School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Feb 18, 2014


This story is a complete work of fiction. Please do not read it if it is against any laws that apply to you. Seriously – I don't want you getting into any trouble just because you read this – go away now if you even think you are breaking any laws by reading this. You have been warned!

This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

The events in this story have no basis in fact or science. Everything is purely made up. To my knowledge, there are no supplements in existence that do what is described in these stores.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

I would appreciate feedback either way – to date I have not received a lot of emails about these stories.

Please take a moment and donate to Nifty so that they can continue to be a forum for these stories.

This story assumes the reader has read all of the previous chapters.

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 4" =======================================================================

Everyone quickly ate the pizza, salads, bread-sticks and drinks. Chloe was very interested in Susie's activities – it seemed she knew a lot of people around town. "So Susie, how many guys are testing your stuff for you?" Chloe asked Susie. "Ken and Tommy you already know. There are a couple guys here at school too, and then there is Mark who lives in my home-town in Texas. I don't know if the boys here at school want their involvement known, so I will have to wait and talk to them before letting you know who they are. I have four girls here at school that have been willing subjects as well" Susie answered. "And now with you guys I think I have enough data-points to move to a wider test. I would like to get about 40 people to try them to see if there are any anomalies to be found. So Tommy – how is the apple juice supplement working for you?" "So far it's awesome! The first day I took them the results were almost immediate! Jeff and Carolyn love it – they want to know if they can participate as well" Tommy replied. "The green pill works wonders – it makes me so horny I can't stand it. Thankfully I can suck myself so I don't have to worry if Jeff or Carolyn are available" Tommy added. "Cool! I can do that too!" Justin boasted.

Justin leaned back against a wall and bent over and demonstrated his skill. He was able to get the head of his penis about an inch and a half in. Then he pulled back and snaked his tongue all around his cute helmet-head, licking up the newly produced pre-cum that he was leaking. He stopped and leaned back up – "Wow! It does taste like pina-colada!" Justin exclaimed. Everyone was shocked and amazed by Justin's brazen display, but as the night had gone so far, they weren't too shaken up by it. Justin looked at Tommy and asked "Let's see your technique!" Justin went over to the wall next to Justin and bent down, easily taking in about two and a half inches of his cock into his mouth. His long slender nine inch penis made his job a lot easier than what Justin had to do, but Tommy didn't have the tongue that Justin had. Tommy bobbed up and down on his dick for about fifteen seconds and then stood back up. Everyone applauded and whistled.

Brenden and Chad were looking at this display and both though the same thing. Was there a way to play around with a guy tonight without making things weird with the ladies? Thankfully, Justin decided that he was going to break the guy on guy ice. "I love apple juice – you mind if I try?" Justin asked Tommy. Tommy looked at Justin and then down at his seven and a half inch dick and licked his lips. "Only if I can try yours too – do you mind?" Alysa was totally looking forward to watching a boy on boy show and shouted "69!" Everyone voiced their agreement and the boys walked over to the coffee table in front of the couches in the common room.

Tommy laid down on the coffee table with his legs flat on the floor. Justin got on top of the coffee table and placed his crotch directly over Tommy's face. Tommy immediately started to lick Justin's balls and massage Justin's cute little muscled ass cheeks. Justin bent down and placed his hands on either side of Tommy's waist. Justin knew that Chad's dick was a lot thicker, but Tommy had Chad beat by at least an inch. Tommy's dick curved upwards a bit but was otherwise straight, and his huge balls hung down almost to the table with Tommy laid down. Tommy grabbed Justin's dick and aimed it down to his mouth, and took the dripping head into his mouth. Tommy moaned, then pulled his dick out and yelled "pina colada! Wow! Susie you have outdone yourself this time!" Tommy then pulled Justin's dick back into his mouth and grabbed Justin's butt and moved Justin's butt up and down. Justin was overjoyed with Tommy's efforts and snaked his tongue out and licked around Tommy's flared helmet head. Justin definitely loved the taste of apple juice which made him really chow down. Now Tommy pulled Justin's butt down so that he had all but an inch of Justin's dick in his mouth and held it there. Justin could feel Tommy's throat massaging the head of his dick and knew that Tommy was a very experienced cock sucker. Justin then leaned forward and took Tommy's head into his mouth and snaked his tongue all around Tommy's fuck-stick. Tommy moaned around Justin's dick and pushed Justin back up a bit and motioned Justin to start fucking his mouth. Justin lowered down and was able to get about five inches to Tommy into his mouth before gagging a bit. Then he moved up and started bobbing up and down as fast as possible while snaking his huge tongue all around Tommy's dick.

