School's In

By Naughtybard

Published on Jan 10, 2021


School's in

By Naughty Bard

Warning: this story contains sexual acts (oral, domination, humiliation) between young males.

If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country or state, please stop reading.

Hi guys!

It's been such a long time since I posted the first chapter of this new spin-off. I'm sorry. Here's a new one, though. Hope you guys enjoy it!! :-)

As usual a big shout out to my friend John, for proofreading the chapter.

As usual if you wanna drop me a line to let me know what you think of it you'll make my day! My address is:

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this awesome free service running.

That being said... enjoy!

Chapter 2


Of course, I had done my homework. The second Leo Green had left me in that abandoned storehouse in the middle of nowhere I had taken out my phone, googled "how to suck cock" and spent the whole three-mile walk back home reading every website that this phrase, and all the possible variations of it, would come up. And, I have to say, it had been an extremely educational walk, as well as a very long one. For once the fact that my parents were never home wasn't such a bad thing, since I really didn't have much explaining to do when I showed up at unusual hours. But the reading I had done hadn't even begun to quench my seemingly inexhaustible thirst of knowledge on the subject. I had rarely shown that kind of interest towards anything before. But blowjobs... well, now that I had tried one, I wanted to know everything about it. The tongue-work, the pressure, the movement of your neck, the way you need to open your throat, the use of your hands. After a few hours my head was just about to explode, and so was my dick, by the way. Oh, yeah, and I was drooling so bad a fucking bulldog would have been impressed! I'm not kidding! My mouth would start watering the second I thought of Leo's face, let alone his dick! And, little by little, I began to realize what later would have become crystal clear to me: nothing beats practice. All the websites suggested I'd do that anyways, so I stood up, marched downstairs, went to the kitchen and started rummaging into the fridge. Cucumbers were the best choice, I figured. So I took one and ran back upstairs.

As I sat down at my desk it kinda dawned on me that I hadn't even thought about what had happened that afternoon from a different point of view. Was I ok with it? I mean, don't get me wrong: of course that had been, hands down, the most incredibly exciting thing that had ever happened to me and the more I thought about it the more my dick would pulse. I had already jerked off twice, playing the whole scene in my head over and over and still I was harder than ever, which was all fine and fucking dandy! But the guy hadn't exactly proposed to me jumping down from a white horse on one knee, had he? What he wanted was extremely practical: a cocksucker on call. It was simple as that. And he hadn't even tried to sugar coat it in any way. Quite the opposite actually. He had been brutally honest about it and had pretty much gone like `this is what I want, take it or leave it, fag!'. So the ball was uncomfortably in my court now. And the question lingered. Was I or was I not ok with being his cocksucker on call? I sighed, looking at the cold cucumber in my hand. It was a troublesome question that had no easy answer, especially considering that most of my blood was rushing down between my legs, leaving me a little light-headed. Something was gnawing at my conscience and I suddenly got pissed with it because it was sucking all the fun and the excitement out of that moment. No pun intended. I scratched my head and let the thought mull over in my mind. Unfortunately the only thing that was clear and actually made sense is that I wanted Leo's dick in my mouth again, and I wanted it so fucking bad it hurt.

With a pang of shame nipping at my stomach I went back to one of the webpages I had saved, read the exercise I was supposed to master, opened my mouth and slid in the cucumber.


"Bullshit! For real?" Ace exclaimed, impressed.

"Yep, we did it in the backseat of my mom's car!" Chris replied pretty smugly, throwing a football in the air and catching it while walking in the halls of Central High during recess.

"Man, this is so fucking unfair!" replied ginger, frustrated.

"Chill out, dude!" I said to him like it was no big deal and probably sounding just as smug as Chris.

"Easy for you to say!" Ace shot back, then lowered his voice to a whisper "I'm still a fucking virgin and you both have done it loads of times!" he vented. It was true. I had shagged my girlfriend every single time she'd let me in the previous two months since I had popped her cherry and when she hadn't been in the mood... well, her friend Cindy had been pretty helpful, even though we hadn't actually done it... yet. I know, pretty impressive, huh? And as for Chris, he was a total stud. The chick he'd been dating had finally spread her legs for him like six months before so I kinda understood Ace's frustration at the time. I actually felt a little sorry for him, we had been buddies for the longest time after all.

"Ah, don't worry about it!" Chris said putting his arm around Ace's shoulder "I'm sure Emma will put out after the game, on Saturday!"

"Yeah, man! You just gotta pressure her like I did with Donna!" I put my two cents in "Tell her you got needs and if she doesn't wanna have sex, well... you'll find someone who does!"

"Yeah, tell her that chick begged you to fuck her! What's her name, again?" Chris asked as we got out in the quad.

