Science of Love

By sam carter

Published on Jun 5, 2003


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone, anywhere, anywhen is purely coincidental.

This story involves sex between adult females (and maybe males. See how it goes...) If that's not your thing, or if it is illegal in any way, then stop reading. Otherwise, Enjoy!

For the second day in a row (or was it the third, come to think of it?) I awoke with a monster hangover, blurred eyes and an unexplained bruise on a part of my body that I don't want to talk about. Untangling myself gingerly from the duvet, I slid out of bed and struggled to my feet. There was daylight shining through the curtains and it was fairly warm (given that it's winter), so I surmised that it was rather too late to make that 9.30am meeting. I felt like I hadn't slept, though I suppose I must have or I wouldn't have had that amazing dream about my sexy Russian supervisor. [Yes, a dream. You didn't really think it would be THAT easy, did you?!] I sighed, looking around my poky room littered with beer cans, a pizza box and a severely depleted bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Ugh," I muttered, glaring at the sorry-looking carpet. I hate Jack Daniels anyway. I really have to change my lifestyle - it's just not becoming of a young lady. I grinned to myself at my impression of my grandmother.

I didn't bother dressing particularly carefully today, selecting instead the clothes that I'd discarded yesterday. I wouldn't say I'm careless about my appearance, but when I'm stomping around the laboratory waving chemicals and dirty equipment around there seems little point in wearing one's best clothes. Unless one is trying to make an impression on someone, of course.

"What have I got to do today" I wondered aloud as I parked myself in front of my favourite computer in the far corner of the lab (where nobody could see that I'm actually checking my email, reading news on the BBC website or thrashing the computer at Scrabble). Having missed one meeting, I thought I'd better look sharp and make sure I don't forget anything else. To my delight, when I fished out my diary from underneath a pile of papers, I saw that the day was empty except for a meeting at 3pm(in my mind I read 'rendezvous') with Kat, my delicious delectable Supervisor, in which we were to discuss boring work matters for the hundredth time. But any occasion is better than none, I grinned, as I wondered what she would be wearing today. Since finding out that her bloke was cheating on her she had been rather down in the dumps, for what reason I can't imagine as he was a nasty piece of work anyway, not exactly handsome and a total tosser. "I wonder why she didn't dump him," I mused as I checked my email again to see if anything interesting had arrived during the last five minutes. Suddenly, the door opened, banged against a cupboard and swung back, hitting the unfortunate entrant in the face.

"Ow, ow, bugger it!" Mark managed to get past on the second attempt and trotted into the lab holding his nose, which wasn't pretty anyway after years of rugby and football.

"You alright there, Mark? That door's an evil sod sometimes," I remarked, amused. On the football pitch, the lanky 6-footer had the grace of an angel, but around the lab I have never seen anyone as accident-prone, except possibly for myself.

Mark was one of the project students in our lab, bright, friendly and sport-mad. The other undergraduate, Deb, was small, blonde and petite with an infectious laugh and a wicked sense of humour, and she walked into the lab a minute later.

"Hiya, Chris, [that's me!] what's Andrew doing here with Katja?"

My ears doubled in size and I almost fell off my chair in my hurry to go and have a look. Andrew is Kat's tosser boyfriend and if he really is here, that means trouble of the highest order. Surely not?

"Andrew - are you sure it's him? Where is he, what are they doing? When did you see them?" I questioned breathlessly, not believing what I had heard. Deb, sensing my uneasiness, laid a comforting arm on my shoulder, saying "I know how much this upsets you, but he is her boyfriend. We all know what a wanker he is, but she loves him." She looked me pointedly in the eye. I sighed and nodded.

"But I'm still going to have a look, just to make sure. Coming, Mark?"

"Aye, go on then. Gotta see this one!"

All three of us strolled out of the laboratory and down the corridor past Katja's office. The door was shut.

"Were they in there?" I whispered to Deb, pointing.

"No, walking upstairs towards the front entrance. They can only be a minute gone." We hurried upstairs into the majestic, old entrance hall framed by huge pillars, with wooden beams criss-crossing the high ceiling.

