Scout Masters

Published on Feb 5, 2009


Scout Masters 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

As we hiked I had time to think. I was surprised at several things. I thought I'd be tired by now. It had been constant sex for several days now, but I wanted more. I had never been in a group of men who shared my sexual interests and were as willing as me to enjoy sex. In the few gay bars I'd been to, it was a beauty contest. You seemed to spend hours drinking and wondering if anyone wanted to get together. Here everyone was interested. Every cock was available. It might sound tacky, or vulgar, but it was relaxing and enjoyable.

I had watched my friends suck and fuck and get sucked and fucked. We were all similar men here. We had been somewhat shy when we got there, now we knew no one would think less of you when you took a cock up your ass and went to the moon, or were sucking up another man's cum. No one was embarrassed because they were aroused, or were still drooling the remnants of an orgasm at dinner time.

That the Scout Masters were as excited as we were was an extra added attraction. Not only did we finally get to see them naked. We also saw them fucking and shooting. Sex is a universal language, and we all spoke it fluently. We had tasted each others ball juices and explored each others' asses. Sex is the gift that keeps on giving.

You would also think that in such a large group, sex would become ordinary and unexciting. Somehow, I'm not sure a cock ever rubs a prostrate the same way each time. Every penetration seemed to open up a new world. In the group we shared our sexual excitement. It fed on itself. One erection begets another and single orgasm tends to set off a chain reaction. It was hard to see a friend shoot and not feel the juices rise in your own balls.

That evening Ed, Ivan, Justin, Boomer and Buddy came to the tent along with Sonny, Johnson's friend. This struck me as a miss matched group. Buddy was a beefy hairy man who was a sexual spark plug. Boomer and Badger had come with him, but I suspected he had a range of playmates. Both Ed and Ivan were somewhat reserved. Sonny was usually with Johnson and I didn't know what he was like without his friend. Justin was tall but he still looked boyish. Willy and Tyrone were his friends. He didn't seem to match Boomer and Buddy.

Sonny told me Johnson was with Andy and Ron while Washington took the third tent. "I think Johnson wanted more up close and personal time with the Scout Masters," Sonny said. He leaned close to be. "I'm hoping to get some quality time with Ivan," he whispered. "That boy turns me on."

I hadn't picked out Sonny as a size queen. Sonny, Ivan and Randall soon formed a tight group engaged in conversation. I was with Boomer, Buddy and Justin.

Boomer and Buddy were masters of no strings attached, lets get naked and fuck ourselves silly sex. Sex was a recreational activity, and nice way to spend a day if there was nothing good on the television. Buddy had a harem of married men who dropped by his house to get their rocks off and have fun. He ran a construction company, so when it rained, he was free. Tyrone and Badger were the unmarried part of his harem. They could get away for an entire weekend an like the married men.

Buddy had a cock shaped liked a fireplug, a thick, blunt instrument. Boomer was a huge bear of a man with a thick cock and big balls. It was a little surprised to find that Justin was firmly in the no strings camp. He was conventionally handsome, but was strongly attracted to Boomer. Boomer was a nice guy, but he was anything but handsome.

I sucked Buddy and soon discovered his fire plug had a leak. His balls produced the champagne of pre cum. Justin was sucking on Boomer's cock like a hungry baby at his mother's breast. Eventually Boomer got to suck me as Buddy sucked Justin. We formed a four man Daisy chain. When we switched positions I wondered if Justin would give up his connection with Boomer's meat. He did.

When Buddy sucked me his finger did a little prostate prospecting in my ass. While he knew where it was, he took his time. I did the same to Boomer. He was already lubricated and more than willing. Justin moaned when Boomer's finger massaged his nut. Buddy seemed to be the master of the slow and easy transition from oral to anal sex.

On the other side of the tent, Sonny was sucking Ivan as Ed fed him his cock. Ivan sure was interested in Ed.

While I glanced at them, Buddy began filling my hole with his cock. Buddy wasn't a graceful fucker but he was an effective top. The fire plug was filling and applied just the right amount of pressure to my prostate. When the thickest part of his organ was in contact, I was near an orgasm. When he pushed it deeper, or pulled it out I could relax.

Buddy looked a bit crude, but he could read my level of sexual arousal like a book. He like to edge, and after ten minutes I didn't know if I was going or coming. He also like to vary his technique, so I couldn't prepare for what he would do next. Eventually I gave up trying and let him work his magic.

