Scout Masters

Published on Mar 15, 2009


Scout Masters 6

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Johnson had "interviewed" several other men on his own. He said they all had been nice guys, but one was a watcher only. Another man was into master slave stuff. "I've go no problem with different strokes for different folks, but that ain't my cup of tea," Johnson said. "I don't need any make believe drama to get into sex."

There was no problem with our guests for this after noon. Carson, Sullivan, Bubba and Newton turned out to be nice men as well as first rate sex pigs. They were also full service with anal and oral tastes. Carson was tall and Marlboro Man like. Sullivan was shorter and full of energy. He had been the quarter back on his High School Team. Bubba was built like a line backer or tackle. He sold cars for a living. Newton was a school science teacher.

Sonny was inside the lodge, setting out cokes. He was already naked. The new men appreciated that. Sonny was a good looking, young guy. We got naked as soon as we got inside. Johnson gave a little introductory talk. "I think I explained this when you called, but this is a party for horny men, not a Sunday School class. It's not a prayer session, although at our last party here, several guys got a lot closer to paradise than they had been before."

"Were you one of them?" Bubba asked.

"I sure as shit was," he replied. "This is a sex party, but anyone can say no, and that's fine. At the last party everyone could say no, but no one did. Look around this group. I can almost guarantee you'll have sucked every cock in this room. There's a pretty good chance you'll have been fucked by half the guys here and you'll have screwed the other half. Any problems with this?"

"No problems, only opportunities!" Sullivan said. Everyone laughed.

And opportunities there were. No one was shy. Johnson, Andy, Sonny and I each took one of the new men. I was with Newton, he had a beer can style cock and he was a drooler. I like ball juices so this was good for me. I sucked and finger fucked him at first. I played with his prostate and milked him of his sweet juices.

Newton wasn't the silent type. Everyone knew just how much he enjoyed my finger in his hole. It was so good Carson got next to Newton and I fingered him too. He had a long, curved cock with a lollipop head. It twitched when I pressed his prostate. We shifted around some and somehow, Carson got his curved member in my ass.

We broke apart, but Carson's cock was too good for me to pass up. When he sat in a chair, I sat on him. I had my back to him and sat back ,so while his cock went deep in my ass and my erect cock was on view. Newton liked the view. He sucked our balls and my cock and even licked Carson's shaft as it slid into my ass.

After this interlude, I moved on to Bubba and Sullivan when Johnson and Sonny took my place with Carson and Newton. If anything Sullivan was more into sex than Carson and his pal. I don't think it took more than a few minutes for all of us to get excited.

Man sex has always struck me as odd, especially when you compare it to sex in th movies and on television. I had just met Sullivan, Bubba, Newton and Carson a few minutes earlier. Now we were all naked and going at it. Men aren't reliably into sex for affection or love. For me the affection seems to come after sex. When men are naked, they are totally exposed. The cock is a sexual thermometer that tends to give an exact reading of your state of arousal.

I've been to a gay bar a few times, where men are dressed you can't tell. I knew the men in the bar were all looking for sex, but I never knew if any were interested in me, or if they were looking for the mythical Mr. Right. I seemed to have no problem meeting a pleasant Mr. Right Now, but there seems to be more game playing than actual sex at the bar.

For the eight of us at Johnson's hunting lodge it was a different story. We were here for sex, plain and simple. No one could, or tried to hide their emotions or interests. No one can be cool and disinterested with an erection. Whether the cock was half hard, fully erect, dripping precum, or drooling the remains of an orgasm, we all knew what each person was feeling and wanting.

I also think men share a common curiosity about other men's sexual equipment. Everyone checks out the cocks visible in the shower room. It's always exciting when you meet a new man and get naked. I wonder about what will turn the guy on. Each cock is different and I never know how it will react, and wonder what effect it might have on me when we get up close and personal.

Our party gave everyone the chance to get down to brass tacks with out the lengthy preliminaries. After the first round of orgasms, we all had more than enough time to get to know each other. As a biologist this seemed right to me. Most species of animals, reptiles, or amoebas have sex and never get around to discovering their partners' astrological sign, or favorite color. In more developed animals some selection of the strongest. or biggest mate occurs, but that certainly isn't based on in depth knowledge of your mates personality and usually last only as long as the intercourse.

Johnson's interview process was a success. We had four more guests for our next scout reunion.

A week later I got a call from Bubba. Some former scouts had called him for some play time and he wanted to know if I was interested. I asked if he knew the guys. He said Newton knew the caller well and said it was okay.

