School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Feb 18, 2014


This story is a complete work of fiction. Please do not read it if it is against any laws that apply to you. Seriously – I don't want you getting into any trouble just because you read this – go away now if you even think you are breaking any laws by reading this. You have been warned!

This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

Please consider donating to Nifty so that they can continue to be a forum for these stories.

I have received a few emails – would appreciate more feedback if possible.

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 3"


The girls walked back to their dorm room with Susie lost in serious thought. Alysa and Chloe were walking slightly behind Susie and both were watching her cute ass in the fairly tight shorts Susie was wearing. Chloe was thinking that Susie was pretty cool, but was a little concerned that Susie was trying to buy their friendship – which really wasn't necessary.

"So Alysa – how did you and Susie meet?"

"Susie helped me out earlier today and we just started talking. She seemed to be pretty cool, and I just felt she would be someone we should all get to know better.", Alysa replied.

Alysa wasn't sure how Chloe would handle the truth, and while she didn't like lying to her best friend, she also knew that now wasn't the time to spill the beans. Alysa knew that Chloe would also be a bit curious about her day with Justin, so she decided to head that topic off by offering some information without being asked.

"It was fun hanging out with Justin today – I am glad we were able to spend some alone time. Justin has grown up nicely" Alysa stated.

"I was going to ask about that – you guys seemed pretty cozy on the bus. I thought I saw you feeling up his butt earlier as well – what exactly happened between you guys up on the roof this morning?", Chloe asked.

"Well . . . . let's just say that I found out that Justin has a big crush on me.", Alysa answered.

"Duh! He has only had a major crush on you the last couple of years. I can't tell you how many times he has asked me about you when we are home or away from you. At first I thought he was just making conversation, but then I realized he wasn't really asking about anyone else so I started to put it together. He is my brother and you are my bestie, but I won't allow anyone to hurt him – so tell me – how do you feel about him?", Chloe asked Alysa in a bit of a demanding tone.

"Well you know I love him. And while there is a two-year age difference, he seems plenty mature enough. You know he can keep up with any of us intellectually – he is a very smart kid. But I have come to realize how sweet he is too. And his new muscles don't hurt a bit. By the way, will you stick your tongue out for me?"

Chloe knew why Alysa was asking this – and she was starting to form a theory as to what happened up on the roof. Chloe stuck her tongue out about an inch or small then started laughing.

"So, you saw his tongue eh? I have known about that for some time – kinda freaky but I know that he is going to make a lot of girls happy with it. Sadly – I don't have that trait.", Chloe responded happily. "Exactly how did you come to realize he has a freakishly large tongue?"

"I noticed it when he was eating his juice-pop. He seems to have a lot of practice whipping that thing around."

"Oh – you don't know the half of it. He doesn't know this, but I caught him pleasuring himself with that thing last summer right before we came back to school. He was in his room and had the door open a bit and I came home to grab a change of clothes. He was laying on his back with his legs over his head and he was snaking that thing all around his cock-head. He is my brother, so I didn't watch long – but yea I definitely am not worried about his ability to stay happy.", Chloe replied in a hushed tone.

Alysa heard what Chloe said and it went right to her groin. She immediately started juicing up and was wondering if she had to borrow Susie's vagina cleaner before this evening to get freshened up again. Chloe knew Alysa quite well, and it was immediately evident that Alysa was turned on. All the signed were there – her face was flush – and she was sure that her friend was perspiring a bit. Chloe decided not to pry any more about Alysa and Justin – she knew that Alysa would tell her everything when she was ready. Still, Chloe was thrilled that Alysa and Justin were hooking up.

"Promise me one thing Alysa – when you and Justin have a girl you will name it Chloe", Chloe chided.

Alysa looked at Chloe and laughed. Alysa grabbed Chloe and put her head on her shoulder and signed.

"So – you got the hots for my brother that bad, eh?", Chloe asked.

"You know already Chloe – shall we start talking about you and Chad and his monster dick?", Alysa replied while batting her eyes at Chloe.

"I should never have told you about that. Chad is an excellent lover. OK – let's change the subject and get ready for this evening. Right now I think we should be wondering about what Susie is cooking up. I haven't known her long, but I am betting that there are some surprises in store for us. Susie seems to be the perfect addition to our little group. I can't wait for tonight. Who would have thought that I would be this excited for a pizza party?"

Susie heard the entire conversation and couldn't help but feel elated that she was already so accepted into their group. Susie slowed down her waking a bit and feel in line next to Alysa as they continued their walk to their dorm.

"I will try not to surprise you guys too much – but I do hope everyone will have a little bit of an open mind. I have some ideas for some fun this evening if everyone is willing. Besides, I have an experiment that I have wanted to try for a long time.", Susie stated.

"Well as long as no one gets hurt I am sure we will be up for it. Chloe when Susie says she wants to help us, rest assured you are going to enjoy the help", Alysa said with a dreamy grin on her face.

Chloe saw Alysa's face as she spoke and became just a bit scared and excited at the same time.

"No drinking, OK? Or drugs – none of us are into that!", Chloe demanded

"Oh no drinking, but I do have some safe supplements for us all to try – they aren't dangerous and they aren't illegal by any means. By the way – how do you girls like coconut", Susie asked them both.

"We LOVE coconut! But why do you ask?", Chloe asked

Alysa had an idea what Susie was planning based on their little interlude in the shower earlier.

"I really love orange juice – but you already know that Susie!", Alysa chuckled.

Chloe was completely lost at this point but she trusted her friend, and for some reason she felt she could trust Susie as well.

The arrived at their dorm and went to their rooms. They all knew they would shower again and primp themselves up.

"OK guys – go get ready – I will be along shortly to shower and stuff but first I need to get the pizzas ordered.", Chloe instructed before heading off to her room.

Susie and Alysa looked at each other and smiled – they both knew they would have some time in the shower before Chloe got there and wondered what mischief they might get up to.

"See you in the shower in a bit Alysa – I need to see if my deliveries are here.", Susie told Alysa.

