School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Mar 7, 2017


This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

The events in this story have no basis in fact or science. Everything is purely made up. To my knowledge, there are no supplements in existence that do what is described in these stores.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming, feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

I would appreciate feedback either way – I have received a few great emails with some good feedback, but I would like to see more.

Please take a moment and donate to Nifty so that they can continue to be a forum for these stories.

This story assumes the reader has read all of the previous chapters.

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 6" ======================================================================= Sorry for the delay – life.

It was a rainy Wednesday morning, and Spike was in his room playing a video-game on his Xbox One. He was sitting nude on a towel on top of a bean-bag chair in front of his TV with his head-phones on. He was feeling a lot more comfortable about his body allowing him to hang around his room naked, but also, he wasn't expecting anyone to disturb him because his old room-mate decided to go to school in England, and he didn't have a new room-mate assigned. He was kinda hoping to get a new room-mate that would be comfortable with hanging-out nude in their room, but he would just play it by ear if someone got assigned. School would be starting the fall semester in about three weeks, so it was only a matter of time.

Meanwhile, a new student named Russell was going through his orientation with his guidance counselor. Russell was a Japanese American, and was also very athletic and played lacrosse on the school team he was attending in Germany. He was born in Texas to a military family and moved around a lot. His father was recently transferred by the Army to a California base, and Russell got to pick where to go to school. Russell was a computer-science wiz and somehow juggled being a super-nerd with being a jock. Russell weighted 165 pounds, stood 5'11" tall and had a great build with his best feature being his pecs. He worked out when he could, but mainly his body-tone came from his physical activities and sports. Russell had a nice 7.5" penis and being naturally hairless, only had a bit of hair under his arms and on his legs, and a small patch above his dick. European sexual attitudes being more open than American standards, Russell considered himself pan-sexual' and simply enjoyed sex with whomever he found attracted to at the time. Russell also hated wearing clothes. He was aware that he had a great body, and was not ashamed at all to let people see him nude. Sometimes he liked to setup situations where people would accidentally' see him nude just to see how they would react.

"We have a lacrosse team, but it's very full with a waiting list. However, the football team has an opening because their half-back moved to England. He was roomed with Spike, the captain of the football team – what do you think about being paired with him in his dorm?", the counselor asked.

"That sounds great! I am sure he will help me get prepared for tryouts for the football team and help me learn about other physical activities around campus.", Russell happily answered.

"OK then – we have your class schedule all worked out – here is a map to your dorm and your dorm room key."

Russell took the key, schedule and map and grabbed two large duffel bags and his laptop case. He made his way from the administration building to the dorm he was assigned and found his assigned room. He hadn't thought that Spike was already in the room as he was a bit early to check-in to the school, which didn't start classes for about two weeks. He used the key and opened the door.

Spike was sitting with his back to the door, and Russell didn't immediately notice that Spike was nude. Russell saw Spike was absorbed in his video game and started to put his things in order. Russell closed on of the dresser drawers a bit harder than he wanted causing a noise, which caused Spike to turn around and see Russell in the room.

"Hey – I'm Spike – I take it you are my new roomie?", Spike asked. Russell came over to shake Spike's hand and saw Spike's penis hanging down over his huge balls.

Stunned, Russell didn't notice that Spike had taken his outreached hand and was shaking it. Russell's eyes were glued to Spike's huge, hairless penis. For the first time, Russell was having feeling of insecurity about his body, compared to Spike's.

"Sorry dude – I wasn't expecting anyone and I was just hangin – I can put something on.", Spike said while holding onto Russell's hand.

"Don't bother on my account – I am OK with it – as long as you are OK with me being nude too while here.", Russell said while walking away with a smile on his face thinking he had hit the roomie jackpot, but still a bit nervous that he would `measure up'.

Russell went to his bed and proceeded to strip down. Only Russell's backside was turned towards Spike, but Spike was happily enjoying the view. Russell had a perfectly proportioned body. Spike joked with himself that this is probably the kind of body that Justin is going to have in a couple years. After Russell completely stripped down, he stretched is arms above his head, turned around and said, "So – do you have another controller?"

After pausing to take in Russell's very impressive `spike', Spike grinned and grabbed his additional controller and handed it to Russell. Russell sat down cross-legged next to Spike and they played for a bit. Russell was sneaking glances over at Spike's huge dick and wondered how he could have gotten this lucky – and just how big that thing would get when it was hard. Spike was doing the same thing to Russell, thinking that Russell was borderline beautiful with his Asian-American features. Russell's skin was flawless, slightly tanned, hairless, and he was beautifully toned. Spike was even feeling a bit envious of Russell's perfectly sculpted pecs.