"That way, look," said Mark, nudging me and indicating two figures in the doorway that led out into a grassy quadrangle.

My face fell. There was no mistaking Kat, in her long dark coat and leather boots, and the man she had her arm around certainly looked like that prize pillock Andrew. I felt a hand on both my arms - my friends were not about to let me do something stupid; besides, it was starting to snow and we weren't wearing coats. I leaned heavily against the door frame, watching the couple talking animatedly together for several minutes before a voice interrupted my murderous musings.

"Come on, Chris, let's get back and have a cup of tea. I think Professor Greyhall left that brandy behind last week so we can spice it up a bit. Chris?"

I turned to Deb, whose pretty features were creased with worry, presumably for me. I tried to smile but it came out as an evil grimace.

"Why the hell not?" We made our way downstairs, freezing already in the draughty hallways.

Half an hour later, as we were on our third brandy (having discarded the teapot), getting pissed and and slagging off you-know-whom, Kat quietly entered the room and started to take off her coat, shaking her brown hair that looked as beautiful wet as dry. Her brown eyes shone as her gaze fell upon the trio of myself, Mark and Deb, as Mark unsuccessfully tried to hide the brandy bottle.

"No eating or drinking allowed in the lab, guys, and definitely not that type of drink." Her accent made me shiver every time, clipped Russian but a soft, gentle voice.

"Ah, come on, we're nowhere near anything expensive and it's cold as hell in here!" I countered, knowing full well that today she probably wouldn't care.

"Hell is hot, so they tell us, so that's not a valid metaphor, and besides, who died and made you King?"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Was that a criticism I heard? She never speaks to anyone in that manner. My eyes met Deb's, who seemed to be trying to say something by telepathy, most likely "Shut up". This happens every time he's around, I thought. She starts hating us, me most of all.

"I do apologise. I thought it was a simile. Of course, we'll go somewhere else. Gehen wir!" My crude attempts at German always annoyed Katja (she herself is fluent) and I generally used it to piss her off. She noticed, I'm sure. Well, if she will insult my English!

The second we left the lab, I turned to Deb and opened my mouth, ready to let forth an angry torrent, but she stood on my foot, hard. I let out a little yelp as she pointed. Following her gaze, I saw that Kat's office door was slightly ajar, meaning that someone was in there. Andrew, I supposed.

I shook off Deb and marched up to the door. Without pausing to knock I flung it wide open. Acting surprised when I saw him, I exclaimed "Oh, goodness, Andrew - what a surprise! What are you doing here?" I put on my innocent face.

He smiled a weaselly, simpering grin, and said "Oh, come now, Chris, I saw you all gawping at me upstairs. I'm sure Kat told you what happened, well, she'll also tell you that it was all a misunderstanding. Won't you, love?"

I turned as Kat entered behind me. She nodded, avoiding eye contact, and said "That's right. Just one of those things."

Yeah, right, I thought - one of those things where he goes off and shags his secretary and Kat, lovely, sweet Kat, is expected to turn a blind eye. I shoved past her roughly and stomped off towards the library. At least I could get some peace there.

I heard footsteps behind me and felt an arm on my shoulder. Reluctantly I stopped and turned to face Kat, not knowing what, if anything, I wanted to say.

"Why are you going off like this?" she asked, stepping backwards out of reach. "God, you're so unpredictable. And why are you so horrid to Andy? He's never done anything to you."

"No, but - "

"No. Exactly. 'Buts' don't come into the equation."

They come into mine, I thought privately. If BUT=HE+SHAGGED/PA, then ANDREW=WANKER. I sniggered to myself in spite of how I was feeling.

"Look," I started out loud, then stopped. Why is it anything to do with me? Because you love her, a little voice in my head said. I continued, "Look, Kat, you told me what happened. Are you now telling me that it didn't?" I stepped forward and brushed her arm lightly. It felt warm to the touch, making my heart skip a beat and my breath catch in my throat. Briefly, though it may have been my imagination, she raised her hand and her fingers touched mine. It was like a bolt of electricity through my soul. These kinds of moments happen frequently - a look, touch, a long glance on her part. I often wonder what exactly she does, or doesn't, feel for me.

