School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Jun 7, 2016


This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

The events in this story have no basis in fact or science. Everything is purely made up. To my knowledge, there are no supplements in existence that do what is described in these stores.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming, feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

I would appreciate feedback either way – to date I have not received a lot of emails about these stories.

Please take a moment and donate to Nifty so that they can continue to be a forum for these stories.

This story assumes the reader has read all of the previous chapters.

I know it's been a while since I posted something, so this one is going to be long. I hope you enjoy it!

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 5" =======================================================================

After returning to the girl's dorm common room, everyone sat down on the couches with fresh drinks. Tommy sat to the right of Justin, with Alysa on the left of Justin. Alysa with her head on Justin's shoulder and Tommy with his arm around Justin. Justin was rubbing both of their legs softly and lovingly.

Chloe and Chad were sitting on the same couch with Chloe's leg draped over Chad's and Chad rubbing Chloe's draped leg and sipping his drink.

Susie and Brenden were laying down on the other couch with Susie lying on top of Brenden with her face in his chest. Brenden was rubbing Susie's back.

"So, Justin – seems you like boys as well as girls?" Chloe asked her young brother. "Yea – I guess I am just open – I would say BI but who knows? Right now I am not thinking I will end up gay or anything – I like Alysa too much – but Brenden is pretty cool – and he can suck cock like no other!" Alysa feigned a hurt look, but everyone pretty much knew she was not serious. "Don't worry Alysa, I can help you improve your technique!", Susie exclaimed.

They all laughed and just started talking about what had happened. "So, is it time for another home movie?", Susie asked the group. "How many do you have?", Chad asked. "This one is of you boys fooling around in the shower – I think you will like it". Susie proceeded in spooling up the video of the boys in the shower, everyone watched as they saw Justin shave and then blow Chad, but everyone laughed hysterically when Susie spoke to them over the speakers she had hidden in the boy's shower. "I always wondered how I would use those speakers – I installed them with the cameras and microphones – wasn't much more work. This single incident though paid for my efforts.", Susie boasted. Everyone agreed – but they also made Susie promise that these movies would not be shared except to their group – and they also allowed Tommy to have a copy. "Yea – these aren't going to see the internet – unless you guys make me mad!", Susie joked. "Did you also bug the girl's showers?", Chloe asked. "Yep – ready for another movie?" Susie spooled up the video of the shower the girls shared and the boys were especially turned on when they saw Susie pleasure Alysa, and then saw how Alysa returned the favor. There were many questions over Susie's pussy-cleaning device – and the boys asked if it could be used on their bowels as well. "That's an interesting question – and a good one. I do not see why not – you guys are helping me a lot! I am going to have to consider putting you guys on the payroll as consultants.", Susie said happily.

"I guess all the guys are not opposed to guy on guy action – in fact it's a lot more fun than I ever imagined", Chad stated. "Most girls and guys are at least curious about what sex with another boy or girl would be like – but boys seem to have a stronger objection to it than girls from what I have observed", Susie stated authoritatively. "Yea – I had a boy-crush on Justin for a while but never thought anything would happen – very glad it did", exclaimed Brenden. "Well, let's not over-analyze this – let's just have fun and enjoy each other!", Chloe stated. Everyone nodded.

Justin by now had sprung a rock-hard boner that both Tommy and Alysa were playing with. "Guys – I need to head out – but one more for the road?", Tommy asked. Alysa looked at Justin and said, "Guys – how about another three-way fuck? This time Justin can do my ass while Tommy fucks me. Justin and Alysa got up and Tommy laid down on the couch with his head on Chad's lap. Chad started rubbing Tommy's chest and played with his nipples. Alysa got up and mounted Tommy face down. After she was fully impaled on Tommy's cock, she arched her ass up a bit and invited Justin to fuck her ass. Justin leaned down and rimmed Alysa for a bit, then got up and eased his cock fully in Alysa's ass. Alysa bit her lip and just relished the feeling of being so full. This was a different full than when they both fucked her pussy in the shower, but she loved it almost as much. "Chad – you mind if Chloe sits on my face? I might as well go out with a bang!" Chloe got up, followed by Chad. Chloe straddled Tommy's face and lowered her pussy down on his mouth. This presented her ass to Alysa who started to nibble and kiss her butt cheeks while Tommy and Justin started thrusting in Alysa.

Brenden was now hard as a rock and leaking pre-cum steadily. Justin looked over and Brenden and said, "Hey – Brenden – come over here and fuck me while I fuck Alysa's ass!" Brenden was there in a flash, and using his copious pre-cum was able to easily enter Justin's bowels without any resistance. Chad looked at the scene in front of him and started to slowly but steadily pound his now rock-hard dick. Chad looked over at Susie and decided why not? "Hey – Susie – you wanna?" Susie looked at Chad and smiled – she had wanted to feel what Chad's thick dick would feel like inside her. She got on the coffee table on all fours and arched her ass up. "Either hole – you chose!" Chad easily decided on her vagina, stepped up, and rubbed his penis up and down Susie's butt and pussy. Finally, Chad positioned his huge head at her hole and pushed in. Chad was amazed at how tight Susie was and knew that Brenden would be very happy with her. He teased Susie by going very slow as he penetrated her fully. Susie was absolutely loving Chad's dick and was thinking about what a dp of her vagina would feel like, but right now she was very content in the situation.

Everyone started to fuck hard but slow, and Tommy was making sure to pull out all the stops eating Chloe's tasty orange-juice flavored pussy. Chad was especially pleased that Chloe was so open to the situation, and was very impressed with his newfound staying power. Everyone soon was covered in sweat, and were moaning almost in unison. Susie was the first to cum, but Chad did not intend to stop any time soon. Alysa started having what must have been a world-record setting orgasm that lasted until Justin and Tommy had blown into her forcefully. Brenden was so turned on by the fact that he was fucking Justin's ass that he was able to cum quickly without softening, and then was able to cum again about a minute after Justin and Tommy came. Chloe was having orgasm after orgasm as Tommy's talented tongue alternated from her clit to her hole and all around while having Alysa nibble on her butt cheeks.

After everyone calmed down, they all looked at Susie and said, "Thank you!". Chloe got up and lovingly ate Susie's pussy, making sure to get as much of Chad's pina-colada flavored cum as she could, which was mixed in with Susie's orange-juice flavored juices. "Yes – thank you Susie! I never dreamed like a day like this would happen – you made this possible – and I know I will remember this for the rest of my life!", Chloe told Susie when she was done cleaning Susie up.

"No problem guys – I learned as much as I had fun! But now the question is, what do we do tomorrow?"

Chloe smiled and simply said, "Beach."

Everyone clapped and high-fived. "Yea – time for everyone to catch up with Alysa's tanning! I know I am tired already of seeing Brenden's glaring-white balls and butt!", Justin joked.

Chad asked, "So Tommy, you going to join us tomorrow? I think we still want to keep giving you your tip." "I have to work all day tomorrow – opening up actually and then delivering in the evening. I wish I could, some other time? Besides – I think I will actually need some recovery time – even with Susie's stuff in my system – I am beat!" Everyone laughed, but not one disagreed. "Yea – I am not sure I can get a hard-on for at least a week!", Brenden stated. Susie grabbed Brenden's mostly limp penis and started to play with it, and it almost immediately sprang up and got as hard as a rock. "Nooooo! Please! Not again!", Brenden said in a strained voice. "Don't speak about things you don't know anything about, ok?", Susie quipped. Susie bent down and gave Brenden's dick a long loving suck, and then got up and let Brenden relax – which he appreciated and hated at the same time.

"Well guys, thank you so much for a wonderful evening! I don't think I have had this much sex since Susie talked me into starting the trial of her supplements last year in her starting group". Everyone looked at Susie. "Yea – those movies are for another time – but given what we did tonight, don't expect to be amazed – we really out-did what happened a year ago."

Tommy got up, put his clothes on – which wasn't easy because he couldn't find his clothes quickly – and in fact he never found his underwear which Justin had hidden away. Everyone, still nude, gave Tommy a hug and a kiss and Susie gave him some pina-colada pills and Tommy left. Everyone was tired but very satisfied. "So, guys – my room is empty and I have an extra bed. "Anyone wanna just crash in my room for the night? The monitors won't check on us until tomorrow afternoon I bet", Chloe asked. Everyone nodded, picked up their clothes, cleaned up and went to Chloe's dorm room. Susie grabbed her gift bags and handed them out, having completely forgot about them earlier. Everyone looked in them and laughed. "We never got to use most of this – guess we have something to look forward to?", Justin said to the group. Brenden, who was still hard as a rock said, "Not tonight! Please! For the love of God!" Everyone laughed again and Justin slapped his ass. "Your loss!", Justin told Brenden.

Everyone walked to Chloe's dorm room carrying their bags and cloths. As everyone entered her room, Chloe laid down on her bed face down and Chad joined her, spooning her, and were almost immediately asleep. Alysa and Justin chose the top bunk bed with Alysa spooning Justin, and Susie and Brenden both laid on the bottom bunk on their backs with each other's hand on each other's genitals. All were asleep in minutes.

"Sunday Funday – or when Spike and Carolyn crash the party"

The next morning found the group of kids still out like a light. Truth be told, a nuclear bomb a mile away wouldn't have woken any of them up – even though the guys were all sporting piss-hard-ons that could shatter diamonds without any effort.

The door to Chloe's room opened, and in walked one of her roommates Carolyn followed by her boyfriend Spike. They were busy handling Carolyn's luggage and didn't look up to see the occupants of the room until they had dragged the luggage in, closed the door, and looked around.

Carolyn was a tall brunette that was one of the school cheerleader's. At 5 foot 11 inches tall, she was a tall drink of water. Thin but very toned, Carolyn was a stunning beauty. Carolyn was assigned Chloe's room this year and had come back early because the cheerleading squad had to start their practices. Carolyn was proportionately sized everywhere – with small but pert boobs, a bubble-butt and very toned legs. Her best feature was her six-pack stomach that was on display as she was wearing a short top and nylon athletic shorts.

Spike was the captain and quarterback of the school's football team and had a body that was harder and more developed than Chad's – buy not by much. Chad was a halfback on the team and Chad and Spike knew each other, but never really socialized outside of team activities. Both had seen each other nude, but never hard. Spike had a huge penis – something that Chad had noted many times. Spike was over six inches soft and was as thick as a coke-bottle – and that was while he was soft. Chad had never seen Spike hard – only a little chubbed up – but Chad had no idea that Spike's dick would reach eleven and a half inches long and almost nine-inches in diameter. Spike always noted that of all the guys on the team, only Chad could be compared to him at all in the dick department. Spike had on a jock strap – mainly because his dick was too large to be held by anything else. He had on sweat-pants and a tank-top that showed off his massive arms and did nothing to hide his perfect chest and abs. Spike was Italian and had to have Carolyn wax him pretty often – he loved the feeling of being hairless but his genes were fighting him strongly.

