Scout Rob in Charge

By John Comstock

Published on Feb 18, 2018


Scout Rob In Control Part 5

If you're not looking for sex – including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted but only completed work, including the copyright notice.

Preface-This story is fiction based on a fantasy I wish to happen. The recalling of earlier events in life are based off of true events, but the names have been changed to protect those involved. The use of any screenname is the author's and you do have permission to look at those sites with the consent of this author.

Starting with this installment, characters that have been introduced in earlier installments that are in this installment will be listed to assist readers on individuals. If a character is introduced in this installment, they are not listed. * Jack (narrator) – gay man/faggot. Very submissive and into many different kinks * Rob – Boy Scout/childhood friend – straight, divorced with one daughter – exploring his kink side * Gary – (along with friend Mitch) former teaching colleague who gets together from time-to-time for lunch or dinner. Straight, married with children.

Thank you to the many people who either e-mailed me or went to Recon and gave me feedback on Parts 1 thru 4 and again I welcome feedback on this part story. Also happy to receive messages on my Tumblr page, which a few of you did. I have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at Go to my Recon account kcam Tumblr kcolderfaggot

Also wanted to let you know two things 1. An Alpha Sir in England dared me to write about the first time this faggot realized it was a true submissive faggot. That story is on my Tumblr page. 2. I have written a separate story and posted here on Nifty called the Truckers Inn. It was posted February 6, 2018


Authoritarian/CMNM/Humiliation/Urination _________________________________________________

Scout Rob In Control Part 5

Thursday evening and I was so exciting about the trip to the lake with Rob. He still had not told me the time to be at his place, but I was hoping the earlier the better. I figured after tax season, he would want to get away as soon as he could. Finally around 7:30, I got a text from Rob. All it said was I needed to look at my e-mail for details. I wasted no time and jumped on the computer for the e-mail. There it was. I opened it and it had the details for tomorrow.

`Ok faggot, here's the deal. You will be at my house @ 1 in the afternoon. My car will be in the street, so I want you to park in my need for the neighbors to try and figure why a parked car was in front of my house, all weekend. Pull in and come inside through the not strip to enter this time only. Once inside, get the keys for my SUV, off the counter and then back my car up into the driveway, parking it less than 6 inches from the where the garage door will precise faggot. You will see two coolers on the floor, several packages on the kitchen table as well as two suitcases; load them into the back of the SUV. Once loaded, you will go to the SUV and lay out the waterproof sheet (the kind used on top of a mattress for people with urination issues at night). Before getting into the SUV, strip (with exception of shoes), put the clothes on the floor board next to the consul so I could reach them and then get into the car. Leave the door open. Once I have seen you have completed all of this, I will come out and strap you in and then we will leave. You will be naked for the trip down.

You will clean yourself out tomorrow, after 11:30 so we can start the trip with a clean ass boy.

What you should wear and bring: Wear nothing more than: * Jeans * T-shirt * Tennis shoes (No belt, underwear or socks, etc.) What you should pack for yourself. * 3 pair of old underwear you don't care if you should care about underwear at all. * 1 pair of socks * 1 pair of old jeans that you have no use for. * 2 t-shirts that are worn and have holes in them. * Shaving Cream * Mouthwash Put all of this into a backpack, and put that in the SUV when putting the other stuff in there.

Hopefully this is clear faggot, but do you have any questions? Text them to me or acknowledge you understand by texting fag.

Master Rob.'

I had no problem understanding what he wanted, so I texted him that I understood and I would be there at one. He texted back, no solid food after breakfast...I would be on a liquid diet for most of the weekend. That settles it, will get up around 7 to head to the diner for one last solid meal in the morning. Tonight it's about was finding those things I need to take. I got out one of my backpacks and put a bottle of mouthwash and some shaving cream in there, but he said nothing about a razor, so I didn't put one in. Then I found the jeans I would wear with a t-shirt that had Boston' on the front. Got an older pair of tennis shoes out that would be comfy, so I was set on what I would wear. Now the other things; first I found 3 briefs that should have been thrown away, so I thought, perfect. The next drawer had socks, so I found a pair of white socks and threw them in. Then I dug through the drawers for a pair of jeans that probably would not be returning. Finding a pair that was worn and had a couple of holes, I folded and put them in the backpack. All that was left was a couple of t-shirts that had holes in them...again assuming these would not be coming back. Looking through my t-shirts I found two of them I use to wear when working in the yard. One had Provincetown' on it and the other had a faded `San Francisco'. They both were perfect. Folded and in the bag they went. Now I was ready. The problem now – I was wide awake and I knew I would have to get to sleep before long. I decided to have a beer to help me relax. It was perfect.

I watched some TV and just tried hard not to think about tomorrow and the weekend. That proved to be hard, just like my cock. But the beer did help me somewhat to relax and finally I was able to go to bed and try and sleep. It did take a bit of time, but finally went to sleep and I am sure I slept with a smile on my face all night.

Friday morning, and I woke up about 3 minutes before the alarm. My cock was already hard and I was truly excited about this weekend. Decided to go to breakfast first, so I could give the food a chance to get thru me before the trip. Putting on sweats and a sweatshirt, I headed down to the diner for a quick breakfast. While reading the paper and drinking coffee, I heard, "You ready for your orgy at the lake?" It was Gary.