As they played they talked, asking each other questions, all the while furtively sneaking glances at one-another. Spike was the first one to get a bit boned-up, which caused Russell to start to chub. Russell could actually see what Spike's heart-rate was as his dick was starting to pulse to his heart-beat. Russell was in awe that Spike's dick was touching the spot in-between Spike's pecs.

"So, I was told you are the captain of the football team – I was thinking of trying out. I played lacrosse at my old school, but the team here is pretty full, and my guidance counselor said there was an opening on the foot-ball team", Russell stated while trying not to drool.

"Yea – Alex, my old room-mate was the half-back. He and I played pretty well together, but there are a lot of other great team-members left. You have to meat Chad soon – I bet you and he will get along great!" Spike was enjoying the reaction Russell was giving him.

Russell was starting to get a bit antsy – he needed to figure a way to find someplace to rub one off – he had been traveling and hadn't had a chance to have some `alone' time in over a week. The effects of his full balls were starting to cause him some serious discomfort now, fired by the site of Spike and his obviously huge dick freely swinging in the breeze. He knew if he stood up his dick would be parallel to the floor at this point, so he was trying to think of a way to excuse himself from Spike and maybe go to the showers.

Russell, fueled by his need to get some `alone time', easily beat Spike in Call-of-Duty, and told Spike that he wanted to shower.

"Hey – that sounds like a great idea – I will join you."

Russell did his best to get up and hid his condition from Spike as best he could. Still, Spike got an eyeful and was starting to plan out their shower time together.

"Dude – team rule – you have to be bare down there. Streamlines us – makes us faster on the field.", Spike joked.

"You're not serious, are you?", Russell asked with a mock shocked look on his face.

"Yep – totally serious – I am the captain and that's the way it is", Spike said with a huge grin on his face.

Spike grabbed his razor and shaving cream, towel, other toiletries and ushered a now timid Russell to the boy's dorm showers.

Spike had decided as soon as Russell shucked his clothes and simply plopped down beside him to play COD that he was going to see how far he could go with Russell. Spike had definitely grown more confident with himself, and he also knew that if Russell was going to be his roommate, might as well get him indoctrinated into his new life-style. Spike reasoned that if Russell was so quick to shed his clothes in front of him in the room to hang-out, that Russell would probably be open to more. Spike had learned a lot in the last few weeks, and of course Spike was right.

Spike walked beside Russell with his hand on top of Russell's back leading him where to go. Russell was conflicted – he REALLY needed to rub one out, but at the same time, he was thinking how amazingly lucky he was to be in a situation where he had a room-mate like this one.

They got to the shower room and hung up their towels and shed their flip-flops. Spike and Russell brushed their teeth and then moved into the shower area. Spike was a bit dismayed to see that the showers were in a totally open area with no privacy dividers – this wasn't a place he could come to for relief if he needed. Soon Russell would find out he didn't need to have a place outside of his dorm-room.

They both chose shower heads next to each other and proceeded to wash their hair. Both boys did their usual shower routine, allowing both to check out each other's bodies in great detail.

As Spike was rinsing his body under the shower for a final rinse, Russell's lower `brain' got the best of him and he got a very serious hard-on. Pre-cum started to drip off the end as Russell was now staring transfixed at Spike finish his bathing.

Spike ran his head under the shower spray, rubbed the water from his face and looked over at Russell. He laughed out loud as he saw Russell's transfixed stare on his dick. He stopped laughing when he saw Russell panic a bit at his laughter.

"Dude – it's all-right – it's big I know. I used to hide this thing all the time and it was causing me to be depressed. Recently I had some experiences that showed me it was OK to be me, and since then I just don't try and hide it." Spike then reached over and grabbed Russell's fully engorged dick in his fist.

Russell immediately reached out with both hands and grabbed Spike at the base of his dick with one hand, and fondled his balls with the other. Spike groaned at the touch. Russell's hand could not go around Spike's dick completely, and Russell was noticing how big Spike's dick-head was now that Spike was at maximum arousal, and almost laying on top of Russell's arm at his elbow. Spike had made it clear that they were going to have a sexual relationship as well as a room-mate relationship, so Russell decided to show Spike just how much he was liking the situation. Russell got down on his knees, and proceeded to feed Spikes huge dick directly into his throat. It took some work, but Russell was able to get Spike down his throat all the way, and was able to tongue the top of Spike's balls a bit. Spike looked down in shock and awe.