"I'm not saying anything. Just try not to be so touchy, that's all". And with that parting comment, she spun and walked back to her office. Why did she bother coming after me, I wondered.

I must have dozed off in the quiet corner of the old, musty library, for my watch was telling me it was gone six o'clock. "Oh, bollocks" I swore idly - I was not doing very well on the meeting front today. I supposed Kat was otherwise occupied anyway. I shoved the books I'd been pretending to read back on a random shelf, chancing the wrath of the librarian, and left the library. It was dark outside, and the dim lighting cast eerie shadows as I slowly wandered through the deserted building. There was a light still on in the lab, shining through the crack between door and floor. I pushed lightly but the door was locked. I reached for my keys, then changed my mind as I heard raised voices coming from inside. My conscience told me to turn around and go home, however as it had been one of those days I wasn't feeling particularly amicable. The devil in me won, and I crept through the adjoining room up to a door that connected the two labs. It was not used any more, and was always locked with lab coats hanging on pegs on both sides. I parted the coats on my side and peered through.

I had imagined many scenes, but this most definitely wasn't one of them. Kat, pushed back against a side bench, was in tears as Andrew towered over her, shouting. His trousers and boxers were pulled down and he shoved his cock almost in her face. I couldn't tell what he was saying (these old rooms are almost soundproof) but I did not like the look of this one bit. The man in me was urging me to burst in there, drag him off and kick him in the balls, which would probably get me beaten up and sacked. Kat was sobbing now. I heard something like "No, no, it's not that way at all, no! Please, please - " as he pulled her head to his now-erect tool and jabbed himself closer to her mouth.

Plan. Need a plan. I looked wildly around the unfamiliar room I was in and spotted the phone on the wall. Rushing over, I dialled the number for the lab, craning my head to see what was happening. As the phone rang, Andrew spat towards it, then as it continued he roughly shoved Katja to one side and grabbed the receiver.

"What?" He growled. No phone manners, what a surprise.

"Er, I, er, I wondered, what's the make of your, ah, infra-red spectrometer?" I muttered randomly. Anything to distract him, I thought.

"What? How the hell should I know?" He said, a little quieter, sounding confused.

"Because, if I remember rightly, it's right behind you."

I suppressed a smile as, through the window in the door, I watched him turn, trying to do up his trousers. At least he's got a tiny dick, I thought, it's all he deserves for being a prick generally.

"Look, I don't know, ok. Ring back tomorrow."

He slammed down the phone and turned to face Kat again, who was now standing, not five feet from my vantage point.

"We'll talk about this later," he snarled at her, then stormed out of the room, leaving the still-crying Kat who sank into a chair with her head in her hands. God, I hated seeing her like this. I hope he falls down the stairs and breaks his legs, I thought as I made my way back around to the main lab door. Taking a deep breath, I pushed it. It was now unlocked and opened with a creak. Kat didn't move.

Unsure of what to do, because I didn't want her to know that I'd seen what went on, I paused. But then, I reasoned to myself, if I'd just walked in on her like this, I wouldn't just ignore it, would I?

I strode over to the shaking woman, gently wrapped her in my arms and held her close to me. She resisted for a second, then rested her head against under my chin and continued to cry, neither of us speaking. Softly kissing her hair, I hugged her tightly until finally she became silent. Reluctantly, I loosened my grasp and she looked up to face me, tear-stains evident on her cheeks. I decided to speak first.

"I saw him leave. Are you ok?" My voice trembled as the woman I loved, my friend and boss, sat before me, helpless and upset. I was acutely aware of how close we were, how my arm brushed against her breast through her thin shirt and rested on the waistline of her trousers. I felt her breath against my face, my knees weak and heart pumping.

She cleared her throat and spoke.

