Scout Rob in Charge

By John Comstock

Published on Dec 26, 2017


Scout Rob In Control

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Preface-This story is fiction based on a fantasy I wish to happen. The recalling of earlier events in life are based off of true events, but the names have been changed to protect those involved. The use of any screenname is the author's and you do have permission to look at those sites with the consent of this author. I do welcome feedback on this story. Please e-mail me at



It had been years since Rob and I went to dinner, but it seemed like he really needed to talk to me about something. The thing that was really weird about this meeting is the fact he ask me right after the long extended hug at his mother's visitation. But, who am I to turn down a possible free dinner and a chance to reminisce about old times. Both of us are in our late 50s, so it would be like two old friends getting together, but for me, not exactly. See, I am a true faggot by every stretch of the word. I love to get on my knees and suck cock or even drink from the tap. I also love having a good cock up my ass or better yet, a golden shower. Humiliation and degradation or two things that will get this faggot's mind racing with erotic thoughts. Rob knows I am gay, so why the need to meet for dinner?

Rob is a straight married man with a daughter. He has been a CPA for all of his life and with just a few exceptions of getting together, we really had lost contact after high school. So here I sit at Olive Garden, waiting for Rob to show up. It gave me some time to remember how we were in the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts together. Both of our parents were super involved, both moms being Den Mothers and worked together (which Rob & I were in the same Den), and both dads being Scout Masters, it just seemed like Rob and I were together all the time. It started in the summer of turning 9 years old. Mom had given me permission to ride my bike over to Rob's house which was just over a mile away. With Rob's mom and dad both working, I would go over to play, and play we did. We always ended up naked and playing with each other and doing dares and other things. One time he dared me to step outside his side door naked, and of course I did. I should have known then I was good at taking orders. Once in Boy Scouts, Rob and I would be tent mates most of the time for our monthly overnight campouts. We would be naked at night and again would play with each other. Since we were both in puberty, we would jack either other off and play with each other's dick and balls. When I was about 13, on one overnight campout, I put Rob's dick in my mouth. That was first time I sucked on a dick, and I really did like...I mean REALLY liked it. We would play with each other until we both left the Boy Scouts around 16 years of age. As I was thinking about all this, I suddenly realized that my dick was getting hard. Shit, Rob is going to be here soon, and I don't want him catching me with a boner.

Just as my dick was starting to go down, Rob showed up at the table. He stood about 6'3", a couple inches taller than myself. He was always on the heavier side, but not fat by any means. All I know is that he looked so massive standing over me. "Well aren't you going to stand up and give me a hug?" he said. I got up and he gave me a very tight bear hug, and my dick jumped again. If he didn't feel it, he must have no feeling below the belt. "Damn, it's good seeing you. I really wanted to thank you for coming to mom's visitation. I was surprised, but was really hoping you would come." We sat down and with some small talk about the funeral, and general things, we ordered. He also ordered a bottle of wine. When the salad came, we just continued to talk. I told him that I had took early retirement from teaching, but was still substituting. As we continued to talk about what our lives are like, I told him I never found the right man for my life, which we both kind of laughed over, and then add I was trying to just enjoy life. He started talking about his life in general, which I found out that he was still a CPA in his own practice. Then, he told me his daughter had gotten married. But the surprise came when he said that he had gotten a divorce from his wife, just a year before his mom passed. In the divorce, she got to keep the house, but he got the house down at the lake. He was now living in a small condo and just trying to get his "life" going again. Asking him if he was dating he said, "I'm not and I'm really wasn't interested." Well that perked my interest as well as my dick.

"Well then what do you do for fun?" I injected.

"Not really much to say on that front. Guess I look at naked pictures and jack off most of the time," he said with a smile and smirk.

My comment back was simply, "that can always be fun."

Now my dick was getting harder thinking about Rob jacking off. As a faggot he really is the kind of guy I like to service; big, in command and intelligent. The one thing that will always turns me off is when a guy doesn't sound smart and many time this leads to the fact they are not smart. Rob was different for sure. Shit, I felt some precum in my underwear. Oh well so be it.

"I do go down to the lake more often now, just to get away from the city and relax, at least for most of the year. When tax time comes, I don't make it down as often."

"Doesn't it get kind of lonely when you're down there?"

"Not really...mainly because I usually go just for the weekend, so it is a short trip down, a quick stay, and a short trip back...then it's back to work."

"What do you do down there all be yourself?" me with a smirk on my face. "Just run around naked all the time?"