Alysa remembered the toys that Susie bought them at Tracy's Tricks and got a bit flustered again. Alysa almost ran to her room and stripped and wrapped her bath-towel around herself and got to the shower in record time. She was the first one there and immediately went to clean herself thoroughly and await Susie's arrival.

Susie ran to her room and opened the door. Two large boxes were on the floor in front of her desk.

"Great – they are always efficient!", Susie exclaimed to herself.

Susie opened the box from Tracy's Tricks and removed all the items and placed them into gift bags to give her friends.

"I will wait until everyone is ready before giving these out – I bet they will love them!"

Susie then went to her closet and started going through a chest of bottles.

"Orange juice should be a hit I am pretty sure – but I really want to try this coconut supplement on the boys. I know pineapple works – I wonder if I could mix pineapple and coconut together and make them taste like pina-coladas? Oh – and I bet I can test my male prostate enhancement – Chad and Justin will definitely need it and I bet Brenden won't mind it at all.", Susie told herself.

Susie wondered if the boys would be showering – they probably were, so she went to her computer and turned on her hidden cameras and microphones that she put into the boy's dorm showers. She had many pleasurable sessions watching these cameras but until this morning, she never witnessed any guys fooling around with each other. A few had masturbated when they were alone but never saw anything happen between two boys. When she tuned in she saw that Justin was just finishing shaving Chad's groin and was now starting on his bulbous balls. Susie quickly got naked and sat down to watch. Chad's penis had now grown to its full state and Susie was mesmerized by its size.

"No wonder Chloe is always so freakin happy – who wouldn't be with that fuck stick to service them!", Susie purred to herself.

Susie turned on her favorite vibrator and shoved it deeply into her dripping pussy. She witnessed Justin's freakishly large tongue whip out and start to lick off the copious amount of pre-cum from Chad's enormous mushroom head. She saw Chad's reaction, Justin ask for permission to continue, and how Brenden was helping out by nibbling on Chad's ears and neck. Alysa noted that Chad told Justin that Chloe didn't like giving head – she told herself that Chloe might like giving Chad head if her pina-colada idea worked. When Justin started bobbing up and down on Chad's prick Susie started to push and pull her vibrator out of her pussy to the same rhythm. When Chad started warning Justin about his pending orgasm, Susie zoomed the camera in to try and capture what she could. She stopped pumping her vibrator when Justin's cheeks puffed out and Chad's semen spurted out of both corners of his mouth. Then she saw as Justin's cheeks really puffed out and a ton of sperm shot out from all around Chad's dick where Justin's lips were pressed. Then she saw how Justin heroically swallowed what must have been a gallon of sperm. Chad pumped up twice more shooting more of his boy-juice into Justin's mouth and then Justin leaned back and started pumping Chad's huge dick with his fist. Justin's fingers barely made it around Chad's dick as Justin's hand flew up and down Chad's fuck-stick with blazing speed.

After Chad finished cuming she saw Chad kiss Justin and wondered how Chad was reacting to Justin's amazing tongue invade his mouth. She heard the boys as they talked about what had happened – then watched as they shared a three-way kiss. "I bet Alysa would have loved to see that – I guess I should show her this recording some-time soon", Alysa thought to herself while laughing.

Susie knew she was taking a risk, but when Chad asked if he had any jism left to give tonight, Susie decided to respond. She grabbed her headset and put it on her head and activated the speakers in the boy's dorm shower.

"Don't worry about it Chad – I have something that will take care of that for you.", she boasted into the microphone.

Susie started laughing hysterically watching the looks on the boy's faces as they were stunned by her statement. It was sad in a way, but in the end the entertainment value of this moment for her was totally worth all the risk. She decided to give them a bit of reassurance.

"See you guys soon – and don't worry – I plan to make this evening the most wild, memorable, and educational night of your lives so far!" Susie tried to reassure them.

The boys continued looking around the shower room, baffled by what they heard. Susie was doubled over on her floor laughing. She pulled the vibrator out of her pussy and decided to wait until this evening to give herself release. Besides, if everything went to plan she should get plenty of release along with proving out some of her scientific theories. She switched the camera system off, grabbed her towel and ran to the girl's shower room to start to get ready for the evening. She stopped and grabbed her electronic hair-remover thinking that it would be a good time to primp her pubic area and clean all her unwanted hair.

"I wonder if Alysa would mind trimming my pussy for me – it's not easy doing it myself . . .", Susie thought to herself while jogging to the shower.

Chloe got to her room and sat down on her bed. She thought for a bit about how happy she was for her younger brother possibly realizing his dream of hooking up with Alysa. She loved Alysa deeply and was simply happy for her and her brother. Chloe got up and took off her clothes to get ready for her shower. She looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that Chad loved tit-fucking her 34D boobs and she loved letting him do it. She felt a ping of guilt as she remembered the last time they were together and he begged her to give him head. She loved making Chad feel good, but for some reason the size of his dick just scared her as far as sticking it into her mouth. The first time Chad fucked her she felt like she was being torn in two – a feeling she loved but at the same time she was literally scared about the size of his penis and worried about chocking on it. So as a concession she did everything else that Chad wanted and was hoping that Chad was satisfied with her abilities. Still, she knew that she should go down on Chad to show him how much she loved him as well as give him what she knew he craved. She turned to the side and looked at her outline – her tight stomach made her boobs look bigger she was sure, and she knew from Chad that her ass was very attractive. Still, Chloe secretly worshiped Alysa's body and loved everything about it, and sometimes wished for Alysa's perfect body proportions. Chloe had just started shaving her pubic area after seeing that Alysa did so – in fact most of the girls in school did this. But she hadn't shaved in a few days and her blond pubic hairs were starting to grow back. Perhaps she should re-shave before tonight? Yea – she decided that would be a good idea. So Susie wrapped her towel around herself and grabbed her razor.

"Shit – I need to get the pizza's ordered!", Chloe exclaimed to herself.

She got her cell phone and ordered up six pizzas with various toppings, bread-sticks, salads, and drinks.

