School Friends

By Bi Boy

Published on Jan 24, 2014


This story is a complete work of fiction. Please do not read it if it is against any laws that apply to you. Seriously – I don't want you getting into any trouble just because you read this – go away now if you even think you are breaking any laws by reading this. You have been warned!

This story is a fantasy work that just kind of came into my head one day and I decided to put it to paper. It is my very first story I have ever written of this kind, let alone post on a story site. It is a bi-sexual romp between junior high and high school students living in a fictional boarding school in Southern California. There is absolutely no intentional similarities between any real or fictional person living and ever having lived as far as I know. Any similarities that do exist are purely coincidental and can be attributed to just plain stupid luck.

I retain all copyrights to this work and ask that it never be re-published anywhere in any form without my express written consent. My email is if you would like to leave any comments or constructive criticism. If you feel like flaming feel free – but know I can hit the delete button pretty easily.

Please consider donating to Nifty so that they can continue to be a forum for these stories.

Please enjoy "School Friends Chapter 2" =======================================================================

Brenden and Justin quickly dressed and went to their dorm rooms. They met up again in the boy's dorm shower and did their best to just shower and not start anything. They were not shy at all in staring at each other, and Brenden did lather up Justin's cock and balls for a bit - and marveled at how lucky the kid was in the dick department. Still - Brenden knew he was a good looking package as well and Brenden's self-esteem was in no danger of being damaged at all. Both got out of the shower and quickly dressed. They met up with Chloe, and Chad and waited a bit for Alysa.

"What's taking Alysa so long? I mean - how long does it take to shower and dress?" Chloe complained.

Alysa had a problem. She was leaking cum like a sieve and had to fix it before she could even contemplate taking a shower. She was walking to her room when Susie showed up with an awkward grin on her face, and her hands behind her back.

"Hey Alysa - how are you doing?", and then without waiting for a reply, Susie proceeded to produce a douche and asked as innocently as she could muster, "Fancy needing one of these?"

Alysa was dumbfounded. "How the fuck did you know?"

"I have two cameras on the roof. I use them for weather monitoring and other stuff. I was just checking that they were working for an upcoming experiment I am planning, and I saw you, Justin and Brenden doing some really amazing things."

Alysa was now seriously concerned. "Did you record what you saw?"

"Yep - sure did!!!"

Alysa was now most definitely concerned. "What do you intend to do with the recording?"

With a genuinely hurt look on her face, Susie replied - "Nothing! I mean - why would you ask that? I'm not looking to black-mail you - I really want to get to know you guys. I think we have more in common than you realize."

Feeling relieved, but now starting to process the possibilities, Alysa asked - "Would you let me have a copy of the video?"

"Sure! It's in HD - I am sorry I didn't have the 3D camera system up and running - that would have been awesome! Especially with Justin and his dick and tongue!! I mean - WOW! What was it like?"

Alysa, now realizing that she has yet again missed out on knowing someone who appears to have amazing friend potential, starts to fill Susie in on the details that Susie couldn't see using her camera.

They were slowly walking to the shower - and when they got there Susie exclaimed - "Wait - I will be right back - I have something that will help 'clean' you out - just start your shower - I won't be long."

As Susie ran away, Alysa started to process the day so far. All in all, the only thing she could do at this point was smile from ear to ear. She went into the shower - the girls all shared shower gels, soaps, oils, moisturizers, etc. so Alysa just figured she would use her beach towel to dry off and then walk to her room to dress. She took off her bikini, looked at herself in the mirror, and noticed how swollen her pussy was from its recent fun-time abuse. She also saw a steady stream of cum running down both legs and realized that Susie had ran off with the douche. Regardless, she decided to go with the flow and started a shower up and walked under it. She was washing her hair when Susie returned. Susie had stripped completely naked and now Alysa had to have her turn at conflicting thoughts. Susie had a great little body, In fact, it reminded her of her own body about a year ago. Susie had light brown hair, green eyes, and pert boobies with dime-sized nipples that were just begging to be licked. She had a Brazilian treatment for her pussy which really looked cute on her. All in all, Susie was someone that would be breaking hearts as soon as she decided to put herself out there. One thing that seemed just a bit odd - Susie's pussy lips seemed to be very swollen and red. She decided not to ask about it.

Susie had brought a towel with her and a plastic bag with what looked like a dildo, but it had a plastic tube running from it and there was a hole in the top of the dildo that kind of looked like an oversized penis pee hole. It also had deep ridges all along it's length.