Susie and Alysa were standing at the end of the table where Tommy's head was engulfing Justin, watching Justin's cute ass bob up and down and giving them a great view of his flawless and hairless ass-hole. "Hey Susie – have we got anything to play with Justin's ass a little – a small dildo maybe?" Alysa asked Susie. Susie went over to the gift bags she had prepared for the group and found the bag she was going to give Alysa. In it was a small dildo and some strawberry flavored lube. She washed the dildo in the sink and then rubbed copious amounts of lube on the dildo. She walked over with the lube and dildo and handed them to Alysa. "I think you should do the honors" Susie told Alysa. Alysa opened the lube bottle and lubed up a couple fingers and then walked behind Justin's cute bobbing ass and started to finger his tight ass-hole. She was able to get two lubed fingers in and loved the intimate contact with Justin. Justin was loudly moaning around Tommy's dick and was clearly enjoying what was being done to him. Alysa removed her fingers from Justin's rectum and then placed the dildo into position to penetrate his ass. It easily slid in about five inches at which point Alysa turned the dildo on. Justin's moaning increased, as did his bobbing speed.

Chad was feeling a bit left out and decided to join the fun on the coffee table. "Hey Alysa – pass the lube over to me please" Chad instructed while taking a position kneeling at the opposite end of the coffee table. Chad tentatively reached between Tommy's strong legs and fondled Tommy's slightly hairy balls. Justin looked up at Chad and winked. Chad took the lube and applied a lot to his beefy fingers, while Tommy moved his feet up off the floor to the corners of the coffee table exposing his ass-hole to Chad's view. Chad was surprised at how turned on he was at what he was about to do. He moved his lubed fingers between Tommy's butt-cheeks and started to massage Tommy's anus, lubing it up so that he could penetrate him. "Oh God! This is hot!" Tommy exclaimed. "I need to get fucked bad!" Tommy added. Chad was surprised by this and knew he wanted to try butt-fucking Tommy. Chad slowly inserted his middle finger into Tommy's ass with his palm up. He felt a fleshy bulge and knew he had found Tommy's prostate. He started to massage it and knew he was doing something right as Tommy started moaning loudly around Justin's dick. "Fuck me – please!" Tommy pleaded.

Justin pulled off of Tommy's dick and exclaimed to Chad "If you are going to fuck anyone, it had better be me – Brenden – get your ass over here!" Chad looked at Justin who had a pleading look in his eyes, and Chad knew he had to appease Justin. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Brenden's dick dripping in front of his face. He looked up at Brenden's smiling face and decided to kiss Brenden's dick. Chad immediately tasted the pina-colada flavor and was considering sucking Brenden off, but Brenden pushed Chad off after a few seconds with a heaving sigh. "Later Chad – let's do this first" Brenden stated.

Chad got up and moved to the other end of the table. Alysa had already pulled the vibrator out of Justin's ass. Chloe appeared and whispered into Chad's ear, "Don't you dare hurt my brother – be careful with that monster of yours!" Chloe then grabbed the lube and made sure that Chad's huge dick was as lubed as possible and then helped Chad to position it at the opening of Justin's slightly open ass-hole. Chloe was slightly conflicted about what was about to happen, but she was hot as hell to watch two boys having anal sex – and hotter still knowing that one of the boys was her boyfriend and the other was her obviously hot over-sexed little brother. Chad pushed forward and felt Justin's ass-hole resist his penetration. "Just relax bud – and if this hurts at all let me know and I will stop. But you have a very fuckable ass! I can't believe this is going to happen!" Chad instructed Justin. "Justin – kind of push like you are taking a dump – it will allow Chad to enter easier" Susie instructed. Justin took a deep breath with Tommy's dick in his mouth and did as Susie suggested. Chad pushed gently and the enormous helmet head of his huge dick started to slowly sink in past his sphincter. Pretty soon the entire mushroom head of Chad's dick was engulfed by Justin's ass. "Oh my God! You are fucking HUGE!" Justin yelled. "Don't take it out though – just leave it for a bit so I can get used to it."