"What are you doing down here at this hour?"

"I gotta run up North for some errands for the wife and I needed coffee, so I stopped here for a quick to-go cup. What are you doing up so early?"

"Just getting a jump on the day, before heading to the lake."

"Oh yeah, the orgy."


"Gotta get my `honey-do' list done, so I better take off. You try (with sarcasm) to have some fun."

Oh if he only knew what I was in store for; but I know for sure Gary and even more sure for Mitch (Mr. Straight Lace), that they would not really approve of my kinky side of life...well maybe some of it...but definitely not all of it. Breakfast showed up; I had ordered biscuits and gravy, thinking it would go thru me quicker. So I ate my breakfast finishing the newspaper, paid the bill and took off for home.

Now planning out the morning, he wants me there at 1 and it is a 30 minute drive, so I want to leave by 12:15 for plenty of time. It is just about 8:30, so to get my libido going I decide to read some nifty stories. By 9:30 I was already horned up for the trip. I decided to go ahead and do the general clean up (not out), such as shaving and showering. As I was shaving, I need to take a piss. I finished shaving then got a cup and pissed in it. Then I stepped into the shower and before my regular shower, I gave myself a Friday morning Golden Shower...and it felt like heaven. Then I took my shower which I was probably in there a good 20 plus minutes. Once out, I dried off and went back to the computer to look at my Tumblr page and others as well as looked at my Recon account. No messages on Recon. Yes, my balls were full from not coming for a while.

After puttering around the house for a while, it was almost 11:30, so I got everything out to do a thorough cleaning of my ass. Got the temperature comfortable in the shower and then I started to just use the shower buddy. It took a good 6 or 7 times to really see clear water coming out, but I did it even a couple of more times. Now using a dildo (that I didn't pack...a good faggot usually has more than one), I lubed it up and started shoving it in and out to loosen up the ole asshole. It all felt pretty good, and I still had probably a good 20 minutes before I had to leave. So I made sure the backpack was by the door, and I got dress. At 12:15 I left to go on this great adventure.

Traffic at this time of day was not bad and I made it to Rob's neighborhood with about 20 minutes to spare. I stopped into the 7-eleven store for some mints and to kill a little time. Then off again driving slowly in a round-about way to get to Rob's condo, but I pulled up to it at 12:58. The garage door was already open, and I pulled in slowly. He had only a one car garage since he had a small condo in this neighborhood. I waited for my phone to say 1:00 and then I got out. I went to the kitchen and there was all the things he said we would be taking. Grabbing the keys, I went back outside and backed up the SUV to 6 inches from where the garage door. I had to get out several times to make sure I was close enough, but it looked like less than 6 inches, so I should be okay.

After opening up the back hatch, I got my backpack and put it in the vehicle. Then going back inside, the suitcases were next and there were two of them, and they both seemed heavy. After putting those in the SUV, going back, I saw the two coolers, so I took those out next. I did not look in anything since my instructions were to just get the car packed. I put both coolers in the back seat to make it easier to get to if Rob wanted something. Then putting the stuff I brought over on Wednesday into the car, which by now, the car, was getting pretty filled up. But there was still room for the carry bags of goods he had on the table. I brought those out and with a little shuffling everything fit.

Now came the next part, laying out the plastic sheet they use for people who wet their bed. I laid it out so it would cover the whole seat. Now time to strip. Pretty sure this will be the last time until Sunday night I would have any of these clothes on or clothes on in general. First, taking off my shoes, so I could take my jeans off, then putting the shoes back on, I folded the jeans and put them in the car. I had already looked around and saw no neighbors at this time. Then the t-shirt came off and I folded it and laid it on top of the jeans, both next to the consul. I proceeded to get in the SUV and left the door open as instructed. There I was totally naked in Rob's car with the door wide open.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door inside the garage closed and Rob came out to the car. He went to his side first and opened his door and put a drink in the cup holder in the consul. There was another container in the other cup holder, which I would find out later, was for me. Leaving his door open, he came around to my side of the car. Then he reached for the lever that would lower the back of the seat, so there I was more lying down rather than sitting up. Next he grabbed the seat belt.

"Put your arms above your head faggot."

I did that and he took the seat belt over my chest and clicked it. Interesting that there seemed to be some plastic wrapped around the strap of the seat belt. Reaching behind the seat Rob produced bungie cords. With my hands still above my head, he put the first one across my chest and around the seat and hooked the two hooks together. Before he did the others he said, "Okay faggot, bring your legs up to your chest." I thought, `am I going to have to ride down in a ball position,' but no, he produced my butt plug.

"Let's see how well you cleaned out boy. You're going to travel the first part of the journey with this up your ass." With that said, he took the butt plug, which he had lubed, and stuck it up my butt. This time he was a bit more gentle then he was when I was over here for the cook out. Again I was thinking, either Rob has done his homework or he has had experience doing this before. No matter.

"Okay put down your legs."