"That and smoke cigars" he said with a straight face. "Maybe you should come down might be like one of our overnight campouts."

Now my mind is about to explode. Is he asking me down so we can get naked and I could have another round with his cock? This would be awesome for sure. Now I had to say something... in my smart ass way, "be careful what you wish for." He just smiled.

He then went on to about what else he does to occupy his time. I tuned most of it out, except when he talked about his three buddies playing poker every so often. He indicated that two of three were also divorce, so it was a good way just to have a bromance going with some friends. I asked how old they were, and he said two were in their late 40s and the other in his 50s. I jokingly asked, did they ever play strip poker, and to my surprise he said on a couple of occasions, just to make the evening interesting. Again, my mind and dick went wild. As we finished up dinner and the check came, I started to go for, but he insisted on paying, since he knew teachers never made that much. I didn't argue at all. As we sat waiting for the waiter to bring back his credit card, he asked if he wanted to continue this conversation at his place. It was only about a mile from the restaurant, so I said, "Sure, why not." Even though my dick and mind were doing flip-flops, I knew that probably nothing would happen at his place and all we would do is just have a conversation and drink...nothing more. Boy was I going to be wrong.

We went out into the parking lot and got in our own cars; with me following him. It was a quiet little neighborhood that he lived in. Once we got inside, he told me to take off my shoes, which he did the same. I really didn't think to strangely of this, since some people try to keep their places pretty clean. It was a nice one-bedroom condo with a small patio that had a wooden fence around it, which gave it privacy. He ask what I wanted to drink and I said didn't care...whatever, so he brought out a bottle of wine and some glasses. As we sat there, again doing small talk, I noticed him eyeing my crotch. Then I thought to myself that it was just wishful thinking. All of a sudden he indicated that he had to use the bathroom; so he got up and went into the bathroom. I thought to myself, "Good, I can quickly adjust my semi-hard dick and be more comfortable." He didn't shut the bathroom door and just took a piss while still making small talk. As he came out of the bathroom, his pants were still unzipped and unbuckled.

"God, that feels much better. Do you mind if I take off my pants, I told you that I spend time around at home being comfortable in my boxer briefs or running shorts instead pants"?

"Sure, your house, your rules is what I always say."

"Glad to hear you say that". He took off his pants and draped them over a chair then sat back down on the couch.

After taking a sip of the wine, he asked me, "What do you do for "fun" these days? Are you seeing anyone or at least have some fun out there?"

This caught me off guard a bit.

I said I didn't date much and felt that those thoughts of dating were in the past. Then added, "I try to hook up when I can to have some fun. Might be getting old but at least the sex drive still does exist."

Rob then asked, "So what do you do? Do you go to the bars or what?"

Now I was really confused and not sure where to take this conversation. I never had this type of talk with a straight man, so what do I tell him. Part of me said to play it safe and just agree with him on the bars, but the other part wanted to tell him about the real ways I hook up. Then I thought, oh what the hell and threw caution to the wind.

"The bars in this town really suck for older men. Most of the bars are set up for the 20 somethings. I usually go to the adult video arcade or get on line on one of the hook-up websites."

"You mean you can get sex at the adult video arcades? How does that work?"

Okay I opened it up, so I guess I will have to tell him. "There is one that has glory holes between booths that you can visit and then get sucked off through those. But to be honest, I really don't care for glory holes. But if you cruise long enough you usually can find a booth door open with someone wanting some "fun". Then you go in and see where it leads to." All I could think about was that I was giving him TMI (too much information). But then I noticed his boxer briefs starting to show growth.

He asked, "Is it just a quickie or what?"

"Sometimes, but at other times I have gone all the way in one a booth, getting totally naked and letting things happen." Again, it seemed like his briefs did a little movement.

"Wow that just seems wild. What websites do you use the most, adam4adam, Grinder or Recon?" he asked. This got my attention fast. Did he just say Recon? I'm thinking does he really know about the gay fetish/bdsm website Recon? This is throwing me for loops.

"Never been on adam4adam, but I do have an account on Grindr. Don't really use that one much either. I do like Recon and have an account on there. Been lucky off and on with that account. Would say more on than off."

"Mmmmm...might have to look that one up sometime to see what you are into." Okay he seems to know what this is about and now my dick is really getting hard thinking about all this. "What's the account name?"


"Good to know", as he looked at my crotch for the first time. I am sure my bulge was quite clear.

"I sometimes chat with guys through my Tumblr account, kcolderfaggot. But mostly there, people just chat about their fantasies and then I just look at the pics that excite me."