"Taylor Amblin." I said chuckling "AKA the school cumdump, hahaha!" we all laughed. Again, it was true. She was a total whore who would pretty much let anyone stick their dicks inside her, you just had to ask nicely. There were rumors around that she had been fucked even by some of the faculty. Pretty crazy shit if you ask me, but whatever.

"Fuck you guys, this is not funny! All she does is jerk me off, she won't even try to give me head!" Ace vented, sitting down angrily on a bench in the shades.

"Well, it's not like you haven't gotten your dick sucked like a zillion times, dude!" I said with a tone that could definitely qualify as a little taunting. Chris snickered.

"Yeah, by fags!" ginger snorted "That doesn't count for shit, man! They're just... fags, for fuck's sakes!"

He was right, of course but that didn't stop me and Chris from cracking up.

"Haha! He's got a point there!" Chris stated, regaining control. "Look, man, we're not kidding here!" He sat on the table opposite me and Ace "Just fucking scare the shit out of her already! If she feels threatened, she'll probably give in and if she doesn't you can dump her ass and find a new chick!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself!" I agreed.

Ace still looked a little unconvinced but then Chris added:

"C'mon dude! Don't pussy out on us!" which made the both of us laugh.

"Screw you!" Ace flipped us off "Fine, I'll do it!"

"Nah, do her instead, man!"

We all cackled.

Recess was almost over when I noticed the little faggot from the warehouse staring at me like a stupid puppy. He was standing by a tree not too far from us, trying real hard to look invisible, alone like a dog and when our eyes met he looked down after like seconds, embarrassed as fuck.

I couldn't help but snicker as the three of us stood up and walked back inside the building.

"Nice..." I smirked.


I was going crazy. No, I'm not being overdramatic! I was experiencing serious hell. I had spent an entire week waiting for Leo to call me, text me, talk to me at school, anything! Of course, I knew that last one was nothing more than wishful thinking on my part, but whatever. I was checking my phone every five seconds and it was so not like me. I wasn't the kind of kid who cares about stuff like that. Actually I wasn't the kind of kid who cares about anything, really. Or had been, I guess. Whatever... I wasn't mentally prepared for... that... I found myself stalking the guy at school and even stayed behind to watch his football practice in the afternoon, for fuck's sakes! Football! I mean, I hate football! That was pretty fucked up, right? This whole thing was turning into an obsession.

Obviously, the fact that he wouldn't acknowledge my existence in any way, didn't help one bit. He wouldn't even look in my direction. What was up with that? I mean, I get it! He was one of the jocks, a popular kid with a million friends and he couldn't be seen talking to a `nobody', that was fine. I had made my peace with the way school dynamics work years before. But, I mean, he could have looked at me at least, right? No one was gonna judge him for that! I would have even settled for a derisive smirk or a push against the lockers, at least it would have been something. I wanted him to notice me. I'm sorry to repeat myself but just bare with me: this was so unlike me. I had always wanted to be invisible; a shadow people don't even look at. And now that I was good at it, I didn't want it anymore. Awesome, huh? Needless to say, school sucked even more than usual because of that. And to make matters worse my math teacher's personality had done a 180 over-fucking-night! It was like he had it in for me! What had I ever done to him? He had gone from being an ok guy to a straight up asshole with me, just with me! And I had no idea why! I got a D- and an F on top of the totally unfair one-week-detention I had gotten and all I was doing in class was... yep, you guessed it! Trying to be invisible, like I always did!


I hated that kid! I couldn't even stand looking at him. That pasty face, mousy presence and completely unremarkable features. Who the hell did he think he was? Waltzing in here to steal my teenage gods from me just when my life was finally making sense? I was so damn happy, now! So much happier than I'd ever been. And he was the one standing in the way of that happiness. He was the one who had the means to take it away. That little shit! Oh, but he was gonna pay for it, I was gonna make sure of that!

Naturally, there was nothing I could do about my masters' plan to make him their new toy. It was their superior-straight-boy birthright, after all. And I wasn't even sure if they were actually gonna go through with it considering that it had been over ten days since they had mentioned his stupid name. On the other hand, my gods didn't spend that much time with me these days, so how could I know for sure? And that's precisely why I was gonna do everything in my power to make the kid's life a living hell!

"Walsh!" I barked and saw him standing up from the back of the classroom. He walked towards me with a pained expression which only deepened when he saw how I had graded his paper.

"Well done, genius." I said through gritted teeth.

"But... but... sir... an F... really? Again?" he groaned "What did I do wrong?"

I found myself smile a cold smile and jeered:

"Oh, that's an easy one: everything!" and turned to the next kid.


"...and then bam! All of a sudden she was sucking on my fucking dick!" I bellowed, super proud.

"Yeah, bro! That's what I'm talking about!" Chris fist bumped me, smirking.

"At least it's progress!" laughed Leo, punching me on the shoulder.

We had just finished practice and we were walking out of the locker rooms, our hair still damp after showering.