"The first time I had sex I was twelve, and two sixteen year old boys fucked me crazy for hours. I was so full of cum that I was draining for the next day and a half. I did douche, but it only cleaned me out a little. So, I decided to invent this - and I really believe one day it's going to be a hit for feminine hygiene."

Susie then proceeded to fill the plastic bag with warm water from the shower, She put the plastic tube into the bag, and then asked Alysa to put her hands on the wall and bend over a bit. Alysa did as she was asked, and felt Susie grab her butt check and pull them apart. She then felt the tip of the device penetrate her a bit.

"I was going to lube it up a bit, but I can see that just isn't necessary. It should go in quite smoothly.".

Alysa felt the device go in for a bit and then stop. So far, this was no different than a dildo she used in her room sometimes - albeit one that isn't turned on.

"Ok - so it's in as far as it needs to go, now for the fun part. I am going to turn it on - low at first, and then gradually increase the power. It is just using water - no chemicals - no soap - just water. It actually filters the water to get rid of hard-water chemicals that water companies use to keep the pipes clean and the water safe. It also warms the water to exactly the temperature it senses is inside of your vagina. The water will then be expelled along the ridges of the device, expelling everything inside of you. You ready?"

Alysa - turned around and nodded yes. Then she felt the device start to hum. And boy did it hum. She could feel it pumping water into her vagina, and the water start to expel down the sides of the device along the ridges and out her vagina. It felt wonderful!!!!! Alysa also felt something else going on back there - Susie was massaging her butt checks and was feeling her fingers get really close to her sphincter. Pretty soon Susie had a finger in knuckle deep, and Alysa was amazed at how good that felt.

"Ok - so the water has done its job, and now I am going to pump in a solution that is Ph balanced to the chemistry of your vagina. A sensor in the device has analyzed your body's chemistry and has told me what mixture to use. After this goes in and out, you should be fresh as a daisy!"

Alysa wasn't complaining at all. In fact, she was thinking that if this kept up, she would cum again - and she wasn't even sure how that was possible. Susie was definitely taking care of her though - and Susie was also happily humming through the entire procedure. Soon after she felt the device being slowly pulled out. She felt empty, but she had to admit, it did feel like she was normal down there again. In fact, it was almost like she hadn't been fucked at all. Still - she was definitely horny again and not sure how to take care of that.

"One thing about this device is that when it says to remove it, you remove it, and that means it can leave you hanging for release. Do you mind if I take care of that too?"

Not sure exactly what to expect, but trusting Susie to take care of it, Alysa simply stated - "Yes."

Susie quickly got down on the floor of the shower with her back to the same wall Alysa was leaning on and immediately started licking her clit with wild abandon. Susie had one finger in her pussy, and another in her ass, and was using her tongue almost as good as Justin did not an hour earlier. It didn't take long, and Alysa came. Susie noted that Alysa squirted a bit and filed that away for future reference.

"Ok Alysa - that should be it - you should be good to go now!!!"

Alysa was not happy that Susie had done all that to her and she had done nothing for Susie.

"Susie - what about you? You have done so much for me, how about I return the favor?"

"Really? You don't have to - I mean I didn't do this for any kind of payback . . are you sure?"

"Yea - I know I am sure - you are cute and I have a craving for pussy for some reason right now. Let's trade places!!!!"

Susie, in a bit of shock and awe, stood up and leaned a bit against the wall. Alysa got down on the ground and stared up at her first pussy up close. She ran a finger along the hair-strip of her Brazilian, and then ran her other hand around back to her ass cheek. Alysa noticed something about Susie that she hadn't noticed before - Susie had a sizable clit. About an inch and a bit more long, it was easy to see where to lick to give Susie pleasure. Alysa tentatively pushed her face in and found that Susie didn't have a bad odor at all - in fact she could swear that what she smelt and then soon tasted was almost like oranges. She ran her tongue along both sides of Susie's clit, and then sucked on her clit like a nipple sending shock-waves into Susie's body. Not to be outdone, she also pressed a finger into Susie's ass-hole and found the experience fun.

"Alysa - wow - I mean - WOW! I am going to cum really really soon! Like - NOW!!!"

Alysa had only a vague idea about female ejaculation - she had read about it but really wasn't aware that she had in fact had such an emission a short while ago. But when Susie started squirting, it was like drinking orange juice!! It made her want to drink it all in and not stop!