"Hey Tommy – it's Chloe. Need some pies." Chloe instructed her favorite pizza order taker.

"Sure thing Chloe – charge it to your parent's VISA?" Tommy asked.

"Yea – when can I expect them?" Chloe asked.

"About an hour – we are slammed – I am actually going to be delivering today – I will be sure to bring your order so that I can finally meet you!" Tommy responded.

Chloe wasn't sure what to think about this – she knew she liked to sort of flirt with Tommy every time she placed an order, but she never dreamed that she would actually meet him. He had a voice that made her think he was cute – but she had Chad and wasn't interested in anything else from Tommy.

"Sounds good – I am sure you will get a good tip! See you then!" Chloe stated.

Chloe hung up her cell and then headed to the shower, thinking about the possibilities that this evening had in store. She just about grabbed Chad's dick through his shorts on the bus, but she knew that Chad would not be able to hide his immense hard-on easily so she restrained herself. She loved Chad's dick – it filled her completely and always got her off. She had had a few flings before Chad, but none of those earlier boys had been able to consistently get her off the way Chad did. Chad was excellent at eating her too – which was another reason she felt so guilty at being so reluctant to return the favor.

Chloe and Alysa had become fast friends five years ago when they both started at this school. Over the years they talked about asking to become room-mates but they mutually decided that it wasn't a good idea because all they would do every night is gossip and keep each other up. They both prided themselves on their academic accomplishments and didn't want to endanger their school work, so they decided to stay with their current room-mates that were definitely friends, but nowhere near as close as they were to each other. So for this summer semester they both had their rooms to themselves. Maybe she and Chad could sneak off and fuck each other tonight in her room – she knew that Chad would be up for it.

Susie got to the shower and found Alysa rinsing her hair of shampoo. Alysa's back was to her and Susie oogled her perfect body and her butt for a while before making her presence known.

"Hey Alysa – ready for tonight?" Susie asked Alysa.

Alysa turned and saw that Chloe still wasn't there and gave Susie a big hug. Her wet body felt great to Susie who was at first shocked, but quickly put her arms around Alysa and hugged back. Then Alysa pulled back a bit and kissed Susie deeply.

"Thank you so much for today – I never knew I would like a girl like I do you, but I am definitely glad we finally became friends. What I want to know is what you have planning in the evil scheming brain of yours?" Alysa gushed.

"Well . . . first . . . . I have a favor to ask. Would you mind grooming my pussy and making sure I am hairless except for my landing-strip? I think that Brenden and I are going to hit it off, and I want to be looking extra special for him. I have an electronic hair remover – it shouldn't take long." Susie pleaded to Alysa.

Alysa took the device from Susie's hand and pushed her down on the floor of the shower, which had thankfully been warmed by the shower water so it wasn't too cold. She then pushed Susie so she was laying down and got between Susie's legs. She turned on the device and started moving it up and down both sides of Susie's cute little landing-strip of pubs above her slit. It was obvious to Alysa that Susie was all juiced up, and again saw how Susie's pussy was red and swollen.

"Why is your pussy looking like it was just fucked?" Alysa asked Susie.

"I was playing with myself while watching the boys shower – they were having some fun shaving Chad. Justin gave a kick-ass blow-job to Chad and they all kissed. I came so close to cuming but then decided to talk to them using an overhead PA system – and their reaction was so funny I laughed myself out of having an orgasm. I can come many times in a day though – so don't worry about me. Just make sure I am completely hairless – I think Brenden will really appreciate it." Susie answered.

Alysa decided to call Susie's bluff and see how many times she could come in a day. She slowly inserted her middle finger all the way into Susie's pussy and angled it up to massage her g-spot. Susie arched her back and closed her eyes. Susie started playing with her pert nipples and let out a huge moan.

"Oh shit – that feels so GOOD!" Susie exclaimed.

Alysa laid down on her stomach and leaned in to lick Susie's large clit. Alysa was really starting to enjoy sucking on Susie's overly large nub – it was pretty much like sucking a small penis. Once again the flavor and smell of oranges flooded Alysa's senses, and she lost herself in her new-found task. Alysa knew what felt good, so she had no problem developing a technique with her tongue that she knew was driving Susie crazy. Pretty soon Susie was flooding Alysa's mouth with tasty orange flavored cum, and settled down on the floor with a peaceful satisfied look on her face.

"So how can I get my pussy to taste like yours – I want to give Justin a treat later today." Alysa inquired.

"its a couple gel filled pills that you swallow – don't worry – I already got everything ready. But would you mind completing the grooming? I don't think you got much of a chance to do that." Susie pleaded.

Alysa looked down and worked on removing the minute remnants of hair from all around Susie's pubic area. When she could see nothing more, she pulled Susie so that she was on all fours and checked her from that angle. Alysa noticed that Susie had a very cute little anus and was tempted to play with it a bit but she knew that Chloe would be here shortly, and she wanted to get ready and get the party started.

"I think you are as bare as a new-born baby. Your turn now. But no playing around – let's get ready and get to the common room." Alysa instructed.

Alysa sat down and spread her legs allowing Susie to start her work. Just then Chloe arrived. She looked at them both and grinned – she had always wanted a personal groomer.

"Would you mind doing me next? I want to be prepared for Chad later – I am going to try and get laid tonight.", Chloe boasted.

Susie looked up at Chloe with a look of awe for a moment and then smiled and assured Chloe she would be happy to help her. Then Susie got back to work on Alysa and finished quickly, mainly because there really wasn't much to do on Alysa's pussy – it was already pretty much bare. Chloe quickly washed her hair and sat down on the shower floor and spread her legs. Susie turned to start on Chloe. Alysa noticed that Susie's hands were shaking a bit.

"I bet she is into Chloe – that explains a few things." Alysa told herself.

Alysa was about to start up a conversation to help Susie calm down a bit, but Chloe beat her to it.

"So what do you have planned for us this evening Susie? I haven't known you long, but I bet you are up to something." Chloe told Susie accusingly.

