Doug, you're sposed to be back at your tent, getting organized."

Doug knew he was going to have a great time at camp and was sure he was going to get to knew Hank very well. He had convinced himself that they would be doing some sexy stuff even before the week was over. And he was right!

Hank had noticed Doug especially in the parking lot also and then when the kid asked about his swimming experience he really focussed in on Doug and decided he would work to be a special buddy of this cute and outgoing boy. For, Hank was a boy in his mid-teens who liked other boys. He knew he was gay and enjoyed sexual activities a few very select classmates, but wanted to really share the pleasures with a kid a little younger.

Hank and Doug did by the second night become not just good buddies, but sexual partners due to a couple fortunitous situations. First, a group of CITs lived in tents separate from the campsite, but only a short distance from the tent Doug was assigned to. Hank was in a two person tent, but his tentmate had broken his leg the previous week and was now at home.

In the middle of each of the six nights remaining in that week, around midnight, Hank carefully and quietly woke up the dozing Doug and escorted him gack to his tent where the two engaged in many varieties of sexual activities, never making any sounds that might wake other junior counselors. However, by the end of the week, with Doug's approval a couple other CIT's were participating in the midnight sex.

Later on in this story, a full review of the events of those nights at Webelos camp will be chronicled with complete sexual details. Doug finds himself the center of a group orgy and loves it all!

At this time we return to a few months in the future with Doug in his Scout troop and for an interlude concerning him alone and his SCOUT UNIFORM. Doug had taught himself to sew (both by hand and with a machine) and had made various craft projects. As we shall see, Doug (partly remembering how Hank looked in his tight uniform and speedos) decided to make his uniform more sexy with some simple modifications.

Doug's Sexy Scout Uniform

Doug's parents took him to the Scout Supply Store the weekend after he joined the troop. While they examined and chose some basic camping gear the new Scout went to the uniform section and selected the pants, shirt, neckerchief, belt, and other accessories. He chose sizes the same as his regular school gear (which unlike most of his classmates was not baggy fashion but snug fitting).

Arriving home, Doug tried on the shirt and pants and thought they looked hot on him. They had a neat smooth look over his body. The waist felt just right and they fit over his buns a big snug. There was no baggyness to the front, and as he stood in front of the mirror his not especially large, but now fully erect, penis made a nice display (a "basket" he learned from Hank).

Doug decided the legs should fit more tightly and spent the rest of the weekend carefully adjusting the inseam so that he got the look he wanted. When he tried them on his penis felt and looked even larger! Next Doug tapered the fit of the uniform shirt, not tight, but just enough so it tucked in the pants snugly.

Needless to say, Doug was the only Scout wearing such a'customized' uniform at the next troop meeting. However, he wasn't the only one with a sexy fitting uniform. Of course his buddy (and sexual partner) CIT Hank wore a uniform that fit him very tightly. Although the uniform was less than two year years old, two faded marks at the ankles showed where the bottoms had been let out twice as he grew taller. Otherwise the uniform had not been modified. However, probably thanks to swimming, he hadn't grown significantly around the waist.

Those beautiful muscular buns which Doug admired at camp were sqeezed into the tight khaki fabric. The ass seam rode deep in the older boys ass crack. Hank wore bikini fit underwear and the leg seams made prominant lines across each asscheek. The front was something else -- to squeeze everything in Hank had one ball on either side of the seam below the fly and his penis heading upwards at an angle towards his right pocket. There was no mistaking what was in the older kid's pants!

Of course, Doug and Hank spent much of each meeting admiring each other -- lusting for each other -- and having found they lived only a few streets apart and not far from the troop meeting location, they walked home together. However, they first made a detour back into a basesment stairwell that opened outside the building. In that location they partook of each other's bodies.

Hank's school work and swim practices took much of his time during the week, but Sunday afternoons found Doug in Hank's bedroom to work on Scout advancement and projects. Well Doug did complete a lot of Scout work very quickly with the older boy's supervision and assistance' but the two also completed a lot of sexual advancements together.

Swim team commitments prevented Hank from attending the full weekend of the monthly Scout campouts, but his parents did bring him out to the campsite location around suppertime for each event. Although Doug camped with his peers in a patrol and Hank with the Junior Leaders and adults, they found time to do things together.

Hank came directly to the campout from swim practice without changing, just pulling a pair of sweats over his wet speedos. Come campfire time Doug loved masturbating the older boy reaching in the sweatpants and stroking until Hank exploded in his speedos. The older boy reciprocated by massaging Doug through his old tight jeans, sending the kid to numerous dry orgasms. Before the campfire was over the younger boy had brought the older to another full orgasm, again flooding his speedos.

Other chapters of this narration will describe in detail the sexual activities Doug and Hank accomplished, after the meetings, in Hank's bedroom on Sundays and on the campouts.