Buddy was a rare type. When he was a top he was 100% top. When he was a bottom he was a 100% bottom pig. He suddenly pulled out, straddled me and sat on my cock. Buddy didn't hide his enthusiasm, and I felt wonderful as he bounced on my cock. As I fucked him, Justin screwed Boomer. Boomer wasn't the strong silent type either.

"Boomer has a big ass," Buddy whispered to me. "Why don't you go over there and see if your meat can fit in the hole with Justin's? He'd love it." From the way he said it, I guessed Buddy knew what he was talking about.

Boomer was sitting on Justin's cock and was bent over so his hole was exposed. I straddled them and placed my cock at the quivering hole. "Oh Jesus!" Boomer exclaimed. I pushed and my cock slipped into the hole. My cock was fucking Boomer and rubbing against Justin's cock. Justin and I both had long cocks so it was possible to thrust and still keep our organs in the commodious hole. When we were both in Boomer tightened his sphincter, holding our cocks together. Justin stayed still and I thrust. I was both fucking Boomer and rubbing Justin at the same time. We weren't linked this way for more than three or four minutes, but it was a good three or four minutes. Boomer shot off first and his cum splattered on Justin and the tent walls.

I think Justin and I must have shot off in unison. All three of us were twitching and moaning. I caught a glance of Buddy and he looked like a happy father watching his son make a touchdown. I later found out he and Boomer had talked about getting double fucked, but had never had it work out before.

It was time to make dinner and we went to the lodge. This time no one even bothered to wear shorts. I have to admit my standards had changed since the beginning of the weekend. I had never been to an orgy before. This didn't meet my expectation, but it was very different from what I expected, and the sex far better than I had dreamed.

I guess I expected Barbarians crashing through the gates raping hysterical virgins. No one in our group was a barbarian, hysterical and least of all virgin. We were all fully equipped, sexually active men who knew how to have fun with our sexual apparatus. No one was shy. No one was uninterested. No one was ashamed of his desires and urges.

We all knew that sex with another man was vastly better than a solo effort. All were willing to give and to take. That would have been good if that were only it, but there was more. We were all willing to go the extra mile. Before this weekend, I would have been perfectly happy to have sucked Ron or Andy. I had sucked both of them and they had sucked me. Their cocks had rubbed my prostate and as their meat had pounded me.

I had tasted their cum as it ejaculated from their twitching cocks. My prostate had been bathed by their cum. Others had used their cum as lube and then added his own seed to the brew in my ass. Marcus had used Coach's cum as lube when he fucked me. We were using our buddies' spunk to add to our own pleasure. Technically I guess lube is lube, but man lube seems different to me. Knowing it was made in you pals balls and shot out through his cock in an orgasm makes it special. A tube of K-Y lacks poetry. We didn't just had sex; we wallowed in sex, showered in sex and breathed sex. We had given our all and taken everything our pals wanted to give us.

That night turned out to be somewhat of a free for all. During the course of the previous nights revels, we had missed getting with some of our pals and had others we wanted to connect with again. Willy appeared at out tent again and took a nice long ride on Ivan's cock. Ivan tended to be reserved, but not with Willy. Willy liked it so much it was hard not to get caught up in the enthusiasm. When Ivan took a break, Ed filled the void.

Watching Willy seemed to cause an inching deep in my ass. I was with Sonny and he slipped his cock into my ass. He felt good but was not quite want I needed. Ivan must have had extra sensory perception. He came over to us.

"Is he still tight?" he asked Sonny.

"He sure is," Sonny replied. "Tight but nice and juicy."

"Would you mind if I took a turn?" he asked.

"Just give me a second," Sonny said. He gave me two hard thrusts and climaxed. This wasn't a pro forma orgasm. This was a full scale grand finale, 4th of July fireworks orgasm. I didn't know how long he ejaculated, but it seemed like several minutes. I felt the sperm shooting from his cock. It was lovely. Sonny pulled out and shot his final volleys at my hole.

"Are you ready?" Ivan asked me. "Oops, sorry, I forgot. Are you willing?"