We chatted a little bit more and he got up and got some more wine for us. When he was walking back from the kitchen, I noticed his briefs were holding in a very hard cock which looked like it was trying to get out. My mind just kept wandering about all the "what ifs" that could happen.

As we continued we started to stroll down memory lane. We chatted about the different overnights dealing with weather or just the conditions. One time we camped in snow that was about 8 inches deep overnight. They had predicted maybe an inch, or the time it got below zero, which the official temperature was like minus 6. Then we thought about the hot temperatures at summer camp and how good it felt to go swimming. Then we got into the times we played with each other on the overnights. I told him that his dick was the first dick I ever had in my mouth. He remembered how nice it felt but couldn't understand why it felt good...remember were we both just 13, did we really know anything about the "whys" at that time. He made the comment that it seemed like I always enjoyed getting naked. The fact is I did...hell, I still do. I might be a faggot, but I am also an exhibitionist at times.

Rob..."you always did enjoy the idea of being naked. Bet now you still do at times. In fact if I dare you to strip here, you probably would." Was he going to do this? My dick was now really getting hard just thinking about this. There was a strange pause, then he said, "I dare you to strip for me right now, here in my living room."

Well, I never miss an opportunity for a man to see me naked, so I got up and stood in the middle of the room facing Rob. I first took off my shirt and then draped it over the chair. Then I unbuckled the belt, undid it, then pulled it out and rolled it up. In the past when I have done this for a Sir, they always seem to want that as part of the stripping, unless they have ordered me to strip fast, then it is everything off as fast as possible. Rob seemed to be enjoying this as he took a sip of wine, but he never took his eyes off me. Then I undid my pants and let them drop to the floor. I know there had to be a precum spot on my briefs, which I am sure by the way he looked, he saw it. I stepped out of them, bending over I picked them up. Taking my keys, wallet and phone out of the pockets I laid all three of them on the coffee table. Then I folded my pants and put them on the chair, then putting the rolled up belt on the pants. Next, I took my socks off and rolled them up and laid them on my belt. I started to pull down my briefs but was stopped when he said, "mmm what's that spot on the front there?"

"I guess it is a sign of my excitement," was my reply.

"Come over here so I can get a better look." I did what I was told, as if he knew that I was a faggot that would follow orders. I stood in front of him and he reached out and put his finger on the spot. "A bit you mind licking it off my fingers for me?" He put his finger up and I bent over and licked it. I do love the taste of cum...even my own. "Okay finish the dare." I put my thumbs in the waistband and pulled them down most of the way, then just let them drop to the floor, so I could first stand up to let Rob see me naked. Then I bent over and picked them up, folded them and laid them on the other clothes.

Rob..."can't believe you did it, but as I said you always like to be naked. You remember one time at the house I dared you to step outside the side door and stand naked out there without covering up your dick. You did it, with a big hard on, just like you have now."

"Told you I loved being naked and I still do. If we would ever get together and you told me to be naked, I would probably do it."

"Really? Would you be willing to go out on my patio, just like that and stand for 3 minutes with your hands behind your head? I mean...I dare you to do that." He said this with an evil smile.

"Sure, which way do you want me to face? Towards the door or the fence?"

"I think face away, so I can see that ass of yours freeze out there. To make sure you don't chicken out I am going to close the sliding door behind you and then lock it for the 3 minutes."

"You're on." So I went over to the sliding glass door, opened it and stepped on to his patio. I took my famous "faggot stand" of legs apart, facing away from the glass door. I put my hands behind my head, which was the final thing to make me look like a true faggot. I have done this so many for different Sirs, so I knew what the stance should look like. Then I heard the door close and the latch lock. 3 minutes is really a long time, so I knew it would seem like quite a bit of time before it was up. I was starting to get a little cold, since it was a cool spring night, but I stood there like a good faggot should and waited. What really got to me was the fact that my cock was dripping, which I always tried to wipe it up and eat it. Now it was just hitting the ground. Then something caught my attention. I swear I thought lights were going off in the condo and I started to think that Rob was going to play a prank on me and leave me here pretending to go to bed. However, he didn't, and before long I heard the latch and the door slide open. He came out and lit up a cigar.

"Nice night for a smoke huh?"

I didn't move from my position, but said yes it was. He sat down in one of the patio chairs and told me to take a seat in the other. I didn't mind being naked, even being a bit cold. Then I noticed he had changed into his running shorts and t-shirt. I couldn't see all the way his shorts, but by the way it looked he was freeballing it. He started talking about the fact how horny he has been lately, and that probably tonight he would have to jack off for relief. We chatted about other things as he finished his cigar and then said, "Guess it's time to go in. Get your naked ass in there boy." Did he really just call me "boy"? My cock is now really dripping big time. As I passed by him to go inside he slapped my ass with his hand, sending another wave of excitement into this faggot.

