Scolden Cult

By moc.oohay@naitatirohta_yrots_tluc

Published on Sep 25, 2008


**************************************************************** The following story is a work of fiction and dose not have reference to anyone. **************************************************************

"Jake. I love you so much as my son. But there are many others I do love more than I do love you. These are my life, my breath, my Oath."

"Dad are you talking about your tight knit friends?"

"Yes Jake they are definitely a part of it."

"The place where you are standing is where all my friends have brought forth their son's who were curious and excited just like you. We are a group of open minded people who love one another so deeply that we share anything and everything about us. There are no secrets between us. At anytime I would give my life to these and they would do the same to me. This order is an ancient one and was formed during our great grandfather era. All the houses in this community are connected to this place through the tunnels simmilar to what we have travelled. One of the thing we hold highly among our order is the act of sexual gratification. Women were never allowed into this circle. There are always someone on the other side who is indulged in sexual gratification. Every ceremony of ours starts with sex and ends with sex. We practise all forms of sex here. If a member walks up to another and requires sexual attention they will be and must be gratified the way they want it. This is where we hold the urges of others more important than our own and when it is your turn you enjoy the same rights. But before you become a active member of the order you need to serve. We will treat you the way we want. It can be painful but it will be joyful at the same time. We work with each other in many other areas as well. But the link that connect us is quite sexual and highly divine. There is a group of spirits which gaurd this secret and they are the ones who deliver justice. This is why the Oath needs to be kept. Anytime you would plan on revealing this inappropriately you mouth will seize to talk and you will face death. Having said all this, now is the time to make your decision. Choose wisely and do what your heart tells you."

I need to admit that this is all too much. But I loved the idea especially because I know that Brian will be there. What more can I ask for?

"Dad, I am all willing and I want to go to the other side."

"Jake you may want to think about this for this could be ardous."

"Dad, I was never sure of anything else in my life thusfar like I am about this."

"Jake the apprentice period would take 5 years and if your performance is exemplary the group may vote to swear you in much sooner. But this would be a lot of work. No sleep, no food, eating piss and shit sometimes and being whipped and humiliated. Do you still want to do it?"

I was shocked when I heard piss and shit.

"Dad, you guys eat shit?"

"Jake you have the options set before you. If you do not want to and don't have an open mind you can leave."

This was quite hard for me and I didn't know what to do. Just thought that my Dad ate shit and I turned out fine.

"Dad what about the germs and all other nasty stuff in the shit?"

"Jake the spirits take care of that too. You can rest assured you will not get sick and would be in good health. There are lot more perks in this that will help you in your journey of life."

"Dad then I am willing. Please take me."

"Son now I will take you in. Do as you told and do not look anyone straight in the eye unless you are asked and do not speak unless you are asked. You will be punished severely if otherwise."

I nodded my head and followed him through a small tunnel again and then we stopped. He pressed a button on the wall and the floor started to move down. We came upon a big room with doors on all side. My dad knocked on the door 3 time with a gap between each knock that was precisely 2 seconds. The door then opened and I kept my eyes down on the floor. There was a loud cheer and standing ovation for I don't know what. I thought my Dad might be an important member of the order. My Dad had a few conversation with the some of the people there. They came and pulled my robe apart. A dog color was worn arround my neck and I was taken butt naked before the stage and was asked to kneel down.

"Fellow scolden's here I stand before you and have brought a wonderful possesion of my own to add to our oneness."

There were loud cheers and I could recognize the voice to be my Dad's. I heard another voice saying," lift your head boy you are free to look now."

I saw a big throne in front of us after a few yards. There was this handsome old guy sitiing on the throne naked except for few leather ornaments that fit him pretty well. He was quite majestic and asked,"Whats your name boy?"

"Jake Sir."

"Scott you have taught this dog quite well for it knows how to address me. Or dose it?"

I had a spank on my head and the voice next to me said address the great one on throne as king.

"I am sorry my dear King."

"Hm. Now we are talking. Stand up and come here boy."

I stood up and walked towards the throne.

"Now where is your Dad in here can you point out?"

I looked arround and there would have been atleast a 100 people. I was looking for Brian in the ground and couldn't find him. But I saw Peter my schoolmate,

Jhon his brother and then my site was upon my Dad. He was kneeling down in front of another guy in a small throne and sucking on his dick with dog color arround him. I didn't know what to make of this. "There he is my dear King."

"Now boy your Dad is a great member of this order. We are extremely proud of him. Are you ready to take the oath?"

"Yes my king."

Then repeat after me

" I swear upong my life oh great spirits

that my body is not mine anymore

my life is not mine alone anymore

I am whatever the Oneness needs

I am whatever the oneness seeks

I commit myself in thy hands oh spirits of scolden


I repeated each of the word and at the end there was a small tatoo given to me which had a wiered exotic ancient symbol on it.