Susie was so busy primping Chloe's pubic area she almost didn't hear Chloe talk to her. She looked up and answered as innocently as she could, "I do have a few surprises for everyone – I think everyone should enjoy them."

Susie finished making Chloe as bald as Alysa and stood up. She stood under a shower head and started washing her hair. Chloe stood up and stood next to her and did the same. Alysa was done showering so she dried her hair and wrapped her towel around her.

"I am off to get dressed – see you guys in a few!" Alysa told them both.

Alysa then left them to complete their shower, leaving Susie alone with Chloe. Susie was feeling a bit giddy – she had been in the shower before with Chloe but now that she and Chloe were on such friendly terms, she was excited at being alone with her.

"So I have to ask – how did you know Tracy over at Tracy's Tricks?" Chloe asked.

"My mom is friends with her. I have known her since I was a little girl. Her son is Ken who you met at JW Electronics. My mom and I helped her open the store." Susie replied.

They both then proceeded to wash themselves thoroughly.

"I have this scented soap – would you mind washing my back down?" Chloe asked.

Susie grabbed the soap and Chloe turned around and started lathering her back with the lavender scented soap. After she built up a lather she used both hands and rubbed it in. Susie had fairly strong hands and the rubbing turned into a pleasurable massage for Chloe. Chloe moaned a bit and told Susie she was doing a great job. After a bit Chloe turned her back into the shower stream and rinsed off. She then turned Susie around and did her best to return the act that Susie had done on her. Susie was beside herself with glee.

"Thanks Chloe! I am so glad we got to be friends! I am going to have to thank Alysa big time for getting me included in the group!" Susie exclaimed.

"I have known Alysa a long time, and I have grown to trust her judgment on a lot of things. She's the one who got me to start shaving my pubic hair, among other helpful suggestions. I trust her and if she likes you then I like you. I am very happy to have you in our group. I also apologize for not noticing you sooner – you are a great gal!" Chloe confided in Susie.

Susie then rinsed off and they both used their towels to dry off, and then wrap themselves in their towels. After they left the shower room, Chloe pulled Susie into a big bear hug.

"See you in a few!" said Chloe.

"One favor – please let me get everyone's drinks – I promise you won't be disappointed." Susie pleaded.

Chloe just nodded and walked away. Chloe had a hunch that she not only could trust Susie, but that Susie was going to make the night interesting and fun. Chloe didn't know how right she was.

The boys arranged to meet each other in the lobby of their dorm before they walked over to the girl's dorm for the pizza party. Brenden was the first to the lobby, wearing a pair of nylon shorts and a very loose comfortable t-shirt. He wasn't wearing any underwear. He wasn't sure why he decided to go commando, but he was extremely horny and just decided not to put any on. He didn't have to wait long when Justin arrived. Justin was wearing a loose pair of sweat-pants and no shirt. Brenden felt himself start to chub up a bit – Justin was just too gorgeous not to.

"I figure why not give the ladies what they want?" Justin chided.

"Hey – that's something I would say and do – obviously I am a very bad influence on you!" Justin joked.

"Maybe it wasn't just the ladies I wanted to please . . " teased Justin.

Chad walked in wearing a pair of short cloth shorts and a tank-top. Brenden was sure that Chad couldn't be wearing any underwear either as Chad's dick could be clearly seen flopping back and forth as he walked.

"Great minds think alike! Commando!!!" Brenden cheered.

"Shit – I should have thought of that – but it's not too late to fix it" said Justin.

Justin whisked his sweat pants off, and then pulled off his jockey briefs, giving Brenden and Chad a wonderful view in the process.

"Maybe I should just go like this – think anyone would mind" Justin asked.

"I won't!" both Brenden and Chad said in unison.

Justin grinned and started walking to the door to leave – naked as the day he was born.

Brenden and Chad looked at each other as if to ask if they should join him in his nudity, let him go like that, or intercede. Chad groaned and ran after Justin, flinging him over his shoulder, and spanked him a few times while bringing him back to put his sweat-pants on. Justin loved it, but hoped the red-marks that were sure to be on his butt cheeks would be gone soon. After Justin got re-clothed they set off to the girl's dorm, with Brenden chanting "Left – Left – Left Right Left".

Susie was the first girl to get to the girl's common room. She was wearing a flannel pair of shorts, a loose shirt, and no bra. She hated wearing bras – and really her pert boobies didn't need them anyway. She put her gift-bags in an empty cupboard, and then fired up the projector and launched Netflix. She put a Nova program on to pass the time until everyone arrived. She didn't watch movies much because she normally didn't have the time. She was looking forward to what she thought would be `normal' time. She then got the pills and put them into an unused drawer in the kitchen. Susie then sat down on one of the comfy couches in front of the big-screen TV and waited for the rest to arrive. "I can't wait to try pina-colada flavored sperm", she thought to herself.

Alysa walked in wearing a long pair of heart-covered flannel night pants and a tank top, and also no bra that Susie could see. Alysa's body was amazing looking, and her choice of clothing didn't hide too much from the imagination.

"So – whatcha doin?" Alysa asked.

"Just waiting for everyone – ready for tonight?"

"Yes! So where are those pills – I want to surprise Justin – orange juice, right?"

Susie got up and went to the drawer where she had stashed her home-made pills. She grabbed two orange colored gel-filled capsules, and a small white tablet and got some water out of the water cooler. "The capsules are the cum-flavoring agent and the white pill is a libido enhancer. I find that I can cum multiple times while taking it – and your recovery times will also be decreased. But fair warning – you will start to feel VERY horny in about an hour after taking this and it won't go away until the morning" Susie instructed.

Alysa grabbed the pills and water and swallowed them down eagerly. "I can't wait! How long before the orange pills work" Alysa questioned.

"Those take about an hour as well – and they last a couple of days. I just took mine this morning so I should be good."

Chloe came into the room just as Susie was answering Alysa's question. "Orange pills?" Chloe asked.

"These things are great! They make your cum taste like orange juice! Wanna try?" Alysa happily responded.

"Sure – and they are safe, right?" Chloe asked with some trepidation.