"We just had a bit of an argument, about nothing really. I guess I just couldn't help myself, crying like that." She pulled me closer again, and though I kept telling myself that this was just comforting a friend, I felt myself becoming rather wet as we stood, friends, in a lover's embrace. Obviously finding some comfort in my touch, she snuggled closer, lifting her head a little. Instinctively, before I had a chance to think, my lips met hers, and for a fraction of a second time stood still. It felt like I remembered from my dream the previous night. More than that, it felt right as we slowly kissed, so gently that we were hardly moving. One of my legs between hers, we carried on for what seemed like hours, totally entwined, oblivious to the inevitable circumstances and difficulties that would doubtless arise.

The world seemed a better place next morning as I hummed to myself whilst showering. Nothing more had happened the night before, but maybe I had helped to plant some seeds of doubt in Kat's mind, not necessarily about her sexuality but at least about Andrew, that the way he obviously shows his "love" for her is not how it should be.

Today was going to be interesting, and probably quite difficult, I reminded myself as I dried off in my room and lay on my bed. Just thinking about that kiss had made me extremely horny, and I was not surprised at how wet I had become when I touched my throbbing clitoris. I hadn't wanted to make myself come, instead clinging onto some notion that I would wait for Kat to do it, but as I slid two fingers inside I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself. Arching my back, I thrust in deeper, my other hand lightly brushing over that aching clit, causing me to moan softly. Reaching to a handy drawer, I pulled out a dildo, just the right size for me, long and not too thick. It was a strap-on, but it would do just fine now. Slowly, savouring the moment, I rubbed it in the juices around my slit, teasing my clit with the tip, then pushed it into my waiting hole, right in as far as it would go. Turning onto my front I began to grind rhythmically against the bed while I eased the dildo in and out, increasing pace. Imagining that Kat was fucking me wildly, I felt the pressure building and I was losing control of my limbs as I reached the point of orgasm. Working the dildo furiously, my clit rubbing against the soaked sheets, I came suddenly in huge, numbing waves of pleasure, a massive orgasm even by my standards that left me gasping for breath, the dildo still filling me as I collapsed in an exhausted heap.

Snow was lying thickly on the quad when I arrived at work a little later. With a kind of boyish exuberance I made footprints forming a smiley face pattern in the white blanket. I then hurriedly entered the building before I was caught walking across the grass - it was forbidden to do so, and I could hardly use the excuse that I couldn't see the edges of the grass as it was definitely not smiley-face-shaped! Looking back longingly and thinking of snowmen I stepped inside, shaking all the snow from my boots onto the stone floor in the doorway.

Kat was peering down a microscope and muttering to herself when I entered the lab. I grinned at her and went over to my computer without saying a word. Ten new emails and none of them interesting (except a tasteless, but funny, joke from Mark). Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kat lift her head and look at me, then she looked back down and fiddled with the lens of the microscope.

"Why can't I bloody well see anything?" she remarked suddenly, banging her fist on the bench. I went over to stand next to her. She moved over to let me look, and as I did I noticed that the built-in lamp was off. I flicked it on and a blurred image came into view. I focussed it and with a smirk said "There you go, how's that."

Kat scowled at me and looked down the scope. I left her alone and returned to the computer.

"What are you doing today, then?" she asked, and by the sharp tone of her voice I sensed that she didn't mean that in a nice, general way.

"Er, I was going to set up that other laser, but I need a different convex lens, the one we've got has too long a focal length."

"Well, why haven't you found, or ordered, another one then? I saw you asleep in the library yesterday, are you making a habit of that, then?"

I was flabbergasted and my reply stuck in my throat. What on earth had brought this on? I reckoned I could guess. Either she was feeling bad about yesterday, or confused at the very least, or she'd had another incident with Andrew. Or maybe not - perhaps someone pushed in front of her in the queue at Safeways. Whatever it was, I was taking the flak for it!

"So when are you going to do it then? You know, time doesn't expand just for your convenience, there are deadlines and you won't get anywhere if you don't put in any work". She glanced at me, then marched to the door and left.