The tatoo was almost unnoticeable.

"Now Scoldens what would we initate the aspirant with?"

"Dad screw Son. Dad screw son. The group shoted."

"Silence Scoldens you can do better than this. We have seen countelss Dad screw Son episodes. I want something special for this one."

I will propose something my king.

I saw Brian walking up to the center.

"Brian you may speak your mind or be mute.", said the king.

"Dear king I would want to make love to this boy right here. I will show this dog its place so that it knows it is not above anyone. Allow me to tame him and I will show by example."

"Show by example then Brian. We are all eyes."

Brian came to me and checked me out without touching me. He then said dog boy I just had to take a dump but I haven't cleaned up yet. Now get down in here and clean my ass slowly. Enjoy it while you clean.

Brian caught my hair and pulled me to the floor. I did not expect this and that too eating shit the first day. I couldn't think anymore and my face was thrust against his ass. I couldn't even admire the beauty of his ass. I am not sure what Brian had for dinner but his ass smelt soo good. His ass was soft, smooth and clean and I thought Brian was protecting me for my first time. He turned arround and spit on my face thrice and smiled at me. He was quite dominating and I suprisingly love it. I started to be slow and he bent down and spread his ass for all to see.

"Dog boy I was you to lick arround my hole without touching the core. If you slip I will teach you a painful lesson."

I got quite scared and payed enough attention to the demand.

"Hm Dog boy tell everyone how does the hole surface taste."

"Sir I have never tasted a hole this sweet. If the surface is so tasty I wonder what the core would be like and so badly want to have your insides Sir."

There was a loud laughter in the room.

"Hm this boy is quite nice. Proceed", said the king.

"Now boy you need to tease my hole. Just touch the core with the tip of your tongue."

I readily obliged and felt soo good about it. I took my tongue close slowly and touched the tip of the core. It tasted like nectre to me. I did it quite sometime and enjoyed it all.

"Now fuck the hole with your tonugue. Go as deep as you can go. If you do not give it your all then you will be whipped mercilessly."

I took my tongue as deep as I can and fucked the hole. I started to feel some of the shit on my tongue. I kid you not I felt like I can eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"You may now stick it deep in and wait to receive the stuffing boy."

I did as I was told. And slowly a lump of shit floated down through his hole onto my tongue. The shit was hot but had such a good flavour to it.

"Now chew it boy. Do not swallow until I say so."

After 1 minute Brian asked me to swallow and I did. I pretty much enjoyed the whole action.

I then ate of his hole for 3 times before he turned arround and spit on my face again.

"I am done with this Dog for now my king. It will now know what it is to not think too highly of itself and know its place as my dump."

"Well done Brian. Now the boy will come and worship the Kings dick."

"There was two guys in black robe who now accompanied me and they told me, first bow down before the kings dick."

Close your eyes and bring your hands together in humble prayer. Repeat after us

"Oh great dick of the king of scoldens

have mercy on me and shower me with your blessings

I come before you in one ness and want to merge with you.

I will be willing to take you into me always

I will never let a drop of your nectre fall on the floor.

I will drink your children with my pure mouth as and when you please

In return please protect me and send me the spirits

To assist me in my life and make it a joyful journey

As I serve every desire of the oneness

I am never greater than you but less

I am here to serve you."

I did repeat every word and my mouth was held open. The kings nectre flung as a projectile straight into my mouth and I swallowed every bit of it.

I loved the piss to my suprise. It was heavenly. I was then asked to service the King until he came. The sperm was much more sweeter and delightful.

"Now boy since you have serviced me I would like to see your father fuck you mercilessly while you must cry loud."

With that the king summoned my Dad. My Dad readily obliged. He bent me down and held my hair in his hand. I have never been fucked in my life and was very curious.

He dig deep in without a condom and it felt soo good. I really thought it was going to hurt but I felt no pain just joy.

While Dad was fucking me mercilessly I was pretty much quite and tears rolled of my eyes even though I was not in pain.

Brian came in front of me and slapped me hard on my face. I cried, "Dad".

"Now you know not to forget the kings order."

I then realized I wasn't screaming and hence received the just punishment.

"Dad fuck me hard Dad."

"Rape your bitch boy Dad. My ass is all yours. Have no mercy Dad. My ass is here to serve you."

"Fuck you son. You piece of shit. You are nothing but a hole that is here to cushion my penis and give it pleasure. Don't you forget that ever."

Brian started to slap my face and spit on it alternately. First slowly and then quite fast.

I really enjoyed it all.

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