Scottish Hostel

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Jan 8, 2003



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2002 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

Scottish Hostel



Mary-Jo and her girlfriend Angela had planed on taking a trip up to Scotland for a holiday together. At the last minute Angela pulled out of going. Jo already had her tickets, so she deiced go ahead with the trip. She took the train north.

Jo had been born in Edinburgh, Scotland but her family had moved to southern England when she was two or three years old. Her Scottish heritage was reflected in her red hair and green eyes. She had no memory of Scotland and wanted to see what it was like. She did not have a lot of money to spend so she was planning on staying in youth hostels.

She met a couple of girls on the train. They were on a cheap holiday and going to visit Scotland the same way she was. They were seventeen too. So they struck up a friendship and traveled together. The one that was the most talkative one was named Jean. The other one was named Sally.

When they arrived at the hostel to spend the night. They were entertaining themselves by playing games in the common room. They wanted to make it interesting by making a bet. Jo needed the money for her holiday but was willing to risk it to be able to enjoy her holiday even longer. The girls came up with idea that each of them would put up $100 bet each, roll the dice, the lowest goes first. The first one not to go through with the dare they lose at the end of the week the one with the most dare-points wins all the money. The two high rollers made the dare and the loser had to do what ever they said. Jo lost.

It was agreed that Jo would roll the dice for the number of hours her dare would last. Doubles and she rolled again. After the roll the numbers would be added up. Jo rolled and two fives came up for ten. She rolled again and two threes came up for sixteen. She hoped the next roll was not a double. It was almost as bad .a six and a four, for a total of twenty- six. That added up to 26 hours for my dare.

Jo waited in anticipation for what her double-dare would be. Jean told her, "Tonight you sleep naked - you have got a thick sleeping bag, and the hostel heating is on, so you won't be cold." That's easy I thought. Jane added, "At one o'clock you have got to get up and go to Sally's dorm-room. She will then give you further instructions. Oh, and by the way - no clothes not even shoes."

The hostel had around 30 rooms in two separate wings, with six bunks in each room. But unlike other hostels, where one side is female and the other male, in this hostel each room was assigned male or female as needed. That meant that each wing was mixed. Sally's dorm was in the other wing. That meant that she would have to walk naked through the hostel, past the TV room, through the kitchen and dining room before going up the stairs into the other wing. There were not many places to hide if anybody were about.

"You can get ready and go to bed now. Sally will take your things with her, back to her room. She has already got your holdall. But first we want to make sure you go to bed the first part of your dare is to strip right here in front of us."

"No - I've got a better idea" Sally interrupted. "She opened my holdall and rummaged around and pulled out my towel and wash-bag. "Let's go to the showers.we can start in there, after all.I want to see you nice and clean when you get to my room at one o'clock."

So we walked down the hall to one of the girls shower rooms. There were three shower cubicles, with plastic curtain mirrors, and a couple of benches.

Jane stood me in the middle of the changing area. Jane started "Right have to do what we say, when we say it, no matter what. Your body is now ours, to do what we want with. Your tits are no longer your tits, they are ours tits. Your bum is now our bum. Your pussy is not your pussy, it is ours pussy to use as we want to."

I got the message!

"Now take off the shoes."

Jo slipped her shoes off, facing them. Sally picked them up and put them in my holdall bag. "You will get these back, if we let you, tomorrow, along with all your other things. Now off with the tee-shirt."

Jo felt very self-conscious as she pulled the tee shirt over her head.

"Give it to Sally" Jane instructed.

Obediently she did as she was instructed. "What if somebody comes in?" She thought.

Just then the door to the shower room opened and in walked a tall pretty girl. She was one of the party of French students I had seen earlier.

"Hello Monique", Sally greeted. "This is Jane, and this is Jo. She has bet us that she will to do anything and everything we tell her to do or she loses the bet."

Monique smiled, "Well I came here for a shower.but perhaps I can stay with you guys and join in?"

