Sci-Fi Nerds

Published on Aug 1, 2013



Sci-Fi Nerds by Jimmy James.

My friend and I were die hard Sci-Fi nerds. I made costumes, makeup, silicone molds to remake ourselves as Sci-Fi characters. While he did the photography and computer graphics to make videos.


All through high school, my friend Bob and I were obsessed with Science fiction movies. We got dressed up and were regulars at comic/Sci-Fi conventions. We had all the makeup. We made our own silicone molds for the prosthetics. We used all the same materials and glues that real makeup artists used. Over time, we became quite good at it.

After high school we moved in together and set all of the molding, programming and photo equipment up in the basement. We had also bought a computer driven six axis milling machine that we set up in the garage. We used it to mill out plaster blocks to be used to pour the silicone prosthesis. We had just successfully made a replica of a Klingon forehead. It looked and felt like the real thing.

We quickly dressed in full Klingon gear, did the makeup and began to take pictures. While reviewing the pictures. We marveled at how well everything had turned out. We looked exactly like the characters from the movies.

"It's a shame we can't find a girl that would do all the makeup so we could take pictures with her. Posing with a female Klingon would make these the perfect pictures." Bob said as he admired our work.

"No kidding. That would be great. They would look like they just came from the movie studio" I quickly agreed.

Over the next few days, I thought about the lack of a female character constantly. We had a 3d laser scanner that could measure models to the nano meter. It was connected to a computer and a six axis milling machine. So I could change anything I wanted to ensure the perfect fit once I made the molds. Plus, we had everything I needed to make and apply the prosthesis. All I needed to do was put it all together.

It wasn't until I was at my parents house, digging through the attic, that I decided to go through with my plan. I stumbled on a box of my sisters clothes. Bikinis, thongs, short shorts, halter tops, tube tops, some skimpy costumes and an assortment of summer dresses. I smiled, snuck it out to my car and hid it in my room.

Then I dug out one of my sex toys. It was a spread out pussy molded from a real porn star. I put it in the 3d scanner and stored the image. I shaved my pubes, glued my cock and balls between my legs so it looked like a pussy. Spread my legs, scanned my crotch and stored those images. I took a picture of a large breasted woman altered the image until her chest size matched my own. Then stored the measurements for her breasts. I also scanned my hips and ass to make padding to match her wide hips and round ass. The last thing I did was pour the plaster blocks to make the molds.

I walked around with my cock glued back for the rest of the night. I had to sit down to pee, but aside from that it was quite comfortable. When I went to bed, I even dug out a pair of panties to see what it looked like. My hips weren't wide enough, my ass wasn't round enough, but my pussy looked nice as long as I didn't spread my legs. On the other hand, the panties felt so nice, I wore them to bed.

In the morning, I found that with my cock glued back. It couldn't get very hard. I smiled, spread my legs and rubbed my crotch through the silk panties. To my surprise, it felt just like I always imagined a pussy would feel like. When I sat down to pee, I smiled and admired how much it looked like I had a pussy. When I was finished, I pulled up my panties, put on some pants and went to the kitchen.

I found Bob there drinking coffee. I poured myself a cup and we began talking bout what we were going to do today. Since it was his birthday, he was going to spend the day fishing and wouldn't be home till after dark. He told me there was going to be plenty of beer and asked if I wanted to join them. I wished him a happy birthday, but reminded him I'm not a fan of fishing and hunting. I had been sketching a new character and I was going to spend the day working on putting it together.

The instant he was out the driveway. I ran to the computer, set up the programs for my new pussy, hips, ass and tits. I even used existing scans to make a mold that would give me a more rounded, feminine face. One after the other, I put the plaster blocks into the milling machine to make the molds. It took all morning and most of the afternoon before I finished milling and testing the molds.

When I was satisfied that all the molds were going to work. I mixed up about a gallon and a half of the silicone gel. Then mixed in the colors to match my skin tones. I separated a small portion of the gel and colored it brown for the nipples. Then I began the painstaking process of filling all the molds. Once they were all poured and sealed, all I had to do was wait 2 hours for them to set up. After that, I could take them out and try them on.

While I waited, I went to the corner store, to picked up some hair remover. When I got home, I applied it to every inch of my body, waited a few minutes and took a shower. When I was done, I was as smooth and soft as a baby. Everywhere. It was amazing.

Then I went to go pick through the box of my sisters stuff. I found lots of sexy things to wear, but the Sailor Moon costume caught my eye. I pulled it out and dug out the tiara, wig, boots. It was all there.

To waste some more time. I tried on most of the panties, skirts, shorts and a few dresses.

When I finally opened all the molds, I couldn't have been happier. I spent a little time touching up the nipples and adding pink highlights to the pussy. Other than that, everything looked and felt great.

