Scolden Cult

By moc.oohay@naitatirohta_yrots_tluc

Published on Sep 25, 2008


**************************************************************** The following story is a work of fiction and dose not have reference to anyone. **************************************************************

My name is Jake and I am 18 years old. I am a sex slave to anyone who wants to own me but there is only one condition and that is I should be treated like human dump. I expect my master's to humiliate me and rip off any remaining sense of worth in me. And then I want them to use me according to their whimms. My body, mind and soul will be my master's. Although I am close to being a perfect slave I wasn't this way always. Infact I wasn't even thinking of guys until my 15th birthday. I remember the day very vividly. I was a quaterback at our school team and there was plenty of girls who wanna be with me. I came home after practise and my Dad was out. My mom passed away when I was 5. I don't remember her quite well. I am not quite attached to her anyways.

My Dad had quite a circle of friends. They were all too tight knit and I could say they would even lay down their life for one another. I thought my Dad was very lucky and he himself was very handsome and successful. A well respected man in our community. I vividly remember the first time my semen came out. I had no clue what it was. I felt a joyful and exciting sensation one day when I was 12. I was sitting down and reading through my friends blog and a strange sensation engulfed me near my pennis. I started to check my penis and automatically rubbed it. Within no time a white liquid oozed out and it felt pretty awesome. I had no clue what it was.Then I noticed my penis started bulging out whenever I saw a hot guy at the school. It was all wiered but exciting. Brian was the hottest among my Dad's friend and I noticed that my penis was bulging out whenever I saw him. One fine day he came knocking on our door. I was so excited to see him and so was my pennis. Brian was looking for my Dad and I told him that my Dad was not home. I asked him if he wanted to wait and wished that he would say yes. He stood there not being sure and came in for a minute. I gave him a glass of water and then we started to converse.

"How is school Jake?" "My school is pretty kewl Sir." He smiled and said,"You are growing up fast boy." I looked at his eyes and was totally mesmerized by it. For a second I didn't say anything and I am sure he noticed it. "Do you know when will your Dad be home?" "No Sir. I am not sure where he had gone." "Jake you are a great fellow. Your Dad is mighty proud of you." "I know Sir. You look so great." Brian was taken back and said,"You mean you like me?" "Yes Brian I like you. You are so kewl." Suddenly Brian said, "I need to leave.Let your Dad know that I was here and need to speak to him." My heart started pounding and didn't want him to leave. "Brian can you please stay for a while, I want to talk to you." "Yes Jake. What did you want to talk about?" "Brian will you promise me that you wouldn't discuss this with my Dad?" Brian had a moment of hesitation and said, "Don't worry your secrets are safe with me." "Brian whenever I think of you and see you I get an errection and I want you to feel me." Brian was clearly taken by suprise and told me that he cannot do anything like that. I felt kind of humiliated and afraid. I moved in fast and hugged him. "Jake you are a sweet guy. But I cannot do this and maybe you will know why later."

I was a bit sad to let him go and he rushed out quick.

When Dad came home it was about 11pm. I was almost ready to go to bed. My Dad called me and said he wanted to have a word with me. I was very scared and wondered if Brian had talked to my Dad.

"Jake I want to talk to you about something important. Something boys your age should know."

Yes Sir.

Dad pulled out a book which had pictures of men and women having sex with each other. There were clear description of the pennis and vagina and a vivid picture of both.

It was kinda embarrassing to me in one way. I have never had a conversation about sex with my Dad. I felt surely Brian must have discussed something.

