Scout Masters

Published on Jan 20, 2009


Scout Masters 3

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I think it's a nearly universal characteristic of men to lust after someone, but assume that the object of our desire is totally uninterested. There may be some men who think they are hot stuff, but as far as I can tell, neither I nor any of my friends fit in the hot stuff category.

I hadn't seen Ron, Mr. Wilson, in ten years and he was much better looking than I remembered. Usually when you meet a guy you knew as a kid, the man is shorter, dumpier and more ordinary looking than you remembered. Ron looked great. He had been good looking, but no one recruited him for an Abecrombie & Fitch advertisement, if you get my drift.

Ron stayed in good shape as he got older. He had gained some weight, all of it muscle and his beard was more luxuriant. It was streaked with white now. Ron got better looking and more masculine as he aged. His furry chest was furrier and his cock was meaty. His cut head was pink and mushroom like. When I met someone from my past I tended to still see myself as a kid. I was embarrassed my cock grew to half staff just by standing next to him.

I felt better when I looked at him and saw he was at the same state of arousal. We weren't scouts any longer and there was no reason to hide our interests anymore. He reached over and cupped my balls in his hand. "You've grown," he said.

I laughed, "I think everyone has grown," I said. I stroked his cock and a bead of pre cum emerged from his wide slit. I spread it over his knob and then licked it off my finger. We weren't scoutmaster and scout any more. We were adults who were aroused by each other.

"Hey guys, there's time for that later," Johnson said, "Get working on the hamburgers."

"No special sauce on the the burgers?" I asked.

"Save that for dessert!" Johnson ordered. He and Tyrone were slicing tomatoes and were making a salad. Sonny got the grill going outside the lodge. Badger was helping. Everyone was still naked after the swim, but there was no overt sex other than a quick grope here and there. This was a little frustrating for me as I was hot to trot, but it was good overall. We all had a chance to build up a head of steam.

I knew we former scouts were excited. I hadn't expected the Scout Masters to be as excited. I was wrong about that. Ed was all but fully erect. Andy and Ron were at half staff. Ed's friend, Coach, was also hard. This was a case when the Scout Master's were still leading by example.

It was also a relief to find that all the Scout Masters were into it. I had been afraid Ron and Ed might be less enthusiastic than Andy. They said they were interested, but saying you are interested isn't the same as participating when you are surrounded by naked men. No one got cold feet. If anything they were more into it.

Dinner was straight forward cook out food. It really hit the spot. We mostly talked about our scouting adventures. We realized that while we had participated in the same events we had very different views. Some things we regarded as big problems the Scout Masters didn't see as important, or hadn't even noticed.

We found out our flash flood event had been scarier for them than it had been for us. It was a dangerous situation. They had the added burden of concern about our safety. We were under their care. Fortunately they were sensible men and played it by the book and opted for safety rather than daring. "To tell you the truth guys," Andy said. "I was a much better actor than I realized. I could hardly believe you thought I was calm and collected."

"You fooled me," Ron said. "I was scared shitless. I just didn't want to look cowardly in front of you. We had just met and I didn't know you that well. I didn't want you to find out the truth about me."

Sometimes the Scout Masters made a casual comment we regarded as law. We were all afraid they might discover our little sex games in the tents. We were sure they would throw us out of the scouts and tell our parents. The Scout Masters were afraid we would discover their secret and tell our parents and have them thrown out of the scouts. We shared a brotherhood of anxiety.

"I was so busy lusting after Ron, I didn't have any time to lust after you guys,"Andy said. "I thought you'd be shocked if you found out."

"Had we known, we'd have asked to watch!" Buddy said.

"I wouldn't have watched," Badger said, "I wanted to join in. I had no idea what you could do with a cock, but somehow I knew there was a lot more than I had even dreamed of. It's funny. I work with a bunch of born-agains. They are deeply anti-sex education. They firmly believe if you don't teach kids about sex, they won't do it. Let's face it, teens do it regardless. It's just that it takes a while to do it right! You can't trick mother nature."

"Have you noticed that even if your first few sexual experiences aren't that good, you always try again. Badger continued. You eventually work it out. What I like about sex is the more you do it, the better it gets. As you said Mr. Wilson, practice makes perfect."

"Ain't nature wonderful?" Johnson said. "I like the practice part, but I like new experiences too."

"Is a new experience a euphemism for a new cock?" Ed asked. Everyone laughed.

"It includes the man, the cock, his balls and asshole. I like the complete package," Johnson explained. "Call me a romantic, but when I download porn from the net, I never settle for just the cock. I need the body and usually even the face!"