I took the pussy first. I applied the adhesive. Laid on my back. Spread my legs wide and held my new pussy in place. Once it was dry, I checked it out closely. The tip of my cock was sticking out my pussy hole. So it would be easy to pee while wearing it. I had big fat pussy lips that spread wide as fast as my legs did. It was beautiful.

I anxiously applied the hip and ass enhancements. Then the breasts, wig and makeup. I took pictures after each step. Then more pictures once I had the whole Sailor Moon costume on.

It didn't take long before I took off my panties and did some twirls. I got on my hands and knees with my skirt pulled up. I pulled out my tits while pulling up my skirt. I tried to make it look like I was fingering my pussy. I took close-ups while I stuffed a rather large ice cube in my ass. When I reviewed those pictures, I thought they were great. The next group of pictures went overboard.

I strutted around wearing nothing but the wig and tiara. I took a foot long baseball bat, licked, kissed and sucked every inch of it. I sucked it like a cock. Tried to deep throat it. I squatted over it while it pressed against my puckered little brown eye. As I eased to one side, it slid right in while I smiled for the camera. I pushed it in as far as it would go and took a bunch of lewd poses. I ended up on my back with my legs spread while I fucked the hell out of my ass with a little baseball bat. It was hot.

That's when I heard something upstairs. I froze in terror while listening closely. I had lost track of time, it was midnight and Bob was home. I heard several sets of footprints. Then they all left just as quickly followed by silence. I quietly put the bat away and stored the pictures I had been taking. As I crept upstairs, I still didn't hear a sound. I peeked around the corner and saw the living room light on. I snuck up and looked in. All I saw was Bob, passed out on the couch. His keys sitting on top of the TV.

I walked in and poked at him. He wouldn't move. I walked through the living room wearing nothing but the wig and tiara. I looked out the window to see his car parked in the driveway. I admired my reflection in the window. I looked just like a nude girl. It was awesome.

I smiled down at Bob while he sat slumped on the couch. I did several lewd poses while he sat there. I straddled his lap and ground my pussy against the bulge in his pants. While I pressed my tits against his face. I soaked in the masculine smell of campfire and beer. It was such a rush. I couldn't believe the excitement I was feeling. Or how natural it felt to do this for him.

We were both 18 and I had always admired him as a man. While I had never been with a woman he had been with 3 beautiful women. Then he fucked them so often, they all turned into whores. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. Some sports. I always wished I could be more like him. Lately all I do is run errands for him. I smiled down at him as I climbed out of his lap.

"Hey Bob! Wake Up! It's time to go to bed!" I yelled while poking him rudely.

"Get up! Get up! Get up! I need your cock!" I squealed while shaking him hard.

He sat up, looked around confused. He looked me up and down with a smile.

"Sailor Moon" he mumbled and fell back.

I laughed, grabbed his arm and pulled him up. We began stumbling to his room.

"I gotta pee." he insisted after only a few steps.

He was leaning on me heavily. One arm over my shoulder while I had an arm around his waist. I tried to hurry him to the bathroom. Once I got him in front of the toilet. It was obvious that he was never going to be able to stand there by himself. He couldn't even unzip his pants.

"Help" he squeaked.

I laughed, unzipped his pants, reached in and pulled his cock out. Because he was hard, it didn't want to come out of hiding and took longer than I would have expected. In the end, I gripped the shaft firmly and pulled. No sooner did I get it out, than he started to pee. I quickly aimed it at the toilet and stared at it in awe. It was fat and muscular. More than twice as long as my hand was wide. I estimated it to be about 8 inches. It was an amazing piece of manhood.

I gently stroked his cock while he was peeing. He squeezed my tits and played with the nipples. I was so amazed at how it felt to have his hard cock in my hand, I hardly noticed. I watched closely while he finished peeing. Then began stroking his cock vigorously instead of shaking it. He quickly pulled me to him, put both hands on my ass and ground his cock against my naked pussy. I put my hands on his shoulders and ground back against his cock.

"We need to go to bed." I whispered.

"Bed" he mumbled back.

We stumbled back to his bedroom. His hard cock hanging out while he played with my boobs. I even stroked it a few times to keep him moving in the right direction. When we got to the bedroom, he turned on the light, teetered in front of the bed, pulled his pants to his knees and fell backward onto the bed. While he laid there blissfully unaware, I couldn't help but to stare at his cock again. He had such a nice cock with such big balls.

I got to my knees in front of him and began to untie his boots. I caught myself looking at his cock constantly. By the time I got his boots off, I wanted to suck it so bad, I could hardly stand it. I stroked his cock a few times. Then sucked on the head. I let go and began sucking more and more of it into my mouth. Next thing I know, my hands are on his hips and I'm sucking on all but the last 3 inches. His cock was so hard and it felt so good to suck on it. I was slamming the head against the opening to my throat with every thrust.

Suddenly, his cock began to throb and my mouth began to fill with what I thought was drool. As soon as I looked up, I knew exactly what was going on. Our eyes locked and I froze while he filled my mouth with cum. As soon as he was done, he fell back into his stupor. I swished his cum around my mouth and swallowed triumphantly.

