Scout Masters

Published on Jan 25, 2009


Scout Masters 4

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The day started off well and just got better. We went to the pond to swim, then had a good breakfast. I went on a hike in the woods after breakfast with Ron and Marcus. We found a beautiful over look with a view of the Valley below. The sun was bright and beautiful, but there was a dark cloud in the distance. The contrast was beautiful.

We had a intense make out session, followed by a sucking interlude crowned by Ron fucking Marcus. Marcus and I were kissing and Ron went in from the rear. From Marcus's reaction it was a good fit. Eventually I was sucking him as Ron plowed the field. I got to collect the fruits of Ron's labor. Marcus' balls had fully recharged.

Ron hadn't shot off yet so he fucked me and sprayed his seed over my back. Marcus cleaned it up. We returned to the tent and got some rest before lunch. The night before had been good, but not that restful. After lunch, Ron, Willy and Coach had moved to the lodge and Tyrone and Badger joined us with Andy. The dark cloud was above us now. We had a nice, summer rainstorm. The tent was comfortable in the rain. It was warm and dry, but not hot.

Tyrone was muscular and toned. If Willy was happiest when there was a cock in his ass, Tyrone was happiest when his cock was in an ass. He wasn't a sprinter, he liked long distance races. He wasn't at all aggressive, but he sure liked to keep his cock warm in a guy's ass.

Badger was a happy go lucky carpenter. He was a bit short and more than willing to take what he could take and give when ever possible. If there was a free cock, he's suck it. If there was an open ass, he'd fuck it. As for Badger himself, his cock was always available and his ass was always open. Marcus knew Badger and relaxed with an old fuck buddy in the tent.

Scouts are a tolerant group in general. Buddy, Marcus and Badger didn't strike me as tolerant men, but the had no problem with Tyrone. I had never taken a black cock in my ass, but with Tyrone's sex drive, that was inevitable.

It was a slightly sleepy afternoon in the tent. The sound of rain on the canvas and the warm temperature added to the drowsy atmosphere. The intense sexual activity of the night before had taken the edge of the sexual needs of most of us. Andy, Marcus and Tyrone were chatting on one side of the tent. I was with Badger.

Badge was funny and had an amusing way of looking at the world. He liked my cock a lot, saying it was one size bigger than he usually took, but looked like it would fit. We did a little experimenting and he was right. It pushed his limit, stretching his ass a bit, but my cock went deep into some distinctly pleasure giving regions of his ass. Badger, and later I found out Tyrone, were masters of the friendly fuck. They weren't after true love. They wanted a good time and, as they say about some movies, a good time was had by all.

Once the rush of the initial penetration was over, Badger could carry on a pleasant conversation as I fucked him. When he laughed his ass contracted and that was good. He laughed a lot.

Andy, Marcus and Tyrone were round Robin fucking. Tyrone ass fucked Andy as Marcus fed Andy his cock. Then Marcus and Tyrone switched places. Marcus eventually took Andy's place as a bottom. Finally Tyrone took the bottom position. All were happy.

The storm cleared off at mid afternoon and we emerged from our tents and regrouped. We went to the lodge and sat on the verandas and watched the clouds fly over head. Johnson said he'd gotten a call from a friend. The friend had caught wind of the reunion and wanted to join in.

Around four o'clock a Ford Explorer arrived with several men in the car. One was Mr. Randall. He had replaced Andy and Ron as Scout Master for our troop. Randy Randall was a former Marine who all but ran a boot camp for the scouts that followed my group. I always thought he was a difficult man, but his scouts loved him. With him was an older man and two younger men.

The older man looked like a black Santa, cheerful, bearded and beefy. He would need some extra padding to be truly Santa like, but he was striking. Randall introduced him as Washington. I recalled the name. He was the scout master for a mostly black troop of troubled boys. As I recalled there was a article about "Dad" Washington and his successful effort to help his boys.

Randall introduced the other men as Ivan and Mitch. Ivan was small and somewhat scrawny. He too I remembered. Ivan was a Bosnian refugee who had barely escaped the genocide there. His parents had been murdered when he was a young boy. Malnutrition had stunted his growth and he looked younger than his years. He was brought over to America by a well meaning Baptist Church. The church hadn't realized he was Muslim. They were good about it, but the scouts were great about that.

Mitch looked like a college student. He was wearing a Gold's Gym sleeveless shirt. He was a massive bear of a boy. Unlike Willy, his mass was more muscle than baby fat. Clean shaven, he had a boyish face, but curly hair covered his shoulders and chest. He had the body hair of a forty year old Greek. It turned out he was of Armenian and Italian descent. His parents owned the Venice restaurant in town. Mitch was a pre med student.

Randall seemed up tight, but relaxed once he saw the lay of the land. It was one of those summer days when a series of storms rolled across the countryside. Another storm was on the way. Andy told the new men about the rules. Washington and Mitch joined us when we went back to our tent.

We had all been in shorts when the car drove up. Once we were in the tent the dress code became informal.