Once inside, I suddenly noticed my clothes were not where I put them. "I see you noticed I moved you clothes." I looked a little puzzled, but I think he could tell, I was a bit turned on as well. "I told you I was horny, so I thought to myself that I either could just jack off later or maybe for old time sake have you give me a blow job. To ensure the blow job I hid your clothes and will NOT tell you where they are unless you give me a blow job. If you don't want to do that, then you can go home naked...there is your wallet, keys and phone," as he pointed to the coffee table. He stood by the counter going into the kitchen. I said nothing and got on my knees. He folded his arms and sort of looked down, but the look was more of a "power look" towards me. I reached up and took down his shorts and his cock flung up and almost hit me in my face. There was some precum at the end of his dick, so I licked it up first.

All I heard then was this authoritative voice saying, "taste good fag?"

Oh fuck, my mind went right into faggot mode. "Yes, Sir" came out of my mouth like it was normal. He put his hands on his hips and just looked down at me. I could feel he was enjoying the power.

I could tell it was not going to take long for him to cum, so I worked his dick to my best ability. He grabbed the back of my head and used it to push up and down on his cock. It taste better than I remembered it.

"Damn, you have gotten much better than when we were in scouts, fag. Your mouth feels fantastic," as he continued to moan and shove his dick in and out. He just kept pumping his dick in and out, then I felt the head start to swell a bit. All of a sudden I hear, "Oh, fuck I'm cumming. Better swallow it, faggot." He shot several loads into my mouth and some dripped out onto my goatee. He finally was finished, but I kept my mouth on his cock. I was trying to lick it clean for him to show him how good of a faggot I was. He then pulled his dick out and saw the cum in my goatee. He wiped it up with his finger, then stuck his finger in my mouth, where I started sucking big time. "Such a good faggot boy."

Staying on my knees until I was told otherwise he walked away and got a towel. When he came back in we started chatting again.

"So you seemed to like it when I took more control. And you really seemed like being called a faggot. Am I on to something?"

"Yes, Sir. This faggot does like being on the submissive end of things Sir." I can't believe I was calling Rob "Sir" now and even weirder was that I was still on my knees and naked, while he had pulled up his shorts. It just seemed so normal.

"Ok fag, this is what will happen from now on. When you come over the next time, and there will be a next time, you will strip at the door and stand there with your hands behind your back. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir. Will Sir, want this faggot to strip fast or slow like he did tonight Sir?"

"I like it the way you did it tonight fag. Now get up and let's get your clothes so you can go home."

He started to walk to the front door, which puzzled me a bit, since I didn't see the clothes or even a closet near there to put them in. He even opened the front door which made it odder.

"Your clothes are on the front stoop fag. You will have to put them on outside. Once you're outside I will lock the screen door and watch you dress and leave. This is where you will leave your clothes anytime we are together like this. Got it fag?"

"Yes, Sir"

I walked over to the door and walked out. Rob closed he screen door and locked it. He then watched me get dress. His front door and stoop were protected by the garage and some bushes, but I was still pretty exposed at that point. My cock was leaking like crazy and still hard. I started to dress myself, but realized my underwear was missing. He said through the door he had kept them so he could use it as a "cum rag" when I wasn't around. Then he held them up with one finger to show me. I quickly got on my pants and then shirt. Said, "Goodnight, Sir", and took my shoes, socks and belt and just walked to the car. I did look back and Rob was still holding the underwear so I could see them as I got into the car. Just put on the shoes and started to drive out of the driveway.

While driving home, I relived the night and started to get the hard on again. I started wondering what he had in store for me when he said..."there will be a next time". So many things were running through my head, but did try to keep my attention to the driving. When I got home, I pulled into the garage, and picked up the rest and walked in. I stripped immediately, which I usually do when I get home, but had a boner with lots of leakage. It was nothing new for me to be naked around the house, but this time it just felt different. I went to bed not jacking off, keeping my mind thinking about Rob's cock and what he did tonight. As I started to try and sleep, I started fantasizing what would happen next or even better, what might happen if he takes me to the lake. I leaked all night and sure my dreams were erotically wild.

What a night and even better what could happen next.

Please send me e-mails with ideas and suggestions or just thoughts about this story itself.

Next: Chapter 2

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