"Happy Birthday!" I cheered in my most feminine voice.

"Go Sailor Moon" he mumbled and began to snore.

I giggled and left him laying there with his pants around his knees. I had such a huge smile as I cleaned the garage in the nude at one in the morning. I loved the way I looked and felt with a pussy and tits. It was so natural, I felt more at home than I had felt in a long time. Everything I had done had come so naturally, it was almost a familiar feeling.

I put away all the molds while obsessing about how good it felt to suck Bobs cock. How good his cum tasted and how much I enjoyed the way it felt to have him cum in my mouth.

While cleaning the basement, I grabbed the little bat and watched in the mirror while I fucked myself in the ass with it. Then cleaned it up and put it away. I collected the sailor moon costume. Took off the tits, hips and ass. Everything but the pussy. I collected it all in a box and hid it in my room. By that time, Bobs cock was all I could think about and I couldn't stand it for another minute.

I walked boldly into Bobs room. Got to my knees and began sucking his cock. It was super soft when I started, but it quickly began to rise to the occasion. I forced his half hard cock down my throat relentlessly. He grabbed my head and began fucking my throat. When I finally broke free, he demanded I sit in his lap. I climbed onto his lap and eagerly sat on his cock. It easily stabbed balls deep into me.

I immediately began to bounce in his lap while he bucked his hips up to meet me. When he couldn't get a good rhythm going, he threw me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He stuffed his cock back in and started fucking me hard and fast. He grunted and groaned about good pussy and moon power. He kept fucking me until I was good and sore. Then he drove deep and dumped his load inside me. While he did that, I whispered happy birthday in his ear.

As soon as he was done, he collapsed on top of me with his cock still buried deep in my ass. I laid quietly spread out underneath him for about ten minutes. Just as I tried to push him off me, he pumped his cock in again. As I hopefully held my breath. He did it again. And again. Slowly getting faster and deeper. He continued to pick up speed until he was hammering it in. My ass was so sore from the first time he fucked me. My bowels seized up like I was taking a shit and there was nothing I could do about it. He groaned about tight pussy and birthday presents while he hammered it in hard and fast.

It felt so good, I squealed loudly and began shaking as my orgasm swept through me. I jerked and squealed with delight as he continued to fuck me hard. When my orgasm ended, I smiled at the ceiling and let it happen. I pushed like I was taking a shit while he stabbed his cock into me relentlessly. Just as I was about to cum for the second time, he drove deep and emptied his balls again. While he did that I once again whispered happy birthday into his ear.

The instant he was done, he rolled off me and began to snore. I giggled, admired his cock for a second, covered him with a blanket and went to bed.

After all the sex, I thought I was going to get a good nights sleep. Instead, all I did was dream about being a woman. I was on my knees, sucking Bobs cock in the nude. Or on my back with my legs spread wide, while Bob laid on top of me. Groaning about what a tight pussy I had, while fucking me hard. Once, I even woke up to find that I was having a wet dream. I was humping at the air, cum was pouring out of my new pussy. Covering my thighs, ass and pussy with the sticky white goo. I smiled and went back to sleep.

In the morning, I spread my legs and smiled down at my pussy. I grabbed a fresh pair of panties, a pair of pants and jumped in the shower. My thighs, ass and pussy were covered in dried cum. My ass was still so sore, I could hardly walk. I rinsed out my ass with plenty of cold water to relieve the discomfort, but it was only temporary. By the time I finished my shower, the sore, empty, aching feeling in my ass had returned.

While I dried off, I admired my pussy in the mirror. It looked and felt so natural and so real, I was in love with it. Suddenly, I had fat pussy lips that opened when I spread my legs to reveal my large thick labia. It was beautiful. Just like watching a flower open in the sun.

As I looked at it and played with it. It was like finding a lost love. I knew deep down it was what I was meant to see when I spread my legs. It was something I was meant to have. It was the gateway to a full rich sex life. The sex life I was meant to have. Not the empty void that I had now.

I smiled as I watched myself pull up my panties and admired how nice my camel toe looked. I chuckled, put on my shirt and pants and went to the kitchen. I found Bob sitting in his underwear, barely alive, drinking coffee. I laughed, poured myself a cup and joined him at the table.

"You look awful." I chuckled.

"Fuck... I feel awful." he moaned.

When he moaned like that, it reminded me of the sounds he had made last night. When I looked at him, all I could see was the look on his face while I sucked his cock or while he fucked me. All I wanted to do was suck his cock or sit in his lap again. Thinking about it got me so turned on, I began to squirm in my seat. When I did, I could feel the bloated head of my cock grinding against the smooth silk panties.

"Judging from the hangover I'm betting you had a happy birthday." I chuckled.

"Fuck yeah... It was great. Went fishing, caught dinner, then spent the rest of the time around the fire with a bunch of drunk girls." he said while gulping down the coffee.