Spike's jock strap did little to hold what was happening to his dick as he took in the scene in the room. Chad was on his back with a huge hard-on with Chloe lying beside him with a leg over Chad's and hand on Chad's stomach above Chad's pre-cum leaking dick. Brenden was still on his back, with Susie lying face down with one of her hands grasping Brenden's balls, with a noticeable puddle of pre-cum pooled in his belly button. Alysa was lying on her side, and it took a bit to make out, but a rock-hard penis was snuggled in her crotch, which was also leaking pre-cum from the lucky guy behind her that he couldn't make out. Chad was snoring softly, and it was obvious none of the kids in the room awoke when Spike and Carolyn entered. "Um – let's go to your room – I can come back and unpack later . . . ", Carolyn whispered to Spike with a husky tone. They put the luggage against the wall, opened the door, and exited the room making as little noise as they could. They sprinted to Spike's room.

Spike had returned to the school early to attend football pre-season practice, and his dorm room was also empty. As soon as the couple closed the door they shed their clothes, and Spike threw Carolyn down on his bed and started to kiss her passionately. Both of the 15 year olds were very turned on and they needed to fuck urgently.

Spike slowly traveled down Carolyn's tight body and only paused shortly to slaver her nipples with his tongue. He quickly moved down until he got to her shaved pussy and started eating her as if he had not eaten in years. Carolyn was pleased that Spike was so turned on – Spike was strangely hard to turn on and usually took a lot of work from her to get him going. Right now Carolyn was having a hard time thinking about anything though as Spike's tongue was quickly bringing her to a fantastic orgasm and he didn't seem to be wanting to stop any time soon.

Spike loved Carolyn, but he secretly had thoughts about guys from time to time. It was not that he didn't find Carolyn attractive – it was that he was concerned that his dick was too large and caused Carolyn pain. In truth, Carolyn did feel some pain when Spike entered her, but it was only for a bit as she got used to his immense length and girth – but even so she was only able to handle at most nine inches of Spike's incredibly pleasurable penis. Even though Carolyn came multiple times during each time they made love, Spike felt more than a little guilty that he may be causing Carolyn discomfort. Spike tried to eat Carolyn as much as possible before each fuck because he felt that was the best way to prepare Carolyn to sacrifice herself to his huge meat.

After Carolyn had cum twice, she got up and pushed Spike onto his back. He loved being on the bottom but again felt guilt that Carolyn might hurt herself, so he did not initiate this position often, and actually tried to get Carolyn to do doggy or missionary most of the time so that his penetration could be controlled by him, and he could ensure that she wasn't hurt.

Carolyn had figured out Spike's motivation for shunning her being on top some time ago, and tried to assure Spike that she would not be hurt and to trust her. In this case, that banter did not take place and Spike simply had a concerned look on his face as Carolyn started the long journey of impaling herself on his huge penis. Carolyn always looked at Spike when she did this with a smile on her face, and always hid any pain she felt as she slowly sank down to her nine-inch limit. She knew that any pain she felt would quickly go away as her vaginal muscles simply had to relax to allow him to fill her. After she got to her limit she would slowly pull up and then push down – and she absolutely loved it. Spike took a while to calm down and trust that Carolyn was enjoying this as much as he did.

Before Carolyn, there was not a single girl what would even attempt to take him inside of her let alone attempt to give him head. Girls had always at first been amazed at his ample equipment, but when it came time to have sex they got scared and made up excuses to stop. A year ago when Carolyn met Spike through being a cheerleader, Spike did not push sex on her at all, because he really felt a connection with her and he did not want to get shunned due to his `gift'. Carolyn had heard the stories about Spike's endowment and eventually convinced Spike to let her give him a hand-job on their second date. She knew she had hit the dick jackpot when she first saw it, and while she was a little concerned about how it would fit, she never once got to the point where she was scared away. If anything, she felt it was a challenge that she would rise to. The hand job quickly led to her forcing the huge head of his penis into her mouth where she tongued his head and ate his pre-cum while pumping his huge shaft with both hands. This was the first guy that Carolyn had dated that shaved his groin clean – and she wondered if it was an optical illusion that made it seem so big. Carolyn was amazed at the way Spike's dick-head was both extremely strong yet satiny soft – running her tongue over it gave her a lot of pleasure. After Spike came, causing Carolyn to work fast to swallow his copious load, they spent an hour getting her pussy adjusted to his size. His mushroom head was absolutely perfectly formed – and it flared out a fair amount over his shaft, making it a big challenge to fit inside of her tight pussy. Once it was inside, Carolyn loved the way she could feel the ridge of his head as it plunged deep in and then almost out of her. Carolyn came within two minutes of being penetrated by Spike the first time, and then three times before Spike came – and in between, she had a hard time knowing when she was cuming or not. They did not know it at the time, but they were deeply in love with each other before they attempted this – but after their first time their fate was permanently sealed – they were mated for life.

Now as Spike looked at Carolyn's angelic face as she pushed herself forcefully up and down his dick, he could not help but feel lucky that he had found her. Her thoughts were the same, as she looked loving down on him while she rode him to what was as usual a huge orgasm for the both of them.

After Spike had emptied gallons deep in Carolyn's vagina, she slowly worked herself off and then came one of Carolyn's favorite parts. She scooted up and straddled Spike's face so he could clean her out – something that Spike had initiated originally because he was feeling that he owed her, and since done every time they fucked. The trail of cum that dropped on Spike's chest was thick, but there was plenty for Spike to clean – and Spike again felt guilty as Carolyn's vagina was wide open from their fucking – but only a little guilty. Carolyn loved this aspect of being on top, and she grabbed Spike's short black hair and held his mouth close to her quim as he lapped up their juices, bringing her to another mind-blowing orgasm, while Spike kneaded her ass with his powerful hands.

Carolyn scooted down so she was lying flat on top of Spike's powerful body and kissed him deeply. "That was amazing – you are on fire!" "Yea – not sure what got into me . . . ", Spike said while grinning. "You know what got into you – the same thing got into me too – what do you think happened that we missed?", Carolyn dreamily asked Spike. Spike kind of grunted an `I don't know' and then drifted off to sleep. Carolyn dozed off soon after.

Meanwhile, in Chloe's dorm room, Justin woke with a strong urge to pee. He gently woke Alysa up and reluctantly decoupled himself from her and climbed down to the floor. It was now 9:00 am on Sunday morning, and the rest of the group was roused by Justin's activity and everyone said good morning to each other.

"So – this is what morning-wood looks like – not sure that it's any different from what we saw last night, but you guys don't seem randy . . . ", Susie observed. "It's time to visit the boy's room – leak time", Chad admitted. "Oh – well go and take care of it – and let's plan our trip to the beach", Chloe instructed.

The three boys put on as little as possible – which did nothing to hide their aroused state – and ventured out to find a bathroom. Being the girl's dorm, they had no choice but to use the girl's restroom to relieve themselves. They had to go, and it just did not matter to them at this point that they might be caught.

About the time the boys were done taking their morning leaks, Carolyn had decided to leave Spike asleep and go to her dorm and see if it was OK to start getting settled. She kind of hoped she would find the group still there and asleep – maybe she would take some pictures. However, when Carolyn got to her and Chloe's room, the girls had woken and put on some clothing, and the boys had just returned. They were discussing plans for the beach when Carolyn entered.

"Hey Chloe – how's it going?" "Wow – Carolyn – when did you get back?" "About 7:30 am this morning – I dropped of my bags and left with Spike to his room. You guys seemed like you needed a bit of privacy . . . ". Chad suddenly looked at Carolyn with a shocked look on his face. "Spike?!? Spike is your boyfriend? And he was with you when you came by this morning?", Chad asked in a bit of a panicked tone. "Yea – Spike was with me – you guys have fun last night?", Carolyn asked the group.

Chloe didn't know much about Spike – just that Spike was on the football team with Chad, and that Chad had mentioned in passing that Spike was extremely well endowed. Chloe looked at Chad and was not sure why Chad was freaking out a bit. "Chad – what's the big deal? Spike has seen you in the showers many times – I guess he has not see me though . . . . What's the big deal?"

"Spike is the captain of the team – he and I get along, but wow – this just seems like a weird wrinkle in his relationship with me. Spike does not socialize outside of the team very much – I have tried speaking to him but he seems to like to keep to himself. I guess it's not a big deal – just wasn't expecting this.", Chad replied.

"Spike freaked out – but in a way that . . . . well let's just say I wasn't complaining about the way he handled seeing you guys.", Carolyn said with a shit-eating grin. "Ohhhhh – I see . . . . ", Chloe said. "Wait – you had sex with Spike?!? – Wow – what's that even like?", Chad asked a bit too quickly. "Spike and I work well together – not sure what else you want to know.", was all that Carolyn would offer at this point.

Chloe could tell that Chad was a bit on edge about Spike seeing him in bed with herself, and she wanted to try and fix it if she could. She had an idea. "Hey – Carolyn – we are all going to the beach – why don't you and Spike join us?", Chloe asked. Chad shot Chloe a `what the fuck are you doing' look, but Chloe shrugged it off and proceeded to convince Carolyn to go. "I think it would be great for Spike and I to get away – and besides I keep telling him to be more sociable. You can count us in – I will deal with Spike.", Carolyn answered.

Chloe and Alysa said they would go through Carolyn's bags and pack her some things while Carolyn went to fetch Spike. Carolyn told them where to find her bikini, sandals, sunglasses etc. and Carolyn was out the door. All Carolyn would have to do is shower and change when she got back before they left for the beach.

Brenden and Justin didn't know anything about Spike, especially his endowment – just that he was the captain of the football team. They were OK with Spike going along – but they were a little concerned that Chad wasn't comfortable with it. "Don't worry Chad – Brenden and I will make sure Spike doesn't mess with you", Justin stated while putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest.

Chad decided to just go with the flow, and kissed Chloe quickly and gave her a hug. The three boys collected their clothes and went back to their dorm rooms to shower and get ready. All three made it to their rooms about the same time, got their towels, and then all of them made it to the showers at the same time. They didn't really talk much – they looked at each other differently knowing that they had all had sex together now – and they all felt a lot closer to one-another. They finished showering, dried, and all walked back to their rooms with towels wrapped around their waists.

Susie had called Kenny – the boy they all met at the electronics store, and arranged for him to to give them a ride. He had a Chevy Yukon that he used for deliveries as well as his personal car, so they should all fit pretty nicely. She politely asked if Kenny could come along and of course the girls agreed – any friend of Susie's . . . .

By this time Carolyn had come back and found the girls heading to the shower with towels wrapped around them. Chloe lent towels to Susie and Alysa so they didn't have to go to their dorm rooms right now. She stripped and grabbed her towel, and off she went to join them. When Carolyn got to the showers the girls were able to see Carolyn nude for the first time. Chloe, Susie and Alysa all took notice of Carolyn's strong, thin body, and also realized how tall Carolyn was compared to them. They showered quickly and made some small talk. Susie told them that Kenny was going to bring food and drinks so lunch was set, and they agreed that they should stop somewhere for a quick breakfast on the way to the beach. Carolyn asked where everyone was meeting and agreed to let Spike know as soon as she was back in her dorm room. They finished all went to their dorm rooms to get their beach wear and meet in the girl's common room.