"Alysa! Stop! Stop! Yea - kinda sensitive now!!"

Alysa pulled back and licked her lips. Yep - definitely tasted like orange juice. Questions were starting to form in her head.

Susie looked down at Alysa's questioning face and offered, "I invent a lot of stuff - one of them is a supplement that can flavor a girl or boy's cum to whatever flavor they want. Right now orange juice is the best working one, but apple juice and pineapple juice are coming along nicely. For some reason, pineapple juice in boys works great - haven't perfected it yet for girls. You like it?"

"Um - yea! Just what else have you 'invented'?"

"Well - quite a bit actually - I don't talk about my creations much - they freaked out all of my room-mates which is why I don't have one right now. I am happy to tell you about them though if you have time. Anyway - I know you are in a hurry to get with your friends - I will go now. Have fun and look me up later!!:

As Susie started to leave, Alysa was suddenly struck with the feeling that Susie was extremely lonely and very misunderstood. She grabbed Susie and kissed her hard, making sure that Susie knew just how appreciated she was.

"Susie - you have five minutes to go get dressed and meet us down stairs. You are coming with us."

Susie squealed and ran out the bathroom naked as the day she was born. Alysa grabbed her towel and Susie's towel and ran to her room to get dressed. It was only 11:00 am and this day had pretty much turned her life upside down - but in a good way. Hopefully though her friends weren't too mad at her making them wait. Also, she hoped they wouldn't have any issues with her inviting Susie along - she didn't think they would.

Susie was already down with the group when Alysa got there. They were having an animated conversation about where to go and get food. The way they were all interacting with Susie, it was almost as if they had been friends for years. Susie slid right into the group with not a word from anyone. Chloe did look at Alysa, who looked back - and somehow they communicated all they needed to with that five second look-exchange, and Alysa knew that Chloe didn't have any issue including Susie in their group. Alysa did note that Susie did stare a bit at Chloe, and also looked at Justin and grinned, and then looked at Brenden knowingly. Alysa knew why she was looking at Justin and Brenden that way, but Chloe? There was more stuff that Alysa had to learn about Susie.

Justin was dressed in a tank-top and some better fitting board shorts. She came up behind him and put her hand on his butt. Justin turned around to see who was fondling him and smiled instantly when he saw who it was. Brenden noticed this and smirked, but it was Chloe that was grinning from ear to ear. Chloe knew her younger brother had a deep crush on Alysa and had secretly wanted them to hook up. While Chloe didn't know the extent that they had hooked up, she was happy to see them starting to get into each other.

Susie decided to end the debate about food - "I know probably the best Sushi place in the area, and it is right next to JW Electronics and Carl's Science Source - two stores I need to get stuff from. It's not near the mall, but there are a lot of other shops that I bet you guys would like. And if you agree, I will pick up lunch for everyone.", Susie stated.

Well, who can argue with free food? Just about any objection in the world goes away when free food is offered - at least for teen-agers that's the norm. So off to Sushi we went. Susie impressed everyone with her knowledge of Sushi, which Chad had previously considered himself king of. By the time lunch was over, Chad had literally kissed Susie's feet and crowned Susie 'Queen of Sushi'. We all bowed. (And again, it didn't hurt that she picked up the tab, which Alysa spied to be over $600.00. More questions were forming . . . )

After lunch the group hoped on a bus and got off in front of JW Electronics. JW was the area's biggest electronics store. Aside from just about any gadget and appliance you could think of, the store also carried raw electronic components that Susie used in a lot of her projects.

"Hello Susie! Got your order in - just sign here. Ship it over or will you be picking it up?", a handsome young man inquired of Susie.

"Please ship it Ken. Here is the list of items I need for next week.", Susie stated as she handed Ken a folded piece of paper.

"We are just going to look around - thanks again Ken!"

Chad, Justin and Brenden loved this store but didn't get many chances to come into it to browse. They all enjoyed wondering around and seeing the latest technology offerings. Chad bought a new MP3 player, and Alysa got a really good pair of head-phones for her cell phone.

They left JW and headed up the block. There was a women's clothing boutique, a men's custom suite tailor, and then they came upon 'Tracy's Tricks'. This elicited giggles from just about everyone - except Susie, who led the group straight into the store.

"Hey Tracy - anything new this week?", Susie asked.

"Hi Susie! Who are your friends?", Tracy asked while coming from behind the counter.