"At least there were girls there. Did you get laid?" I asked with a big smile as I watched him drink the last of his coffee.

"Fuck No.... I fingered one girl, but the closest I got to sex was a wet dream about Sailor Moon." he bemoaned as he got up to get more coffee.

When he got up, his cock was so hard it was about to tear through his underwear. I couldn't help myself. I stared at it the whole time he was getting coffee. I could almost see the veins and I couldn't take my eyes off it. Bob didn't seem to notice any of it. He got his coffee and sat back down like nothing was wrong.

"Sailor Moon?" I laughed uncomfortably.

"I know. Of all the things to dream about when you need sex. I had to dream about Sailor Moon." he shrugged while shaking his head.

I laughed again and quietly sipped my coffee while picturing myself sucking his cock as Sailor Moon.

"Hey, I gotta move some lumber for my dad this afternoon. You wanna give me a hand?" he asked as he looked at me with big bloodshot eyes.

"Sure, no problem." I eagerly agreed.

"Cool, I don't think I could handle it by myself." he smiled.

We talked and drank coffee for a little while. He asked about the new character that I had been working on. I told him I had an idea for a female Klingon character. A bounty hunter that did undercover work as a sex slave. When I showed him the sketches I had made, he suggested we add her character to our online comic book. Since our comic was about sex and conflict in outer space, he said as a sex slave/bounty hunter she would make a good character. I eagerly agreed.

"Fuck, I gotta go back to bed. Wake me up at noon." he said abruptly.

When he got up to put his cup in the sink, his cock was still hard. Again, I couldn't help but to stare at it while thinking how good the sex was.

Once he was gone, I put the small baseball bat in the 3d scanner. I made the molds and eagerly filled it with silicone gel. While I waited for it to dry, I glued the hip and ass pads back on. When I put my panties back on, I noticed that they fit much better now that I filled them out properly. When I put my pants back on, they were much tighter but still comfortable. So I didn't see a problem with wearing them. Finally I put on a tank top and went to check the mold to find that it wasn't ready yet.

I began working on our comic. I added the new female Klingon and named her Bey'tor. In the comic I worked up, she was a sex slave that loved sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass. She used her position to collect information. All of the body sketches were drawn to match the nude pictures I had taken of myself as Sailor Moon. I even used a picture of me in Klingon makeup to draw the face. I found the images intoxicating. It looked exactly like what I pictured I should look like once I dressed for the role of a female Klingon.

When I heard the alarm for my mold go off. I hurried to the garage and opened it up. It turned out perfectly. I had a flexible foot long baseball bat. That I intended to use as a dildo with a handle. Once I cleaned it up, I anxiously began to suck on it like it was a cock. I forced it down my throat and practiced deep throating it for about 15 minutes before I noticed the time. I hid it in my room and went to wake up Bob.


I banged on his door and got no response. When I opened his door, he was laying in bed nude. His cock was still rock hard. I smiled at it and shook his shoulder. When he opened his eyes, I smiled at him.

"Dreaming about Sailor Moon again." I asked while giving a quick look at his cock.

He blushed brightly and quickly covered up with a pillow.

"Yeah" he finally admitted.

"Time to get up." I announced.

While looking around his room. I noticed several new things. The first was a large picture of the cartoon Sailor Moon hanging on his wall. The other was that he changed the screen saver on his computer. Instead of alien landscapes. There was a picture of Sailor Moon bouncing around the screen.

For the rest of the day everything was just like any other day. We worked hard, sorted and stacked lumber, laughed and joked about all the usual stuff. Aside from his unexplained lust for Sailor Moon. He didn't seem to have any idea what I had done. I found the whole thing quite exciting. I could feel my cock straining to get hard all day. By the time we got home, my panties were soaked with cum.

For the next two weeks, everything went on like it always did. I wore my pussy nearly every day. I spent most of my spare time practicing deep throating or fucking myself with my new dildo. We added Bey'tor to the online comic and got a huge response. People loved her. Mostly because she was always topless. All she wore was standard Klingon boots. A decorative belt and two thin flaps of fabric front and back, that went from the belt to her knees. Plus, she was always ready for action. Since I pictured myself as her, I found drawing her sex scenes particularly arousing.

Early Saturday afternoon, we had just published our latest issue of the Bey'tor comic. Bob asked if I wanted to go to the river behind his parents house to go swimming. Since I was wearing my pussy, I hesitantly agreed. He filled a cooler with beer while I grabbed towels. We packed it all in the truck, then I went to my room. I didn't have time to take my pussy, ass and hip pads off and didn't know what to do. I took off my panties and put on an old pair of white shorts under my pants.

