Scout Masters

Published on Jan 16, 2009


Scout Masters 2

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I wanted to think I'd matured enough to not go chasing after every opportunity for cock that presented it self, and I succeeded to some extent. I didn't chase after it, but I sure did think about it regularly. I got involved in the end of the semester rush and had little time to think about anything but grading exams and getting final grades filed with the registrar.

My car's inspection was due in June and as luck would have it, I needed new tires. I went to Johnson's tire shop. Mr. Devers was at the front counter. He looked a lot older than I remembered. He had given up drinking, but not smoking. He looked pale.

Johnson saw me there and came out to see me. He took me in the back to look at the available tires. There he introduced me to Sonny. Sonny was slim and of average height. I guessed he was 25 or so. He had beautiful blue eyes, a pink completion, curly black hair and a well groomed beard. His shirt was partially unbuttoned exposing a mat of curly chest hair. Sonny was beautiful, almost pretty. He spoke is a soft, mountain accent. In some men the accent would have been hillbilly, but his voice was a deep bass and he didn't have the usual mountain twang.

It was near closing time and Mr. Devers left. I talked with Sonny as Johnson took care of customers picking up their cars. Johnson whispered to me we might have some fun after they closed. A little before six, Mr. Robinson arrived, somewhat flustered. While he had been away on the expedition, his inspection had expired and he had been pulled over. Thye told him to get it done right away. Johnson did inspections, so he took care of it. I talked with Andy as Sonny and Johnson inspected the car.

Sonny was checking me out as he worked on the car. Johnson did some ball scratching and some rearranging. It was done for my benefit, but Andy saw it and did some crotch cupping. Sonny noticed Andy and he took care of an itch. By the time Andy's car had an inspection sticker, we all knew the score.

"I really appreciate you helping me out," Andy said. "I live a few blocks away. Why don't you come over for a beer?"

"I'd like that," Johnson replied, "but I'm covered in grease. I have a house next door. If you can get some beer, bring it over. I can shower and we can relax."

Andy opened the trunk of the car. He had a case of Budweiser there. "I've got the beer. Where's your apartment?" We walked to the side of the tire shop property and went into a small bungalow. This actually was Sonny's apartment. This wasn't in a good part of town, but the house was nice inside. It was simple and clean. Most of the furniture was old, county antiques.

We all took a beer and put the rest into the refrigerator and Sonny and Johnson adjourned to the bedroom. Johnson and Sonny stripped there and went to the bath. The bathroom was on the hall, so we saw them naked.

"They are interested in the same thing we are, aren't they Leo?" Andy asked. I nodded. "Well let's get naked and join them. There's no use pretending we aren't interested." He was right about that. We stripped and went in the bath. We were welcomed with open arms.

When we entered the bath Johnson was getting out and Sonny was still showering. Andy sank to his knees and started sucking Johnson's cock. I got in the shower with Sonny. He didn't seem surprised. Sonny was young, but not at all shy or reserved. I wanted to suck him, but he was too fast. His nose was in my bush before I could get to his meat. He liked to deep throat. After a few minutes of this we got out of the shower, dried off and joined Andy and Johnson in the bedroom.

I'm not sure there is such a thing as a prefect storm in sexual attraction, but if there was, the four of us were in it. It was as if we were meant to be together. Somehow I knew what they wanted and they knew what I desired. We were all available to each other. Johnson and I were in the 69 position, when Sonny mounted me and Andy slipped his cock into Johnson's ass. I tasted Johnson react when Andy's knob rubbed his prostate. I licked up the precum that oozed every time Andy thrust his cock deep.

We broke apart and reformed with Andy in Sonny's ass and Johnson in mine. I shot off as did Andy. We all took a breather then. We needed some recharge time. Johnson told Sonny about our Scout camping trips and our experimentation in the tents.

"Johnson was a kid when we first met and a full grown man a year later," I said.

"I thought you told me you were small?" Sonny said to Johnson.

I laughed. "He was small, but his cock grew first and his body caught up later. When he was hard, it was a wonder he didn't tip over from the imbalance."

"What did you do?" Andy asked. "I hate to sound like a fool, but I had no idea that was going on. I thought you were all innocents."

"It was mostly touching and stroking," Johnson said. "To tell you the truth were were innocent. We were all kids who suddenly discovered we had cocks and that our cocks had needs. We didn't know what to do with them and no one was going to tell us."

"That was where I discovered the scientific method. We did experiments to see what worked," I said. "It was curiosity and lust. Our hormones were telling us to do something, but no one would tell us what. We figured it out by trial and error."