"Oh, forgive me! This is Chloe, Alysa, Brenden, Justin and Chad.", Susie stated while pointing each one out.

"My what a handsome group of young women and men! Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Actually, I was kind of hoping you could help us select a few items. My girlfriends need some new dildos, and I think some of my new boyfriends might be interested in some butt plugs.", Susie stated confidently.

Chloe was thinking "Whoa!". Chad was on the same page as Chloe - but was also wondering what a butt plug even was. Brenden and Justin were simply looking at each other with a lop-sided grin, and Alysa was already off looking around.

Tracy noticed Chloe's bewildered look, and took her by the hand to the dildo section. "Here we have basic dildos all the way up to some of the most exquisite vibrators you have ever imagined. I think what you might find pleasurable is also one of my most popular items, the Pink Rabbit."

Tracy proceeded to show Chloe a pink latex dildo that had a appendage on it that was meant to stimulate the clit while inserted into the vagina. "Here you go darling - my treat. Any friend of Susie's is a friend of mine." Chloe couldn't help but look at the device and imagine the possibilities. Chloe had never had something like this, but she had always wanted one.

Chad, Brenden and Justin were all off looking at bondage items - Chad selected a pair of hand-cuffs and a small butt-plug. Brenden and Justin were looking at a double-headed dildo, but they weren't sure how to buy it without raising the suspicion of others in the group. Susie noticed their quandary and simply grabbed the item and put it into her basked. Alysa picked out something called the 'Silver Bullet' because it was small and she figured it would be more portable. Susie filled her basked with flavored lubes, a couple dildos, some videos, and then bought each of the boys a fleshlight. She grabbed everyone's items, put it into her basked, and then handed it to Tracy.

"Please have this delivered to my dorm room Tracy - and see you later!"

"OK boss - see you later!", was Tracy's reply. 'Boss?' Alysa asked herself? More questions. Chloe wasn't really aware of what Susie did - she kind of assumed that Susie was treating again, and thought to herself that maybe Susie was trying too hard to win them over, which wasn't necessary. The boys were just clueless, and still feeling giddy at being in a store like this one.

Susie was able to round everyone up and led them out of the store. She turned around and noticed everyone staring at her intently. The looks on their faces were looks of friends – not people threatened, intimidated, or grossed out – just friends.

Chad asked, "So what now Susie? I kinda want to look at sports cars . . "

Everyone laughed – Susie just looked at Chad and winked.

"I think we should head back. I bet the dorm monitors are wondering where we are – it's getting to be almost five o'clock'" Susie replied.

"Well thanks for today Susie!", Alysa spurted – with a smile on her face.

Everyone nodded and added their thanks and they walked to the bus stop.

At the bus stop Tracy and Gary – the boys and girls dorm monitors – were there waiting for the bus. They were holding hands and immediately greeted the group. They were both 19 and had taken the job for the summer to earn some money for college. Tracy was a cute brunette with a nice body, and Gary was a shaggy-haired greek mini-god. The made a very cute couple.

"We are going to go out tonight – think you guys can behave yourselves and stay in your dorms? We will be out late – very late – but don't tell anyone!" . Susie had known the two were a couple for a long time – the rest of the group quickly came up to speed.

Chloe replied for the group, "Sure – we were planning on having a little pizza and movie party tonight anyway, so we should be OK."

Susie started to say something but Chloe turned on her and stated, "No Susie – I will buy the pizzas – you have done plenty already. And you are definitely invited!"

Susie closed her mouth and simply nodded, with a very happy grin on her face.

The bus arrived and they all piled on and started their travels back to the school. On the bus, Alysa and Justin sat next to each other, Chad and Chloe sat next to each other, and Brenden surprised Susie by sitting next to her.

"You are really nice to have shown us around today – your pretty cool – I'm not sure why we haven't hung out sooner", Brenden told Susie.

Susie looked at Brenden and swore she saw a little bit of lust in his eyes but shook it off. No boy has ever shown any romantic interest in her at school so far. Was Brenden actually interested in her? She wickedly grinned thinking how well his cum would react to her pineapple flavoring.

Brenden saw her grin and asked, "You think I said something funny?"

Susie simply put her hand on his thigh and squeezed, then put her head on his shoulder. Brenden smiled and put his arm around her. The rest of the group saw this and basically did the same thing with their partners. Not another word was said the rest of the trip back to the dorms.

Upon arriving Tracy told the group to have fun and she and Gary left to their rooms to get ready for the evening.