"Totally – I have taken them for about six months – they have no side effects other than making your pussy smell like oranges – I have heard comments from people around me asking why they were all the sudden smelling oranges and had to laugh to myself a few times" Susie giddily responded.

"OK – hook me up!" Chloe agreed.

Susie repeated Alysa's doses with Chloe. Chloe didn't ask about the white pill, and Alysa decided not to tell her.

"What she doesn't know might make her feel good" Alysa joked to herself.

"The pizza is going to be a while – they are pretty busy. And Alysa, Tommy is delivering them" Chloe informed them.

"Oooo – Tommy eh? Your pizza boy stud – does Tommy know about Chad? Does Chad know about Tommy? Is someone trying to stack the deck to make sure she has a good time tonight?" Alysa joked with Chloe.

Chloe looked at Alysa with one of her classic `fuck you' looks and sat down on the couch to wait for the boys. Alysa and Susie joined her. It was only about five minutes before the boys showed up. Alysa and Susie were enjoying the view already – Justin shirtless, Chad's dick flopping around in his shorts, and Brenden's hot cute body dressed in easy-to-take-off clothes. Alysa was sure that the little white pill was working it's magic already.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt Justin! Did you forget to do laundry again?" Chloe asked her brother.

"No – there was a petition that I shouldn't cover up so much so I decided to bend to the people's will" Justin boasted.

Brenden and Chad whispered to each other a bit, and then Chad went and sat down on another one of the couches. Justin went over and sat on Chad's lap and joked, "Will you protect me form these strange peoples? I thinks I might be scared."

Chad just looked at Justin, put his arms around Justin's body and hugged him close. "Sure thing Justy – big Chad is here to save you!"

Justin laughed and put his head back on Chad's shoulder. Alysa and Chloe were about ready to bust out laughing but somehow contained themselves.

Brenden tapped Susie on the shoulder and motioned her to follow him. They walked over by the kitchen area, and Brenden whispered, "Um – Susie, Chad and I were wondering about what you told us while we were showering. Chad wants to make sure that he is, well – prepared – for what might happen tonight.'

Susie was initially thinking that she was going to spike everyone's drinks with the pills, and now here everyone was willing to take them. So much for worrying about willing test subjects. "It's a pill, but would you guys do me a favor and try out some other supplements as well? How do you feel about pineapple and coconut by the way?"

"Pina-coladas! Yum! Why do you ask that? Are you going to make us drinks?"

"You have no idea just how exactly right you are" Susie replied with a wicked grin on her face. Susie went to the drawer, got out three coconut, three pineapple, and three green pills. She and Brenden poured water for the boys to swallow the pills with, and Brenden immediately took his. Then Susie and Brenden took over the pills and water to Chad and Justin, who were still playing their little cuddle game. Chad immediately swelled the pills and chased them with water. Justin was a bit cautious, but when Brenden just started inserting the pills into his mouth, he just went with it and swallowed them.

"Ok guys, what movie should we watch?" Chloe asked the group.

Alysa bust out laughing, saying that she now had two ideas for movies, which elicited a quick chuckle from Susie. "American Pie!" Chad yelled. "Best movie ever!!" And with that, the first movie decision was made.

Justin got up off of Chad, and Chloe immediately took his place. "I was getting just a bit jealous – you are my protector!" Chloe informed Chad.

Justin huffed loudly, and went over to Alysa and sat on her lap. Alysa immediately put her arms around Justin and said, "I will protect you from that big bad Chad!". Justin chuckled and put his head back and closed his eyes. "I am feeling pretty safe. A little too safe." Justin was sure that he could feel Alysa's nipples harden into his back through her shirt. He was definitely a happy boy. Soon after he slid off of her lap and sat beside her, putting his arm around Alysa, who immediately put her head on his shoulder and her hand on his knee.

Brenden grabbed Susie's hand, sat down on the floor and dragged Susie with him. Brenden sat with his back to the couch that Chad and Chloe were on and positioned Susie in front of him and put both arms around her. Susie felt wonderful as she relaxed and laid back onto Brenden's chest. She wrapped her arms over Brenden's. The group started watching the movie, until the scene where Jim was visited by Nadia in his room.

"I bet Justin has a short fuse like Jim does", joked Chad.

Justin shot Chad a mean look, and Alysa offered, "I bet he doesn't. Justin strikes me as the kind of guy that can last as long as he needs to to get the job done."

Justin turned and batted his eyes at Alysa. "My hero!" Justin gushed to Alysa.

"Look at that old computer. And how do you mistakenly send an email to an entire student-body?" Susie asked herself verbally. "I haven't seen this movie before, but I can tell you guys, there are some technical inaccuracies I have issues with."

Brenden hugged Susie close and started nibbling on her ear. Brenden loved nibbling on ears, he knew that it drove most people nuts. Susie signed and stopped commenting on the movie. Then Susie took one of Brenden's hands and placed it right on her breast, feeling that it was time to make a move. Brenden sighed and started kissing Susie's neck. It was about an hour into the movie now.

Chloe's cell phone rang. "Hi Tommy – we are hungry! Where is our food!" Chloe demanded into the phone. "I have two deliveries before yours, but I shouldn't be more than another thirty minutes or so. Sorry for the delay – my boss told me to charge half price for your wait. He wants to keep you a happy customer, and so do I" Tommy replied. "You are so sweet Tommy – just get here as soon as you can! Thanks!" Chloe stated before hanging up. "Pizza will be here in about 45 minutes. Sorry guys!"

At this point the group didn't really care all that much – they were enjoying each other's company. Chad grabbed Chloe and gave her a kiss to remind her he was there. "Don't worry Chad, Tommy is a sweet guy but you are my stud-muffin!" Chloe reassured Chad.

Alysa had noticed Susie's move on Brenden and decided to do something herself. She started snaking her hand up Justin's leg, and eventually she felt Justin's semi-hard dick through his pants. Justin took his hand that was hanging off of her shoulder and started to massage Alysa's cute perky tit. Alysa's nipple responded immediately. Justin turned Alysa's head to face him and he started kissing Alysa. Alysa stopped and whispered in Justin's ear, "Please be careful with your tongue, but don't be shy either." Justin responded by kissing her again, and snaking his tongue lovingly and tenderly around the inside of Alysa's mouth.