No problem was their reply. Now she had an audience of three. Jane sat on one bench in front of Jo. Jo stood in just her bra and skirt, in the middle of the room. Sally & Monique sat on the other bench behind her. Jo would be watched from the front and from behind, as she undressed at their commands.

"OK Jo, my friend Monique wants to see you get naked. don't disappoint her. Off with the skirt."

Jo fumbled with the side buttons, and slowly dropped the skirt to her ankles. As before she handed it to Sally for safekeeping. She could feel Sally & Monique's eyes staring at her bottom. She had put on her black thong that morning. Her bum cheeks would be nicely on display for the girls sitting behind her.

"Come-on, you've got far to many clothes on, give us the bra". Jo unclipped the clasp and pulled the bra forward away from her small pert breasts. Her nipples were already starting to harden. Jo hoped they would not notice. Jane told her to slowly pull my thong down. Jo did as she instructed, and slowly inched the waste band down over her mound.

Sally then told her, "Clench together the bum cheeks tightly, that should slow things down a bit!"

This Jo did. Sally & Monique watched the thong pull out from the grip of her bum cheeks. Jane bent forward to get a closer look as first her bush coming into view, then slowly her pussy slit. Jo had to admit that it did feel good having all this attention. She new Jane could see her `warming-up' and her lips were no doubt clearly parting and moist. She let the thong drop to the floor.

Sally told Jo to turn round, "Jane, isn't it a nice bum? We will have some fun warming it up later!"

Jo wondered what she had in mind. She would find out soon enough no doubt.

Monique added, "Yes but I prefer the pussy maybe. I can have a closer look?"

"Of course, we can get Jo to do anything we say. Go ahead Jo. You know what Monique wants. We don't need to tell you twice." So Jo walked over to Monique and stood naked in front of her. Jo was 5 feet 3 inches, quite slim, with red hair, cut to just above her shoulders. She was not too large in the bust, 32C, but her beasts were a nice pert shape. Her nipples were not that large, but they do go hard very easily (like now in fact!). Her tummy is firm and slim, and her hips are quite slender. She keeps her bush trimmed quite neat, it is also quite red.

"Closer" Jane told Jo. Jo put one leg each side of Monique's legs and pushed my groin towards her face. Monique bent forward and kissed her pubic mound.

"No, we shall have more fun with this later. First a shower I think". Jane said. "Go to the middle shower cubical". They all sat on the bench just in front, to get the best view possible. Jane instructed Jo to stand under the showerhead. Sally turned on the water, it was freezing cold, but she had to stand there, shivering. Luckily the water soon warmed up. Monique handed her shampoo bottle, and with a smile she instructed her to wash, slowly. "Pour some shampoo over your tits, and massage them, go on pull the nipples.harder."

Jo put on as good a show as possible. They weren't going to make her loose the bet, no matter what.

"Turn round, legs apart, bend over" they instructed. Jo felt really exposed when they told her to wash your bum. Jo started washing the cheeks.

"No, the crack", Monique said. Jo moved her fingers between her cheeks. "Now inside", she said.

What? Had she hear them correctly, inside her anus?

"Come-on, inside your butt," She instructed.

Jo pushed the tip of a soapy finger just inside her rosebud. She saw a flash and heard a whir. The girls giggled. "Don't turn round. Push the finger in further, past the knuckle." It was Sally, laughing. "Now with the other hand we want you to spread your pussy lips apart, as far as they will go. Jane wants another picture. Apparently Jane had an instant camera. It's for Monique's friends."

Who were these friends? It was bad enough having to expose herself in front of these three, but photos to be given to the French students?

Jo had to do what they told her, with the water running down her back, she pushed her finger in deeper, then with my other hand up between my open legs, she parted open her outer lips as far apart as she could, in this awkward position. She heard someone get up and move closer behind her. Then another flash a good close-up photo no doubt.

"Ok, now stand up and face us. But keep a finger up the bum! And, yes we want another photo. Put two fingers up the pussy. It looks nice and wet" Jane then took another photo.

Jo had to wait as they let the photo develop. With both my holes plugged.