Chloe instructed the group – "OK guys – lets everyone go freshen up and get into their jammies and meet back in the girls common room. I'll make sure that the pizza and drinks will be there. We can fire up Netflix and pick a movie or two to watch."

Alsya snidely commented, "I have a movie suggestion but I am sure no one will guess what it is."

Susie looked at Alysa with a bit of shock on her face and Alysa simply winked back.

Chad, Brenden and Justin walked back to the boy's dorms, and the girls walked to theirs.

"Guys – I don't know about you but I think we have a strong chance of getting lucky tonight – Chloe's hand was a bit high on my thigh. It was all I could do to not pop wood!", Chad offered.

Brenden and Justin looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Well if not, we can always try our fleshlights out!", Brenden excitedly said. "I heard about them from a friend in chemistry last year – never thought I would get one though."

The boys got to their dorms and decided to shower. They all went to their rooms to strip and get their towels.

Justin felt a bit excited to be able to shower with his friends – Brenden and he had turned a page in their relationship that he never though would happen. And while he knew he liked Brenden, he wasn't sure if anything would happen with Chad – and he definitely wouldn't mind at all if all three of them could fool around sometime. Perhaps use the butt-plugs on each other?

Justin was the first to arrive in the shower. He hung his towel up and turned on a shower head with warm water. He sat under the shower head relaxing to the water falling over his body when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Chad turned on a shower head next to Justin and immediately started to wash his hair.

Chad was the most physically developed of the boys. He had extremely developed muscles that made everyone want to hit the gym to try and catch up. His chest was awesome – quarter sized nipples and pecs that looked like they could lift a car. His arms were a good 15 inches in diameter and his stomach had an eight pack. His short neatly trimmed dark brown hair framed his handsome face. He did have to shave his face once every other day, and he did look a bit like he needed a shave. His butt was naturally dimpled just standing, and his cock hung down at least four inches soft on top of large golf-sized balls. Justin didn't know this at the time, but hard Chad's cock would reach over eight inches in length and almost seven inches in circumference. Justin knew that Chad and Chloe had dated for about a year, and that they started having sex last Christmas. Chad always treated Chloe with great respect and dignity, which always made Justin feel good about him. No one knew that Chad also had a crush on Alysa except maybe Alysa but both Chad and Alysa also knew that it was a purely physical attraction they had for one-another and not the deep love that Chad and Chloe shared. Still, Chad had no intention of cheating on Chloe with anyone – let alone her best friend. Justin was sure by looking at Chad's dick that Chloe was well taken care of in the sex department.

"So – what do you think about Alysa? You guys seemed to be a bit into each other on the bus coming home . . . " Chad inquired.

"Alysa is cool and a great friend. She is kind of like another older sister. But I do admit that lately I have had a bit of a crush on her" Justin replied. "I think you should go for it Justin – I don't think she is looking at you as a younger brother any more – I am pretty sure she is into you.".

Chad asking Justin about Alysa made Justin chub up some – he couldn't help but recall the morning's events. As Justin was washing his hair, he grew another serious hard-on from remembering what Alysa and Brenden did with him. He was kind of day-dreaming and wasn't immediately aware of his hardened condition – but Chad surely was. Chad had seen Justin nude several times but never with a hard-on. Chad couldn't help but notice how much Justin had grown recently – both in height and musculature – and he started feeling a bit guilty for perving on him. While Justin was seemingly oblivious to his hard-on, Chad was very much aware of his dick hardening and was trying to take his mind of the hot little boy-stud standing next to him with a raging seven inch boner.

Chad was just about to chub up fully when all the sudden, SNAP! Brenden had come in and whipped his towel at Chad's ass with perfect form leaving a nice red mark on his left cheek.

"Hey bitches – Woa! Justin! You happy to see me I see! And as you should be – I know I am in all your wet dreams – don't deny it!!", Brenden exclaimed.

Chad was so happy with Brenden as his pending hard-on lost its will with the pain in his butt and was about to give his friend a hug for helping him get out of an embarrassing situation. Then he felt a bit silly about the whole thing because there was Justin with a hard-on that could cut nails and he didn't seem bothered by it a bit.

Brenden however boned up immediately when he saw Justin's hard-one and that was quickly noticed by both Chad and Justin.

"Seems like you are happy to see both of us!", Justin said while pointing to Brenden's crotch.

Chad then realized that both Justin and Brenden were shaved completely bare, while he hadn't shaved down there at all.