We went down to the river. Started a fire. Drank some beer. Then decided to go swimming. I stripped to my shorts and jumped in. I was expecting him to strip down to his shorts and join me. Instead, he stripped nude and jumped in. We swam until we got cold and went to warm up by the fire. Bob was the first one out. I stared at his shriveled cock while he stood my the fire. He snapped a few pictures while I walked up the bank and up to the fire. As we stared at the fire, I could see Bobs cock getting hard out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed us both a beer and smiled as I handed it to him.

"Thinking about Sailor Moon again?" I chuckled.

He looked down and laughed.

"I was actually. Sorry." he said as he half heartedly tried to cover himself.

"You gotta tell me about this dream you had. You've been obsessed with her ever since your birthday." I insisted.

We sat across from each other at the fire. He told me how he spent his day. How drunk and horny he was after fingering that girl. How bad he wanted some pussy. How he had fallen asleep thinking of a nude Sailor Moon stroking his cock. How he had dreamed that she had sucked his cock and what it was like to watch her. He went on about how good she was at sucking cock. That she had let him cum in her mouth, then wished him a happy birthday. That while he was still hard, she sat in his lap and rode his cock like she was at the Kentucky derby. How he had gotten on top of her and started fucking her. He told me how tight and juicy her pussy was. How he fucked her until he came inside her. Then kept fucking her until he came inside her a second time. She wished him a happy birthday both times.

By the time he was done, I was rubbing my pussy while watching cum drip from his rock hard cock. After hearing his story, I wanted to suck it so bad, I could hardly contain myself.

"Fuck... That was hot. It's no wonder you're hung up on that dream. You look like you're about to blow your load just sitting there." I told him with a smile.

"Fuck!... I gotta go swimming or put on some pants or something." he said urgently while grabbing his cock.

"Well, lets go swimming, drink another beer, then go home." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." he said as he guzzled the last of his beer then ran to the river.

I watched his big hard cock swinging in the breeze the whole time then joined him. As we stood across from each other at the fire. I could feel my wet shorts clinging to me. They were so uncomfortably cold, I wanted to strip them off and stand there naked just like Bob. Instead, we drank beer, put out the fire and went home.

When we got home, I knew I had only had 3 beers, but there was only one left. Bob popped that one open when he sat on the couch and demanded I put in some porn. We didn't watch porn together very often, but since we had once or twice before. I popped in 'Blowjob Bitches' and sat next to him on the couch. No sooner did it start than Bob began snoring away. As I watched it, I noticed that Bobs fly was open. I could easily see a large part of his cock and a good deal of the head. I went back and forth between watching blowjobs and staring at Bobs cock. In no time, all I did was stare at Bobs cock. I couldn't take it any more.

"Hey Bob! It's time for bed! Let's go!" I almost yelled while shaking him roughly.

He didn't move. I did it 3 more times with the same result. When I looked down, I saw Bobs half hard cock sticking out of his fly. I yelled and shook him 2 more times. I sat back and stared at his cock listening to the slurping and gagging going on in the background.

I reached over and began stroking it. I admired how masculine it looked and felt in my hand. After only a few strokes, I leaned over and sucked on the head. I licked, kissed and sucked it for about a minute. Then I stood in front of him, kicked off my shorts, got to my knees and started sucking his cock. I sucked it slow and easy while watching his face closely. I thought I heard him take in a quick breath when I drove it down my throat, but I wasn't sure. I found it much easier to deep throat his cock than my dildo.

I sucked it furiously. Driving it down my throat as fast as possible. Before long, I felt his cock begin to throb. So I sucked the head as fast as I could. I didn't see his face and wasn't sure if he really came. I watched his cock get soft while I swished his cum around in my mouth. Then I swallowed and sat next to him again.

I left his cock out and just stared at it while playing with my pussy. It was the first time I had gotten a good look at a real cock. While I stared at it, I thought about the times he had fucked me. I thought about how good it felt to have him cum in my mouth. How much fun it was to suck on. How many times I had wanted to drop to my knees and suck his cock for the last two weeks. How bad I wanted to suck on it this afternoon while he sat around with a hard on.

While I was thinking all this stuff, I never took my eyes off his cock. After about 5 minutes, I was sure I saw it move. I watched it wiggled and jerk, then get a little bit bigger. I watched closely for another minute before I saw it wiggle and jerk again and watched it grow a little more. I had watched it get nearly soft. Now it was hard enough that you could see the veins begin to stand out. Then it took off. I watched it roll over and drag it's way up his leg. Then across his belly. When It got to his belly button. I watched it swell and begin to lift off his belly. It didn't stop until it was rock hard and standing straight up.

I had just watched his cock go from shriveled and soft to rock hard in about 30 seconds. I knew he was awake and ready for more. I quickly got to my knees and began sucking his cock again. I sucked it hard and fast without stopping until he blew his load hard. He jerked and groaned loudly while he flooded my mouth with cum. He came so much, it filled my mouth to overflowing. After I swallowed, his cock continued to throb hard and cum just kept pouring out. Just as I thought I was going to need to swallow again. He relaxed back in his seat.