"Right, enough for now" It was Sally "Fingers out, here's the towel, dry off." Jo was very relived to get out of the shower. They left her alone to dry off whilst they poured over the photos.

"My friends will love these" Monique commented to the other two.

"OK, now back to our dorm." Jane instructed.

How? I had not anticipated that I would have to walk naked up the corridor, surely not that.

"You can keep your towel for now, but don't wrap it around you, just hold it over your front, walk in front of us. We want a good clear view of your bottom as you walk."

Jo opened the shower room door and peered up the corridor. Good, nobody was about. Just a minute or so to get back to safety.

"Don't walk too fast, and give us a good wiggle" she walked as slowly as she dared and wiggled her bum side to side to please them as much as possible. They just laughed as we made our way down the corridor, and made comments about my lovely bare bum!

"OK, stop there" another instruction from Jane. What could they possibly want me to do, here in the public corridor. We would almost certainly get caught. Jane continued, "Spread the legs, bend over again, we want a better view!"

Jo took a deep breath, oh well here goes, she spread her legs quite wide, and bent right over, she had to drop her towel in case she fell over. Sally picked it up, "You won't need it anyhow", and patted her bum." "Stand-up straight, hands on your head, and carry on walking. Remember we want that lovely ass wiggle." There was nothing for it, if we get caught so be it. So, off she went hand on head with nothing to cover her nudity. Finally, they got back to their room, and thank heavens nobody else was there.

"Right, that's all for now, see you at one o'clock, you know where my bed is!" Sally said. "Goodnight" and she kissed Jane on the cheek. "See you later Jo." She winked at Jo.

Jo went to bed. Her hand drifted down, so that she could frig herself off. She knew that she would have to do more, much more, to please my mentors later. She fell asleep for a while. She woke up with a start, as Jane was shaking her by the shoulder. "Jo, quiet, don't wake the others. It's nearly time, off you go to Sally." Jo yawned and sleepily got out of her sleeping bag.

Then she remembered the journey she needed to make. She opened the door, and Jane pushed her outside, back into the corridor. The lights were off, but she could see where to go quite easily. She just hoped nobody was still up to catch sight of her. She ran around the corner. Then she heard the TV, and the door to the room was open. She would have to try to sneak past without being seen. Her heart was pounding. Ok! She thought. Go for it, and ran straight past and into the dark kitchen. Made it! Up the stairs, and on to Sally's room. She turned the handle, good, not locked. So she crept inside and went up to Sally's bed. She was awake and waiting for Jo.

"OK Jo! Your task is to go to Monique, ask to be spanked, hard. You must come back with a very red bottom cheeks as proof."

So away she went again. But not sure which room is Monique's 4 or 5? Luckily the room was in the same wing. She wouldn't need to go past the TV room again. Hell, both room lights were on. Which one should I try first? Number 4. She held her breath and pushed open the door, just enough to take a peek round, nobody was there! This could mean only one thing; all 12 of the students would be in the other room, waiting for her! So here goes, she turned to door handle of door number 5, but it was locked from the inside. She could hear voices, lots of voices. What should she do? She couldn't go back to Sally without a red bum or she would loose. But all of these students watching would be a bit much! She needed the money, so here goes. She knocked on the door. It went quiet. She knocked again. Footsteps and the door lock clicked.

The door opened just enough for Monique's face to appear. Her eye's light up and she smiled. "Jo, so you have made it. Come in."

Jo forced a smile back and closed her eyes. Monique grabbed her hand and led her into the middle of the dorm. Jo tried in vane to cover her tits with one arm, and her pussy with the other hand. Monique pulled them away and said, "Come on and show my friends what a lovely body you have." and said, "Opened your eye's to see!" Thank God not all twelve were here. Only five, the others must have been in the TV room. Monique then asked, "So, why are you here?"

Oh no, Jo thought she would know what she would need to have done to her. Maybe this was part of the game. "I have got to go back to Sally with a red bottom. So can you please spank me very hard?" Jo tried to whisper it as quiet as possible so that only Monique would hear.

"Sorry, I did not hear you, please speak louder, to all of us!" She said.