"You are a romantic!" Andy said. There was more laughter. "I've tried a dildo a few times. They don't do much for me. I like the oozing cock with the balls backing it up."

"Talk about romantic!"

"Well, I discovered years ago good sex isn't for people who are afraid to muss up their hair," Ron said. "Juicy sex may be messy, but it's a lot better than dry sex! I love when a man starts churning out the goo and it drools from the cock. It's the food of the gods."

"I was shocked the first time someone shot off in my mouth," Willy said.

"Are you still shocked?" Andy asked.

"It's not my favorite," he said. "I think I may like it a lot more in a day or two. I'm open minded."

"Let me be up front with you," Johnson said. "I like reminiscing as much as any one, but I'm here for fun and I'm not talking about card games. I'm hoping for some ball busting, mind blowing sex. I'm a cock sucker and an ass fucker. I'm not the delicate type and I'm not a shrinking violet. Sonny and I have had a few nights when we've shot off ten or twelve times between us. I was kind of hoping I could do better than that this weekend. I'd be pleased as punch if I shot a load in each and every one of your holes."

"Can you take what you give?" Ed asked.

"I sure as shit can!" Johnson exclaimed. "I've sort of kept my ass in special reserve for the last few years. Mostly it's been for Sonny's use, but there's no one here I would mind taking. "

"You'll take the cock and the creamy load?"

"I play well with others and I share my toys," he replied. "Looking around here I see a combined total of seven or eight feet of cock. I sure wouldn't mind take four of five feet of it!"

"Johnson is more direct than I am," Andy said, "but I have to admit I share the same sentiments. Let me be frank. Ron and I are here for sex, not love. We've got love. If you're here to find love with a Scout Master, you won't find it here. If you're here for sex, this is your lucky day!"

As far as I could tell, all of us were okay with that. It seemed to me Johnson's scheme involved a lot of fucking. When I counted, there were 14 of us. If we each got fucked once by each one of us, that added up to one hell of a holiday weekend.

"Let me make a little proposal to you," Ed said. "You remember in scouts we tried to make you meet different boys and not stay only with your pals? We have three scout masters, two tents and the lodge. I propose we have one scout master in each. We'll chose who stays where by lot. We're here for three nights. We can rotate each night. That should provide maximum . . . coverage?"

"Is that coverage or penetration?" Willy asked. There was a lot of laughing and several other ribald suggestions.

"I think coverage, or penetration is up to you,"Ed continued. "We're a big group, and this will give all a chance to know each other well. How well is up to you." Ed's proposal was agreeable to all of us. We put our names on slip of paper and drew them from a bowl. For the first night I was in Buster's tent with Ron, Willy, Coach, and Buddy's friend whose name I didn't know.

Willy was a slightly pudgy man of average height. He was growing a beard and had black hair and a dusting of hair on his chest. He seem to be permanent state of arousal. Coach was several years older, a few inches shorter and solid muscle. He had crew cut hair and shaved his body, except for a cube of pubic hair.

Buddy's friend was named Marcus. He was very shy and I soon discovered horny as hell. Marcus was a brick mason. He was muscular in the old strong man way, not the modern steroid enhanced mode. Unlike Coach, he didn't shave or trim anything. His eyebrows merged with his beard and his beard merged with his chest hair. His cock was all but hidden in his bush.

The sky had clouded over and it began to rain. We went in our respective tents. It was a modern tent with flaps that protected the mesh sides from rain while still allowing ventilation. As soon as we entered the tent, Willy and Coach were at Ron's cock. I was left with Marcus. I am a firm believer if you get stuck with a lemon, make lemonade.

We made a lot more than lemonade. It turned out Marcus must have had enough testosterone for two men and the sex drive of a bull elephant. He was fun, accommodating and friendly. Once we got past his shyness he relaxed and let his testosterone flow. Marcus was uneasy in social situations, but once I went diving for his cock in his thick bush he was fine. God blessed Marcus with two extra inches of foreskin.

What I had thought was a thick bush concealed a generous, hairy ball sack with jumbo eggs inside. I found the tip of his overhang and sucked it in my mouth. I worked my tongue into the tube of skin and went exploring for his cock head. Inside the skin was a rich brew of pre cum and hormones. He had been oozing since we were swimming. Some was fermenting in in the skin, some was fresh. I like fresh pre cum, and hadn't been to partial to it when it was aged. The jelly in Marcus' skin was intoxicating. I loved it.

Marcus had a telescoping cock, once it started to grow, it kept on growing. His knob was all but bisected by his slit. I got my tongue in it and intercepted the rich cock juices that flowed from his balls. Marcus wasn't much of a talker, but his cock did his talking for him. It oozed, it drooled, it twitched. He was an enthusiastic partner, even if he didn't talk much. I sucked him for a while, he pivoted and went after my cock with gusto, while I returned to nursing his drooling cock.