He then used the bungie cords to tie up my legs. Hooking one end into something under my seat, he wrapped the rest around my ankles. These were much short, but I could move my leg, but to stretch I would have to stretch the bungie cord itself. Last he produced my pair of wrist restraints that I had brought over. Wow, Rob really had gotten into this. He put the restraints on, attaching the two together with a 12 inch chain and then attached the last bungie cord to the chain and the other end to below the seat. I was now secure.

"Looks like this faggot is ready to travel," Rob said as he grabbed my balls.

What he produced next surprised me. Headphones were put on me so I couldn't hear anything, but they were attached to something on the consul. He then closed the door and went around, got in and closed his. Putting the garage door down automatically, he started the engine and we were off for the lake. I really could not see out the window to the sides, since the seat was put down so far, but he didn't blindfold me. As we started driving, we came up on a red light and stopped. He took his phone and snapped a pic of me, the sent it to someone, I was assuming Richard. Thank god the light changed and the highway was not far from his house, so as we made it to the highway, with hopefully, few people seeing anything.

Now traveling down the highway, Rob's voice came through the headphones. I hadn't noticed that he had put on a headset with a microphone attached. He started to go thru things that would happen on the way down.

"First and foremost it is obvious you will not be able to get out of the car until we are at the lake. So if you need to take a pee, you just do, however you must first tell me so I can guide that pecker of yours, understand faggot?" I nodded.

"That brings me to the second thing for the car and really for the whole weekend. You will address me as Master or Master Rob the whole time. Sir can be acceptable at times, but not over used. If asked a question, you should answer it quickly and finish with Master Rob. Understand?"

"Yes Master Rob."

"Since the trip to the lake is usually over an hour and half, we will make one stop. There is a rest area about 40 minutes down the road. That will be our one stop. I will probably go use the restroom, but you will be stuck in the car. After I came out, I will take out the butt plug and we will start the second round of the trip. If you are thirsty, I do have a drink for you here. I did cool it down with ice thou. I am sure you have heard of Iced Tea...will this is Iced Pee, freshly brewed (said with sarcasm) this morning. It is in the other canister, and you should be able to stretch to reach it." Off and on I would reach and drink some Iced Pee.

I could see him smile a bit, with a kind of sly snear. "You will also get to listen to some recordings I found, thanks to your Tumblr page. I paid and downloaded recordings from a master called fagmasterpdx'. You should find them interesting." And with that he switched it over to the recordings. This one was repeating over and over the idea that you are a worthless are here to serve your master' and so on and so forth. OMG an hour and a half of listening to this, was Rob trying to brainwash me? I was already a faggot; what was he wanting now; for to this to go a lot further?

He played it for about 2 minutes, then broke in to talk. "Are you enjoying the ride so far (again with sarcasm)?"

"Yes Master Rob."

"Good, one more thing about this trip down. Any truckers we pass, I plan on slowing down. You need to look up and see if they are looking at your pathetic body and dick. If they are, smile and play with your cock boy. Got it?"

"Yes Master Rob." Then the recordings came back on.

We came up on a trucker, so I looked up as he looked down. I smiled, thumbs up and I played with my cock. Rob slowed so he was next to us for a short while, and he kept looking so I kept smiling and playing. We drove past several more trucks, and some looked and enjoyed while others did not look at all. I'm sure Rob was loving this. As we passed the trucks, I just kept playing with myself; all the time listening to the recording of being a faggot. It really was hypnotic to listen to and keeping my eyes open was rough. It had been probably 25 minutes and now I had to piss.

"Master Rob, I need to piss Sir."

He broke into the recording, "Hold it a second, I will tell you when."

We pulled next to another truck, and of course I looked up, and yes he was looking. He looked like a big burly trucker for sure, but he was most interested in watching. So Rob, matched his speed, then told me to pee. He held my cock as I started to piss all over me, while the trucker was watching. I could tell he was really enjoying the sight with the big smile he had on his face. Rob just kept moving my cock up and down, so I was pretty well covered. Once finished, Rob told me to give him a thumbs up, wave and smile, which I did. Then we moved on and the recordings started again.

About 10 minutes after the piss session in the car, Rob pulled into the rest area he had told me about early. He parked on the side where the big rigs park. There were only a couple of big rigs there since it was the middle of the afternoon. Rob left the car running and the recording going, but broke in long enough to tell me he had to go pee. He took the canister with the Iced Pee in it with him. He would refill it for the faggot. As I was laying there naked, a big rig pulled up right next to the SUV. As Rob came out of the restroom, the trucker got out of his rig. OMG it was the one that had watched me piss myself. I couldn't see what was going on, until I saw the two of the come up next to my side. Rob unlocked the car with his remote and opened the door. Rob took the headphones kind off so I could hear.

"Hey faggot, this is Kevin. He really enjoyed the show you gave him with your piss. He asked me if he could use you instead of the toliet to piss, and I said sure. However, he did wanted to feel your merchandise first. Go ahead Kevin."

"Thanks, very nice faggot you got there Rob."

With that he grabbed my balls, then pulled and squeezed them. I moaned some, then he slapped my cock and smacked my balls.

"Rob, looks like you're going to have some fun for the weekend for sure. Okay, I need to get going so I better do my duty," and with that he unzipped and whipped out his 7 inch cock. He did really have to go as it was a gusher of piss all over me. He was careful to try and keep it just on me and not get on Rob's car both the insides and outsides.