"Wow! That is amazing! I think you are the first to have such an easy time of this!", Spike gushed.

Russell had experienced dick's as thick as this, but nowhere near as long. There was a 15-year old German boy at his last home that taught him how to deep-throat, in return Russell also got to learn how to fuck boys well.

Russell pulled back, and started to tongue all around the head, and then lick around the head as if eating an ice-cream cone. The pre-cum that Spike was spitting out was amazing, and Russell took a bit before he realized it tasted like . . . . . pineapple!

"Spike – you eat a lot of fruit? Your dick tastes amazing!", Russell exclaimed before attempting to devour Spike back into his mouth. Spike just grunted and looked down at Russell, who was now going all the way back down to his cock's base. Spike was coming up on busting his nut soon.

"Dude – I am warning you – I cum a lot – I mean a lot – and I am very close to cuming!"

Russell took this as a challenge and simply tongued harder, while rapidly stroking Spike's dick with both hands. Spike was pretty impressed with Russell's technique – he wondered what Justin and Chad would think about Russell's skills? Just as Spike finished laughing to himself about his last thought, his orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightning. He instinctively held Russell's head in place while pumping what felt like gallons of cum into Russell's quickly swallowing mouth. After at least a dozen spurts, Spike looked down to see that Russell was still madly sucking on his dick, trying to get out as much of Spike's yummy load as he could. From what Spike could see, Russell hadn't missed a single drop – and if he didn't stop Russell, he would be unloading another round into Russell's eager mouth. Spike felt it was time to show Russell how appreciative he is. Spike lightly grabbed Russell's ears and pulled upwards. Russell reluctantly detached from Spike's dick-head and stood straight up. Spike leaned in and kissed Russell, running his tongue all around the insides of Russell's mouth, tasting the remnants of his pineapple flavored cum.

"Russell, that was incredible! You've done this before!", Spike purred.

"There were some German boys that I played around with – mainly my girlfriend's older brother and his friends. I found out that I loved sex, and really didn't care the gender I was with as long as I had a connection with them. When I saw you in the room being so comfortable being nude, I knew that I was going to be good friends with you."

Spike leaned in and gave Russell a deep kiss. Then Spike started to kiss down Russell's neck, down to his awesome pecs where he took some time sucking on Russell's cute dime-sized hard-as-rock nipples. Spike pushed Russell down to lay on the floor of the shower, and then proceeded to kiss from Russell's inny belly-button down to Russell's perfectly shaped hairless balls. After sucking each ball lavishly, and listening to Russell moan and whimper, he moved up and aimed Russell's dick straight up. He grinned at Russell and then in one motion took Russell down to the root. Russell sucked in his toned tummy, causing his eight-pack to really show. Spike held Russell's dick deep in his throat and did his best to whip his tongue around as much of Russell's pulsing shaft just as Justin had taught him. While sucking in as hard as possible Spike moved up Russell's dick until just the puffed mushroom-head crown of Russell's dick was in his mouth and then plunged down, moving up and down slowly faster and faster. Russell was arching has back causing his body to be almost a perfect half-circle on the floor. Russell had experienced many blow-jobs before this, but this was something altogether on a different level than he had ever experienced. Russell felt like he was having a very long orgasm, but the truth was that he hadn't hit his plateau yet.

Spike was having a lot of fun knowing he was giving so much pleasure to his new room-mate. Russell's pre-cum was salty, yet sweet. Spike realized that other than his own cum, he had never tasted anyone else's that hadn't been `flavorized' by Susie's pills. With one hand fondling Russell's plump balls, Spike's other hand was free to start exploring Russell's pink, hairless anus. Using the copious pre-cum and spit that was freely running down Russell's shaft and balls, Spike was able to fully lube up his index finger, and slowly impale it inside of Russell's extremely tight butt. Russell was panting furiously and shaking his head back and forth. Russell had a quick thought that after this cum he wasn't going to have anything left for a year, but that was quickly displaced with his coming orgasm which hit him fast and furious. Russell's first volley into Spike's vacuuming mouth was extreme in its volume – it made Spike's cheeks puff out. The quickly following next volley overflowed Spike's mouth causing a ton of cum to flow down Russell's shaft and drip in globs onto the shower floor. Spike was able to swallow at this point and was able to take the next six spurts without losing any more to the shower floor. After Spike cleaned Russell's dick and balls completely clean, he got up and grabbed his shaving gear.