I looked up at him until I felt his cock getting soft again. Then I stood in front of him while swishing a big mouthful of cum around my mouth. I swallowed it and smiled at him.

"Happy Birthday." I said quietly.

I took out the porn. Shut off the TV and everything else. I bent over and made it easy for him to look at my pussy. I stood in front of him again, while smiling at his cock. I spread my legs and bent way low to pick up my shorts. I shut off the light and left him sitting in the dark with his cock out.

I went to my room shut off my light and jumped in bed. About 5 minutes later, I heard Bob get off the couch. Walk to his room. Get undressed. Shut everything off and climb in bed. He didn't stumble once.

Once he was settled, I smiled real big. He had been awake the whole time. He knew exactly what I had done. I was sure of it. Not only did he let me do it. He liked it enough that he let me know when he was ready for more.


In the morning, I got dressed and walked out to the kitchen to find Bob sitting in his underwear. I poured myself a cup of coffee and joined him at the table. Once again, we acted like nothing happened. When he got up to get more coffee, I noticed his cock was hard but didn't say anything. We sat and talked about everything we talked about every morning.

Then we did some work on the comic. Made a story line and sketches. We worked on it until about 2 in the afternoon.

"Hey, the Star Trek marathon is about to start. Wanna watch it?" Bob asked.

"No, I was going to work on the Bey'tor character some more." I told him.

"Suit yourself. I'll be upstairs." he said as he headed off.

"Cool, I'll be up in a little while." I smiled.

As soon as he was upstairs, I ran to the bathroom and rinsed out my ass with water real good. Then I collected everything I needed for my Bey'tor costume. I had to go to my room to get my tits and the mold to make my face more feminine. Once I had everything, I stripped nude to make sure my pussy, ass and hips were still secure. Then I glued on my tits and face.

When I was satisfied that everything looked and felt perfect. I began to airbrush on a new skin color. It was a dye that gave me the same skin tone as a black woman, but would wash off easily with soap and water. When I was satisfied that I had a smooth even skin tone on my whole body. I put on the Klingon skull cap with long, full, dark hair.

When I examined myself in the mirror, I looked just like a black woman with a Klingon skull cap. I was so happy with the way I looked, I could hardly stand it.

I grabbed the last of the costume. I put on the thin decorative belt. I then took two sheer pieces of cloth, a foot wide and two feet long, and tied them to the belt front and back. When I looked in the mirror, I jumped up and down to watch my tits bounce. I was so thrilled with what I saw, I almost cried. I looked just like the sketches of Bey'tor. Tits, pussy, ass, hips, face. Everything looked perfect. I looked like a real live Klingon woman in a loin cloth that went to her knees. I was in heaven.

I collected my thoughts, took a deep breath and calmly walked upstairs. I walked into the living room where Bob was watching TV. Without a sound, I knelt in front of him, unbuckled and unzipped his pants. He lifted his hips so I could pull down his pants. Then started sucking on his already hard cock.

Bob watched silently the whole time.

I luxuriated in the way it felt to have his cock in my mouth. I easily drove it down my throat until his balls pressed against my chin. I looked up to see him smiling down at me. I stayed like that, caressing his cock with my tongue, until I ran out of air. I pulled back, sucked the head for a bit. Then drove it balls deep in one smooth easy motion. I did that 3 or 4 times. Then watched his face closely while I licked, kissed and sucked his balls. I continued it all the way up his shaft.

When I got back to the head, I began sucking it hard and fast. Driving as much as possible down my throat with every thrust. After about 10 seconds of that, Bob grunted loudly, grabbed my head and and forced my face as tight as possible into his crotch. His cock was as far down my throat as it could get. When I looked up, he had the most intense smile as he held me there and watched.

I didn't resist or even look away from his face, for over 30 seconds. When I tried to pull away, he grunted while pulling me back roughly. I looked him in the eye for another 10 or 15 seconds. Again, when I tried to pull back, he angrily forced me back down. As I continued to try to pull away, he began fucking my mouth. I could feel the head pumping down my throat. After another 10 seconds of that, I began to gag and struggle for air. I could feel my throat constrict around his cock as I began to retch. As my struggles increased, my throat got tighter. I was slapping his thighs urgently while trying to pull away. My throat was squeezing tight trying to force his cock out of my throat. When he finally let go, it felt like I was throwing up his cock.

"God that felt good!" he exclaimed.

I proudly licked and sucked the head. "Did you cum?"

"No, but holy fuck did that feel good." he panted.

I quickly tried to recreate what had just happened. I drove it down my throat and looked up at him calmly. I began driving the head in and out of my throat until I began to gag. When I didn't see a reaction, I sucked his cock hard and fast, concentrating on making him cum. I drove his cock down my throat as deep as I could with every thrust. When he began to squirm in his seat, I worked just the head. Soon he was groaning loudly while my mouth filled with cum. I gulped it down while continuing to suck the head hard and fast. When he finally relaxed, I swallowed the last of it and began stroking his cock.