Chloe looked away from the TV when she heard Susie and Alysa moan a little. She grinned, thinking that things were turning out exactly the way she wanted them to. Suddenly she was aware of Chad's huge dick getting hard beneath her. She looked at Chad's face and saw that Chad was intently watching Alysa and Justin's activities. "Getting any idea's Chad?"

Chad had noticed Justin and Alysa, and was indeed very happy at how things were progressing. Chad had always had a strong curiosity about what it would be like to fool around with a guy, and Justin's servicing of him earlier in the shower had him both confused and happy. Alysa was a stunning looking girl, and Chad was a bit jealous that young little stud-boy Justin was making the moves on her. Still, when Chloe asked Chad if he had any ideas, he turned to her beaming face and immediately kissed her. He loved Chloe, there was no doubt in his mind. He loved all his friends and now knew he could express that love in ways he never dreamt possible. But Chloe was his one-and-only. The girl he knew he was going to marry someday. Chad stopped the kiss and dove into Chloe's neck, while reaching up under her shirt and grabbing onto one of Chloe's huge breasts – and definitely taking note she wasn't wearing a bra.

Susie leaned forward and turned herself around so she was facing Brenden on the floor. Brenden looked at Susie lustfully and pulled her into a deep loving kiss. Susie placed both hands on Brenden's legs and started moving up to his crotch. Susie felt something wet on Brenden's nylon shorts. She thought to herself that the pills she had given the boys must be kicking in by now, and that Brenden must be leaking pre-cum like a water hose. Susie got to Brenden's crotch and felt a dick that was as hard as a brick. She started rubbing Brenden through his shorts, making Brenden moan loudly.

Alysa heard the moans from Brenden and looked over to see what Susie was doing. Alysa then looked down at Justin's crotch and saw a huge wet-spot where the tip of Justin's dick was tenting his sweat-pants. "Um, happy to see me it seems?" Alysa whispered in Justin's ear. Justin looked at where Alysa was looking and immediately put a hand on top of his crotch to hide his condition. "Don't worry Justin – I don't think the others are in any better condition than you." Alysa then put her hand down Justin's pants and grabbed his completely soaked dick and started to masturbate him. Justin threw his head back and winced. "I don't know why, but I am pretty sure that I am going to cum in seconds if you don't stop!" Justin whispered to Alysa harshly, as if in a bit of pain. "Oh you poor, poor, boy – did I do this to you?" Alysa purred. "Yes – you did this to me, how are you going to fix this?" Justin asked Alysa pleadingly. Alysa just left her hand down Justin's pants and started kissing him again.

Susie looked up and over and saw Chad and Chloe making out heavily, and was a bit jealous that Chad's hand was clearly feeling Chloe up. Then she looked over and saw Alysa's hands down Justin's pants and noted the huge wet spot on Justin's sweat pants. "The pills are definitely working – wonder if the flavoring is too?" Susie asked herself. She pulled back from Brenden and pushed his tank-top up a bit. Then she pulled the front of Brenden's nylon shorts down, exposing Brenden's rock-hard soaking erection to her view. She looked up at Brenden with a cat like grin, and then laid down on the floor and immediately started to suck on Brenden's cock. To her happy surprise, it tasted exactly like a pina-colada.

"Holy Fuck!" Brenden exclaimed. This caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at Susie and Brenden. Susie was easily deep-throating Brenden's six inch cock, loving the sweet flavor of Brenden's newly flavored pre-cum. Susie knew that the others could see her, and at this point she was only mildly concerned that anyone would be offended. As it was, no one was offended – in fact they all took that as the sign to move things to the next level.

Alysa immediately took the front of Justin's sweat pants down and went down to start licking his also drenched cock. Alysa immediately noted the pina-colada flavor and was wondering what Justin was going to think of her newly orange flavored pussy. Justin put his head back and closed his eyes. He was so horny that he didn't care where he was, or who was able to watch. He needed to get off and he wanted nothing more than Alysa doing it to him.

Chloe and Chad were shocked and amazed by what they were seeing, but Chloe somehow felt extremely horny herself, and decided she too didn't care that they were sitting in the common-room of the girls dorm and having sex in front of each other. She got up off of Chad's lap and looked at Chad's huge erection begging to be freed from his cloth shorts. She noticed that this shorts were a lot darker than she remembered them, and when she went to pull them off of Chad, she found out why. His shorts were completely soaked through with pre-cum. And she swore she could smell pineapple and coconut. She pulled his shorts completely off of him and then got on the ground and knelt in font of Chad's crotch. Chloe noticed that Chad's crotch was completely bald and loved it. She ran her hands all around his pubic area and loved the smooth feeling. She was thinking about asking Chad to shave down there and was happy that Chad did this without being asked. Chad's penis had reached it's full potential – in fact Chloe was sure that it was bigger than it ever had been. It definitely looked bigger – maybe because he had shaved? Chloe's apprehensions about sucking dick were completely gone from her mind when she bent down and grabbed his dick with both of her hands and then placed her mouth over his huge helmet head. Chad moaned loudly and grabbed Chloe's head with both his hands and started rubbing his fingers through her hair. Chloe immediately loved the pina-colada taste and tried to get as much of his juices into her mouth as possible. Then she started bobbing up and down Chad's dick while jacking his considerable shaft with both hands.

Justin felt his sweat-pants were too confining, and started to push them down. Then when he looked over and saw his big sister bobbing on Chad's immense cock, he got up, pulled his pants completely off, then laid down on the couch with one leg up on the back of the couch and the other down on the floor. Alysa got into position between his legs and put her hands under his cut butt checks and lifted Justin up so that she could suck his dick. She loved how his butt felt in her hands and reveled in how muscled they were. She was also loving the flavor of his copious pre-cum and couldn't get enough of it.