"Hey, Kevin, let the faggot take off those last few drops instead of you shaking them off," and with that said, Kevin leaned in and put his cock next to my mouth and I opened and try to lick the last drops. It was hard since I was tied down, but it still tasted good, and even better, I got a bit of his cock in my mouth.

"You got one hungry faggot there Rob. You might have to keep him leash and tied up all weekend so he doesn't go to wild." They both laughed as Kevin put his cock in his pants. They shook hands and Kevin got back into his rig. Rob reached over me to put the canister of Iced Pee back and looked at me.

"You really are such a faggot," with a big smile. "Now I told you that the butt plug would come out at this point, so I need to undo your legs." He did this and I raised my legs up and he reached and took out the butt plug. What was really embarrassing about this is the fact that Kevin was still looking down from his rig and just smiling and laughing the whole time.

"Now for the next part we have some clothes pins," which he had in a small bag that he had pulled out from behind his seat when he put the canister back. "I have 15 clothes pin. 5 for each boob, 4 for your balls and one for your worthless pecker."

He started put them on, first the left boob, one on the nipple and the other four close by. Then did the same for the right boob. When he got to the balls, four on the ball sac two be each nut, then the one right under the head of the cock on the underside. Kevin was still watching with amazement, and Rob seemed a bit more macho and authoritative in his action. He was really getting more and more into this role. He adjusted the headphones back on, which was still going, then closed the door. I could see him talking with Kevin before coming around and getting in. Sure they were having fun at my humiliation and degradation.

Once in the car, he got his headset back on and jumped on his microphone. "Okay faggot, did you enjoy that whole scene...don't answer, you cock answered for you." He was right, my cock was rock hard. "Now here is how the clothes pins work...I will take one off every 5 minutes, but you have to repeat what is being said on the recording at that time. We will still slow down for truckers...seems to pay off for you, but that is how it works. Listen well boy." The recording started again. I could tell he had about 5 different recordings...this one is brainwashing me to be a toilet. What I did was just keep repeating what they were saying in my mind to get these clothes pins off.

Finally the first test, and I repeated what was said.

"I am a faggot toilet for my master, he will always use me as his toilet, I am nothing but a toilet for him."

The first clothes pin off, from my right boob. For the rest of the trip, this is how it would go. He first removed the 4 around my right nipple, then the four around my left nipple and the finally the ones of each nipple. From there the order was right ball, left ball, right ball and then left ball. All I had left was the one on my cock. But I could tell by this point, we were in a small town going down the main strip, so he didn't ask for a while. Finally leaving the town, he turned off on to a dirt road. Then he asked for the last response to get the clothes pin off and I did the correct response. But this means we were getting closer to his lake house.

We went about 9 or 10 miles on the dirt road, but I still couldn't really see anything except the top of trees, and there seemed to be more and more as we drove. Finally we drove up a little hill and stopped. I could tell that we were deep into the woods and for sure far from the main road. Rob stopped the car and got out. Once the car was turned off, the recordings stopped as well. He left the car, leaving his door wide open and I assume went to the house to open it. With his door open, I could see the lake downhill and a path from the lake house to it. The lake house really looked more like a cabin then some modern lake house. When he came to the car, he came to my side to open the door. Taking my headphones off, he started to undo all the bungie cords. He then took the wrist restraints off as well.

"Okay first things first, I need to pee." With that, he got me out of the car and told me to lay down on the ground, which I did. He opened his pants, letting out his cock, and let loose with a fountain of golden nectar. It was not quite as much as what Kevin had pissed on me, but it was enough. Once he was done, he zipped up his pants and started to go into the true master role.

"Okay slave, you need a quick rinse. Go down the path and jump into the lake and then come back. I will tell you what to do when you return."

Now it was not that far to the lake, but I was still naked and smelled like piss, not just from me pissing on myself, but trucker Kevin's piss and now Rob's piss. So I walked down to the lake. As I was walking I could not really see any other houses nearby and it seemed we were at the end of the road, since the road stopped here. Rob really had a very secluded lake cabin. Once I got to the lake, I jumped in, with my tennis shoes on, and jumped out. Then I walked back, dripping wet. Not sure I got all the piss off, but now I smell a bit like lake water as well.

As I approached Rob, he said, "Good at least the piss is gone. Okay, you need to empty the car into the cabin, clean up your mess on the passenger seat, and then put away the groceries. The two suitcases go into the bedroom. Your backpack just leave by the front door. Also make sure you have taken everything out of the carry bags and coolers and put them away. I need to take care of a couple of things out here, so you should done by the time I get back. Oh, your sandals are by the front door. Wear them only outside when leaving the porch. The rest of the time inside and on the porch you do not wear shoes. Now get busy faggot."

As Rob walked off with a small bag of something, I grabbed the two coolers to take inside. As I got to the door, I took off my tennis shoes and walked in barefooted. Once inside, I took the coolers to the kitchen and immediately started to empty the coolers. In one cooler, there was a six pack of beer, some milk, sticks of butter, a big container of sour cream, some lettuce with some extra stuff for a salad and a bag of ice cubes. I immediately put the bag of ice cubes in the freezer then proceeded to put the rest in the fridge itself. In the second cooler I found some sliced ham, mayo, mustard, two six packs of pudding packs, a can of whip cream you spray, some steaks, 3 dozen eggs and some odds and ends.