Brenden motioned for the lube and quickly lubed up his six and a half inch dick. He had always wanted to try this, and he was happy it was going to be with someone like Tommy. He kinda wanted his first to be Justin, but he knew he would get a chance soon. Tommy's sphincter gave way quickly when Brenden pushed his dick in, and didn't offer any resistance. Slowly Brenden pushed in about half-way and stopped – Tommy was squirming and squeezing Brenden's dick with his ass muscles and didn't seem to be in any pain at all. Justin had slowed his assault on Tommy's dick as was watching Brenden penetrate Tommy's ass. Brenden pushed in the rest of his dick into Tommy's ass until there was nothing else to give Tommy. Tommy moaned in pure pleasure and rocked his hips to signal Brenden to start thrusting.

Chad was happily surprised by how tight Justin's rectum felt on his dick. He had never felt anything like this before. Almost like being in a silk lined vacuum pump. He felt Justin push back a bit and decided that Justin was ready for him to move in deeper. Chad pushed very slowly and watched as about two more inches of his dick disappeared into Justin's extremely tight ass. Justin's butt was squeezing his dick like a vice, causing Chad to moan loudly himself. "How you doing buddy – want more?" Chad asked Justin. Justin responded by moving his butt back towards Chad's invading member almost tearing his penis out of Tommy's sucking mouth. "God this is hot – you should see it from my point of view!" Tommy informed everyone. Chad kept pushing in until about six inches of his dick were solidly lodged in Justin's rectum. "Shit Justin – you are so fucking tight!" Chad bellowed.

Brenden had slowly developed a slow and steady rhythm of thrusting in and out of Tommy's ass. "That's perfect whoever is fucking me – feels absolutely fantastic! And what the hell Justin – where the hell did you get that tongue!" Tommy exclaimed. "I am almost there Justin – hope you are ready for it!"

Chloe and Alysa were standing on either side of Chad. Each one had one hand on one of Justin's butt cheeks, and the other on one of Chad's butt cheeks. They were kneading the hot boy flesh trying to offer as much pleasure as they could while watching the incredibly hot scene play out. Chloe was completely amazed this was happening, but she was hot as hell watching it. Alysa knew that Justin was open to boy-play form their time on the roof this morning. But she was also surprised to see Justin take Chad's enormous dick so easily. Both Alysa and Chloe were starting to wonder what it would be like to get fucked in their asses – they both knew they were going to try it soon – if not tonight.

Susie had retrieved one of the butt-plugs from one of the gift bags and positioned herself behind Brenden. She first put her arms around Brenden and started nibbling on his ear. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her assault on his ear. Susie then pulled back and started to massage Brenden's butt cheeks. Brenden's butt was one of his best features. It was probably the best ass she had ever seen on a boy. She then leaned down and pulled his butt cheeks apart, exposing his brown cherry to her view. She licked her lips and then dove her face between his meaty cheeks and started to lick his anus in earnest. Brenden moaned his appreciation loudly and stopped his thrusting for a bit into Tommy. Tommy started to squeeze Brenden's fully lodged dick, trying to get him to resume his thrusting. Susie pulled her face out of Brenden's ass and quickly lubed up the butt-plug. She then placed it to start inserting it into Brenden's adorable ass. Brenden knew Susie was up to something, but wasn't sure what exactly. Still it wasn't hurting him and whatever it was seemed to feel great in his ass. Susie pushed the butt-plug in Brenden's ass fully and then put her hands on Brenden's waist and started to help Brenden re-start his thrusting.

Chad had started his thrusting motions into Justin's now de-virginized ass, pushing and pulling about five inches of his massive dick in and out. Justin was loving the full feeling that Chad's dick was giving him, and Justin's prostate was well massaged from Chad's thrusting.