The next Saturday I went to Newton's house on the side of a mountain near West Virginia. Bubba and Andy were already there. The school teacher's house was a classic NASCAR fan's man cave. It was a tribute to either Dale Earnhart, or the Washington Redskins. The color combinations almost gave em a head ache. I got there at one, a few minutes later an older man arrived. He was a scoutmaster from Winchester, Henry. He was in his late 50s, tall and thin, and reminded me of Barney Fife of Mayberry.

Shortly after he arrived a van drove up with five guys. They were much younger than the men we had played with before. They were all legal, but several were border line. I'm not that good a judge age. The kid I thought was 18-years- old and one day was 23. The kid that was built like a linebacker and was hairy as King Kong was actually celebrating his 18th birthday with us that day.

The boys were good sports and nowhere near as innocent as I was at that age. Everyone stripped quickly and checked each other out. With timid younger guys I thought we might ease into sex, but I had forgotten about horny young men. As soon as they dropped their pants, they were hard. They were hard and hot to trot.

The leader of the group was a good looking 20-year-old named Steve. He looked like a blond beach bunny from an old Annette movie. "None of us guys are strictly speaking virgins," he said. "We've been sucking each off since we started camping, that was 14 for me and 12 for Bill and Conrad. I think Jefferson started with his brothers at 13. We've liked everything we've done but would like to do more."

"Are you talking about fucking?" Newton asked. Newton was always straight forward and direct.

"Yep," Steve said. "We talked it over in the car, none of us has ever fucked a guy and none have taken a cock either. We'd like to give it a spin."

"For years we messed around later at night making sure no one heard us," Conrad said. He was a dark haired muscle boy. I wondered if he was a gymnast. "We'd like to take are time and let it all hang out."

"You boys sure have good attitude," Henry said. "But fucking isn't for everyone. I like to top, but am not much on bottoming. Let me be up front, my cock's not ideal for a maiden voyage." Henry wiry body was tanned. He spent a lot of time outdoors. His cock was uncut and soft, but hung seven inches. Big balls and a hairy sack framed the fuck tool. He was hung.

"It looks good to me!" one of the boys said. Everyone laughed.

"Well Bubba, Leo and I are full service and we can help you out," Newton said. "Let me warn you about something. The first guy who ever fucked me had what he called the 50% rule. Once you get the cock head and half the shaft in where the sun doesn't shine, you have to take the rest. That's not a problem with me. I've got a big head and thin shaft. With Leo and Henry, there's no free ride once the head's in."

"You can't be half fucked," I added. "If you're not sure you want another guy's cock rooting around in your ass, don't start. You can't change your mind."

The boys seemed to think that was amusing. Gus went over to Henry, dropped to his knees and started to suck. I assume he was into challenges. The line backer's name was Joe and he came over to me. He was beefy and solid and had the body shape of a forty year old. I soon discovered it was the body of a muscular forty year old. He was also a good sucker and not shy about that at all. Joe wasn't a linebacker. He was a heavy weight wrestler.

Newton had spread quilts on the floor and Gus and I assumed the 69 position. He was my height, but looked shorter because of his bulk. His cock was thick, but not beer can thick. His cut knob was big and began to drool the second my tongue touched it. He moaned as I sucked him. It always amazed me that big, clunky looking guys like Joe can be so sensitive.

Joe wanted to fuck me but he took his time, I got on my back and put a pillow under my ass to get my hole at the right level. Newton provided lube and someone had given Gus a bottle of Jungle Juice for his birthday. He got my legs on his shoulder and got his big knob at my hole. It was tight and it took him a few thrusts and a second application of lubricant to get in. He opened the bottle of Jungle juice and I took a snort. That did the trick.

Joe took a snort and we were off to the races. Joe wasn't exactly a man rammer, but he was vigorous and energetic. I'm had miss judged his cock. It felt bigger in my ass than it looked. It was clear he was a natural born top. He needed no extra training.

His big knob used my prostate as a punching bag and after a short while I was just Joe's sex toy. I existed for his pleasure. What made it nice was Joe's reaction. He was a hard, but very appreciative fucker. I could almost feel the joy in his cock. Joe was also vocal, so all of the guys knew what was up. We attracted and audience as he pounded my ass.

I could feel the head of steam building in Joe's balls. He was going to blow. Normally it's only polite to ask if you want a guy to shoot his cum in your ass, but I decided to let nature take its course. Joe started to moan and twitch. He jerked every time he ejaculated. Joe pulled out and shot the last few spurts splattering against my hole.

We had quite an audience by then. Jefferson, who was the only black guy in the group, stepped up to the plate and slipped his cock into my just vacated hole. Jefferson was downright scrawny everywhere but in the genitals. His cock was seven inches, with a big head and a curve upward. When I said slipped into my as I meant it. Joe's cum dump had re lubricated my ass.