"Oh, yeah, 'Arbeit macht Frei'" I couldn't help shouting after her, not quite loud enough for her to hear, I hoped. I leaned back in my chair and sighed to myself.

Meeting my friends at coffee break proved difficult to resist, though, and sure enough as always I found myself having a rather dodgy conversation about sex shops over coffee and custard creams. I usually sit in such a position that I can see the rest of the room, and today was no exception. Kat came in a few minutes after I sat down, got a cup of tea and sat on a table with other academic staff in a chair that directly faced me. Though we were both holding conversations with people on our respective tables, we held eye contact as though speaking to each other (it must have really pissed off my friends, actually!). My table's conversation had turned to condoms, flavours and types etc., and had become rather loud, and several times I watched as Kat half-smiled at things I said. Hmm, maybe all is not lost, I thought slyly to myself.

After coffee, I took one of my best friends aside, Mick, who has been a friend for a few years now. He is bisexual and fancies the pants off Mark, making every excuse possible to come down to our lab when he's there, until one day it got so frequent that I loudly remarked "And why don't you phone next time, instead of coming down four floors!" and he took the hint. Anyhow, we stood on the stairs (never the best place for a private conversation) and I told him about what had happened the previous day with Andrew and Katja.

"Whew, that's a bit of a turn up," he said, amazement showing on his chiselled face. "And so what about this morning?"

I told him about the conversation and Katja's odd mood, and Mick stood thoughtfully, then said "But I saw how she was looking at you at coffee just now. I say she wants more, but doesn't know how to ask for it. Methinks you're in luck, girl!"

I laughed, but I was sure he was wrong. If she wants more, she wouldn't have behaved the way she did this morning, and besides, I know her better than anyone and she's said several times that she's never had any feeling for women whatsoever. Still, I have had odd vibes from her more than once, and just the way she looks at me is food for thought.

I returned to the lab and as no-one else was in I decided to put on some music. I'm the only person who uses the old cassette player. Looking through my collection of odd tapes I finally settled on Les Miserables and spent and enjoyable afternoon singing along to 'Master of the House'.

The rest of the day passed with no further incident, unless you count me dropping a 1-litre volumetric flask and it smashing into tiny pieces that took me half an hour to clean up. By six o'clock I had had just about enough and was putting my coat on when Kat opened the door carrying a large, heavy-looking box.

"Give me a hand with this, would you," she called as she struggled with box and door. I hurried over and took the box from her, placing it out of the way on the floor. It was as heavy as I'd thought and had THIS WAY UP on each side.

"What've you got there," I asked curiously, poking at the box and looking for a label.

"Oh, just a bit of new stuff to replace some of the old things." She gave me a stern look, leading me to wonder if she could possibly know about my mishap with the flask. I shrugged my shoulders and looked around for my scarf. It would be freezing outside and I had a fair walk home.

"Well, night then," I said, opening the lab door and wishing that I hadn't decided to leave when I did. Kat turned to me, melting my icy mood with her deep brown eyes.

"I'm going out for a meal tonight," she said matter-of-factly, and I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say.

"Are you?" I responded rather lamely, letting the door close itself again.

"Yep," was the reply. Hmm, still no clue.

"Where are you going?" I asked, wondering if this could be leading somewhere.

"Wherever you like, as long as you let me pay." Kat smiled and put her hands on my shoulders. My head spun at her touch and suddenly my knees gave way and I stumbled forwards. She caught me in a tight hold, saying "Whoa there, you ok?"

I nodded, as I know if I'd opened my mouth, nothing sensible would have come out.

"Right then, so I'm going home to get changed. Meet back here at, say, half past seven?"

I gulped and managed a "Fine." She hugged me briefly, not giving me a chance to respond, and disappeared. Shocked, I stood for a few seconds, then went over to the sink and splashed my face with water.

I went out into the corridor, but Kat had already left. Obviously in a hurry to go and change, I thought as I stood outside her office and wondered.

If you like what you've read, email me, If you don't, also email me, bearing in mind that I'm not a professional writer and this is my first effort. Cheers!

Next: Chapter 3

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