"Fuck yeah!" I smirked back at them.

"You gotta start listening to us more, man! We told you it would work!" Chris snickered, smug as fuck.

"Hear, hear!!" Echoed Leo, copying his tone.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I joked even though I knew they were right. They always seemed to know a little more than I did, probably because they were both definitely smarter than me. But I knew they always had my back.

"And how was it?" Leo asked curiously.

Ouch! Now that was an uncomfortable question because the honest answer would have been something like `Ok, I guess...'

"Well..." I hesitated.

"Yeah, I figured." Leo put his hand on my shoulder, like he simply knew "Don't worry, man! Happened to the best of us!"

"Yeah... I mean it's great that she tried and all but... like..." I hesitated " one sucks dick like your bro's bitch!" I vented to Chris.

"Hehe! You got that right, but just give her a little time, dude!" Chris reassured me.

"Yeah, you just gotta make her practice non stop, bro! Haha!" Leo cackled, pushing an imaginary head against his crotch.

"Hahaha! Hey, why don't you make FagEd give her a few pointers?" Chris suggested.

"Yeah, he's the cocksucking king, after all!" Leo agreed and we all laughed.

"Speaking of fags..." Chris mused, then "Green, ain't that your little boyfriend?"

We all noticed the skinny kid standing nervously next to Leo's car in the parking lot and no doubt, it was the sissy queer we had decided to turn into our next toy.

"Well, well... he finally cracked!" Leo snickered "This should be interesting."


Now that I saw him strutting towards the car with his buddies, I wasn't so sure anymore. My heart was pounding in my chest and my palms were sweaty. Was he gonna get mad at me for speaking to him? Well... maybe. But I mean, I just wanted to say hi... and maybe... I don't know what I was expecting to be honest. For god's sake he was even a year younger than me and it's not like I was breaking a rule, right? Besides I had to do something. I was off the deep end just waiting and waiting... It had been ten days already. I just wanted to remind him that I was there if he wanted to and I was ready and super willing to suck his cock anytime of day and for as long as he needed me to!

They were getting closer and closer. I could actually make out what they were talking about, now. Football. Shocker, huh? Oh, and by the way, how come gorgeous guys always go together? I wondered if they simply look for each other before they decide to become friends. He was with a ginger-haired boy, I think his name was Ace something or other. And then of course everybody knew Chris Hansson, richest kid in town, blond chick magnet, star of the football team. From what I understood they were his best buds and all three of them were everything a teenage boy could hope to be. Dead hot, uber athletic, super cool and with so much swag I felt like I didn't even belong to the same species, for fuck's sake! I was none of those things.

"...and I just knew it was the only way to score that point, man!"

"Yeah totally, bro!"

"And did you see the look on Maky's face?"

"Yeah, he totally wanted to pummel you, dude!"

"I know!! It was fucking hilarious! Haha!"

`Here goes nothing' was the last thing I said to myself before opening my mouth and going:

"Uhm... Leo..."

The extremely intimidating trio turned to me almost in unison. We were six feet apart and I thought for a second I was gonna piss my pants.

Leo frowned, a blank expression on his sexy latino face. Then he replied with a voice almost filled with disgust:

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Uhm... I... I..." I stammered. I couldn't bring myself to articulate anything more than that. Which made them crack up a little viciously.

"C'mon man, we're gonna be late!" Ace elbowed Leo, still snickering.

"Yeah..." he replied, smirking, passing a hand through his mane of jet-black hair. Then he added "Loser".

They opened the car doors, cackling. They got in and just like that, they were gone.


"Hahahaha!!" the guys and I couldn't stop laughing our balls off after that stupid queer had tried to talk to Leo.

"Oh, man! Hahaha!! He fucking looked like his mom had died! Hahaha!!"

"Yeah! Told ya! I knew he was hooked the second he smelled my junk, hahaha!!"

"Fucking faggot! Hahaha!!"

"So, what do we do, now?" Ace asked us.

"It's Leo's call, man!" I replied "He was the one who found this little piggy, hehe!"

Leo smirked. I liked that smirk; it usually meant a lot of fun.

"Alright, I'mma let Cumbreath bawl over me till..." he mused "...well, at least tomorrow."

"Haha! Yeah, bro!" I said.

"Then, I'm gonna have a nice long chat with our little Chucky, hehehe!!"

"Awh, man! I actually feel sorry for him, hahaha!!" Ace guffawed.

"Hahaha! Yeah, sucks to be a faggot! Hahaha!"

"And which one you gonna teach him?" I was so fucking curious.

"Mmmm... I think I'm gonna go with 1, 5 and 6..." he replied smirking.

"What? Three of them? You wanna break him right off the bat?" Ace sounded surprised and amused at the same time, and to be honest so was I.

"Nah... he can handle it!" Leo assured confidently, then shrugged "And if he can't... Well, he's just a faggot, right? We'll have to find ourselves another one, won't we?"