"Let's get you looking like a proper Asian instead of a hairy ape!", Spike quipped. Russell was still recovering from his best orgasm to date, but heard Spike's joke and simply giggled. "Better get more shaving cream – lots to do here Spike!"

Spike sat down cross legged beside a laid down Russell and shot a very small glob of shaving cream on the patch of pubes right above Russell's still mostly hard dick and the razor once across the area. "All done!", Spike quipped again. Russell laughed while Spike actually finishing the area. "I know your balls don't need any attention – I think I sucked the one hair you had there off."

Russell grinned at Spike. "Where on earth have you been all my life! Marry me!!"

Spike grinned back and simply stated, "I am meant for another – but she is going to love you!"

Spike got Russell to get on all fours and make sure that Russell's bubble-butt was also completely hairless. After very little razor work, Spike had to sample Russell's pink anus. Without warning Spike leaned in and ran his tongue from Russell's low hanging balls up to the tip of Russell's butt-crack. Russell moaned loudly and pushed himself back into Spike's face. Spike moved back down and ran his tongue all around Russell's tight, pink anus and then started to try and push his tongue inside. Russell's extremely tight anus wasn't going to let Spike's soft but forceful tongue to invade it, so Spike resorted to lubing up his middle finger with some pre-cum from Russell's still leaking penis, and started to insert it into Russell's extremely strong sphincter.

"Spike – I have been fucked before, but I just don't think I can take you – even thinking about you is making me nervous as hell!"

Spike understood – all too well – there were girls out there that wouldn't even attempt to fuck him because they were scared. Russell had every right to be nervous about Spike attempting to mount him. Spike really was just interested in playing with Russell's extremely cute ass, not fucking it, so he put Russell to ease.

"Just checking for hair Russell – not going to try and make you my bitch . . . . . . . yet."

Russell turned around and looked at Spike to see if he was serious or not. Spike's grin seemed to relax Russell a lot, allowing Spike's finger to slip right into the second knuckle. Spike knew exactly how to find Russell's prostate (again with Justin's tutelage) and immediately started to massage it. With Spike's other hand he started to masturbate Russell's now rock-hard dick as if he was milking a cow. Russell didn't last long and very soon blasted another load on the shower floor.

A weak and satisfied Russell got up and simply washed himself all over and rinsed himself off. "Excuse me Spike, but I have to go to the admin office and get a new room-mate. I won't live to the end of the year with you as my roomie", Russell deadpanned. Spike looked at Russell not exactly sure if he was joking. Russell finished rinsing off, turned off his spigot and Spike's, grabbed Spike by the dick and just started walking to the changing area of the boy's shower. "Tell you what – let me have a nap and see how I feel when I wake up. Maybe I will change my mind."

Spike realized now that Russell was joking, but Russell wasn't joking about the need for a nap. Spike could use one too. They both dried off, wrapped a towel around themselves and walked back to their room without saying a word to each other. They got to the room, unlocked the door, went in and locked the door behind them. Spike turned off the lights, grabbed Russell's pillow as well as Russell's dick and went over to his bed and pushed Russell down. Russell laid face-down on Spike's bed on his pillow and closed his eyes. Spike laid down beside Russell and did the same. Both were out like a light in seconds.

Shortly after lunch another new student was checking in at the admin office. Cindy was a very energetic 14 year old girl who stood 5'8", with short brown hair, and a runner's body. She was looking forward to starting at this school because her cousin-in-law Susie was also attending the school, and Susie was her favorite relative. Cindy was also aware of some of Susie's inventions' and had tried some of them out for herself. Some of the sleep-overs that Cindy and Susie had were very informative and extremely fun. Cindy's first orgasm was via Susie's instruction two years ago, and since then Cindy had experimented with boys and girls and had learned a few things on her own. Susie had taught her self-control, stamina, multiple-orgasms, how to squirt almost every time, and most importantly how to be safe in her sexual activity. Cindy loved herself enough to know when to give herself to someone else while not becoming a nymphomaniac. Cindy was the daughter of Susie's father's brother's new wife. His previous wife had been killed in a car accident nine years ago. Cindy's mother and father had divorced amicably as could be – they just decided that they didn't love each other enough to stay together and they should separate and raise their daughter and son (Mathew who was almost 13) without having to become frustrated with each other. Cindy's mother married Susie's uncle seven years ago and of course the entire family was there. That was were Cindy and Susie met, and since then they had become extremely close. So close in fact that Susie kept Cindy up to date on what just about everything that was going on and had even sent her pictures of Brenden nude, Justin using his freakishly long tongue on one of her nipples, and other pictures of her escapades. Cindy was looking forward to meeting Brenden and the gang, and had been wet since arriving at the school. Cindy had masturbated to the pictures of Brenden several times, and thought Brenden had the best-looking ass of any boy she had ever seen, with the exception of her brother's. She hadn't seen Mathew naked in a long time, but he was very cute, had a very nice body with great legs and arms from playing baseball and basketball. Cindy suspected that Susie had molested' Mathew somehow, but neither would admit as much. Sadly, Mathew was buy with baseball and wanted to stay where he was until the season ended, and then see what he wanted to do.