Sonny laughed. "I figured it out with the kid next door, Louie. The only difference was that we didn't have any errors. Everything was good."

"As I recall, things were good with Leo and me too," Johnson said. "I really didn't know if this was just kid stuff, or if adults did it too. I was hoping you, our Scout master, would help, or at least tell us what was up. I got to see your cock once, but that was it."

"Well Ron and I were trying to shack up without you guys knowing," Andy said. "I had no idea you were interested, but there was no way I could do anything about it if I had. We'd have been arrested. Sex education may be a need for young men, but it won't get you a badge from the scouts." we all laughed. "Did any of you have an experience with an adult?"

"Louie and I did," Sonny said. "Louie had an uncle who lived on a farm. He had a swimming hole. We went there to pick apples on a Saturday. It was a really hot, fall day and Old Uncle Joe and his pal Alvis took us to the pond and we went skinny dipping."

"I didn't know a full grown man could be naked. I had seen a few construction guys shirtless, but hat was as close to naked as I had ever seen. As you may have guessed, I liked what I saw," Sonny continued. "Neither Uncle Joe nor Alvis were the shy types. Lou told his Uncle he liked what he saw. Nothing happened the first time we visited, but a few years later it was different. I heard that Uncle Joe's wife had died."

"There was some whispering that Alvis had moved into the farm house to keep Joe company," Sonny explained. "My dad had left us several years earlier. I had a summer job in the day time and mom worked the night shift. I had a license and on one night I took a drive and went by Uncle Joe's farm. I went in. I was sixteen then, but they recognized me. We talked for a while and I mentioned the swimming hole. They knew what I wanted."

"Did you get what you wanted?" I asked.

Sonny nodded. "They were big, bearish men, hung thick and not pretty. I sucked Joe while Alvis sucked me. He took my load. I didn't guess anyone would do that. It was hard to believe anything could feel so good. Joe fucked Alvis so I could see how it was done. I got hard again watching, so I fucked Alvis too. That still wasn't enough, so I screwed Joe too. Later that night Joe popped my cherry. I was the happiest teenager in Virginia that night."

"Who popped your hole, Johnson?" I asked.

"Sonny. I had been a confirmed top until I met him. You could say he increased my repertoire of sexual skills."

"A grad student at the University took mine," I said. "At the time I thought I had found true love, but it turned out he was a trophy hunter."

"That's sad," Andy said.

"Actually it was fine," I said. "I was really tight and it wasn't easy. A year later I found I guy I liked and that was good. I was ready for him and it fit like a glove. What is your story, Andy?"

"Would you believe it was the wrestling coach?" he said. "I turned 18 on my graduation day from high school. The principal joked about it at the ceremony. I looked like I was thirty, and Mr. Smith said, "Do you believe Andy only thirty today. When I first met him two years ago I thought he was a faculty member!" The next day I was back at school dropping off my cap and gown."

"Coach Eggers saw me and told me to drop in at his office. I was on the wrestling team and had done well. Eggers was a taller, bigger version of me with slightly less body hair. He thanked me for joining the team. I wasn't a star, but I always pulled my weight and did what he wanted. "Your 18 now and no longer a student here," he said. "Are you excited about going to college?" The words were innocuous, but he was rubbing his crotch. I have to admit, I tended to look at his crotch when ever I could. Apparently he had noticed."

"I didn't know what to do, but I took a flyer and scratched my balls. I guessed right. Coach Eggers gave me a ride home, but had to stop at his apartment first. I went in and he asked me if I wanted to relax some. He had unbuttoned his shirt. I did the same. "Is this your first time with a man?" coach asked. I said yes. Then he said that some things you can't undo. He told me he had noticed me looking at him. He was good with that and not offended."

"I've seen all you boys naked and you stood out," he said. I said that I knew I was hairy. He told me it wasn't the hair, but my cock he noticed. By then he had unbuckled his pants and unzipped. He wasn't wearing underwear and I saw his bush. I dropped my pants and we were off to the races."

"Shit that's a wet dream come true," Johnson said.

"Eggars was a nice guy. He was more interested in me than I was in him and I was really interested!" Andy said. "I had dreamed of something like what happened, but the reality was more vivid than my dream. I wasn't that imaginative then. He wanted me to fuck him. I couldn't believe this full grown man was shivering in rapture on my cock. It was beautiful. When he shot off I pulled out and licked up all the goo he had sprayed across his gut. I ran into him again a year later on summer vacation that time we fucked each other silly."

The fucked each other silly comment struck a responsive chord, and we went at it again. This time I fucked Sonny as Andy fucked Johnson. They made out as we screwed them. It was hot as hell. We broke up at nine, but agreed we'd get together again soon.