Susie packed some pills in case Carolyn and Spike were interested, and Alysa was tasked to get sun-tan lotion for them. Chloe and Carolyn were talking in their dorm room while they both donned their bikini's and packed their day-bags.

"So, really – what happened last night? I knew you and Chad were having sex – never thought I would catch you guys though. And Brenden and Susie? Never saw that one coming. Who was with Alysa?" "Oh – that was my brother Justin . . . that just happened yesterday." Chloe went on to give a few details to Carolyn, but not everything. Carolyn and Chloe had known each other for a couple years and while Chloe considered Carolyn a friend, she really didn't know Carolyn all that well so she was carful in what she told her – at least for now.

"What did Spike think when he saw all of us? I can only imagine the scene.", Chloe asked. "Well, Spike was so turned on that he jumped me pretty quickly when we got to his dorm. I don't think Spike minded what he saw. He was looking at you and Chad on your bed, and I was a little shocked thinking he was looking at you, but then I realized he was looking at Chad. Spike told me a while ago when were were telling each other our deepest secrets and fantasies that he was a little curious about doing something with a guy, but I never took that seriously. I mean, I have wondered what it would be like with a girl but nothing has ever come of it." Chloe heard Carolyn's admission and was thinking to herself that Carolyn has no idea how close she probably is to having that fantasy fulfilled, and Spike's too, if things went well. Chloe, wanting to make sure that Spike was OK with Chad asked, "So Carolyn – Spike isn't going to get into anything with Chad right? I mean, Spike is cool with everything, right?" "Chloe, I think Spike is more than cool with it – and if they did get into `anything', I doubt it would be anything close to a fight." Chloe heard what Carolyn stated, and thought wow – how strange is it that not only is Chloe OK with the possibility that Chad might have sex with Spike, but that she wouldn't be jealous – in fact Chloe was more than interested to see what Spike's penis looked like – the stories were pretty amazing. Still, Chloe had no expectation at all that there would be anything other than some relaxing time on the beach to be enjoyed by all.

The boys had changed into their swim-wear, with Chad wearing swim-trunks, Brenden a very small speedo (he was pretty vain after all), and Justin a speedo that he used for his swim team practices. All the boys had tank-tops on, with sun-glasses, sandals and baseball caps. They were the first to the girls common-room and were talking amongst themselves waiting for the girls.

"So Chad – are you going to be OK?", Brenden asked. "Yea – it's just that . . . . . well . . Spike is HUGE! I mean HUGE! I am not talking about his muscles; his dick has to be a foot long if it's an inch. I am not sure what I am more afraid of – Chloe dumping me for him or me dumping Chloe for him . . . " Chad stopped himself and looked up at his friends, realizing what he had just said. "Don't worry about it Chad – I don't think Chloe is that easily swayed, and besides, if what you are saying is true then you will have to fight me and Brenden for him anyway", Justin told Chad with a big grin. Chad looked at Justin and realized that he was being a bit paranoid and decided to just have a good time. It was good timing as Spike walked into the girl's dorm common room and said, "Hey. I am glad you guys invited me and Carolyn to the beach, we just got back to school but I am happy to get some down-time before practice starts." Spike bumped fists with everyone and sat down with the boys to continue talking. Spike was wearing a very tight t-shirt and light-blue board shorts, Sperry top-siders and had sun-glasses anchored in his t-shirt. When Spike sat down his dick-bulge was extremely obvious – Spike wasn't wearing a jock-strap as usual because they were going to the beach.

"Sooooo, you guys have fun last night?", Spike asked the group with a huge grin. "I didn't mean to barge in on you guys. Hey, aren't you Chloe's younger brother? Aren't you like 13? And you hooked up with Alysa? Dude! Way to go!", Spike said to Justin while looking a bit in awe at the boy. "Um, I will be 14 in two months, but thanks!", Justin answered happily.

Spike then started looking a bit more serious, and in a bit of a hushed voice, he asked, "Guys – I have a question – you don't have to answer but I am just curious. When I saw you guys, all three of you guys were leaking pre-cum like a faucet. Can I ask why?" The boys hadn't realized all that much that that was happening while they were sleeping – they had woken up to some mess but chalked that up to leftovers from last night not realizing that it was fresh. Chad attempted to answer, "Well for that you would have to talk to Susie. She is some kind of wicked genius and she has these pills that increase your sex-drive. It was absolutely amazing how many times we all came last night. I guess that's why you saw what you did. But let met tell you about what she did to our sperm, and to the girls cum – she flavored it! She made our spunk taste like pina-coladas, and the girls taste like orange-juice! They both taste amazing! She has apple-juice for the boys working well too.", Chad boasted. Spike took this in, but quickly wondered how Chad knew how well the boy's flavoring tasted. He knew there was pretty much only one way Chad could have known. Spike responded, "I will talk to Susie – I do like orange juice! Think she will let me try the sex enhancer?"

Just then Susie walked in. "I always thought it would be a bit of a challenge to get people to try this stuff, guess not. I have some for you", Susie replied to Spike's question. "I guess I should have figured on the horniness of boys and girls." Susie sat down next to Brenden and gave him a big kiss.

Moments later Alysa, Chloe and Carolyn appeared all wearing very skimpy bikinis with very sheer coverups over them. Alysa had a big beach hat on and was wearing the same bikini that she wore yesterday on the roof top, making Justin chub up a little as he stared at her gaping. Chloe had on a bikini that was struggling to hold her breasts in, while Carolyn had on a one-piece that did little to hide her shapely body. All of the boys, as well as Susie, couldn't help but get a little turned on at the site of them.

Just then they heard a honk – Kenny had arrived in the Yukon. The all piled in and headed off to Mcdonald's for a bite and then to the beach.

Kenny had brought a pretty large beach tent, and they set it up with their towels laid out and then hit the water. Kenny also brought along some beach balls and fire-wood.

Kenny was wearing a modest t-shirt and board-shorts, so his body wasn't revealed until it was time for him to strip down. He wasn't as big as Chad in the muscle department, but Kenny was definitely toned. He too was hairless over his entire body and stood about 5'11" tall and probably about 150 pds. He had a great six-pack and nice pecs and arms. His legs though were his signature feature – they looked like animated marble.

Everyone played around with the beach-balls in the water and swam for a bit. After a bit the boys started rough-housing, and that resulted in Justin pantsing Chad. Justin quickly swam out of the water and ran up to the tent and sat down twirling Chad's swim-trunks high in the air. Chad didn't think much of it – the beach was deserted so he simply walked out of the water and laid down on his towel and let the sun start to dry him. Everyone else liked Chad's idea and started striping to tan nude. Spike and Carolyn were a little hesitant at first, but then Carolyn decided what the heck – she had seen them nude already – and stripped and laid down. Kenny and Spike looked at each other and decided, `When in Rome'.

Justin was watching as Kenny shucked off his swim-trunks, and saw that Kenny wasn't completely bare there but had very shortly trimmed pubes and obviously shaved balls. When Spike dropped his trunks, Justin just about had a heart-attack. Even with the colder water of the ocean causing some shrinkage, Spike's penis was just plain huge. It looked like another arm, except instead of a hand at the end there was a huge mushroom head. The thing had to be as long and as thick as the coke-can he was drinking out of. He just stared with his mouth open. Susie noticed Justin and looked to where he was looking. "Oh my God!", Susie exclaimed. Now everyone turned to look at Spike. Spike suddenly noticed the attention he was getting and looked at them apprehensively. Spike suddenly realized maybe him being there wasn't such a good idea – this is why he didn't like to socialize all that much. Very soon though Spike's concern was completely erased. Justin got up and went over to Spike and stopped a few feet in front of him, and then got down on his knees and with his arms outstretched in front of him, bowed down. "All hail King Spike!", Justin exclaimed. All the other boys quickly lined up next to Justin and repeated the same thing. Spike looked down on them and started laughing. The boys quickly jumped up and tackled him. "May your reign be . . . long!", Brenden shouted. Everyone laughed. The boys all got up and helped Spike up. "So, promise us you won't beat us with that thing and we will all do your bidding.", Chad joked. "Wait – let's not take that off the table just yet . . .", Justin also joked.

Spike was thrilled. He knew now that while he had a big dick, that he didn't have to hide it or fear other's reaction to it. He smiled at everyone and went over to sit on his towel next to Carolyn. "Hey, Kenny, you got any hot-dogs in the cooler? I suddenly want a foot-long. How bout it?", Brenden quipped. Kenny laughed but said sorry, he only brought sandwiches and chips. Brenden pretended to be heart-broken and sat down with this chin to his chest. "I really wanted a hot-dog." "Maybe Spike can set you up", Justin said. Brenden immediately looked at Spike with a big grin and said, "Oh boy! Hot-dog!!". Spike looked down at Brenden's crotch, looked up and without missing a beat, "I thought you were more of a cocktail weenie kind of guy". Brenden feigned looking shocked and folded his arms across his chest and let out a big hmph. Everyone laughed, and Kenny proceeded to dish out the sandwiches and drinks.

Alysa had noted that Kenny wasn't that shabby at all in the dick compartment – it hung down about three inches on top of very low-hanging balls and looked very nice. All the girls were having a great time oogling the boys and each other. After they ate they all laid out on their towels for a bit and sun-bathed.

After about an hour, the girls all got up and went back to the water to cool off. The boys stayed behind and started talking. "So Spike, here are the pills we told you about earlier. Susie suggested we wait to see if anything would happen – and especially didn't want you to get horny if nothing was going to happen. It seems the girls are all OK with our nudity, and I am betting something is going to happen, so take these.", Brenden instructed while handling the pina-colada and libido enhancer to Spike. Kenny had his own pills and took them. "Grape Juice is what I am testing out for Susie – she just gave these to me today.", Kenny stated.

Spike took the pills and swallowed them down. "How long do they take to work?" "About an hour", all the boys said in unison, then laughed.

Spike was still a little concerned – showing his dick soft was one thing, but when it got to it's full size, well that was another. "So guys, what do you think will happen?", Spike asked. "Let's just see what happens – but I am betting you won't be disappointed.", Chad answered while looking down at Spike's dick wondering just how big it will get.

The girls had all taken their libido enhancers with their lunch. "So Carolyn, just exactly how do you fit that python into your tiny snatch, if I may ask?", Chloe asked. "Well – I got skills!", Carolyn exclaimed while giggling.

The girls were starting to feel the effects of the pills, and were already scheming on how to get things started. "Well, I have this dice game, and a deck of cards. How about low card rolls the dice and has to do what the dice say to high card?", Susie offered. "If there is a tie with the cards then they both have to either perform or receive the dice-instructions.", Susie continued. "Yes – I can see that what I will like about you most is you always have a plan Susie!", Chloe exclaimed. With that the girls got out of the water and wandered back up to the tent to rejoin the boys.