Brenden's motion was slowly increasing in speed, and now could feel his balls hitting the bottom edge of the coffee table with each forward thrust. The butt-plugg was adding a sensation to his motions that were different, but very pleasurable. Susie had started to nibble on his neck adding to his pleasure. Soon he could feel his balls start to tighten up and he knew he was going to blow a huge load into Tommy. "This is so hot – flood his ass for me babe!" Susie whispered into Brenden's ear.

Justin was beside himself in pleasure. He had a huge dick in his mouth, a dick that was almost feeling like it was going to split him open thrusting in his ass, and his dick was being serviced by a very experienced mouth. He was happy as hell and wanted this to last. Still, he felt his balls tighten up and knew he didn't have much longer before he blew into Tommy's mouth.

Chad was loving fucking Justin's ass. He had always wanted to try this, but never knew it would be possible until now. He wasn't close to cumming, but the pleasure Justin's ass was giving him was intense.

Tommy was loving the fucking that Brenden was giving him – Brenden was a natural it seemed. Justin's tongue was incredible – so far he was thinking this was among the best blow-job he had received ever. Watching Justin get fucked by Chad's awesome dick was hot as hell, and sucking on Justin's beautiful dick was adding to his pleasure immensely. Tommy could feel his balls start to tighten and knew he didn't have much longer until he blew. He thought about warning Justin, but something told him Justin would be ok swallowing his copious load.

Justin's dick head suddenly swelled and became almost hard on his tongue. Tommy knew that Justin was going to blow, forcing pina-colada flavored jism down his throat. Seconds later Justin fired the first of eight very healthy cum shots into his mouth. Tommy tried to savor the flavor but Justin's emissions were coming on too fast and too strong for him to do anything but swallow as fast as possible. Justin's orgasm triggered Tommy's, giving Justin a great mouth-full of apple flavored boy-juice. Tommy fired off five shots into Justin's greedy mouth before stopping. Brenden knew that Tommy had cum and guessed that Justin had cum as well. Tommy's ass finally caused Brenden to start shooting what felt like a gallon of cum into Tommy's ass. Brenden gave one final thrust and just held his slowly deflating dick inside of Tommy while Susie continued to eat his neck.

Brenden knew what he wanted next, and he hoped that Chad hadn't blown yet. "Chad – you bust a nut yet? I think I want to try you out now" Brenden said hopefully. Chad looked up at Brenden and knew that he wasn't close to busting a nut in Justin, and that Justin had cum. He decided to give Brenden what he wanted and started to slowly withdraw from Justin, causing Justin to feel very empty all the sudden. When Chad withdrew from Justin, Justin slowly leaned up and got off the coffee table. Justin was clearly sweating from his exertion, but the look on his face was of pure content. "That was incredible! Chad your dick is incredible! And Tommy – yum!" Justin said passionately.

Susie slid down Brenden's body to his hot ass and slowly removed the butt plug. Tommy got up giving Brenden his spot on the table. Tommy's penis had deflated a little but was still looking very long and wet. Brenden laid down on the table on his back and placed his butt at the edge of the table. Chad went over and got on his knees, and lined up his dick with Brenden's anus. Chad always thought Brenden's ass was fuckable, and now he was going to fuck it. He slowly pushed in finding no resistance to his intrusion. The butt-plugs function was now clear, it allowed him to enter Brenden effortlessly. Before he knew it he was into Brenden's ass balls deep. Chad hadn't intended to fully skewer him with his dick, but he went in so easily he just couldn't help it. Brenden was breathing heavily, and his face and chest were wet from sweat. Brenden's dick was also rock hard again and leaking pre-cum. Brenden looked up at Chad and pleaded "Fuck me Chad! Fuck me like you did Justin! I need this!" Chad pulled out of Brenden until only his head was still inside of Brenden and then thrust back in. He steadily increased his momentum causing Brenden to rock back and forth on the table. Soon Chad had a steady pace going and was enjoying the feeling of Brenden's tight ass. Chad was definitely hitting Brenden's prostate with each and every thrust, causing Brenden to feel another impending orgasm. Brenden was lost in the feeling of getting fucked and knew this wouldn't be the last time he would want this. He could feel his balls hit Chad's pubic area with each of Chad's thrusts. Chad was starting to sweat profusely now, and he started to feel his orgasm building deep in his balls. He felt a hand fondle his balls and looked over to see Chloe behind him. After another four thrusts, he knew it was time. He let loose inside of Brenden with a force that he had never felt before. It seemed that he would never stop cumming, and then he felt a splatter on his face as Brenden had another short but powerful three spurt orgasm. Chad slowed his pace and bent down to Brenden, giving him a deep and loving kiss, finally collapsing on top of Brenden's heaving and sweaty body.