What followed was a exceptionally polite and laid back gang bang. It hadn't been my intention to take each of the boys sperm, but that's what happened. The boys were polite, enthusiastic and very hard. Steve and Conrad had hair triggers. Jefferson took his time and Bill all but set up a cot and took residence in my ass.

Bill was shy and the kind of guy who tends to fade away in class photos. His cock was average, except for his head. His shaft was thin and hard as steel, but the mushroom was gourmet style, wide and with a flared edge. One he was in my ass the shaft played no role, his knob did the work. Bill took the time to find my hot spots and play with them.

Later in the afternoon when we had a nice 69 session, I discovered Bill was an Olympic level leaker. I never encountered anyone with more pre cum. That's why the fuck session had been so good. He had been pumping his home made lube into my ass as we played.

Bill was also the first of the members of the quintet I fucked. It was a tight fit, but Bill was a trooper. Once he got use to it had rewarded me with a hands free orgasm. As he popped, I shot too. It was beautiful.

Henry, Bubba and Newton were busy too. They got off to a more oral start but soon they were busy as horny, gay bees. Henry tended to act as the traffic cop directing guys to the person best suited to their desires. The boys were all young and had no problem with multiple orgasms. All five of the guys had their sphincter's popped and all did well. Bubba and Newton did the honors for everyone except Bill. Newton always claimed he had a reasonable cock and Bubba's was similar.

A first fuck can be an ordeal if not done well, but Bubba and Newton were nice guys and they took their time. Newton had what he called a stealth cock. He claimed he could sneak it in before you knew you were fucked. That wasn't 100% true, but it was 90% true. Jefferson was waiting to get fucked when he felt Newton's bush tickling his ass ring. It was a little more difficult for Conrad, but not much more. The jungle juice helped him take it.

Bubba's technique was a bit more rough and ready, Bubba was a bear of a man and his lack of subtlety didn't bother the boys at all. It was like the difference between the swimming lessons at the Y and the drop you into the water and see of you swim school of learning how to swim.

By three in the afternoon the quintet had both fucked for the first time and been fucked for the first time. None seemed to be the worse for wear and if anything they were hornier than they had been two hours earlier. It was like the day you got your learners permit to drive. You just couldn't get enough of it.

Newton had soft drinks and chips in the kitchen. I went to get a drink and Henry was there with Conrad. Henry was fully erect and Conrad was admiring the engorged organ.

"Damn, I can't believe that thing would fit in anybodies' ass," Conrad said.

Henry smiled, "Take my word for it, it will fit and there are guys who love it," he said.

"Any one here?" Conrad asked. "I'd love to see it in action."

"Well. I've never met Leo before, but I bet he could take it," Henry said. He winked at me.

"It sure is pretty," I remarked. "Can anyone deep throat it?"

"It's a lot easier to take in the ass than to swallow. Your ass can't choke," Henry replied. Conrad looked at me hoping I'd step up to the plate. I had already been fucked enough for one day, but I figured I'd never be more open than I was now. I looked at Henry's cock and he knew was willing. He smiled. It may be my imagination, but I also think his already erect cock grew little. I did notice some pre cum glistening on his cum slit.

We went to the other room. I asked Henry if I could sit on it; he was happy to oblige. Gay radar is a remarkable thing and somehow every one wanted to watch. This didn't bother Henry, who liked to show off his organ. I figured since everyone was naked, had been hard and fucked, there was no reason to get modest now.

Henry got on the floor and Steven lubricated his fuck tool. Joe added more lubricant to my hole I straddled Henry's telephone pole and sat back. I bounced a few times on his cock head and nothing happened. Joe held the bottle of Jungle juice to one nostril, then the other. I inhaled.

I opened up and Henry's head and a few inches of his shaft popped through. Two or three minutes later, Henry forced the rest in and I was royally fucked. It took me a while to get use to it, but then it began to work it's magic. I began to wiggle and grind my hips. Something popped and all was fine. The audience was most appreciative. After five minutes we moved so Henry could do some thrusting. He pulled out and I got on my back. This turned out to be really good for me and him. It also gave then boys a good look at a master top in action. I shot of, hands free and several of the guys watching got sprayed. They took that well. I think they thought of my cum as a party favor. Henry pulled out slowly.

Joe was next to us and as Henry moved away, he filled the void in my ass. He was young, but he knew I wanted something in my ass. Joe also took the opportunity to shoot a second load into my ass. Off to the side I saw Steven getting on his back. He wanted to give Henry's cock a spin.

I was pleasantly surprised a little later when Steven was moaning in pleasure as Henry deep dicked him. There was more to that boy than I had guessed. The party wound down at five. Everyone lrft with a smile on their face.

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