Willy was the polar opposite of Marcus. He was a moaner and a crier. It took Ron about a minute and a half to get Willy on his back and impaled. Willy was whimpering in ecstasy. Coach fed Willy his cock to quiet him down. He sucked Willy's cock, but I had the feeling he really wanted to watch Ron's cock pound Willy's ass.

The next time I looked at them, Willy was being ass fucked and faced fucked while Ron and Coach made out. It looked as if Ron and Coach were trying to meet in the middle. I lost my concentration when Marcus started to eat out my ass. That was unexpectedly hot.

Marcus and I came up for air ten minutes later. We needed to breathe. The trio on the other side of the tent had rotated. Now Ron was in Coach's ass and Willy was feeding Coach his cock. I thought Willy liked having Ron fuck him, Coach loved it.

For some reason I hadn't picked out coach as a bottom. He was so macho, I think I had slipped into thinking bottoming was more effeminate than topping. I guess I was still thinking in the passive-active stereotypes about sex. Real men can admit they like it in the ass. I had a biologist who thought you you liked getting fucked depending where your prostate is and the shape and size of the cock fucking you. It was clear Ron's cock and Coach's prostate were in prefect alignment.

"Do you think Willy would like me to fuck him too?" Marcus whispered in my ear. "He looks needy." I told him to give the boy a poke. Marcus rear ended him and Willy was happy as a lark. By the time the holiday weekend was over I knew Marcus was always happy when there was a cock in his ass. Ron shot off and pulled out of Coach. Ron went to a cot to recharge and I motioned to Coach come over.

"Damn, that was more intense than I thought it would be," he said as he sat next to me.

"Ron hit the right spot?"

"He did," Coach said. "I lost it for a while."

"I think that's the objective. It's happened to me, but not often enough," I said, "What do you coach?"

"Nothing," he said. "It's my name. My Dad was a high school P.E. teacher, but had had a bad temper and never got to coach for more than a year. I was named Coach as a joke."

"He couldn't do anything about his temper?"

"Dad was difficult. Mom left us when I was six. She ran away without a forwarding address," Coach said. "When I got older I did everything I could think of to please him at first, but after a while I just stayed out of his way. I got to be a Eagle Scout."

"Was Ed your Scout Master?"

"Mr. Wilberforce was my scout master until my last year. Mr. Wilberforce had a heart attack and Ed took his place," Coach said. "My Dad died when I was 18. Ed did a lot for me."

"If you don't mind me asking, when did you connect with him?"

"Sexually?" he asked. I nodded. "Two years ago. I pulled him over because of a broken brake light."

"You're a cop?"

"Went to the Marines, then got a degree," he said. "You could say I was a bit up tight about sex. We worked through that."

"something about you says you're up tight about just about everything," I said. "By the way, you have a beautiful body." we were on sleeping bags spread out on the floor of the tent. I reached out and played with is balls and cock.

"Sorry, I'm still drooling."

"I'm a biologist," I said. "Sexual reproduction is my thing. Natural processes never bother me. When I was a kid, I had a body and then I had a cock. The cock was in an entirely different category from the rest of my body. It was hard to get use to treating it and its functions as a part of the rest of me. Prudery has done some very strange things to us as a culture. Slasher movies are fine; a glimpse of a cock is horrible." I leaned over and began to suck his cock. The mixture of cum and precum wasn't as good as Marcus' rich brew, but it was good.

Coach's cock had a short recharge time. He asked if I had been fucked that evening. I said no. We had a good time. He was doing me doggy style, when Marcus rear ended him. I felt Coach's cock react to Marcus' penetration. Coach loved it. He shot off again and pulled out.

Marcus slipped into my ass as Coach pulled out. He spent the rest of the night in my hole. When I woke the next morning he was still at it. I had been a wonderful night. Remarkably I had a morning woody. Ron was up and saw it. He pulled open his legs, I lubricated my cock and slipped in. It took a few hard thrusts to get in, but once I was in all was well.

Ron clapped down tight on my cock and we had a playful tug of war. I won every time and with each penetration he got harder. I began to stroke his cock in time with my thrusts. We had a perfect double orgasm. He shot a huge load the covered his torso. Coach was awake now and he licked it up.

Coach was smiling. "Do any of you guys had something you like to give me?" he asked, "My ass is wide open and there's room for more spunk." Ten minutes later everyone had made a early morning deposit. It was shaping up to be a good day.

Next: Chapter 4

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