"Hahahaha! Fuck yeah!"


How can I describe the way I felt? It's difficult, really. I'm not used to feeling... stuff. I didn't think it was even possible but I had been totally crushed by that encounter and I couldn't understand why. Quite frankly, what I had experienced in that parking lot had pretty much been my life at school up till then. I had been ignored. So what? Big deal! Like I said, it was my daily bread. But that doesn't change the fact that I had spent hours moping around, locked in my room. I had even burst into tears, like five hundred times, out of frustration and sadness and I had pretty much spent the night biting my nails and trying to ignore my stomach ache.

When morning came, I was a wreck. My eyes were puffy and red and now both my stomach and my head throbbed with pain. And I had to go to school. Great. Just great.

When the bell rang on last period I couldn't wait to get to my bike, go home and wallow in self-pity a little more. But when I got there Leo Green, in flesh and blood, was waiting for me, sitting on the hood of his car, right in front of my bike. My mouth went dry. Of course, he had to look stupid gorgeous as ever and of course, my knees buckled, mostly because the expression on that stunning face was not a happy one. The only thing he said to me when I got close enough was "Get in the car."

He didn't speak a single word during the drive. I was getting a little scared but the thought of breaking that silence felt way worse. Besides I knew where we were going. I recognized the road. When we got to the warehouse he parked, turned off the engine and barked: "Get out."

I obeyed and as I saw him walk around to my side, dangerously scowling towards me, I knew something bad was about to happen. And then he slapped me so hard right across the face I ended up on the ground with a deaf `thump'.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, faggot?!" he yelled. My face stung. I had tears in my eyes.

"I... I... I'm sorry..." I managed to stutter, my heart racing.

"You think you can just talk to me like you know me?" He kicked one of my legs "In front of everybody?" he kicked me again "Huh?!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry Leo, I... I... just wanted to..." I tried to explain gripping his leg, begging him to listen.

"What?" he growled. All the anxiety, all the frustration I had been holding inside in the past ten days came out like an avalanche.

"I'm... sooorryyyyy..." and the waterwork began big fucking time.

"Great, now the sissy's crying!" I heard him mutter, somewhere between angry and entertained.

I couldn't stop myself. It was one of those drama queen kinda scenes, stuff I had always hated and the last thing I wanted was for him to see me like that. I heard him light a cigarette and, in a minute or so, I was calming down somewhat.

"Hey..." his voice sounded different now. Not so angry anymore. I felt his foot nudge my leg and I turned around to see him staring down at me "You done crying?" he asked, blowing out smoke. I nodded, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand and, to my surprise, he held his hand down "C'mon, get up. Let's get inside."

He helped me to my feet and I gingerly followed him, overwhelmed and very confused, inside that same run-down building.

When we got into the small office, he got comfortable in the same tilting chair and simply looked at me. I instinctively sat down on the floor in front of him. His hazel eyes boring into me were making me extremely uneasy.

"Leo... I didn't mean to make you mad... I... I just..." I hesitated.

"C'mon, fag! Out with it!" he `encouraged' me.

"Well... I... just really wanted to do it again..." I said meekly.

"Do what again?" he had a satisfied little smirk.

"You... you know... what we did the other day..." I replied, frowning.

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific..." he insisted.

"The blowjob..." I said quietly and his smirk widened.

"Hehe! Well done, fag!" he mocked me and I looked down "So you couldn't wait to put my dick back in your mouth, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I replied in a small voice.

He took a puff and exhaled slowly. He was so at ease; I could tell he had complete control of the situation. The exact opposite of what I was feeling.

"Look, we need to make a few things clear here, `cause I think you got the wrong idea." he stated, scratching one of his cheeks "So open your sissy ears and listen up real good!"

"O... ok..." I continued, swallowing hard and preparing for... what? A scolding?

"Now here's what you gotta understand, fag! You see, this whole cocksucking thing is on my terms and my terms only!" he explained flicking his cig on the ground "That's how it works! You're here to make ME feel good, not the other way around! Which means I call you whenever the hell I wanna dump a load in that hole you got on your fag face! Period!" brutal honesty, as always. I was a little petrified by that statement even though It was nothing different from what he had told me the previous time. Just maybe with a little more force.

"Y... yeah... I... I know that..." I managed to say.

"Do you? Cause it don't look like it!" he replied annoyed, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... I... you see, I really liked... doing it..."

"For fuck's sakes, you can say `sucking your dick', fag! Your mommy's not around!" making fun of me came extremely natural to him. I must have blushed so badly.

"Right..." I murmured. He was being a bit meaner than the first time we had spoken "I really liked sucking your dick..." I admitted "You see, you made me realize that I'm actually gay so I..."

"Oh, man! We really do need to start from the basics, don't we?" he cut me off and I frowned a little.

