Scout jackpot gay/camping

By Harry Broom

Published on Dec 28, 2023


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Scout Jackpot 8: I wear your clothes

I'm Tom Witherspoon and I'm back. Matt and I met Jakob at Cape Agulhas and spent time with him at his family's holiday house in Gansbaai. We spent a day exploring the area and that evening we explored each other. I've kept in touch with Jakob and Matt and I can't wait to spend a week there in December. Jakob told us about Joel, and we were also looking forward to meeting him as well.

Matt and I were on our way to Gansbaai and stopped at the liquor store in Botriveir to pick up some booze to take with to Jakob. When we came out the car was gone. My heart sank as I slowly realised I might have become a crime statistic. Matt and I walked to the police station and reported the theft and they put out an urgent alert. We sat there a little dazed, with the clothes on our backs, two plastic bags containing beer and vodka, and our mobile phones. Our clothes, my tent, food and other gear were in the car. We decided to continue our trip and I called my mom and told her what happened, and she was just glad that we were unharmed.

There was another person waiting at the police station who was on her way to Gansbaai and offered to give us a lift. Rebecca dropped us on Jakob's doorstep, and we were so grateful we asked to take her to dinner. Jakob came out to meet us and we told him about the car theft. He couldn't believe it and said that we were welcome to wear his clothes in the interim, and I booked his Speedo. Jakob told us that Joel wasn't able to join us because his father had suffered a stroke and had to return to Cape Town with his mother.

Once we were inside Jakob's house we embraced and kissed, and he felt Matt and me. I loved seeing Jakob's tall, tanned body and his blue eyes again. He was glad to have us over, and we went down to the grocery store to get more supplies. While we were there we also got some toiletries and some new undies. We thought it would be going a bit too far to wear Jakob's underwear. Jakob was getting to know the locals and even spoke some isiXhosa, Jakob was an outgoing guy and I think the life of any party.

I made pasta for early supper, and we ate on the veranda wearing our undies. We dipped into the plunge pool and felt each other off. We kissed and reconnected. Jakob's dick was monstrous, and I couldn't get enough of seeing it hard. He had become far less self-conscious and enjoyed the attention we gave him. That night we joined Jakob in his bed, all our inhibitions were gone after finishing a bottle of vodka. We kissed Jakob, I had my fingers up his arse and Matt performed miracles on his dick with his tongue. Jakob came in Matt's mouth in no time. Jakob lubed my dick and I lubed his hole. He lifted his long legs and rested them on my shoulders. I slipped in easily and he squirmed as I caught his prostate. Jakob sucked Matt off at the same time, and I came in minutes forgetting the troubles of the day. It was good to be with friends.

We went down to the beach early to swim and lay in the sun before it got too hot. I wore Jakob's Speedo and Matt wore a pair of his running shorts. We both wore Jakob's T-shirts, and I reflected that it was another way to be close to your friends. We ran into Rebecca on the beach, and I introduced her to Jakob. I realised at that moment I how attractive she was and we invited her for supper at a local restaurant that night.

Jakob's reaction was interesting. He perked up and I almost saw a glint of lust in his eyes. He kind of flirted with Rebecca and I knew that she had ignited some kind of interest. Matt was quiet and observed in silence. Jakob had many questions about Rebecca, and we answered whatever we knew. When we stood up and shook the sand off our towels, Matt whispered to me:

"Jakob's not as gay as says he is. Follow this space, Tom."

Jakob's trousers were too long for us, and we had to settle for shorts. Matt and I took an early shower together, while Jakob groomed himself for the dinner with Rebecca. Matt and I enjoyed fooling around in the shower, we kissed and took chances sucking each other till we came. I loved having my back, arse, and legs washed by Matt, and I always found it very sensual.

The pizzeria was very simple, but renowned for its pizzas. People travelled from far away to enjoy themselves at the trattoria. Luckily, we arrived before the crowds got there and we didn't have to wait too long. Tony, the owner was Italian, and Jakob had a conversed in Italian with him. He was a real charmer. Jakob and Rebecca hit it off and spoke and spoke, and he invited her to our early morning time on the beach.

We went down to the beach early to swim and lay in the sun before it got too hot. Rebecca joined us in her bikini. I wore Jakob's running shorts and Matt his Speedo (and he looked good in it). There was an unpleasant wind that whipped up sand and made it very unpleasant on the beach. Jakob invited us back to the plunge pool at his parent's house which would be more pleasant.

Rebecca asked Jakob to apply some suncream and took off her bikini top. She had incredibly firm boobs and she asked Jakob to apply suncream everywhere. I could see Jakob's erection as he applied the cream. Matt and I applied cream to each other, and Rebecca did Jakob. Rebecca spoke about nudism, and how she had spent time at a few nudist resorts. Jakob said that she was free to remove her clothes with us and that he would join her. Matt and I agreed to go nude too, as we didn't have much clothing with us anyway.

I must confess that I moment again admiring Rebecca's body, as it was perfect. Jakob's body looked good too, but his dick was semi-erect which I found a little embarrassing for him. Both Matt and I were able to sport flaccid dicks. Rebecca grew up in Cape Town, had trained as a beauty therapist, and now worked in a studio up the road. She was proud of her body and wasn't as self-conscious as I was. Jakob continued his flirting and made arrangement for them to have dinner together that night.

I had enough of all this latent sexual tension and suggested to Matt that we go for a long walk along the beach (even though it was windy). We got dressed, grabbed our hats, and started walking leaving Jakob and Rebecca at the pool.

When we returned in the evening Matt found a note on the kitchen counter from Jakob, who said that he was going to dinner but that he would only return the next morning. It felt very strange living in another person's home and wearing his clothes. Matt challenged me that evening and implied that I was no different to Jakob in the way I played people. I realised that he was speaking the truth and apologised to him. We had a long discussion about fidelity and commitment, and he suggested that we both the tested when we get back home. Matt and I discussed the prospect of staying the rest of the week and we made plans to return to Cape Town early.

We enjoyed being alone with each other as we watched the sky change colour. I held Matt's hand and we kissed deeply - these are the moments that movie directors take forever to set up. We went to our room and lay quietly holding each other in the darkness, we later undressed and snuggled with each other in bed.

Matt and I showered together in the morning washing down each other's bodies. He cupped my balls and went down to suck me, I leaned against the shower wall and my body shuddered as I came into his mouth. I stood up and kissed him sharing his cum while I wanked him off.

Jakob returned at about nine that morning smiling in a self-satisfied way. He dumped his car keys and an open box of Trust condoms onto the kitchen counter and fell onto the couch in the lounge. He told us that he had a fantastic night with Rebecca and couldn't wait to tell us more. They had walked on the beach in the moonlight after dinner and he had spent the night with her. He told us in detail how he fucked her and what a good time they had. We were happy for him and told him that we would return to Cape Town later in the day. Jakob tried to persuade us to stay, but we easily saw through half-hearted attempt. We never got to camp out with Jakob.

We had no luggage, and that afternoon we caught a minibus taxi back to Cape Town. We never heard from Jakob again and I have sometimes wonder what transpired between him and Rebecca, especially when I wear his black Speedo. Jakob was a player, and we had been played.

Next: Chapter 9

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