With the coolers empty, now I needed to get the rest out of the car taken care of. I first took care of the passenger seat and rinsed off the sheet. He did not say throw it away, so I did not yet. I brought in the carry bags of goods. I had an assortment of things, from potato chips to wine, as well as the stuff I had brought over. A couple of things did stand out. He had a big can of Crisco and a large container of wide plastic wrap. Interesting!

Once that was all put away, I went out and got the suitcases. I took them into the bedroom. He did not say to unpack these things, so I just put one of them (the larger one) on the suitcase stand and the other on top of the vanity. All I had left was to get my backpack, which I did, closed up the car and took the backpack inside and placed it by the front door. Then I went back outside and stood on the porch in the standard position, waiting for Rob to return.

When Rob came back, he ordered me inside and to stand by the fireplace and he went into the bedroom. When he returned, he had a collar and leash (which I provided), as well as ankle restraints and the wrist restraints that he taken off earlier. He had the leash hanging around his neck.

"Most of the time while you are here slave, you will wear these whether inside or outside. The times they come off will be decided by me, but usually for bathing purposes this will happen. On your knees boy."

Once on my knees he put the collar on first. He attached the leash to the collar, immediately. Then he order my arms up one at a time, first the right then the left, each time putting the wrist restraints back on. The difference this time, he had little padlocks that he attached on each wrist and also on the collar. Last he ordered me in standard position, and I got up and took the standard position. He then put on the ankle restraints each with its own padlock, first the right then the left. He grabbed his phone and took a pic of his new slave. He turned around and went back into the bedroom and came back with my ball-gag, blindfold and flogger.

As he set these down on the table he said, "I need to get into something more comfortable, so while I change the faggot needs to go out and stand on the porch in standard position facing the car so the whole world can see you for what you are." With that he turned around and went into the bedroom and I went outside and stood on the porch in standard position. In about 5 minutes he emerged wearing a leather harness and vest, a pair of leather gloves, leather pants and black engineer boots on. His pants had a detachable flap on the front so he could open it anytime he wanted his cock out. He walked in front on me and rubbed his glove across my face then stuck his fingers in my mouth.

"Master Rob is ready for the first round of fun today boy. Go get you sandals on."

I quickly got my sandals on and returned to standard position where I was earlier. He then took the ball-gag and with just word `open', I opened my mouth and he put it in and tied it off behind my head. Then he took the leash and started walking me off the porch around the cabin away from the lake. After about 10 feet he stopped and put the blindfold on me. Then I heard the click of another pic being taken. He grabbed the leash and we started walking. It was a bit scary not knowing the area or where we were going. We walked about ½ mile and stopped. He guided me to a particular point he wanted me to be at. Then he grabbed my right wrist and pulled it out and hooked to something. Then he did the same with the left wrist and hooked it to something. He undid the leash at this point, as if I could go anywhere. Then both of my arms were pulled upward and I could feel my feet leave the ground barely; so there I was dangling naked in the woods. The next thing to happen was Rob taking my right ankle and pulling it out and hooking it to something. He repeated it with my left ankle. Now I was spread eagled in the woods, naked. I heard a few more clicks of the camera so I knew he was taking pics now.

"Oh my dear faggot boy, you are allowing Master Rob to finally fulfill a desire that has been buried for years." As he continues, he is rubbing his hands all over my body from head to toe. He must have had a step ladder because a couple of times he would be behind me, but right in my ear. "You see all those years I was married, I could never explore the boundage master desires I wanted with my wife. She was too prim and proper and so we just had the average family life, with not a lot of sex. I never cheated on her, but I wanted these desires to emerge. Little did I know that my old scout buddy would be the one to let them all come out."

As he was talking and feeling around, he smack my ass a couple of times and even grabbed my balls and stretched them a bit. Every time with a bit of moan or groan from me. Wow, I was kind of right in the fact that Rob had this secret desire to be a Master.

"Okay faggot, since I am really pretty new to this, I need to make sure I respect limits etc. This is what I want to do." As he talked he continued to rub, touch and smack me at times. "You will use the word "yellow" if what we are doing has gone past your intensity, meaning you want to continue with the action, but no further intensity to this action. If gagged, use your fingers, put up both index fingers for me to see. Nod faggot if you understand."

I nodded.

"Good, now if you want just the activity or action to stop, but want to continue with the rest of the weekend or stuff we are doing, you will use the word "red" or show 2 fingers on each hand if gagged. That means we stop what we are doing but continue in the roles of Master/faggot. Again nod if you understand.

I nodded.

"Excellent! Now if you would want to stop the entire thing, and we go back to Rob & Jack, with nothing more for the session or the weekend you will say `go home' and it all stops. If gagged, make a fist with both hands then start flashing all five fingers back and forth, again we will stop everything. Understand...nod."

I nodded one more time.