Susie explained the game to the boys, and everyone agreed to the rules. No one bothered to ask about same-sex pairings – at this point everyone just kind went with the flow. They arranged their towels in a circle and huddled together as close as possible in the circle. Susie shuffled the cards. "Ok guys – so whatever the dice say the low card or cards if it's a tie has to do to the high-card or cards for thirty-seconds. Let's keep it to thirty-seconds so that we can have the game go as fast as possible." Everyone agreed and Chad was given the task of time-keeper.

"Okay guys, on one dice are these values: touch, kiss, lick, suck, bite, and ?, which is wild. The other dice has lips, ears, nipples, butt, groin and ?, which again is wild. Any questions?" "Let's just play and we can deal with whatever comes up", Brenden stated. Justin started laughing causing everyone to look at him. "He said `Whatever comes up!'" Spike got the joke and laughed saying, "Yea – let's play!"

The first round of cards was dealt with Brenden getting a three of clubs and Chloe getting a King of hearts. Brenden rolled the dice and got a bite' and butt'. Chloe got on all fours and said, "Don't leave any teeth marks!" Chad started the timer and Brenden leaned over and gently bit Chloe's butt cheeks. He grabbed both cheeks and Chad objected – "Didn't say touch, just bite!". Brenden took his hands away and continued until time was called. Chloe sat down and asked something that came to her mind – "What if Justin and I get paired up? I love my brother but not like that – it's weird enough that we are both doing stuff like this in front of each other, but I don't think I could do anything sexual with him." Justin agreed, and it was decided that in that case the next highest or lowest card would be used. With that settled, the next round of cards was dealt.

This time Spike got an Ace of Spades and Justin got a four of diamonds. Justin rolled the dice and got a touch' and groin'. Spike looked at Justin and smiled. Spike had known this was going to happen as soon as the rules were explained, and he decided that he was not only going to go along with this, but he was going to enjoy it. What Spike wasn't expecting though was that it would be Justin to have the honors to be the first guy to ever touch his dick. Spike had already decided that Justin was the cutest guy there, at least to him, and that while Justin was younger than him, he was also anxious at the prospect of any kind of contact with him.

By now the pills had started working their magic, and all the boy's dicks had begun to fill out. Spike's was now at about nine inches but still hanging pretty loosely down. Justin had almost a full-blown hard-on, Brenden was already hard as a nail, Kenny was looking to have about a seven-inch boner, and Chad was over half-hard.

Spike leaned back on his haunches and offered his groin for Justin to touch. Justin rubbed his hands together and leaned across and started to feel Spike up. Spike's balls were heavy, and his dick was so thick that his hand wouldn't reach around it fully. He started to pump Spike which caused Spike to groan. Spike was not the only one to notice that he wasn't having an issue getting hard – something that Carolyn usually had to work at – but not today. Chad called time and Justin sat back and just started at Spike's dick in awe. "Awesome", was all Justin said. Spike sat back down and everyone watched as his dick rose to it's almost twelve inch length and point strait up over his navel. All the boys were hard as nails at this point.

This round Susie got a Jack of clubs and Chloe got a seven of diamonds. Chloe rolled the dice and got a lick' and nipples'. Susie laid down in the middle of the circle and Chloe immediately went to work licking Susie's pointy nipples in earnest. Susie was moaning loudly, and everyone noticed that Susie was starting to get wet.

Next was Kenny with a two of hearts and Carolyn with a Queen of clubs. Kenny rolled a lick' and groin'. Carolyn looked at Spike who nodded his acceptance and then laid down in the middle of the circle with her pussy pointed at Kenny. Kenny looked down at Carolyn's body and licked his lips. "Um – I forgot to say thanks for inviting me guys!" He then laid down and started licking Carolyn's pussy, making sure to get to all the parts in the short time he had. He was pleased with the orange-juice flavor. Carolyn was breathing a bit hard when time called and Spike had to help her up so that she could sit back in her place in the circle.

Next up was Chad with a five of diamonds and Brenden with a 10 of diamonds. Chad rolled a kiss' and ?'. Brenden looked at Chad tentatively and actually blushed a bit. Chad leaned across the circle to Brenden, pulled him to the middle of the circle, laid him down and pushed Justin's knees up to his chest. Chad zoomed right down to Justin's balls and started to lick them. He didn't touch anything else – just Justin's balls, and made sure to work them over as much as possible. Justin was literally spewing pre-cum on his stomach as he watched Chad work. Chad didn't like how quickly time was called.

Spike was low this time with a three of diamonds, and Kenny was high with an Ace of clubs. Spike threw a bit' and nipples'. "Don't draw blood pleas – I like to keep my nipples scar free!", Kenny quipped. Kenny went over to Spike, and Spike immediately started tenderly nibbling on his nipples. Kenny had had this done to him before and he loved it, but Spike was especially good at it. Kenny was feeling jolts go right to his penis as Spike tenderly bit and nibbled each of his nipples alternately until time was called. When Spike leaned back everyone could see a huge drop of pre-cum roll down the bottom side of his dick. "Someone should remember to bring whip-cream next time!', Spike chuckled.

Susie drew a four of spades, and this time there was a tie for the high-card – Chad and Brenden drew King. Susie rolled and got a kiss' and butt'. Susie had Chad and Brenden get on all fours in the middle of the circle in front of her. She spread Brenden's butt cheeks and immediately licked his anus with gusto. After about fifteen seconds she did the same to Chad. Both boys were breathing heavily and looking flushed when time was called.

Next up was a tie at the low end with Spike, Alysa and Justin drawing fives and Chad with a Queen of spades. Spike got to roll, and he got a suck' and groin'. Spike again knew this could happen, and didn't hesitate at all. "Ok Chad – lay down in the circle. Come on folks – let's see if we can get his rocks off in thirty seconds!" As soon as Chad had laid down, Justin started lathing his balls with his tongue, which both shocked and surprised Spike – Justin's tongue was long! Alysa and Spike both worked on each side of Chad's dick and started licking from the dripping head down to the base and back up again. Alysa and Spike took turns taking Chad into their mouths and both did their best to give Chad as much pleasure as possible. Thirty seconds was over too quickly, and they had to reluctantly stop. "Pina-colada jism! Cool! I am going to have to start calling you tropical-nuts during practice!", Spike joked. Chad did almost loose it – he was very turned on that Spike was not only there, but sucking his dick. He wondered when he would be able to return the favor?

Things were getting hot and heavy, but the group decided to keep playing as they liked the spontaneity of the game.

"Ok guys – since everyone is obviously OK with group activities, let's change it up a bit. Two lowest cards paired with two-highest cards, and let's increase the time to one minute." No one objected.

This time it got very interesting. Chad and Kenny got three's, and Carolyn and Brenden got fives. Susie and Spike got Kings, and Alysa got an Ace. Brenden got to roll and got a lick' and ears'. All the kids knew that next to their genitals and nipples, ears were a hot zone. Chad immediately started licking Spike's left ear, while Carolyn worked on his right. Brenden munched on Susie, and Kenny serviced Alysa. Justin allowed the activity to go on for about a minute and a half as it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves.

This time Justin and Chad were the two high cards with a King and Queen, and Kenny, Brenden tied with fives and Alysa got a seven. Alysa rolled and got a bite' and groin'. This elicited some giggles and smirking, but everyone knew that the bites wouldn't be anything more than nibbles, so they started to pair off. Kenny started nibbling on Justin's balls and dick, while Brenden and Alysa started to nibble all over Chad's dick. By this time Chad was as primed as ever, and had the time allowed for about five more seconds, Chad would have been the first to cum.

"If I don't cum soon, you are going to have to take me to an emergency room", Chad groaned. Susie thought for a second and said, "OK – let's drop the dice – low card get's high-card off any way they want." After everyone whooped and high-fived, they dealt the first round for this new game. Kenny got a Jack, and Susie and Carolyn each got four's. Susie whispered into Carolyn's ear, and Carolyn nodded her head agreeing to what Susie had suggested. "Ok Kenny, lay down – and Carolyn is going to fuck you while I lick your balls.

Kenny couldn't have laid down fast enough – and then Carolyn got on top of him and lowered herself down quickly and fully. Spike was worried that he wouldn't like this, but he found himself not caring at all – he knew Carolyn loved him and he loved Carolyn – but he had to admit that he was getting extremely horny watching Carolyn get it on with these guys. Carolyn had mounted Kenny reverse cow-girl which allowed Susie to get down and eat Kenny's balls while having clear access to Carolyn's clit if she wanted. Susie wanted to adhere to the rules as much as possible – Kenny won this hand not Carolyn, so she had to hold herself to just licking and nibbling Kenny's balls while Carolyn bobbed up and down on Kenny. Susie didn't have to hold herself back long, as Kenny came in about two minutes. Susie noted that she could clearly taste orange-juice and grape – and that she would have to work out male/female pairings as the two mixed didn't have a bad taste, but it was just a little odd.

It was then decided that once someone had cum, they could still draw, but could not be a winner for the `cum'.

Next draw was Brenden with a Jack and Alysa with a two. Alysa pushed Brenden down and took his dick fully into her mouth in one move. She used her throat muscles and massaged the head of his penis as much as possible before coming up or air. She then went down and licked his balls while jacking him at a furious pace. All of the sudden Brenden arched his hips and shot cum so far it hit Spike on the chest, and then his own mouth, neck, chest, abs and then dribbled out a lot into his navel. He looked like he had run a marathon. "Thank you!', he mouthed to Alysa. Then got up and took his place in the circle.

Carolyn got a ten and Justin got a two. Justin knew what to do and had laid down, and motioned Carolyn to straddle his face. He looked up at her slim body and saw her looking down expectantly, and then while his mouth was inches away from her pussy, he snaked his tongue up and started whacking it back and forth her vulva. She had seen his tongue earlier, but had no idea it had this range. Then Justin worked his tongue about two inches into her vagina and pulled her down so that at least four inches of his tongue was deeply embedded in her hole. He wiggled it around and started to work her clit with his top lip. He retracted his tongue and started to lather it all over her groin. She grabbed his head and held it so tight she thought his head would pop inside of her. Justin had grabbed her butt and was now working a finger deep into her anus, then he jabbed his tongue deep inside of her and found her g-spot. Carolyn threw her head back, screamed, and came with gusto on Justin's face. Everyone noted that while Justin was doing this his dick leaked a ton of pre-cum onto his tight belly. Spike saw this and instinctively licked his lips. He hoped he would be the one to get Justin off.

Carolyn got back to her spot, leaned into Spike and exclaimed, "Fuck! You can charge a lot of money for that!" Justin looked at Carolyn and had a look on his face that said, yea – why not?'. Chloe turned to Justin and said, "Don't even think about it – you do not need to turn out to be a male prostitute – I don't care how much money you could make!". Everyone boo'd Chloe and gave their voice of support to Justin – You go Justin!'