"I think we got our cardio workout for the day already!" Brenden joked. Chad sat up and laughed – his penis still deeply lodged inside of Brenden's body. He felt it belonged there, but knew he had to pull it out sometime. He slowly withdrew his penis with a pop and stood up. Chloe hugged Chad and kissed him. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen" Chloe told Chad.

Alysa and Susie applauded and congratulated the boys on their show. "Amazing! How can we top that?" Alysa asked. "Watching you guys has me very fired up – but I think we need to take a rest for just a bit. Hey Susie – wanna show one of your home movies?"

Susie looked at Alysa who simply smiled and nodded. Using her phone she logged into her computer and pulled up the video from the morning and displayed it on the TV. Everyone had grabbed a drink and sat down on the couch to rest. Tommy was sitting between Chad and Justin, with Chloe sitting next to Chad and Alysa sitting next to Justin. Brenden and Susie were sitting on the floor again with Susie once again sitting in front of Brenden with his arms wrapped around her.

"So Chloe – this is what happened on the roof after you brought up the refreshments. This ought to explain to you how Justin and I hooked up."

The video started with Alysa sitting on her lawn chair and slowly masturbating. Everyone thought that Alysa looked pretty hot sitting in the sun pleasuring herself. After a while they saw Justin arrive and everyone laughed at the obvious hard-on he was sporting in his too-tight board shorts. "I swear – I didn't know that I was showing that badly – I feel ashamed!" Justin moaned. "Oh – you were showing all-right – I noticed your aroused state right away when I saw you in the kitchen looking for some napkins or paper towels" Susie stated with a laugh in her voice. They saw Alysa look up and see that Justin was staring at her, and saw how she simply covered her pussy back up with her bikini bottom. Justin came over and gave Alysa the paper towels which she used to clean up the melted juice-pop on her chest and belly. Then they watched as Justin sat back down on his lawn-chair and listened to Alysa and Justin talk. Alysa got up and sat down on Justin's lap facing him. Brenden joked, "oooh – Alysa wanted Justin's D!"

"I think it's time to shower – we are all smelling just a little ripe", Chloe chimed.

The entire group got up and started heading to the girl's shower room. The boys were still amazed by Tommy's body – even Chad was thinking he could learn a thing or two from him about working out. Chad put his arm around Tommy and asked, "Thanks for the bringing our food – and for the fantastic fuck!" Tommy looked over at Chad and replied, "Any time – and I mean that! We should hang out some time! Bring Justin – I need to get pointers from him on how he uses his mouth. I wish I had his tongue!"

Alysa and Susie were walking hand in hand, and Chloe was walking with Brenden and Justin. "Can't call you little brother anymore I think – you have definitely grown into a handsome young man!", Chloe told her brother. "Susie, is it normal for me to continue to pre-cum so much? I think I left a trail from the common room to here . . ", Justin asked Susie. "It's a side-effect of the pills – It's normal", Susie replied.

When the got to the shower they all started to lather each other up. Justin had a fun time cleaning Alysa, and Chloe and Susie were busy washing each other. Brenden, Chad and Tommy were in a three way lather-fest and took every opportunity to make sure that each other's dicks were as clean as could be. All the boys were still hard and couldn't stop leaking pre-cum.