"I can't believe part of my inner self if going to emerge right now. I have wanted to flog a person for as long as I can remember. I always wanted to do this with a women and in fact to my wife, not because I hated her, more for me and this `bondage master' feeling. But in this day and age, dominating a women like that doesn't seem right. But with a faggot it seems perfect. Now the one thing I believe in is that I want to see bright red, but no blood. This is something I am sticking with. Hope that is okay with you."

I nodded.

Thwack...the first strike hits me on the back. "I didn't ask for a respond faggot." With that three more strikes. "Nice". He then landed several on my ass, changing which cheek got attention with each swing. All through this I was moaning and (silently...gag in mouth) screaming. He continued for a while on the backside, between the ass cheeks and the back itself. Then he stopped and started to rub the back and ass. "Fucking nice faggot. You redden up real good." Then I could hear him walking around to the front and with his glove he started smacking my cock and balls. Again the faggot moaned and screamed. Then he took the flogger and started on my chest. Several hits on both tits and then even the stomach. "Wow, you really redden up fast fag." He just started rubbing my body and playing/twisting my tits. He then did some more cock and ball torture. Walking around he returned to the backside and started up again, flogging and the rubbing. Not sure how long we did this, but it felt like hours. I am sure it was probably 30 to 45 minutes.

Once he seemed done with that, I could hear him get like a foot stool or something to stand on. Then he spoke in my ear more quietly.

"Looking at your Tumblr page, I can tell you do enjoy a multiple of things including what's next. Hope you enjoy it boy."

Then I felt it...'it' was pouring all over me and down my body. I could tell by the texture and smell what it was...chocolate syrup, and he must have bought the large can of it. It was going all over the body and the only thing that was not getting the syrup was my arms and feet, since I had been sprawled out in a spread eagle binding. It really felt kind of good on my back, since it was so red and hot from the flogging.

It finally stopped, thinking the can was now empty, and Rob said, "Okay faggot, I am going back to the cabin and will come and get you in about 20 to 30 minutes. Enjoy the moment." Then I heard the clicking of the phone...more photos. Rob was really getting into this big time. Then I heard him walking away and leaving me there.

As I hung there, spread eagle, I could feel the syrup running on over my tits, tickling my nipples. Then down my back and into my crack and over my asshole. While hanging there and my arms getting tired, I started feeling flys landing on my skin where the chocolate was. I could barely wiggle to get rid of them, but they just kept flying back on me. It felt like more than 30 minutes, but I could hear someone walking and hoping it was Rob. It was.

"Well lookie what we have here, a chocolate faggot sundae." Then I could hear him laughing. "I think we need to clean up this piece of shit." We? Was there some else there as well. I swear I only heard the one set of footsteps. I first felt myself being lowered and my feet touching the ground. Rob undo the two ankle restraints so I could stand. Then I started to feel my arms/body being lowered as my feet were touching the ground. Then he undid the arms and it was only him doing it, so I felt that no one else was around. It really did not matter since he was in charge. He attached the leash to my collar and with command of `let's go', we were walking again. There is nothing like walking blind, leashed and covered in chocolate syrup for a good hike. If ANYONE saw this it would be so humiliating to this faggot for sure, but isn't that the point.

Once back at the cabin, he instructed me to stand in a certain place after taking off my sandals. Not being told what to do, I took the standard position we talked about when we first started these roles with each other. Then it hit me...the very cold water. He was hosing down the faggot and it is was bitter cold. I tried hard not to move, but I could feel my cock shrinking in the cold and my nipples getting hard. Then the hose was put down and I felt a scrub brush being used. I just stood there. With the order to bend over (which I did) he scrubbed my ass, the crack and the asshole clean. After scrubbing the whole body, he turned the hose on my again and rinsed me off. He then turned off the water and came over to me. Lifting the blindfold, I realized that Rob was back wearing jeans and t-shirt, not the leather. How interesting, and no one else was around.

"Okay dry off," as he threw me a small towel. "Tonight you need to make dinner, and I brought the stuff to make spaghetti for us and a nice salad for me. Get in the kitchen and make it up and call me when it's ready fag. I will be out here doing some things before the sun starts to go down." And with that I was off to make the spaghetti for dinner. As the spaghetti was cooking and using already made sauce and let it heat up, I made a salad for Rob. After setting the table, I finished making the dinner, got the table set with a beer for Rob on the table (water for this faggot). Put everything on the table, then went outside to get Rob.

"Dinner is ready Master Rob."

We both walked in and to the table. "Tonight no silverware for the faggot." I immediately removed my silverware. "We need to replug you up for dinner faggot, so go get the butt plug, lube it up and bring it here." I went and got the butt plug and lubed it up and brought it to Rob. This time however he put it on the chair and told me to sit on it and get it up there. Putting myself over the butt plug, I slowly lowered myself and was about ½ down, when he took my shoulders and just shoved me down all the way. The plug went right up my ass where it had been earlier.