We both watched as a thick white gob formed at the tip. I continued to stroke his cock to milk out the last of his cum. When the thick white gob got so big it was about to run off the side, I sucked the tip and licked it up while looking up at him.

"How was that?" I asked cheerfully.

"Holy Fuck! I came so hard, I thought I was going to pass out." he gasped.

I flushed with pride and giggled.

"I am, Cock Master... Bey'tor... I live to serve." I proclaimed as I stood up and took a regal pose.

Bob laughed heartily as he sat with his pants around his ankles. I giggled as I watched him.

"So what do you think of Bey'tor? Pretty accurate? Pretty hot? What's the story?" I asked as I posed for him.

"That's fucking hot! Lets see the rest of it." he said waving his hand.

I smiled, unhooked the belt and dropped my loincloth. I giggled at the look he gave me. I shook my tits and danced in a small circle.

"What made you do all this?" he asked.

I once again dropped to my knees and began sucking his cock.

"Well, we were talking about how nice it would be to have a female Klingon. So I've been experimenting with makeup, molds and costumes ever since. I've been wearing the pussy pretty much every day to work out the kinks. Then after I sucked your cock last night. I thought I might as well just dress up and do it." I explained while sucking his cock.

"Really? Was that the first time you sucked my cock?" he asked with a smile.

I blushed brightly. "No, On your birthday. I sucked it and swallowed then too."

"You swallowed??" he asked wide eyed.

"Yeah, I swallowed for you every time." I assured him while licking his balls.

"I know. You were fucking great." he said with a sly grin.

"Oh my god! You knew?" I asked horrified while stroking his cock.

"Fuck Yeah... I got so hard when I saw you as Sailor Moon, I didn't know what to do. So I laid there. Next thing I know, you're pressing your tits in my face. Stroking my cock. Wait a little longer and you were sucking on it. The next day you're wearing tight pants and a big beautiful camel toe. Every day I looked at it. It reminded me how good it felt to fuck you. I've been showing you my cock as often as possible hoping you would suck it again. Yesterday was the worst. You wore the shorts that turn invisible when wet. I could see your pussy plain as day. I wanted to fuck you so bad, I walked around hard all day. I was afraid you were never going to do it again. Why all of the sudden dress up and do it today?" he said.

"Well, last night, I was pretty sure you were awake the first time. But when I watched you get hard the second time. I knew you were awake. Since we both know what happened. I might as well step up and do it. I almost walked out as a nude Sailor Moon to give you a blowjob with your coffee this morning. Maybe even let you bend me over the table." I explained with a smile.

"Yeah, that would have been good." he agreed.

"Good, we'll do it tomorrow morning." I giggled as I continued to suck his cock.

"Hey you wanna pose for some portraits?" he asked eagerly.

"Well yeah... But I am The cock master... Bey'tor. Only your orgasm will release me from the duties I have begun." I said as I licked and sucked the head of his cock.

"Absolutely... Carry on... Cock Master, Bey'tor." he laughed.

I eagerly sucked his cock until he filled my mouth with cum. I opened wide, wagged my cum covered tongue at him. Swallowed, then opened wide and did it again. I climbed into his lap, ground my pussy up and down the length of his cock while mashing my tits in his face.

"I have completed my sexual service. I am ready to begin my duties as a portrait model." I whispered.

"You sure are" he chuckled.

I put on my loincloth while he kicked off his pants. Then we hurried downstairs. I put up a background mural while he got the cameras ready. I posed in any number of action scenes. Some of them quite lewd, while he snapped away. Then he had me pose nude with an assortment of weapons. Once we had taken about 30 pictures. I could see that Bob was rock hard again, since he wasn't wearing any pants, and all I could do was stare at it and drool.

"This is fucking amazing. You look just like a real girl. Do you want to do a video clip?" he asked excitedly.

"Fuck Yeah" I eagerly agreed.

"Cool" he said as he hurriedly put on a Star Fleet uniform.

We laid out the guidelines. I was to respond just as we had portrayed Bey'tor in the comic. He would be a Star Fleet officer on leave. I put my loincloth back on and we began with me sitting in a chair. He walked up to me and smiled.

"You look acceptable for a Klingon. Let me see your pussy." he snapped.

I smiled, pulled the loincloth aside to display my pussy for his approval. He smiled and pulled out his hard cock.

"Can you suck cock?" he asked gruffly.

"I am a cock master. I have been trained to satisfy all manor of unspeakable pleasures." I responded demurely.

"Well start sucking." he snapped while sitting on a day bed.

I quickly got to my knees and started sucking. I drove it down my throat and looked up at him. He watched me closely while calling me a bitch, slut or whore the whole time.

"Which hole do you want me to fuck?" he snarled.

"Please fuck my ass." I begged.