"I see you are going to room with Susie. You are related to her?", the admin asked.

"Susie is my cousin-in-law. We talked last week about me coming here and after talking to my parents it just sort of quickly got set up. Susie is also my bff!"

"That's good news. Susie has had five room-mates before you, and well – it just didn't work out for one reason or the other."

"I can assure you that she and I get along great. You won't have to place me with someone else – not until she graduates at least."

Cindy's bubbly, positive attitude was infectious. The admin was feeling relieved that he wouldn't have to feel apprehensive at all at placing Cindy in Susie's room. It wasn't about the space – Susie's family had paid for the entire room to herself as far as boarding fee's, and they routinely gave substantial donations to the school that more than made up for Susie having her own room. Still, the admin also felt better that Susie would have a room-mate, making Susie's time at the school more social. The school staff was well aware of how smart Susie was, but they were concerned about Susie not having many friends on campus. Having a room-mate with Susie, and one that was of the character of Cindy made the admin happy. Little did the admin know just how `social' Susie had become in the past couple of months. "Here is your schedule – I was able to get you into the AP Chemistry class like you asked – mainly because Susie will be able to tutor you. Here is your key and map."

Just then Susie and Brenden bounded into the room.

"Cindy!!!!!", Susie exclaimed while running over to Cindy and pulling her up and giving her a big hug. "This is Brenden, my boy-friend." The admin's mouth hung open in shock at hearing this.

Brenden went over and gave Cindy a big hug. "Susie has told me all about you!"

Susie turned and spoke to the admin. "Is she all set? Brenden and I were anxious to get her settled in and go eat lunch."

"Yes – she is all set. Cindy, welcome and we can't wait to see your successes while attending this school. Nice to see you again Brenden. You guys go and have a good lunch." The admin got up and shook everyone's hand and led them to the door.

Brenden grabbed Cindy's bags and followed Cindy and Susie who were arm-in-arm, whispering in each-other's ear. Brenden was looking at both of the girls in front of him, and was checking out Cindy's shapely legs and butt. Brenden had been told a lot about Cindy, and was aware that Cindy knew about just about everything that had gone on over the last couple months. Cindy was a very cute girl, and he knew she would fit into the group very well.

Soon they got to Susie's room and they all helped Cindy put her stuff away. Brenden and Susie couldn't help but notice that Cindy kept pulling at her crotch, and finally asked Cindy if she was OK.

"Yea guys, I'm OK, it's just that I have been more than a little horny today.", Cindy said while laying down in her bed.

Susie and Brenden looked at each other with an evil smile, went over to Cindy and started undressing her. Susie whispered something into Brenden's ear, and then Susie got up, grabbed her phone, and left the room.

Brenden finished undressing Cindy, who just laid there looking at Brenden expectantly. Brenden leaned back and checked Cindy out. Cindy had a very cute body with flawless legs leading up to her bare crotch which was clearly wet and puffy. Cindy's belly was flat with a cute belly button. Cindy's still-growing boobs were perfectly shaped with quarter-sized nipples that were at least a quarter-inch long. All in all, Cindy was a very cute girl and it was easy for Brenden to lust after her. But Susie was his love – Cindy wasn't going to change that. Brenden and Susie had already talked about the `rules' as far as Cindy was concerned, and Brenden was assured by Susie that Brenden (as well as the rest of the group) could do whatever Cindy wanted them to do – as long as it was Cindy that was calling the shots.

Brenden couldn't help but lick and suck on Cindy's nipples, which immediately got Cindy moaning and breathing hard.

"Please Brenden – can you please eat me? I am going to explode!", Cindy pleaded.

Brenden laid down on the bed between Cindy's legs, kissed his way up her thighs, and dove into Cindy's peach-flavored pussy. Cindy hands immediately started to caress Brenden's head, and with her head back and her eyes closed she quickly had the first of what was to be three orgasms given by Brenden's experienced tongue.