He then told me to stand, which I did and he inspected the plug, got a towel and put it on the chair. "Okay sit boy," and after sitting back down, he chained my cuff hands together behind me. I knew what this meant, so as soon as Rob started eating, he indicated for me to start and like before I ate like a pig would eat. "Don't forget the gruntin' faggot." I started grunting pig sounds as I ate my spaghetti. "Oh my you must be thirsty," and he got up and got a bowl and poured my glass of water in it and put it next to the plate. I would eat some food, then lap up water. This went on for the whole dinner. Once dinner was complete, Rob told me to clean up the kitchen so we can get to round two before the sun goes down completely. He unchained the cuffs and I went to work, naked and plugged. I quickly cleared the table and wiped it down...I always try to check off things that need to get completed. Now I can concentrate on the kitchen. First, there was very little spaghetti and sauce left, so I just emptied both in the trash can. Now I tackled the dishes and pans. Once that was all completed I picked up any extra trash around the cabin and took the trash bag outside...there was a large container there.

When I returned Rob was standing there in his leather vest, pants and the boots. This time however the flap in front was gone and he was as hard as a rock. Immediately there I was standing in the standard position.

"Okay faggot, first everything looks good. Second let's go outside for round 2 and put your sandals on."

Once outside, he ordered me to follow him to the storage shed behind the cabin. He opened up the big door and I was amazed at what was there. It was a stockade on wheels, so it could be moved. It was on a platform with the top being about 10 inches off the ground. It had the standard stockade, where one puts there head and both arms in and then it slides down and has you locked. But there was a second shorter on about a foot to a foot and half back with a smaller contraption. On one end there was a rope tied to two eye hooks so this could be pulled. I was in shock.

"Master Rob is going to use you, faggot, as a horse to pull this out, but you don't quite look like one."

He had me stand where I could pick up the rope and pull it out. Then he told me to bend over, which I did. He removed the butt plug, but a second later it was back in. Then I could feel something brushing my leg. He ordered me to open my mouth and he put a bit in with bridal straps like you would put on a horse. He strapped them on and tighten them.

"Now you look like you should." Again he took some pics of me standing there with a horse bridal and bit on and a butt plug with a horse's tail. He attached the reins and got up on the moveable stockade. "Pick up the rope trigger." Now my horse name was trigger. Once I picked it up, he cracked a whip and said "Gittiup". I started pulling thinking this was going to weigh a ton, but it must have been made form of lighter wood, because it was no hard at all to pull. By using the reins he guided me to where he wanted it, pulled back on the reins and yelled, "Whoa".

He got off the platform and undid the reins, but left the bridal and bit on. Then he slid one of the slats on the platform which opened up two holes. He told me to put step into each hole, which were designed for the feet to go into. He slid the slat back into place and my feet were trapped right next to the shorter one. Once up there I realized both of the stockades could be moved up or down to suit the need to who was in them. He jumped up there and started guiding me towards the shorter one. It only had one hole; then I figured out, it was a small hole – just for the cock and balls. Lifting the top piece, he told me to put my cock and balls in the groove. I did then and he lowered it and locked it. I was now stuck there, with my cock and balls trapped. There I was, legs spread apart and my cock and balls trapped. He played a little with the balls and smacked my cock, before going on to the next thing. He then moved to the main part of the stockade and made it adjust to where all I had to do was bend over and my head and wrist would fit. Pulling up the upper piece, he ordered me to do just that, then he slid it down and locked that. Now I was for sure not going anywhere.

Hearing the clicks of the phone, he took more pics. "My, oh my, what a pretty picture this is. However, this isn't about you, it is about me and this Master is horny tonight," and without a word he got in front of me, unhooked the bit on one side so my mouth was now open. He shoved his hard cock in there and started to skull fuck this faggot.

"It has been way too long for me to go without fucking something and tonight faggot it is your lucky night."

He did this for about 4 or 5 minutes, but it seemed like a lot longer. Then stopping abruptly, he put the bit back in my mouth and hooked it, got off the platform and went inside the cabin. I couldn't see what he was doing since I was facing more towards the road coming in.

When he returned he started talking about the old times. "When we were young and you would come over in the afternoon, we played naked all day. I even remember you got hair down there before I did, I was so jealous. But you always liked to play dare games and humiliating ideas. Well using some everyday stuff, let's start with the humiliation."

He then took a couple of eggs, cracking them on my head letting the insides just seep around my ears and chin. Then he laid 6 eggs on my back which was perfectly parallel to the platform. With a belt of his, he started to smash each one on my back, making me lick the belt clean each time. After that, I couldn't see what he was putting on me, but it felt a bit greasy and gooey at the same time. He was smearing in on tits and in my armpits. Again some pics were taking.

He went around to the back and I heard him say, "We don't need this in there anymore." Then the horse tail butt plug came out. But shortly after that, I could feel the same stuff being applied to my ass, then into my ass. Rob would get one finger in, then before long two fingers and finally three fingers in. I was moaning and groaning with the bit in my mouth. But what he put into my ass next I wasn't quite sure. It was solid, but not real solid, and kind of a square shape feel. He left it there and took some more pics. After wiping off his hand on my legs, he came around to the front and he was holding the can of Crisco.

"You see back in our youth we couldn't go on line and buy lube or get dildos or buy things we could humiliate and degrade each other with. The eggs were just for my fun and seeing you lick the stuff off my belt was hot. The Crisco is now on your man boobs and ass and for the dildo, (with a pause) well a stick a butter had to do. You are such a faggot. Now here is how this scenario is going to play out fag. Let me see if I can get you to recall some things."