The girls were all still pretty horny, and Susie decided she wanted a proper fucking. "Brenden, I think it's time for you to fuck me." Susie grabbed Brenden and laid him on the ground. She straddled his waist and aimed his now steel-hard dick to the entrance of her pussy. She looked him in the eye and slowly pushed herself down all the way until there was nothing more to take. Brenden's eyes rolled back and enjoyed his first feel of Susie's very tight pussy massage his dick with her kegel muscles. "Shit – I love this! This feels incredible!", Brenden exclaimed. Susie looked down at Brenden and saw the look of joy on his face. She was definitely getting feelings for Brenden and hoped that they would be together for a long time. Susie leaned forward and shoved her left tit in his face. Brenden immediately started suckling on her nipple causing both of them to moan. Then she started to rise up about four inches and the fully impale herself with increasing frequency. Everyone else was standing around them and watching as Brenden got the fucking of his life so far. Susie had worked very hard to make her able to tighten her pussy around a dick, and it was causing Brenden to feel like he was being milked. Brenden and Susie lost themselves to each other and did their best to cause the other as much pleasure as possible. Brenden alternated from one nipple to the other while running his hands up and down the sides of her body. Susie was really working Brenden's dick, steadily increasing her frequency until she was literally bouncing. She had had bigger dicks before, but she realized that Brenden's penis was perfect for her. It hit all the right places inside of her and just felt perfect to her. After about five minutes Susie felt herself start to reach the point of no return and started to growl. "I am cuming!", Susie exclaimed. She ground her clit against the top of Brenden's penis and came. Her juices shot out and completely bathed Brenden's balls. Brenden was looking at Susie with a pleading look, but Susie was just too sensitive to finish him off with her pussy. She lifted herself up and slowly moved down Brenden's heaving chest, nibbling on each of his nipples, then moving down, pausing to snake her tongue into his navel. Brenden's breathing became extremely labored, causing him to start wheezing. Susie moved down to his hard-as-steel dick and grabbed it, and then went to work cleaning off her juiced from all round his groin paying special attention to his now tightened ball-sack. She licked her way up to his red and leaking mushroom head and took it down to its root in one move. She did her best to massage his head with her throat and then moved up and started bobbing as fast as she could while playing with his balls. Brenden was squirming on the floor of the shower and breathing like he had just run a marathon. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. "Oh my God! Oh shit! Oh shit! Uhhhhhhhh!", Brenden yelled as he arched his back and came. After swallowing the fifth spurt of Brenden's cum, Susie leaned up and admired her work. Brenden leaned his head up and mouthed "Thank You" to Susie. The on looking group broke out in thunderous applause and whistles. "Way to go Susie! You got skills!", Justin yelled. "Who wants to top that?"

Susie had an idea, so she asked Tommy, "Would you mind doing something with me and Justin?" Tommy looked at Alysa and grinned. "Sure – what did you have in mind?"

Susie walked over to Justin and whispered something in his ear. He grinned and nodded agreement. "Lay down on the floor for me Tommy", Alysa instructed. Tommy laid down and Justin immediately got on the floor and ate Tommy's balls. This caused Tommy to once again reach his nine inch state, at which point Alysa got down and straddled Tommy facing away from him. Justin aimed Tommy's dick up and pushed Alysa's dripping pussy down on his dick. Alysa impaled herself about seven inches down before she felt she couldn't take any more. What she had planned was going to push herself to the limit. Justin knelt down and licked all around Alysa's vulva, licking all around Alysa's lips that were engulfing Tommy's tool. Justin then started snaking his tongue into Alysa's pussy along the bottom of Tommy's dick. Tommy and Alysa were simply amazed at Justin's tongue. He was able to get about three inches of his tongue inside of Alysa's already full pussy and wiggle around. This caused Alysa's juices to flow freely out of her pussy as well as cause Tommy to pre-cum a lot. Justin pulled his tongue up and then positioned his seven and a half dick to double-penetrate Alysa. Justin slowly pushed his penis in, marveling at the sensations of Tommy's dick below and Alysa's overstuffed pussy above. Alysa leaned all the way back to allow Justin to penetrate her as much as he could. Pretty soon Tommy and Justin could feel that Justin's head was even with Tommy's, causing both boys to moan their appreciation. "This is intense – it's like I get to fuck both of you at the same time!", yelled Justin. Tommy couldn't believe the sensations he was feeling as Justin started moving his penis in and out of Alysa, causing his dick to be strongly rubbed by Justin's. Every time Justin pushed in, Justin's mushroom head would rub the sensitive spot just under Tommy's pee-hole, causing both boys a lot of pleasure. Alysa was feeling fuller than she ever had before. Justin's perfectly shaped head was rubbing against her g-spot with each thrust, and she could feel Tommy's penis flexing and pulsing. Each time Justin would pull out, a lot of fluid would come out. Both boys were literally flooding her already wet pussy with their pre-cum. Brenden saw this and licked his lips. Chad, Susie and Chloe were watching with rapt attention, and Chad's penis was now at full mast.