Justin stood up and bowed to everyone. "Thank you, thank you. Bustin Justin will accept Visa, Mastercard and American express. Discount for cash!". Everyone cheered except Chloe, who was hard to read if she was kidding in her admonishment or not.

Susie was next with a King, and Spike was low with a six. Carolyn whispered in Spike's ear which caused Spike to look at Carolyn with a shocked look. "Are you sure? You think she could fit me? Really?" Carolyn simply smiled and told Susie to get on all fours – Spike was going to fuck her. Everyone was super excited to see this – Spike's dick was so big that it would almost be like fisting Susie. Susie herself was a bit scared, but she had a hunch that she could handle it. "What if I cum while doing this?" Susie, now on all fours and facing away from Spike answered, "Well then we both win, don't we?"

Spike was besides himself. The situation being presented was something that had caused him a lot of grief in the past. Until Carolyn, no girl wanted to take him on – and here he was with girls and guys who wanted to see him get off. Well, he promised himself he would go along with whatever and he would enjoy himself. So he decided that's what he was going to do.

Spike got behind Susie and leaned down and started to eat Susie out for a bit, but he quickly found that Susie was as wet as could be. He loved the taste of orange-juice and for a second thought about just getting Susie off with his tongue. But everyone was expecting him to mount her, so he got up and positioned his huge appendage at Susie's opening. Everyone watched in awe as the head of his penis that looked like it was as wide as a tennis ball slowly started to push into Susie's vagina. After about twenty seconds, the head popped in. Susie let out a help and tensed up a bit. "Sorry – does that hurt?" "Oh yea – but not in a bad way – I expected this – don't stop and do NOT pull out whatever you do!". After a bit Susie pushed her self back a bit and signaled Spike to push in. This caused another inch or so of Spike to enter her. Susie was clearly having some discomfort, but like a trooper Susie was committed to see this through. She motioned Brenden to come over and let her suck him off while she was being skewed. Nobody objected. Brenden was a little concerned, but Susie started moaning, and pushed back a little bit on Spike, who then pushed in another inch. This time Susie moaned around Brenden's dick and pushed back harder on Spike. Spike pushed forward and found that about half his huge prick was buried in Susie's gash. This was only the second girl ever to take any of his dick in this far. He gently pulled back a bit and then forward. He got to about eight inches in and finally Susie pulled off of Brenden long enough to say "That's my limit – please don't go farther, but move faster!", and then went back to sucking Brenden like a calf to an utter.

Spike was amazed that Susie was able to take him at all, let alone eight inches, and pulled out so that he was thrusting the top seven or so in and out of Susie's pussy. Susie was now moaning loudly around Brenden's dick, and Brenden could tell that Susie was losing concentration on her sucking which meant she was on her way to cuming. Spike was now moving pretty fast. Chad and Chloe were behind Spike and saw a pretty large amount of juice drop every time that Spike pulled back. Whatever was happening, Susie and Spike must be enjoying it because someone, or both, were juicing a lot. Spike was now feeling at ease – he wasn't worried about hurting Susie now and he was starting to thoroughly enjoy fucking Susie. Spike was now getting concerned that he was going to cum, but Susie suddenly threw her head back, screamed, grunted, screamed, and then slumped down. Susie was mumbling, "Incredible, incredible, incredible", over and over again and then pulled herself off of Spike. It took an effort, but she turned around and kissed Spike strongly on the mouth. "Incredible!", she exclaimed again.

Spike sat back in the circle and hugged Carolyn close. Carolyn kissed him and hugged him back. Chad raised up his hand for a high-five, which Spike returned. Spike knew that from now on, he wouldn't be so up-tight about his dick. If they can take it great, if they can't, their loss. He felt relieved, but now he was horny as hell.

This round Kenny drew an Ace, but he was out' as he had cum already, so the Jack that Chloe got was high. Justin had a two, but as that is her brother, Chad and Brenden's threes were low. Chad knew that if he was to fuck Chloe, as much as he wanted to, he would cum in seconds. He told Brenden to do the honors and told Chloe he would kiss her and lick her nipples. Chloe was a little disappointed, but she understood. She laid down and had Brenden mount her missionary style. Brenden had never lost his boner, and he had already won' so he wasn't concerned about cuming, so he immediately started to pound Chloe as hard as he could to get her off. Chloe was enjoying Brenden's thrusting and did her best to thrust back. Chad kissed Chloe and then her neck, and then started to lick her nipples and tweaking them. Then Chad had an idea. "Brenden, get on your back – I am going to eat Chloe while she fucks you.". Brenden reluctantly got off Chloe and laid down. Chloe got up and mounted Brenden reverse cow-girl and laid back on Brenden's chest. Brenden held onto Chloe's breasts and started thrusting up into Chloe, while Chloe moved her hips up and down. Chad kissed his way up Chloe's thighs and started to suck gently on her clit, causing Chloe to whimper and sigh. With his hand he started to fondle Brenden's balls which elicited a grunt from Brenden. Chad decided to see if he could help get Brenden off as fast as Chloe and started licking from Chloe's clit down to Brenden's balls and back up. Soon Chloe was starting to moan loudly and Chad was noticing a strong orange-juice smell and taste. Chloe was definitely on the way to release. Brenden started to moan loudly as well and soon both were moaning in unison. Chad decided to push Brenden farther and started to snake a finger up his rectum using the juices that had flown down to it. When Chad had his finger in far enough to massage Brenden's prostate, Brenden started to cum, causing Chloe to start a massive squirting orgasm. Chad did his best to catch what was leaking from Chloe around Brenden's thrusting dick, and knew that Brenden must have cum when he started tasting pina-colada. Brenden pulled out because his dick became too sensitive, leaving Chad with an opportunity to really eat Chloe out and clean up the wonderful fruity juices of both his friends. Chad got up and wiped his face. Both Brenden and Chloe were looking at Chad with very appreciative looks.

A quick inventory showed that only Justin, Alysa, Chad and Spike were left to `win'.

Alysa drew high and Justin drew low. Alysa had figured out that somehow Chad, Justin and Spike were struggling to save themselves – and she suspected that Spike wanted Justin, Chad or both. So she had Justin lay down and she straddled his face. Justin immediately went to work with his tongue and started to immediately stroke Alysa's now familiar g-spot with his tongue. Everyone else looking on saw that Justin's seven-and-a-half-inch dick was heavily leaking pre-cum and some wondered if Justin would cum without anyone touching him. Justin had reached up and was tweaking Alysa's nipples causing Alysa to start having multiple orgasm's on Justin's talented mouth and tongue. After Alysa counted about five strong orgasms in the span of a few minutes, she decided she needed a break and lifted herself up. Alysa groggily got up, went to her beach-bag, grabbed a ten-dollar bill, came back and wrapped it around Justin's dick while kissing him deeply. "Worth every penny stud-boy." Everyone once again whooped and praised Justin for another wonderful performance – except Chloe that was now seriously worried that Justin would try and start charging for his services. Justin saw Chloe's worried face and said, "Sis – don't worry – I don't think girls could afford what I am worth – but I am not giving this ten dollars back!". Chloe looked at Justin, laughed, and obviously decided that her concerns were not warranted.

Now just boys were left. This time Chad got the high card and Carolyn and Spike tied for low. Chad was a little conflicted, but Spike and Carolyn told Chad to lay back and they would take care of him. Spike immediately took Chad as far into his mouth as far as he could, almost bottoming out. Carolyn nibbled on Chad's large balls and then Spike signaled Carolyn to switch. Spike had no idea how much fun it was to get a guy off, but he also knew how enjoyable it was to have your balls licked and sucked. He did what he knew Chad would like until Carolyn, sensing Chad was close, signaled Spike to switch with her. Spike looked at Chad's large cock-head which was now turning a shade of purple, and lovingly took it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as much as he could. Chad looked down at Spike sucking him and that was it for Chad. He came with such force that jism actually shot out of Spike nose – something that Spike was not expecting. Chad's subsequent shots caused Spike to swallow as fast as possible, realizing that now he had taken this opportunity to give head, he was open to it from now on. After six strong blasts Chad finally started dribbling, but Spike never missed a drop and swallowed everything Chad could give him. After Chad stopped, Spike got up and kissed Chad – in for a penny, in for a pound. He then kissed Carolyn who was very pleased that Spike was now out of his shell and enjoying himself fully.

Justin's turn was finally up as he drew a five, but all the higher cards had `won' already. Spike and Kenny had drawn a two. Spike went over to Kenny and they spoke about how they wanted to get Justin off. Kenny wanted to offer his ass to Justin, but Spike wanted Justin to fuck him – it was one of the last boy on boy sex acts he wanted to try, and he really liked Justin. Kenny agreed and suggested that he fuck Justin while Justin fucks Spike.

Spike got on all fours and leaned down. "Go easy on me back there – this is a first for me." Carolyn got in front of Spike and Spike took the hint and started eating out his love. Justin leaned down and marveled at the beautiful muscular butt that was being offered to him. He leaned in and licked from the base of Spike's balls up to the top of his ass crack. Using his hand he smeared the pre-cum that leaking from his dick to make sure it was lubed. Using his other hand he slowly milked Spike's huge dick and got as much pre-cum as possible into his hand to lube up Spike's hole. He smeared Spike's pre-cum on his anus and started to work it into his sphincter with his tongue. Then he used fingers to open Spike up a bit more. Spike's ass was incredibly tight, and Justin was doing his best to prepare Spike as much as possible. Spike was simply whimpering and moaning into Carolyn's groin as Justin worked his boy-pussy. Spike lifted up from Carolyn, turned his head and said, "Go for it stud – it's now or never!". Justin got on his knees and lined up his dick with Spike's sphincter. Justin had a pretty big dick for his age, but it was fairly slender compared to the others. Justin pushed in, telling Spike to push like he was going to take a dump, and Justin's head popped in. Spike arched his back with the sudden pain of being penetrated for the first time, but also pushed back to force Justin to enter him further. "Fuck – hurts a little but this is so hot! Start Pumping!", Spike yelled at Justin. Justin started to move in and out of Spike and soon was impaled balls-deep into Spike, massaging his prostate in the process. "Oh shit – I hope I don't cum yet! But don't stop!", Spike yelled. Kenny kissed down from Justin's neck to his butt, and then repeated the same process to Justin that Justin had done to Spike. "Just stick it in Kenny – I will be fine!", Justin yelled. Kenny got up and lined up his dick to Justin's anus and pushed in. True enough, Kenny went right in to the hilt, amazing both Kenny and Justin in the process. Soon all three had worked up a rhythm that caused as much pleasure as possible for all three. Spike loved the feeling – as well as the irony that now he kinda knew how Carolyn (and now Susie) felt when he fucked her. Kenny was hitting Justin's prostate beautifully, and Spike's tight ass was doing wonders to Justin's prick. Soon Justin felt his rising orgasm, and he knew that waiting as long as he did that it was going to be one for the record books. Kenny hadn't cum for a while, and it turned out that Kenny was the one to cum first. Felling Kenny spurt in his ass caused Justin to break loose, filling Spike fully with teen-age spunk. Spike was sure that Justin's spurting was going to cause him to bust a nut as well, but thankfully Justin finished and pulled out before Spike was pushed over the edge. Justin laid down, and looked at Spike who was still on all fours with his cum leaking out of his ass. "Hey, Spike, do I owe you ten dollars now?" Spike got up and laughed. "No, but how about I be your pimp?" – after which Spike looked at Chloe and stuck his tongue out. Chloe laughed – hoping that she was reading Spike correctly and he was kidding. . . . was he kidding?