He got right in front of me and stared me in the eyes. He knew he was in charge.

"I have always known that I am straight, and even doing all of this to you, doesn't make me gay, just a straight man using a worthless faggot. But when we were about 10, one of the times you were over and we were naked, you got on my back, while we were lying on the floor, watching TV. Then you tried to stick your cock in my ass. Nod if you remember that fag."

I nodded. He then started just walking around and talking.

"We didn't get far because it hurt too much and you stopped, which by the way...thank you. Once we got up to Boy Scouts we were tent mates quite a lot of times. Again at night we would be naked and had fun. I even remember the first time you had an orgasm from me playing with you. But a few years in, one overnight you played with my asshole which I kind of liked, then tried again to fuck your cock up there. Do you remember that fag?"

I nodded again.

"Well tonight, Scout Rob is getting his revenge. I am going to fuck you and pound your ass so hard, that I don't care if your ass is bruised in the morning. Back then, we should have realized that we were in the wrong position and I should have fucked you then. But tonight, I am making up for all that. So faggot get ready."

He got back on the platform behind me, took out the stick of butter and walked around. Again undoing my bit, he took the stick of butter and shoved it into my mouth. "Hope you like the taste of your ass with a little butter." He returned to the back and without too much prep, he shoved his hard cock in my ass and started pumping. His pumping hard made the stockade rock a bit. He was balls deep and going at it, which I could feel on my prostrate. It did make my cock and balls stretch at times, but he was determined to have his cum up my ass. Time always seems lost in these cases, but it was probably a good 15 to 20 minutes, with him stopping only to catch his breath and smack my ass. In the middle of all this, it started raining, not hard as hard as it did the time at Rob's place, but just hard enough. Finally he was panting harder and harder, so I was trying to squeeze my asshole around his dick to help.

"You have needed this for so long you fucking little faggot Boy Scout. I should have flipped you over then and shoved this piece of meat up your ass, so we both would have known that you were nothing more than a faggot cum hole. Oh, shit, I am coming."

Then he let fly several streams of cum up my ass, which I could feel each one. After shooting all that cum, he still did some pumping with his cock as it started to go down. He final withdrew his cock and smack my ass one more time.

"I need a beer," and got off the platform and went inside to get a beer, leaving me in the stockade. I was probably there for about 20 plus minutes in the rain. Finally he returned, first taking the bridal off and then he undid the different sections letting the faggot out. He turned on the hose and sprayed me and the stockade down.

"Go to the porch and I will get you something to dry off with boy."

We both walked to the porch and I stood there waiting for Rob to bring something to dry off this faggot. He finally came out and handed me a towel and told me to come in when I was dry. Whew...what a session, my ass was still hurting, but most of his cum was still up there. Was trying hard to keep it there. Once dry, I went in and he was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigar watching a baseball game on cable. He motioned for me to come over; then did a second motion for me to sit down next to him. He had put a blanket there for me to sit on. He just stroked my head like I was a good doggy.

After a while, he said he needed to take a shower, but for me to stay there. He put a bowl of water with a couple of ice cubes down next to me. At least I could have something to drink. He patted me on my head and headed that way. About 20 minutes later, he emerged from the shower, naked as a jay-bird.

"Come here faggot." I crawled over to where he was. "I need to take a piss before bed, but first do you have to pee?"

"Yes Master Rob, can this faggot pee Sir?"

"Crawl out on to the front porch and piss like a dog does off the porch." I crawled over to the door, opening it I went out and lifted my leg and took a piss. It really felt good. When finished, I crawled back in and over to Rob.

"That was a good dog. As your reward, you can have Master's piss now."

"Oh thank you Master Rob, it would be an honor, yet so degrading Sir."

With that I opened my mouth and Rob laid his cock on my tongue and he started to piss. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but some did drip on the floor. Once completed, I bent down and licked the rest, off the floor. He then turned and walked into the bedroom. Since he had not told me where to sleep, I just stayed there. Finally he called for me to come in. I crawled up to him right between his legs and his cock was getting hard again.

"You want to suck Master's cock, don't you?"

"Yes Master Rob."

"Go ahead for a short time," which I immediately took his cock back into my mouth and sucked. We did this for about 5 minutes, then he told me stop.

"Okay faggot, here is the sleeping arrangements, I get the bed, and you get the cage."

He pointed to a big cage in the corner of the room. He said it was for his Great Dane he had earlier in life, but now was home for his Grand Faggot. There was a blanket on the floor of the cage, with the plastic cover I had sat on all the way down covering the blanket. He told me that was there incase his doggy had an accident overnight. There was also a big bowl of water in there, in case the doggy got thirsty. He had me crawl over and as he opened the cage, I crawled in. He shut the door, but didn't lock, which didn't make a difference, because I knew not to leave.

"You get some rest, you have a very busy day tomorrow, so the faggot does need its sleep. Good night boy."

With that he walked over and crawled into bed. It was a big cage, so I didn't have to curl up too much, but tried to find a comfortable position. Once I did that, while falling asleep, I just kept thinking about what a wild day this faggot had, and all I could do was smile. Finally I got to sleep.

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