"Uhm... what do you..."

"Alright, first of all, stop with this `gay' bullshit." he said it mimicking a feminine voice on the word' gay' "You are a faggot!" he explained "A queer, a sissy, a homo, a fairy, a cocksucker, a cum guzzler or any of the other names in the fucking book, man! Accept it cause it's what you are and the sooner you start calling yourself that, the better!"

I was stunned. I had never met anyone so self confident and bossy in their... what was it? Homophobia? Really?

"But... I..."

"Say it!" he cut me off again.


"I want you to say it! Tell me what you are!" He encouraged me. It was crazy of course.

"Look, I..." but he wouldn't hear it.

"Fucking tell me what you are!" he repeated impatiently, blowing smoke into my face. I coughed uncomfortably. There was only one answer he wanted to hear and my mind ended up going with a: `Oh, what the hell...'

"I'm a faggot..." I stated.

"What was that?" he put his hand to his ear, smirking again.

"I'm a faggot!" I said, much louder.

"Good boy!" he snickered "What else?"

I swallowed.

"I'm... I'm a homo... and a sissy queer... a ball licker..." every name I called out he cackled louder and louder which weirdly made me want to come up with another one "...a cocksucker, a pussyboy, a... a... a cum eater..." Leo was positively cracking up.

"Hahahaha!!! That's fucking awesome, fag! Hahaha!! Don't you feel better already?" he asked laughing and I couldn't help but smile bashfully.

"I guess..." I admitted. He stood up from the chair and towered over me.

"Remember, all these names are fucking PERFECT for you, you hear?!" He slapped me playfully a few times.

"Y... yes... ok..."

"And now that we got that out of the way, here comes lesson number two!" he smirked even more widely "You wanna know why this whole thing is ONLY on MY terms?"

I looked up at that lush mane of messy raven hair. Man, how could a boy be so fucking hot? And his broken voice... fuck, it was music to my ears.

"Yeah..." I replied, eagerly wanting him to keep talking.

"Cause I'm straight and you're a faggot!" he said like he was explaining two plus two.

"Uhm... o...k..." I frowned, confused. He smirked.

"You don't get it, do you?" he mocked me "Well, let's face it! You think I'm hot as fuck, right?" it wasn't a real question but I nodded anyways "I barely know you exist." he said shrugging carelessly. A pang of pain gutted me. There was no trace of remorse in his eyes. I swallowed and tried to keep looking at him. He blew in some smoke, then added "And let me guess, you've been thinking about me and my dick every waking moment of every single day in the past... what's it been, a week?"

"Eleven days..." I said so quickly I almost didn't let him finish. His smirk couldn't have been more vicious.

"Hehehe! Right!" He was beyond entertained "Well, the only time I actually thought of you was to tell my bros how useless you are as a cocksucker." And right there, my heart cracked a little.

"What? You... you told them?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah, totally! Hehe!" he tittered nonchalantly "Oh and just so you know, they said and I quote: `fags are born to suck cock, there's no way he could be that bad!'"

It goes without saying that I was uncomfortable and didn't know how to reply. There was silence for a moment, then he resumed.

"Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole here, I'm just stating facts, man." He tried to level with me. "The way I see it, I'm straight and I can go on fucking chicks and NEVER think of you ever again!" He explained. "But your fag brain needs to suck my cock or you'll go crazy, and don't even try to deny it, you know I'm right!" He paused as if daring me to disagree. Then he added "And in my book, that's so fucking weak, man!"

"It... it is?" it was difficult to maintain my composure. I wanted to scream in frustration, but I knew I wasn't gonna. Part of me actually kinda wanted to agree with him.

"Well, duh!! What kinda question is that?" he assured like it was a given. "And also I know everybody's saying fags are just as normal as we are and shit but c'mon, let's be serious!" he snorted "They're just saying it to save face! You losers can't even compare to us. We're just better than you, really. Don't you think?"

Was that even something I was supposed to answer? What was he talking about? Did he actually mean what he was saying? What was that 1952, what the fuck?!?! But as much as my mind was racing, my mouth didn't move. I kept blinking at him, speechless. He smirked.

"You don't, do you?" he asked.

I looked down and swallowed hard in response.

"Alright, fine, let's say I'm wrong..." He shrugged and threw himself on the chair again. I looked back up at him. He took yet another puff while staring down at me. Then, all at once he unzipped his jeans, lowered the front of his black off-brand boxers and his low hanging big balls and his flaccid cock were finally right there in front of me.

My heart started to pump crazy amounts of blood instantly, which seemed to all go straight down to my dick. I got up on my knees, like I was ready to jump, kinda like a hungry dog. He scratched his balls shamelessly.

"So..." he said with a smirk "Is this what you've been dreaming of..." He blew in some smoke "My dick? You still like it?"

"Yes... very much..." I whispered immediately, staring so intently at that piece of meat my eyeballs were almost hurting.