"Please spank me," Jo repeated louder this time.

"What do you mean, what is "spank?" One of the French girls asked.

"Bend me over, and smack my bottom, until it is very red!" Jo replied.

The girl laughed. "As red as your face!"

Monique then asked for a cushioned chair to be brought into the middle of the room. She told Jo, "Bent over it. Hold on to the back. Move your legs further apart" Monique instructed. She said something in French to her friends, before two of them came forward, one in a nightshirt and the other in a tee shirt and leggings.

Funny the things you notice sometimes! They were both around 16, and Monique was a bit older, about 18. She was in charge of their dorm. One girl stood in front of me and held my shoulders down. The other went round behind me. WHACK and I got a sudden stinging pain across my bottom. WHACK, WHACK came another two. Jo jolted forward, but the girl held her tightly. There was laughter from all the others. Jo heard someone else jump off a bunk, and felt a hand rest on her stinging bum cheeks. She spoke to the others in French. Then WHACK, WHACK her bottom was warming up. The slaps were coming faster. There were two girls, one each side, taking turns to spank each bum cheek!

When it stopped and they let her go. "OK Jo" it was Monique. "Stand up and thank everybody."

In a tearful voice she blurted out "Thank you!"

Monique kissed her on the forehead turned her round. She patted Jo bottom. "Go on back to Sally now!"

Jo walked back to Sally's dorm, and entered quietly so as not to wake the others. Jo shook her shoulder. "So, how did it go?" she whispered. "Turn around, let me see."

Jo did as she asked. She showed her bottom to Sally. Sally torched the rear end. " That is not enough!" Jo couldn't believe it. "Go back and tell Monique I want to see stripes", take these, she handed Jo a small horse riding crop, and the camera. "I want stripes, and photos."

So back Jo went, back for more humiliation. The door was not locked this time, so Jo knocked and went in. The voices stopped and the girls turned around. "Hello again" Monique said.

"Please spank me some bottom was not red enough. Use this" Jo handed her the crop. "Sally wants stripes.lines across the cheeks. Oh, and take photos!" Jo handed her the camera.

One of the girls moved the chair back into the middle of the room and bent Jo over it once again. This time they had some rope and tied her wrists to the chair legs. Two girls then spread her legs apart and also tied my ankles to the legs of the chair. So, here she was again, surrounded by French girls, with my bare bum stuck in the air. Her legs spread wide and her crack on display for all to see. She had to ask them to punish her!

Monique rested the crop against Jo's cheeks. They were still warm from the previous treatment. She tapped a couple of times, then instead of the expected stinging whack Jo expected, she ever-so-gently ran the end of the crop up and down her bum crack. Then she ran it around Jo's inner thighs and up and down her pussy. She gently eased apart Jo's outer lips and continued up until Jo felt the tip of the crop rub her clit.

"Nice hey?" Monique said. But, as soon as she said that, she lifted the crop and gave Jo's bottom a quick hard stinging smack with the crop. Oh boy! Did it hurt! And the girls just laughed. Then there was a flash.someone had taken a photo.

One of the girls said in English, "OK, my turn!" She took the crop from Monique, and started the same teasing, up and down Jo's bum crack. She stopped at Jo's rosebud and ever so gently pushed the tip inside, then pulled it out and gave Jo's bum a hard smack.

"Danielle, your turn" Monique said. Oh no, they all wanted a go! It was all being photographed. Danielle was one of the girls in a nightdress. She stood in front of Jo and pushed her head up with her hand under the chin. She smiled at Jo, and told her to kiss her bum. She turned round, and raised her shirt, bent over. She pushed her bare bum into Jo's face.

There was a cheer and Jo kissed as instructed. What else could she do? After Jo had satisfied Danielle by licking the rosebud with her tongue and even invading the opening with the tip of her tongue.