"You guys look like little boys with your bald crotches – maybe you guys should get some pubes and grow up!", Chad boasted.

Justin and Brenden looked at each other and grinned. They somehow communicated to each other that they needed to shave Chad and make him bare like them.

"Looks like you need to shave Chad – did you bring your razer?", Justin asked.

"Yep – right here – and no you can't borrow it to shave your balls with.", Chad replied. Brenden surprised Chad by grabbing him and taking him down to the floor of the shower. Brenden wasn't as big as Chad, and Chad good heartedly played along. But what Brenden said next scared Chad a bit.

"Grab his razor and shaving cream Justin – it's time to take Chad's pubes off!", Brenden demanded.

Chad was a bit in shock – he hadn't considered shaving down there so he was frozen for a bit. Then he felt shaving cream being sprayed on his groin and also felt Justin start to smooth the cream around. At this point Brenden was sitting on the floor of the shower behind Chad holding his chest to his, with his legs spread out on either side of Chad's body. One of Brenden's arms was around Chad's impressive chest, while the other was around his waist. Chad was sitting in the same position with his legs spread a bit. Justin was kneeling in between Chad's legs and started going to work.

Chad trusted and loved his friends – and while he was a bit scared and not sure he wanted to be shaved, he simply decided to allow Justin to proceed. Justin finished spreading the shaving cream and looked up at Chad with a very evil grin.

"Don't squirm – it might make me cut you!", Justin warned.

Chad just nodded and watched as Justin proceeded to shave the thick dark bush from the top of his dick. So far Chad was too uncomfortable to chub up, but when Justin finished with the top of his dick and started shaving his balls, Chad couldn't help but start getting a hard-on. Chad placed his hands on Brenden's legs and leaned back a bit, clearly starting to enjoy what was happening to him.

Brenden started to rub Chad's chest and stomach, eventually paying attention with one hand to Chad's right nipple, which had become hard as a rock. Brenden did secretly warship Chad's body as did Justin – and in fact it was Chad's body that had egged Brenden and Justin to start working out. Brenden was definitely enjoying feeling up Chad's body and marveled at his chest and stomach muscles rippling under his taught skin.

Justin seeing that Chad was going with this, grabbed Chad's dick and started to shave the remaining hair off of the base of his dick. He slowly moved the razor around, making sure not to nick Chad as he really didn't want to injure the beautiful penis he was holding in his hand. When his pubis, dick and balls were completely bare, Justin took Chad's beefy legs and bent them so that he had better access to Chad's perineum. He didn't see much hair there but decided to give Chad the full treatment. At this point Chad's dick had grown to its full hardness and was pointing straight up and starting to leak pre-cum. Justin saw this and licked his lips. He looked up at Chad and saw that Chad had his head back and that Brenden was nibbling on his ear and neck. Justin, emboldened by earlier events, decided to give Chad the FULL treatment and extended his tongue to lick up the pre-cum from Chad's dick.

As soon as Justin's tongue hit Chad's dick Chad's eyes flew open and looked down to see what Justin was doing. He couldn't believe the tongue that was extended out of Justin's mouth – he was in awe and shock. Justin smiled up at Chad and proceeded to snake his tongue all around Chad's enormous perfectly formed mushroom head on his cut dick and lick up all of the pre-cum that had flowed so far.

"Oh GOD! What are you doing! Where the hell did you get that tongue from! Shit!!", Chad moaned.

Justin stopped, looked up and said, "Want me to stop? I don't want to do anything that you don't want me to do . . "

"No!! Shit!! Your sister doesn't do this much because she says I am too big!", Chad moaned while putting his head back and allowing Brenden to resume his assault on his neck and ear.

Justin leaned down and took Chad's helmet-head into his mouth and swirled his tongue all around it.

"Oh fuck!", Chad swore.

"Justin then ate more of Chad's dick going down about four inches before he knew he couldn't take any more. Brenden saw that Justin's mouth was completely full and marveled at what Justin was doing. Justin started bobbing on Chad's dick all the while swirling and flicking his tongue around Chad's dick. Justin was also fondling Chad's balls with one hand and started reaching between Chad's butt cheeks to massage Chad's anus.

"Shit – this is absolutely incredible! I am going to cum soon – you might want to pull off – I haven't cum in five days and I cum a lot!", Chad sincerely pleaded.