So, now Spike was the only one left. It turned out the grand prize would be given to the one who drew the lowest card now. Susie shuffled the cards three times, everyone got a chance to cut them, and Susie then dealt the cards out to everyone but Spike. Spike knew who he wanted to win – he didn't feel he was done with Justin yet.

Chad – Ace. Pouty face. Chloe, eight. Brenden, Jack. Susie, Ace. Another pouty face. Chloe was looking a bit nervous now. Kenny, five. Now Kenny was looking really nervous now. Alysa, nine. A look of relief and regret. Justin drew the last card – somehow he knew he would be the low draw – he didn't look at it, he simply turned it over. Three of hearts. He got up and started doing a dance. His dick was bobbing all over the place, and Kenny's cum was leaking down his legs, but he was dancing. He got on all fours and said "You want this Spike?" Spike looked at Justin's ass and realized he did, but he didn't want to hurt Justin – that was the last thing he wanted to do. Justin pleaded with Spike – told him that he was all ready for him because Kenny had lubed him up nicely – that he Chad had fucked him and that went OK – finally Spike conceded to try. But Spike laid down and insisted that Justin sit down on him and control the whole thing himself. Brenden and Alysa helped Justin by spreading his ass as wide as they would, and Alysa aimed Spike's almost 12-inch dick at the entrance of Justin's anus. Justin felt the head and started pushing down. Kenny had stretched Justin a bit, and while it was a struggle, Spike's huge head finally popped in. Spike was surprised – and the look on Justin's face didn't relate any pain at all. Justin felt like a baseball bat was being shoved up his ass, but he knew it was Spike's huge dick. Justin had impaled himself about four inches down, and now it was getting serious. Another inch and Spike was seriously hitting Justin's prostate. Justin decided he could take another inch and then start moving up and down. The feeling of Spike's head moving back and forth his prostate was unreal. He knew that unless Spike blew soon he was probably going to have a prostate-initiated orgasm. Justin was happy. Soon Justin was bouncing up and down on the top six inches of Spike's, `spike' and loving it. Justin was quickly approaching another orgasm and tried his best to squeeze as much as he could on Spike to cause his orgasm too. Spike was beside himself – he couldn't believe that this beautiful boy was fucking him. Spike reached up and started pumping Justin's dick not knowing how close Justin was to busting again. Spike felt his orgasm coming and was sure that it was going to blow Justin's head off, and warned Justin that he was going to blow. Justin responded by bouncing faster and squeezing as hard as he could, which ended up causing Justin to fire off bullets of sperm on Spike's face. Spike saw this and was the end of the line for Spike, who shot such a huge shot of cum up Justin's bowels that he was sure he could have launched a projectile into orbit had Justin not been on top of him. As Justin pulled up, loads of sperm came flowing out of his ass and ran down Spike's dick and across Spike's balls. Spike counted twelve spurts and just wasn't sure where it was all going inside of this cute boy. Justin finally came down from his high and looked down at Spike. "How about now – ten dollars?" Spike grinned up at Justin and said, "More like a thousand!". Justin laid down on Spike and pretended to go to sleep. Spike put his arms around Justin and gave him a big bear hug. Everyone stood up and clapped – Justin had definitely turned into one talented horn-dog.

Justin got up, was a bit wobbly but OK for the wear, and Alysa went over and kissed him deeply. Everyone started to collect their belongings – the sun had started to go down and they wanted to get back to school and get cleaned up and find some food. Susie gave Kenny a big hug and kiss and thanked him for taking care of all of the arrangements. They all had a hard time putting clothes back on – they all felt it wasn't really necessary, but they also knew they couldn't go back to school nude, so they all reluctantly put back on their swim-wear and cover-ups. Kenny was tired, but he was a responsible driver and he stayed alert for the trip back to the school. Everyone else though went to sleep just as soon as the Yukon was back on the highway. Kenny knew that his friendship with Susie was a bit weird, but nothing could have prepared him for today. Kenny was happy to have been part of this and knew he needed to bring his girlfriend Kim into this group.

They kids got back to school, cleaned up, ate at the school's cafeteria, and then they all went to their assigned dorm rooms and fell asleep. It was 9:30 pm when the last kid went to sleep.

"Mark's Surprise"

The following Monday the group resumed their summer classes. They all spent time together, but the couples were also spending time building their relationships. Alysa knew she was now in love with Justin, and Brenden and Susie were actually joking about how smart their kids would be. Chad and Chloe had gotten so sore that they had to take a break from sex for a bit after they had two consecutive nights of making love for hours.

Wednesday morning Justin was sleeping in his bed – nude as usual – also sporting his usual morning wood. Mark, one of Justin's room-mates, came in with his luggage, waking Justin up. Mark and Justin had been room-mates last year, and both had seen each other nude in the showers, but oddly enough Justin had never seen Mark nude in the dorm room.

Mark was about two weeks older than Justin, but other than that Justin realized he didn't know much more about him – other than Mark was an up-and-coming wrestler. Mark had blonde hair like Justin but wore it very short, had killer abs along with a great body – it was no surprise Mark was a good wrestler – his body looked strong. Mark had not gone through puberty the last time Justin had seen him in the showers, but his package looked like it was going to be a great one to Justin. Justin wondered if Mark had started yet.

Justin groggily woke and greeted Mark as Mark tried his best to ignore Justin's aroused state. "Hey Mark – great to see you? When does wrestling practice start?" "Next Monday, but my parents schedule required me to come back early. Thought I would settle in and just chill. Why are you here?" Justin told Mark about his parent's marriage issues and that he decided to take summer classes and chill with his sister and friends. Realizing he was nude he got up to put some clothes on. "Seems like you are `growing' nicely – what do you feed that thing?", Mark asked with a smirk on his face. "Well, actually – brunettes . . . ", Justin coyly replied. Justin went on to tell Mark how he had hooked up with Alysa – all while Justin was holding a pair of shorts to put on but hadn't yet – and Mark voiced his awe in Justin's success. "Wow! I wish I had a girlfriend . . . I guess I am not as lucky as you are." Justin pulled on his shorts and replied, "What about Angel? She was hangin around you last year a lot – nothing ever came of that?" Angel was a cute dirty blonde girl that was a math wiz, and she had tutored Mark and even Justin a little last year. "No – she is just a friend I think. She is cute though. So you up for breakfast? I just have to shower – been in the car all night long." Justin replied, "Sure – I'll shower with you and we can get some food."

Mark striped down to his underwear and Justin noted that Mark had matured nicely. Mark's muscles had definitely grown and he clearly had some dark hair on his legs, just below his belly button and under his arms.

Justin dropped his just-put-on-shorts and wrapped a towel around his waist. Mark wrapped his towel around his underwear clad groin and the two boys went off to the showers.

Mark timidly hung up his towel and dropped his underwear – but Justin noted that Mark made a point to make sure to bend over facing towards Justin – in fact Justin noted that as far as he knew, Mark had always made sure to not come close to showing his butt-hole to anyone in the showers. Justin wondered why.

When they got to the showers and turned them on, Mark noted that Justin seemed to wave hello' to the air. He didn't think much of it, but Justin assumed that Susie would be watching and he was saying Hi' to her. Justin knew that Susie would check in on him this way – more to know when he was going to get food so she could meet him or his friends than see him nude – she had no issue seeing him nude without having to resort to clandestine spying.

Justin noted that Mark's penis had definitely grown – it hung about two and a half inches down on a great set of balls with a nice healthy bush of pubes above his dick. Mark noted that Justin was completely bare, and wondered if he should do the same.

"How often do you shave down there Justin?" "Oh, about one every other day or so – why? You looking to loose your new pubes already?", Justin said in a laughing voice. "Well – seems like everyone is shaving these days – hadn't thought about it until now." "I can help you if you want . . . ", Justin told Mark. Mark looked at Justin with a bit of a worried look on his face. "Well, thanks Justin – I think I can handle it but I will let you know." As Mark said this Justin sensed that Mark was embarrassed about something – probably just adjusting to having this kind of discussion in the shower is the conclusion he came to.

Pretty soon Mark and Justin were happily discussing their summers – Justin doing his best to keep intimate details out of his narrative while Mark was filing Justin in all about his snorkeling while at the Caymen islands with his family. Mark seemed to be getting more relaxed while talking to Justin, and took note of how brazen Justin was in washing his own dick and ass. Mark mimicked Justin's movements but dropped his soap.

Without thinking about the direction he was facing, Mark bent over to pick up the soap he had dropped. Justin was looking at Mark and at first noted what a great ass Mark was growing, but he suddenly noticed something that he had a hard time believing. Between Mark's anus and balls, Justin was sure he saw a vagina. Mark was not bent over long, but Justin was too busy figuring out what he had saw and was staring at Mark when Mark turned around. Mark's smile immediately disappeared and he looked down. And then turned away form Justin.

"I am OK if you want to have me switch rooms – I know you must hate me now.", Mark sadly said. "Woa – dude – what the hell are you talking about?", Justin said softly. "I'm a freak – it's OK – I understand.", Mark said in a quivering voice. Justin was still confused – he hadn't quite put it all together yet. He went over to Mark and forced him to turn around and face him. They were standing so close that Justin's dick brushed against Mark's as he turned around. "Mark – I am not sure I understand. What's wrong?"

Mark looked down and put his face into his hands and started crying. "I thought I could keep my freakishness hidden – guess it was bound to happen.", Mark said while sobbing. Justin took Mark and gave him a big hug, rubbing Mark's back and telling Mark to calm down. "You aren't changing rooms – you are not a freak – what the hell are you talking about?"

Mark looked up into Justin's eyes and saw that Justin wasn't freaking, and started to realize maybe he was over-reacting. "I am a hermaphrodite." "A what?" "A hermaphrodite. I have both a penis and a vagina."

Justin was floored. He looked at Mark and said "Dude – wait – so what I saw . . . " "Yep – it's real – I'm a freak!" Mark tried to push Justin away, but Justin wouldn't let Mark escape. He hugged Mark tighter and said, "I don't care if you have three penises – nothing is freaky about you!". Mark looked at him and somehow laughed a bit. "Three penises? Is that possible?" Justin looked at Mark with a grin. "Hey – Susie – is that possible?" "Anything's possible, but I haven't ever heard of it – Mark – you aren't a freak – you are probably pretty lucky. I'll talk to you guys at breakfast – make sure he comes Justin!", Susie bellowed over the speakers in the shower. Mark was frozen. "What the fuck was that!" "Oh, that's Susie – I'll tell you all about her. Now – finish rinsing off – we have a date with Doctor Susie!"