"To tell you the truth, Washington, we've been having some fun for a day now. You may have some catching up to do," Andy said. "We've been mostly wearing our birthday suits, is that a problem?"

"Not for me," Washington replied. Mitch didn't seem to be worried either. "Do you dress for dinner?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Only shorts, Andy replied, "But for desert it's naked with a erection."

"Hot damn," Mitch said. "Do we need to save up?" Andy was already naked, so the new men stripped and hit the ground running. Mitch went to Andy like an iron filing to a powerful magnet. Washington came over to me. Washington may have been in his mid sixties. He was six feet and 220 pounds of mostly muscle. The curly hair on his torso and shoulders was white, but graded to pitch black as it reached his pubic forest.

I dropped to my knees to taste his cock. He was impressive soft, but still more impressive hard. His snake and ball sack were coal black in comparison to his chocolate body. Once his knob emerged from his foreskin it was a delicate shade of pink. It took a while to get his juices flowing. That happened when we got on the floor and sixty-nined. Once he revved up, it was a steady flow. He needed inspiration to get going.

The flow of cock juices almost reached flood stage when his tongue explored my ass. "Is that lube I'm tasting?" he asked. I said yes.

"Some cum too?"

I said yes again.

"Hot Damn!" Washington exclaimed. Some guys like rimming as a primary activity, others think of it as foreplay for fucking. Washington was a fucker. That was just fine with me. I glanced around the tent. Mitch was sitting on Andy's cock while sucking Badger. Tyrone was in Marcus' ass.

Thirty seconds later Washington was playing me like a violin. He used his cock as the bow. I thought my ass would be nice and open after the night before, but I was tight. Washington liked this. He took his time and a lot of lube to get where he wanted to go. I wondered as he slowly opened me up how much of our experience with gay sex was due the fear of detection and the need to get it done before someone discovered you? If you had the time, it was much easier.

Washington's cock was big and his cock head bigger. He spent eight or nine minutes opening my ass. That is an entirely different experience than forcing entry in a few seconds. I know some men say they like the forcible aspect of it. I've wondered if that is just making a virtue of necessity. Certainly my sphincter got to know Washington's cock head very well.

After all that preparation I was more than ready for his shaft to slide into my ass. He was a bit over ready and he shot his load after a few strokes. I was slightly disappointed,until Mitch appeared. Mitch possessed what seemed like a full sized fire plug. Over the course of the next half hour we explored every possible way to get his cock into my ass.

Someone yelled from the main lodge that it was time to make dinner. We ran through the rain into the stone lodge. It was cooling off out side because of the rain. The grilling was going to be done in the massive fireplace in the middle of the room. We had dressed or dinner, but our shorts had gotten wet and we hung them up to dry. There didn't seem to be any particular reason to get dressed again.

This was my first chance to see Randy and Ivan naked. Randy was buffed, tanned and shaved. He had a nice cock, but beautiful low hanging balls. Ivan was a surprise. He was thin and quite hairy. When you looked at him quickly you got the impression half of his weight was in his cock. It looked as long as his forearm.

Randy was reserved, but Ivan was even more so. Given his background, he was cautious. Ivan reminded me of a cat who checks out every nook and cranny of his house every day, just in case something changed. Willy stayed near Ivan. As a size queen, Willy was a happy man. He glowed in a way that suggested Ivan had already met Willy's prostate. Willy bent over and I saw his bloated hole. I'm not sure, but while it was puffy and bloated, I think it was smiling too.

Dinner was kabobs, with meat and vegetables skewered and cooked on an open fire. It was exceptionally good. Randall had brought some beer, so the atmosphere became distinctly festive. Some of us were relaxed since we had a day of sexual activity. The new men were hot to trot. That was inspirational. I returned to the tent at 10:00. It was cooler now the storm had past.

When I got there I found Badger and Mitch were going at it hot and heavy. Andy and Washington arrived joined me as an observer. Andy said Tyrone was with Randy. "They hit it off," he explained. Washington was mostly a top. He told me he rarely went looking for sex. "Most of the time it finds me," he said. "It helps that I have a big one. That's attractive to most men, especially white men."

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"Not even a little bit," he replied. "During segregation times you'd be surprised how many white men turned up at my door for a poke by a black cock. I was bigger than any of them so there never was a chance they could force me to do anything I didn't want to. I know half of them were just curious, or just wanted to be bad, but it worked out in the end. I get most of my support for my troop from them. I can tell you that white ass has been good to me."

We laughed. "Do you ever fuck black men?" Andy asked. I thought it was a presumptuous question, but Washington didn't mind.

"Black men some times. Black boys never," he said. "Most of my boys came from dirt poor broken families. I was the only father they had. Most were desperate for approval and leader ship from a man. White boys were different. Most of them were in the scouts because their parents cared about them. My boys were in the scouts because their parents didn't give a shit. Any slip up on my part would have been a disaster. My gay life is mostly white. I don't need to worry about running into one of my kids."