Meanwhile, out in the hall . . . . . .

"Hey Carolyn – do you think you can get Spike and his new room-mate to come over to my room? I have someone I want to introduce Spike's room-mate to. Yes of course you too! Yea, we are going to work up an appetite. I saw his new room-mate in the showers with Spike – I immediately knew I found someone for my cousin – they are going to be perfect together! Hurry up – see you in a few!"

Susie then walked back into the room and witnessed Cindy getting her third orgasm via Brenden's well-trained tongue. "He's pretty amazing, right?", Susie asked while starting to strip.

Panting, Cindy replied, "Oh my God! Yes! Will you let him fuck me too?"

"Of course Sins! Mind if I join in too?"

Cindy just gave a look to Susie that plainly said, `duh'.

Susie had finished stripping down and simply got up on the bed and sat on Cindy's face facing Cindy's feet. "She is great at this Brenden – too bad you don't have a pussy to find out!"

Brenden had gotten up and quickly stripped. "Well, Mark is going to like her then!", Brenden stated with a grin.

Cindy started eating Susie like a starving dog. She was fondling Susie's pert breasts and tweaking her nipples. Susie was moaning and squirming at Cindy's ministrations.

Brenden got up between Cindy's legs, lifted her legs up to rest on his shoulders, and slowly but forcefully started to penetrate Cindy's ultra-tight pussy.

"Susie – she is tight! What have you been teaching her!", Brenden grunted as he bottomed out his steel-hard six-inch penis inside of Cindy's vice-grip pussy.

Cindy squeezed Brenden's dick as hard as she could – she had done tons of Kegel exercises and had practiced holding dildos and other objects with her pussy muscles. Brenden had to work hard to pull out and push in, causing a great deal of pleasure for both him and Cindy. Brenden was only on his tenth stroke or so when he started to feel his orgasm build.

"Oh shit! I am cuming already!!!", Brenden shouted. Cindy started to alternate the muscles in her pussy that were clinging to Brenden's dick – a trick that Susie wished she could master – which pushed Brenden to a quick and powerful climax. Brenden shot five powerful shots of his boy-cream into Cindy, and then started pulling out again, pulling an obscene amount of cum in the process. Cindy removed her mouth from Susie's gash long enough to shout, "Don't you dare stop!"

Brenden knew he could continue after only a few moments of rest, so he plunged back in and stayed there while munching on Susie's nipples.

Soon Brenden began thrusting again, and Cindy would alternate between grasping Brenden's dick with her pussy and relaxing. The copious amount of juices that were in her filled pussy served as a super-lubricant, so no matter how hard Cindy squeezed, Brenden could move in and out fairly easily. Brenden knew he was pre-cuming a lot, and Cindy was creating juices faster than Brenden's dick could pull them out, so the wet-spot under Cindy on the bed was growing pretty fast. The smell of peaches and pineapple was filling the room. Susie was starting to feel her orgasm building – Cindy knew how to give head pretty well. Wanting Cindy to cum too, Susie started to play with Cindy's small but rock-hard clit in a way that she knew Cindy would respond to. Brenden was moaning and sucking on Susie's nipples, and was clearly on the way to his second huge orgasm.

When Cindy felt Susie start to twiddle her clit, she focused on Susie's clit and fluttered her tongue fast but lightly back and forth across it. Susie was the first to cum, flooding Cindy's mouth and face with peach-flavored cum. Cindy's orgasm hit suddenly and with great force, causing her pussy to grip Brenden's dick with an extreme amount of force. The friction of Cindy's well-lubed pussy caused Brenden to unleash another torrent of cum deep inside of Cindy's gripping pussy. All three were sweating pretty heavily and were breathing deeply and loudly.

Susie got off of Cindy's face and laid down beside Cindy, while Brenden just laid down on top of Cindy keeping his still hard penis inside of her. Susie and Brenden proceeded to clean up Cindy's drenched face.

"Geeze Susie – I guess you didn't even exaggerate when you told me what you were up to these days! I should have convinced my parents to let me come to this school a long time ago!"

Brenden pulled himself out of Cindy with a loud pop, causing them all to laugh.

"I don't want anyone else fucking her Susie – she is just so incredibly tight – especially Spike!", said Brenden.

"Oh, don't worry about that – I have had way bigger dicks than yours – though yours is way high on my list of fun ones – but I do exercises so it shouldn't matter."

Susie whispered in Cindy's ear – all Brenden could hear was Spike's name. Cindy gasped and simply said, "Are you serious?"