"Ready and willing," I said. Ivan had a huge organ, but this was the first time I had seen him fully erect and up close. When it had been up before it was usually in an ass or mouth. I thought it was 11 inches but it may have been longer. It curved downward as if the weight was too much. His head was comparatively small and was all but bisected by a wide slit. A filament of precum drooled from the slit to the floor. The shaft ballooned behind the head. It was oval, maybe two or three inches wide and and inch and a half deep.

His cock tapered as it reached his bush. This provided a natural cock ring. Ivan wasn't a man rammer. He took his time. Ivan reminded my of an urologist inserting and sound into my cock during an examination. His head was easy to take, Ivan was thoughtful. It was as if he was calculating the best way to fuck me.

As he pushed my ass opened. He had maybe three or four inches in and it was near my limit. H e pulled out and re lubricated his cock. It was a little easier. He added more lubrication. Sonny was watching. He had a bottle of poppers.

"A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down." he said as he held it to my nose. I took a deep sniff. He held it to my other nostril. When the fumes hit my nervous system, Ivan made his move. I wasn't much of a fan of poppers, but they hit the spot this time. Ivan made on hard thrust and it was in, all the way in. suddenly I was just a six foot tall extension of his cock. My body had merged with his.

Ivan could do no wrong. That was lucky, because I was in no condition to do anything like think. I almost forgot to breathe. It was that good. Good may not be exactly the right word for it. It was total. Every cell in my body existed only to give Ivan pleasure. I understood the ancients who worshiped Pirapis.

I don't know how long I was skewered on Ivan's monster, but it was good. When he pulled out I was covered in cum, both his and mine. Ed and Sonny had been watching and were nice enough to lick me clean. I hadn't expected that.

It was a warm night and we went off to the pond to swim and clean off. We weren't the only ones and we had a nice, moonlight frolic. I have to admit, I'm not exactly sure who I sucked there in the dark, but it was fun. We went back to the tent. I was planning to get with Ed, but when I got on my cot I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. The constant activity of the last dew days caught up with me. The sun was well up in the sky. It was time for breakfast and the party was over. Johnson had to get back to town for a family event.

A few weeks later I got an e mail from Johnson and Andy. They wrote about the good time we had and asked if any of us were interested in doing it again, perhaps making it into an annual event. Needless to say, I sent a reply saying I was game and thought it would be a good idea. Over the next few months I got e mails from the other men expressing interest.

Ron said he was interested and wondered if we would like to include other former scouts and scout masters. He said he knew of one or two Scout Masters who might be interested. Johnson replied that would be fine, as long as he personally knew the men and thought they would enjoy the camp out activities.

Buddy wrote he knew of several former scouts who would enjoy it too. As for scout activities, he asked who would like camping out, hiking, swimming, roasting marshmallows over the camp fire and exchanging ghost stories. This brought out a series of comical lists of favorite scout activities from other men.

It was in late October when Andy called me and asked if I'd like to meet some friends at Johnson's hunting lodge. "These are a few of the men who were interested in our summer camping trip," he explained. "Johnson thought it would be nice to meet with them before they joined the big group. He wants to vet everyone who comes. He had a poor experience with a guy earlier this fall. The guy wasn't into the please and thank you school of sex. He liked the master slave stuff."

Of course I was interested. That next Saturday I was on my way to the hunting lodge for an afternoon of fun. When I got there Andy and Johnson were waiting with two other men. I vaguely recognized the older man, but I couldn't remember his name. "Carson this is one of my former scouts, Leo," Andy said. "Leo, this is Carson, he was a Scout Master from NOVA." The other man introduced himslef as Sullivan. He had been in a troop in the Charlottesville area.

As we chatted a Ford Explorer drove up with two more men. Two, bulky men got out. "Is this the place for the scout reunion" one bellowed.

"It sure is. You must be Bubba?" Johnson asked.

"Technically I'm Beauregard Byrd Ellington, but Bubba does the trick."

"Old Virgina family?"

"Shit no. Really pretentious mother," The big man replied. "This is my pal, Newton." They could have been father and son. Newton had a black beard. Bubba sported a Fu Manchu. It was chilly outside, so we went into the lodge. A fire blazed on the stone fire place and the room was warm and cozy.

"How do we get this shindig underway?" Bubba asked. "I'm horny as a dog in heat. I had to sound like a old horn dog, but I haven't sucked on a new cock in six months. I'm ready for some fun."

"Usually we get naked and just let nature take its course," Johnson said.

Next: Chapter 6

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