"So Jake dose it make sense to you?" "Sir it dose but we have never discussed this before and I feel wiered." "Jake sex is nothing to feel shy or ashamed about. This is something I must have done earlier with you." "Sir can I ask you something?" "Yes Jake." "Did you talk to Brian before you came home?" "Yes Jake I did and you have done nothing shameful. We have much understanding between our friends and even their sons" I was quite confused and didn't understand the correlation between my Dad's friend and their sons and what we are talking about. And I was perplexed especially because Dad did not make any reference to the daughters. "Jake forget that I said anything. Just don't be embarrased as I am always here for you. You can talk to me anything and I won't be mad at you." I always was open with my Dad except about sex. But then I have never known anyone whom I can trust and open upto like my Dad. But I was very mad at Brian for breaking the promise. "Jake don't be mad at Brian,as there can be no secrets between me and my friends and it is an oath that we have taken." "Dad what is this Oath thing you are talking about?" "You will know when it is time. But tell me do you like Brian sexually?" I was once again ashamed but I wanted to get it out of my chest. "Yes Dad I like him a lot. Infact there is something else. Oh no nothing Dad. I like him a lot." "Son you are definitely Bi or Gay." I didn't want to be called a fag or anything and my Dad said that so easily and didn't have any reservations about it. This was all too much for me. "Dad will you be honest and open with me?" "Son I cannot promise that I am not sure if you are in a state where you can accept it if I am open with you." "Dad only if you are open with me can I be open with you. I have no friend like you and would not trust anyone else like I would trust you. So tell me what is this oath all about?" "Jake if you need to know then you should be open minded and be willing to see anything that I will show you. Until a certain point you will be told everything but after that you need to make a choice. If you would be willing to go further and choose it, only then I can reveal everything else to you. But remember sex is such a wonderful thing there is nothing to be ashamed of." "Dad I am willing and I wanted to know everything right now." "Ok Jake if that is the case then you would need to kiss this." I could not beleive what I saw. My Dad just opened his fly and a 8inch cock fell right out in full errection. It was quite disgusting to me and could not beleive that my Dad would ask me to kiss his pennis. "Dad what the fuck?" "Jake I told you that you should have an open mind and if you cannot handle this then perhaps I should not tell you any further."

I was very curious to know what the fuck this is all about. So I closed my eyes and kissed my Dad's pennis. I need to say I loved the smell of his dick. Suddenly I felt no shame and started to put his penis in my mouth and sucked on it. My Dad just let me do so. I felt the precum in my mouth and it felt soo great. My Dad was enjoying this whole action. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Jake you can stop now. And be ready at 12pm I need to take you somewhere."

I was all excited and didn't feel any shame. I went and took a quick shower and dressed up casually.

"Where are we going Dad?" "Jake from now on until the time I say you would speak any word. Just keep an open mind and you will have to choose."

To my suprise my Dad led me to his bedroom. He then changed into a black robe with a hood and he gave me a simillar robe to wear. He then took a staff and moved a portrait on the wall. There was a hole in the wall and he placed the staff inside the hole and turned it. Suddenly a door opened from nowhere and we entered in. He then lit a antique lamp and led me for about 30mins in a underground tunnel. I could not beleive that I had no clue that this place existed to start with and that too in my own house.

After 20mins we came upon another wall. My Dad moved a portrait over the wall and repeated the same routine. Now we came upon a small room with lots of sexual artifacts. This place was quite amusing to me and I didn't say a word as per my Dad's instruction.

"Jake read through the writings on the wall. I will be back in a few. You are safe here."

I was so excited that I didn't care about the safety. On the wall there were pictures of men having sex in different pose. The one that caught my interest was a guy wearing a dog color and kneeling down while being whiped and sucking someones dick. My dick just shot up straight. I really liked what I was seeing.

The writing on the wall read," To the one who seeks the pleasures that a man and man alone can know. To the one who is open minded. To the one who can serve and be served. There are treasures on the other side which is revealed to whosoever would swear upon oath the words of oneness, the words of no boundary, the words of ultimate pleasure. Those who would break the oath would surely die of the scolden curse."

My Dad returned shortly and said,"Jake this is your time to speak for I will reveal my secret that you wanted to know. From here are there are two ways you can go. If you accept the terms and conditions that will place before you I will lead you to the treasures on the other side or else I will take you back to where we came from and you will remember none of this. The words on this wall are not a joke there are people who had violated the oath and faced death. I can have no mercy on you if you falter even though you are my son. For the Oath is much important than my own life."

"Dad I have no clue about this whole thing. But I can agree that upon choice I will gaurd the Oath with my life or I will retreat now and I will never question you on any of this thing."

"Jake I don't mind you questioning me for you will not remember anything. But this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity and there is no going back to come back again."

I was quite silent now with a totally blank mind and lots of excitement and curiosity.

Next: Chapter 2

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