And as if on cue, the door opened and in walked Carolyn holding Spike's hand followed by Russell.

The boys were all shirtless wearing nothing but nylon gym shorts, and Carolyn had on a light t-shirt and nylon shorts as well. All three were bare-foot, and a little wet from the intermittent rain they were having that day.

Russell couldn't believe what he had just walked into. There on the bed where three nude, extremely good looking and fit teen-agers that had obviously just had sex. However, he immediately latched onto Cindy – she was exactly the kind of girl he liked, and her nude body was perfect to him. He could see the cum leaking out of her pussy, and felt a little twang of jealously knowing that Brenden had already taken her, but that didn't stop him from starting to feel his heart start to flutter looking at Cindy. Russell starred at Cindy with his mouth slightly ajar, and his dick quickly tented his nylon shorts as he took in her cute feet, perfect legs, one of the cutest pussies he had ever seen, her flat belly, her pert tiny but perfect breasts, her delicious neck, and finally to her beaming face that was obviously checking him out just the same.

Cindy was sure that one of the two boys was Spike – his bulge was more impressive that what Susie had tried to tell her - his penis was just too huge to hide in those nylon shorts. However, the other boy took her breath away. He was absolutely gorgeous with a face that was just plain pretty to her. His Asian features were evident, but his body was that of a Greek God. Cindy started with Russell's gawking face, and was immediately hit with a wave of happiness as she quickly realized that he was gawking at her. Susie was right beside her, naked and sweaty just like she was, yet Russell was clearly locked in on her. His face was absolutely cute, and made cuter by the lustful expression on his face. She traveled down to his powerful neck, and though how great it would be to nuzzle it. Moving down she couldn't believe how well sculpted his chest was – it was as if it was moving granite. She knew she just had to chew on his extremely cute dime-sized nipples. His body was covered by a bit of moisture – either from sweat or rain she didn't know – or care. His arms looked like they could pick up a building, and his eight-pack was literally ready to wash clothes on. His dick was clearly hard and tenting out his shorts nicely – she guessed seven inches or so. His thighs looked powerful as did his calves – and she also noticed he didn't have any hair that she could see, and his feet were just perfect. She was thinking there were worse ways to be introduced to a boy – but she couldn't think of many better ways.

Susie immediately noticed the sparks flying between Cindy and Russell, and she got up and started getting dressed. "Hey Brenden – let's take Carolyn and Spike to lunch. I think these two want to get aquatinted."

Brenden and Spike looked back and forth between the two, realized what was going on, and gave their consent. Brenden dressed quickly and the four headed out to find some food.

Russell hadn't moved from the spot where he was when he first entered the room, and he was still gawking at Cindy who got up and walked over to him and held out her hand.

"Hi – I'm Cindy, and you are?"

With a shaky voice that squeaked a bit when he spoke, he managed to get out, "Russell".

Cindy reached out for his opposing hand and shook it. As soon as she did this Russell leaned in and gave a soul-wrenching kiss to Cindy. Cindy wrapped her arms around Russell and held him close. Russell wrapped his strong arms around Cindy and held her tight to him. He caught the faint taste and smell of peaches on her breath which really drove him crazy. Cindy reached down and placed her hands inside of his shorts on his strong butt and started to push his shorts down when Russell stopped her.

"Do you mind if we talk a bit? Talk about moving fast – never had sex with a girl without even having said a full sentence to her."

Cindy giggled, thinking this was cute, and she also agreed. She detangled herself from Russell and proceeded to get dressed with Russell gawking at her the whole time.

"I didn't mean you had to get dressed, but OK."

Cindy laughed at that and said, "Well – I am not going to sit here nude if you aren't. How about food! I am starved!"

Russell laughed back and said, "Yea – somehow I think I am going to need some food – but I have no idea where the school cafeteria is, do you?"

Rather than looking at a map, Cindy got her phone and called Susie.

"Hey Susie – Russell and I are hungry . . . . . . No – we decided to talk a bit first . . . . and did I mention we are hungry? Yes – I know – he is a babe! . . . . . . Oh, OK, meet you there!", was all Russell could here from the conversation.

"The school's cafeteria is closed for lunch, so we are going out for Sushi, is that OK? We are meeting in the boy's common area where Susie has arranged a ride to pick us up."

Russell laughed. "Um – you aren't stereo-typing me, are you? I mean, I know I am Asian, but I am sure we don't all eat raw fish – but I happen to, so yes, absolutely! For future reference, I eat anything except liver and onions – that stuff is retched!"