Danielle returned behind Jo and used the crop, to run it down Jo's spine, down her bum crack and over her pussy lips. Jo knew what was coming next. She used her other hand to pull open Jo's lips further, and inserted the thick end of the crop inside. At the same time another girl came down and stood in front of Jo. All she said was "kiss my bum", and like Danielle she dropped her leggings and pushed her cheeks into Jo's face. She bent so far forward that her pussy was pushing against Jo's mouth. Jo licked and kissed all she could, while Danielle frigged her with the crop. Until, as before, she suddenly stopped and gave Jo's bottom two hard smacks. Monique came over and said, "Ok, that seems to be enough, your bottom is now nice and red, with some beautiful stripes across it go show Sally. Tell her we will give her the photos tomorrow, during breakfast." She then unbound me wrists and legs, and sent me back to Sally.

Jo crept back into Sally's room with her bum on fire. Again she made Jo turn around to inspect the girl's handiwork. She turned off her torch, and lightly run her finger up Jo's crack to feel her wetness, and whispered, "Been playing have we? Go back to Jane. She has more plans for you."

So, off Jo went, down into the kitchen. The TV room was quiet, so Jo had no problems getting back. Jane was wide- awake and waiting for her. Just like Sally she made Jo bend over to see evidence of her night's activities. Smiled and sent Jo back to bed.

Day 2

Jo lay in her sleeping bag. She had to wait for the others in the dorm to get up and leave because I was still stark naked. The final girl left the room, now only Jo and Jane are left.

"OK, up you get!" Jane said. Jo sat-up and got out of my sack. Jane smiled, "Turn round, lets see that bum in daylight." Jo showed Jane her bottom as instructed.

"That's a shame, it's not very pink now, but there is always later. Here put these on, but nothing else.

"We will check whenever we want to." She handed me a short tee shirt, and a pleated miniskirt. "See you downstairs for breakfast." Off she went, and Jo got dressed. Although it was summer, there was a bit of a chill. That made Jo's nipples stand out clearly visible through the tee shirt (which was a bit tight). The skirt wasn't very long at all, and if the wind blew it would easily expose my bum. I guess that this was their plan. Jo went to the loo before going downstairs into the kitchen.

There were a few people milling around, and Jane, Sally Monique and Danielle were sitting at a corner table. Jo collected her breakfast tray and a coffee, and they waved me over to sit with them. There was a space between the two French girls. Monique took out the photos, and handed them and the camera back to Jane. Jane looked through them. Smiled and put them in her bag. There were quite a few, and Monique told Jane that it was the complete set.

Sally, was sitting opposite of us, with her back to the wall. She asked, "OK Jo, nice outfit. Anything underneath?" "Of course not" I replied. "Well, prove it" She leaned back in her chair, with a clear view under the table. Jo opened her legs to show her what she wanted. Sally smiled. When Jo wend to close her legs, both Danielle and Monique held her knees apart. Jane also leant back to see. Monique's hand slowly moved up Jo's thigh, and she rested her fingertips over Jo's pussy, just pulling one lip open.

Sally said, "No! That's enough, she enjoys it too much! Anyhow there is all day to play. Let's go back to our dorm."

They went upstairs. The four of them sat on the Jane's bed, and made Jo sit on a chair in the middle. Her bottom cheeks stuck to the vinyl.

"Ok Jo, double or quits?" Jane asked. "If you win, you get the money and the photos. But if you loose we get to keep them. But the dare goes on for two more days, today you are ours, but tonight and tomorrow it is Monique's and Danielle's turn to have you. Do you agree, or quit now?"

Jo had no choice. "I agree, I'm all yours." It was getting to be fun anyhow.

"Well then, the three of us are going swimming. You have to ware my spare costume" Jane added. She rummaged around in her bag, and pulled out a light pink bikini. It was almost flesh coloured. It the type with string ties, and `curtain' fronts so you can make them as small as you dare. "Try it on then."

Jo had once again to strip in front of the girls. She pulled the tee shirt over her head, and dropped the skirt to the floor. Once again She was totally naked. Jane handed her the bikini and Jo put it on. First the top and then the bottom. It was a bit loose.