Andy was off teaching a summer school class in Richmond for two weeks. I saw Johnson a few times. We had fun but it was nothing like the fun we had with Andy. "I'd like to have a scout reunion," Andy said at the end of a session. "Just you, Sonny, me, Buddy and Justin with Andy. I think we'd have a good old time. I've got a hunting lodge in the mountains. It's secluded and we could let our hair down there."

I thought that might be fun and said I'd talk to Andy about it when he got back. Andy called me when he got back. He was excited. Ron was being transferred back to our area. "I told him about our adventures here and he like to see you again. I mentioned the possibility of a reunion. Andy said it sounded good to him, but he wasn't sure about Ron. He would ask.

I called Johnson and told him of my conversation. He was excited too. "How about the 4th July?" he asked. That was two weeks away and seemed possible. Eventually we settled on that date. The reunion grew a little. Ron knew of another scoutmaster who had another troop. That guy, Ed Newkirk, called me.

I vaguely remembered him as a younger man who worked with a troop from a town 10 miles away. We chatted for a while and then got down to business. "This sounds like a fun time," he said. "All the scouts will be over 18?" I said sure, that was my understanding. "They're all into it?" he asked. I told him that the former scout who wanted the reunion was no shrinking violet, and it was hard for me to envision his friends were the shy, retiring types."

"You are a friend of Ron?" I asked.

"Yes. You could have said I was the shy and retiring type until I met Ron," Ed said. "I was more of a Southern Baptist, lust in your heart type. Lot's of desire with little action. Ron straighten me out."

"That's a rough way to live."

"I was what you might call a martinet. Once the pressure in my balls reduced, I was a much nicer guy," Ed explained. "Unlike Ron I like younger men, but I think I was mad at them for not being available. Once I had a sexual outlet, I relaxed."

"Do you have a partner or friend now?"

"I have an old friend. He was a scout too, but not in this area," Ed said. I told him to bring his friend along. Ed said he would ask.

Johnson's friends Buddy and Justin had friends too. By the time the Fourth of July rolled around we had 12 men coming to the reunion, 3 scoutmasters and 9 former scouts. The 4th was on a Saturday so we had Friday as a holiday. I drove to Johnson's hunting lodge on Thurs afternoon. I brought Justin and two friends of his Willy and Tyrone. They were going to set it up next to the lodge.

Justin was 21, and completing a degree in engineering at Tech. He was six feet tall and L.L. Bean groomed. Willy the same age, but he looked as if he were just growing out of his baby fat. He was in pre med at the University. Tyrone was a 6'-4" former collegiate level basket ball player who was beginning a teaching career.

The lodge was way in the woods and the road to it was just one step better than a trail. The lodge it self was up scale rustic. It was granite and logs. The interior was one room with a massive fireplace in the middle. The lodge was enveloped in porches, most of which were screened against the forest insects. Johnson and Sonny were there and helped Justin set up his tent. It was a big on that could sleep ten.

It was a hot day and soon we had all stripped down to our shorts. Buddy arrived with three friends at five. Buddy was a construction worker, and his friends look like they may have been in construction too. Before we had a chance to get acquainted, Ed drove up. He was with a younger man he introduced as Coach. Two of Buddy's friends, a thin guy they called Badger and a beefy man called Boomer, knew them.

The last to arrive were Andy and Ron. I think they were surprised to see all the men, but pleased. Buddy had a tent too, so we all helped put it up. By the time it was up were were all hot and sweaty. Johnson suggested a trip to a pond up the mountain.

We were all ready for that. The pond was beautiful. Johnson's hunting lodge had been part of a larger estate. The main house had burned. The pond was artificial, created by a small granite dam. It had been the reservoir for the house. The pumping station was gone but the pond remained. We all stripped off our shorts and jumped in. In seconds it was just like it had been in the scouts; kids playing in the water.

We must have played for an hour, then went back to the lodge. No one dressed for the return trip. It was an exciting walk. It was liberating to see the Scoutmaster's naked and at ease being naked. The cock and balls we had dreamed about were next to us. For Ron, Andy and Ed, they saw the boys they knew as men. Technically no one was aroused, but the cocks were by no means shrunken after the dip in the cold water. I guess you could say everyone was politely stimulated.

While we all hoped for a weekend of man to man sex, all of us were straight arrows. We were all gainfully employed good citizens. No of us met the television's stereotype of the gay man. No one in a bible thumping church would have guessed we were gay. Johnson asked for volunteers to help with dinner. Ron, Tyrone and I went to help him.

Next: Chapter 3

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