Cindy knew Russell was not really thinking she had slighted him – he was clearly grinning and seemed very happy.

As they were heading out to a public restaurant, Russell led Cindy to his dorm room he shared with Spike to get some more appropriate clothes. On the slow walk to his dorm room, they talked a lot. They shared a lot in common – computers, chemistry, biology, etc. They both even liked some of the same 80's bands like Def Lepard and Journey. By the time they got to his dorm room they felt like they had known each other all their lives. They both knew that something about the other would get on their nerves, but so far they were hard pressed to find it.

After entering the room, Russell went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers to wear under his shorts.

"Allow me – after all I think you owe me", Cindy demanded.

She walked over to him and kissed him again, placing her hands in the same place on his ass as before, and this time was successful in pushing his shorts down. He stepped out of his shorts all while not breaking the kiss they were engaged in. Finally, she stepped back and looked down at his re-hardening dick and noted it was completely bald. His dick was just like the rest of him – perfectly sculpted with a fairly large mushroom head that was leaking a bit, with the most perfect set of golf-ball sized nuts hanging loosely below. Her trained eye told her it was clearly almost eight inches long, and was of a perfect thickness. She lovingly held his balls with one hand while she grabbed his shaft with the other.

"Well hello there little guy – we will have to feed you later, but right now we have to get some food into the big guy you are attached to. Don't worry though, I won't forget you!"

And with that she leaned down and took Russell in her mouth to the base and gave him about three bobs of her head before standing back up. She grabbed his boxers and kneeled down and had Russell lift one leg, and then the other and slide his boxers back up. She immediately saw though that his hard dick wouldn't be restrained well like this, so she asked him if he had a jock-strap. He simply pointed to his dresser-drawer, and she went over to it and quickly found a bright-orange jock that had pictures of little oranges on the.

"Well this definitely answers what kind of flavor you are – Susie has just what you need."

Russell looked a bit puzzled by this, which Cindy saw and simply said, "Peaches".

"You mean . . . . . "

"Yep – Susie has a way to flavor your cum. It's great!"

With that she took his boxers down, and then repeated the process of sliding his orange jock-strap up and into place. After kissing the head of his penis that was sticking straight up against his stomach almost to his navel, she then repeated the process with his shorts. She got up and was immediately drawn into another kiss. "So, are you going to come dress me every day? I could get used to this!"

Cindy asked him where his shirts where, and then picked out a black muscle-shirt that would show-off his arms. Then she found some ankle socks and put them on his feet. Then she put his shoes on him, lacing up his shoes while rubbing her head on his crotch.

"I think my favorite thing will be to see how long I can keep you hard – it's a dirty job, and I want to do it", Susie said with a shit-eating grin.

Russell got his wallet and put it into his pocket, and they both left hand in hand to meet in the boy's dorm common room.

On the way there, they ran into Justin and Alysa, who were also walking hand-in-hand. They said Hi to each other, and it wasn't until they got to the common room and were greeted did they know they were all part of the same group.

Spike, Carolyn, Brenden, Susie, and Mark were already there. Introductions where made all around.

Russell whispered into Cindy's ear, "So, are there any ugly people that go to this school? Or is this just the A-group?"

Cindy nodded, but she had to agree. She whispered what she knew about the group into Russell's ear; "Justin has a tongue that can literally do magic, Mark is . . . . special, Alysa and Carolyn are great in all ways. I have only just met you, but believe me when I tell you, you are one of us. Just relax and be yourself. And here's a warning if you get out of line." Cindy gave a big sharp pinch to Russell's left nipple causing him to yelp.

"Don't bruise the fresh meat Cindy – that's my job!", boasted Susie. Brenden looked at Susie with a bit of fear in his face, and Justin jovially stated – "Don't worry, I can kiss anything better." Everyone laughed, although some didn't know why.

Kenny and Tommy were busy, so Susie hired a driver with a SUV to take them to their late lunch. Italian was enjoyed by everyone. During their meal, they all talked – and everyone quickly forgot that that Russell was new to the group – their banter and conversation was just as animated and intimate as ever. Justin and Mark talked a lot about how to get Mark hooked up with Angel. Mark looked a bit thoughtful when Angel was brought up, which prompted Justin to then change his mind. "On second thought, I don't want to share Mark – except with Alysa of course." Mark blushed, but simply grabbed Justin's crotch while saying, "I guess you'll do in a pinch."

To be continued . . . . . .

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