"Ok turn around" Jo faced Jane. She pulled the curtain fronts smaller over her breasts, until they were just over her nipples. Then did the same with the bottom. First the back, she pulled the gusset up between Jo's bum cheeks. Then she pulled the front until Jo's red pussy hair sticking out each side's. She turned Jo round to show the others.

They laughed "Very nice, but too much hair for the swimming pool. Let's do the bikini-line!"

"Yes" Sally then suggested to the others, "Lets have some shaving fun. Who wants to see a bald pussy?" They all unanimously agreed. "OK anyone get the shaving gear!" Jane said. She produced a razor, cream and a pair of scissors. She pulled down the bikini bottom, just as if Jo were a naughty child. Then laid her down on the floor. "Open your legs, we want good access to the pussy!" They all sat around Jo, pinning her down. Jane sat across Jo's chest so, she could not see what was going on. She felt other hands held her legs wide apart. Jo felt fingers stroking her mound, every now and then teasing her lips. Jo felt the scissors slide over her skin, cutting through the pubes hair. Fingers brushed away the loose hairs. She felt the cold wet sensation of cream being spread around her pussy and the gentle slide of the razor over her mound. They were short strokes up each side of her quim. Someone pushed a towel under her bottom. They poured some water from a bottle to clean off the cream and cut hair. A bit more cream, and a bit more shaving, one final rinse and Jane declared that the job was done.

"Anyone want a feel? - I do a good job!" Then once again Jo felt fingers sliding and probing her most private areas, which for the next day or so was now treated as their property.

"OK, lets try the bikini for size again!" they let Jo stand up and She pulled on the bottom once again. As before, Jane pulled the back between her bum cheeks, making her bend over slightly to give better access. She pulled the front tightly up, this time between Jo's pussy lips and declared, "How's that? She is just about ready for the swimming pool now!" She let the others have a good look.

"Right Jo, off with the bikini, and put the skirt on, we are off. See you later Monique, Danielle she is all yours tomorrow!" The three of us left the hostel for the ten minute walk through the shops to the public bathing pool. Jo was sure that all passers by could see her protruding nipples through the tee shirt, and every time the breeze blew she felt the breeze between her thighs and on my bum. All I could do is hope the skirt would cover her nakedness beneath.

They finally got to the pool, paid the entrance fee and made their way to the female changing rooms. Instead of going to the individual cubicles, they decided They should change in the open communal area. There were a few other women and girls of various ages around. As usual nobody really takes much notice of others changing?

"OK Jo, get changed!" Jane whispered. They waited while Jo got undressed and put on the bikini. However one young girl was watching. She pointed to Jo, and said to her friend, "Look at her. She had no knickers on under her skirt!"

Jo got really embarrassed. Then both Jane and Sally went to the small cubicles, and came out in their costumes. They put their things in a locker and made their way towards the pool doorway. They walked over to the shallow end and slipped in. After swimming around for a while, Sally and Jane swam around Jo by the pool's edge. Jane then adjusted the bikini top to show-off more of Jo's tits.

"You are not allowed to touch any thing" she warned Jo. They took turns diving under & through each other's legs, just playing around. Jane then pulled one side of the back of Jo's costume into her bum crack, almost fully exposing her right- cheek. She winked, "Right.let's go to the slide chute!"

So Jo had to get out of the pool and climb the steps, with half her bum on view to everybody. When they got to the top, a couple of people went in front of us. Sally decided we should slide down together in a train, with Jo going first. She sat just inside the chute, with Sally's legs on each side of hers. Jane was behind Sally. Sally pulled the other half of the bikini into Jo's bum crack. Then she reached round and pulled the front together between Jo's pussy lips. She kept hold as they slid down the slid, pulling Jo's bikini really tight as they went down almost cutting Jo in half. They splashed into the small pool at the bottom. Sally let go of the bikini.

"Let's go again" Sally cried. Jo pulled herself out of the pool with the others, knowing most of her body was on full view. They made their way back up the ladder. They were determined to show Jo off as much as possible. They sat at the top, again in a train, with Jo in the middle. Jo couldn't believe it. Jane untied Jo's bikini top. It would surely fall off on the way down. What would Jo do?