Mark went along – pretty much in a numb auto-pilot state. He didn't really notice that Justin had maneuvered him back into the shower spray and was making sure that Mark was rinsed off. Justin did runs his hand over Mark's penis – make sure his pubes were clean, then turned Mark around and made sure no soap was between Mark's legs. Justin wanted to linger and explore just a bit – his curiosity was peaked – he felt something that did feel like a vagina but he didn't linger – Mark was clearly upset and a bit in shock so he just did his best to get Mark moving. He finished Mark and then quickly rinsed himself off. He pulled Mark by the hand over to their towels and threw Mark his towel. Mark snapped out of it and dryed himself. Justin did the same and they both re-wrapped themselves and went back to their dorm room. The got dressed in sandles, shorts and tank-tops and went to the school's cafeteria.

Susie was already there and had gotten her food and had selected a table well away from the other sparse few that were attending summer school and eating breakfast. When the boys got to her table with their food, Susie jumped up and gave a big hug to Mark. "So, Mark, welcome back to school!" She pulled a chair out for Mark, and she forced him to sit down. She sat down right next to Mark while Justin sat down opposite them.

"Angel is going to be happy when she comes back to school – you are growing up nicely!", Susie assured Mark. "Yea – I guess so. Are you the Susie that Angel keeps harping about? She talked about you last year a lot." "Yea – Angel is a Math wiz. She has helped me out on some of my projects. She told me she has a crush on you!", Susie said while holding Mark's arm and putting her head on his shoulder and batting her eyes at him. Mark blushed, then put his head down and started to look sad again. "Well, she is in for a surprise, isn't she . . ", Mark said in a low whisper. "Don't be silly! You are a stud!!!". Mark looked at Susie was watering eyes, and Susie started to lecture Mark.

"Mark – being a hermaphrodite is not `freaky'. It's rare, but it's not unheard of. What is a bit rare is that most hermaphrodites are more female than male – and you are DEFINITELY male", Susie stated while squeezing Mark's bicep. "Who told you that you were a freak?"

Mark looked down, then across at Justin, then to Susie. "When I was born, the doctors told my parents that my `vagina' would most likely close up. He told my parent's not to do anything, and they took his advice. My mother told me stories about how they had a hard time dealing with day-care workers who noted my condition when they changed my diapers. My mom and dad always told me I was normal, so I didn't think much of it until a couple years ago when I was camping with a boy living in my parent's neighborhood. We went skinny-dipping and he freaked", Mark confided.

"So that's why you think you are a freak? One boy told you so?", Susie asked. Mark started to really blush now. He looked like he was on the verge of freaking out again, but somehow he kept talking. Looking up at Justin he continued; "Well, last year I overheard boys talking in the shower about jerking-off. I googled it, and then one night when Justin and Greg (their other room-mate) were asleep I tried it. I found that I liked playing with my balls when I pounded my pud, but then my hand traveled below my balls to my . . . . " "You can say it Mark – pussy?", Susie prompted. "Yea – I guess that's what it is, right? So anyway I started to finger it and I started to feel REALLY good. I came for the first time that night – not much – but I knew that I had learned how to cum. A few nights later, I tried sticking a marker up my vagina and I ended up coming without pounding my dick. I freaked. I mean, this wasn't how the guys in the shower described it – and then I googled some more. I found out what I was and talked to my mom over the phone. She told me that it was obvious that my male hormones were dominate, and that she would take me to see a doctor during summer break – and to make sure to let her know if anything happened that I was concerned with. We went to my pediatrician who did a complete physical on me. He spoke with my mom and dad for a bit, and then they came into the exam room and talked to me. My Doctor explained that my vagina' wasn't fully functional – I couldn't have a baby or anything, but that it was obvious that I had a clitoris' – which I had to look up even what it was – and that I could have sex either with my vagina or with my penis. Now this really freaked me out. I asked if that meant I was gay – everyone replied no – I could choose what I wanted. The Doctor went on to say that my muscle and body development was obviously not impeded by anything and that unless I really wanted to be a girl, that nothing had to be done. There was a little discussion mostly between the doctor and my parents about surgical procedures to close my vagina if I chose to, but when they asked me what I wanted I just said `I don't know'. The doctor told my parents to wait outside and explained that he wanted a sperm sample. He knowingly told me to use my phone and pull up some porn, handed me a specimen cup, told me to take care of business and dress and then leave the cup on the counter in the exam room. After I did what he asked, I dressed and went out to my parents that were talking to each other. When they saw me they both looked at me with smiles on their faces and told me that they loved me very much. The doctor came out and told my parents that it appeared I had normal sperm and that he saw no issues with me, but would call in a few days with test results. He called three days later and said that my sperm was normal and that all my blood tests showed normal male hormones. That was two weeks ago." Mark finished his speech and looked at Justin and then Susie.

Susie gave Mark a big hug. "Yea – you are a rare bird indeed. To have a working vagina sexually as well as a penis. But your parents seem to be OK with it, you look healthy as a horse, and the doctor said you were all good. So why are you freaking?", Susie asked. "Because I have a vagina! And a penis!", Mark replied in a harsh whisper. Then he looked at Justin. "Do you have a vagina Justin?", Mark asked with a serious look on his face.

Justin looked at Mark, smiled, and then he replied with as much seriousness as he could – "Now that I know it's possible, I am jealous as hell!"

Mark was shocked at Justin's statement. Mark turned to look at Susie. "Don't look at me – I have wondered what it would be like to have a penis. You are so lucky!", Susie purred. Then Susie started to eat her food. "Eat Mark – your muscles obviously need food", Susie instructed. Mark and Justin started to eat. Susie looked across at Justin and winked. Justin hadn't known Susie long, but he knew that Susie wasn't done yet talking to Mark and she had something up her sleeve.

After a bit, Mark looked up at Justin and started talking again. "Look – it's not just about having both – it's that I am not sure if I want to have sex with a boy or a girl. This isn't easy to talk about. After I realized I could cum by playing with my vagina, I started to wonder what it would be like to get fucked. I know I like girls – I get hardons all the time looking at them – but I also get aroused looking at guys and wondering what it would be like. I can't believe I am telling you guys all this. I guess I have to talk to someone – can't really have this discussion with my parents – yuck!" Mark kinda laughed when he said that last part. Susie and Justin both looked at Mark and grinned. "Mark – you have no idea how right it is to talk to us about this. Finish up your food. Justin – when does Greg come back?", Susie asked Justin. "I don't think he comes back until a week before fall quarter starts – so that's in four weeks. Why?" "Just wondering if we should go to your room or mine.", Susie replied. As soon as Susie said this Mark snapped his head to look at Susie. A look of terror on his face, Susie grabbed his arm again and put her head on his shoulder. "It's going to be all right Mark. Justin and I are going to go back and when we are done with you, you won't ever be concerned with your gift again", Susie replied in an assuring voice.

Justin didn't have a full picture of what Susie was planning, but knowing Susie as he had come to know her, he knew that she was probably going to try and have sex with Mark and him.

"Are you going to try some of your supplements on Mark?", Justin asked. "I want to do a bit of research first – we'll see.", Susie replied. Mark just looked at both of them with a renewed freak-out look. "Don't worry Mark – Susie knows what's she is doing". Susie smiled warmly at Mark.

After they finished eating, they went back to Mark and Justin's dorm room talking about movies coming out. Mark was still freaked out a bit, but something was making him feel a bit at ease too. On top of all this he was extremely horny and hadn't had a chance to pleasure himself for the last week.

As soon as they got to the room Susie locked the door and started to strip. "Come on boys – it's time to fix Mark.", Susie instructed. Justin shed his cloths so fast that he was done before Susie had finished. Mark was now literally freaked, and he sat on his bed frozen. Justin came over and started to pull off Mark's tank top. Mark noted that Justin's dick was now hard and bobbin up and down to Justin's heart beat – Justin was excited about this and more than curious to explore Mark in detail. Susie stood with her hands on her hips watching Mark, and she decided to help Justin. She got on Justin's bead where Mark was sitting, and pulled Mark on top of her face up so that his head was laying between her boobs.

Mark then watched as Justin started to pull off his shorts. Justin noticed that Mark had grown a hard-on which looked to be a healthy six inches and perfectly shaped. Susie had wrapped her arm around Mark and was rubbing up and down his torso, lightly playing with Mark's pecs and nipples. Justin finished pulling Mark's shorts and underwear off, and spread Mark's legs a bit. Mark was looking at Justin's face expecting to see signs of disgust, but if anything, Justin was looking lustfully at Mark's groin and licking his lips. "Dude – you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of – your dick looks delicious!", Justin boasted. Justin then rubbed Mark's belly and remarked, "Dude – you are getting an awesome six-pack!". Mark then watched as Justin ran his hand up his legs and to the sides of his hips. Then Justin got on his knees and started to lean in for a closer look. Mark was still apprehensive, but Susie's purring in his ear set him at ease and he leaned his head back onto Susie's breasts and closed his eyes. He was still scared, but he was going along with this – he had to know one way or the other just who he was.

Justin face was now inches away from Mark's crotch. Justin loved how Mark's balls were slightly moving up and down along with his dick which was bouncing slightly to his heart-beat. The skin was the same color as the rest of his body – slightly olive colored as Mark was of mostly Greek decent. Mark's dick was definitely hard, and his circumcision scar was clearly visible. Mark's balls were totally hairless and full looking, and they draped down almost touching the bed's mattress. Puberty was definitely molding Mark to be a stud. Justin slowly brought his left hand across Mark's hip and lightly brushed Mark's penis, eliciting a moan from Mark. Susie took the cue and started to really tweak Mark's nipples, which were hardening up to be cute pink nips that were about the size of a dime. Justin rubbed his hand up and down Mark's penis, and then traveled down to his balls. He hefted them and played with them a bit, eliciting more moans from Mark who now started to gyrate his pelvis. Justin then lifted Mark's balls and beheld a nice looking pussy – plump lips, small clit poking out the top, and even looked like it was juicing up a bit. Justin used his right hand and started to feel Mark's vulva, tracing the lips and lightly brushing his clit. Mark was now moaning a lot. Justin tentatively stuck a finger into Mark's vagina, and was amazed at how it was the same as any other vagina he has ever fondled, except this one was extremely tight. Mark had resumed watching Justin looking for any sign of rejection, but Justin's face was nothing but a picture of lust. Mark laid his head back and decided to let this happen.

Justin was massaging Mark's balls with his left hand while fingering his pussy with his right when he decided to see what Mark tasted like. He brought his head up to Mark's penis head and stuck his tongue out, tracing all all around the head. Susie always enjoyed watching Justin work – this was making her wet as well. Justin started traveling down Mark's penis which was now straining to stand up against Justin's loving tongue. Justin licked up and down Mark's rock-hard penis and traveled down to his balls. Justin took one of Mark's balls into his mouth and sucked gently. Susie grabbed Mark's dick and started to stroke it slowly. Mark's gyrations increased in speed and intensity and he started to breath heavily.