Justin just bobbed faster and decided to stick a finger into Chad's anus. Justin went in deep enough to find Chad's prostate and started massaging. Justin could feel Chad's balls pull up and knew that Chad was going to come soon.

"Uhh . . . I'm not kidding – I am going to blow your head off . . . SHIT!!!", Chad bellowed.

Justin quickly moved up so that just the head was in his mouth and whipped his tongue up and down Chad's pee-hole. Chad started moaning like a banshee and came. Justin may have been a bit too sure of himself that he could take Chad's load in his mouth and was not prepared for what happened next. Chad's first spurt filled Justin's mouth fully and shot out the sides of his mouth. It was quickly followed by another that forced an obscenely amount of cum out of Justin's mouth, and Justin was finally able to swallow what was in his mouth. Then two more spurts of just about equal volume, and Justin finally pulled off and started jacking Chad's dick with wild abandon. Five, six, seven, then a slight pause, eight, nine, then a dribble, then another dribble, then finally one small final squirt and Chad's ejaculation was finally over.

Justin was in awe – Chad's chest and Brenden's arms were completely covered in cum. It had to be at least two dozen tea-spoons of jizz. And he had swallowed at least four teaspoons himself.

"Fuck – you weren't kidding! Why didn't you warn me?", Justin joked.

Chad opened his eyes and looked down at Justin and saw the cum dropping off of both sides of his mouth. He leaned forward and grabbed Justin and kissed him. Now it was Chad's turn to experience Justin's tongue in his mouth. Chad couldn't self-suck, but he had eaten his cum almost every time he beat-off and immediately recognized the flavor in Justin's mouth and on Justin's tongue.

"So, I guess you kinda needed that?", Brenden asked Chad?

"Well – I guess I didn't know just how badly – thanks! You are better at this than your sister Justin – oh shit! How am I going to explain this to her?", Chad suddently exclaimed.

"It's just bro's helping out bro's – don't worry about it. Besides, have we got a story to tell you!", Justin replied.

While still sitting in Brenden's arms leaning back on Brenden, Justin and Brenden related the morning's fun activities to Chad. At first Chad was having a bit of a hard time believing what was being told to him, but then after realizing what had just happened figured that it probably did happen. Chad had never really gone totally soft, and at the end of the story Brenden reached down and started pumping Chad's dick.

"Yelp – and for me the most amazing part was when Justin here licked my balls while Alysa was giving me head. I couldn't believe it was happening – but I am definitely glad it did.", said Brenden.

Justin leaned down and gave Chad's balls the same treatment he had given Brenden earlier to prove the point. Chad couldn't believe this was happening – but he too was definitely glad it did.

"So that's why you and Alysa are into each other now? I know that Brenden and Alysa had a fling for a bit – is this OK with you Brenden?", Chad asked them both.

"Yep – I am shocked by it, but I am just totally happy that Alysa and Justin hooked up – they make a very cute couple. And besides, Justin here doesn't seem to be stingy with his tongue, so why would I have a problem with it? Besides, I think I like Susie – I don't know why I never noticed her before, but I think I am definitely going to try and get to know her better. I bet she would be a wild fuck! Did you see her pick out everything in that sex-toy store? She seems to definitely know a lot about sex.", Justin opined.

Chad suddenly got a serious look on his face and asked, "So guys – what about us? Are things going to get weird now between us? I love you guys so much – I don't want anything to happen with our friendship."

Brenden pulled Chad's head around and kissed him hard. After a bit, Justin leaned up and got into a three-way kiss with them both. After a few minutes, Chad pulled away and said, "So that's a NO I take it?"

Just and Brenden laughed. They all got up and washed each other, giving Chad the opportunity to fondle Brenden and Justin's dicks for a bit.

"You probably should stop – we have all busted a nut today and I think we need to save something for tonight. I think it's going to be one hell of an evening!", Justin stated.

Chad thought about his and then asked to no one in particular, "You think I have anything left to give after Justin's blow-job? I feel completely drained!"

"Don't worry about it Chad – I have something that will take care of that for you.", an oddly familiar voice from over-head boasted.

They looked at each other with quizzical looks on their faces and then started looking around for where the voice came from.

"See you guys soon – and don't worry – I plan to make this evening the most wild, memorable, and educational night of your lives so far!", the voice boasted.

Then it hit them all at the same time. It was Susie's voice they were hearing. After a while they didn't hear anything else, so they finished their shower and in a very bewildered state, left the showers to and get dressed in their jamies for the evening.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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