Chad went behind Chloe and started to rub his dick up and down her ass crack. He wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck. Chloe grabbed Chad's dick and positioned it so that he could penetrate her. Chad didn't miss a beat and entered Chloe from behind. The feeling that Chloe's pussy gave him was simply the best. He definitely enjoyed fucking Justin, but Chloe seemed to be made for him. He and Chloe slowly made love to each other while watching the show on the floor below.

Susie and Brenden started to feel aroused again. Even Susie was thinking that neither of them had much more left to give anyone this evening, but the activity going on around them was just too hot not to affect them. Susie was thinking she was a little sore, so she suggested to Brenden for them to get into a 69. Brenden laid down on the floor of the shower, dragging Susie with him. They both started to lovingly lick around each other's genitals, savoring the flavor of pina-colada mixed with orange juice.

Tommy was able to start counter-thrusting to Justin, causing both he and Justin to really start to feel good. Alysa was thinking she was going to pass out with the stimulation she was receiving. Justin's thrusting was starting to become more urgent and forceful, as was Tommy's. Tommy was the first to blow, forcing seven strong shots of boy juice into Alysa's vagina. Justin felt each of Tommy's spasms and started to cum himself. Right as Justin was shooting his fourth of six shots into Alysa's saturated pussy, Alysa let out a loud scream. "Oh fuck! I am cuming!" Alysa came so hard that she shot out her juices completely spraying Justin and Tommy's torsos in the process. After Alysa had calmed down, Tommy hugged both Alysa and Justin tightly and alternated kissing them both.

Chloe and Chad came at the same time, causing a flood of juices to flow down Chloe's legs. Both of them slowly sat down on the shower floor and just leaned into each other.

Now all eyes were on the 69 in progress with Susie and Brenden. Brenden was on his back and Susie was laying down on top of Brenden, expertly deep-throating Brenden's dick in deliberate long strokes. Brenden was licking all over Susie's groin, and also playing with Susie cute bum hole with his fingers. Soon Brenden was sinking in two fingers that he lubed with Susie's copies pussy juices, and Susie was loving it.

"Time to try something else Brenden – just stay there" Susie instructed. Susie got up and straddled Brenden facing him. She reached behind and aimed Brenden's hard as a rock dick to the entrance of her ass-hole and deliberately pressed down hard. It all happened so fast that Brenden didn't have a real chance to comprehend what Susie was up to until he looked down and saw her pussy was not where his dick was. He reach down and started to finger Susie paying special attention to her clit. Susie started to pull herself up and down with an intense look on her face. It took about two minutes for Brenden to start to feel his impending cum – and Susie was really close too. Susie yelped for Brenden to focus on her clit and started moving up and down Brenden's dick as fast as she could. Susie cam, causing her ass muscles to pulsate and push Brenden into another mind blowing orgasm. Brenden counted eight spasms but wasn't sure if they all produced semen (they did). Susie leaned down and kissed Brenden hard. "That was the fest ass-fuck I have ever had. Your dick is perfect for me!" Brenden couldn't feel prouder. Susie got off of Brenden's dick and everyone watched as a torrent of cum came pouring out of Susie's ass. She stood up and pulled Brenden up with her. She hugged him and started bathing him.

Soon the others all got up and bathed making sure to clean themselves up as much as possible. They were all spent for the moment, but somehow they all knew they would be ready to go again, amazingly enough.

Justin heard something and looked over to the door of the shower room and saw it close. "Wonder who was watching us?" Justin wondered out loud. No one responded, but all were curious. They all toweled off and walked back to the common room.

To be continued . . . . .

Next: Chapter 5

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