But we now return to Doug's interest in modifying the Scout uniform and find he is planning something to go with it and also something for Hank to wear with his uniform.

Special Scout Shorts for Doug and Hank

To make what he had in mind, Doug returned to the Scout Supply Center and purchased two more neckerchiefs in the colors of his troop, which happened to be orange with a white Scout fleur dis les emblem in the corner. His plan was to convert them into two pairs of thong style underwear, one for him and one for Hank! To accomplish this he also purchased several packages of thin elastic waist band material.

Doug spent quite a few hours over several afternoons on this project. He first (wisely) experimented with scrap materials figuring out just how to cut the fabric so it would make a pouch that would be both snug and smooth enough to show off Hank's genitals and his own smaller ones. After more than a few failures, he finally had perfected the design, first in a small size to perfectly fit himself and then by careful estimations enlarged the design slightly to fit his buddy.

The perfected designs were carefully transferred to the two Scout neckerchiefs. Doug then even more carefully cut the fabric according to the patterns, sewed the seams where the cloth was cut and fitted to create the perfect pouch shape. Then the hardest was the sew in elastic on the edges of this roughly triangular 'snippet' of what was once a neckerchief and to attach more elastic for the long slung waist and the rear seam which would ride deep in the asscrack.

Doug had been wearing around the housse as underwear one of his successful experiments in thong production and found it indeed did fit well, the pouch stayed in place the waist and ass elastics held it snugly no matter what he was doing, including riding his bike. He wore it to bed and of course rubbed himself to a wild dry orgasm before sleeping.

A similar fitting of his Scout uniform thong showed it fit just right and felt great. So, he was now ready to wear it to the meeting under his special uniform, but also to give Hank his own Scout uniform thong underwear and see that he wore it also.

So, before supper that night, he called Hank just after the older boy got home from swim practice. Doug said he would come over ten minutes early (before walking together to the troop meeting) as he had something to give Hank for the meeting.

Doug arrived at Hank's house about fifteen minutes earlier than usual (as he planned) to be told that Hank was just finishing up showering. On being called, the older boy shouted from his bedroom, "Come on up!" Doug smiled, realizing his plan was perfect. Sure enough, Hank opened his bedroom door wearing only a towel around his waist. He quickly shut the door and looked at the younger kid quizzically.

Doug smiled, "I've made something for you to be part of your Scout uniform and to match a new part I made for my own. Here, try it on," he directed, as he pulled an envelope out of the shirt pocket under his second class badge (thanks to Hank's guidance he had advanced rapidly).

Hank opened the envelope and saw the troop colors. He pulled the cloth out and then as it fell loose in his fingers realized what it was. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "You made this for me! Neat job. It took you ages I am sure." Then smiling, he said, "well, I suppose you want me to wear it tonight?"

"Duh, yeah," was the younger Scout's reply.

So Hank dropped the towel and stepped into the garment made of thin orange cotton and elastic. He raised it up his legs and puled the cloth portion over his already expanding penis, then adjusted the elastic around his hips and between his absolutely smooth buns.

He stepped to a full length mirror and exclaimed again, "Wow! You made this for me!" He turned around and noted how the elastic completely disappeared in his ass crack til he bent over and looked between his legs. He viewed the elastic going down across (and slightly pushing apart) his anus.

Turning again in front, with a now rock hard penis filling the orange pouch, above the white printed Scout emblem which was pushed out by his heavy balls. He noted how the top of the triangle just covered the top of his compact, still light in both color and texture, pubic hairs.

He then hugged Doug as tightly as he could, his slightly covered genital mashed into the yoonger boy. He reached to Doug's crotch and said, "Well, lets see if you did as good a job on your own."

Stepping back, Doug opened his Scout belt, unhooked the waist and unzipped the fly, then pulled down the custom pegged legs of the pants. Standing erect (and with an erect boy penis) he showed off his new Scout uniform thong underwear.

The two boys quickly got fully dressed in their uniforms, grabbed their Scout gear, and headed to the meeting. For both boys the meeting was filled with not only Scout activities but non-stop viewing of fellow Scouts and constant reminder of their special new additions to their uniforms. After the meeting, they of course first reviewed their positive feelings of their sexy aand then engaged in thier own post meeting sex.

Well, as we follow the adventures of Doug and Hank we will, as promised, all the details of their sexual adventures and undoubtedly meet some other Scouts who join them in their special activities and perhaps unique uniforms. For sure, Hank will have uniform pants and shirt modified by Doug. There will also be some even more innovative undergear designed by Doug using some components contributed by Hank and worn by both boys, and not only at Scout functions.

So, don't go away. Be ready for some really hot sex as these boys show how they follow the precept "Be Prepared" -- in their case prepared for total boy-to-boy sexual enjoyment!

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