They slid down, and as they went Jane pulled Jo's top right off. Sally laid the back of her head between Jo's exposed tits. Then with a big splash, they were at the bottom.

The attendant was at the bottom and blew her whistle, "You three. You know the rules, no sliding down together."

Jane, hiding Jo's bikini-top behind her said, "Sorry, but our friend has got a problem. She has lost her bikini top! The strap must have broken."

The attendant looked down at Jo, and said, "Stay there. I will get a towel." Off she went through a side door market "Female Staff Only". She came out a minute later with the towel. Jo climbed the steps after she wrapped the towel around her top half. As she did this, the attendant looked down and saw the state of Jo's bikini bottom, her exposed pussy. "You three had better come with me." They were taken into the side room. It was a small changing room, with chairs and a shower.

"OK, you three are in a lot of trouble." They stood there dripping water. "Right, how should we deal with this?" She asked, as she took her towel away from Jo. Obviously, to get a better view. "I can report this, and take your names, or deal with it here and now. What will it be?"

Jane pleaded, "Anything, just here and now. Please don't report us." The attendant smiled, turned round and locked the door.

"What's you name" she asked Jo.

"Jo" I replied.

"Turn round" She had a long look at Jo's exposed bottom. "Costumes like that are far too revealing and not allowed here. Like exposing yourself do you? Costumes off, all of you".

At least Jo would not be the only one. Jo pulled the bottom down, as Jane and Sally removed their costumes too. They stood next to each other, totally naked.

"Three naughty girls, what shall we do?" She faced them and looked down at Jo's smooth pussy. She couldn't believe her luck. "I will punish all three of you as a lesson, I will deal with you first Jo. You two stand there and take note, because you will also get the same." I like dealing with naughty girls." She sat on a chair and beckoned Jo over. "You know what's coming, over my lap."

Jo lay across the attendant's lap, her bare bottom in the air for another spanking. She called Sally and Jane over. "Right, you kneel down there and hold her ankles firmly. Her legs must stay apart." Sally knelt down and held Jo as instructed. "You, stand here in front of her, hold her shoulders down." Jane stood in front of Jo and held her firmly. Jo could not move. "This is what naughty girls get from me!" She gave Jo's bum a hard slap. Then another, and another. "This is what naughty girls deserve." Jo's bottom was getting really warmed up. Between slaps she was feeling Jo's bum cheeks by running her hand over it. "I'm not finished yet. What's with the bald pussy then? Do you like showing it off do you?"

Sally pulled Jo's legs further apart, to give her better access. The attendant, run her fingers between Jo's thighs and over my smooth quim. "Enjoying this are you. You little tart!" She pushed two fingers between Jo's moist cunt.

Jo had to admit she was really starting to enjoy this type of treatment. The attendant continued her teasing of Jo's labia and clit. She was giving Jo a good frigging. Her orgasm came really fast, as her expert fingers penetrated her. Jo lay there recovering, across her lap. The finger's still deep inside of Jo's cunt. When she withdrew them she said, "Well, get up, now it's their turn."

She pointed to Jane. Changed places, Jane bent over her leg as commanded. Sally held her shoulders, and Jo firmly held her legs apart. Jo was getting a great view of her pussy and rosebud. Jo felt she deserves every thing she gets. After Jane got her butt warmed, it Sally's turn. Jo was holding her legs and enjoying the view.

After her spanking, not only did she also get a good frigging, but our mistress also pushed a finger inside her bum. It took a while before she came.

"OK, now put your costumes back on." They did as instructed. Jane gave Jo back the top. They were marched back to their changing room, and told to get dressed and leave.

Jo thought the experience really worried Jane and Sally, because when they got back to the hostel, they said, "Enough was enough, the bet was off. They divided up the money, and Jo got the photos (which she later burnt in a fire). They packed up and checked out. That was the last Jo saw of them. She had to go through the humiliation for a day with the French girls! But she had to admit, She did enjoy the dare.

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