He laughed. Pushed me face down onto the day bed and began fucking me doggie style. I squealed and begged for him to fuck me harder. While he fucked me I continued to moan about how much I love cock and how good it felt to get fucked in the ass.

Then he threw me onto my back on the day bed. Climbed on top of me and started fucking me missionary style. He groaned about what a tight ass I had and how good it felt to fuck me. He went on about what a dirty whore I was to take it in the ass and how much he liked fucking dirty whores. 'I live to serve' was my courteous reply. Then he pulled out and shot his load all over my face and tits.

"Klingon whore!" he said in disgust and walked off.

When he was done he had a big smile.

"Hold still." he said.

He grabbed a camera and began taking close-ups of my cum covered face and tits. I began to scoop it up and lick it from my fingers while he took more pictures.

When we were done, we reviewed the pictures on the computer. While we did that, I was obsessed with the way I looked. There was no way to tell it was me or that I wasn't a girl. It was perfect. While we watched the video, he mentioned repeatedly how real everything looked and how hot it was.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?" I asked.

"Sure." he replied.

I brought up the pictures of me as Sailor Moon.

"This is what I was doing on your birthday." I offered eagerly.

While we reviewed the pictures, I was still nude and bent over the desk. Bob got behind me, grabbed my hips and stuffed his cock deep into my ass. He fucked me slow and easy until the pictures were done.

"Wanna see something really cool?" he asked with a smile.

"Fuck Yeah." I chirped while squeezing my ass tight for him.

He reached over my shoulder, pushed a few buttons. Up came a picture of me getting out the the river the day before. Just like Bob had said, my shorts were nearly invisible. Every fold and crease of my pussy was exposed in vivid detail. After seeing it like that, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it while we were swimming.

"Oh My God." I gasped.

"Just wait.... It gets better." he laughed while pushing a few more buttons.

Next thing I know there was a video of the two of us standing in his bedroom. I was a nude Sailor Moon stroking his cock. He pulled down his pants and fell back on the bed. I got to my knees, took off his boots then started sucking his cock. Then he dumped his load in my mouth. I wished him a happy birthday and walked out. The camera had a perfect picture of me in the nude as I walked out with a smile.

I was so turned on by watching it, I couldn't say anything. Bob on the other hand was fucking me hard and fast.

The screen went black for a second or two, then lit up again. I walked back in wearing nothing but the pussy. No wig, makeup, tits... nothing. I got to my knees and began sucking his cock. Then I watched myself sit on it and ride it hard. He threw me on the bed. I immediately spread my legs wide. My pussy was plain to see. He got on top of me and fucked he hard, until he came inside me. For a few seconds I laid under him with a big smile. Then the screen went black again.

A few seconds later, it lit up again. I was still laying under Bob with my legs spread while he began to pick up speed. He was fucking me hard and fast while I squealed about how good it felt. Soon he was fucking me in the ass so hard, I was shocked that I was able to take it. Seconds later, when I watched myself have an orgasm because of it. While I watched it happen, I was amazed at what I saw. My eyes rolled back while I flopped around underneath him.

"That's the part I like best." Bob laughed while he continued to fuck me from behind.

I watched in fascination as my orgasm ended. A glazed look swept across my face while I stared at the ceiling blankly. Bob continued to fuck the hell out of me for a few minutes. Then he drove it deep inside me and emptied his balls again. I watched as he rolled off me and started snoring. There was a perfect picture of the two of us laying side by side.

Bob grunted behind me and I felt his cock throbbing inside me. He urgently pumped his cock into my ass while emptying his balls once again.

On the screen, I was laying with my legs spread. A big smile on my face while my pussy was in plain view. He laid next to me with his spent cock resting on his belly. When I got up, once again there was a perfect picture of me. Instead of a nude Sailor Moon. It was a nude Jimmy with a pussy. Then the screen went dark.

"Holy Fuck... How did you get that?" I exclaimed.

"I was experimenting with a motion activated camera. I had forgotten I turned it on until the next morning when I found it." he chuckled while pressed tight against my ass.

I stared ahead blankly while I thought of it. I had been shocked at how sexy I thought I looked as Sailor Moon. I was even more shocked at how hot I thought it was to see myself sucking a cock while dressed like that. I was beside myself as I thought about how hot I thought I looked as a man with a pussy. But the biggest shock of all was thinking that my very first sexual encounter had been caught on video from beginning to end.

I spent the rest of the day dressed as a nude Bey'tor. Letting Bob fuck me as often as he wanted. We talked about what we were doing. How much fun it was for both of us. How good the sex was. I told him how much I liked being a girl and how natural it was for me. I also confided in him that the first time I had sex was on his birthday and that he was the only person I had ever had sex with. He seemed to enjoy hearing that.

After that, I picked up some wigs and got dressed up as a girl as often as possible. When I did, I acted as Bobs sex slave. Submitting to his demands for sex without question. It wasn't the sex life I had imagined for myself, but it was the most rewarding.

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