Scotts Dream

By moc.loa@82reggagylloL

Published on Aug 26, 2000


Hey, here's chapter 2. I know there isn't much of Flinn's POV in this, but I did that on purpose. I don't want to reveal much. A big thanx to those who gave me good comments, DJ Paul, AL, Marco, Ray, T, Bobby, Trevor, Jim, thank you.

Disclaimer: Yadda yadda yadda, if you're under 18 (or 21 in some utterly ridiculous jurisdictions) you technically shouldn't be reading this but knowing that is probably your sole intention and you won't follow the disclaimer here, don't hold me responsible and don't get caught. If gay sex offends you, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? There is no man/man sex yet anyway. Anyway, enjoy! **********

From Chapter 1: ********** They returned to lunch. Scott knew that they had just shared a rather private moment, and only people you trust could be let in on a secret like that. He felt that Flinn really trusted him. And Scott genuinely felt sorry for Flinn. **********

3rd Person/Narrator

Scott decided to invite Flinn over that day after school, to go bike riding. Anyway that would allow him to further get to know this Adonis, was a definite plus.

"Hey Flinn, you got a bike?"

"Umm, yeah. Why?"

"Well, I thought we could ride today after school. How bout it?"

"Sure. But I don't know how to get to your house..."

Scott explained directions to Flinn, and that evening they met and rode to a nearby pond, over to McDonald's and had dinner, and then they went to Flinn's house.

Scott noted that Flinn's Mom was exceptionally nice to him. She said that it was wonderful that her son was already making friends around the neighborhood. She also invited Scott to stay for dinner, not knowing that they already had it at McDonalds. Lynn, that was her name, frowned at the thought of eating fast food for dinner, but she dropped it and Flinn took Scott up to his room.


"Nice room, I have a computer in mine too," I said. He got up to turn it on, and he instructed me to get a chair from the other room and bring it in. When I got back, he was already online.

"So, what'cha wanna do?" Flinn asked. I replied, "I dunno..what do you usually do?"

"Nothing really, just talk to friends from my old school, work on my website a little.."

We had so much in common, it wasn't even funny. "Hey cool! I have a website..can you show me yours?"

He typed in the address and a page popped up with 'FlinnWorld' at the top. I smiled at the name. "I like it. Can I show you mine?"


I typed in my address and my website, which was a little slower than his, loaded and he started clicking on the various links on the side of it. He went to the Photos page, and clicked on my picture which was from like 2 years ago. I laughed and covered my eyes, I hated that picture.


"Heheheh," I thought. "He looked a hell of a lot different than he does now."

Scott laughed, and covered his eyes in embarrassment. I smiled and playfully cooed, "Awwww! Little Scotty has grown so much!" and pinched his cheeks.


As he pinched my cheeks, I fought back and tickled him under his arms. I decided I would smell my fingers as soon as I had a chance. It soon turned into a wrestling match, and we were rolling around on the floor.

His touch was pure bliss, it was electrifying in a sense. I could feel my cock perking up, and I fought hard to will it to go down, trying to think about Oprah Winfrey naked or something. Doing this and retaining a decent rank in the match was no easy task, considering in a few seconds I was pinned to the floor and his weight on top of me. I opened my eyes and looked at his, and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes, but it was probably a matter of seconds. I think we both felt pretty awkward after that, but he rolled off of me and stood up.

He broke the ice and said,


"Well, what do you want to do now?"

He yawned, "I don't know...but I am kind of tired though. Damn, it's 10:00, I won't be able to get home in the dark. Could I use your phone to call my folks and have them pick me up?"

"I guess, but why don't you just stay here? It would be a lot easier."


"I don't have any clothes..."

"You could borrow mine. You look like you're about the same size as me."

I knew what the response was going to be. I WOULD BE WEARING HIS CLOTHES! Yum...

"Oh, well that sounds OK. Where would I sleep?"

"Well, you have two choices. The guest bedroom, or the floor in my room. Take your pick."

"I like to sleep on the floor," I lied. "The floor in your room will be fine."

He gave me a strange look, and then yelled out of his bedroom to his Mom that I would be sleeping over, which triggered an "OK!" from her.

"Um, OK, so what now?" I asked.

"Well, we should get your sleeping area set up. Oh yea, do you wear PJs?"

I completely forgot about this. Damn. "Oh, I usually sleep naked, but, I'll leave my boxers on, I guess."

His face almost looked sullen at that, but I thought I must have been imagining it.



I thought, "Why doesn't he just sleep naked? Wait, why do I care? Why am I thinking that?"


He walked away to get the blankets and a pillow. I stood, thinking about that, what was that look for? Or did I imagine it? In the midst of my confusion, he walked back in, and dumped the blankets on the floor. He threw the pillow at me. This was a catalyst for another wrestling match, but I won that time. We decided to go to bed after that. I got undressed to my boxers, went under the covers, and forced myself to sleep. Though not before taking a deep whiff of my fingers.

The next morning, which was a Saturday (first day of school on a Friday, go figure), I awoke Flinn, and his eyes fluttered open. He stretched, and smiled, "Good morning." Oh God how cute. I threw the covers off and my eyes immediately fell to the prominent bulge in his boxers.


I totally freaked and impulsively pulled the covers back up and curled up into a fetal position. He laughed, and said, "Ha ha, I didn't know I was that sexy." I could feel the blood collecting in my cheeks.

He again laughed, "Don't worry about it. I get them too. Happens all the time."

That kinda made me feel better, but it was still really embarrassing.


This was a humiliating moment for him, no kidding, but I didn't want Flinn to feel uncomfortable around me. So I tried my very best to lighten the situation. He started to get up, bringing the blanket with him, but I took that from him and assured him, "It's no big deal."

He gave a weak smile and went to the bathroom, boxers still tented. I couldn't help but grin thinking about that. Man, he must be huge also. The bulge was huge! Then I realized, I was going to get hard thinking about this. I'd better stop.

When he came back, we found some of his clothes and I put them on. They fit perfect. They smelled perfect too. I loved it. We ate breakfast, and went back to his room to watch a little TV.

I suggested we go to my house and swim in my pool. For September, it was still pretty hot out. So he gathered his bathing suit and we rode back to my house. I showed him to the bathroom so he could change, and when he was done, I was already swimming. He jumped in, nearly landing on top of me. He emerged above the water and yelled, "FUCK! That's cold!" Flinn proceeded to dunk me and jump on my shoulders. This was fun. I fought back, but I let him win. It was all I could do to submit to him. We horsed around a little more, and I tried to teach him how to dive. He didn't do too well.

After we got out of the pool, we dried off and we both tried to get on the same lounge chair. The big, comfy one. It ended up with him on bottom and me on top, facing each other. I said to him, "This is no way to sit." But I made no attempt to move. I added, "It is kind of nice, though..." He responded with a "Yeah..." but I was way to scared to go any further. I got off and decided to lay my towel right next to the chair. The silence that followed was so loud it hurt my ears. Why did that happen? Why did I do something so stupid? He probably hates me now...I can't believe I did that...


"OK, that was too weird. Did I hear myself say that it WAS nice? That I enjoyed it? WHAT?! I know I'm not gay, but did I like that?" I pondered to myself. I then thought one last thing in my mind. "I liked that."

********** OK, the second chapter of Scott's Dream is finished! What did you guys think? Was it good? As always, comments are greatly appreciated and I would love to hear how much you loved it. Flames ignored, and constructive criticism is welcome. Please mention something about "Scott's Dream" in the subject or it may get deleted. Oh and btw, when you e-mail I automatically add you to the update list. Bye! -Jesse,

Next: Chapter 3

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