I was tired and fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night feeling cold. Mitch was near me, so I got close to him. He didn't mind at all. Badger must have heard me move. He joined us.

The sun rises early in the summer and the storms had passed. I was up at 5:30 horny as hell. Morning wood was one of my great fears as a scout on a camping trip. When I was 13 or 14 it didn't occur to me that every boy in the troop had the same problem. At that age you assume you are the only one afflicted by problems. I matured early and had a big cock. I was deeply embarrassed at this. I didn't know if having a big dick was good or bad. I grew body hair at 14-15. that too was a disaster as far as I was concerned.

Of course now I know other kids were embarrassed they didn't need to shave until age 18, and somey still had their boy cocks at 15. I assume we were were all embarrassed at what ever we were and were too self centered to notice others had the same problem.

On this fine summer morning, I wasn't the only one with morning wood. We could all work out and enjoyable way to deal with the problem. Badger was rock hard and in the great tradition of be prepared, he had a tube of lube with him. He lubricated my hole and his cock. I sat on his cock and we had a nice time. I did a little dance on his cock as he stroked my cock. When Mitch woke I moved over to his cock. By then Washington was awake and he came over.

"I love to sit on that," Badger said.

"It may be bigger than you are," Washington said. He may have been worried but he got on the floor and Badger lubricated his cock. It turned into a hot scene. Badger could not only take it, he also loved it. He was doing a wild dance on Washington's love pole. The tight fit was good for Washington too. I don't think either man expected to get turned on as they did. What started as a nice get your rocks off session turned into love making.

There may not be a brain in your cock, but it definitely has a mind of it's own. I admit I just messed around when I was in the scouts. The only love I felt was for Ron and Andy. That was all longing and no action. My ill fated affair with the Graduate student was the first time I connected sexually and emotionally. That wasn't entirely his fault. I was deep in his ass when suddenly he sucked the rest of me into is emotional body. I had never connected that way before and I didn't know what happened. I only knew I liked it.

Several years later the same thing happened with a nicer guy. He was on his way to Europe for Graduate Study and I wasn't in his plans. He was up front about it. Plain old friendship is good and the sex was great. I always got worried when I lost it and we went at sex like dogs in heat. In a fall back to my adolescent thinking, I hadn't considered he was as horned up as I was.

Watching Washington and Badger inspired Mitch and me. Andy and Marcus joined us. I got on my hands and knees. Andy popped in my ass, Mitch fucked him, and Marcus filled Mitch's ass. We switched positions several times so no one was left out.

Mitch ended the game when he climaxed. We were all on the edge and one orgasm was enough to set off a chain reaction. As we cooled down I realized I had never been in a situation where everyone was gay, willing and able. Each of us opened our bodies for our friends use. We were all totally naked, and unashamed.

We knew each others cocks, soft, hard, drooling ball juices and spurting cum. By now our assholes were well used. We had seen them clenched tight and open. They were a bit puffy and juicy with lubricant. Sometimes our friends cum might escape and drool down our legs. We all knew how our friends reacted when our knobs rubber their prostates, and we knew what their cocks did what when it was plunged deep into our rectums.

When Johnson talked about six feet of cock and wanting to take three or four feet of it, I thought he was joking. A good four feet had already been in my ass, and I was ready for more. I know some say group sex is meaningless and cheap. I felt good about myself and the men I was with. The old sense of brotherhood we felt in the troop returned. Indeed, you could say it returned in spades.

My good graduate student was getting a doctorate in Anthropology & Archeology. He studied the role of sex in primitive and ancient initiation ceremonies. The societies may have been primitive, but they knew what bonded men together.

We went to the pond and cleaned up before going to the lodge for breakfast. Everyone was at the pond. Apparently all had a good morning. The day was sunny and pleasant. The the cold front wasn't that cold, but it was dry. After a late breakfast we went hiking. It was beautiful. We were all older but the wonder of the world around us returned. I remembered Ron showing us the ferns and mosses of the higher elevations and the life that lived there. Every square foot of the forest was a miniature world of its own.

Ed was a master of turd identification. This had been a hit with adolescent boys, who liked anything suggestive of being gross. We found traces of several wildcats and a mountain lion. That was exciting since they were rare. Andy was more into the geology and I was surprised how much I remembered.

Washington was one of those men who talked to his grandmother, great aunts and uncles and got all the family lore. His strong suit was medicinal plants. He knew all the folk remedies ad well as the edible wild plants that were useful in emergencies. He saw black people in America as survivors, not as victims. That had been his approach with his boys. If you were dealt a bad hand, do you complain about your bad luck or work with what you got. Washington was a worker, not a complainer.

His grandmother said there was no reason to bemoan he bad fortune. She went into the woods and fields and found food. "She said it wasn't too tasty, but starvation tasted worse," Washington explained.

"I guess you can wait for Mr. Right or settle for Mr. Right Now," Andy said.

Next: Chapter 5

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