Scottys Humiliation

By T.T.A.

Published on Sep 16, 2023


Scotty's humiliations, Chapter 1 - The Accidental Sleepover (or the Sleepover Accident) Pt.2

Note: a couple readers pointed out an editing error in part 1. One part said that Steve (the narrator) was 24 and Scott was 17. Another part said there was only a few months age difference. In actual fact (umm actual imagination), there are 7 years apart. Steve is 24 and Scott is 17.

Still groggy, I stumbled to the bathroom to relieve my bladder. As I walked back, I saw Scotty on the bean bag. I went closer to gawk a little. He was adorable. His skinny hairless body and baby face curled up into a ball. I half expected him to stick his thumb in his mouth. I gazed at his crotch, hoping to be able to see up his shorts. And then, I noticed something.


I noticed that the white of his undies were wet. Then as I looked at the front of his shorts, I noticed a wet spot too. Scott had peed himself again! I felt myself bone up again. He looked so vulnerable with his hairless chest and face and wet underwear.

I learned down and shook him awake.

"Mmm..." he mumbled.

"Come with me," I said, taking his hand and pulling him up. I walked him to the bathroom. He was in a zombie state. Barely awake but not really conscious about what was going on. I'm always like that when i wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But unlike Scotty, I went in the toilet.

I kneeled down and started untying his shorts. "What are you doing?" he mumbled.

"You went potty in your pants so I'm cleaning you up."

"Mmm.." he said, still dazed.

I pulled his wet red shorts to reveal his dingy white Hanes briefs. I lowered the briefs and had him step out of them and the shorts. I was shocked to see that his crotch was completely hairless. And it didn't look shaved either. His soft dick was tiny... maybe an inch or an inch and a half long and skinny. Just like most of the rest of his body, it made him look 10.

I took a wash cloth, wet it and started wiping his thighs and butt with it. I decided to test how honest he'd be in his zombie state. "How often do you wet at night?"

"Most nights."

"Does your mommy or daddy spank you for it?"

"He use to but I live by myself now."

"Do you wear a didee at night?"


I spread his cheeks to wipe his butt quite vigorously. It didn't take long for his undersized peepee to stand to attention. Hard, it looked to be maybe 3 inches long. His stiffy twitched as I washed his hole. The washcloth was disgusting - just like the seat of his briefs. The boy clearly didn't wipe his butt very well. Just another way he acted far younger than his age.

"You like it when I rub your butt hole." He nodded his head.

"Ok Scotty, Lean over my knee."

I was surprised he obliged without argument. He was still so zombied out.

I slapped his ass. Then again a little harder. Then again harder still. Then again as hard as I could.

After the fourth slap, he yelled, "What the hell?" and stood up.

I guess the hard spanks broke him out of his zombie state.

"Get back over my knee," I ordered.

"What the hell's going on?" he barked. Then he realized he was butt naked and covered his lil soldier with his left hand. I was between him and his clothes so he couldn't do anything else.

"You pissed yourself twice, including once on my beanbag. Do you realize how gross that is?"

"Sorry it was an acc..."

"yeah I know. You do it every night. You told me."

"Wait, what?"

"Yea and you told me your dad used to spank you and you obviously still need it so shut the fuck up and get back over my knee, boy."

"Fuck you perv... no way."

"Listen, here's the deal. I should make you pay for the beanbag you ruined. And that was after you lied to me about it after the first time. And I should tell everyone at the college that you're a baby bedwetter with a baby dick who wears baby diapers. I even have pictures of you in your peepee underwear and a few of you with your little toddler weenie. I won't if you let punish you like you deserve."

He stood there with with a stunned look on his face. "You wouldn't," he whispered.

I laughed evily. "You wanna bet? Get over my knee now or this shit goes online."

He started tearing up but his face showed his defeat. Sadly, he lay back over my knee. I made him put his hands on his head. I rubbed his stunning baby smooth ass. "So Scotty, how many spankings do you deserve?"

"I dunno."

"I'd say 20 for each time you peed plus 10 for lying to me about it and 10 for shitting your undies."

"Wait, I didn't poop in them."

I grabbed both pairs of the nasty underwear. I shoved the huge skid mark in one of them in his face. "What is this?" He gagged and barely got out, "A poop stain."

Then I took the other pair and shoved the racing stripe in his mouth. "And this is?" Again, "a poop stain."