Lifting Mark's balls up and out of the way, Justin started traveling down to Mark's vagina. He lightly brushed across Mark's clit causing Mark to groan loudly. Justin licked down to the bottom of Mark's vagina and started to lick around Mark's anus. Mark's gyrations now became uneven and his breathing became very labored. Susie was steadily increasing the speed and intensity of her masturbation of Mark's penis. Justin licked back up and started snaking his long tongue deep into Mark's tight vagina. This caused Mark to start bucking up and down on the bed. Justin started moving his tongue in and out of Mark's vagina faster and faster, and had now grabbed one of Mark's butt cheeks with his right hand and massaged it. Justin then moved his right hand so that he could stick a finger in Mark's vagina and finger-fuck Mark, again marveling at how tight Mark's vagina was. Justin then assaulted Mark's clit, occasionally licking up to Mark's balls and nibbling on them. Susie told Justin to stop teasing Mark, so Justin attacked Mark's clit and sucked it in to his mouth as deeply as he could, flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth. Mark screamed, and shot a huge bolt of semen up to his pecs. The second shot splattered above his belly-button, and then about four more onto his pubes. Mark pushed Justin out of his crotch saying he was too sensitive, so Justin leaned up and cleaned the cum off of Mark.

"Dude – if you are a freak then you are my kind of freak!", Justin exclaimed. "Yea – OK – but are you going to fuck me?", Mark asked still out of breath. "Oh yea – but I think we have to take care of Susie – she's an excellent pillow but she looks a bit ripe for picking", Justin replied with a grin.

"Me? What about you Justin? I bet you are pretty hot right now!", Susie corrected. Justin got up and looked down at his penis. His dick was extremely hard, and he had a ton of pre-cum all over his penis – it looked like he had cum but he knew better. "Mark, how about we take care of Justin and let you recoup for a bit?"

Mark, now seeming to be completely at ease with everything, grabbed Justin and pulled him onto the bed and onto his back. "I wanted to do this in the shower, but I had no idea you would be open to this." Mark proceeded by getting on the floor in front to Justin's now parted legs, and grabbed Justin's almost eight inch dick and held it straight up. "Wow! I hope I get this big!" Then Mark bent down and sucked on Justin's dripping dick-head, and then looked up in surprise. "Um . . . why do you taste like pineapple and coconut?" "Just suck – will tell you later", Justin urgently replied. Mark went back to Justin's dick and immediately took it into his mouth, taking about five inches before hitting his gag-reflex. Then Mark started bobbing and swallowing – Justin was pre-cuming a lot. Justin put a hand on top of Mark's bobbing head and caressed his head. Mark took this as a sign he was doing something right and continued his assault on Justin's delicious dick. Mark had tasted his own cum, and it tasted nothing like this. He looked up at Susie who guessed what he was thinking. Susie smiled and winked back. Mark's tongue was constantly massaging Justin's sensitive spot and was driving Justin wild. "Shit! This is the best blowjob I have ever had! He is a natural!" Justin yelled to the room. Justin was breathing open mouthed and pumping his penis into Mark's mouth at a quickening pace. "Dude – if you are going to swallow great, but I am moments away from blowing!", Justin bellowed. Mark lifted off for a bit and replied "You are pre-cuming so much that it doesn't matter to me right now if I swallow or not!" Mark looked at Justin's dick, drug his tongue from Justin's balls to the tip, and plunged down taking almost all of Justin's dick into his mouth suppressing his gag reflex. Justin moaned loudly. Then Mark started bobbing furiously on the top three inches or so and madly whipped his tongue all over Justin's head. Soon Justin's head flared, telling Mark that Justin was about to come. Mark stopped bobbing and kept two inches of Justin's rock-hard dick in his mouth and whipped his tongue up and down Justin's sensitive head. Justin almost blacked out when his orgasm hit. The amount of cum Justin blew into Mark's hungry mouth caused Mark's cheeks to bulge before Mark was able to gulp it down. Justin fired off five more shots into Mark's hungry mouth, and Mark swallowed it all, loving the pina-colada flavor. Mark looked up at Justin, who now had a sheen of sweat covering his torso, and smiled with Justin's dick still in his mouth. Justin looked down at Mark and while still breathing heavily, gave Mark two thumbs-up and laid his head back.

Susie was so engrossed in watching the spectacle that she didn't even think to touch herself. She was thinking to herself that Mark was definitely talented – maybe she could learn something from this boy.

Mark joined Justin and Susie on the bed and started grinding his crotch against Justin. At first Mark rubbed his still hard dick up and down Justin's still semi hard dick, and then he positioned Justin's dick so that it was rubbing back and forth his pussy lips causing some nice friction with his boy-clit. Mark then started making out with Justin and marveled at Justin's longue and talented tongue.

Susie had enough of watching, and grabbed Mark and drug him over to lay on top of her. She wasted no time in position his rock-hard dick at her opening and pulled Mark into her by pushing down on his nice young muscular butt. Mark was in heaven – he was fucking a girl for the first time, and Susie's pussy was both tight and wet for him. Mark got into a slow but powerful rhythm, which started to send Susie into bliss. Justin got on top of Mark and started to search for Mark's vaginal opening with his now re-hardened dick. Justin pushed in, feeling the tightness, wetness and warmth of Mark's female part. Justin pushed in slowely – both because he was enjoying this, and also because of how tight Mark was – Justin didn't want to hurt Mark. Mark started to thrust into Susie and then back into Justin. Mark's head was nestled in Susie's neck, and Mark started sucking and biting Susie's neck and shoulders. "Oh my God – I had no idea – I love this!", Mark exclaimed. Susie was anxious to cum and reached down to shove Justin faster into Mark so that Mark would increase his tempo into her. Susie had become extremely horny watching Justin and Mark, and now she had to relieve herself. She squeezed Mark's thrusting penis as hard as she could, causing Mark and her to get to orgasm quickly. Mark's thrusts into Susie became urgent, and Susie knew that Mark was going to blow soon. All three of them were sweating pretty heavily from their hot activity.

Susie wrapped her legs around both Justin and Mark, and started having a really deep orgasm. Mark blew soon afterwards, but Justin wasn't close yet. After Mark came inside of Susie, he kept his still hard dick balls deep inside of Susie as Justin continue fucking his pussy with increasing speed and urgency. "Fuck Mark – you are so tight! Are you enjoying this?" "Oh yea – you feel so much better than the markers I have used before – I can't believe this is happening!"

While Justin was pistoning his penis so fast his balls where a blur slapping against Mark's, Mark pulled his head back, arched his back towards Justin, and let out a groan and cam again inside of Susie. Justin could feel Mark's boy-vagina muscles strongly contracting, and Justin let loose. Tons of teen spunk came pouring out of Mark alongside Justin's still thrusting dick. Justin slowed down, finally collapsing on top of Mark.

"Guys – I am not sure if I should be happy or not – I am more confused now than I was before. I just don't know what I like more . . . I guess I like it all.", Mark admitted. Susie lifted Mark's face up so he could look into his eyes. "The point I wanted to make to you dear is that you are Mark – and you don't have to choose', at least as far as I can tell. Just be yourself and don't stress it. You are going to make someone very happy one day when you give yourself to him or her. In the meantime, don't worry about how God made you – just be true to yourself. And for what's it worth, if someone rejects you, it's their loss. Believe me – THEIR loss – not yours." Mark smiled, said Thanks!', and then got up. "Time to shower – Justin do you want to join me?" "Anytime Mark! But, let's take my razor – time to get you groomed", Justin said with an evil smile. Justin looked down at Susie, and was a bit surprised to see she seemed to be out like a light. He knew she was working long hours perfecting her inventions, and she had hinted that she had something new she wanted to show everyone. Maybe she hit her sleep wall and needed to rest. "Well, I guess it's not the worst thing to have a nude, cute girl sleep in my bed for a bit – think she would mind if I took a selfie with her?", Mark asked. "I would say yes, but Susie isn't someone you want to piss off – I am pretty sure you will get a chance with her blessing. Just let her sleep.", Justin replied. Justin then had a thought and texted Brenden to let him know where Susie was, and make sure Brenden knew he could come by and keep her company if he wanted. Brenden replied `Be right there!". Justin knew Brenden wouldn't be too shocked when he got to his room and saw Susie knocked out and naked on Mark's bed – he loved how things were turning out for him and his friends.

Brenden, Alysa, Chad and Chloe were up on the girl's dorm room sun-tanning when he got the text from Justin. "Justin just said Susie is crashed in his room and I should go keep her company. I can't wait to find out why", Brenden told the group. Brenden grabbed his towel off of the chair he was on and clad in sunglasses, speedo and sandals, he made his way over to Justin's room. He had finally started turning his white freckled skin brown and was anxious to show off his tan to Susie and Justin. The group hadn't taken any of Susie's libido enhancers for a while – in fact Brenden and Susie hadn't gotten toghether for a couple of days, and Brenden was starting to get a little horned up thinking about Susie and enjoying walking around in his speedo. He was thinking of how happy he had been lately and people were commenting that he wasn't such a dick to them lately. He got some cat calls while walking to Justin's dorm.

He opened the door to Justin's room and saw Susie on her stomache sleeping naked. He closed the door, flipped off his sandals and slipped out of his speedo, and laid down next to Susie and drapped his leg over hers pressing his hardening dick against Susie's cute bubble-butt. He hugged her and kissed her neck causing Susie to stir. "I recognize that poking stick anywhere – hey Brenden!" Susie rolled over and started to make out with Brenden, while pushing him on his back. Susie started to grind on top of Brenden causing Brenden to grind back. "With friends like you, who needs pills?", Brenden whispered. Susie giggled a bit, lifted herself up a bit and lowered herself onto Brenden's now very hard penis. After Susie pumped a little bit, Brenden couldn't help but realize that Susie was definitely juicy down there, so he asked – "Susie – what happened in here? You and Justin got it on without me?", he asked with a fake frown on his face. "Justin and I helped out his room mate Mark." "Mark that's on the wrestling team? Really? He always seemed kinda shy to me. What exactly did you guys do?" Susie sat straight up and continued to move up and down slowly on top of Brenden while she related the whole story. When she got to the part that Mark had a pussy as well as a nice dick, Brenden's dick flexed strongly inside of her. "No shit? I didn't know that was possible – go on!" Susie continued and explained how Mark was definitely shy about his condition, and that he wasn't sure which `part' he liked to have sex with better, and that she and Justin did their best to let him know he didn't have to choose if he didn't have to. She told him in detail exactly how they did that as she continued to pump up and down on top of Brenden who was thinking that he should have Susie tell him stories like this every time they made love. "Wow! So where are they now?" "I am not sure, but I bet they went to shower." Susie leaned down, started kissing Brenden, and started to ride him with urgency. They both came together, and Susie laid back down on top of Brenden, and they both feel asleep knowing that they could review the video footage later in Susie's room.

Yes . . . . . to be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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