Susie stopped her oral ministrations and pulled Brenden's nylon shorts off and then immediately resumed her sucking. She was so happy that she was with a boy that wasn't a test subject who wanted to be with her too.

Brenden was overjoyed that he was with Susie and knew he was starting to develop deep feelings for her. He knew it wasn't just the blow job she was giving him – it was her personality and oddly enough her smarts that were turning him on. He was definitely happy. He looked over and saw Chloe chow down on Chad's huge dick and knew that Chad wasn't going to have any problems getting head from her in the future. He only hoped that Chad was up to allowing him and Justin to fool around again – he wanted a shot at sucking on Chad's beautiful penis himself. Then Brenden looked up and saw Alysa engulfing Justin's beautiful penis and knew that he would be doing that to him sometime soon. Then he felt Susie start to play with his anus. She had gathered some of her saliva and his pre-cum and had lubricated his hole to the point that she could easily penetrate him with her finger. Her finger immediately found his prostate and started to massage it tenderly but forcefully, She knew what she was doing. Yes – he was happy.

Chad, Justin and Brenden started to feel the point of no return approaching at the same time. Chad verbally warned Chloe that she should stop because he was going to flood her mouth, causing both Justin and Brenden to giggle a bit. All three girls felt the impending eruption of their boys, and moved up so that just the head of their dicks was in their mouth. Justin was the first to blow, followed a second later by Chad, and then a second later by Brenden. All the boys had their heads back with the eyes closed, grunting and breathing very hard as they all had the biggest, most pleasurable orgasm of their lives so far.

Chloe knew that Chad came a lot – she always had to douche herself out a couple of times after they fucked, so she was slightly prepared for the volume of his emission. What she wasn't prepared for was how much she loved swallowing his cum – and it did have a lot to do with the sweet pineapple-coconut flavor of his juices.

Alysa wasn't prepared for how much Justin came – after all her first experience with him cumming was inside of her. She knew he came a lot then, but was thinking that he couldn't have recharged this fast. After Justin shot his eighth spurt into her greedy mouth, she pulled off and laid her head on his thigh and just stared at his dick. Then she saw his cute balls and started lathing them with her tongue, eliciting a happy sigh from Justin.

Susie knew exactly what to expect and was happy to swallow all seven huge spurts that Brenden offered her. She sat up and wiped her mouth, grinning like the cat that had caught the most favorable mouse ever. She looked at the content and loving look on Brenden's face. She knew two things. One – Brenden and her were going to get along very nicely, and two – pina-colada was going on the market as soon as possible.

Chloe and Alysa both looked at Susie. "So, exactly what did you do to us?" Chloe asked? Susie looked over at Chloe and saw from her face that Chloe wasn't mad or scared, but simply asking a question, putting Susie at ease. "I gave the boys pineapple and coconut supplements to flavor their seminal fluids. I had perfected pineapple in boys a long time ago, coconut just recently. Somehow I wondered what mixing the two would do, and I think I can tell that it worked great. I also gave them a supplement to increase their generation of seminal fluids as well as improve the blood flow to their genitals. Their penises and prostates should have become more sensitive as well as able to recover faster."

All three boys in unison exclaimed, "Hell yes!"

"So what do the pills you gave us do?" Chloe asked.

"Orange juice and a libido enhancer. The enhancer makes our genitals more sensitive by increasing blood flow. Also, it should increase our ability to make natural lubricants in our vaginas." Susie replied.

"Wait – you mean we taste like pina-coladas? And you girls taste like orange juice?" Justin exclaimed.

"Yes – that's right." Susie replied to Justin.

Justin looked at Alysa and grinned. He jumped up and tackled her on the couch. Alsya played by pretending to be hard-to-get and tried to stop Justin from tearing off her bottoms and top. Alysa finally gave in and laid back on the couch assuming pretty much the same position that Justin had done for her. Justin immediately went down on her and stuck his tongue as far up her pussy as he could get. Alysa arched her back and moaned loudly. Justin pulled his tongue out and alerted everyone – "Yep – orange juice!" Then he immediately resumed assaulting Alysa's vagina like a starving child.

Chad grabbed Chloe and almost ripped her shirt as he pulled it over her head. He grabbed her tits and started to lick left nipple furiously. Chloe stood up and lowered her shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. Chad looked down at Chloe quim and noted that she was totally bald. Chad then stood up and Chloe noted this his dick was still as hard as before she blew him. He pushed her down to sit on the couch and pulled her butt so it was at the edge of the seat cushion and then kneeled down and kissed her right above her slit. He did smell oranges and knew that he was in for a treat. He never minded the way Chloe tasted – in fact her loved the taste of her juices. Still, orange juice was something he also enjoyed so he was anxious to taste her now. He slowly kissed down giving short quick kisses to her vulva and continuing down to her anus. He had always wanted to rim Chloe – every time he played with her bum she seemed to like it but he didn't want to freak her out, so he never attempted it before. This time he somehow knew that it would be OK and so started licking tentatively around her anus causing Chloe to squirm and grab Chad's head. Chad decided to stop playing around and started moving back up to her slit. He pushed his tongue into the bottom of her slit and was immediately aware of the orange juice flavor. He leaned up and exclaimed "This is awesome!", then went back down and lavishly started to eat Chloe out, while reaching up and grabbing both of her tits and tweaking her nipples.