"C'mere!" he urged, almost sweetly.

He certainly didn't have to ask twice. As I got closer his hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and right when I was about to stick my tongue out and taste a piece of my personal heaven, he just said:

"Sniff it!"

I was two inches away from it, so close. And yet his voice had ordered me to wait. It actually felt like the hardest thing I'd ever had to do but I obediently closed my mouth, nuzzled his crotch and inhaled deeply. It was completely intoxicating. The sheer stink of that pungent masculinity was literally making me dizzy. Sweat, testosterone and sex... It was unbelievable. I held my breath for a few seconds. It was precious to me. So precious. And then I moaned with delight.


"Smell good?" You bet I was snickering, it was way too funny.

"Yes... I love it..." he answered like he was in a fucking fag trance or something.

"You sure? I mean, I got some pussy last night and really didn't feel like showering this morning..." I sneered while he was snuffling even harder "...and then I squeezed in an early work out with the guys. It's gotta be fucking nasty down there."

"N... no... I mean... is... but it's... so good..."

That fucking sissy looked like he was snorting cocain.

"Right, hehe! Would you like me to let you lick it all clean for me, like you did last time?" I couldn't believe it was so fucking easy.

"Yes, please!!! I'd love that!!" he replied, all fucking chipper. It was hilarious.

"Mmmm..." I pretended to think about it "I don't know, man... why should I?"

"Uhm..." he was clearly racking his little fag brain " because I... I'll make you feel good!" he said almost proudly.

"Nah, I doubt it. I told you, you have got to be the worst cocksucker ever!" I said and actually heard his heart break into a million pieces.

"But... but... I practiced, you know?" He said all desperate "I practiced so much! Like hours, every day! With cucumbers and... and zucchini and everything I could find! For you!" there was so much love in his puppy eyes I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.

"Hahaha! Did you? Wow!" I was still cackling "So, you mean to tell me that while I was chilling with my bros or fucking my girl or whatever, you were spending your free time studying to become a better cocksucker?"

"Yes!" he whimpered, rubbing his stupid face on my junk.

"And you did aaaall that just to please me?"

"Yeah..." he was as high as a fucking kite.

"Good call, bitch! Hahaha!!" I was having fun, no question about it "So what? Now you want a second chance or something?"

His eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I do. Please Leo, let me suck it!"

I took a long puff and made him suffer for a few seconds.

"Well, I think I need to see what you're willing to do for it." Nice huh? He looked up at me.

"What... what do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said, fag! I need you to show me how bad you wanna do this!" I shrugged and he frowned, confused.

"But... why?"

I smiled and decided to go with the truth, as usual.

"Cause it's fun to watch."

He kept sniffing my balls like there was no tomorrow but wasn't reacting to what I had just said so I decided that it was enough. I pushed him away and I'll be honest: seeing him change his expression to desperation, was priceless.

"W... well... ok... but what do you want me to do?" he asked nervously.

I smirked, pretty self satisfied.

"Why don't you start begging?"

He made a weird face and hesitated.

"Uhm... ok... please Leo... I beg you... would you let me do it? Suck your dick, I mean..."

Total fucking amateur. I snorted.

"You gotta be kidding me! That was it?" I mocked him, entertained "That's not begging. That's asking nicely!" Then the clincher "Look, if you don't wanna do this I'm outta here!"

I said, annoyed and started to get up from the chair.

"No, no, no! Please, stay!" He panicked, putting his hands on my thighs "I'll do better, please!"

I smirked again and sat back down, a little conceitedly.

"Fine! Go ahead, fag!"

He looked at me for a couple of seconds, not really knowing what to do. And then, like it finally dawned on him, he went and bowed down right between my feet.

"Please, Leo! I am begging you! Would you please let me suck your awesome cock? Please!"

"Hehehe! Well, that's a start!" I lifted my foot and placed it right onto his head "But you should go all the way down, fag!" and pressed his face down to that fucking nasty floor. He whined in what sounded like disgust "There! That's better! Hehehe!" I rolled his head a couple of times with my foot "Now do it again with way more grovelling, this time!"

"Uhm... I..." I think he might have been about to protest but I knew how to deal with lowlives like him.

"Something wrong, fag?" I barked, aggressively which worked like a charm.

"N... no... sorry..." he stuttered "Oh great Leo, sir!" he started after a pause "Would you please let me use my fag mouth to suck your perfect cock and make you feel real good? Please, Sir, I beg you!"

"Well, well, bitch! Now we're talking! That wasn't half bad! Hehe!" I petted him with the bottom of my shoe.

"Uhm... ok... can you please let me up, now?" his voice sounded extremely uncomfortable and definitely a little impatient.

"Mmmm... nope!" I replied "You haven't convinced me yet."