"So if they both have huge shit stains in them, then how can you say you didn't shit them?"

He started crying.

"So that's 60 spanks."

"Holy fuck," he said. "60?"

"Ok I'll make a deal with you. I'll subtract 20 spanks if you do anything I tell you after words. 40 if you do two things."

"What? You mean like walk around naked or some prank?" he said.


"I guess. I went through an initiation with the hockey team so I can handle it."

I smiled, realizing he had no idea what he was in for. "I've already given you 4 so it's 16 more."

I slapped his ass once, twice, three times... by the 10th time, he was saying "ouch"... by the 13th, he was wiggling so I made the last 3 slaps as hard as I could.

"Now stand up boy, hands on head."

He obliged. His ass was read. His dickie was sticking straight out 3 inches in front of him.

"Ok now you have to do two things I tell you to."

"You want me to streak?"

"No, I want you to beat off."

"Wait, what?"

"I want you to rub your little dickie."

He blushed. I wasn't sure if it was at the mockery or the action required.


"You promised, now do it. Or else!" I added.

He sat down on the toilet. "Are you serious?"

"Now!" I barked.

He sighed and took his cut, skinny 3 incher and started rubbing.

I sucked on my finger for a second, got on my knees and slowly inserted my finger into his ass. He moaned loudly as I did it.

"Do you finger yourself when you jerk off?"

"Somet... I mean..." his face turned red at the realization of his faux pas.

I smiled, "It's ok Scotty. I know you like to finger fuck your little pussy."

"It's not a pussy. I'm not a fag."

"Oh ok," I said, removing my finger from his hole.

"What the hell?"

"I thought you wanted me to take my finger out."

He shook his head, still beating off.

"Then ask me to put it in."


"No, say it."

He closed his eyes. "Please finger me."

"Finger your what?" I said, enjoying drawing this out.

"Dammit, please finger my ass!" he blurted out.

I smiled and shoved my finger back up his ass. "Can you cum?"

When he didn't answer, I stopped fingering him. "I said, do you make sperm when you beat off?"

"Sometimes, now please finger me again. And hard."

He didn't have to ask twice. I stuck a second finger in there and started fucking him with them as hard as I could. I took his tiny nut sac and marble sized balls with my other hand and started rolling them around.

"Ahhhh...." he screamed as his body stiffened. His skinny little nail lurched forward and a couple of small drops of watery liquid barely escaped the hole at the top. Then a few seconds later, his body relaxed and he sighed loudly.

"Damn bro," I said, rubbing my finger across the pee hole and dabbing up the tiny droplets of seminal fluid. "Are you really 17 or 12?"

He turned his head shamefully.

"Ok, now the other thing you promised to do."


I pushed my blue boxer briefs to my ankles and pointed to my erect 6 incher. "Suck it."

"Bbbut is there anything else I can do?"

I sighed. "I'll give you a choice. It either goes into your mouth or your ass. You pick."

He closed his eyes and guided my boner to his mouth and started sucking. I took his hand and put it on my balls, which he started fondling. I was close even before he started sucking me so I grabbed his hair and started fucking his face pretty hard. He was obviously trying not to choke on my average sized cock but it was still pretty intense. Just before zero hour, I pulled out and sprayed three large spurts of thick cum and several smaller ones onto his face and chest.

I sat down on the edge of the bath tub. "Fuck, you say you're not a fag but you're a damn good cocksucker."

"I've never done that before," he said, in a voice pleading with me to believe him.

"So how do you play hockey with that thing?" I said, pointing to his again tiny softy. "The guys have to be merciless with you in the shower."

He turned red but stood up quickly. "I gotta go."

I smiled and held up both pairs of nasty briefs. "Sure. Do you want wear the pissy, poopy undies or the shitty, peepee undies?"

He grabbed one of the pairs and stepped into them and then took the dry but smelly sweats and stepped into those too. He pulled his tshirt over his head and pulled it down before saying, "Oh shit."

I laughed loudly at him. He'd forgotten to wipe my jizz off him. "I guess you don't make enough cum to have to worry about cleaning up."

He glared at me and grabbed the shorts and the other pair of wet undies and stormed toward the door. As he was putting on his boots, I yelled out, "We should do this again, Scotty." As he walked out the door, I added, "Next time, bring a didee with you."

end of chapter

Note: Another story involving Scotty will come soon. Feedback and suggestions welcome.

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