Brenden and Susie had witnessed first Justin, then Chad start to pleasure their mates. Brenden turned to look at Susie, who had a kind of pleading look on her face. "Don't worry – I want to do this too, but truth be told I haven't done this much to girls so you might have to talk me through what works" Justin confided to Susie. Susie pulled her top off, then stood up and took her pants off giving Brenden his first look at her pussy. He loved her little landing-strip and licked his lips appreciatively. Susie sat down on the couch next to Chloe and Chad and assumed the same position that Chloe was in. Brenden looked at her and wondered how he had gotten so lucky today. First Alysa and Justin, then Chad, and now Susie. He knew today was a day he was going to remember for the rest of his life. He leaned down and kissed her, then moved over to her neck, then down to her left tit. He sucked as much of her tit into his mouth that he could and flicked his tongue lovingly around her diamond-hard nipple. Then he moved over to her right tit and did the same. He stopped and looked up at Susie, who was looking at Chad lovingly and with a look of expectation and smiling happily. He then dove into her cleavage and started kissing down her body while kneeling down on the floor next to Chad who was attempting to put his whole head into Chloe's pussy. Brenden licked Susie's navel and then traveled down kissing and licking while he went to the top of her landing strip. He pulled back and bit and used his hands to pull her vulva apart. He then saw her clit starting to peek out of it's hood, and it grew to about an inch or so. He looked up at Susie, grinned, and then immediately bent down and took her clit into his mouth and sucked. Susie let out the loudest moan of the night so far and nearly crushed Brenden's skull with her legs. "Please! Not so hard – a girl's clit is extremely sensitive!" Susie pleaded with Brenden. Brenden stopped sucking on her clit and moved down to her love hole. He sucked her bald vulva into his mouth and nibbled on it a bit causing Susie to groan again – but this time with no complaints. Then he stuck his tongue as deep into her pussy as he could get and lapped around as much as possible. Susie placed her hands on Brenden's head and started to move it to where she knew he could do the most good. Brenden was learning quickly and enjoying the ride. He loved how Susie's hands were caressing his head and guiding him at the same time. Most of all he was enjoying giving her what seemed to be a large amount of pleasure.

Chad had heard Susie's comments and decided to help Brenden in his task. Chad looked up at Chloe who looked down at Chad and simply nodded. Chad reached his hand out and caressed Brenden's shoulder, and then pulled him back a bit. Brenden looked at Chad's dripping face and smiled. "Lick up and down the slit like this", Chad offered. Chad then moved Chloe's legs as wide as possible to show Brenden what he was doing and then stuck his tongue out and licked up and down Chloe's slit. "Sometimes you stick your tongue all the way inside, sometimes you lick their vulva – they love that." Chad then showed Brenden what he was talking about by licking Chloe's slit lovingly and then gently sucking in first one vulva, and then the other. Brenden then went back to Susie's slit and practiced what Chad had taught him. Susie was very appreciative of Chad's suggestions and moaned her appreciation to the room. Chloe pushed Chad away and scooted over so that she was sitting right next to Susie. She then draped Susie's leg over hers and then put her arm around Susie. Chloe then started to caress Susie's right tit with her hand tweaking Susie's nipple between her fingers. Both Brenden and Chad resumed their important work.

Alysa was on a plane of pure bliss. She was looking over watching the activity on the other couch while feeling Justin's awesome tongue do things to her she was having a hard time believing were real. When she saw Chloe put her arm around Susie and play with her boob, she saw Susie smile so contently that she was sure Susie was realizing at least some of her dreams. Justin's oral assault was quickly getting her to the point where she was sure she was going to faint, and for a moment she was worried that this was going to end too soon.

Just like the boys, all three girls were approaching climax at the same time. Chad's tutelage of Brenden had definitely worked and Susie was quickly approaching release. Chloe was lost in a world of her own with Chad working her pussy in ways that she always loved, and Alysa was wondering how awesome Justin's wonderful but huge tongue was feeling inside of her. Susie was the first to cum, followed almost immediately by Chloe and then about ten seconds later by Alysa. All three girls flooded their boy's mouths with streams of watery cum that tasted like orange juice. When it was over all the boys pulled back and looked around at each other. Their faces were dripping with cum, and all had content looks on their faces.

"Well – I knew you said I would get a huge tip, but I didn't expect such a hot show!" Tommy stated to everyone. Everyone looked over, saw a boy of about 16 with his 9 inch dick sticking out of his shorts – obviously dripping what had to be the remnants of his orgasm. Tommy had long, light brown hair sticking out from under his baseball hat, a great body under his shorts and pizza uniform shirt, with strong legs holding up the entire package. They saw their food on the table. "Hey – you must be Tommy!" Chloe stated. "Welcome!"

Susie blushed and said, "Hey Tommy – I was going to ask you how it's hangin but I can see that it's hangin just fine." "Hey Susie – I didn't know you were her for the summer – I would have called you."

Everyone looked at Susie. "Tommy is one of my willing test subjects – he is testing out apple juice for me right now. I didn't know he was going to be here." Susie bashfully said to everyone.

Chloe and Alysa looked at each other and started to laugh. How could this day get any better?

"I don't suppose you could stay a while – we are all wanting to help Susie with her inventions." Chloe told Tommy.

"Yea – you guys were my last delivery, I just have to call my boss and tell him I will settle up receipts tomorrow when I come in." Tommy reached into his pants to get his cell. Alysa and Justin stood up and walked over to Tommy who immediately loved what he saw. He was very bi-sexual and both Justin and Alysa were dreams come true for him. While he was talking to his boss, Alysa was pulling off his cap and shirt, while Justin pulled his shoes and socks off, then pulled his shorts off. "Yea – something came up on the last delivery – old friends – I will see you tomorrow!" Then Tommy felt a pair of hands from behind him and turned to see both Susie and Brenden there on both sides of his back feeling up and down his back and butt. Alysa and Justin got on their knees and were inspecting his huge dick which was longer than Chad's but a lot thinner. Still – it was an amazing dick. Tommy played football in his high-school and was in fantastic shape, He had a really small waste – maybe 29 inches or so, but his chest flared out to almost the same size as Chad's His arms were not as big as Chad's but very cut and defined. He had a very cute butt and a neatly trimmed pubic bush. His balls were bigger than Chad's by a bit. Everyone was looking at Tommy like a piece of candy.

"I think it's time to eat and then continue." Chloe instructed. "I know I am hungry!"

Everyone stopped groping Tommy, and they all started to tear into the food that was just delivered. Tommy was surprisingly not freaked out by all this – it seemed that he and Susie had some stories to tell. Susie gave Tommy a pill which he swallowed quickly.

To be continued . . . . .

Next: Chapter 4

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