"C'mon, Leo, please! What else do you want me to do?" his petulant tone was funny cause his words were a little muffled by the filthy floor tiles pressing against his mouth.

"Hey! You wanted this; I didn't force you! You wanna call it quits?"

"No, please! I just thought..." but he didn't finish. It's unbelievable how that lingering threat of me leaving makes them all piss their panties "Never mind... it's... ok... I'll... I'll do what you want..." he gave in.

"Good to know! Guess now you ARE my bitch, huh? Hehe!" I chuckled.

"Y... yes..." he was clearly scared of the whole situation. But it was time to make things actually interesting.

"Alright, now, let's see what we can do..." I mused and took my sweet time before adding anything else. The stupid fag needed to understand his place. I snickered "You know your head makes for an awesome footrest, hahaha!" he didn't reply but I could see how uncomfortable he still was. I played with his head like it was a soccer ball, sniggering like crazy until I felt it was time to go "Well, now that I think about it there is one thing you can do!" I left it hanging.

"What?" came the eager answer.

"Ah, forget it, you're not up for it." I teased.

"What is it? I'm sure I can do it!" he was trying to look up but I wasn't gonna let him.

"Stay the fuck down!" my foot pushed him back down.

"Sorry..." he said "Tell me what it is, please!"

"Fine, if you want it THAT much!" I said smirking "My kicks are pretty fucking dirty..." I moved my other shoe next to his face "Why don't you lick them clean like you would my balls?"

"What?" he sounded like he couldn't believe his ears and tried lifting himself up again. This time I let him. It was actually the moment of truth and I felt like he just needed to look at my dick one more time.

"You heard me." I replied simply, looking straight into his eyes.

"Leo... c'mon... you can't be serious..." his expression had both disgust and hopelessness in it.

"Why not?" I kept staring at him and he couldn't handle it, as usual.

"B... because... that's... like... fucking disgusting... I... I..."

"No shit! But that's the point, fag!" I replied "I mean, it's pretty fucking hard to think of anything nastier than that! So, if you do it, that'll show me how bad you wanna suck my dick."

Hard to disagree with that logic, huh?

He looked like he had seen a ghost which told me that he was considering it for real. He didn't speak though.

"Fine..." I shook my head "I knew you'd chicken out, anyways." I put my dick back in my pants and zipped up "See you around, fag..." I stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Please! I... I'll do it..."

Score! He had fallen for it again. Unbelievable. I turned around and looked at him, down there, on his knees.

"You're actually gonna lick the grime off my shoes?"

"Y... yes..." he was so pathetic.

"Just to prove to me that you really, REALLY wanna suck my dick?"

"Yeah..." How could he not see how absurd that whole situation was?

"Great!" I said smirking and walking right in front of him "Well? Whatcha waiting for, faggot?"

His eyes were sad. But he only looked at me for a moment. Then he bowed his head again and actually went to work.

"Hahaha! Yep! That's it! Lick aaaall that shit off, hehe!" Un-fucking-believable. The stupid queer was gagging but he kept licking my fucking sneakers "You better do a great job if you want me to take you seriously, fag!"

My words worked their magic, as usual. He was using his wet little tongue like a maniac, up and down, left and right, licking every inch of dirt off. Can you think of anything more pitiful than that?

"C'mon, all of it! And don't forget the side!" I added, totally showing off how fucking entertained I was. I lifted the shoe he was working on and tilted it sideways. I was wearing my black high-top chucks and I can tell you I enjoyed watching how all that fucking dirt got stuck to the fag's tongue and how all the rubbery parts went back to looking white. And that dumb pig was actually eating all that shit "Mmmm... Yummy, huh? Hahaha!" Gotta say, knowing there are total losers in this world who are ready to do something that fucking gross, just for me, makes me feel preeeeetty damn good! And I'm not gonna apologize for it! It's the best!

"Now do the other one, c'mon!" he gagged for the umpteenth time but obeyed and was just as diligent with my left shoe. Within a few minutes, my kicks were clean and all shining with fag spit.

"Alright, let's see how you did!" he slowly moved away and I could finally see how grossed out he was. `Serves you right for being a weak-ass faggot!' I thought to myself. I inspected my sneakers way more than necessary.

"Not bad, faggot!" I praised him "You're definitely a better shoeshine than a cocksucker, hehehe!" he still looked miserable.

"C'mon, sissy! Cheer the fuck up! I didn't even make you lick the soles `cause it was your first time!" I chuckled "Next time I might not be that nice!"

The horror suddenly painted on his face was pretty awesome.

"W... what do you mean `next time'? You're not gonna make me do this again, are you? Please Leo, I'm begging you!"

Negotiating, huh? Poor son of a bitch. It was time for an overdue wake-up call. I gave him the best evil smirk I could muster and went:

"Why not? You'd refuse if I did?" It was a simple question really, but I'll admit the tone as so vicious and full of jeering, even I was impressed. He held my gaze for maybe three or four seconds, but then, as always, he crumbled and looked down.

"Yeah, didn't think so." I snickered. He didn't reply, he stayed on his knees, sitting back on his heels. "Now, do you understand why faggots can't even compare to someone like me? Why straight guys will always be inherently superior to them?" Nice choice of fancy words, huh? He looked up. He reminded me of a beaten dog but there was still no reply "You just licked my fucking shoes clean just cause you wanted to prove to me how bad you wanna suck on this." I said grabbing my crotch. "Get it? You're pathetic!" I figured it was time for me to go for the kill and, sure enough, summing up the whole sitch, definitely had some effect on him. There was shame on his dumb face. Tons of it. I raised my hands as if to say `Hey, I was just proving my point, bitch!'

"And that's why you can't just come up and say hi to me at school, fag!" I snorted. The sixth commandment was coming up "We're not friends..." I explained "You do what I tell you, when I tell you..." he was drinking in all the new information I was giving him "...and you do it `cause you want me to keep sticking my dick in that fag mouth of yours." Pause of effect "That's how fucking weak you are."

Boom, bitch! Now, `defeated' is probably the best word I can use to describe fag Chucky. He was completely lost for words and probably about to bawl again.

"Well, I'm outta here!" I turned my back on him again "Thanks for licking my chucks clean, bitch! Hehehe!"

"Wait! What do you mean? You're... you're leaving? But you said I could..." he looked positively desperate.

"What?" I said innocently looking back "I never said I was gonna let you suck me off right now!"

"But... but..." he stuttered "Please, Leo... let me do it... I... I even... I licked your... shoes... just like you wanted... please... I..."

And he was pretty much begging again without being told. Nice!

"Nah, see, that's where you're wrong!" I cut him off "You licked my shoes cause you wanted to! Don't put this one on me. I certainly didn't hold a gun to your head, did I?"

I can be such a cunning bastard when I want to "You did it cause you wanted to, period!" I repeated, then chuckled "I bet you even enjoyed it a little, hahaha!"

He looked like his puppy had just died.

"Why are you being so mean?" his question arrived out of the blue, surprising me a little. It was a funny one, really, since the answer was pretty obvious to me. I grinned smugly and shrugged.

"Because I can, fag."

No reply. Not surprising.

"And while we're at it, I want you to do something for me." Why not just keep milking the cow, right? I paused and he kept looking at me, waiting.

"What?" he asked then, going back to that weak little voice he always used in front of me.

"See this place?" he nodded. "Chris's big bro and his buddies used to bring their chicks here and fuck em. Used to call it the fuck cave' or something." I let that sink in.

"O...k..." he replied tentatively.

"You know who I'm talking about?"

"Y... yeah... the Hansson brothers... I... I think my cousin was in the same grade as C..."

"Yeah, don't give a shit." I interrupted him "The point is: I wanna do the same but this place is dirty as fuck." another pause and now he was slowly understanding what I was getting at "I want you to clean it."

There was really no possible reply to that. It was an order, plain and simple.

"B... but... I..."

"Oh, for fuck's sakes! Enough with the fucking stutter! What are you, retarded?"

And that was really all that took to shut him up. He pretty much looked broken at this point. His shoulders sagged.

"Have it cleaned by tomorrow but make sure you're done by four, got it?"

He didn't have the guts to look up at me. He simply nodded, completely floored.

"And make it fucking spotless, bitch!"

Again, he nodded.

"Hey, fag!" I barked and slapped him around a little "I told you last time: you're getting the better end of the deal, here. You get to suck my dick. Don't forget that!"

He looked scared but even though he was pretty shaken, I could swear my words had just made his day.


I sat there in silence long after he had left. My stomach hurt and the lingering sense of nausea was making my head spin a little. What had I gotten myself into? This was crazy. He was bullying me big time and not like slam-me-against-the-lockers kinda bullying. He was like blackmailing me or something. It had to be illegal! I had to tell someone!

Then why was my conscience telling me otherwise?

Had he actually forced me to do any of that shit? Nope, not even close. He had actually tried to leave several times on both occasions. He had only stayed because I had insisted. It was all me. For fuck's sakes, it WAS all me, just like he had said. He was actually right. One hundred percent right! If I had wanted to, I could have just left that shabby place, never seen him again and gone on with my life. But not ONE fibre of my being really wanted that. The thought of it actually made me sick. It made me way sicker than licking his nasty sneakers. Which probably meant that I was the sick one. There had to be something wrong with me and it had very little to do with being gay. Or a fag like he wanted me say.

I was gonna clean that place. It made no sense whatsoever but I was gonna make it spotless, like he had told me to. Because right there and then, I was not thinking with my mind. I was thinking with my dick and it was telling me to keep doing each and every sick thing Leo wanted me to, as long as I could eventually taste his dick again.

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